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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  August 14, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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peril and from a products all back by our guarantee a customer, i'm tom foreman in washington and this is cnn closed captioning bronchi. you by meso book if you or a loved one have mesothelial will send you a free book to answer questions you may have call now and we'll come to you 800 a21, 4,000
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former president donald trump taking his fight to battleground north carolina is zeroing in on a top issue. the economy. but will he actually do something republicans have been calling on it? him to do for years something that he has repeatedly struggled with. >> can donald trump stay on message on the economy, the kind of inflation reports americans have wanted to see years price hikes are slowing more than expected. >> next up, will we see the rate cut that could help americans with mortgage rates and credit card bills and a ukrainian commander says russia is moving troops out of key areas to fight back against ukraine's cross-border incursion. this is kyiv says their troops are pushing even deeper into russian territory. are following these major developing stories and many more all coming in right here to cnn news central we start
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this afternoon with the economy. >> it's the issue that could decide the presidential election. and just hours from now, donald trump will take the stage in the swing state of north carolina to make the case for his economic policies his rival vice president kamala harris, will do the same on friday after years of high inflation today, there are new signs that it's notably cooled off, but these new numbers might be of little comfort for americans tired of high prices struggling with affordability. a recent npr, pbs news poll found that americans give trump the edge over harris on handling the economy. but these numbers are pretty close. 51 to 48. let's take you live now to asheville, north carolina would cnn national correspondent kristen holmes, who's there for us? kristen, we're expecting trump to talk about the economy today, but this speeds comes as a lot of republican allies have come forward calling on the
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former president to focus on the policies and not the personal yeah, boris and obviously the policies specifically when we talk about this economy crime and inflation, as well as immigration. now cnn's kate sullivan was well to just catch up with donald trump in florida before he left for north carolina and he gave a bit of a preview of his speech. he said he was going to focus on the economy, but not only the economy, he's going to talk about crime again, one of the key issues that his campaign has been urging him to focus on when we talk to these campaign advisors, they say that it could still win this race, particularly because biden's policies are the same as harris policies, but donald trump himself, as we have seen, is not focused on policy. instead, he has focused on those personal attacks and also promoting those conspiracy theories from the fringe part of the internet. and we talked to a number for of allies for a story that we had out last night, who said that they were deeply concerned about what they were seeing from the former president. the fact that
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he was relying on these conspiracies, the fact that he could not stay on policy message, but instead was for example, at a rally in atlanta, georgia attacking governor brian kemp, the republican governor there who is wildly popular for now, georgia is a critical swing state, a state that at one point, republicans thought they had in the bag. but now with kamala harris at the top of the ticket, they believe very much is still in play. so what we're looking for today, this is going to be a smaller venue. people are not standing, it is not being billed as a rally. it is a sit down speech on the economy, but the question remains can donald trump stay on message? and i'm told this is just the beginning of what they are calling a series of these slightly smaller events that are going to be focused on the issues focused on policy. but donald trump, often as we know when he's around a crowd of his supporters, he feeds off of them and he tends to go off message and even one of his closest allies, kellyanne conway during an interview on fox, said stop with the personal attacks. it's all about that policy. contrast will see if he lessens boris,
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we shall see it's an holmes live for us in nashville. >> thank you so much. jessica alright. >> let's talk numbers now. a key inflation gauge shows that inflation for everyday items that shoppers buy is significantly cooling down to its slowest rate in more than three years cnn's matt egan joining us now, matt allowed people want to know what are these numbers? saying well, jessica, this is a major milestone for the american economy, inflation, the biggest problem for years, it's finally back below 3%. >> we haven't seen that in almost three and that half years. and it's easy to forget. but two years ago, we had 9% inflation in america, 9%. of course, that's back when gas prices were going to the moon thankfully, we are miles away from that. now, i do want to stress this does not mean that life is suddenly cheap. again, it's not, and it doesn't mean that prices are back to pre-covid levels. they're not and they're not going to be. but as that chart shows, it
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does demonstrate that prices they're going up at a more gradual pace. and that is good news. and looking at some specific items, it's true some things are still going up rapidly electricity rent, and car insurance is almost 20% more expensive than a year ago. but we've also seen price ropes for some things like new cars used cars, appliances, and my personal favorite, men's suits 12% cheaper. i know that is music to the ears of boris sanchez. look, i think when you put all of this together, i think it does seal the deal for an interest rate cut from the fed in september the question is, how big of a rate cut are they going to do? and how many more after that? but whatever they end up deciding, it does mean lower borrowing costs, mortgage rates, car loans, credit card debt, and of course, that is good news for consumers all right, that is indeed matt egan. thanks so much and joining us now, former
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senator of california, barbara boxer and cnn political commentator and republican strategist, shermichael singleton. walton great to have both of you here. senator, let's start first with you. we just heard matt lay it all out. that new sign that inflation is slowing, but a lot of americans, they still feel the pinch on affordability on their housing costs, their electricity, food transportation, the trump campaign hit harris today on the inflation report calling it kamel and nomics and blaming biden's economic policies on her. how do you think she best communicates to voter to voters that she's more trustworthy on the economy than trump and maybe even biden i think she tells the truth about the economy. >> my goodness, let's start with jobs under the biden-harris administration, we had record breaking 16 million jobs and under donald trump the worst record in history since records we keep a were kept he left office with fewer jobs and it came in. >> so we can start with that.
