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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  August 20, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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morning. >> i'm john berman with sarah seidner in chicago. >> kate bolduan is in new york, a huge day two plan to the democratic national convention day one wrapped up just moments ago for reals as the kids say, though, the kids might not have been awake for what was a very very emotional moment. president biden wiping away tears as he took the stage telling the screaming crowd here and the country, i gave my best to you i spent my lifetime to serve as your president i
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love the job but i love my country more there was a room full of love there as he patched the torch to kamala harris, but there was also a heck of a lot of fire as he repeatedly ripped into donald trump you never build a thing? donald trump calls america failing nation he's the loser. he's dead wrong trump continues to lie about crime in america. like everything else and crime, okay, keep coming down when we put a prosecutor in the oval office instead of a convicted felon and hail to see think he is who does he think he was on fire. >> let us bring in cnn, white house correspondent priscilla alvarez priscilla, this happened really, really late. but what has been the early reaction to this big moment for biden that was both filled with sorrow and filled with passion well you've both used the word
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emotional and that is exactly what i've been hearing a lot of aides and emotional seeing him on the stage, especially those staffers who a month ago we're trying to get him re-elected. >> but look, earlier in the day, the president said that he was going to pass the torch to his vice president, kamala harris. and that is exactly what he he did as he was greeted by applause and cheers ticking through his accomplishments on the domestic front and on foreign policy talking about infrastructure, taking a moment to reflect to on the israel hamas war and stressing the need to get a deal. but while he was doing that, the cheers were saying thank you to joe and he would say, thank you, kamala, again, sort of showing that he is now passing the torch onto her and really trying to zero in on how critical it is to get her elected. take a listen. >> so like the comma was the very first decision i made before i became when i became our nominee and it was the best
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decision i made my whole career. she's tough she's experienced that she has enormous integrity. she'll be at present. we can all be proud of and she will be historic president who puts her stamp on america's future now that phrase was also mutual earlier in the day, the vice president's surprised adds india is by giving remarks and she to talked about the president's leadership joe, thank you for your historic leadership, for your lifetime of service to our nation and for all you will continue to do, we are forever grateful to you this november, we will come together and declare with one voice as one people, we are moving forward that u.s. fight for the ideals we hold dear and let us always remember when we fight now of course, this was
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still a bit of a bittersweet moment for the president who not long ago was planning to leave the democratic national convention as the democratic nominee. >> but he said during his remarks that while he loved the job, he loved the country more now, while it may have sounded like a farewell speech, aides say that that is more likely to happen in january. the focus yesterday was on the vice president so we saw the vice president, a lot of people weren't expecting to see her on the first night, but they won't see her much today. >> not in this place. she's leaving chicago. what's going on now yeah, this is something that we've seen with candidates before leaving having a event before they gave their address later in the week. >> this is going to happen with the vice president. she's going to be in wisconsin. this is the third trip to that critical state since she became the democratic presidential candidate. and she's going to have a rally in a location we may all be familiar with that is where former president donald trump accepted the nomination for during the
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republican national convention last one. so this might be a way to get under trump's skin because harris to has been bringing out large crowds all right. >> priscilla alvarez. thank you so much for your party tonight in this hall behind us, we will hear from president, former president obama, former first lady michelle obama, second gentleman doug emhoff. we don't have that exclusive with doug emhoff last night i saw i asked him how he was feeling in the answer if i remember correctly, was great that was it. stances exclusive. let's get more of a sense of what we will see tonight on this floor, cnn's kevin liptak is with us. kevin, what are we gonna see it was a great interview. >> john, i loved. i do think when you look at the ross where tonight. yeah, president obama is really the speaker that democrats are looking to, to make the affirmative case for kamala harris, in part because he's one of the most popular figures in the democratic party alongside his wife, michelle obama, but also, he has known kamala harris for quite a long time. they have a relationship going back 20 years. and of all
