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tv   CNN Democratic National Convention  CNN  August 19, 2024 11:00pm-2:00am PDT

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getting the kind of sleep you deserve i'm paula reid in washington, and this is cnn
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thank you. thank you
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here's energy in this room something
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is happening in america you can feel it think we worked for and dreamed of for a long time first though let's salute president biden rissi's champion at home and abroad he brought dignity decency, and competence back to the white house. and he showed what it means to be a true patriot
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thank you joe biden for your lifetime of service and later, chef and now we are riding a new chapter in america's story you know my mother dorothy was born right here in chicago before women had the right to vote that changed 100 years ago yesterday think about it. tennessee became the final state to ratify the 19th
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amendment to the constitution the state legislature was deadlocked on one lawmakers, mother, a widow who read three newspapers a day, sent a letter a letter to her son no more delays. she wrote give us the vote and since that day every generation has carried the torch forward in 1972, a fearless black congresswoman named shirley chisholm she ran for president so then and for determination. >> let me and millions of others dream bigger, not just
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because it's them who she was but because of who she fought for working parents, for children last the least in the lost in 1984, i brought my daughter to see geraldine ferraro, the first woman nominated for i president if we can do this, jury said we can do anything and then there was 2016 when it was the honor of my life to accept our party's nomination for president nearly 66 million americans voted for a future where there are no
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ceilings on our dreams and afterwards, we refused to give up on america millions marched, many ran for office we kept our eyes on the future. well, my friends got future is here wish my mother and camilla's mother could see us they would say keep going would say fighting for reproductive health care are saying stretching to afford
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childcare young people struggling to pay their rent they're all asking us to keep going with faith in each other and joy in our hearts. let's send calm kamala harris and tim walz tell the white house sorry of my wife and the history of our country is that progress is possible, but not guaranteed we have to fight for it and never, ever give up there is always a
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choice do we push forward or pull pullback? come together as we the people? >> or split into us versus them that's the choice we face in this election. >> kamala has the character experience and vision to lead us forward no her heart and her integrity. >> we both got our start as young lawyers. >> helping children who were abused and neglected that kind of work, changes. a person. those kids stay with you kamala carries with her the hopes of every child she protected every family she helped every community. she served. so as president she will always have
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our backs she will be a fighter for us she will fight to lower costs for hardworking families open the doors wide for good paying jobs and yes, she will restore abortion rights nationwide prosecutor tom law, locked up murderers and drug traffic pecker's. she will never rest in defense of our freedom and safety. donald trump fell asleep at his own trial. and when he woke up he made his own kind of history. the first person to run for
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president with 34 felony convictions as vice president as vice president sat in the situation room we also know what is vice president kamala sat in the situation room and stood for america's values i know what it takes and i can tell you as commander in chief kamala won't disrespect our
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military and our veterans she reveres our medal of honor recipients won't be sending love letters to dictators she will defend democracy and our constitution and will protect america from enemies. foreign and domestic think about it the constitution says the president's job is to take care that the laws be faithfully executed. >> those are the words of our founders.
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>> take care. >> just look at the candidates kamala cares, cares about kids and families, cares about america donald only cares about himself on her first day in court kamala said five words that still guide her kamala harris, for the people that is something that donald trump will never understand so it is no surprise is it that he is lying about camilla's role? bechard. >> he's mocking her name and her laugh sounds familiar but we have him on the run now no
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matter what the polls say. >> a we can't let up we can't get driven down crazy conspiracy rabbit holes you have to fight for the truth. >> we have to fight for kamala as she will fight for us because you know what it still takes a village sure. raise a family, you kill a cadre and america needs every one of us are energy, our talents our dreams we're not just electing a president where uplifting our nation we're opening the promise of america wide enough
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for everyone together. we've put a lot of cracks in the highest, hardest glass ceiling and tonight tonight, so close to breaking through once and for all i want to tell you what i see through all those cracks and why it matters for each and every one of us what do i see? >> i see freedom i see the freedom to make our own decisions about our health, our lives our loves, our families freedom to work with dignity and prosper to war ship as we choose or not. joe speak our
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minds freely and honestly. i see freedom from fear and intimidation from violence in injustice, from chaos and corruption i see the freedom to look our children in the eye and say, in america, you can go as far as your hard work and talent will take you and mean it and you know what the other side of that glass ceiling is? kamala harris raising her hand and taking the oath of office president my friend went up barrier falls for one but boasted. it falls and clears
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the way for all of us. so for the next 78 days, we need to work hard than we ever have. we need to beat back the dangers that trump and his allies pose to the rule of law. and our way of life don't get distracted or complacent. talk to your friends and neighbors, volunteer be proud, champions for the truth and for that contrary that way he all love i want my grandchildren and their grandchildren to know i was here at this moment that we we're here and that we're with kamala harris every step of the way this is our time america, this is when we stand up that
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says wait, bright, throw future as care he, room is standing for hillary clinton, audie cornish. what do you make of what we heard? >> that's the biggest applause. i think i've ever seen her ged, including at her own convention when it started in 2016, they were upset bernie sanders, delegates who were booing some of the lawmakers who came out on stage. so to see her in this moment is actually really striking party
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is amazing aoc could not be any more different politically than hrc, but they both hit poured year and you just saw the breadth of this party, but that was the best i've seen hillary clinton do. >> and i'm proud to be a democrat summit. >> look, i think that the most important, this is all invigorating of the party and that's clear. it was like a rocket took off when primetime came. the storytelling is really important though. and some of the most moving pieces of this war, the story telling portions of it. and of course, when kamala harris came on the stage herself and that was the kind of reaction of that crowd you've got a sense that they felt like they were on the doorstep of something big. and the word week, we fight, we win came up a lot. that is a big difference between now and 2016. this is about what we can do together. it's not about the advancement of what i love
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hearing shirley chisholm same in 1960 conscience imply burn. >> carolina thank you thank you thank you very good evening riot gear. south carolina thank you for years ago americans are experiencing high anxiety and great uncertainties then the virus range schools closed businesses, shuttered donald
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trump mismanaged a crisis from day one looking out for himself instead of the country the american people responded to the crisis in leadership by elected new leaders thanks to joe biden and kamala harris we reopened our schools, brought back our businesses every stone our faith in the american can do spirit thanks to joe and kamala we reduced the price of prescription drugs repaired roads, and bridges, and replaced lead pipes thanks to joe and kamala. we are honoring our heroes in uniform and expanded benefits to over 1 million vet trump's thanks to joe and kamala. make it in
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america is no longer justice slogan, but a movement that is brennon millions of manufacturing jobs back to america president biden's lifetime of achievement in service of his don't we owe him a gray debt of gratitude and we're grateful for one of the best decisions he made. selecting kamala harris as his vice president. ben and then dawson, her to succeed? yeah hi often say that we are about to some of our experiences in the introduction of my memoir, i wrote oh my experiences have
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not been pleasant what i can say that all of them to be blessings so, it has been the case with kamala her experiences that prepared her for this moment. kamala harris is true battle tested leader. it district attorney attorney general, senator, and vice president, who gets things done well, donald trump has been bragging about how he let's turn common has been fiercely advocating for the rest of the tape rotation of reproduction freedoms well trump has been looking out for himself and as being their buddies. commonly has been fighting to lower costs for all americans and wow, trump falsely, please.
