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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  August 16, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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at there, yes, there's a portion of the electorate. they're just don't like donald trump. but there is genuine excitement about kamala harris, and that is going and i keep saying the democrats be joyful because we are in at the time, could they, could they not get biden to speak on sunday because they tried to move them as far away from that last night as they possibly could. i guess he said no this sunday you got to kick off. the no. i think if they actually wanted to pay the respect that you just talked about, they put them on wednesday or you give him own night? >> i give him his money every convention. >> monday is the night that she put out the people you have to put out now and then get down the line. you go to thursday about how we're and that's why i guess look at it. well, i will i guess sunday was off the table. >> i was hoping to give one of you know, we're approaching 7:00 a.m. very quickly. >> thanks to all of you for being here this morning. >> i really appreciate it. thanks to all of you for joining us. i'm kasie hunt.
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don't go anywhere. cnn new central starts right now today is the day kamala harris starts laying out her economic agenda. >> and we have new details this morning about what her plans include tax cuts for some house closing help for others, and a price gouging battle. >> millions in crypto investments in gold bars. and did trump really just make for him or thousand? for endorsing a bible, the stunning new financial disclosure that we're saying, plus new details after multiple arrests in connection to matthew perry's death, to doctors his assistant, and a woman known as the ketamine queen. accused of trying to profit off of his addiction. i'm sara sidner with kate baldwin, john berman is out today. cnn new central starts right now so today's a big day
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for kamala harris and her quest for the white house. >> she has faced and your constant criticism from republicans that she has been policy light has been hello to roll out policy proposals and plans hasn't yet faced questions about her change on other policy positions from the past today that changes itself. harris is set to roll out her economic vision and now much anticipated speech in north carolina this morning, we have new reporting on some of what she's going to say, including proposing tax next cuts for middle and low-income earners that includes expanded tax cuts for parents and frontline workers. she also wants to keep general subsidies for health insurance premiums under obamacare. harris is going to roll out this also roll out, roll out a plan to tackle the cost of living plans to drive down costs on groceries, and also housing. here's his pitch comes just days with just days
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to go until the dnc kicks off in chicago. and as polls show, the economy remains the top issue and top priority for reporter, for voters. cnn's isaac dovere joins us right now with much more on this isaac, what more are you learning about the speech kate, it's going to be a full of some specific proposals. >> number which you just mentioned, $25,000 credit for first-time buyers. the an expansion and renewal of the child tax credit that was there for a couple of years the early years of the biden administration, expansion of the earned income tax credit. so it's not sort of stuff as well as a crackdown on price gouging and supermarkets, it's a lot of proposals. we don't know exactly how many of these she would be able to get through or the details of what they would actually look like. that's what governing would be like where she to win. but this is the stage of the presidential campaign that we usually get much earlier. of course, when candidates are starting much earlier. now,
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three-and-a-half weeks into her campaign, she is starting to roll out. what, what her economic vision would be and isaac, this is the first major policy that she that we're going to be hearing from her. so what does this tell you about where this campaign is going? >> i like they are moving very, very quickly, right? we are still, as i said, just three-and-a-half weeks into the harris candidacy, but it says, i think a lot about the way that harris looks at what policy should do, which is to not talk about things in big terms and macroeconomics, things like bidenomics that you heard from the current president when he was running but to talk really about how it's going to affect people's lives and what it does in the dollars in their bank account directly. it's harris trying to show also that she feels the pain feels that the connection to people who have been complaining for the last couple of years that inflation has
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been hitting them hard and that they're constantly going up. obviously, donald trump was talking about that yesterday himself. that's how the candidates are trying to prosecute this case here it's good to see isaac. >> thank you. so much for the reporting. sara. all right. as for donald trump he says it's very angry at harris and is quote, entitled to personally attack her two things, several of his republican allies were likely not excited to hear as trump hosted another rambling press conference yesterday, riddled with insults and falsehoods all this amid new stunning revelations about trump's finances including crypto, gold bars, and the bible. cnn, steve contorno joins us now first what exactly did he say about harris yesterday during that press conference? >> sara, he started off pretty much on script. in fact, he was reading straight from a binder as he stood in front of all these household goods that have gone up in price over the last four years, sticking closely to that message on the economy and