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the national politicians who are going to hear from at this convention this week, he is perhaps the one who who knows her the best, you know, back in 2004, kamala harris was a delegate to the convention in boston. she was inside the hall when president or when then candidate obama delivered that keynote speech, that essentially thrust him into the national spotlight. back then, he described himself as this skinny kid with a funny name tonight he comes on the convention stage as something of an elder statesman. he has a couple of tasks. one, i think is to make this case for kamala harris you know, we're talking to his advisers. they say he really wants to make the case that she and tim walz are represent the best chance for democrats going forward making the affirmative case for their candidacy certainly he also wants to honor joe biden. we heard plenty of that last night as well, but it will be important to hear from the man who joe biden served for eight years as vice president. there's a complicated
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relationship to be sure, made more complicated by the last month or so. but this is something that is very important to barack obama. and in fact, he just tweeted yesterday. what i admire most about joe is his decency, his resilience is remarkable. belief in the purpose of our country. those values are the ones that american needs most obama my says he says he's proud to call joe biden his president, and that he's grateful to call him his friend according to a senior obama adviser, he does view this is an all hands on deck moment. he is prepared to do whatever he needs to do to get kamala harris elected. and in some ways, he's returning the favor back in 2008, kamala harris trekked to iowa before the iowa caucuses to make the case for barack obama. she knocked on doors, she handed out pizzas to people in line at the caucus stations. i don't think we're going to see brock obama handing out pizzas to anyone this fall. but certainly he wants to help her get to the
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white house yeah. >> talk about homecourt advantage. the former president will not only have a roomful of democrats, but it's in chicago, his hometown. so this will be something to see. kevin liptack great to see you. thank you very much. >> kate it's good to see you guys. good morning. we've got much more ahead, including donald trump is spending week in battleground states attempting to counter program the democratic convention including posting about a fake endorsement from none other than taylor swift also breaking overnight the israeli military says it has recovered the bodies of six more hostages from inside southern gaza. what we know about the military operation now and divers are back in the water today searching for six people missing after a yacht was hit by what's been described he was a freak storm british billionaire and his 18-year-old daughter are among the missing the tv moments that took culture over the edge. people are watching. and then our world change you had an
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live. >> lush poppy, lush. >> we find the best lesson. we bring them here w wednesday night dynamite tbs is no surprise, is it that he is lying about camilla's record he's mocking her name and her laugh sounds familiar former secretary state hillary clinton, its speech that really good light up the audience here at the united center tonight, they will hear from several prominent republicans who have endorsed vice president harris donald trump for his part is trying to break through where he can today easy and here he is not a question. >> he is in michigan as part of a week long swing state tour.
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cnn's alayna treene is with us, talk to us about what we will see today. alayna well, today, at john, donald trump will be in howell, michigan. it's a suburb of detroit and the focus for those remarks will be on crime and safety and look all of his speeches this week are quite different than the rallies that we typically associate with donald trump. they're not these big thousands of people coming to these events. instead, they're at smaller venues with smaller crowds and that's by design what they want to do is really tried to label each of these as a messaging event yesterday in york, pennsylvania, he was talking about the economy later, hobey, this week, could be an arizona at the border to focus on immigration today. he's talking about crime. all of those we know are the top three issues that donald trump's campaign really wants the former president to focus on in these smaller venues are a way of them trying to keep donald trump on message. now, we actually did see donald trump show some of that
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restraint yesterday. it did seem that he is cognizant of all of his allies, as well as many of his advisers on his campaign, urging him to do away with the personal attacks to resist that personal impulse that donald trump has. and instead tried to keep the focus on the issues. however, though he did stay on message during that event, he later did an interview with cbs news where you did see the old donald trump and his impulses to attack harris directly. come back, take a listen to what he told them well, i don't think she's a very bright person. >> i do feel that i mean, i think that's right. i think i am a very bright person. lot of people say that i don't think she's a very bright person and do know what our country needs a very smart person. and i don't think she's a very smart person. so i'm not looking too. i don't consider that an incel that's just a fact they have john donald trump saying that he doesn't think of that as an insult, but a fact and look, part of the reason they want
