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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  August 14, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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now, and we'll come to you 808 to 14000 who do you trust on the economy? that question could decide the presidential election. and between today and friday, both candidates are staking their claim for why they are the one to trust in november as a new report suggests, the fed may be winning the fight against inflation. plus, or nesta wreaking havoc, the hurricane pummeling puerto rico knocking out power to nearly half of customers. the latest on its track. and we'll, the storm is leaving behind in its wake. >> and desperate measures as the kremlin fights off a ukrainian offensive on russian soil, he says this is forcing moscow to hold reserves from other battlefields for following these major developing stories and many more all coming in right here to cnn news central when start
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this hour with pocket book politics. >> the economy is the top issue on most voters minds. and the trump and harris campaigns are both going on offense. and just about an hour from now, former president donald trump is expected to talk about the economy at an event in north carolina. meantime, the harris campaign is touting a new report that shows inflation on everyday items that shoppers buy is significantly cooling down its lowest level in three years, vice president harris is also expected to roll out her economic plan in north carolina. but on friday, let's take you now live to asheville, north north carolina with cnn's kristen holmes. kristen, what can we expect from these remarks from former president trump boris, this is part of a larger effort from the campaign to keep donald trump on one of the things that the campaign believes is that fundamentally at the end of the day, they can use same talking points they
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used against president joe biden when they're running against vice president kamala harris, the main talking points gain immigration inflation, the economy and crime. he is expected today to talk okay, about if the economy is expected today to talk about crime. now of course the problem is that donald trump often doesn't stay on message. so what they have done is they've created they series of events starting here in asheville, north carolina. that's going to be smaller. it is not a rally. there's no standing room. everyone is seated in an auditorium and it is being billed completely as a speech that's focuses around the economy when they look at the polling against president joe biden they see the donald trump holds ahead of biden on the economy, they believe he could pull ahead of kamala harris, but he just has to actually talk about the economy studying spent the last several weeks, maybe mentioning the economy here and there, but instead dabbling and fringe theories attacking members of
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his own party and will see what he does today because i can tell you this from speaking to a number of his allies, advisers, people who talked to him on a regular basis. they have stressed over and over for again for the last several weeks. >> typically the last two weeks that he has to stay on message that is the only way that he could potentially win this race in november the birth, of course boris, it's donald trump. >> he's going to say what he wants to do when he gets into this room and see the crowd cheering for him. it is likely he's going to say what he wants to say. we'll see if he can take their warnings and take their messaging great advice that he's been getting from republicans and political minds for almost ten years now, but he hasn't really absorbed kristen holmes from asheville, north carolina. >> thank you so much. much, jessica. >> so how does trump's economic plan compared to what we know so far about a potential harris economic plan. cnn's matt egan joining us now. matt obviously kamala harris is going to roll out her economic policy later this week, but so far, what stands out to you?
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>> we'll jessica, these are obviously two very different candidates. of course on style, but on substance to they have really different economic visions and look, we know from polls that the economy is the number one concern for voters and the voters are very much divided on who they trust more to get the economy, right. recent polls show that vice president harris and former president trump are basically tied on who voters think would do a better job on the economy now when we talk about their actual agendas is really important to emphasize that there's still a lot of specifics that we don't know about the harris agenda. she's going to be rolling out those details on friday, but let's take, for example taxes. former president trump, he of course, lower taxes lower the corporate tax rate, and he's in favor of lowering it even further of making the 2017 tax cuts permanent at a cost of
