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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  August 19, 2024 11:00am-12:01pm PDT

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you save sabri's. have you tried these new fabrice car bank clips the new intensity dog gives you total control. >> i could turn it up that smells good or turn it down? nice and light. >> enjoy 40 days of freshness your way around the ergo smart base from tempur-pedic automatically response to snore. >> so no more hiding under your pillow because this system actually detect snoring than adjust to tell producing, don't miss our biggest sale of the year with satan things up to $700 on select adjustable mattress sets. >> cnn news central. tomorrow, at 7:00 eastern welcome back to cnn news central. i'm brianna keeler at the democratic national convention in chicago. boris sanchez is in
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hours, delegates from across the country will begin gathering at the united center here this week long event, capping off a whirlwind month for harris who rose to the top but the ticket after president biden's decision to step aside from this race, he will be giving tonight's keynote address, passing the torch to his running mate from four years ago, the president expected to focus on their achievements together. an argue that the harris-walz ticket is the natural successor assessor to carry the party's agenda forward. then there was first lady jill biden and also hillary clinton, who will be taking the stage tonight as well here with me now is cnn chief national affairs correspondent jeff zeleny, waiting for tonight to quote j.lo, what are we waiting for? >> will look, we're waiting for president biden to walk into this convention hall. and i am imagining is a lot of applause that joe biden has
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ever received. these democratic delegates and party officials are grateful to him for what he's done as his record, but also his decision to step aside. and that is really what is really framing this entire convention here when you talk to people, they are grateful and thankful, but also wondering how he's doing. so there's this kind of a subtext of this. but for the biden speech, i'm told it's going to be forward-looking. he is not going to be dwelling on the past and he is using this moment to lift up vice president kamala harris, his legacy will be blind in large part by the outcome of this election. there's just no question about it. he may still have some sore feelings for other democratic sen. party elders, but i'm told not for vice president harris because she was a loyal vice president during that role, she still is obviously she is very much still in the role, but i think that is going to be the thing tonight. and also hillary clinton, she's coming home to illinois. she's from park ridge, illinois, as you know. well, she's just north of chicago here. so this is a moment for her as well. she
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wanted to crack those glass ceilings. you and i covered that campaign back in 2016. she didn't quite get there. this also is a big moment for her, i think, as well. >> yeah, such an interesting point there and harris has momentum that is building behind her. what do you expect to hear from her when she is formally accepting the nomination later this week, but she's going to be in the hall tonight. it's going to be the first time that democrats see her she's not expected to speak, but she'll be watching president biden. but when she it does speak on thursday and really every speech is going to be given to the service of identifying her, filling in some of the blanks about what americans may not know about her and when you look at surveys, it's actually a fact people aren't that familiar with her background and some of the details of what she's done. so every speech will be given for that, but for her she will be presenting herself as a contrast to donald trump. i'm told there's not expected to be much red meat or as much red meat from her as just a more optimistic, hopeful look. then it probably would have been a
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month ago but this speech from president biden tonight, after he addresses the convention, he is leaving. and from this point, the convention will not be about him. so it is every superlative we can use to describe it, i think is apt in this case, he didn't get a convention four years ago because of the pandemic. tonight he will, but in a very different way. >> and we should note just moments ago, president biden biden arriving there at joint base andrews with the first lady as he will be making his way to chicago for this big night, as he's going to keynote the first night of the convention. jeff, thank you so much for your reporting. we appreciate it as the democratic national convention kicks off, two new major national polls show vice president harris with a slight edge over trump in a head-to-head the matchup that is nationally their joining us now to break this all down, we have cnn political director david chalian. alright, david, let's take a closer look here at some of the key voting blocs, independent voters, young voters, black voters.