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him to stay away from this as they are very wary of their campaign being viewed as a light on policy, heavy on insult type of outfit that will alienate swing voters, but that is how donald trump responds. today's actually asked about this directly last week at a press conference. and he said, i think i'm entitled to personal tax before going on to mock her intelligence. and so we'll see how much he can stay on message today. >> yeah, we'll see. all right. alayna treene. great to see you. thank you very much, sir. >> all right. it is the clearest sign yet that iran is trying to influence the 2024 election new details on the fbi's investigation in to iran, efforts to have to trump and harris campaigns. and there's been a lot going on inside this convention hall in chicago and a lot going on outside as well. president biden message. thousands of anti-war protesters who have been in the street, some of whom by the way, arrested after trying to pull down the fence outside the convention that's
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ahead this fall. comedy u.s. coming to cnn. >> what could go wrong? i got. news for you. >> for me or saturday, september 14th at nine on cnn or biggest challenge uncertainty hidden fees, surcharge bridges, who knows what to expect? >> turned shipping to your advantage, keep it simple with clear upfront pricing. with usps ground advantage she grew up in a middle-class home she was the daughter of a working mom and she worked at mcdonald's while she got her degree kamala harris knows what it's like to be middle-class is why she's determined to lower health care costs and make housing more affordable donald trump has no plan to help the middle-class. just more tax cuts for billionaires being president is about who? you fight for it. and she's fighting for people like you. >> and kamala harris. and i approve this message didn't
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mikah are taking on to hotels? what if i took on one of the hotels and you did the other 12 teams, we are going to be bryant 100 days and the best hotel when 100 day hotel challenge special series continues tonight at 8:00 on hgtv iran is rejecting a new u.s. intel, a new u.s. intelligence assessment that iran is behind the hacking operation targeting donald trump's presidential campaign and also attempted to hack the biden-harris campaign. u.s. officials believe that this this marks the clearest sign yet that iran and other nations are trying to influence the 2024 race. cnn's zach cohen has this new reporting for us and he's joining us now. zach, tell us more about what you've learned about your new reporting. >> yeah. the u.s. government is publicly calling out iran for trying to interfere in the 2024 presidential election. and the fbi and several u.s. intelligence agencies putting out a joint statement yesterday saying they believe the iranian government is both behind the
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hack and leak operation targeting donald trump's campaign and also attempts to hack the biden-harris campaigns. they're really going after both political presidential campaigns in both parties. in part, this fbi joint statement with the intel community said the ic is confident that the iranians have, through social engineering and other efforts, sought access to individuals with direct access to the presidential campaigns of both political parties. such activity, including thefts and disclosures, are intended to influence the us election process. now we know donald trump was briefed by the fbi after some documents that were believed to come from a senior campaign official were released, and were brought two different news outlets. the news outlets reported having been approached with these documents. those documents are believed to come from me. the results of a hack of a senior campaign official on donald trump's campaign, and actually they came from burst a breach of longtime trump ally roger stone's personal email account. the iranian hackers and use that account to get access to the senior campaign officials account, thus leaking the documents after they got
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access to that. look, this is part of a broader persistent effort by iran to so discord and interfere in u.s. politics in u.s. elections. we've seen them do this back in 2020 and in 2016, this statement from the fbi and the intelligence community reminding us that this is nothing new, but we are seeing more ramped up activity from iran. that's the warning the fbi and the intel community has for americans going into the last home stretch of this alive, of this 2024 for election. >> despite the rejection coming from iran publicly, of course, it's good to see you, zach. thank you as always for great reporting coming up still for us, new security measures are going into place in chicago after protesters breached a security the barrier near the site of the dnc with more on that and the fiery speech from hillary clinton on day one of the democratic convention, her attacks against her former rival with donald trump. and the moment the crowd chanted their own twist on a familiar refrain that trump leveled against clinton in 2016