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trillions of dollars. vice president harris, she has signaled she wants a higher corporate tax rate, although we don't know just how high yet you look at trade former president trump, of course, he's famously labeled himself the tariff man, and he has promised to lobby even bigger tariffs on not just china, ban on all trading partners. now the biden/harris administration, they've really kept in place the vast majority of the trump tariffs, they've even imposed some new ones. but harris has not signaled any sort of ramp-up in tariffs like what trump is suggesting. another major issue is the federal reserve. one of the most powerful institutions in washington. former president trump, he says he believes strongly that the president it didn't should have a say in interest rates. now, that's an idea that horrifies a lot of economists because the fed is supposed to be independent from politicians. and history shows
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that when politicians metal the central banks that can actually cause inflation to go higher, harris was asked about this issue the other day and she said that as president, she would quote, never interfere with fed decisions. and look, there's more here, right? they have different visions on energy, on regulation, on immigration. and we're going to hear more in the coming days as harrison trump pitch voters on this. and then it's gonna be up to the voters to decide who they trust. more to get this critical issue, right? jessica matt egan. thank you so much for that update. let's discuss now with professor of economics and public policy at the university of michigan, justin wolfers. we also have with us former director of the congressional budget office and president of the american action forum douglas holtz, eakin. thank you both for being with us. justin, break down what this inflation update means for everyday americans it's just really big news. one of the things that's really
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weighed on all of this over the past three years has been inflation and the rising cost of living and inflation has now been falling for two years. but most importantly, what we've seen this morning is the inflation crisis is now find us before the pandemic inflation was two point something percent. right now it's two point something percent. and it's continuing to fall. so i think one of the things that's wade so heavily on so many of us i know that the white house is not going to put up the mission accomplished banner, but it really does look like the inflation threat is behind us and of course we're waiting to get more details specifically from vice president kamala harris, but also from the former president as well on their plans for the economy. >> but i'm curious what your thought is, because trump and harris can propose all of these policies they want but unless they have congressional control in their party as well and there's also the fed, there's a lot of levers they can't pull by themselves, right?
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>> yeah, there's no question about that. so campaigns are full of promises, some of which aren't particularly realistic and voters have to sift through that. i think the place where they differ and the hard thing for vice president harris will be that she inherits the 43 months record of the biden administration where inflation over this 43 months is averaged 5.4 percent and wages haven't grown that fast. and so people have been at work and they've been falling further behind while they worked and they're mad about it and voters typically make up their mind about six months out from an election we're in that window and so she has a very difficult job. i mean, she has to somehow pivot away from that record. it's not popular, it's been pulling under for water for a long time. she can't go back to 2019 and the progressive agenda that primary. so what does she do between now and friday and will voters be will they be convinced that that's the counter to the trump proposals, which are not uniformly papa. i mean, people are skeptical of the 10% tariff and so it's a really interesting moment that
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campaign, but it's really biased against the harris campaign because she owns the record and the record is not a good one. right. >> but what about this in inflation data that is showing it cooling? does that give her a little bit of a booster know i don't think so. i mean, it's true and we should all be quite pleased that inflation has taken a terrible toll on the u.s. economy. this gives the fed some freedom to move. and i think that all of that's good news. but the reality is still that when you go to the grocery store and as groceries or $30 more than they were you know, at the beginning of 2021. you don't have the 30 bucks to pay for it and people know that and they remember it and that hurts that campaign justin just want to give a shout out to your young visitor. >> they're always appreciate an interruption from a family member as we're doing these conversations. i am curious about some of the promises that candidates have made regarding taxes, promising tax cuts on the campaign trail, uniformly popular. whoever wins the next
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election, we'll have to deal with the expiring 2017 trump tax cuts. that's going to impact people in a lot of ways, potentially cutting the child tax credit in half from 2000 $2,000. jd vance trump's running mate has said that he wants to expand that to $5,000 what kind of an impact would that have on the broader economy look, i think the broader context to remember is this time in 20 20 2016 when trump was running for election, he said he was going to implement a fiscal agenda that would eliminate the government's debt within four years, there was he's promised to us that it would eliminate government dead. he then proceeded to have massive tax cuts, which went almost exclusively to the rich. >> and i know this won't surprise anyone. but when you cut taxes it turns out you cause the government debt to rise. and what we're seeing right now is exactly the same sort of nonsense. and i think
