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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  August 20, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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year. >> go to jacuzzi bathroom or call 800 to 079371. >> that's 800 to 079371. call now the democratic national convention tonight at six on cnn and streaming on max hello and welcome to cnn special live coverage of the democratic national convention. >> i'm brianna keilar here in chicago and my good friend and colleague, boris sanchez, is in washington and it is day two here at the convention where tonight former president barak obama and former first lady michelle obama will be taking kamala harris should be the 47th president of the united states. second gentleman, doug emhoff, will also be one of the
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headliners tonight. he's expected to share personal stories about his marrrriage an family life with vice president harris and around the same time, xi will be about 90 miles away in milwaukee, just up the way they're holding a rally in the same arena where republicans held their convention last month. i want to bring in cnn chief national affairs correspondent jeff zeleny at jeff, you have some reporting on what the obamas are expected to say tonight. what can you tell us? >> rana, we know that former president barak obama likes to make the case for democratic candidates as he's done since leaving office. and tonight i'm told he will give a forceful articulation of why he believes the country and democrats should elect a kamala harris? yes. within any individual issues like the economy and democracy is really going to be laying out the stakes and drawing a contrast with former president donald trump. but something that we have seen him do, of course,
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back in the 2016 campaign, he made a similar argument for hillary clinton. of course, that was not as successful. but this speech, i'm told right here in his hometown of chicago will be slightly different, slightly more elevated, but it is going to be a forceful argument and this is something that is really the ark of the relationship between kamala harris and brock obama. it was 20 years ago this summer that she was actually at his convention seeing him for the first it's time when he had that breakout moment back at the 2004 convention, they became friends over the years. now he's one of her trusted advisors. he talks with her frequently told he was in conversation with her when she was a deciding who she was going to choose for her running mate. so for all the talk of passing the torch last evening, this is also a different moment for the party pretty sort of moving beyond the interlude of the biden administration, and he's going to be making the strong case for her, but michelle obama is someone we do not hear much from an a public setting like this. she'll be giving a much shorter speech on a toll, essentially introducing
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her husband, but her words carries so much weight because she is not seen as a political figure. so all eyes are going to be and what she says tonight, but it's also the speech from doug emhoff tonight going to really be a pudding. the personal touches on his marriage, as you said, to a vice president harris, at how she has been a step mother for his children and so much more, there's also a bigger lineup tonight of other speakers, including a few republicans as well, making the argument but but perhaps the most important thing is happening just up the road from here, brianna, as you said, in milwaukee, clearly wisconsin is a swing state. so the vice president not taking tonight off to bask in the applause in this arena. she's out trying to win votes just a little bit north of here. of course, that's key for november. >> brianna yeah, certainly is jeff zeleny. thank you so much for that. i want to bring in cnn senior political analyst mark preston first, let's talk about what was a rather late speech tonight by president biden. but one were he got such an amazing reception. >> he certainly didn't let me
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talk about a swan song. just 30, 31 days ago, he was planning to come here to this convention. and on thursday night stand on the stage and, you know, bask in the glory of the balloon drop and actually have a convention. he didn't have one in 2020, if you remember, was a virtual convention because of covid. but we saw last night was joe biden actually, you know, showing some grace and i hate to say x we were saying it all the time. i'm now it's passing the baton and he passed the baton to kamala harris. he did speak a little bit about his decision to step away. let's take a listen i spent the my lifetime serve as your president i love the job but i love my country more now of course, he was in many ways pushed out and but he has handled a gracefully. he's in california right now. but what is really interesting that they're really caught, certainly my year in my eye in expect to hear this over the next few days. and certainly
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the closing days of the election is the issue of abortion. we've heard a lot about project 2025. they are now trying to actually tie it together with some of these legislative issues that are driving voters right now, let's take a listen to a young woman that talked about having an abortion or excuse me, having a miscarriage at the age of 12 he calls it a beautiful thing what is so beautiful about a child having to carry her parents, child? >> so that's hadley duvall. she's from a cane tukey she appeared in an ad for governor beshear from kentucky last year, very powerful lad as a democrat, he won in a red state abortion outlawed in kentucky, i would expect to see hadley duvall probably in a more national setting beyond what we saw her last night yeah. >> i mean, that what she said kind of stopped you in your tracks. it was one of those moments you couldn't predict