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fubo those protesters out in the street, they have a point a lot of innocent people are being killed on both sides this morning chicago police are re-evaluating this security fencing around the united center where the democratic national convention is being held. >> this is because four people were arrested for tearing down
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part of that barrier take a look cnn's whitney wild is out inside the united center where part of that fence was yanked down. whitney. what has changed? what are they planning on doing now after that incident, there in the short term sara, they're putting up another layer of fencing. so if you look over my shoulder here, this third layer of fencing is going up here, just outside the united center. we are about a block from where the breach of this fence happens. sara and what law enforcement has stressed to us over many many months of covering the security preparations for the dnc is that the security perimeter has layers and layers of security. clearly that outer layer was breachable by the demonstrators last night. so they're putting up this third layer of fencing here, just outside the united center. but the big question is, is this going to be efficient and sara, this isn't,
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this is a tough thing for the secret service and for the chicago police department considering that was day one. and there are more protests scheduled for later this week. here with superintendent larry snelling. he came out to the scene last night. here's what he had to say. >> our job here is to make sure that we keep the dnc safe, keep our city safe, and keep our people safe. we have no idea what they would have done it they gotten onto the other side but as a.i. >> said before, we're not going to tolerate anyone who is going to vandalize things in our city. we're not going to tolerate anyone who are going to commit acts of violence sara, we interview with the superintendent last week and what i asked him was what is a realistic measure of success for you and for your officers and what he made clear is that if the protesters are safe, if the rest of the city is safe and if the dnc is safe, and the training works for law enforcement, that is his measure of success. >> but incidents like this, or certainly pushing chicago police department to the test, we expect to hear from them later this morning, sara all right. >> whitney wild. thank you so
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much for your reporting out there john america. >> i gave my best to you made a lot of mistakes in my career when. a gave my best to you joe. >> thank you for your historic leadership, for your lifetime of service to our nation. but for all you will continue to do. we are forever grateful to you all right. >> joining us now cnn political commentator david urban and democratic national convention consultant, meghan hays. meghan, we heard from hillary clinton last night i she was strong, booming perhaps the response to her bigger than even when she was the nominee. what did you make of her speech? what did you make of what she brought to the room that her speech was incredible? >> she really went up the energy in the room that the crowd loved it, that she's uniting the party again, i
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think that she's also thank these are the things i told you we're going to happen that did happen and we can't go back there. she's also extremely complimentary of the president. she was extremely gracious about kamala harris. i worked for her on the 2008 campaign, part of a 18 million cracks in the ceiling. she is she is saying that we are there, we are going to be there and we need to be there with kamala harris and we'll get to david in a second. >> i promise. >> this was more on this is you are not so much the audience the audience maybe meghan was. so, we'll talk more about what we saw last night, but i am curious what you think is left to do, particularly tonight look, i think that we just have more more of our leaders in the party, more up and coming star in the party who are gonna be here giving their remarks and unifying the party. but i think it's just also introducing governor walz to the party and reintroducing the vice president to the party, highlighting her accomplishments. this is about unity. we were not in this place three weeks ago. and so it's really exciting to be here with all the momentum and all the organizing efforts that have been done and all the fundraising. we are in a good
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place as a party and i think that we are just highlighting that and showing unity and showing how we're going to move into the future. >> david, i'm curious what you think of this moment because hillary clinton had what one might say was a revenge moment. let's listen to what she said about donald trump donald trump fell asleep at his own trial. and when he woke up up, he made is kind of history the first person to run for president with 34 felony convictions and the crowd screaming, lock her up, lock him up, lock him up, something that donald trump and all of the rallies in 2016 and all the way into now that you heard over and over and over from the crowd, what did you think? >> because when we go and let her ever moment like i'm not i don't begrudge of the moment right i might taken last night was like as john said, i'm clearly not the audience my takeaway was several things,