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inflation, but that soon shifted to more of these personal attacks, especially when he took questions from reporters. and in fact, our colleague, alayna treene ats trump, what he made of republicans saying his strategy isn't working, and he needed to stop at the personal attacks take a listen to what he said i'm very angry at her that she'd weaponize the justice system against me and other people. >> very angry at her i think i'm entitled to personal attacks. i don't have a lot of respect for i don't have a lot of respect for her intelligence to whether the personal attacks are good, bad. i mean, she's certainly attacks me he personally, she actually called me weird. he is weird. it was just a sound bite. and she called jd and i weird. he's not weird now trump, also, obviously, very much still uncomfortable with this change in the political landscape that he is facing at one point, he actually lamented that he
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quote, should have gone easier on biden in the debate saying that maybe then he would still be facing him in this election that's says a lot about where his head is at steve. >> you also went through trump's financial disclosure disclosures that are out there. you went through these detailed by detail. what did you learn? >> yeah this is really our first glimpse into his financial situation in more than a year. and it's a large look at his investments, his real estate business, the income streams for both him and former first lady melania trump. and it's quite interesting. it's 250 pages long, so it was quite expansive let me go through some of what we found interestingly, a vast majority his wealth is tied up in the 115 million shares in the company that owns truth social, his social media site, website. he started, those are worth about 2.7 billion. he also made more than $500 million from his golf clubs and resorts over the last year the
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disclosures also include the liabilities in excess of $50 million for the various judgments against him in new york in the e. jean carroll defamation lawsuit we also found that he's got about $7.2 million for selling digital nfts as non-fungible tokens those trading cards with trump on them, he got $300,000 from the greenwood bible that he now sells for six because the dollar he also has about one to $5 million in cryptocurrency. if a ethereum and interestingly, six, figure investment in gold bars. sara all alright, steve contorno, thank you so much. appreciate it. kate. >> breaking overnight, new york city's mayor, eric adams subpoenaed in a long-running federal investigation into corruption illegal campaign donations. >> and there's also this new details about the five people arrested in the death of friends star matthew perry including a woman known as the
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ketamine queen. >> much more detail on what we've learned about that new overnight usher postponing several shows just hours before opening night of his news sure cnn is live from chicago as democrats unite to offer their support to a new nominee and her running mate fellow cnn for complete coverage the democratic national convention monday at seven on cnn, and streaming unmanned the ergo smart base from tempur-pedic automatically response to snore. so no more hiding under your pillow because this system actually detect snoring than adjust tell producing, don't miss our biggest sale of the year with savings up to $700 let's select adjustable mattress sets okay. everybody.
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switch today for a limited tim. house for $19 washington crossing the delaware at a us. it invents the lifeboat the practical joke to tbs history in practical jokers, all new thursday's attack on tbs set your dvr. now, this morning, sources telling cnn, new york city mayor eric adams faces a grand jury subpoena in a federal investigation into his
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2021 campaign. >> the months long investigation first came to light last year when the fbi raided the home of his chief fundraiser brian suck, a brianna suggs. investigators are looking into possible corruption and foreign influence. neither adams nor suggs are accused of any wrongdoing at this point in the mayor and his legal team say, he has always followed the law, donie us now cnn's chief law enforcement and intelligence analyst, john miller. we talked about how long this has been since this raid. what does this signal now, this potential grand jury, so a fresh round of subpoenas tells us two things. >> one, the investigation is still very active and going on every time they have to do something like this that shows their hand. that's a little bit of a volcanic eruption, but it tells us that they're continuing into they don't have everything they need because there are still seeking more phone records, more text messages, more material from city hall and the mayor and the
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people around him. >> do we know exactly? what this case is all about, what the eid leg illegalities are here. >> so it's a secret grand jury investigation being carried out by the fbi and supervised by the u.s. attorney. so we're not supposed to, but we do get clues and the clues come with what they are asking for in terms of materials. so we know oh, that they rated and did a search warrant at the home of an airline executive from turkish airlines. we know that the mayor took a lot of trips on turkish airlines. he's talked about it publicly. and there are discussions that he received upgrades on many of those trips to first-class or premium class. we know that they raided the home and westchester of the head of turkish owned construction company, and that construction companies employees gave contributions to the mayor, which the fbi believes may have been bundled and actually paid for by the company which would be campaign finance violation
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and as we round third base air we know that the mayor's office allegedly pressured the fire department to get a sea of you for the turkish mission to the un. in time, despite the fact that they're fire safety equipment wasn't finished for the turkish president to do a ribbon cutting because he was coming to new york. so the clues you get er, it's somewhere between, is there a foreign influence campaign being managed by turkey to take care of the mare and return for favors. and is the mayor get anything out of that? let's circle back to what you said in the lead in fabien levy, the mayor's spokesman has told me and many others that the mare's mantra is follow the law. there haven't been any charges. and remember, full disclosure here. i worked for this mayor and the mayor before him, a deputy police commissioner married to blasio, was also investigated by the fbi for a period of about two years. lots of subpoenas, lots of grand jury activity. and at