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ignorance of project 2025 which in my opinion is jim 2.0 comma has been our offering the american people in. london, proposals and visionary leadership having grown up in the past niche often look to the good book for understanding. and guidance as second corinthians in foams we are troubled on every side yet not distressed we are pre-planned but not in despair persecuted but not for second cast down. but not discharge break democracy has been tested
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and so has the basic goodness of the american people but are resolve to remain a break country with freedom and toward no perfect union united in our common purpose and in emboldened by our resolve, doing elect kamala harris tim walz, as the next president and vice president of these united states of america. thank you. and godspeed in the criminal justice system, the people are represented by two separate, yet equally important groups the police who investigate prime and the district attorneys who prosecute the defenders this is the story of donald trump entire life,
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shrunk his belief above the law. >> but no one would ever dare hold them accountable realize he rips off workers, be sexually abused his women hey, when your star they let you do it you can do anything. he cheats in business he cheated on his wife with a porn star and paid her off. so the american people wouldn't find out during an alaska election but in the criminal justice system ordinary americans have had the courage to find them accountable. time and time again, guilty lt. guilty, donald trump, guilty on all 34 felony counts for the first time in history, we have a convicted felon running for president and to, take on this case we need a president who has spent her life prosecuting perpetrators like overturning georgia's free beryl election. >> i just want to find 11,000 11,780 he's trying to escape
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any responsibility for instigating the daniel perry sixth attack on our capitol were going to walk down to the capitol. and i'll be there with you if elected. trump has promised to over return laws that would keep them accountable and exact retribution on anyone he considers an enemy. even warning of a bloodbath if he doesn't get his way we the people have a chance to render our own verdict on donald trump or the jewelry he fears when we built this november we vote for justice accountability. and the rule of law that keeps america please welcome maryland rep. representative jamie raskin
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hello. and welcome to the democracy convention welcome to the freedom convention and thank you. for the beautiful weather. chicago it's been a little rough on capitol hill where it's not just the heat, it's the stupidity now, we
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meet in this great city tonight where abraham lincoln was nominated in 18, 60 to save the union from fanatical insurrectionists and we're franklin d roosevelt was renominated by democrats in 1942 defeat fascist dictators now we fight in our time to defend our freedom and our democracy against the banana republicans who have converted lincoln's party into a dangerous, cult of personality you know, i'll never forget the pounding on the doors of the house chamber on january 6
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were the screams to follow hundreds of our police officers taunted and attacked good in 40 of them wounded by extremist wielding a baseball bats. steel pipes even a american flags five people died that day. and for more of our officers took their own lives in the days and weeks to come all of this after trump was defeated by more than 7 million votes by the great joe biden it was after 80 judges rejected every ridiculous claim raised by this store loser who does not know how to take no, for an answer sure from american voters american courts or american
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women remember. what the mob chanted as they stormed the capitol and injured are officers? >> hang mike pence someone should have told donald trump that the president's job under article two of the constitution someone should have told dumb, i'm from that the president's job under article two of the constitution is to take care that the laws are faithfully executed, not that the vice president is executed pence has now joined more than two dozen
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officials from donald trump's own administration in denouncing him and historical record and pence is the first vice president in more than two centuries not to support the president he served with in a general election and by the way, jd he vance. do you understand why there was a sudden job opening for running mate on the gop ticket? they tried to kill your predecessor they tried to kill him because he would not follow trump's plan to destroy and nullify the votes of millions of americans. your votes pennsylvania you're votes. michigan your votes georgia, nevada, arizona are
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we, going. to go back to the days of election suppression and violent insurrection we're not, going back we'll work one week after that. >> beautiful day is trump calls it the republicans, ten republicans joined all of the democrats to impeach trump for the worst high crime and misdemeanor ever committed by a president in being insurrection against our own constitution? >> make no mistake a man who used his fraud, theft and
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violence to take power, commit any crime, to keep it now trump's promising to pardon hundreds of his fellow criminal convict, an insurrectionists he calls for quote, the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles even those in the constitution my friends are we the people going to let donald trump terminate? our constitution and obliterate the blessings of liberty for our posterity that's right. we're going to elect kamala harris we're going to elect the career prosecutor and
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inspiring public servant and coach walz, and we're going to defeat donald trump. the career criminal and incorrigible resisted of this con man and his pet chameleon, j.d. vance and america let's make it a landslide so big that donald trump and his kangaroo courts supreme in court justices, cannot even try to steal land let's make every vote count. let's make sure every vote is counted. let's lead freedom ring, and let's lead democracy see work in america please
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welcome texas representative jasmine crockett. >> yeah. >> nation will fire a president commander and leader of the free world. >> so let's compare their resume. shall we won candidate worked at? mcdonald's? while
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she was in college at an hbcu a2 the? >> other was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and helped his daddy in the family business indiscriminate nation that is she became a career prosecutor while he became a career criminal that. starts approving all right entire career as an elected district attorney attorney general, and senator she's always worked for one client the people may wow, he's a 78 lifelong predator, fraudster shaked,
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known for inciting violent mobs less than yom he's only looked out for one person himself as women are dying. he is bragging about overturning roe. and you know, i come from texas and right now in texas come. on say. right now and sachs is they want to institute the death penalty that is a problem while kamala, harris is fighting for our reproductive rights to be restored later we need on the global stage she helped secure the release of americans wrongfully detained in russia but he calls his role model vladimir putin and maga
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holes legislation hostage here at home, critical resources to secure the border, military aid to ukraine bill live the american dream well, he's been america's nightmare america looking at the two choices before you, who would you hire donald trump kamala harris the resume donald trump had the rap sheet over the. city well, he keeps our national secrets next to his thinking chair y'all
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know what i say that other time lag. ago. >> well, donald trump wants to put our 17, 87 i'm in constitution through his project 2025, paper shredder and make every day, january 6 kamala harris is fighting to fulfill the promise of america in the real world this wouldn't even be close but this election is don't make a mistake. >> we are the underdogs in this fight even though there's only one person qualified, only one person who's done the work and who is delivered the results and she needs, you she needs your one vote this november can we count on you some of, you
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know, a little bit of my history, some of you don't. so let me tell you. >> i was a public defender i did, criminal defense as well as practice civil rights law for almost two decades. >> good prosecutor, when i see one kamala harris is the kind of prosecutor we long for in the cases like those of brionna taylor yeah she was the first attorney general in the nation. >> so order her officers wear body cams and she started the back on track program to reduce recidivism missing all she did all these things because she genuinely cares about people
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she sees each person as just that a person not a statistic she's proven that since the first day she stepped into a courtroom and say it was already heard him to resign. i did not copy off of her speech. >> i just want shot to know she walked into that courtroom and say it kamala harris, for the people and she meant that many of you know her credentials but what i love about kamala harris goes beyond her resume is that she sees the humanity in everyone she's the only candidate in this race who is capable of empathy when i first got to congress i wasn't sure i made the right decision the chaos caucus couldn't elect a speaker. >> and the oversight committee was unhinged. i was going
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through all of this when i visited the vice president's residence for the first time as i approached vice president harris for our official photo she turned to me and asked what's wrong mind you, we'd never met but she saw right through me she saw that a stress i immediately began crying and the most powerful woman in the world, white months, years, and listen so
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for me to sentencer she said, among other things, you are exactly where god wants you your district shows you because they believe in you. >> and so to why the next i went viral for the first of many times to come we're heading republicans with a dose of their own medicine that brief but impactful insurrection gave me my legislative legs and up and running ever since the question before we'll have been dictum
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bile villain violate voters vision i hear a little russians are back in south we deserve better. we deserve a president who can be a bright light in a sea of darkness one who will put us, who will pull us forward because we won't go back amanda gorman said it best. there is always light. if only we are brave enough to see it if only we are brave enough to be it kamala harris, show me that light and america, when she is our president together,
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we will shine as that beacon of hope and freedom around the world once more. god bless this is one of our willow boxes. >> this is the outfit she was going to maybe wear home from the hospital blanket that she was the 54 years they were trying to get roe v. wade term khamenei, and i did it and i'm proud to have done it i was punished for three days having to wait for either my baby he to die, or me did i are both i
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was stuck in this horrific hell of both wanting to hear her heartbeat and also hoping i wouldn't it has to be some form of punishment for the woman that has to be some form i almost died because doctors were forced to follow trump's abortion ban kamala will protect a woman's right to choose way, trust women to make decisions about their i have. so much faith in her and when congress passes law to restore reproductive freedoms, as president of the united states, i will sign it into law we have to fight for kamala harris. >> our rights or freedoms. >> and frankly, our lives everything is on the line.