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where does harris stand now against trump compared to how biden was doing among those same key groups? >> exactly. brianna, i mean, watching president biden move to the helicopter, there to come here for this pass the torch moment tonight and look at the numbers. at how the torch was being passed among independents in that abc news poll. what you see there is that back in july when it was trump versus biden, trump had a two-point advantage among independents ten point swing now towards harris, she has an eight-point advantage, 48% to 40% among independents in this new abc news poll, look among younger voters, the voters under the age of 40. so between 18 and 39, this was a group that biden did have a little advantage of her trump seven points kamala harris now has a 25 i point advantage in this abc news poll. 59% to donald trump's 34% with voters under 40-years-old. and you see a similar thing going on with black voters here. again, that was a group back in june, july donald trump was obviously not
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winning them. it was a big joe biden group 64 points was the edge the biden had over trump among african americans. but look now, kamala harris has a 70 point edge over trump 83% to 11%. so some of these key constituencies are coming home in a big way for kamala harris, which is positioning her, as you noted at the top in these polls, with that slight national edge and she just unveiled her economic plan, david, but what does the polling show when it comes to who voters trust the most with the economy brianna, this is why i think we're going to hear a lot about her approach to the economy. >> the opportunity economy that she talks about. because right now it is a donald trump category and it's issue number one for voters look in this washington jenin impose poll that came out this weekend. again, this is national, we know this is a state-by-state race, but 46% donald trump is trusted to handle the economy 37% kamala harris, that's a nine percentage point advantage on the issue that most voters say is their top priority in this race. she's got to close
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that gap and that'll be some of the work they do over the next four days here. >> a new electoral outlook is showing multiple pathways to victory for trump and also for harris, david, take us through this this was not the case, just four weeks ago when joe biden was the nominee, there was basically one very narrow path potentially to reelection for him. >> that's not the case now, we now have moved in our electoral outlook. seven states are in the toss up battleground category. you see them in yellow. there. it's not just that upper rust belt tier of pennsylvania, michigan, and wisconsin, but the sunbelt now, north carolina, georgia, arizona, nevada. these are all competitive states, newly competitive with harris atop the ticket. part of why? because so what i showed you in those polls, she has coalesce pieces of the democratic party here. and the key coalitions that are part of the biden victory from 2020 for instance. and she is snapped this race back into real competition here. so what you see here, harris right now has 225
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electoral votes, either leaning are solidly in her corner. donald trump has 219 electoral votes. leaning are solidly in his corner. you know, you need to 72 when it's those yellow states that are up for grabs. and i, you know, this is going to be where they spend all their time and all their money. now you see what donald trump is doing on the campaign trail this week. and no doubt kamala harris will be out there in those states, right after this convention as well. brianna david chalian, our political sherpa in this very changing political landscape. >> thank you so much for that. let's talk more now with our panel. we have ashley allison, who was national coalitions director for biden-harris 2020, shermichael singleton ten is a republican strategist and a cnn political commentator. and we have alex thompson, he is a national political reporter for axios and the new cnn contributor. welcome. i do want to ask you ashley, because this is a historic moment for so many reasons, what we're going to see tonight, what we're going to see this week. what does harris need to? civ, at this convention well, i think
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she needs to talk about the future and communicate with americans like everybody in this arena they support kamalaharris. >> they want the democrats to win. so her job is to use the energy from inside here and speak to people who are not in chicago right now. and se i want to build a future for america that you can thrive, that you can be a part of. and let me tell you how i will do it. you know, we talked about the economy being an important issue and people like to talk about it through a couple of words like inflation or prices. but when you talk about the economy to everyday americans, any means childcare, it means health care it means paid family leave. it means a lot of different emmys access to reproductive freedom. all these issues that play into how you have economically stable environment for yourself and your family. and i think she can paint that picture. she is uniquely poised to do it. >> shermichael, i wonder we just heard moments ago from republican vice presidential candidate, j.d. vance, who's in