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the end of that, there was no charge brought. these are complex investigations because you can't just show that favorites were expanded contributions were made to the campaign if you don't show the exact quid pro quo or that that money went into somebody's pocket, right that's largely considered under the law, just the machinations of politics follow the money. but that takes a lot of time and effort and now we're seeing though the big thing here, the investigation clearly still underway and very aktas no doubt about it. >> john miller, you're the greatest. thank you so much. thanks that i early early this morning for us all right. >> ahead. >> as rent prices surge around the country, apartments are staying on the market for longer and landlord offering some sweet deals to get tenants to sign on the dotted line, the new cnn reporting up next. also, kamala harris set to give her first major policies speech of her campaign. >> today. >> we're also getting new details about how she's prepared for the debate why nfl
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players choose to sleep at her smartphone. i like to sleep cool and i like it warm and cozy and i really like it when we both get what we want. >> number does that have to be cools and warrants on each side during our biggest sale of the year, say 50% on the scene remember limited edition sparked that and free delivery when you add higher shipping race may be the cost of doing business. but at what cost turned shipping to your advantage? >> with low cost ground shipping from the united states postal service and alternative to pills, valtteri is a clinically proven arthritis pain relief gel, which penetrates deep to target the source of pain with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medicine directly at the source, volterra in the joy of movement she grew up in a middle-class home. she was the daughter of a working mom, and she worked at mcdonald's while she got her degree kamala harris knows what it's like to be middle-class it's why she's determined to lower health care costs and make
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housing more affordable donald trump has no plan to help the middle-class just more tax cuts it's for billionaires being president is about who you fight for and she's fighting for people like you and kamala harris. >> and i approve this message here we are driving down the road and all of a sudden there was a crack in our windshield where we can do now though, right? and we're good to go. >> i'll be replaced the windshield for you. >> can we go in there with you? >> new cars come with cameras that control your automatic braking systems in departures which do need to get recalibrated when you get you windshield replaced you get a crack in your windshield is only one choice. same flight route might replace like we played start your day with nature me the number one pharmacist recommended vitamin
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update is brought to you by e trade from morgan stanley trade commission for for you today with no account minimums some signs that renters are starting to gain the upper hand on landlords one month free rent, free parking, even though apartment rents are still expensive, there's now a shift in the market that summer, analysts describe as a landlord race for tenants cnn's matt egan has been looking into this. he joins us now so matt, what is happening here, why we're wire renters all of a sudden getting the upper hand, locate happy friday. >> it's so nice to be here with some good news, at least for renters and waiting for the bot, but keep going. not really. it's really mostly news. look, i think just like everything else, this all comes down to supply and demand. so there has been he building boom of apartments in america and all of that new supply has made it harder for landlords to fill units. so they've been forced to throw in some incentives to get people to sign leases like free parking weeks or even
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months of free rent, zillow found that one in three units on their platform are offering incentives. that is up from one in four units a year ago and one in 52 years ago. here's how one zillow khanna's put it to me. he said landlords are basically in a race right now to get tenants so they're throwing in a bunch of deals and perks to sweeten the pot. i spoke to a grad student, arizona who told me that every single apartment that her and her boyfriend looked at was offering concessions. she ended up getting half a rent, half of a month off rent-free. another woman, a teacher also in arizona such you got the whole month for free and you don't need to live in arizona zillow said that in six cities, right now, you're finding a lot of apartments with concessions. raleigh, charlotte, atlanta, salt lake city nashville, and austin. all of them have more than half of the apartments that are on the market right now? with incentives. so look, there's always this balance of
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power brian tenants and landlords. and right now, tenants have some negotiating power, pendulum swinging towards tenants for the moment. >> what does this mean for rent though? >> does it mean it's going to come down? >> so it may mean that rent could start to come down. it's not yet what we are seeing is that rent is up 5% from two years ago. so up, but not through the roof yeah, that's basically in line with historical norms. it's actually an improvement from the prior two years where rent was spiking more than 20%. so this is a step in the right direction when you add in you're paying more for everything else. does that make just that 5% make it feel more painful? >> definitely, because you're right, you're paying more at the grocery store, paying more for daycare or everything else. but look at the end of the day. everything is negotiable, right? if you're in the market for an apartment rent and you've got to realize that you have more leverage than you did a year ago, two years ago, certainly in three years ago. so you gotta who's that to your advantage? it's like my mother-in-law, he says, you don't know if you don't ask and look, one last point here.