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part of the problem is that people never quite sure how seriously to take the president or his running mate. but if you look at some of the things he said recently, it's really very, very worrying. so yes, he likes to talk about tax cuts, but if it gets to mention that what he has a 10% across the board tariff another word for tariff is a tax hike. it'll be every important good you buy will be 10% more expensive. and if it comes from china, it be up to 60% more expensive. that's a massive tax hike in the sort of thing that's really going to cause inflation to skyrocket. but beyond that, the other day he is just not funny murdered. he said why don't we get rid of tax on social security it turns out, if you are retired person on social security, your tax bills already zero but if you are retired person on social security who's also earning extra income that is to say you're relatively wealthy and old, then you're paying tech. so really what he's just said is i want to cut the taxes of the wealthiest seniors, but not most seniors. and the thing is
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when you do that the wealthy's where the money is and so it really starts to add up and that government debts is gonna go up and up and up and up. >> doug. it's interesting to hear the republican vice presidential nominee, jd vance in this case proposing an expansion of the child tax credit. >> i just want to go back to that for a second because it is always a democratic priority. they couldn't it was it was in during covid and then it got reduced. they couldn't get it put back in. were you surprised? it's to hear the republican one of the republicans in this race being a proponent of that, supporting that not entirely as you well know, republicans aren't what they used to be in. >> there's no longer the unanimity on where you want to land especially i'm pro-family tax policies and the child credits in there republicans did expand it. and the 2017 act, and this would be an even bigger expansion. but i just want to echo what justin said, which is you can talk about non
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tax and social security. you can talk about not taxing tips these are silly. it's quite frankly campaign proposals the real issue is what do you do next year when if there is no action we get a 4.2 trillion dollar tax increases, including those making less than 400,000 everyone's campaign pledges get violated. and this child tax credit gets smaller, not larger. as you just said, jessica, you have to control the congress somehow. i've heard neither side come up with any kind of a realistic plan for how they're going to deal with next year's challenge. and that is the issue that is such a great point because that is coming for whoever wins in november, they're going to have to deal with this. and yet both candidates are vowing a different kind. kind of tax break this on tips doug, to you the trump team is suggesting he's going eliminate both the federal income tax and the payroll tax on tips. the harris campaign saying just the federal income tax for tipped workers would be eliminated. it is that realistic at all? do you think all these sort of promises of tax cuts are? lee
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the expiration date for them. let's say it's january 20 when the next president is inaugurated i honestly do not think of these as real tax proposals there's no merit to not taxing tips labor income, you shouldn't choose but how it comes, you'll provide distortions, probably more trips there's no particular targeting to low-income people. >> there's nothing especially meritorious of weight thing waiting versus senate janitorial services. i don't know what the rationale would be for this. it would cause some revenue how much we don't know. many people aren't paying taxes on their tips this is a sideshow. campaigns often have them. i was on a campaign that featured a gas tax holiday. i don't think that's going to go down in history as a great idea so, yes, they've made these proposals, but it's time to put that aside that he's put that on the board and get serious about the real issues that face the broader economy and especially the federal budget going forward just last word to you, a
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holiday on taxes for tips realistic. >> or do you agree with doug it's absurd. >> doug's right. >> and it comes out of a circus. >> and i think that's the thing to worry the most about. >> look doug pose to big and important question which is what's going to happen when they were big and important decisions to be made. >> and the thing i care most about is making sure that they're really smart people who are going to be advising the next president. and the list of economists who said that they would willingly serve on to trump is the least impressive list of economists in history. my guess, i don't know. we've got him on the show. it can ask him is that doug wouldn't serve under president trump and doug is a very fine republican economist and so it's the rest of the team i worry about when we have to have these very difficult, very serious conversations. let's have those instead of a silly things in tips doug, if you want to answer that, would you serve on under a trump administration? i would i'm not planning to go into the government. i'll be honest