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pennsylvania as we see vance and trump bracketing this ticket here and he was addressing vice president harris's momentum. here's what he said well, i don't think, that we have to blunt her momentum. >> i think we just have to tell the truth to the american people have in our messages really simple that donald trump delivered peace and prosperity. there was peace all over the world. he delivered rising takeover okay, for american workers and kamala harris administration, which has now 3,000 days and running as deliberate, higher prices, unaffordable housing, and a chaotic situation you should all over the globe. >> we just really have to contrast those two visions in those two records of accomplishment. i think we do that the american people are gonna give donald trump another chance saying they don't need to stop her momentum. >> they just really need to bring a contrast is that how you see it, or do they need to do both? i mean, i think the momentum is going to be with the momentum will be to ashley's point democrats are excited. >> they were nervous about the possibility of losing in november. so i'm not surprised
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that a significant number of sort of come home because vice president harris has invigorated them. but it's the folks in the middle that i think both candidates will have to appeal to david chalian talked about the economy being the number one issue where the former president leads by believe he said nine points. and so if you're talking to those folks in the middle of what is to restored of effort that you're affirmatively speaking forward-looking about in terms of increasing pay ashley talked about some of these issues. i think republicans do have a great opportunity to talk about the fact that republicans understand the importance of the family, generally speaking we want dad's to be proud to be able to provide for their families. we're seeing that that gap, the gender gap, because a lot of men, for example, would do not feel that their needs have been addressed appropriately. i think there are a lot of americans, particularly those of color, who are younger, who believe you know what i've voted one particular way for a very long time, i was promised certain things over the last 3.5 years and nothing has happened. so
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i'm at a minimum interested in hearing a different message and so republicans need to make a pill so those individuals, alex, do you have a new story out for axios? for you're talking about tonight, which is really the president, president biden. he's going to keynote tonight. it's really, as you describe it, a bittersweet moment. tell us what you've learned. >> i mean, jeff zeleny sort of put it earlier that he's going to get a hero's welcome. everyone is going to be cheering. but how would you feel if everyone's cheering? you for something you didn't want to do. joe biden did not want to get out of this race. he made it very clear to every single person that he really believed that he was the person to beat donald trump. he's even said in interviews afterward that his polling still showed that he could have won. and so you're going to have him go out there and everyone's going to be like, thank you for quitting and that's a bittersweet feeling now that being said, he is not going to i think show sort of that disappointment or if he does, it's not going to be willing because joe biden knows that kamala harris winning is key to his legacy now and so he's
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going to be full-throated in support for he is going to do anything he can because joe biden's it's entire legacy and nancy pelosi's articulated this too, is all cut up and whether or not donald trump returns to the oval office. >> and what about the first lady? she is someone who i think you see her emotions displayed often in a subtle way, but i do think you see them and so i wonder how we're going to see that tonight. >> beach i'm most fascinated by be as well because she does not hold her emotions and not just that she has known to be the grudge holder in the family she she often promotes it. there was back in 2020, even you may remember when kamala harris of all people, basically attacked joe biden's record on busing. it was jill biden biden met held under that grudge for a long time? >> yeah. so interesting shermichael, we just learned that in addition to these guests that were going to see tonight joe biden. joe biden, hillary clinton alexandria ocasio-cortez, you're also
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going to be hearing from women who were affected by the supreme court overturning the roe decision. and i wonder what you think about how impactful that is going to be. >> i mean, look, i have, always long believed brianna that that is the single most consequential issue where vice president harris performs the best i don't think she's very great on the economy honestly, i don't think she's strong on immigration. i don't think she's strong on foreign policy. but when she's connecting with women on this issue about writes about choice it really does invigorate a lot of women and republicans have seen over the past two years, we've lost a lot of suburban moms, many of those moms previously voted republican. they were reliable republican voters and so that that is a point of contention for the former president. it's why he has attempted to moderate himself as much as possible because i think even he recognizes holy smoke. the dog has caught the car. what in the world do we do? and so i expect tonight for those women secretary clinton congresswoman aoc to speak not only to older