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right? >> one, it this is a very base one. the democrats better get their act together because it was terribly orchestrated, put together, took too long. joe biden went way that night i know this gets consumed differently. nobody, not most americans aren't stayed up to watch a circuit to watch and snips and clips. but it was really just poorly produced and i i think that was a missed opportunity. a lot of places because a sweet baby james got bumped from the ticket last night, right? james taylor practicing. so i think that there wasn't a lot of outreach to the tim walz part of the party if you're a white working class guy in erie county, pennsylvania, nothing spoke to you last night. they weren't going after so those voters, the tim walz voters last night, it was geared towards specific, very heavy on abortion, right? lots of women of color and women. so you're right my demographic was not the target last night and so i thought that was kind of interesting and look daniel, dale wasn't around last night, so you know, i think in terms of fact checking, just a couple
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of quick fact-checks here to provide daniel dale. he's got to know their convention, didn't run long as the convention planners said, because of applause okay, just factually, docx dragged it, didn't run luck because of blog ran log because of poor planning project 2025 is not the blueprint for the trump campaign when the state senator step, they had said that i'm like, are you kidding me? the president trump has stood on numerous platform and said, i disavow this is npr's on this network, but we've got to fight the architect of that was on camera saying, oh, it's totally for it and the architect and save everyone. but when the candidate stands up there tickets our obligation to say the trump campaign is and the candidate has disavowed this. the third thing is that trump has his said, i repeatedly, i will not sign a federal ban on abortion. i will not sign it if it comes to me, i won't sign it. had trump has always been for exceptions for life for life of the mother rape, incest, the normal kind of things that every person in the abortion world has ever been for and yet that was kind of implied. joe biden finally
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topped it all off with the lie of lies about, about charlottesville. that's snopes and everybody else has said, this isn't true. so those kind of things that kind of marred factual perspective. i think those are kind of sherman fact checked along the way because they just weren't true and it kind of deval i think with those things the big things aren't true. what other things aren't true that are being said. so again, i'm not the audience. it was a red meat for the democratic base blew me correct? >> yeah, red meat for the base, right? they perhaps did a great job on that i listened, i thought joe biden's too great lines that joe biden, the public servant, a great public serve, deserves the credit that he got he had a great line. he gave his best for america hats off to joe biden for that. but i just felt badly. he got pushed to 11, 30. all right. >> two-part question for you then meghan, let let's take the sort, of first and last thing david address right there, which is that the event went really, really long and david ago, i think there are now three separate audiences. there's the audience in the crowd, there's the audience on
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tv, and then there's the national media. there's no question that there are a lot of upset reporters because they had to wait in line and maybe the catering wasn't good, which is are the two most important well it, was that long that it in i guess some of our colleagues waiting that line. i don't know if they even made it. >> so first of all, on the organization, how much do you think that democrats need to tighten this up heading into night too? >> i think they are doing that. they're pushing the program started time, they're doing their line by line today at noon. so i think they are taking what they do the pool. so i do think they're taking that and to account and i think that they are going to make adjustments to the program, so we don't have that same situation. but you know what that's all fine and good that you guys had a hard time getting in, but the people in this room had a great time last night and it showed that the party is unified and there was a lot of enthusiasm here, not only for secretary clinton and for joe biden, but for kamala harris and tim walz and shawn fain was here last night. so i think that they were speaking a little bit to the blue-collar workers with him and then david mentioned there was a lot of focus on reproductive rights
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and i just want to play one of the really emotional moment. i mean, this room went completely silent when this young woman from kentucky, who was raped by her stepfather, horrible spoke in front of the crowd. let's listen quickly to that he calls it a beautiful thing what is so beautiful? about a child having to carry her parents child so meghan, talk about the importance of that message being delivered to a national audience. >> look, i think that it's been stated now for several months at the abortion issue on the ballot for democrats is a party we see that there was a referendum on it in 2022, that every one of the initiatives failed and we're in democrats favor. and i think that folks are leaning into that to 2024 as well. that's an incredibly powerful moment, but this is an issue that is very powerful democrats. and when this is going to be decided by