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about that. i also point out that i've served into white house's in the congress and i'm not convinced i was the deciding factor in any of those moments. >> douglas host egan, and justin wolfers. we appreciate you both thanks for joining us still ahead, ukrainian troops are making even more gains in russia claiming to seize as much land in the past week as vladimir putin has all year. could this surge be the beginning of the end of this war? >> plus hurricane ernesto lashing puerto rico more than half the island now without power and roads turning into rivers, where that storm is headed next, also a man is suing disney after his wife died at one of their properties and the company now trying to get it dismissed because the widower had disney plus we'll explain cnn is live from chicago as democrats unite to offer their so for it to a new nominee and her running mate fellow cnn for complete
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>> you're not the person, but it shouldn't degree ultra clear, nonstop texture against white marks i'm lauren fox on capitol hill. >> this we are following two major international stories in the middle east, israel bracing for possible iranian attack just a day ahead of high level negotiations with hamas on a potential ceasefire deal in gaza. >> but a diplomatic source telling cnn, hamas will not be a part of the talks tomorrow in qatar instead, the group is willing to meet with mediators afterward and new developments. now on russia's war on ukraine russia's military struggling to hold down its front line more than a week after ukraine's cross border assault. a ukrainian military commander saying moscow has pulled its troops out of key battleground regions in an effort to block ukraine's advances meantime, ukraine launched a new round of attacks against russia using drones to conduct what a security source calls the biggest attack on russian airfields since the war began. for more perspective on
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all of this, we are joined now by cnn global affairs analyst kim dozier and retired u.s army brigadier general steve anderson. great to have both of you here with just so many things unfolding in both of these regions, general anderson, i want to talk first with you according to ukraine, russia is moving some of its troops from the front line up to this incursion site that's hundreds of miles away. what do you make of that initial impact on the battlefield? how might that impact things? >> dresser kill me and that's exactly what they intended to do and they conducted this offensive they want to distract the russians from what they're doing elsewhere and make them move forces to that position. but you know, kudos to the ukrainians for pulling this off. i mean, this is incredible nobody saw this coming eight days ago now u.s doctor would be to exploit success. so hopefully they'll continue to do that. >> and they'll continue to reinforce the successfully achieved, but they've got to be careful. >> they don't want to go too far in and outrun their supply
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lines and get can be dangerous, cut off, but but they've been able to distract the russians. they've been able to give a tremendous morale boost just to the ukrainians who have been now fighting for two-and-a-half years. >> and they've caused a major embarrassment of vladimir putin back at home and now you're russian people are saying he, vladimir, look what you've gotten this into now. >> i mean, now they're attacking us on our home field this is a tremendous development. and so i applaud the ukrainians for being able to pull this off and kim, we had a map obviously can pull it back up that ukrainians have this security zone. >> it's if we put the map backup, it's that tiny area in the blue there that's what they're trying to defend in russia inside russia now we know that these russian reinforced spend are heading there. are they capable of holding that well, i think that's a surprise. >> the ukrainian troops, as much as everybody else it may have been originally been planned as a raid to take a small part of the kursk
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territory you see the triangles that have been painted on the ukrainian tanks, et cetera, an originally that blue piece looked like a triangle, but now like an inkblot, it's spreading they seem to be taking advantage of the success in that according to reporters on the ground, they've been watching all sorts of supplies go over the border into court first, gleick, a field hospital, and all the types of things that you'd need to dig in and defend your positions, like barbed wire concrete barriers, things to build the same kind of fortifications that they have in the east, trying to hold the russians off. so it looks like they've stolen to mark on march on the russians. instead of attacking them in the static places in ukraine where in the east, where nothing was moving, they've gone to an unguarded area and they're seizing territory. you can see what those pictures right there. they seem to be fixing to stay.