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women who've experienced parents, what it was like, 304050 years ago, but also to younger woman who had her, right? that is now taken away i think they'll do well delivering that message. >> it's interesting because last week, ashley, you had j.d. vance who was asked about democrats seen abortion as a motivating issue, which we know it has been. i mean, we've just seen that laura ingraham was the one who asked him about it as she put it, marinating in propaganda was how she put it about suburban women. and this issue but he said he seemed to indicate that most suburban women, what they really care about is economic issues and crime. and i wonder what you think about that assessment ben while abortion is an economic issue of whether or not a woman has a right to have bodily autonomy and create a family or for whatever, for health reasons needs to not want doesn't want to have the child. >> that's an economic issue and we've said it over and i think women understand that
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having ownership over the distance businesses you get to make is how you can become a thriving person now, j.d vance i feel bad for the republicans because it seems like he q i do because i'm a true american you know, i think it's like when you think you're going to get a shiny car and you get lemon, right? like they've polished it up. but when you start it, it cuts out on you every week. it seems like every week he's having a cutout moment because he's saying something that just doesn't relate people do care about crime, but what they don't want to be a crime is when they make a decision about their body. and that is what j.d. vance wants to do. j.d. vance wants to criminalize doctors and medical students and women and their friends and their families, and the people in the surrounding communities that might help women have access to abortion care that is not what women want. and i think that will fall flat on and jd vance's position on reproductive freedom is so extreme. so aggressive so a
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throwback to a time that we should never want to go back to again the american people learn about that. they won't support him is he? >> that's, that's the debate that democrats want a half as we just it's heard so eloquently stated by ashley because they went on that argument, which again is why i republicans have got to go to the two things that we do have working in our corner, immigration, the economy. i do believe suburban moms care a lot about the cost of goods when they're going to the grocery store's. i do believe they care about whether or not their children are being raised in safe communities. and i do think republicans can make a cogent argument on those two points. >> well, and what you both just said is why both campaigns are spending over 300 million on television and digital ads. basically just this month alone, because there is an arms race in order to define kamala harris and there trying to find her as a protector of freedoms and the trump campaign is trying to focus on borders are,
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or immigration inflation, the economy. and that's why this convention is so much more interesting than it was going to be four weeks going and tell you people that were working on the convention. it was a lot of it was gonna be a lot of trump going to be a lot of trump bashing. it'd be a lot of nato give trump they have revamped a lot of the messaging to be much more positive and much more biographical about kamala harris. >> if any night is going to look different, i think it's going to be tonight. thank you all so much. i really appreciate the conversation and still ahead. chicago police say they're hoping to avoid any dustups with dnc protesters, but they will not tolerate any violence and police are out in force as our protesters, we have more on the security preps across the city. and his hillary clinton gets set for her big speech tonight. we're going to speak to her former campaign manager about what he expects to hear from the 2016 democratic presidential nominee. stay with us for more special she'll live coverage of the dnc when we come back
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easier just by enter foot login app, get another fried dough. the hard part is tenants travel. he doesn't get the second foot long, waits seriously. i've got to next time, buddy now in the subway ham bowman started feeding bogeyed farmer's dog. he lost so much weight, proportion packs makes it really easy to keep him lean and healthy in the morning, he flies up the stairs and ops obama in the past, he would not have been able to do any of those things keep going again, covering the harris-walz campaign you see in it four hours and counting until the start of the democratic national convention here in chicago. >> tonight's featured speakers include 2016 democratic presidential nominee, hillary clinton, first lady, jill biden, and president joe biden, who will be delivering the night's keynote address. we are michigan congresswoman debbie dingell here with us to talk about that. you obviously have been a very big supporter
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of president biden's as he came to this tough decision to step aside, what are you expecting to hear from him tonight? >> you know, this very important night in his life and in his career, i think he's going to look forward as he has always tried to do. the last time i was with him, i spent about an hour with some a couple of weeks ago we talked about everything looking back and looking forward he's got a great legacy. he has was one of the greatest presidents we've seen in our time. too many people do not know where he got done or accomplished to make people take credit for the work that got done by him and his leadership and don't talk enough about things they're seeing in their communities are a direct result of his work he's going to walk into a hall that he's going to be loved tonight and i'm sure what a bittersweet night for him to that to that point, i was going to use that word is some of this going to be difficult? it sounds like they're going to