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and in terms of inflation, i think the news is better. it's good, it's moving in the right direction. people are focused on the future. >> i think the fed will probably a lower interest rates. >> so the timing is good. i just think trump's in a lot of trouble because things are moving in the right direction and she's a really good messenger shermichael, i want to get to kristen holmes reporting about aides and allies echoing things that i've heard you say about donald trump. >> you were here a few weeks ago when he was at the nationals precision of black journalists convention today and you are wincing as he was making remarks about kamala harris and her ethnic identity. and you wanted him to focus on messaging. actually want to play a soundbite from nikki haley, yet another republican, echoing that sentiment, let's listen and the one thing republicans have to stop, don't quit whining about, are we knew it was going to be her, but the campaign is not going to win. talking about crowd
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sizes, not what race kamala harris's, it's not going to win talking about whether she's dumb it's not you can't win on those things. the american people are smart, treat them like they're smart to a degree though. the base is energized when trump does this, i was at the convention and i saw the response from the crowd when he was going off the teleprompter and when he wasn't going on, the teleprompter and they loved it when he went to one of these rifts? >> yeah. no. look, i understand the reasons why. but you have to expand beyond just your base. i think the former senator from california, who i greatly respect former senator boxer made some great points on the economy. but i would just push back a little bit we were in a once in a lifetime pandemic, the economies of countries across the globe really struggled. jobs were lost, not just only in the u.s. but in a whole bunch of other places, developing and not on developed nations, i also think when you look at some of the data, including that recent times sienna poll, most
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americans still give the former president and advantage on two fundamental issues. the economy and immigration has vice president harris increased the margins from where president biden was absolutely. i'm going to acknowledged that. but as a strategist, it tells me that there's still an opportunity despite the increases in the gains that we're seeing people aren't going to fill that. it's going to take several cycles for them to actually fill that maybe next year by the time they actually fill it in their pockets and their savings accounts. so you can still make that message if you're republican, which goes to your question, boris, while staying on message, yeah, you have to talk about those things. >> you made such a well-reasoned argument. i feel like it's a healthy debate yeah. but but that's where you have to you have to stick on message to those things, right? talking to the american people about, about the economic plight and the immigration issues and immigration not to demonize individuals coming into the country but i do think boar's that you can make the argument when you have an
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increased number of people coming into the country, going into urban areas where the resources are already limited, where people are struggling for housing, there, struggling for food benefits. they're struggling for benefits for health care a child care act, cetera how much room do we have financially if you're in a large city like new york city, or a smaller city like my hometown of new orleans to expand and move those dollars around for new individuals and they one can make the argument that, hey now let's just are free flowing. the money is coming from somewhere. and so we do need an orderly process. again, you have the opportunity to make that argument to voters. i think a lot of republicans even former speaker mccarthy said a couple of days ago, they want the former president, it's a stick to that message because most republicans would argue it's one that they can win on senator, let's go back out to you democrats reporting money into north carolina. >> they're spending what, more than double what the gop is spending. north carolina has been, just out of grass for democrats for a few cycles now.