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>> yeah. and kim ukraine wants allies including the u.s. to let them use these long range weapons to attack russian positions. and already they're getting pretty far into russia. if you look at where they've been striking with the drones and whatnot do you think that there, what are the chances of the u.s. approving this? it's request well, when we asked nsc spokesman john kirby on monday about this, are the ukrainians using u.s weapons in contravention of the rules by using them in this kursk operation. and he said no. >> so the original rules were that the ukrainians were allowed to strike where there were being hit from seems those rules have been at least relaxed on the battlefield and as you saw, senator lindsey graham yesterday was in kyiv and praising this effort. >> so it is building up strength and support for continued aid to ukraine not only he on the democratic side,
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but even on the republican side. >> and general anderson, obviously ukraine now preparing for this possible russian counter attack, what might that look like? how do they best prepare for that? >> well, what they need to do is reinforce the success they already had. they have to be careful not to outrun their supply lines so they need to make sure they build the logistics in there. but i don't think that it's long-term best interests to tighter retain this this territory. i think what they wanted to do was exploiting success. show, give blanche for putin, a blackeye and essentially create a buffer zone because that area had been responsible for about 2000 attacks on ukraine over the last couple of months. now they've eliminated that thread, gotten rid of all the artillery and launching facilities and missiles and whatnot. and by the way, they've made 120,000 russians displaced. so they really delivered a hurt to the russian people people in hopefully that will apply a lot of pressure to vladimir putin because when you get right down to it, he is really the center
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of gravity. this war is going to last as long as vladimir putin is either empower or he wants to continue this war, and they need to attack that that center of gravity. vladimir putin and somehow create the political pressure internally within russia to remove them. >> kim dozier and general steve anderson. thank you so much for that analysis. we appreciate it still ahead, hurricane ernesto gaining strength after hitting puerto rico, how much damage the storm did there where it's headed next your friends, are turning 30 tbs is hosting the ultimate friends 30 in celebrates 30 years of friends all month long on tbs sure, i'm a paid actor. >> this isn't a real company, but there's no way to fake cop work can help your business so much talent all over the world with over 10,000 skills, you may not happen house more than 30% of the fortune 500 u.s. upwork because this is how we
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visit antigen the democratic national convention monday at seven on cnn and streaming on max right now, half of what already is without power, one in ten, are without water and nearly all the u.s. virgin islands have gone dark as hurricane or nesta lashes the caribbean. cnn's chad myers is live in the cnn weather center for us tracking the storm. so chad where is or nesta right now maybe if we can averaged out about 200 miles northwest of san juan, puerto rico. >> so we're gonna get a new update here around 5:00. so that will help things out a little bit for it need exactly is but it was very windy at st. kitts and st. thomas, st. croix, even the islands there east of puerto rico, almost 86 mile per hour gusts there. but look at this. this is six hours of radar for puerto rico. hour after hour of training thunderstorms over the same places causing flash flood
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warnings. and that's what was causing all of those water drinking water issues. here you go. this is where it's gonna go though from here to burn for muda as a category two, possibly even a category 348 time. we'll see the water is very warm. this is certainly a possibility. could it get stronger absolutely. will it? yes, likely. but where does it go after that? well, here's where the models are thinking. it's going right under that m is bermuda. so very close to the right side of the eyewall on this one one model, there are many models out there to choose from. so what kind of spread it around a little bit? here's a wave model. if you're up and down the east coast this weekend, there will be huge waves, dangerous surf here on the east coast, waves that don't look like the atlantic ocean whatsoever. so stay out of the water because it's going to be one of those rip current kind of weekend here's another model. this is what i showed you about 1:30 or so where it was taking it into nova scotia after it left to bermuda. well, now the newest run has promised is in no longer hitting nova
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scotia, but a very close pass to new finland. so yes, this thing is still could get a little bit stronger and make its way at least toward the north atlantic coast, not the u.s coast, but right now, it is a healthy storm getting stronger hurricane hunter will be in it in just an hour or two boris. >> look forward to that update. chad myers. thank you so much, jessica. >> now to some other headlines we are watching at this hour cases of a common respiratory virus, the dwindled in the pandemic the. rise again, that's according to the cdc, the parvo virus b9, which is also known as fifth disease, is spread by respiratory droplets and people in jobs with close contact children's, schools and day cares tend to be at higher risks. also, north korea will reportedly reopen its borders to limit it international tourism in december that decision announced today by two tour companies with connections to the country and it comes nearly five years after north korea shutdown due to the coronavirus pandemic north korea and state media has not confirmed the