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was going to happen. i felt it all so i wonder how this compares to the republican convention. >> well, certainly one thing it's more rockets, okay. i mean, you look behind us right here, this whole oh, places basically filled up. democrats have doubled the number that will be, it will be, they will be filled up later, virtually it's all up now. >> it's not happening it will be it will be filled up above, but, but realistically, they have doubled the number of delegates, but they also bring their constituencies and the republican convention tends to be more of a meeting, more of a formality rah, rah speeches. >> they go home. it gets very loud in here. >> mark. thank you so much, really appreciate it. let's talk now is florida democratic congressman jared moskowitz i wonder what you thought and we're hearing sound checks. i just want to let our viewers know so you're going to hear some noise behind us that's just what's going to be happening over the next couple of hours. you are watching the president's speech last night. i love the job, but i love my
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country more how do you think history is going to judge that moment? >> well, i mean, it's one of the most patriotic things you can do. he's been doing this for 50 years. this is his life. this is what he knows. he's got one of the best public service records i think really anyone living today. and if you look historically, i think he'll go down and this moment will go down as a major victory for the country. very personal decision. i think for the president. and so i think he's going to look kindly for what he did not just for the democratic party but, but also for the country. but look, we gave him a great send-off, right? we actually gave him two days. he got monday night and tuesday morning. >> okay that's funny i think actually we just heard the drums after he said that that was intentional. >> it was like knew and they knew how important is president obama's speech tonight and who does he need to? the speaking to? that vice president harris needs to be winning over that. maybe she isn't. >> well, first of all, let's talk about the fact that president obama is coming here.
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secretary clinton was here, michelle obama, you're going to have president bill clinton donald trump didn't have any of that because he didn't invite anybody who was a previous president from there republican party. in fact, his former vice president couldn't come. i don't even know if mike pence was invited to the convention. so democrats are united usually you hear democrats fall in love, republicans fall in line. democrats are doing both were falling in love and falling in line. and so look, president obama is a communicator like no nobody else of this generation. and so he's going to talk to i think all facets of the democratic party that we have to together unite even if we have differences, we're a big tent. we have to unite because defeating donald trump is the most important thing. and so i think that's what you can hear from obama. i think what you're going to hear people might remember what bill clinton did in that speech. for obama. when bill clinton spoke at that convention after hillary in the reelect, in obama's reelect, bill clinton came out and gave,
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well, that's right, gave one of the most powerful speeches i think explaining why his reelected obama's reelection was so important. i think obama is going to do that for a combo so when you said big tent, it's really pretty big for the dnc. i think we have an unprecedented number of republicans. and we'll be watching speaking kind of peppered throughout the program. here this week. >> i don't see you many democrats for trump adam kinzinger, who will be getting a pretty plumbed spot and speaking for a while, it sounds like on thursday, what does that mean to the party? >> i just david urban was just on and he said it doesn't actually, as senator schatz had said give, a permission structure to maybe some disaffected republicans are some republicans his david urban said it didn't, but i wonder what you think david might be right specifically with republicans, but i'll tell you what it does do. it appeals to independents okay. because independents want to see someone who doesn't just appeal to their base, the republican
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convention was a base convention. the fact that we're going to have half a dozen republicans, former trump people speaking here, independence are listening to that and they're seeing someone who's appealing just beyond the base. and so yes, maybe that doesn't give a permission slip to republicans, but i think that matters in the middle. people who are on the fence will see that. and we'll see someone who's appealing just beyond the base. >> we saw some protesters, not many, three or four inside who were holding up a banner that read stop arming israel. that was really in the back of here the united center there, of course were protests outside. we saw them a tear down a small part of a barrier and police intervened members of the uncommitted movement represented here among the delegates want kamala harris to outline a plan for gaza. i wonder if you think she needs to respond to them, will look eyes. >> thank the vice president has done a good job showing compassion, showing that she's
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happy to meet with them, showing that she's listening. but at the same time, i don't think there's going to be a significant change in policy. you can just see that in the platform of course that came out, that platform is one of the most pro israel platforms the democratic party as ever had and is more pro israel than the republican platform because there wasn't really much in the republican platform. she is not going to be for embargo on arms to israel. she's already said that, so we can turn the page on that issue. they can continue to protest for that. that's their right. but that's not going to happen. i think she's a strong supporter of israel and i don't think you're going to see much change from the biden-harris record on israel. >> there's an interesting appearance. it was different than some of the others from michigan state representative mallory mcmorrow, where she was just reading off of project 2025 and in particular, cuellar, she read yesterday about a part that would in her words, she was describing, it basically allow trump to kind of gut career civil servants from the federal government and installed people loyal to him