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but it's now one of the top six states where they're having this major ad spending what do you think the chances are there of democrats being able to flip that state and how much did the down-ballot races, including that gubernatorial we'll race factor in here. do you think i think kamala harris has an incredible opportunity to bring this state >> stop the bipartisan immigration bill, which would have really gone very far away to solve our problems by by getting resources to the border and handling all of this mess who stopped at donald trump, stopped it. so bring on that issue, bring on the economy. you can talk about the pandemic as an excuse joe biden had a huge amount of the pandemic on
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his watch and yet 15 to 16 million new jobs. i think we're in a great place. i think we see organically a grape campaign. i know saw since i was a kid during jfk's time, when people were so excited about the future for michael. >> i'm curious to get your perspective on something that senator mentioned and i saw you nodding this lieutenant. >> governor in north carolina, robinson. yeah. now running for governor has said some very controversial things, anti-semitic things, things about women's rights you were nodding because you were agreeing with her? >> yeah. no, i think senate a box of raised a good point. i mean kennedy quality candidates quality matters, right? having the best candidates were looking at another state on the republican side of arizona where carrie lake is running. and a lot of republicans had hoped it would have been someone else. now with reproductive rights been on the
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ballot. there a statewide that's going to be another issue to gin up a turnout for democrats, particularly among women, were republicans have struggled based on two years worth of electoral data that we have. and so if you're looking at these hotly contested states you have to beg the question objectively speaking, remove the partisanship. >> do you potentially diminish groups that you previously could have done well with because you have a candidate that turns off set groups who may agree with you on, let's say, three out of the five points, but to pivotal points or i'm going to potentially stay home. >> that is just not beneficial. we saw that during the midterms where we had senate candidates from georgia to pennsylvania who were not the best candidates and races where republicans absolutely could have one. >> and so i'm curious to now that we know that abortion is going to be on the ballot in arizona, that's a state that that had kind of gone back into play with with kamala harris getting in this race. do you think that adds when did her
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back in that state oh, look, it does. and i think it's why you've seen a former president smartly, i would add, attempting to moderate his stance. now i know senator box, it would disagree. she'd probably say, well, sure. michael, he did appoint the justices that overturn roe versus wade. i understand and that argument that counterpoint that the senator would make but i would say bring it back to the states and allowing voters in those states. and i think it's important to have that distinction allowing voters to vote on the issue we have seen when given the choice, most voters, not just democrats, even republicans just said, hey, maybe i don't necessarily believe in this, but as a conservative i'm of the mindset that the government shouldn't utilize compulsory force to dictate what someone does with their body. i think most conservatives, because that's pretty logical position. and so i think trump perhaps should move a little bit further. i said allow voters and states to vote on the issue. i did a focus groups several months ago and evangelical is in georgia on this point. and i asked them at the time if the president former president, move that far, would you be okay with it? if it meant increase in his
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electoral odds every last one of those evangelicals from south rural georgia said yes sinner, we quickly want to give you the last word thank you. >> this is the gift that keeps on happening. because the fact is most of americans believe that the government should stay out of our private lives. >> and donald trump, he takes credit everywhere he goes for getting rid of that national, right? >> we had a national right now. we have women literally dying in states because the doctors or so fearful of these horrific state laws. so as far as i'm concerned, things are moving in the kamala harris direction and i love i love to hear a conservative say that he trusts people to make their own choices. and that's what being pro-choice is about this election is about mainstream versus extreme and democrats
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are mainstream. republicans. margus are extreme i think we're on the right track to have a victory. it's not going to be easy. it's going to be close. but we're on track former senator bob remarks, barbara boxer, shermichael singleton was a great conversation. >> let's do it again for sure, you guys still in still to come ukraine conducting its biggest attack on russian airfields since the war we're started. what russia is now doing to blunt the cross-border incursion. >> plus we are hours away from the most consequential round of ceasefire talks yet in the israel hamas war mediators making a last-ditch effort to revive stalled negotiations. >> but iran saying that meeting will not deter its threats of an attack on israel cnn news central brought to you by endless wings and baby back ribs that golden corral. >> the only one for everyone when i don't want to be in active. >> so why don't you actually get good sister and get me