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be not many dry eyes in the hall mean, what do you what are you expecting? >> look, i love the man. you know that he in jail been friends for 40 years. he's been there for me and all the good times and the bad times when john almost died, he's the one that was at his bedside in command fell. you can't when i got sworn in and john was still recovering, he in jail came, so i'd have family there when i was sworn in. when john dad huge over there. so this man i love, but i also know he's always been there for americans he operates from his heart. i can have tough discussions with some piece always asked me, what do i need to know debby and i tell him the truth? be it autos or are the arab american community we talk honestly, he's amanda really wanted to serve his country has spent his lifetime doing it. and it's not his swan song. he's got several more months of work ahead of them. but tonight's the night for him to be with people who helped get him elected. and love him, and
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tonight we'll hear from hillary clinton. >> and i covered that campaign. and there were a couple moments from it that i reflected on the night that she lost one was in the primary when bernie sanders, one-year state of michigan, which made me think of a time and in the spring of 2016, where i was talking to you at an auto industry event, sort of a campaign event for hillary clinton? and you were anxious, you had a lot of concerns about michiganders and whether they were getting behind hillary clinton. i saw that moment sort of with fresh eyes. your very much you send off an alarm bell when it needs to be sent off. and i wonder what you think right now about how this ticket is fairing and michigan and what kamala harris needs to do to win over folks there so i went nobody listened to me to 16. they didn't they
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should have device so it does i want to say that to four years ago, she wouldn't leave fish can tell she told her team she looked in the whites of my eyes and i told her what i really thought so that i can give you that story from four years ago, michigan's purple state. >> i'm not on the sugar high that a lot of other people are. i'm excited. there's renewed energy when we're doing the following to your kickoffs, there's more people than you've seen. that's all there. but i'm in the union halls. i've met some of the members of the michigan militia last weekend. donald trump's going to michigan tomorrow for a very deliberate reason in an area i think we should all be asking why he chose since they had a klu klux klan march there exactly three weeks ago readying. his division and his hate, he plays to anxiety and fear. but we got to get in the union halls off till every union leader i'll go in your union hall between now and the election we got to get those union hall members. they're just not sure. they've got to know who she is. too many of
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them to many teamsters don't know. joe biden save their pensions grown and man that were in my arms sabi, as we fought to get that done, we need to tell the story. that's our job. we got to help her do it. >> there are a member so many uncommitted voters in the democratic primary something we are watching in michigan closely and members of the uncommitted movement have quest did a speaking slot here at the dnc. should a representative of the movement have that opportunity to address the convention. >> i think it is very important that all voices be heard i was pleased that julie rodriguez, the campaign manager, was the one that first brought her out to michigan months ago when she met with rashida to leave and a number of other members, more people came out. she returned to the community, had meetings which you've read about or i wouldn't have said it at the end of last week you know, there are people hurting on both sides. i think that we need to cease fire and i want i
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know everybody wants to cease fire on all sides and the hostages need to be released. they need to come home. >> we are rapidly almost at a year of this refik of what happened. >> but more than 40,000 civilians have been killed in gaza, lebanon's about to explode any moment. we need peace. i know i've talked to the president. i've talked to the vice president, pulled me aside at the christmas party, got me in a corner for 30 minutes and just wanted to talk about what my constituents were telling let me how they felt. we need a ceasefire. we do not need the mid east to explode. it's one of the most important things we must address and i pray that somehow that is one of joe biden's legacy piece, an end to this war congresswoman. thank you so much. really appreciate you joining us this queue. thank you. and ahead much more from here in chicago at the democratic national convention in another story that we're following closely, catastrophic flooding in the northeast it has already killed at least two