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real opening, but leader can drunk own had previously indicated he would prioritize visitors from quotes, friendly nations, and dea agents in atlanta just made the largest ever for meth bussed in the city. and the third largest nationwide this year our affiliate, wsb, reporting as agents seized more than 2,300 pounds with the drug, which were hidden in a load of stuff hilary headed to a farmers market. authorities say the drugs were smuggled into the state by a mexican drug cartel. >> still ahead, the candidates make their case on the economy force first up former president donald trump, taking the stage just a few minutes from now, stay with cnn comedy, u.s. coming to cnn what could go wrong i got news for you. >> for me or saturday, september 14 at nine on cnn, investing in gold doesn't have to be complicated. >> i'm calling from the ceo of noble goal investments. i want
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window instead of a casement. we have a lot of ways to make window projects really affordable compared to other window companies, you have a completely different business model. >> yeah with other companies, there's just too many people involved in the process there's the manufacturer, the seller, and then the installer, and then the customer. and if you call with a problem that's when they say, oh, we're the manufacturer, you have to call the installer for that problem or vice versa. we're the full service replacement window division of anderson with us. there's no passing the buck at renewal by anderson, we sell, build, install, and warrant. our wind and patio doors. so if there's ever an issue, we take full responsibility for it why don't you sell buying a windows? it doesn't matter if it's a $200 window or $1,200 window. >> a lot of vinyl windows just don't last for energy efficiency and beauty. >> there's a much better option our windows fiber composite material is available in nine designer colors and it's much more durable than
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vinyl well, five rex is low maintenance like vinyl, but stronger than vinyl and it's beautiful like would, but doesn't require the upkeep of wood, its renewal by anderson's 31 days sales event by one window patio door or entry door, and get the next one 40% off with a minimum purchase of four plus save an extra $45 on every window and door with no money down, no monthly payments and no interest for 12 months are 31 day sales event ends august 31st for a free appointment during this sales event call 1800, 1805011400 when i look forward to contractor is someone who's reliable and skillful, that's where andy comes in with top rated certified pros and over 500 categories. >> sanjay can connect you with a right pro for any home projects fine. top rated certified pros in your area? et >> and the furniture business, things move fast. ziprecruiter helps us hire qualified candidates who keep up. we
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mesothelioma will send you a free book to answer questions you may have call now and we'll come to you 808 to 14000 as poll after poll shows the top issue for voters and they'll selection is the economy. and how the presidential candidates handle the economy may soon come into but our focus, you're looking at a stage in asheville, north carolina live pictures right now, we're in roughly 20 minutes. presidential nominee donald trump will deliver remarks on the economy. his opponent, vice president kamala harris, is expected to also rule out her economic policies in north carolina. but on friday let's discuss with the co-chair of the harris-walz campaign, senator chris coons democrat from delaware. senator. thank you so much for sharing an afternoon with us polling, also repeatedly shows that one of the biden administration's biggest liabilities going into this reelection effort has been the economy affordability and
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inflation. how do you think vice president harris has to differentiate herself, her policies on this issue? >> well, thanks for a chance to be on boris first, i think that vice president harris can take credit for one of the biggest accomplishments of the biden/harris administration which was the inflation reduction act provision that allows for the negotiation of prescription drug prices we've capped insulin at $35 a month out of pocket expenses will be capped at $2,000 starting next year and the cost of prescription drugs are coming down for the most expensive drugs for millions of americans. that's a significant driver and something i'm not confident. former president trump would support or wouldn't roll back. there's also generally very good economic numbers, 16 million jobs created, 800,000 in manufacturing, the longest lowest unemployment of our lifetimes. and the newest numbers on inflation show that inflation is below 3% for the
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first time in many, many years i do think that the vice president will show a continued commitment to growing our economy from the bottom-up and the middle-out and make some new proposals. i'm looking forward to her remarks at the convention in chicago next week and to hearing what she has to say on the stage in north carolina, i expect it to be a continuation of the pro-worker probe her family pro opportunity agenda of the biden/harris administration. >> there's certainly no denying those senator that the cost, for example, of owning and renting a home, has gone up. the cost of everyday items has increased and for many folks including we just had a story we highlighted today folks that are receiving social security, the same dollar for them doesn't go nearly as far. so how does she need to craft a different narrative around the economy that incorporates the strain that so many americans are feeling despite some of the positive numbers you laid out