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mortgage rates, they're coming down because the fed is preparing to start cutting interest rates that could actually help renters to, because some people who might otherwise be renting are going to go into the housing market because they've been waiting to get in and that could help everyone else who is still running. >> literally all connected. it's good to see you. thank you so much. thank you also, this for us, police and secret service ramping up security ahead of the democratic convention in chicago taco next week, the extra steps that they're taking now, after the assassination attempt on donald trump and breaking overnight, arrests have been made in the killing of general hospital but we'll star johnny wactor. >> what police are saying this morning cnn is live from chicago as democrats tonight to offer their support to a new nominee and her running mate fellow cnn for complete coverage, the democratic national convention monday at seven on cnn, and streaming on back can now reverse support your brain health mary janet,
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of the biggest names in streaming, all for just $15 a month. get the fastest connection to paris with xfinity. in for certain. we're just three days away from the democratic national convention in chicago in the stage is set literally the dnc releasing brand new images of the setup at chicago's united center, ready for a kamala harris to formally accept her? party's nomination for president. local authorities are working around the clock to make sure it is a safe convention which includes preparing for expected protests from pro-palestinian demonstrators. cnn's whitney wild is live in chicago with the very latest for us, whitney give us some sense of what these preparations look like. we see the fencing already behind you sara, that is one of the most visible examples of the hardened security here. and it takes hundreds of people to get this perimeter setups. so this has been going on for several days the united center has been shut down for a month and for people who are not big sports fans, not from chicago,
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that's where the blackhawks play. that's where the bulls play. so this is a pretty iconic building for the city of chicago. >> but again, you know, when you're talking about the security perimeter here, sara, there are so many layers of security, so there's going to be the pedestrian perimeter around the united center and that's where people are going to be able to walk around. >> but it's inside the hard perimeter where you're going to have to have a credential and in addition to this fence, law enforcement is going to have huge mutual aid support, at least 500 officers from outside agencies are going to come in to try to help with this response. law enforcement is going to have aerial support. they'll have support on the wall butter as well. sara, we have been asking for several weeks, how many protesters, law enforcement is expecting, to just to get a sense of what the sizes protesters have made clear they plan to use the dnc as a spotlight. as you mentioned, this, we are expecting pretty big pro-palestinian marches this area is home to the largest palestinian population in the
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united states there have been marches downtown chicago for months. so we've asked the chicago police superintendent how many people they're expecting. here's what he told cnn we do expect a large group of people to converge upon the city just a visit, to participate in the democratic national convention, or to come here and exercise their first amendment rights so we've been preparing for over a year for this and we're prepared for whatever number of people decided to show up here in the city of chicago mr. gaga, police department has done extensive training. sara, because what they're trying to do here as bounced the ability for people to express their first amendment rights while also keeping the city safe. this is an extremely dynamic security situation making sure that they can protect their regular neighborhoods, the regular residents and businesses that have been here since before the dnc and will be you're long afterward and make sure that these first
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amendment protests are a calm and safe experience, sara. so a lot of balancing act out of the chicago police department. and they say they have been training for months for high stress, high risk moment, sara all right. >> whitney wild. thank you so much for your reporting out there with the democratic convention on the horizon, kamala harris is already shifting her focus a bit on to the much anticipated debate that has now been set between her and donald trump, the harris campaign, confirming yesterday, it will participate in a total of three debates two presidential debates, and one debate between vice presidential candidates, tim walz and j.d. vance. in a statement, the harris campaign also saying this the debate about debates is over. this morning, the new york times is reporting that harris is already preparing, taking part in a mocked mock presidential debate at howard university. this path as monday, joining us right now is cnn political commentator alyssa farah griffin and brian boat broke off. former campaign manager for kamala harris's campaign when she was running for ag in
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california. it's great to see you guys, brian, let me start with you on this harris in debate prep now. and what i was telling you about the new york times saying this took took part in a mock debate monday, what kind of debater is kamala harris if people forget at their own peril that she's someone who's spent career her career in the courtroom as a prosecutor. >> so she's someone who takes preparation very seriously and i have no doubt she's doing her homework. >> the problem is for donald trump right now is that he's it's a candidate and freefall. >> he is in a doom loop of his own creation by virtue of his own actions. and he is looking and acting small. and that is not a good contrast with someone like kamala harris, who's presenting a very positive, uplifting mission vision along with tim walz that is really being met with momentum and excitement around the country. so that debate stage regardless of all the preparations that go into it, is going to present a very stark contrast for the public yeah. >> i mean, it's definitely going to be something to watch for public pundants and