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people forecasters say the region is dealing with what they call a once in 200 year storm will take a look at that next the democratic national convention to netted seven on cnn and streaming on max. >> you know that thing your family does someone made it back in the day? >> but where did it come from? >> and how did it get all the way to you see for yourself that ancestry whether you're a professional driver or just a fan vehicle breakdowns, are costly. it started tugging start making some really weird noises. >> the last thing i remember is just the engine cutoff if you're check engine light comes on tomorrow, the repair could easily cost thousands. >> is that transmission? >> it's an exhaustive broken axel, but with endurance you could never pay out of pocket for a costly repair. again, they covered a $14,000 engine
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200 years storm it's causing flash flooding along with emergency rescues and evacuations and has already killed at least two people cnn's elisa rafah is tracking the storm. elisa take us through the forecast so we are tracking ernesto actually, we've got this front that is draped, the front that caused all of that flooding is draped along the east coast and that's what's actually steering ernesto out to see it's still a category one hurricane sitting about 300 miles away from nova scotia, and it's really moving pretty quickly. >> it is moving 28 miles per hour to the north and east. now it's able to keep its hurricane strength this far north because these water temperatures are five to ten degrees above average. so just incredible, typically you don't really see something, keep its organization like this and it actually restraint than over the last 24 hours. but these ocean divergers are just very very warm relative to where they usually are get into relatively cooler waters. and that's where it's going to
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start to weaken and become extra tropical. but we can still see some of these islands here of canada getting sideswiped by some intense winds from tropical storm force or hurricane force winds possible in this will kick up some mixing difficult wave heights that will cause some coastal flooding and some erosion possible also, the canadian national hurricane center is warning that there could even be some minor damage to some docks and coastal structures from how significant these wave heights will be we're looking at some five to eight feet of surf possible along the coast of maine, some surf advisories there there and we're still looking at a rip current risk from maine down to miami up and down the east coast, as ernesto to sits and just churns in the atlantic so something to keep in mind and people might be wanting to get in the last little bits of summer. but this rip current risk is just way too dangerous. so remember that a rip current is a current that takes you out to do, you have to swim faster than an olympic swimmer to get back to the coast, which most of us can't do that to get
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out, you have to swim parallel to the shore to get out of the rip current. and then you can work your way back to the shore more safely. and that is what people will need to do if they decide to not heed those warnings going a lot of beaches have been closed all weekend. boris good advice on those rip tides and agreed animation to elisa rafah. thank you so much now to some of the other headlines we're watching this hour, in the latest gaza peace talks, secretary of state antony blinken now says israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu has accepted a bridging proposal for a potential ceasefire in gaza. the proposal is meant to bridge gaps still separating israel and hamas that's progress, however small comes after blinken wrapped up a critical meeting earlier today with the prime minister. a source calling that meeting constructive also, a new development in donald trump's sentencing for his criminal hush money conviction manhattan prosecutors are leaving the decision of when trump's sentencing should happen to a judge. the da's office is
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declining to either endorse or oppose the former president's request to postponed until after november's election. the current sentencing date is september 18 that's seven weeks before election day also, next hour, disgraced former congressman george santos will be in court and he's expected to plead guilty to federal campaign fraud charges against him. he's facing 23 charges overall, including wire fraud, money laundering, identity theft and embezzlement still to come on news central, hillary clinton famously said that she wanted to shatter, quote, the highest and hardest glass ceiling what does it mean for her as kamala harris aims to smash through it, we're going to talk about what this means for clinton with her 2016 campaign manager. when we come back, stay with us cnn is live
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from chicago as dm the crowd tonight to offer their support to a new nominee and her running mate fellow cnn for complete coverage, the democratic national convention to neti seven on cnn and streaming on max start your day with nature mean the number one pharmacist recommended vitamin supplement brand new glasses by one. >> what works i'm just telling everyone by one pair, get one free for back-to-school vision works. >> see the difference. >> other really going to spend all day streaming college football on directtv. can you blame them? they've got the biggest rivalries and bowl games speaking up, frank, run a slant to the bowl of chips. >> bobby wouldn't hook to the salsa what are you going to do? >> coach prime. >> don't question you. coach matt luma phi.