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>> when you're expecting a baby, packing for the hospital should be a joyful moment for us. it was different we were told with 100% certainty, we would lose our baby girl, willow, and we were sent home for three days. we waited until amanda was sick enough. the receive standard abortion care eventually, amanda's temperature spiked she was shaking disoriented, and crashing i don't remember what i threw into our bag that day only that instead of welcoming willow i was hoping a man does life could be saved i'm here tonight because the fight for reproductive rights isn't just a woman's fight. this is about
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fighting this is about fighting for our families and is commonly harris says future every time i share our story my heartbreaks for the baby girl we wanted desperately for the doctors and nurses who couldn't help me deliver her safely. >> for josh, who feared he would lose me to but i was lucky i live so i'll, continue sharing our story. standing with women and families across the country today. because of donald trump. >> more than one in three women
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of reproductive age in america lives under an abortion ban a second trump term would rip away even more of our rights passing a national abortion ban letting states monitor pregnancies and prosecute doctors restricting birth control and fertility treatments we cannot let that happen we need to vote as if lives depend on it because they do two years ago. >> my husband and i were expecting our second child our daughter, loren, couldn't wait to be a big sister i was
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getting ready for her fourth birthday party when something didn't feel right to emergency rooms, sent me away because of louisiana's abortion ban, no one would confirm that i was miscarrying i was in pain bleeding so much. my husband feared for my life no woman should experience what i endured. but to many have they write to me saying, what had been a, you happen to me. sometimes there are miscarrying, scared to tell anyone even their doctors our daughters deserve better america deserves better kamala harris and tim walz will fight for reproductive rights in our freedom and our shared future
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growing up i was an all-american girl varsity soccer captain cheerleading captain, homecoming queen and survivor i was raped by my step father after years of sexual abuse at age 12 i took my first pregnancies has and it was positive that was the first time i was ever told you, have options i can't imagine not having a choice but today, that's the reality for many women and girls across the country because of donald trump's abortion bans he calls
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it a beautiful thing what is so beautiful about a child having to carry her parents, child there are other survivors out there who have no options and i want you to know that we see you. >> we hear you harris sign a national law to restore the right to an abortion she will fight for every woman in every
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girl even those who are not fighting for her now i am honored to introduce another champion for women a leader who has fought for me and for so many others governor andy beshear e duvall is one of the
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bravest people i've ever met i'm amazed at the courage it takes to share her pain to share her truth. yet donald trump brags about tearing a constitutional right away from hadley and every other woman and girl in our country. that's why we must tear away any chance he can ever be president, ever again in 21 states. trump's actions have resulted in extreme bans on abortion in my state even in cases of rape incest, and non-viable pregnancies that leaves 12-year-old girls like hadley with no options. that fails any test of humanity, any
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test of basic decency, any test of whether you have any underlying empathy thankfully, this extremism is being soundly rejected all over our country in kentucky. >> we put reproductive freedom on the ballot last november and ib donald trump and mitch it's mcconnell's hand candidate by more than five percentage points this november we're going to beat them again kamala harris it's him walz and protect reproductive freedom folks. >> donald trump appointed the supreme court justice this is who got us into this mess. his project 2025 goes even further
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here's the thing. >> trump and vance simply don't believe in your freedom trump says people are absolutely thrilled that women had their basic rights eliminated j.d. >> vance says, women should stay in violent marriages and the pregnancies resulting from rapes are simply inconvenience their policies give rapists more rights than their victims that's not inconvenient. it's just plain wrong and a woman grieving a non-viable pregnancy shouldn't be required to carry it to term, just to listen to her child die or to hear no sound at all all women should have the freedom to make their own decisions freedom over
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their own bodies freedom about whether to pursue ivf, freedom, about whether to have children at all how we treat people transcends party lines. it goes right to the heart of who we are my faith teaches me the golden rule that i'm to love my neighbor as myself in the parable of the good samaritan says, we are all each other's neighbors sought want anyone watching tonight? republican independent, democrat to know that you are welcome here we believe in an america where we live out, our values in anger politics once and for all and move beyond this, us versus them damn by remembering we are
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all americans hello joe biden and kamala harris lead they both call to ask how they could help kentucky in recovering from natural disasters. they helped us improve our roads, our bridges. an invested in our people they didn't ask me who kentuckian's voted for. they asked me what kentuckian's needed and folks, they delivered kamala harris gets it she knows we must move beyond anger, extremism, and division. that everyone has dignity and deserves respect america. we're going to win and we're going
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to win by staying true to our values of compassion empathy, and doing right by our neighbors. i'm so proud to be he all in for the next president of the united states, kamala harris. thank you please welcome georgia senator raphael warnock
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>> america thank you so very much on january 5, 2021 the people of georgia did an amazing thing they said a black kid who grew up in public housing and the jewish son of an immigrant to the united states senate in one fell swoop among those georgians was my then 82-year-old mother she grew up in waycross, georgia.
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do you know where that is his way across georgia she grew up and waycross, georgia where she picked other people's cut another people's tobacco but because this is america, the 82-year-old hands that used to pick somebody else's continent, somebody else's tobacco, picked her youngest son to be a united states senator this is my american thank you, mom thank you. georgia thank you, america. for raising your voice and using your vote. a vote is a kind of prayer for the world we desire for ourselves and for our
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children, and our prayers are stronger when we pray together so together together we flip the senate hell, the house and we said joe biden and kamala harris to the white house together together, we vaccinated our citizens. >> we florida fired our cities and our tomes, and we stood by our small businesses together. we set out he'll the land a nation besieged by a deadly pandemic and beset by the awful land divisive rhetoric of a man too small for the office in
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trusted him, or the task set before it the day after my january 5 election he instigated an insurrection a violent assault on our nation's capital and the peaceful transfer of power all driven by the big lie. >> but behind the big lie wasn't even bigger live it is the lie that this increasingly diverse american electorate does not get to determine the future of the country the law and the logic of january 6 is a sickness it is a kind of cancer that been metastasized into dozens of voter suppression
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laws all across our country and we must be vigilant tonight because these anti democratic forces are at work right now in georgia and all across our country and the question is who will heal the land and so here we are, america. are you ready you're ready to stand up in this moral moment? stand up for the best in the american covenant elections are about the character of a country and we must disarm again, we are the latest generation of americans who get to decide what kind of country we want to be and we must choose between the promise of january 5 and
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the peril of january 6 a nation that embraces a nation that embraces all of us or just some of us donald trump's america is the america of january 6, people who have no vision are traffic, and division he does not know how to lead us and so he wants to divide us america, make no mistake. >> donald trump is a plague on the american conscience he is a fresh, he is a clear and present threat to the precious covenant we share with one another and yes, i saw him i saw him holding the bible and
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endorsing a bible as if it needed his endorsement he's your trial reading it it says, do justice, love, kindness, and walk humbly with your god. he should try reading it. it says london made neighbor as yourself, and says in as much as you've done unto the least of these, you have done it also onto me the american covenant deplorables want him out of many one, i choose january 5. i choose a nation that provides a
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path. ordinary people and gives every child a chance and that's joe biden's america and he's been fighting for it for more than a half century president biden, america is so much better because of you are true patriot who has always put the people first thank you thank not only is that joe
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biden's america, that's kamala harris is america she was leading with joe biden when we expanded the child tax credit cutting child poverty in america nearly in half we ought to renew it she cast the tie-breaking vote for my bill capping the cost of insulin to no more than $35 per month for seniors we ought to extend it to everybody. >> together. we pass. an infrastructure bill, bolstered american manufacturing and clean energy, energy and investment in the house that we all share together i've got news for you. we are just getting started kamala harris
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i'm tim walz represent the new way forward we're going back remember going back because we are the united states of america, we always dream about the future and so far on women's reproductive rights, because we believe that a patient's room is too small and cramped, a space for a woman, her doctor, and the united states government, that's too many people in the room ford on worker rights because most people do not man
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working. they just want a share in the prosperity that they are creating father's for what on voting rights for affordable housing, access to health care we are moving forward and so i'm inspired tonight i'm inspired by all of you i'm inspired by the resilience of an american spirit that is rebounded from the pandemic and is holding at bay the forces that are trying to divide us. >> and i'm inspired tonight by the memory of my late father a preacher and a jump man monday through friday. he lifted all broken cars and put them on the
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back of an old rig what on sunday morning, the man who lived at broken cars lifted broken people whom other people had discard it and told him that day what god somebody my dad discovered strengthen the broken places a p.o.w. it made perfect in weakness. and so i'm convinced tonight that we can lift the broken even as we climb i'm convinced that we can heal sick bodies. we can heal the wounds that divide us we can kill a planet in peril. we can heal the land and then a strange way in a strange way
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the pandemic taught us how contagious airborne disease means that i have a personal stake in the health of my neighbor if she's sick at may get sick, also, her health care is good for my health angus trying to tell you that we are as close in our humanity as a call i need my neighbor's children to be okay so that my children will be okay. i need all of my neighbor's children to be okay inner city children in atlanta and poor children of ap malaysia, i need the poor children of israel children of gaza, need israelis and palestinians in the cargo those in hold truck to be okay?
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let's work together together together god please welcome. >> delaware senator chris coons good evening. good evening, america good evening. chicago.