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surrogates like how donald trump and some of his top surrogates, alyssa have been talking about harris over and over again, is telling because it kind of lays the groundwork for how they could be talking about going into the debate. let me play this for you you know, why she hasn't done an interview because she's not smart. >> she's not intelligent. >> but this that means what for the couple of days leading up to the debate and how everyone starts setting expectations though, because it's not like ion years away. >> well, that's what's so funny and somebody else has said this before ahead of the debate, they're going to pivot to suddenly kamala harris is such an accomplished federal prosecutor and she's likely going to be a very formidable debate opponent because they've learned this before. you don't set expectations low by insulting someone's intelligence this is a former attorney general of former you know, it was the united states, senator somebody who is a good communicator, i would argue, is actually a more apt communicator than donald trump is. he has struggled in debates
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when he makes things personal and when he leans into grievance we kind of forget that he's he's done a lot, which is what he's done. we forget his performance against biden was hardly stellar. he just happened to be up against biden who really floundered in that debate. so i think she's a formidable opponent he needs to be actually preparing and he's always struggled to stay on message jim debates. yeah. >> and we're seeing evidence of just trump's still i mean, you talk about this all the time that trump is still being trump is what we're seeing alyssa, when it comes to he sometimes very good job of staying on message for a speech are part of a speech. and but then donald trump knows how he wants to talk, knows how he wants to communicate, and he does so at his peril. >> we've seen much, much more of him just going back to trumping trump and not being able to stay on message this cycle. i mean, even the speeches that he gives 90 minute press conferences where he briefly mentioned the economy and then starts pivoting into name calling birds being killed by windmills and whatever he's really struggling to frankly stick with a coherent thought it says
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message and he's taking it brian, today come kamala harris is rolling out starting to roll out her economic agenda do you i'm curious on this because it seems that this moment might present something of a challenge in a tough one for her, which is, do you think she needs to link arms with the biden economy? >> let me of the past four years, or break from the biden economy with just speech and this rollout, how fine a line does she have to walk here is she's running to make her own place with her own economic agenda for her own presidential run. >> it's no doubt a challenge for anybody, right now. i mean, the reality is these statistics by enlarge are very good. but the problem is what voters feel is reality. so it's really more of a communication challenge at anything. i think there is a very strong record over the last four years of the biden-harris admitted that's racial for her to run on. the challenge is really communicating that to the people. and i think that's what you're starting to see right now with a focus on pocketbook
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issues, not just talking about macroeconomics, but talking about gas prices and price of groceries. and so i think once we're able to really communicate that and talk about the plan for the future. then voters can decide who they trust on this issue. more do they trust the democrats? do they trust donald trump, who all he did in office was cut taxes for the wealthiest people like his friends. so i think that's the frame that we're gonna be looking out for it to be economic issues going forward. and i think that's a good debate for the democrats and kamala harris to have brian is communicating it so well, which is what voters feel is reality plain and simple? that is, i think it'd beginning and end full stop of how republicans should be should be taking a kamala harris in any democrat to task but donald trump, he has been leading, long been leading on the issue of the economy. he now has a slight slightly smaller lead in some polls, we're seeing. >> do you think he is losing ground or do you think she is
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gaining ground? >> she's gaining ground. listen, joe biden, look backward too much. he talked about what he passed asked, he talked about the economy's actually the envy of the world is doing better than you feel. that doesn't work when you're paying for groceries and you're like this bill is more than i expected it to be. it doesn't speak to the heart of what voters are feeling kamala harris is messaging the economy completely differently. and by the way, i'm not going to agree with a lot of her economic rollout, what she's talking about, rebuilding the middle-class. she's talking about the price gouging so that is a popular policy with a lot of this country just addressing that some of the biggest supermarkets they feel like are stacking prices so i think if she can speak to that leaning into her biography, tim walz's as people who came up in the middle class, not to wealthy elites on the other side of the ticket, that very melt very well may resonate. donald trump said it in the speech yesterday. he's like if they tell me the economy is a big deal, i don't know if it's the biggest issue. he doesn't seem to really be in temperature range. the struggles actual americans are feeling, well speaking at a country club, most americans could never afford to be members. >> it was very pretty but no i