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tuesday on tbs is breaking down, you play years, teams that are breaking yeah bri covers biggest at 6:00 p.m. on tbs and max ukrainian forces are on the move pushing even deeper into russian territory as kyiv's surprise, cross-border assault enters its second week, ukraine now bracing for possible counter attack, building an eventful near russia's kursk region new video into cnn appears to show ukrainian drones conducting what a security source calls, quote, the biggest attack on russian airfields since the war began. >> russia claiming it shot down more than 100 drones and missiles launched from ukraine. cnn's senior international correspondent, fred pleitgen is joining us now with the latest developments and fred russia is scrambling to contain this attack. what are you hearing about? what's going on the ground yeah they definitely are scrambling to try and contain the attack. >> and so far it seems as though they're only marginally
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successful at actually doing that. it's been quite interesting throughout the course of the day. we are of course, in day eight now of this year ukrainian incursion into russian territory and the ukrainians still do appear to be advancing. that's certainly something that's remarkable given that there isn't actually that big. and of course the russian army for its part, is actually very big, but they simply don't seem to have enough forces in that area to hold the ukrainians up at about the halfway mark of this day the ukrainians came out and said that their forces had already advanced. another about a mile-and-a-half or maybe two miles into russian territory and that they'd already at that point in time, this was around midday, taken 100 russian as prisoners of war. the ukrainians, of course, want to exchange those russian prisoners that they take for ukrainians that they want to get out of russian custody. now what we've managed to do is we managed to speak to a commander who is the commander of a drone unit that helps the infantry for the ukrainians inside russia. and he says that the russians are indeed trying to gather forces to hold the
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ukrainians up. i want to listen into some of what he had to say it's like the russians are now trying to stop our advanced. they have pulled and reserves which has benefited our defense forces in other areas because it's become easier to work there. we have information that reserves were pulled from the zaporizhzhia crimea and kharkiv regions to stop our advance of course, it will be harder for us to advance further, but we will still advance those openly nationalist the line, yeah so there you can see that commander they're also saying that this counter offensive by the grains, of course serves the purpose also trying to bind some of those russian forces that are pressing the ukrainians elsewhere and draw them i'm away from those areas. >> the ukrainians also said today they came out pretty clearly instead, what they want to create their inside russia is essentially a buffer zone to prevent the russian military from attacking ukrainian areas in the future. jessica and fred, russia's belgorod region has now declared a state of emergency after these ukrainian advances this would you
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categorize this is a turning point in the war or maybe let's wait and see if it becomes a turning point in the war well i think it could possibly be, i think first of all, wait and see is probably the best order of the day right now anyway, but i also think that this offensive so far by the ukrainians has been a lot more successful than anybody would have thought. it's almost unheard of that eight days into this that they would still be able to advance in the way that they do and you mentioned the governor there of belgrade the clearing that emergency in that region, the belgorod region, is actually an area that is south of where that main pushed by the ukrainians is happening. so that's already showing that that has already spilling over into another russian region. it's also a border area. it's one where there is a lot of drone attacks. but certainly it seems as though a lot of evacuations that are happening in the first area happening in the belgorod area as well one final thing, just i think it is important. it also shows how complex this ukrainian operation is where you have the ukrainians advancing on the ground, but then also that
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massive drone attack that they conducted on russian air bases shows that this is a really big and complex operation. jessica all right, fred pleitgen with the latest reporting. thank you so much for that. boris now, to the middle east where high level negotiations between israel and hamas on a potential gaza ceasefire deal are set to resume tomorrow, but a diplomatic source is telling cnn that hamas will not be part of those talks in qatar the source adding that the group is willing to meet with mediators after talks, if there are developments from israel right now, us officials are in the region making a last-ditch effort to try to secure a deal. >> cia director bill burns is expected to join them tomorrow for talks in doha. meantime, israel remains on edge as it prepares for a potential iranian attack. iran has vowed to retaliate for the assassination of a hamas political leader in tehran and attack. it is blaming on israel let's, discuss further with former israeli prime minister naftali bennett sir, thank you
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so much for being with us hamas, not participating in tomorrow's talks accusing netanyahu of adding new conditions to what was agreed upon in his office, denying that, calling them clarifications. i'm wondering how serious you think each side is about cutting a deal i think israel wants to achieve destruction of hamas and releasing the hostages. >> and that's the outline of the deal is that we are allowed to continue fighting in removing come off and the released hostages and in return, they get a ceasefire and a release of hamas terrorists. that's felt line of the deal the israeli government supports that deal unfortunately, hamas is saying no, they're not only murderers, they also don't we want to deal i'm wondering what you make of their