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are there any democrats in the room tonight we are on the verge of making history. we are on the verge of an historic election. and i want to talk with you for just a few minutes. about my dear friend, our president joe biden joe biden's mom had a sane you are defined by your courage and your redeemed by your loyalty four years ago, i had the honor of helping introduce joe biden to our national convention. i spoke about joe's faith his love of family his determination to restore the soul of our nation back in 2020 america was nearly flat on our back from a deadly pandemic. an
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economic collapse and then in january and assault on our democracy all of us all of this because the drama and chaos of our former president had knocked us down but folks joe biden's courage, joe biden's faith in us joe biden's determination to heal the soul of our nation gave us hope and gave us confidence someone who has himself. been knocked down by life time. >> and again joe biden knows the grit and determination of the american people he believed in us. >> and joe biden helped us get back up again using the
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incredible skills he developed. in many years in the u.s senate joe got passed and signed into law. the most consequential legislation of any president in 60 years. helping our veterans advancing gun-safety, cutting prescription drug prices fighting climate change rebuilding bridges and broadband bringing manufacturing back to america together joe and kamala help rebuild our economy from the middle up from the bottom and the middle out, not from the top down and they made our families safer and our country stronger at home and abroad today, we are so much better off because they believed in us and our democracy and our incredible first lady jill biden are incredible first lady
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jill biden all are incredible first lady, jill biden was that jerk? >> every step of the way fighting for education advancing the cancer moonshot, determined to improve women's health care. honoring military families joe and jill together, you have done so much for us. and there's so much more you will do. and we can do together mr. president thank you thank you. for elevating a great leader in kamala harris vice president harris. >> thank you for choosing a
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great running mate with a heart for the middle class like yours. in sargent congressmen coach governor tim walz i have hope do you have do you do you it is in. no small part because of joe biden i have never known a more compassionate man than joe biden. i have never known a man who has taken from his own loss and his own faith and delivered so much for the future of so many others mr. president mr. president you were mine, senator, as the
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delawarean. you are my president as an american and you will always be my friend on behalf of our nation, joe for your courage in fighting for our democracy. >> we thank you on behalf of our democratic party for your loyalty in fighting for our democratic values. >> we thank you. and on behalf of delaware. thank you. joe and god bless you. >> we love you we love joe. joe love joey we love thank you
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all. we love joe. god bless you and thank you very much. >> hi. >> i'm given where it well, name of fourth-grade student at kristen will call i've been dancing around all week, excited for this moment and last night, i could barely sleep i remember the day that we heard that president biden should one and the whole neighbourhoods started celebrating so when i heard you were coming, i really wanted to meet you i adore you because you embrace change from my generation and the ones to come. i look up to you now it
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is my honor to introduce our first lady, dr. jill biden please welcome first lady of the united states jill biden thanks thank you thank you so
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much. love you too joe and i have been together for almost 50 years and still there are moments when i fall in love with him all over again like when i handed him our baby actually, for the first time and saw the smile that lit up his face or on nights after an exhausting day in working in the senate when he would read one more bedtime story, just because the kids asked when he
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stuffs on a rope line because he sees someone grieving who needs to know that everything is going to be all right one day or to encourage that child with a stutter to find the confidence she needs those moments when i'm reminded of all he's accomplished in the name of something bigger than himself receiving the medal of freedom with you, melody placing his hand on our family bible to take his oath of office and weeks ago, when i saw him dig deep into his soul and decide to no longer seek
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reelection. and endorsed kamala harris with faith and conviction. joe knows that our nation's strength doesn't come from intimidation or cruelty it comes from the small acts of kindness that heal deep wounds from service to the communities that make us who we are trump glove of a country that shines with promise and renewal kamala harris knows that too our son beau first work with kamala when he was attorney general of delaware he
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told me at the dinner table one night mom she's special someone to keep your eye on and he was right you and i know kamala. we have seen her courage, her determination, and her leadership up close kamala and tim you will win you are inspiring. >> i knew generation we are all a part of something bigger than ourselves. and we are stronger than we know the future of our country is in the hands of those in this room. and all of
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you watching at home it's going to take all of us and we can't afford to lose with faith in each other. hope for brighter future, and love for our country we will fight and we will win to gather please welcome. >> first daughter, ashley biden
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good. >> evening i have this memory it's the eve of my eighth birthday dad is still in dc tending to urgent matters, in the senate that night. >> as a surprise, mom to told me beau and hunter to get in the car i remember pulling up to the wilmington amtrak station riding up the escalator to the platform the train stops doors open, and dad steps out as soon as i saw him, i run down that platform and jump into his arms like magic. mom brought out a cake. >> they sang happy birthday and i blew out the candles dead, hugged me and he said that he had to get back to work he crossed to the southbound train and off he went to dc that was
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a snapshot of one moment of one day on this extraordinary journey of being joe biden's daughter joe biden is the og girl dad he told me i could be anything i could do anything as a child, i would sit on the leather chair in his office during my homework and he would sit next to me doing his work drafting the violence against women act any wasn't just a girl dad i could see any wasn't just a girl dad. >> i could see that he valued
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and trusted women how he listened to his mother, how he believed in his sister and most of all, how he respected my mother's career dad was always there doing everything he could to be a true partner to her dad. you always tell us, but we don't tell you enough that you are the love of our lives and the life of our love i had my wedding reception in my parents backyard at the time, my dad was vice president but he was also that dad who literally set up the entire reception he was
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riding around in his john deere four wheeler fixing the place settings, arranging the plants. and by the way, he was very emotional. i thought that i would be a mess, but he was the one crying i was the one who had to comfort him before you walk me down the aisle. he turned to me and said that he would always be my best friend all these years later, dad, you are still my best friend his example service inspired my career i'm a social worker in philadelphia i support formerly incarcerated women as they heal from past drama and they reclaim their lives dad always
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told me that i was no better than anybody else and nobody was better than me. he taught me that everyone deserves a fair shot and that we shouldn't leave anyone behind. that's what you learned from a fighter who has been underestimated his entire life when i look at dad, i see grace strength and humility i see one of the most consequential leaders ever in history i also know that he never stopped thinking about, you, about your dreams, about your dignity, about your opportunities about your family dad knows that family is everything when a
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hunter and i lost our brother, beau to cancer in 2015, the grief and the pain felt like it might never end dad had the capacity to step out of his own pain and absorb are and i know that bow is here with us tonight as he is always with us. after voepass i got this tattoo on my wrist. it says courage, dear heart a reminder to myself to keep going to get backed up. like my dad has always done he has taught me that a courageous heart is a miraculous thing a courageous heart can heal a family a courageous heart can heal a nation. and maybe even the world now this election
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requires the courageous parts of all of us in 2020, my dad selected kamala harris to beat donald trump and he knows in 2024, she will beat donald trump again so tonight, i am asking you if you stood with us in 2020 call upon your courageous heart. stand with us today. work harder than you have ever worked before in your life. this is the fight of our lifetime. are freedom, our democracy, our reproductive rights all of this, all of it
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is on the ballot. and i know together we can do this because my dad helped show us the way and now i would like to introduce my father. you're 46 president of united states joe biden
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ll right thank you.
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>> thank you my daughter all
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right. thank you for one my daughter, ashley god, love you
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thank grid or duction re mike, courageous, hard wall, hunter, and our entire family and especially iraq. jill those who you know is she still leads me both breathless and speechless. >> everybody knows her. i love her more g loves me she walks down the stairs and i still got that gun. boom, boom, boom. you all know be no, i'm not kidding let's give a special round of applause. our first lady, jill biden my dad my dad used to
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have an expression for real joy families, the be getting the middle, and the end and i love you all and america i love, you let me ask you let me ask you are ready to vote for freedom
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we're ready to go for democracy and for america let me ask you, are ready to elect kamala harris and tim walz my fellow democrats my fellow americans nearly four years ago can wager on the steps of the capital on a cold january day. >> i raised my right hand and i swore an oath to you and you've god to preserve protect, and defend the constitution and the face execute the office of the president, united states front of me in front of me was the city surrounded by the national guard behind me?