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and positions that are usually a political how concerned are you that this will really happen? and how effective do you think it is with folks here and those listening outside? >> well, i think the project 20 thing is effective, but don't listen to the state senator, listen to democrats say that, listen to donald trump. he can't run away faster from that whole thing, distancing himself. he's got his campaign people putting things out. we have nothing to do with this even though there because i got 100 people from his administration who were involved. so look, i think here's what happened. i think that they knew they were writing this. this is a plan heritage foundation's very involved. remember that's where donald trump's supreme court picks came from. and then they got caught. they got caught with the plan and then i think people on the trump campaign started she read it and they were like, oh, this is not going to go over. well, if this becomes public and that's what happened. and now they're kind of caught. and so no democrats should continue to talk about project 2025 and they should make the trump people own it
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because those are his people who wrote it. >> well, they will. she's going to keep talking about it each night. it's large book the convention there's hundreds of pages. congressman. thank you so much for being with us. we do appreciate x remedy ahead. we have more from the convention here in chicago is democrats rally around vice president harris is the nominee. what's her campaign strategy to turn enthusiasm into votes? i'll be speaking to her deputy campaign manager next, also ahead, new details about what the u.s. alleges was an iranian hacking operation targeting both harris and trump's campaigns in recent months. and then later, taylor swift needs to young survivors injured in a stabbing attack at an event inspired by her music, what she told them next fall comedy is coming to cnn what could go wrong i got news for you for me or saturday,
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being whether out of though erin no can imagine with fast sides creates striking custom visuals. >> then inspire pride. district wide that site. >> make your state mint i'm melissa bell in paris and this is cnn what a difference. >> eight years makes you probably remember michelle obama's 2016 rallying cry how we explain that when someone is cruel, or acts like a bully, you don't stoop to their level no our motto is when they go low, we go high fast forward to last night and vice president harris is unifying message let us fight for the ideals we hold
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dear and let us always remember when we fight so what does that fight look like as we close in on the final months of this election, joining me now, we have quentin fulks, the principal deputy campaign manager for the harris campaign quentin. >> thank you so much for being with us. we do appreciate it it's a bit of a turn from eight years ago. i mean, what do you what do you think? think about it? >> i mean, look, i think that there is momentum. think that there's enthusiasm i think that the vice president has a vision that's night two of this convention is to talk about her vision for this country and what it looks like moving forward. and i think we have to continue to remind people as the vice president says, that when we fight together, we can win tonight. >> we'll be hearing from the obamas. i wonder how important it is to hear from former president obama as a messenger on the economy. >> i think it's very important. i think that the vice president is shaping her economic policy
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and what she wants it to look like. i think the president biden has president obama has sat in the chair. there's very few people fool who has been president of united states and know what that job entails and what it requires and what you're looking for. you can talk about what it means to put an agenda together for the people. and i think that president obama is going to be a very, very important validator on that topic. >> you think he appeals to black men that may be challenging area when it comes to the voting block box that harris has to work on look, i think that black man obviously want to hear about the economy. >> i think that for too long, black men who felt like they've been left behind and left out of the vision for this country and as the vice president is saying, she is running to represent all of america rural, poor, urban straight, black, gay, white, everything. we have to make sure that we're communicating that message do you think that african american men want to hear on the vice president's vision for the economy and how everybody can have an opportunity to get ahead. >> you're starting the convention. i think a half hour earlier today. is that right than you were expecting after
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things ran? pretty long last night, james taylor's performance was canceled. there were a number of speakers who were jettison we didn't hear from president biden till 11, 30 eastern what happened and are you sure that you have things under control for today? >> well, look, we've got a great team that's hosting this convention in the city of chicago has welcomed us in a very stuff with open arms. it was night one of the convention. obviously, when you're planning something this big things can happen. and i think that's what happened last night, but i think today and tonight we're going to see a flawless program. >> we are learning about the number of republican voices that will be on this stage behind us, it's really an unprecedented number for a democratic convention and that includes a pretty plumbed spot for adam kinzinger on thursday night clearly you view him the campaign views him very much as an asset. >> yeah. i mean, i think so. i mean, all republicans, i call it a little bit of the segment before the reason why these people are supporting vice president harris and governor walz is because of donald trump's plan and because of the extreme agenda, donald