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well, boris, first, its meeting people where they are recognizing that the recovery from the badly mishandled pandemic has been slow and long and difficult reminding people that it's the former president who badly mishandled that pandemic. >> that the economic chaos and the job loss that resulted, and the high inflation that resulted from our recovery from that pandemic is not her responsibility, but that hearing, the ongoing concerns and costs that people from senior citizens too young folks trying to get there first apartment or home. she has to have concrete proposals for dealing with housing costs and she does the biden/harris administration has been working hard at improving the affordability of housing in the united states and that's something i expect we'll hear even more from vice president harris about this weekend in the weeks ahead. >> we're also expecting to hear more from the vice president on foreign policy and explicitly defining her view of the united states role in the world, including in gaza. and
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on that issue, just a balance messaging to several constituencies i'm wondering how tricky you think that is as an issue for her to navigate as a candidate, how would you advise her well, she's got great experience both in the senate where we serve together and as vice president the last three-and-a-half years, she's met with over 100 heads of state along with president biden, and has been in the room room for some of the most important negotiations about expanding nato, about building new partnerships in the indo-pacific and as you mentioned, boris, i do think balancing strong support for israel and for the right of self-defense as we all wait and wonder whether iran will take another strike at israel, balancing that with concern turns about civilian casualties and the ongoing costs of the war in gaza will be an important balance point for her i continue to believe that president biden's proposal, which was ratified by the u.n
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security council by the g7 for a ceasefire and a hostage exchange holds open the best process back for bringing an end to the conflict in gaza. >> it's something i know president biden's working hard on his whole senior national security and foreign policy team and i remain hopeful that the negotiations with the egyptians, the qatari's, hamas and israel will yet bear fruit. it's been 312 days and boris, there's far too many families among americans, among them still waiting for the return of their loved ones being held hostage beneath gaza senator, if she were to win the white house, you've been seen as a potential secretary of state as a strong candidate, given your service on the foreign relations committee in the senate, have you spoken with her about serving in the cabinet would you consider accepting a role like that? no that would be very premature, boris, i appreciate the implicit compliment, but what matters is working hard
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together to make sure that we win this november, that there's a democratic majority in the senate that vice president harris and governor walz are the next president in vice president. there's plenty of time if for conversations like that after the election, we have not discussed it beforehand i do think that having traveled with her overseas and gotten to see and hear the vice president's strength and skills and ability in diplomacy. and national security policy i very much look forward to a harris-walz administration and to the positive the difference they could make in the world so no one quick question. >> politico is reporting that president biden does harbor some frustration. is the word that they use toward members of his own party that he believes pushed him out of the presidential race. obviously, you are close with president biden
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>> can you just support our military families? and there's important work left to be done on the world stage, there will be a new prime minister in japan. and just a few weeks and the relationship between south korea, japan, and the united states is the strongest. it's ever been. the orcas partnership for providing nuclear submarines to australia tell you, is a critical groundbreaking new partnership. i think you'll see president biden looking forward, working
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to make a difference on the world stage. and here at home. and i very much look forward to supporting him in that work in the remaining months of his term this year senator chris coons, appreciate the time. so thanks for joining us thank you, boris still ahead. a woman dies after an allergic reaction at a disney springs restaurant. but now disney says that a wrongful death suit should be thrown out because her widower signed up for disney plus, we'll discuss the legal expert in just moment every day dirt and grime settles deep within your tiles grout lines. >> stanley steamer is powerful, custom-made equipment removes the dirt you see in the dirt, you don't your title and ground is clean until it's stanley steamer clique when we say it'll be on time, they expect it to be on time turn shipping to your advantage.