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don't no one is allowed to show that the remaining seconds. so we have, let's go from the pocketbook issues and what voters really care about to the inside the politics and probably voters won't ever know anything about which is the trump campaign alyssa is bringing back on cori lewandowsky onto the campaign. corey lewandowski, allah 2016 what did you hear that? >> what does that mean to you? >> i just want to know what genius said were struggling with suburban women in the suburbs, we really need to bring corey lewandowsky back to save the day. listen, it means donald trump wants to relive them magic of 2016, even though corey ended up leaving that campaign under interesting circumstances, it's not going to help them. this isn't someone who's going to help them hone his message i expected he bring back kellyanne conway, who's at least a much better messenger and can soften him and the issues he needs brian, what do you hear in that knowing the reputation of torri lewandowsky using that is going to mean what for what could be coming at kamala harris i don't know anything about him, but the problem for donald trump, his
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problems are his own creation of if he were ceo is board of directors would replace him. >> they wouldn't be bringing in a new campaign manager, but you can't replace the candidate, so he's going to do whatever it takes to try to bring in new blood, maybe get people fighting to make him better. but the problem is he needs to look themselves in the mirror. that's donald trump's challenge right now. and he's unwilling to do that it's great to see you guys. >> thank you so much, brian. alyssa. thank you some other headlines that we are watching this morning and alleged gang leader suspected of killing 23 people in peru is now in custody in new york state. >> john franco torres navarro, head of the peruvian gang known as loose killers and described as highly dangerous, is being held at a federal detention facility ahead of an immigration hearing a tip that he was wanted in peru led to the arrest by ice authorities it's also arrested his girlfriend jordan chiles, is speaking out about being stripped of her olympic bronze medal. the team usa gymnast posted online that it quote, feels unjust and is a significant blow. the governing
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body for the olympics that decides these things ruled that the challenge to chiles score. and before there are challenges after that, to sum up a very messy back-and-forth that they were not valid. so her medal is actually now going to a romanian gymnast for the floor exercise competition at the paris games in our instance brent post house also spoke to the racially driven attacks that were coming at her on social media. and she said that they were adding to her heartbreak and we're extremely hurtful she said she's still proud to represent her country. >> this morning, usher is apologizing to fans after postponing the start of his past, present, future tour in atlanta this week, he pulled the plug on the tour opener for in into other shows because of a neck injury usher says the injury happened during rehearsals and doctors had advised him against performing the atlanta shows. >> now rescheduled for december as you said? >> because he hopes he'll be back on stage next week in dc and breaking overnight four people have been arrested in connection to the deadly shooting of general hospital but star johnny wactor. wactor
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was shot and killed in may. as he walked up on an attempted robbery in downtown los angeles, three men have now been arrested on suspicion of murder a fourth was booked on suspicion of being an accessory. last night, wactor's mother spoke out after hearing the news who's very excited, but cautiously optimistic. >> they're getting a chance at life that he doesn't have their breathing air that they don't deserve debris. in my opinion and he can't breathe it any longer. and we miss him so yeah, maybe it's time that their family missed them and they go away. at the death penalty was available. that'd be fantastic a month in his friends say that they hope this ultimately will help make the city of los angeles safer we'd been waiting on a day like this since may 25th when we when we got the news that johnny was killed are so many things we don't know so many details that we can't talk about, but i would say this is 100% moving in the right direction. >> we want to get justice for him, but we also, we want to
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use his name and his legacy to make the whole city safe for to make the whole state safer. >> and basically typically, make sure that his his death is not in vain in a statement about the arrests, los angeles mayor karen bass said this, now we must ensure that that those who are responsible for this brazen and heinous act are held fully accountable sarah? speaking of which new details this morning and the five arrests made in connection with the death of friends star matthew perry investigators say they uncovered an underground drug network of sellers and suppliers. they say are responsible for distributing the ketamine that killed perry. those charges include two doctors, a drug distributor, perry's personal assistant and a person the investigators referred to as the ketamine queen. three of the five charged have reached a plea agreement with prosecutors joining me now is cnn's legal analyst joey jackson, joey
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there is so much coming out about this case and i want to play to you what prosecutors said about this case and those involved listen matthew perry's journey began with unscrupulous doctors who abused their position of trust because they saw him as a payday. >> and it ended with street dealers who sold him ketamine in unmarked vials how unusual is it that doctors are charged in this case so not that unusual. the reality is, is that law enforcement is locked in sara. good morning. and they're locked into the issue of detecting and deterring crime. and so i think when done doctors run a miss in terms of prescribing things, that's what they do. but they look at that's law enforcement and over prescriptions and engaging in this conduct. now, this obviously, we hope to be aberrational and not the norm. dr. serving every day and serving well but there is an overstep and when there is that overstep, you have these law enforcement entities who sweep