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independent women in seven states those types of moments matter for us. >> we also saw and we'll talk more about this. what happened. you mentioned biden that was in an incredibly emotional moment and we were going to we're going to talk through that as well throughout the hour because it was striking to me the way i was going to say that you cannot watch that young lady in just feel for her. again though, let's be let's be factual. republicans do not want to ban, it, doesn't take into rape, incest, life. >> well, i'm staying i'm states again. >> president, the platform law does not have that in there gently off the cliff and keeping it for being here thursday night. >> and her in the front row, i just a little ironic he has said over and over again, she she loves joe joe biden. but as joe biden has said, this is for the country i gather this decision but a little bit
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irony. >> david megan, great to see you both. thanks, guys. >> thank you so breaking overnight, the israeli military now says it has recovered the bodies of six hostages from gaza. >> and perhaps israel's former defense minister benny gantz put it best six faces and names that this morning symbolize the hourglass that is running out, running out on the time for reaching a ceasefire deal to get all of the all of the october 7 hostages out. >> here's what president biden said last night during his convention speech. we're working around the clock. my secretary of state run a wider war and reunite hostages with their families the civilian suffering of the palestinian people. and finally finally, finally deliver a ceasefire in this war cnn's jim sciutto is in tel aviv and jim, the secretary of state, just left meetings in israel for egypt to
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continue with meetings to try to push this forward. >> what is the very latest that you're hearing? >> hey, listen over the weekend, israeli officials use this phrase, cautious optimism, but, but frankly, watching developments closely in the last several days, it's hard hard to see the events, the statements, the progress to justify that description, hamas released a statement today saying that both blinken statements and president biden statements last night that you just played included misleading claims do not reflect the true position of hamas. we should note that as secretary blinken left here in israel last night to go on to egypt. he said that, israel has accepted the u.s. bridging proposal. that's fine. that that's the us and israel with their vision of the agreement. but it is not clear. in fact, it's it's clear that their vision of the agreement it does not line up with hamas's vision of this agreement to move it forward. and there have been accusations
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even in this country that israel has added or tightened new conditions on that agreement, for instance, who's going to govern the philadelphi corridor? that is the border between gaza and egypt which has been a central sticking point in these negotiations. so blinken continues his diplomatic effort, his shuttle diplomacy but the two two sides just do not seem to be speaking the same language of this deal so hopes that it might get through, make real progress this week following progress last week in doha, it's just hard to see kate the evidence that justifies that hope and what then jim, are you more are you learning about the dead hostages the idf says that it was able to recover their bodies overnight. so, so there are six of them, as you mentioned in here are their names. i think it's important to read them. yoram metzger, alexander dancyg, abraham, monday sure. haim perry, nadav papa. well yoga of books job
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now, we should note that all of these hostages were taken alive on october 7. and though a few months ago, israel came to believe that one of those six had died until yesterday. we didn't know for sure that those six were dead and what that is doing is it is it is gradually taking down that number of hostages that would be part of any hostage release ceasefire agreement. we're down to 109 now. and the fact is that israeli officials believe that a large portion of those hundred and nine are dead as well. and that's that's a sad fact in this country, right? because you know, kate, what paying this has caused the family members here there continued to be demonstrations wherever you're traveling this country, you see faces of those highs passengers. but, but the number of those who will be exchanged and gain their freedom be returned to their families with events like today, that number is always coming down dwindling jim. thank you so much. it's good to see you. still ahead for us he
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devoted his life to maga voting for donald trump in both 2016 and 2020. and then fast-forward to today him speaking at the dnc and supportive kamala harris what happened man who had a video that brand but at the convention, during the convention last night, he is our guest and the search continues for six missing people who were on board a yacht that sank off the coast of sicily for being hit by a tornado this is your team you have the right set of individuals we're going to take us to the next level hard knocks training camp with the chicago bears, streaming exclusively on okay. >> everyone that our mission is to provide complete balanced nutrition or strength and energy ensure with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein how far would you go?