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allegation that netanyahu is now asking for additional conditions, additional changes to stuff that had already been decided previously. the outline was released of some of the hostages in return for some of the terrorists in israeli jail. and temporary cease-fire. i by the way, think the deal should be different. i think the deal ought to be we are willing to knock kill all of you. if you lay down your arms, released the hostages, and instead of killing you, all these murderers and hamas will deport you from gaza i'm also curious about how you think the talks might have changed since a smile haniah the hamas political leader was assassinated. >> their new political leader is the yahya sinwar. how do you think that changes things? >> i want to clarify this
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melania is called the political leader, so-called. >> he's a mass murderer as well. he's the mastermind behind kemal. he's killed hundreds of civilians. so this is a mass murderer that liked to call himself the political leader but yet he still is a murderer. i don't think the department departing of this mass murder change any changes, anything fundamentally? >> i'm wondering if you think israel has achieved enough objectives ten months into this war with hamas, to cut a deal now, especially as a potential war with iran is looming. >> no, i think we've not achieved the two objectives that we set upon achieving, which is bringing home all the hostages and removing the nazi regime of hamas from our border. we have a genocidal regime on our border. we need them to get out of there can't
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continue living side-by-side. next, regime that murdered out of the blue 1,200 israelis and says it's going to do it again and again. >> you recently told the new york times on the subject of iran that you believe that netanyahu missed an opportunity to keep tehran from making iran a nuclear state and possessing a deployable nuclear weapon you've said that you believe the only policy that can reverse that is toppling the iranian regime. there was a lot of instability that we saw come after regime change in iraq. you really believe that is the only path forward yes, i do it's reminiscent of the former soviet union. >> it was an empire of making a mess in the world that iranian the islamic republic of iran is a horrible regime despised by its own people stoning women,
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stoning gauge and exporting manufacturing and exporting terror like no one else in the world. >> it sent its arms across the world, across the middle east, the seven different arms of terror the only way to turn off this whole huge terror machine is to topple this terror verbal regime. >> any regime will be better than this one i think that since the iranian people are a great people they seek freedom, it's a very advanced culture. i am convinced that the regime that would come after would be much better than this exporter of terror but you don't see more danger and in the process of potentially getting there, especially if they're this close, if not already having a nuclear weapon no. i think it's the safer way is to focus on toppling the regime. >> by the way, i'm not talking about necessarily bombing to
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run. there's many ways i noticed that today there was a massive cyberattack on their banking system that is shut down the entire iranian banking system. there interesting. and i think there's many ways to topple that regime short of war which candidate for president in the united states, whether vice president kamala harris are former president donald trump, do you believe best helps to advance your goal israel will never intervene and domestic american politics. it's none of our business. >> we have a strong friendship, a deep friendship with the united states of america whichever president will be elected, we will work with the president and we know that we have no better friend in the world than the united states of america would also say that we are doing a lot of tough work on behalf of the united states
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of america and the west by fighting this huge wave of radical islam by breaking the waves before this way they've reaches the rest of the world the former israeli prime minister naftali bennett, we have to leave the conversation there. appreciate you sharing your perspective with us thank you very much still ahead. the start of hunter biden's tax evasion trial has just a few weeks away, but can his new high profile defense attorney it's for a plea deal before it even begins. we'll discuss cnn is live from chicago as democrats unite to offer their support to a new number plenty and her running mate fellow cnn for complete coverage, the democratic national convention monday at seven on cnn. >> and streaming on this is the tempur-pedic breeze mattress. and it's designed to help you feel cool. so no more sweating all night, know, kicking off the covers or blasting the air conditioning because only the tempur-pedic breeze is made with our one-of-a-kind cooling