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that's fast from he was comes comey base and loved back closed captioning brought to you by meso if you or a loved one have mesothelial, will send you a free book to answer questions you may have call now and we'll come to you 800 a31, 3,700 tonight. president biden and former secretary of state hillary clinton will kick off yet another historic democratic national convention. it was eight years ago in 2016 that clinton became the first woman to ever receive a major party's nomination for u.s. president can i we've reached a milestone in our nation's march toward a more perfect union. the first time that i made your party has dominated a woman
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after all when there are no ceilings, the sky's the limit and robby mook was there. >> he is the former campaign manager for hillary clinton's 2016 campaign were going to be seeing her with a big role tonight what is her job this evening? >> yeah. i think some people might be surprised. this is going to be a really upbeat speech i think she sees her role as helping to continue this incredible momentum we've seen for kamala harris but what we're also going to hear from her is, what does it mean to elect that first woman president? so not just celebrating fact that that might happen, but what opportunities is that going to provide opportunities and freedoms to make health care decisions to tell your kids that can be anything they want so i'll let let her do it. i don't want to ruin it, but yeah, i think you're going to here an upbeat future oriented endorsement of kamala harris
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she obviously italy was hoping to be and you can hear, of course this sound checks behind us they can hear us better than you think they can on the tv, don't worry, but they're checking out some of the music behind us here in chicago hillary clinton was obviously hoping to be the first female president she was expecting to be until sort of a surprise outcome i'm on the, on election night is she going to talk about her experience, her loss? >> is she going to talk about that? >> yeah. look, the whole theme of this campaign and an imperative of this campaign is to look at the future and drive into the future. i don't think first of all, she's going to dwell on the past and the other important thing is this isn't about her. this is about kamala harris on what she can do for families. so i don't think you're going to hear her dwelling. what i think you're going to hear her push this forward and talk about how we have to keep this momentum going for her. >> how much is about trump and
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because it's interesting when you look at the dnc platform and mentions trump well, over 100 times, between 100, 200 times i mentioned kamala harris have 30 something times how much of it is about trump, how much of this convention needs to be about trump versus harris? >> yeah. well, i think it's a really important part of this convention because this election needs to be a choice between the future and the past. and we have to talk about when we say don't go back to trump, we need to talk about what that isn't defined that i think for hillary today. and again, ivan read the exact speech have just been briefed on it, but i think you're going to hear her focus on that positive vision and not dwelling a bunch on trump. i'm sure a lot of other speakers you're going to hear tonight are going to spend some time on that. i'm sure the president is going to spend some time on that in his remarks. but i think hillary is going to be more focused on the future and it's a very conscious choice to look for optimistic vibe. and obviously that he used to what we have seen coming from kamala harris this sort of focus on trying to bring the
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joy back in. the things you heard governor walz thank her for that. they're really trying for that what is the thought process behind that and how that appeals to voters as a contrast to trump. >> yeah look, this does need to be a choice and you do need to disqualify trump, but that's not enough, right? we can't just run against trump, particularly because, look, we have a democrat in the white house, so we need to more clearly defined hi, and what is kamala harris's vision really mean? what is she going to deliver uniquely, this isn't just reelect the status quo. this is a new chapter, a new page, and it is imperative we define that we started to hear the vice president roll some of that out next week, but these next four days, people forget a convention is for days of television, you get to say whatever you want. it is unfiltered, right? so we've got to seize that opportunity and lay down that story for voters. so you'll hear both alright? i know there you go. i
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want to dance the band is going don't believe me just why i guess we'll see if that's what the convention robby mook. >> thank you so much. really appreciate it. thanks. >> now protesters are out on the streets of chicago. you see them there. there are many as the democratic convention is shifting into high gear ahead, we'll look at how police are planning to prevent any mayhem despite the crowds will be back after a quick break comedy is coming to cnn what could go wrong i got news for you for me or saturday's object number 14th at nine on cnn greatness hurts but the care you can keep chasing it that's tylenol