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dear, and let us always remember when we fight that was kamala harris last night briefly taking to the stage and now it is day two of the democratic convention. and hosting tonight's gathering a republican host of the view and cnn political commentator, ana navarro. but she is this is not the only republican who is lending their voice in support of kamala harris, something that harris campaign is making sure to highlight this week at the dnc, of course that includes rich logistx he's the self-proclaimed x maga activists who addressed the convention last night explaining how he went from loving donald trump to now campaigning for kamala harris so i finally stepped outside the maga echo chamber. i stopped listening to what trump said and looked around at my own eyes and i realized he had been lying about pretty much everything this is my message to all the republicans and independents who are watching people like me voted for, who
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believed in trump. i made a grave mistake but it's never too late to change your mind and joining us now is rich logistx. >> he is now the co-chair of republicans for harris in florida. thanks for coming in rich, seeing your message, your face there in that video. the same night on the same convention stage as president joe biden, who's took the stage later as hillary clinton, who was the 2016 democratic nominee against donald trump, taking the stage the same night. what was it like for you? >> okay. good morning. thank you so much for having me. it was my life has come a bit full circle that video aired on the evening in which secretary clinton and president biden both spoke when i was a maga activists and pawned it from 2015 to 22 i made some important comments publicly and privately about ms clinton and
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president biden and i even wanted my twitter account last night and wrote them personal apologies that i hope we'll get to them and when i was in the maga community, i was not just simply a partisan trump voter. i was a volunteer i did phone-banking. i did wrote in part contributed some of the call script to the trump campaign. so i was very much into that world. and after the victory in 2016, i got even deeper into it having spoken at trump groups, sponsored trump groups, writing for a number of as a freelancer, a number of right-wing arctic excuse me, right wing new sites and opinion sites at it professionally produced podcast so i was someone who gravitated to the trump campaign at the time 2015 in rich, you were deep in it as you're describing, one of the things i'm wondering is what how do you sum up? what attracted you so much to donald trump? then?
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>> and also, when was the moment that he lost you so i was i consider myself at the time of very disillusioned american politically and i saw trump as someone has an outsider looking to change the ways of washington and right now, as i am working on behalf of the harris-walz campaign for republicans, for harris down here as a co-chair in florida. i understand why they're americans right now who who had these feelings of disillusionment and disenchantment and i was asked it's come on the campaign. i didn't hesitate when i was asked because i think that there's a message that perhaps i hope i'm uniquely able to deliver because there were a number of factors that led to my questioning my beliefs. they all happen in the summer of 2021 there was mismanagement of covid by both trump and my governor, ron desantis says, there was a better understanding of january 6 i started to diversify my news and information sources started
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to get out of that maga and right-wing echo chamber started to realize that there were some beliefs i held that it turned out to be wrong there were other moments such as when the republican party deemed the insurrection legitimate political discourse. and then there was the final straw for me rarely, which was the uvalde texas school shooting. so i went through an entire year of personal to molt having to come to this conclusion that i was mistaken about pretty much everything that i believed. and i think it's important that i let viewers know that i take responsibility for everything that i said all my rhetoric, all of my decisions, and it was on august 30, 2020 2022, when i published a may a culpa, in which i stated my remorse for supporting trump and desantis and maga and i wanted to acknowledge that mistake publicly because i was always very public in my support for trump so i also want to ask you now, you're working on behalf
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of the harris campaign, trying to win over more republicans to support kamalaharris in florida. >> and my colleague john king, he spoke with some republicans in iowa who have wavered on trump. one really stuck with me saying that she did not want to vote for trump this time. but then inflation started hurting just too bad. let me play what she said i describe myself as being resigned. >> i suppose to voting for donald trump again, i just i can't vote for the status quo. and i was absolutely better off during donald trump's presidency than i am today i'm wondering in the conversations that you're having or you're trying to have with republicans in florida, is the economy, is inflation, is it your biggest struggle? there's no question that, that is an everyday concern for most americans and will be throughout the duration of their lives. but in this particular election, i helped