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14000 we have new details into cnn on hunter biden's upcoming tax evasion trial set to begin in los angeles next month. >> and representing him is a name you might be familiar with. >> high-profile criminal defense attorney mark geragos thumb on gilgo says previous clients include michael jackson, colin kaepernick went on a rider, kriss it's brown. we can keep going. cnn's paula reid is here with more on this this is an interesting development. it is because of course this will be potentially a hunter biden's second criminal trial this year. he was convicted on gun charges in delaware back in june. and during that trial, he was represented by abbe lowell, but we've learned it's public record that geragos he's joining the team, but we've learned he's going to take a lead here and there are many reasons for that. obviously girl goes is los angeles based, but abbe lowell has been spread pretty thin across this more litigious approach that hunter biden and his lawyers have been taking filing lawsuits against him tractors again, to criminal
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trials in one year, but we've also learned that there were some initial discussions before geragos came on about trying to reach a deal with a special counsel to resolve this case and avoid trial. and we learned those didn't yield anything significant at this point. there's no indication that they will reach a plea deal and they are preparing to go to trial with gaya here it goes, as the lead attorney, but there is another issue out there hanging over this whole case, and that is the fact that the defendant's father is the president of the united states, and he could potentially get a pardon or commutation. now the president has said repeatedly that he will not pardon his son or commute his sentence but let's remember that was before he stepped aside and said he wouldn't run for reelection. and it's really hard to contemplate a situation, right? where president biden comes to the end of his political career and he's going to let his son sit in jail, particularly for these unusual cases. right? even jurors we talked to you after hunter biden was convicted, some of them told us, yeah, we think this case is a little weird, but they proved it beyond a reasonable doubt.
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the tax case unusual to go to trial in something like this it just seems hard to believe that president biden would not use the power that he has to keep his son out of jail based on these cases. and you would expect that would be a factor in these negotiations. why would you put yourself and your family is so some family members or witnesses and spent all this money in a trial is going to be resolved with a pardon, which one of the reasons that we're really paying close attention to what happened so this los angeles case, but as of now and mark geragos, the lead attorney, there are expected to begin this trial the first week of september. that's coming up very soon. paula reid, thanks for that reporting silicon police in ferguson, missouri released body camera footage showing a violent incident that left an officer severe clearly injured. we're going to tell you what that new video shows. >> that's next newsnight with abby phillip tonight at ten eastern on cnn. after careful review of medical guidance and research on pain relief, my recommendation is simple. every home should have salon pause,
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don't wait, you must act fast. call now police in ferguson, missouri, just releasing surveillance and bodycam video of the moment they say shows an officer being violently attacked the incident happening last friday as protesters marked ten years since the police involved shooting of michael brown. authorities say the footage shows a man charging and hitting officer travis brown who suffered a severe brain injury cnn's ed lavendera is here with us and has a closer look at this video ed, walk us through what this video is showing police in ferguson, missouri say that this incident happened as they were trying to take a suspect by the name of elijah gallant, who is 28-years-old, into custody and that video shows as officers are approaching him, that gantt appears to barrel through officer travis brown, knocking him down to the ground, hitting his head on the
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concrete, apparently, as other officers swarm in to take him into custody as well ferguson police say that officer brown suffered pretty severe brain injury that he remains in critical condition. >> and all of this happened as you mentioned last friday night as part of a ten year commemoration marking the death of michael brown. that was a resident there in ferguson who was shot and killed by a ferguson police officer. that shooting kind of galvanize the black lives there's matter and police protests, protests against police all across the country, and led to very violent protests. but officers there in ferguson say all of this really started after what we're people this will demonstrations led to a group of demonstrators pushing and trying to take apart a metal fence that led to a parking garage parking lot of the ferguson police department last night, there was a vigil outside the police department honoring officers travis brown in the police chief says that he is frustrated and doesn't
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understand why the current police force is suffering because of what happened ten years ago, the chief points out that most of the officers who now work in this force were not there in ferguson ten years yeah this community is going through a lot over the past ten years again, recognizing what took place, seniors go in and i think many of us would agree, policing needed to change. we need it reform, you know, there's some good things that came out of this but the ferguson police department apartment is doing everything that everybody is asking us to do. and it is at this time that we all come together and embrace this so today we are awaiting latest update on the condition of that officer. we haven't heard anything new today beyond the fact that he is in critical condition ferguson police say that that suspect 28-year-old elijah, gantz, remains in jail and he's being held on a $500,000 cash bond jessica. >> all right. ed lavendera with the latest reporting. thank you