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>> a capital. just two weeks before about to ron by a violent mob what i knew from the bottom of my heart that i do now there is no place in america for political violence or non you cannot say you love your country only when you win that moment. >> i was looking to the past. i was looking to the future i spoke to the work at hand but mobile, we had to me it was i told you then a winter of peril and possibility of peril and possibility where are the grip of a once in a century pandemic
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historic joblessness a call for racial justice long overdue i'm present threat to our very democracy thank you no i believed then i believe now the progress was and his possible justice as a cheeto able on our best days are not behind us. >> therapy for us now, it's summer. >> the winter has passed and we're grateful heart i stand
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before you now on, this august night to report that democracy is prevail democracy democracy has delivered and now democracy must be preserved you've heard me. >> say before we're facing an inflection point 0.1 of those rare moments in history. where the decisions we make now will determine the fate of our nation and the world. for decades to come. that's not hyperbole. i mean, literally we're in a battle for the soul of america are ran for president in 2020 because what i saw in charlottesville in august of 2017 extremist coming
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out of the woods carrying torches their veins bulging from there next carrying nazi swastikas and can do the same exact and i submitted bile that was heard and germany and early 30s neo nazis, white supremacist the ku klux klan so emboldened by a president that in the white house but they saw as an ally they didn't even bother to wear their hoods hey, who was on the march in america? >> oh, gross in new garments stirring up the oldest divisions stoking the oldest fears giving oxygen to the oldest forces that they've long
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sought to tear apart america in the process. >> a young woman was killed my contact her mother asked about what happened. she told me when the president was asked what he thought had happened, donald trump said, and i quote there are very fine people on both sides by god that is what he said and what he meant. that's what i realized. had listened to the admonition my dead son, i could not stay in the sidelines sorry. desired no intention of running again? i just lost part of my soul when i ran with the deep conviction in america i know and believe in an america where honesty
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dignity, decency still matter and america were everyone has a fair shot. and hate has no safe harbor america where the funded amount created this station all of us are created equal, is still very much alive and abroad coalition of americans joined with me 81 million voters voted for us time in history because of all of you in this room and others. we came together in 2020 to save democracy as your president i've been determined to keep
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america moving forward not going back the stand against hate and violence at all its forms to be a nation where we not only live with but thrive on diversity demonizing, no one leaving, no one behind and become a nation. and we profess to be i also ran to rebuild the backbone of america the middle class i made a commitment to eu be present for all americans whether you voted for me or not we have done that study, show the major bills we are passed actually delivered board or red states and blue because the job
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of the president is deliver to the american because of you no not exaggerated because of you we've had a lot of those extraordinary four years of progress ever period well, i say we i mean, cropland me yes. >> thank you. bother curl, would no longer controls our live regard from economic crisis to the strongest economy the entire world record 16 million new jobs record small-business growth record high stock market record high for one case, wages up, inflation down, way down, and continuing to go down the
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smallest racial wealth gap in 20 years and yes we both know we have more to do but we're moving in the right direction more americans, at peace of mind that comes from having health insurance more americans have health insurance today than ever before in american history and after as a young senator, beginning to fight you got into flight for 50 years to give medicare power to negotiate lower prescription drug prices we finally beat big pharma and guess you cast the tie-breaking vote vice president shouldn't be
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president kamala harris now it's the, law of the land instead of paying $400 a month for insulin and senior to diabetes will pay 35 a month the law we passed already closing started in january. every seniors total prescription costs can be kept at $2,000 no matter how expensive the drugs they had well we now focused on on our republican friends don't seem to understand hard for him, don't just save seniors money. they say the american taxpayers money you know, we just passed save it said 260 billion over the next decade that's not hyperbole it's because medicare no longer has to pay those exorbitant prices to the
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big pharma thank you kamala how could we have the strongest economy in the world without the best infrastructure in the world donald trump promised infrastructure week every week for four years and he never build a thing now because we're calm live done remember we were told we couldn't get it done. remember when he gave into office, we couldn't get anything passed right now, give me an american infrastructure decade, not weak we're
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modernizing our roads, our bridges, our ports are for our trades are bustling rebuilding every lead pipe from schools and homes. so every child can drink clean water rodney, to affordable high-speed internet. for every american in the matter where they live, unlike not unlike, but roosevelt did with electricity and, so much more we are united the country we're growing our economy improving our quality of life and we're building a better america disaster. we are hopefully be the strongest nation in the world now, leading the world in science and technology after years oh, important, 90% of our semiconductor chips from abroad which america invented. those
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chips are chips and science act now to private companies from around the world. are now investing literally tens of billions of dollars to build new chip factories right here in america i've cared though craig tens of thousands of jobs in may, those jobs and so-called fabs the building that make the chips as being constructed. now guess what? the average salary those fabs size of a football field will be over $100,000 a year and you don't need a college degree because if you and so many electeds out there america manufacturers back where they'll to say we wouldn't lead the world of manufacturing
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hundred thousand new manufacturing jobs all republican friends and others made sure they go abroad to get the cheapest labor we used to import products and export jobs now we export american products and creating american jobs right here in america or jobs belong we're every new job would ever you do fractured pride and hope is being brought back to communities throughout the country that were left behind you know, you're from him, many of you, you know what it's like when that factory closed? >> or your mother, your father, your grandmother, grandfather work. and now you're back providing once again, proving a wall street didn't build america. the middle class built america and unions built the
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middle class it's been my views as i came to the senate that's why i'm proud to have been the first president to walk a picket line it'd be labeled most pro union president in history. and i accepted because you just do well, we all do well you've got to you gotta i
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agree. i'm proud remember, told we couldn't get anything done because we couldn't get anything done in congress were their support we passed the most significant climate law in the history of mankind $370 billion cutting carbon emissions in half by 2030 launch in a climate corps. similar america or peace corps, pretty tens of thousands of jobs for young people in the future. we're going to make sure this continues hundreds of thousands of jobs and clean energy for american workers and including the ibew and installing 500,000 500,000 charging stations across in the
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process reducing carbon emissions and we're seeing it we're seeing to it that the first beneficiaries, environmental initiatives are those fenceline communities that have been smothered by the legacy of pollution louisiana and delaware road nine all factors, all those chemical factors are right next to the poorest neighborhoods they are the ones we're going to bring back and how would be the greatest nation in the world about the best education system in the world donald trump at a republican friends, and not only can think they can't read very well so garcia, think about it. look at their project
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2025 want to do away the part of education would during the pandemic common law help states and cities get back there, scholes back open and we gave public school teachers a raise we created apprenticeships his businesses and communities, put his students on a path of good play job, whether or not they go to college i by the way, we're making college a hell a lot more affordable increasing pell grants by $900 over $15 billion to hbcus already serving hispanic institution travel collagen we kept our commitment to provide more student relief in every by lifting the burden of helping
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millions of families so they could get married, start a family, buy a home, and began to bill family wealth and contribute to the community and grow our economy it's not costing us, it's grady more wealth we fundamentally transformed our, transformed our economy grows from the middle-out and the bottom up. instead, as the top down you know my dad, you said that wasn't a whole hell of a lot to dropped down my kitchen table at the end of the month i come from basic middle-class family three-bedroom house for kids, grandpop, living with his decent neighborhood. but never a penny to despair and look at top-down notion. never work a lot of democrats didn't get worse, but both thought it worked, but it doesn't and when we did all that what we've done everybody can do well,
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everybody donald trump calls america failing nation but think about this think about this he publicly says that the whole world, i'm going to say something outrageous. i know more foreign leaders by their first names and know them weldon, anybody live? just because i'm so old and i'm not joking they get a message he sends around the world he talks about america being a fairly nation. he says, we're losing he's the loser. he's dead wrong many of you are very successful. people will travel the world naimi, country in the world that doesn't think we're the leading nation in the world
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without america not a joke. think about it. i being literal who could lead the world, whether the united states of america? well, guess what? america is winning and the world is better off for it merrick and more prosperous and, america, safe here today, than runner donald trump. trump continues to lie about crime in america. like everything else guess what? on his watch. their murder rate went up 30%. the biggest increase in history meanwhile we made the largest investment common lie in public safety ever now the murder rate is falling faster than any time in history violent crime has dropped to the lowest level of more than 50 years i'm, crime. okay. keep coming down. when we put a prosecutor in the oval office instead of a convicted felon folks singly, senator
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from the sea, senator from california. >> and i passed the first ban on assault weapons and, guess what it works if we care about public safety, we need to prevent gun violence will makes me a shame when i've traveled the world, which i do more, children in america are joe by a gunshot than any other cause in the united states or die from, a bullet and cancer accidents shredded the yell. and the united states, in american my god that's right.