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connolly seven southern cash. >> now, we get to $100 gift card for a free quote that democratic national convention monday at seven on cnn. and streaming on max a new legal hurdle for a man who filed a wrongful death lawsuit against disney over the death of his wife. she died last october from a severe allergic reaction after eating at a restaurant and disney springs where he says the waiter guaranteed the couple. that's certain foods could be made allergen free now disney is trying to get the case dismissed and sent to arbitration based on terms he
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agreed two years ago when he signed up for a free one trial of disney plus the company also claims it should be shielded based on the man using one of its websites to buy tickets to epcot. joining us now is defense attorney misty marris misty i'm pretty sure nobody thinks when they sign up for disney plus a free one month trial that they're signing their rights away to a jury trial. >> if something goes wrong, is that normal? >> the it's absolutely a very novel legal argument. jessica, this is something that disney is looking to do because they want to keep this out of the courtroom. and before a jury arbitration is often a venue that seen is more favorable to the defendant, especially with a sympathetic case like this, where you have someone who died from an allergic reaction, have it before a judge behind closed doors. but look, when i went through this disney agreement and i read it in anticipation of this story and covering it with you today. it relates
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directly to the app. remember these are contracts a reason syllable person is not going to think that signing up for disney plus is going to take away any right when they're physically in one of the disney parks. and that's going to be part and parcel of the plaintiffs argument not to look at just the arbitration agreement. that's in here. the contractual language. >> but to look at it in total in context with the other provisions ends of this agreement, when you sign up for the applications. >> so those are what the arguments are going to be on both sides. >> yeah. and so how do you think this ends? do you think disney will be forced to pay the $50,000 the other damages to this man, do you think i guess first they're going to have to settle if it can go into arbitration or not. >> exactly. so that's the threshold issue. does this go into the courtroom in front of a jury and a jury makes a determination about liability. that means looking into all of the facts was dizzy, negligent or is it going to go before an
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arbitrator? my guess is that any judge looking at this compound pulling that arbitration agreement is going to say it's not constable to think that somebody's signing up for the app, hitting those buttons. i know you've done it. i've done it. we've all done it. >> is aware that they're going to sign all of their rights away for any and all lawsuits relating to that company and all of its affiliates by doing so when did say it's more likely that that relates to nonpayment cancellations of subscriptions, things directly related to that ap think about another scenario. >> what if somebody was injured while on a ride there now precluded from exercising their rights it just doesn't make sense at the end of the day. >> contract law has to make sense. >> there are argument men's relating to that. so i think we're going to see this before a jury and we're going to learn a lot about the facts of the case. >> yeah, we sure are. all right. misty marris. thank you for breaking it down for us. we appreciate it thank you and we'll be right back everybody
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anderson for almost 30 years so when people don't want to mess around and they want aldi they call us what can you say about your certified master installers? >> well, and then window or door is only going to last if it's installed properly renewal by anderson installers go through intense classroom and field i'm training programs. >> many of them have installed thousands of windows. >> i mean, talk about mastering something if the homeowner has an issue, it has to chase down different contractors and companies. >> they get stuck in the blame game. and that's the worst, right? >> the manufacturer points to the installer. the installer points to the manufacturer with us, there is no blame game are finger-pointing because we managed the whole process from consultation to installation. >> and you don't do estimates know? >> we do something better will come out, assess your current windows and doors, and leave you with an exact price that's good for an entire year. >> nice, no pressure today's homeowner, a trusted home improvement resource for over 35 years, named renewal by anderson, the top pick for replacement window companies. >> we're proud of that. oh,
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and here's this month discount, its renewal by anderson's 31 day sales event by one window, patio door or entry door? for and get the next one 40% off with a minimum purchase of four plus save an extra $45 off every window and door with no money down, no monthly payments, and no interest for 12 months are 31 day sales event ends august 31st for a free appointment during this sales event call 1800, 1805011400 times may change, but some things remain timely. i've been using the wto more than 25 years dove is one court and moisturizing cream i
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number eight are firm. >> the mayonnaise tennessee titans quarterback will levis in a new ad for the mayo inspired fragrance will levis number eight, he partnered with condiments brand hellmann's. each bottle is about eight bucks and according to the company that fragrance notes include tart lemon parsley, coffee undertones, musk, creamy vanilla, and what is described as mayonnaise a chord like, as you may be thinking, why, why, why, why this got some attention when he joked, he puts mayo and his coffee last year also questions about that wendy's partnership with hellmann's began. the fragrance is already sold out. i like when he goes it's pretty spot on for some of these ads. >> thanks so much for being with us the lead


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