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donald trump divide the country for many, many years. he has, he is someone who is torn asunder. families and communities, and households all across the country is that had complete strangers against each other. he's amplified and elevated conspiracies that he almost certainly knows cause avoidable that's and trauma and so with those concerns, i i've been saying to those who are feeling disenchanted with our political system, republicans right now, who maybe are not an amazon for whatever reason with the harris-walz ticket, but don't want to vote for donald trump. i think that this is an election that is a referendum on character and trust. and we have with the harris-walz ticket very clearly a campaign who is inclusive? it is. >> i am unaware of any major presidential candidate who has actually invited into the campaign to directly participate those whom they know are probably going to disagree with some of the policy style and substance that
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is an inclusive campaign. the harris campaign is one that is looking to unite left, center, and right. and very clearly that is not what the trump campaign is trying to do. in fact, when i was in maga, we did not talk about the benefits of democracy. we talked about crushing and conquering our opponents and our enemies because we believe anyone not with us was an enemy. so when we think about these issues of trust, we have to ask ourselves in my message to undecided voters is if we're going to talk about character and we're going to talk about trust do we think that trump or harris is better equipped and better fit to try to provide actual solutions to these concerns that all of us have every day it's fascinating the conversations that i'm having with you and also the conversations you're having with fellow republicans are trying to have in florida. >> rich. thank you very much for coming in it's my pleasure, kate. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> also, new overnight numbers are showing new numbers showing that the u.s. fertility rate
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dropped to a record low in 2023. that's according to new data from the cdc. let's bring in cnn's jacqueline howard has been looking at this new data and what do you find it? thanks. jacqueline? >> yeah. okay. well, what we're seeing is that last year, there were about 55 babies born for every 1,000 women of reproductive age, but that number reflects a 3% drop in the general fertility rate here in the united states. and this acquired is something that's been ongoing since the year 2007. kate, we know that since 2007, the number of births in the u.s. has dropped 17%. the general fertility rate has declined at 21%, and the reason why this is happening, we know that there has been a shift in our society where women are having babies less often, some women are waiting until they might be older in age to have children, but also the teen birth rate has declined significantly when you look at ages 15 to 19, the teen birth rate has dropped to thirds since 2007. so kate, we're
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seeing these trends happening in real time leading to this continuous decline in the u.s. fertility rate important data to have out there, jacqueline, thank you very much also new this morning, the mother of one of hunter biden's children is sharing her story in a tell all memoir out of the shadows is what it's called. details, what it was like for lunden roberts to raise her daughter as a single mother in arkansas? also chronicles how she met hunter biden, his battle against addiction and her fight to have her daughter recognized by the biden family. she says, cnn's marshall cohen joins us right now. and what more is roberts revealing in this book? >> hey kate? well, there are two sides to every story we've heard about lunden roberts and her daughter, navy for years in tabloids, in court filings. but now we're hearing directly from her for the very first time and it's an intensely personal story of her journey from rural arkansas to washington dc where she met hunter biden fell in love and
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got pregnant with his child. but after she got pregnant, hunter pulled away and denied paternity so she went to court in 2019. kate, let me read for you a quote from the book where roberts explained why she sued hunter biden while his father was ramping up his campaign, quote i don't want this to be a scandal. i never did. i'm rooting for joe in the next election and i'm not part of a conspiracy trying to bring down the biden family. it would just be nice if hunter would tell the truth and give my daughter the father she deserves. so first of all, her support for joe biden might come as a surprise because she's from a deep red county in arkansas when she hired to diehard trump supporters as her attorneys. but more importantly, kate, she revealed that after they settled that child support case last year, hunter ended his five-year estrangement with his daughter and now they actually have weekly zoom calls and she says they have a very close bond marshall. >> thank you so much for bringing us that reporting and new hour of cnn, new central


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