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>> common higher proud we beat the nra when we passed the first major bipartisan gun safety law in 30 years i'm sure that comes from here and now it's time to ban assault weapons again and demand universal background checks it's hard i never thought i'd stand before a crowd of democrats refer to a president is a liar so many times. >> not i'm not trying to be funny it's sad trump continues to lie about the border here's what he won't tell you trump killed the strongest bipartisan border deal in the history, united states now, we
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negotiated with senate republicans, took four months for weeks wants it passed and every acknowledged those expansive border change in american history he called senators to say, don't support the bipartisan bill. because he said it would help me politically and hurt him politically my god, no, i'm serious. think about it. not a job asking you the presser doesn't like me. they'll tell you that's true typically trump once again putting himself first and america last that i had to take executive action result of the executive action i took border encounters have dropped over 50% in fact, there are fewer border crossing today than when donald trump left office. and unlike trump
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we will not demonize immigrants saying they're poison the blood of america poison the blood, of our country probably are committed to strengthening illegal immigration, including protecting dreamers and more and here's what else i believe in protecting your freedom your freedom to vote they're afraid, rule, love, who you love and your freedom to choose here's decision over. attorney roe v wade. had you heard earlier than i united states supreme court majority wrote the following quote women are not without electrical was not
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allowed. is there's not without electoral electoral or political power no, kidding maga republic has found out the power of women in 2022 donald trump is going to find out the power rebutted 2024 number trump his maga republicans, right? >> where's seek your race history. we democrats continue to write history and make more history i'm proud i'm proud to have kept my commitment to appoint the first black woman to the united states supreme court taraji brown. jackson
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took over every young woman in america you can do anything i'm proud i've kept my commitment to having ministration. it looks like america and taps invoke town of our nation most diverse cabinet in history including the first black woman and south asian descent to serve as vice president i will serve as the 47th president, united states thank you kamala i've long
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said. >> we have many obligations as a nation. >> when i got in trouble years ago for saying i'd make no apologies we have only one truly sacred obligation. to prepare and equip those we send to war and care for them and their families when they come home. and when they don't that's right. >> so proud that i've written and signed the pact act the most significant laws ever helping veterans and their families exposed to toxic materials like burn pits and agent orange hours around during the vietnam war it's hard. nobody was able to prove that there's illness was the consequences of agent orange no one was able to prove initially that because they lived in burn
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pits like my son didn't live next to iraq for a year that is the cause of their illness but because of the pact act a surviving spouse to two children is now eligible for a stipend about $3,000 a month and those children lost a parent are eligible for tuition benefits to go to college and to get job training it's already up and over 1 million veterans and their families just so far well i love them and i haven't by so proud of my son service we get it but guess who doesn't get him and none respect our veterans we know from his own chief of staff and four-star general john kelly a trump win in europe would not go to the
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grave sites in one of the france the brave service members who gave their lives in this country. he called them suckers and losers, who the hell does he think he is who does he think he is? there's no words for personal they are not the words of version not worthy of being the commander in chief period, not then. not now. not ever i mean that from the bottom of my heart just as though commander in chief should ever bow down to a dictator. >> the white trump bows down to putin i never have. and i promise you kamala harris will never do it, will never bow
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when trump left office europe and nato was in tatters not a joe america first doctrine changed our whole image in the world why spend gave the hours about 190 hours sum total my counterparts are heads of state in europe to strengthen nato we did we're united europe like that. >> van united for years. adding finland and sweden to nato ten days before he died, henry kissinger called and said, not since not since napoleon has europe not looked over their shoulder, russia with dread until now? until now well, guess what putin thought he take kyiv in three days, three
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years later ukraine is still free when i. came, to office the conventional wisdom was the chinese would inevitably surpass the united states they haven't noticed no one saying that now no keep working to bring hostages home. and end the war in gaza and bring peace and security as you know, i wrote us peace treaty for gaza few days ago, i put forward a proposal that have brought us closer to doing that. we've done since october 7 we're
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working around the clock. my secretary of state ran a wider war and reunite hostages with their families. and surge humanitarian health and food assistance into gaza. now the civilian suffering of the palestinian people and finally, finally, finally, deliver a ceasefire in this war most brushed those protesters out in the street. they have a point a lot of innocent people are being killed on both sides jessie we worked around the clock to bring home wrongfully detained americans and others from russia one of the most complicated swaps in history
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but their home or going to keep working. all americans wrongfully detained around the world i made it folks i've got five months left in my presidency i've got a lot to do. i intend to get it done sorry john serve as your president i love the job but i love my country more i love my country all this talk about how i'm angry all those people said i should step down it's not true i love my country more
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renewed to preserve our democracy in 2024 we need you to vote we need you to keep the senate he's, you know, went back now it's representatives we need you to beat donald trump president and vice treasurer, united states of america no continue to lead america forward. >> creating more jobs standing up for workers growing economy lower the cost american families. so they just have a little more breathing room
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we've made incredible processor progress. we have more work to do and comma and tim will continue to take on corporate grade and bring down cost of food no, keep taking on big pharma are making insulin $35 a month, not just for seniors, but for everyone in america kathy prescription drug costs a total of $2,000, not just for seniors, but for everyone in folks that's going to save america again tens of billions of dollars folks now they cowsay more affordable building 3 million new homes providing $25,000 down downpayment assistance for first-time home buyer more than
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the ten may approved donald trump wants new tax on imported goods food, gas clothing, and more you know what that would cost the average family according to the experts $3,900 a year and attacks know, that's a fact kamala and ten will make the childcare tax rate a permanent lifting millions of children out of poverty, and helping minutes of families get ahead know. trump has he put the car grades the largest, get any president hadn't four years where there's $2 tax cut for the wealthy well, trump has a new plan he wants to prior to $5 billion tax cut for corporations very wealthy raided put us further in debt
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and folks you know, we have 1,000 chilean we have 1,000 billionaires in america know what their average tax rate they pay a 0.2 if we just increase their taxes, we proposed the 25%, which is the highest tax rate even it would raise 500 billion new dollars over ten years they'd still be very wealthy look kamala and tim you're going to make him pay their fair share they'll protect social security, medicare trump wants to cut social security, medicare common. tim protect your freedom to protect her vote, to
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write your right to vote. the protector civil rights and you know trump will do everything to ban abortion nationwide oh, he will do know, common when tim will do everything, they possibly can. >> that's why you have to elect to send an house to restore roe v. wade the ag grace taught us the character is destiny character is destiny for me, joe we know koblin, doug are people of character. >> it's been our honor, to serve alongside them and we know that tim and gwen walz her also people with great character so like the comma was
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the very first decision i made before i became when i became our nominee. and it was the best decision i made my whole career we've not going to gotten to know each other would become close friends she's tough. she's experienced and she has a normal integrity, enormous integrity her story represents the best american story unlike many of our best presidents she was also vice president she'll be a president our children could look up to she'd be a president, respected by world leaders because yard, he is she'll be at present. we could all be proud of and she will be
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historic president who puts her stamp on america's future those will be the first presidential election since january 6 on that day we almost lost everything about who we are as a country and that thread. this is not hyperbole, that threat is still very much alive donald trump says he will refuse to accept the election results if he loses again think about that. he means that think about that he's probably seeing a bloodbath if he loses in his words and that he'll be a dictator. on day one in his own words. hi, the way this sucker meizi no, i'm not joking. think about it anybody
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else said that the patchy that yours, craig, he is crazy but you're thinking was an exaggeration, but he means it we, can't let that happen folks all was carry a special obligation and dependence republicans, democrats we saved democracy in 2020. and now we must save it again in 2024 rowe to be just cast this year will determine whether democracy and freedom will prevail. it's that simple is that serious and the powers literally your hands his is in your hands not hyperbole. said your hands, americans futures in your hands let me close with this nowhere else in the world could a kid with a
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stutter and modest beginnings in scranton, pennsylvania and claymont, delaware grow up to sit behind the resolute desk in the oval office that's because america is and always has been a nation of possibilities possibilities. >> we must never lose that never calmly, i'm tim, understand this nation must continue to be a place of possibilities not just for the few of us, but for all of us the join me promising your whole heart to this effort and we're my heart will be i promise. i'll be the best volunteer harris and walz has cam have ever seen each of us
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as far as the american story for me and my family, there's a song means a lot to us it captures the best of who we are as a nation the song is called american anthem there's one verse, the stands out. >> i can see where the dance i'm not going to try i'll just quote it the work and prayers of century have brought us to this day what's your legs or legacy be? what will our children say? let me know in my heart when my days or through america, america, i gave my best to you made a lot of
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mistakes in my career when i gave my best for 50 years like many of you i'll give my heart and soul to our nation and i've been blessed 1 million times return the support of the american people i really been too young to be in the senate because i wasn't 30 yet and too old to stay as president and opia know how grateful i am to all of you can honestly say and i mean this from the bob give you my word as a biden i can honestly say i'm more
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optimistic about the future than i was when i was elected as a 29-year-old united states senate. i mean, it you just have to remember who we are. we're the, you united states there's nothing we cannot do what we do it together god bless you all. and may god protect our troops?