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in and to their credit here, we have accountability on all sides. we've got the doctors who are being brought to account that people supplying the drugs being brought to the account in the personal assistant who was injecting them. so beyond the pale and certainly the right thing for law enforcement to be focused i want to also go to what happened in text messages the prosecutor say were put out there. there is a particular doctrine that they read his text messages during the press conference, dr. plasencia said this about matthew perry. i wonder how much this moron we'll pay. he also wrote he wanted to be matthew perry's go-to for drugs. this sounds ethically terrible, but is it illegal? >> so the answer is yes, it's ethically terrible and illegal. also, think about this. you're sitting on a jury and the case is going to trial and you hear a text it's message like that, talking about profiteering on someone talking about preying on someone when people are undergoing addiction there in
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the worst portions of their life, they're depending upon medical treatment to save you, not medical treatment to prey upon you. and so i think in the event it went to trial jurors would not be so pleased with those text messages and what they say regarding the conduct and the motivations. >> it's certainly would have something to do with his license, which would be a different case. the medical license. i want to let you hear that. what the defense attorney for dr. placenta has said about this and how he responded and what a little bit of the defense in this is here's what he said mr. perry was on the ketamine treatment medically supervised, medically prescribed and while the u.s. >> attorney may disagree agree with dr. placenta shias medical judgment. there was nothing criminal at the time and more importantly, the ketamine that was involved in mr. perry's passing was not related. mr. dr. plasencia, that was provided by another party sometime later. >> so there are a couple of things here that he is arguing. what do you make of those two
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defense arguments? >> so here's the issue, sara certainly we should not understand and know. of course you deserve the presumption of innocence. these are accusations and allegations in a court court of law. they'll come out. the problem is, is that that narrative may be and will likely be contradicted by the others who have pled guilty, right? remember the supplier of the drug dealer has pled guilty. the other one is also pled guilty to drug dealers here you know, the personal assistant as well. so i think their narrative with respect to the interaction with the doctor may have him much more involved than his defense seems to indicate, but again, deserves the presumption of innocence we'll see what his defenses our remember, there were search warrants executed with respect to other evidence, text messages you read one of them and other things that i think will come out to shed light and on whether that's true, that is the defense or not true. >> i do want to talk about something. does it feels like things are shifting here with law enforcement and the legal system when it comes to people who overdose, it used to be someone would have a drug overdose and it was sort of blamed on them and there was no
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case, there was no nothing further that happened, but now we're seeing a difference and it's not just in the matthew perry case. what are you seeing compared to 20 years ago hat my right did change, you know interestingly enough, i could remember being a manhattan prosecutor where my fellow prosecutors or myself would do these undercover buying bus, right? >> they go out on the street and they'd look for people who are selling them drugs, they then call in the field team. they would arrest them and take them down by the way. and milgrim now head of the dea, right? doing great work for our country. she was one of those prosecutors in manhattan on the front lines with me. but the reality is is that you have to change your strategies to be consistent with the times and the circumstance and what they did here very smartly was they had an interagency task force consisting of the postal service, consisting of the drug enforcement administration, the u.s. attorney local law enforcement, lapd, and what they did was they said we're going to hold everyone to account doctors. what role did you have? >> you may have had a prescription. did you exceed that? and if so,
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accountability. where did you get the ketamine from up the clinic and other doctor accountability? personal assistant, why you injecting him a drugs? accountability. so what you're seeing is a shift and i think also said that use they're using this as a message right? matthew perry is life. of course, had great value. this tragedy. now, what are we going to do? we're going to deter other people. and i think when you take people down like this, it sends the message that everyone in the chain rite are going to have to come before that court and have their day in court and ultimately, if guilty, then there's a reckoning to do and that i think is the strategic shift that we're seeing and we should mention, you know, it hasn't just happened in this case with someone who's famous. we've seen this actually happening to regular people who have gone through this horrible, sort of tragic death. so we will say, but there's definitely a chef. thank you so much. we appreciate it. always hurricane ernesto's latest track and the life-threatening rip currents that it's creating along the east coast also, harry and meghan in
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colombia, their latest battle cyberbullying and artificial intelligence my macron thanks, becky. with car gurus, you can start your financing from home to only you could do things your way all the time maybe someday get it with gurus trains it sense.