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that's care without limits she grew up in a middle-class home she was the daughter of a working mom and she worked at mcdonald's while she got her degree kamala harris knows what it's like to be middle-class is why she's determined to the lower health care costs. >> and make housing more affordable donald trump has no plan to help the middle-class just more tax cuts for billionaires. being president is about who you fight wait for it. and she's fighting for people like you. >> and kamala harris. and i approve this message are you wasting money on hidden subscriptions? i have lots of monthly subscriptions streaming music, news sites. now i can see them in one place and the ones i forgot about experian can cancel them for me. >> so i went to experience. they actually helped lower my monthly bills, phone, internet experience at the word helped me take control my money. >> you could save $670 a year when you cancel hidden
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granger for the ones who get it done. >> i'm kayla tausche at the white house, and this is cnn back now to our special
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coverage of the democratic national convention here in chicago, police say violence will not be tolerated as the city is bracing for tens of thousands of protesters to converge on the city. >> this week, cnn's shimon prokupecz is outside the convention hall and shimon, there is certainly a heavy police presence outside. we have seen it. what's being done to ensure safety yeah, brianna so were actually several blocks away from the convention center were at union park which is where the protests are gathering. >> this is the area where they were told to gather, this is where the protesters have been gathering at some point, we do expect them to start marching from here. there are thousands in this far, probably a little less than what the organizers were expecting. and then at some point, as i said, they have a route it's about a mile. route where they're gonna go from here in the park and they're going to head out and they're going to go into the streets. they're going to march
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towards the convention center. the police have only given them the city has only given them an a mile. they want more they want a mile and a half. they're not getting that right now. so that's where we could see some confrontation as they get closer to the convention center, to the united center. what will happen there if they tried to go any further than where police are allowing them to go. and that's sort of the big question right now. he said, the organizer yesterday told us that it's going to depend on how many people show up and what the protesters wanted to do. that's going to dictate where they go and how far they go. but as you know, because you're there at the united center, there are gates surrounding that entire complex for about a mile. >> and it's going to be really difficult for them to get anywhere near the center. >> so it's gonna be interesting what we're supposed to start marching here once the speeches are done, we're wrapping up here. once they take to the streets we're going to see how that goes. briana and shimon, chicago police said
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they're committed to letting people express themselves. >> how are they preparing if there is unrest, if there are benny clashes between groups of protesters are counter protesters so brianna, we seen some of the counter-protests and i want to i want to walk and show you some of the police out here. >> we've seen some counter-protesters. it's been very peaceful. both sides. we've seen pro trump supporters scene supporters of israel out here on the other side. they have come out here and it's been relatively peaceful, but i want to show you here on this side, come this way, jerry, the police are on the outside there on bikes, just waiting here in the distance. >> i don't know if you can see they're out here. they surrounding the area, but they're allowing so you're protesters as they remain in the park to stay in the park, they're not interfering once they leave. that's when we could start to see some of the conflict at some of the issues all right shimon. thank you so
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much for keeping an eye on things here in chicago. we do appreciate your report. and tonight is really the culmination of a bittersweet month for president joe biden as he passes the torch to his vice president, kamala harris as the democratic nominee, will discuss what the moment means for him and for the party stay with us the democratic national convention, to netted seven on cnn. >> and streaming on max, my psoriasis was all of them psoriatic authorized who knew there could be connected for me i'm search works on both coasts, antics helps real people find clear skin and in psoriatic arthritis can mean less joint pain and helped stop further joint damage serious allergic reactions, severe can reactions that look like eczema and an increased risk of infections, some fatal have occurred. >> tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms had a vaccine or plan to or have ibd symptoms develop are worsening
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