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>> the 46th president of the united states, giving a 47, 48 minute long speech an endorsement of his vice president kamala harris the presumptive democratic nominee, who is hugging here. >> he is with second gentleman, doug emhoff as vice president harris hugs first lady, jill biden. it was a speech that was about his conflict with vice president harris, to be sure. but certainly about his legacy
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the other members of the biden family, son hunter, daughter, ashley and others and dana and we we were reporters were briefed that this would be very much focused on making the case for kamala harris and he certainly did that but it was also a speech about his legacy and his accomplice perhaps, perhaps even more so much martin now you know, biden world. what are you and do argue that his legacy is her legacy because she is not only running on what is coming in the future, but what they have done over the past four years but yes, we were told specifically this is not going to be a legacy speech fine it was going to be about making the case for kamala harris he got there at the end but there were also a couple of a couple
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of really stand out message is given the reality of what we know happened behind the scenes, where he basically said i wasn't i wasn't pushed. i'm not angry pushing back on that notion and also about the fact that ended the speech. she said he was elected as it 29 and year-old kid. and it looks like he might have adlibbed. this doesn't look like he was in the prepared remarks and now i'm too old to be president he was too young to be president young young at one point and now he's too old. >> yeah, which really is just the embodiment. this is a coda yet purchased joe biden and his long political career and his family that has been through so much and seen so much it's been a moment bushnell in this room
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for the last hour or so all of these delegates gathered here about they thought they were coming to a different kind of convention and now they are trying to give joe biden his flowers and i think he took dana the time that he wanted to take. >> i just wanted to say if you can see he's with his youngest grandson, whose name is bo? named, of course, for hunter, head to had a baby. i don't know how old he is now about and he was named for his for his late brother. >> those are a lot of people if they have made it this far into what is to be honest on the east coast. the second day of the democratic national convention is, i'm not the first one to observe it is late, which is it is rather later very notable, i think for a lot of reason. yeah. i mean, it is fair to say that the republicans had a tighter ship
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yeah, up until the moment that their nominee spoke, of course. >> but they also had fewer people that they had to show i mean, i think this is a thing with democrats they had a roster of over a dozen people who were pretty big name speakers tonight, including some maybe less big names. maybe they could have done without on this particular night but i think they felt like they had to showcase all of that and it pushed the program well into the night, leaving biden speaking into the dead of the night, but you know, i think that that's probably going to be a microcosm of what we will see for the rest of this week. this is a convention that everyone wants to have a piece of and they have several generations a political talent 33 former or two former presidents one sitting president there are a lot of people that they have to put on this well, think about all the an all the members of the democratic bench that we didn't hear from gavin newsom,
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gretchen whitmer, josh shapiro, but there are three more days actually do it, to have more days. >> yeah. i mean, it's it's just it's just there are going to be a lot of people who think joe biden kind of got the fuzzy end of the lollipop tonight just because the event went so late that his speech did not even start until out 11, 30 coast time and that is also a microcosm. i think if they were trying to prevent that impression they failed tonight. i mean, they should have to be honest given him time earlier in the night, they should have kept the schedule a little bit tighter. but they didn't. >> there's one i'm sorry. >> the only thing i was going to say was i do feel like biden obviously understanding the context of all of this he gave a really forceful speech. i mean, maybe too forceful at certain points speaking to this. room at the top of his voice for almost 50 minutes
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maybe to prove something that he still has very, very late at night. >> yeah yeah. >> anderson jake, thanks very much here with the team david axelrod, i mean, a much later night, obviously then certainly a lot of hopes anticipate i'm probably than the organizers anticipated look, first of all, i want to talk about joe biden and i want to give him some grace because this was an emotional night for him when he said, i think one of the most poignant moments came on page 52 when he recited that poem and he said, america, i gave my best to you. he did that. he did that he served this country honorably for a lifetime and tonight he knows it's coming to an end. it wasn't the end that he wanted and that's i think it was powerful. i regret that he gave half of its felt like he gave his acceptance speech and then moved on to the business
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at hand, which was to promote the ticket of harrison and waltz. but as for the rest of the night, i think what you saw in some ways was the difficulty of switching switching in the middle of the, you know, three weeks before a convention, you have a different nominee and what you saw were i think partly was a convention that was planned for biden, which would have been unalloyed carpet bombing on trump. and the storytelling around kamala harris that was planned to after there were some powerful moments, steve kerr i thought was incredibly strong. the segment on abortion rights. and those, of those families was credibly powerful and perhaps the most powerful moment was when kamala harris herself stepped on that stage and you know, her tone was much different than the tone of some of those later attacks and it just shows how, how this
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coordinate was because of ice respectful late planning. and then i think you had some indulgent some speakers who indulge themselves by going longer and won one footnote, i know everybody wants to get a swing at the bat here. this was a small moment. i think one that i regret, which was hillary clinton was talking about trump and the crowd started chanting, lock him up kamala harris has silenced the crowd and it would have been a good thing to do there. but hats off to the president before his service to this country that then the old lines last roar oh, a long roar. >> yeah. but it was a less than i wish it had been shot. i wish it had been earlier. but this this party needed this tonight there were tears. this was not some stuff at these conventions is already official in this wasn't legitimate moment of
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catharsis and love this guy to me, the most powerful thing he said was i was too young to go the senate. and now too old to be president i gave what i gave my best to you but that's that's joe biden. that's joe biden. is a tough game is a brutal game. you're up and then you're down you're the most important person in the world. and then they cast your way to happen to everybody in politics it just happened to him in a way that the whole world saw it and he handled it night with as much grace as anything then being gunned, handle it, and i'm proud to it's a good night to be a harris it's a good night to be a biden is a good night to be a democrat and so good night to be an american. this is what it looks like when somebody knows when it's time to go a long night to be in order it did very much sound like yeah, if, you wanted to know what he would've said on thursday now you do and there were some nice nods there at the end agree. >> the idea of america i gave my best to you. i mean, this is
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a person who has had a multi-decade sort of also service to the country, but also wanting to be president, right? going. for that. i think that i did appreciate the moment with hillary clinton. i did appreciate this speech and she did the work that we talked about earlier about talking about identity, being a woman, the significance of that and tying it to the other history. and i also appreciated them trying to introduce some of the other up-and-coming stars, whether it be a jasmine crockett or whoever are people who have captured the attention of a younger generation and giving them a really prominent spot. she took the point where biden was later in the night, but the whole week is going to be like this, balancing the old and the new well, i'm not a democrat and obviously i see these things. wait, what you get different? yeah, good question i see it through a little different, but i do observe democrats and the vibe
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i felt in the hall tonight was one of i'll use a sports metaphor, anderson, you may want i'll translate, look at but it's like you're, you're cheering for a sports team and you love your favorite team and you're at the end of the game and you're way down, you're way down, and then all of a sudden they start coming back and then we're at the end of the game and there's a comeback on that. that's kind of the vibe that i sent from democrats in the hall. they were badly for months and they were going to lose and they knew it and all of a sudden. now the vibe in the hall is they feel like they've got a legitimate chance to win a game that they thought was lost, that inherently produces excitement and energy. i thought the harris entrance was well well-choreographed, well done and you could feel what you said right there. yeah. that moment that was a general electric moment. >> i did think the video they played was interesting. they said, we don't want to be divided angry and oppressed, depressed. but we are divided under biden the american people, 70% think we're up on the wrong track. we are angry
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and a lot of people do feel economically depressed. so that was their effort to try to divorce her from the feelings in the country and then we had all these speakers, some of them were anonymous ranting, mediocrity is that pushed joe biden way deep into the night. i kinda feel sorry for biden. i mean, they took this away from him at the pinnacle of his career. i understand why he appeared angry at times and i thought some of the speech met the moment, some of it though was hyper-partisan frankly false ranting about his opponent and i you know, i i understand what they had to do tonight, but it's clear to me that the democrats wanted this to be as late as possible, and i hope if you love joe biden i hope you watch closely because you may never see him again. >> i want to bring in also john king. john, you've heard a lot of convention speeches. i'm wondering what you made of this first-night a couple of things when it comes to the president, trump gets his irish up. >> you could see that in the