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recommended communities and set up tours, a place for mom, helped us get to a decision and now mom is so well cared for. >> talk to an expert senior living adviser today at no cost to your family hurricane ernesto has intensified to a category two storm right now. >> it's on track to hit bermuda before its massive waves threatened dangerous rip currents. this weekend along the east coast of the united states, cnn meteorologist derek van dam is with us now. what is the biggest danger as we speak right now, we see it churning out there in the atlantic yes sara so we're about two or three hours away from tropical storm force winds impacting the island of bermuda. but the very sheer fact that this storm has found bermuda and the very vast open ocean waters of the western atlantic is saying something that's only roughly about 20 miles long and at its widest is about 1.75 miles it's wide. at this house is about 65,000 people and
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recovers brought an area of roughly 20 square miles. so very small, we call that a needle in a haystack, but yet it is still on a track to impact bermuda with some of its strongest winds, which are cranking at around 100 miles per hour near the center of the storm currently, ernesto is about 300 miles to the south southwest of bermuda. that's why we have hurricane warnings in place. but think about this tropical tropical-storm-force winds extend about 265 miles from the center. so it won't take long for those wins to approach and impact bermuda here in the coming hours. now the storm is forecast to weaken and then quickly exit to the north and east. so this will be a fast-moving storm for bermuda, but they could bear the brunt of that eastern side of the eyewall could be the strongest parts of the storm. so of course, on those east facing shorelines, we get that surge and wind impacts kind of combining to create dangerous coastal erosion for those areas of bermuda duda and then this will be an expanding storm as well. so the wind field will continue to grow there's a lot of rain associated with this. so considerable localized flash
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flooding over a foot in some locations across bermuda. >> and then we've got to talk about the waves upwards of three stories high waves that are measured here around the center of ernesto so that's going to emanate outwards, of course, impacting the east coast through the course of the weekend and early next week, that's why we have rip current advisories and warnings along much of the eastern seaboard. >> by the way, national weather service out of wilmington, north carolina asking residents to stay simply out of the water this weekend, sara wow, waves, three stories high and it's now a cat, two heading towards bermuda. goodness, thank you so much. derek van dam for your reporting. >> kate prince, harry, and meghan markle are in colombia this morning. the duke and duchess of sussex are on a four-day visit to promote online safety and mental health for children they, do believe all of us agree, despite whatever disparities there are throughout the world no one contest the back that we want to keep our children safe is
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scary. and i think i think a lot of people are scared and uncertain. and i think one of the solutions to that is education and awareness journalist stefano pozzebon is in bogota. you were at the events yesterday. what more are you learning about? about their visit yes good morning, kate. >> i think what we're learning ease the global impact of these newer technology, and how they hope the duchess and the duke of sussex hope that these visits he can highlight these the impact that is not just related to the united states or britain, but to the global south and everywhere on this planet, frankly, yesterday, at that event, i was there and there were three women on the stage. meghan in princess of the duchess of sussex, francia marquez, who is the first african american to hold african colombian to hold elective executive powers here in, in colombia. and maria ressa and nobel peace prize laureate and a journalist from
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the philippines. and each of the three women and talked about their experience with harlan harassment, often related to racism, often related to gender. harassment online, and how they hope that day he can provide tools to the newer generation. all of them are, of course, mothers and they say that they want to leave a legacy of a safer digital environment, a safe online environment. so i think that it was kind of like interesting to see women from very different backgrounds france, america as the son, the daughter environmental activist, a single mother from one of the poorest regions in colombia. meghan, currently that the duchess of sussex, prince harry, the most famous aristocratic firmly in the planet that sitting on the same stage and talking about an issue that touches us all today, they will engage in stead with other courses that are closer to their hearts and the archwell the foundation, which is the foundation that the duke and the duchess
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founded in 2020. they will visit a team of columbia veterans who are competing the invictus game. and then tomorrow and on sunday, they will visit other parts of columbia. so there is a little bit pleasure travels, tourism in this beautiful country. but also a very, very strong focus on hotline harassment and how that touched she's every single person on the globe. kate absolutely, absolutely does. >> definitely. thank you very much for that new hour of cnn news central starts now new this morning beyond the pale, democratic veterans in congress now calling out jd vance's attacks on tim walz's military records slamming the senator and his scathing new letter that has just been released, plus the secret service is boosting safety measures for donald trump after the assassination attempt. >> more agents, bulletproof glass, some of the agency's new tactics. after bipartisan


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