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very much silver. >> come we are tracking hurricane ernesto, hundreds, thousands of people have lost power and puerto rico, the storm is only getting stronger we'll have the forecast for you that's next cnn is live from chicago as democrats unite to offer their support to a new nominee and her running mate fellow cnn for complete coverage, the democratic national convention monday at seven on cnn. >> and streaming on back and the furniture business, things move fast. ziprecruiter helps us hire qualified candidates who keep up. we knew a project manager yesterday, we posted a job and ziprecruiter and had our guy on-site in five days. >> he was qualified and everyone ziprecruiter finds the best candidates all our jobs. they helped us build our dream team. then they did it fast does that too fast for you 44 out of five employers who post on ziprecruiter get a quality candidate within the first day, try for free at m slash hire my babies annually
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>> call 18035 9-9-9 are visit home this is cnn the world's news network closed captioning is brought to you by sokoloff law mesothelial more victims call now $30 billion in trust money has been set aside. you may be entitled to a portion of that money. all when 808 5-9, 2,400. that's when 808, 5-9, 2,400 we are following breaking news and ongoing mpox outbreak in africa has now been declared a global health emergency. >> the world health organization convenient it's emergency mpox committee amid
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concerns that a deadlier strain of the virus had reached for previously on affected areas in africa. now, this strain had been previously contained to the democratic republic of congo, formerly known as monkeypox. mpox is a virus that can spread easily between people and from infected animals and it can spread through close contact or through contaminated materials like sheets, clothing, and needles. symptoms include a fever, a painful rash, headache, muscle and back pain, low energy enlarged lymph nodes, boris ernesto has just been upgraded to a hurricane as it takes aim at what rico, the category one storm, already knocking out power for nearly half of all customers on the island. >> residents are now bracing for a dangerous storm surge and nearly a foot of rain the island is still rebuilding its vulnerable power grid after hurricane maria wiped out so much of its infrastructure, some seven years ago. let's go to cnn's chad myers, who's live for us in the weather center tracking the storm, can
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bring us up to speed with the latest while the storm has moved away from puerto rico, that's the good news, even from san juan moving away. but the rain has not. yes, the circulation of the storm has moved well to the north, almost into their in the turks and caicos. but the wind was last night across parts, even from caliber all the way down to be acres, temperature because there were, again in the 80s and 90s yesterday storms built in the afternoon and then the wind blew through 86 miles per hour was the highest gust, but look, what's happened. even though this storm is now 150 miles away from puerto rico, it is still raining. that southern surge of moisture still coming on land and up in into the highlands here. this is not a flat little area. we're going to see that rain go up the hill. then it has to go down the hill and that's we're seeing the flooding there. there are already reports now of some of the areas not having drinking water because well, everything's just kind of oversaturated and we're not even getting the refreshing of
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the water because because the water is in the plants, it just here temperatures are in the one-to-two degree range above normal. the storm is still going to be making its way right toward bermuda, possibly as a category three major hurricane. lots of wind, lots of rain, lots of waves going to stop you here for the weekend those are ten to 20 voters out here in the atlantic, probably ten to 15 at the reef, and maybe even five to eight on your beach. that is going to cause the threat of view being carried out into the ocean with the rip currents, we have to be very, very careful this weekend. >> now canada, i want you to pay attention to this nova scotia new finland. >> this is the european model from last night, a new one is running right now and i'll have it later on in the day for you as soon as it comes through. but there you can see the middle of what would be an ai obviously, of a very large hurricane into nova scotia, newfoundland. no other models are really doing this. they're all out into the ocean but you need to watch this. i'll watch it for you as soon as this is
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updated, probably around the 3:00 hour. we'll get it back on here for you to see what's going on and see if that european model, hopefully has changed its mind. >> boris, we look forward to that update. chad myers from the weather center. thank you so much. still to come on, news central, former president donald trump set to speak later today in north carolina focusing on the economy. the big question, even from his allies will he stay on message? the latest from the campaign trail when we come back this is your team you have the right set of individuals we're going to take us to the next level hard knocks training camp with the chicago bears, streaming exclusively on max. you'll find them in cities, towns, and suburbs all across america. millions of americans who have medicare and medicaid, but maybe missing benefits they could really use extra benefits. they may be eligible to receive at no extra cost.
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