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speech. he was very fiery, he was very feisty. he was giving the speech that he was hoping to give every day in this campaign. there he's hoping into give. it was just noted as his acceptance speech here. he thinks to this day he can still do this again. but then there were the parts of the speech about a third of it was the speech he realized a month ago that he had to give, which it was the handoff speech to kamala harris while still embracing his legacy and taking the fight against trump, saying now it's time for somebody else to take the lead role in that calling himself a volunteer for me, it was interesting. we're not done yet. we still have barak obama and bill clinton. but i met joe biden 1987. that was my first campaign for president, 87, 88. that was largely covering governor dukakis, what spent a little time with joe biden in iowa. my next campaign was 1992, and i got to know hilary clinton and the first lady of arkansas so she of course, then went on to be a senator secretary of state presidential nominee we still have barack obama and bill clinton to go. but this was the first chapter in the transitional handoff you heard joe biden at one point, talk about the assault weapons ban he passed with dianne feinstein. she is gone now are
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replacement in the senate spoke tonight on nancy pelosi just released a book. she's here, she's very high profile but she's the former speaker now. so this giant generational change in the democratic party that has been fomenting for a long time is starting to come into focus of vice president harris came on stage tonight. alexandra ocasio cortez was part of it. a lot of younger democrats on the stage tonight too. so it's a little bit of both but today was the first page, if you will, in that chapter. and by the end of the week, it's the harris party. >> the arena here is emptying out. we're going to be staying until at least 1:00 a.m. certainly cnn's coverage is going to continue log into the night, stay with us as we break down more of the key convention moments tonight and look at where democrats hope to accomplish days ahead will be for this fall comedy. u.s. coming to cnn what could go wrong i got news for you for me
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the office first and i'd the democratic national convention is in the books with president biden's headline speech extending late into the nightcap i show of unity with his vice president. >> the party's new nominee kamala harris, are kaitlan collins is down the convention in florida, delaware, senator chris coons of delaware congresswoman lisa blunt, rochester, a galan anderson. >> we just had senator chris coons here with us know lisa blunt, rochester, but obviously one of the closest allies of the president to introduce him on stage earlier. senator coons, one of the lines that stuck t from president biden's speech the and he said, amera, i gave my best to you you we're watching righthere off stage. what did you make of hieech tonight >> i was choked up listening to joe biden talk about his love
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for our country, thinking about the selflessness and the sacrifice of what he's chosen to do in elevating his vice president, kamala harris. and frankly reminding us of what a deep hole we were in four years ago and how much progress we've made with joe and camilla's leadership. it was a wonderful speech. it was an inspiring evening, and it was great to be able to spend it with the delaware delegation. >> one of his closest allies. i mean, you have been there through the crisis after the debate in his years in office? what was it like to i mean, we've never watched something like that before the last time when lyndon b. johnson dropped out, he did not attend the convention. we've never seen anything like what we just witnessed on stage. >> know this was genuinely historic both in president biden's decision and in kamala harris and tim walz now being the candidates for for the democratic party, they are going to be great candidate, strong and compelling candidates. and i think tonight we kicked off in historic convention. >> do you consider the torch now passed absolutely. and i
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should note the delaware delegation anderson is behind as they did do something special. senator coons was on stage, so he does not have aviators, but the rest of them did have aviators that they put on, obviously, and joe biden style as he got up to give his speech. i mean, just what does this moment like for delaware to be here with a prime spot, i should note on the convention floor floor it's been great for delaware delegates to be here to be able to be a part of joe and joe biden's speech tonight, be a part of history and to celebrate just how much we as a state love and are proud of joe and jill biden senator chris coons, thank you for that to the delaware delegation that stuck around. thank you, guys. anderson, back to you, kaitlan. >> thanks very much. a whole really is emptying out very, very quickly. john king. let's talk about the path ahead for for this party ticket. >> but just after listening to president biden say that again, you heard the feisty this, you heard him essentially making the case. i could still be the candidate. we know he's still smarting over that but then he pass the torch because we've talked a little bit about this
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after milwaukee it with you are faced when joe biden was still in the race where his only path was the blue wall states plus nebraska's second congressional districts, even that was very unlikely, both from the polling and anecdotal reporting on the ground in those states. now, harris has several different paths. you could start with the blue wall. she has a sun belt strategy. the race has fundamentally changed. let me just show you this that's why using this polling here. and i'm a stretch this out. forgive me for turning my back just to conceal a little bit better. this even is not as his recent we know, harris has had some continued momentum, but if you look at the race yet this is all the way back to march, right? and this is joe biden, the dark blue with donald trump. and they're running pretty even, but then trump pulls up and then you see since harris is in the race, trump's moved up to support for the third party candidates has gone down in both parties. people are coming home. trump's come up a little bit, but harris has gone up more. this is national polling now. but by going up more that has made her competitive and when you have african american women more excited younger voters, more excited other voters of color are typically latinos out in the southwest, more excited. it puts her into play. she now how has you can do five or six
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reasonable paths to 270? now, i want to say at the same time, donald trump has those same paths, the same five or six because it is such a close competitive race. but that's not where we were leaving milwaukee. we were in a race that donald trump look like he was on a path to a landslide after night one of the democratic convention, harris now has the torch passed from biden. she's in a much stronger position. the challenge anderson is to use the next three days to make what is she right now? she has the baton, she has the momentum in the race. can she use the next three days to build on it? >> john voloiq here with the panel phil, i mean, didn't ask her how how much of a bump does a convention traditionally give a candidate and should democrats be concerned that with all this talk of momentum still in the battleground states. i mean, it is seems statistically pretty much daddy look, i think what democrats should feel is we're in the game, in the warrant, in the game a month ago, and we've got a shot and we've got to be
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we've got to be a cid u.s. >> and committed to the battle here and you've got to debate coming up. but these next three days are important. i believe there will be the a pivot and there's going to be a big focus on harris and on the issue she wants to elevate in these next three days and that should give them a bump. you don't get the kind of bumps that you could get. you know, i remember the days of the ten point bumps and i don't see that in this kind of an environment, she will get a bump when she should be a little bit more ahead in the national vote coming out of this, maybe she'll close in some of these further in some of these battleground states. but this, their bow out there called battleground states for a reason. right? there, very close and they're going to be close. and this is gonna be a battle from start to finish. >> do you think she already got some of it? i'm i've been wondering about the last several weeks, the way she got into the race when she picked walz i mean, it was almost covered in carried like it was a convention the way at all
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have been wondering, i mean, maybe she will get a little bump out of this week, but she may have already gotten some of it. i think the base consolidation is almost complete. the question is, could this week possibly deliver any persuadable independents or swing voters and and i'm not sure he i'm not sold on that yet, but to me that would be the strategic question i storytelling here. >> i don't really telling will help the people who need a deeper understanding look, i mean, people are happy, but the consolidation isn't as complete as it feels you do have people in the party who need to know are better. >> you still yep. you look, they're happy. they're glad we're running somebody who's got a pulse. but some of the stuff they did tonight i don't come here to 25 years. i know some of these stores. there, things about her, their pieces of the puzzle. they have to be put together because all the bunnies are not yet in the barn you've got some young men of color who are not confident in her. she's a prosecutor. what does that mean? you've got some silicon valley donors that are still jumping the fence and
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putting billions of dollars, millions of dollars against her ishi, a pro innovation democrat, which being from the bay area and silicon valley in california. she could be and should be, they need to hear something from her. there's some bunnies not yet in the barn. and so this is the week i think to really consolidate their people standing near it. but they're not in the pool. >> i don't i don't know that a lot of barnes are full of bunnies but it's going to literation. >> i guess. i guess i understand noted former i want to follow up on something that john was saying which is that trump basically, he hasn't moved all that much in his numbers. it's it's her that is trending in a different direction and she's also what makes the map expand is biden was equally unpro underperforming with some of these communities. if you think about a georgia, if you think about north carolina, north carolina was in play under barak obama because he completely invigorated the
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black voting population there, the student voting population there i think that these are, these are the places where she can make serious gains and that's why the map looks different, because that's where he was openly struggling, by the way. >> i see report that condition officials are saying that the reason went long is because of all the rockets applause at that sort of thing that you build into we expect him to have had convention since before, like, you know what that's amazing spin. straight out of democrats steps the facts and their speeches. and i will also tie up the convention appearances by the obama but as tomorrow tv on the edge moment it's that shaped our culture coming this fall on cnn. why nfl players chooses to be
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