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trump's extremism is driving republicans away. and so again, we are comfortable with the fact that these individuals don't have to agree with vice president harris or governor walz on everything. but what they know, it's the same thing that president biden knows is that this is about american putting their country first and they see donald trumps and jd vance's extremism you have some uncommitted voters here represented among the delegates we spoke with one yesterday on the program. >> and they are calling on vice president harris to outline a plan when it comes to israel, when it comes to the war in gaza, is that something that she would do? >> look, i think that the vice president has made her position clear on this and the fact that she wants there to be a ceasefire that you heard president biden acknowledged last night, and they they don't think they don't think she's clear on it, that they're asking for something more. >> look, i think that the vice president has been clear on it. like i said, and i think that what we're seeing at this convention tonight has solid support behind vice president harris and governor walz. and so we're going to continue to enjoy the convention. obviously, everyone can make their voices heard on this issue, both vice president
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harris and president biden are working tirelessly to bring this issue to a close and so that's what they're going to continue to do. >> so are you comfortable with where she is without without doing anything else when it comes to the demands of folks like this, are you are you comfortable that she has the votes she needs from people who have had concerns over that. >> look, i think that vice president harris chris has the votes that she needs. but obviously this is an evolving situation and i don't want to be callous, will dismissive about it at all. but this is obviously the foreign policy situation is something that has major impacts around the world. and again, so i am not the best person to sit here and say how far someone's policy should go on this or that. but what i do know is that vice president harris has been very clear on her position on this issue and that she wants there to be a ceasefire. >> what is her goal on thursday? what will we be hearing from her? >> i think our goal is going to be how she is going to move the country forward at the end of the day this election as a fundamental choice between two different visions for this country. one where we're lowering costs for people, protecting freedoms for people, and making sure that we are creating opportunity for
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everybody not to just give by, but to get ahead and on the other side, under donald trump and j.d. vance, you have an extreme unstable project 2025 agenda, a plan that is going to hurt people. and i think you're going to hear vice president harris both lay out what that plan is and how it would hurt people. but most importantly, her vision and governor walz, his vision for the future of this country quite. >> and can you react? i'm sure you've seen this axios reporting where it's stressing that harris has a history of being somewhat risk adverse and pointing out of pattern of choreographed appearance is no interviews, few gaggles with reporters what. do you think about that? and do you think at a certain point that she needs your your chuckling so just react to that, but also at a certain point, does she need to kind of throw some of that out the window? >> look, i don't think that this has anything to do with being risk averse. i think this has to do with making sure that you're interviewing with the people who are going to decide who gets the job but. as the american voters and vice president harris has been out from the moment she became the top of the ticket, talking to
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american voters, tens of thousands of voters showing up for rallies are smaller events, laying out her vision, we have 77 days and this is a job interview with the american people for 77 days. and that's where the vice president's focuses finally, quentin, the most important question i'm sure you've anticipated this. will we be seeing beyond beyonce or taylor swift in person or virtually? and just a note that your credibility is completely on the line here as you answer this question, i don't know any plans like that for right now. we're going to be happy with the use of the song oh, vice president loves walking out to it. and so we'll see what happens from there. >> all right, quentin, we will see there's so much chatter, but i keep hearing people kind of dampening down, although there could be a surprise effect. so no idea really. alright. okay, quentin fulks. thank you so much, really appreciate the time has and coming up u.s intelligence now i'll confirming iran was behind hacking attempts that targeted both the trump and biden-harris campaigns new
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details on what they found. plus disney backtracking on a wrongful death lawsuit, the company had claimed a widowers disney plus agreement prevented his lawsuit. what the company is saying now the lead with jake tapper weekdays at four on cnn knock-knock number one broker here for the number one hitmaker. thanks for swinging by carl, no problems. >> so those four, this is me, adjust the base add more guitar, maybe some drums so many choices. yeah. like schwab, i can get full-service wealth management advice invest on my own, and trade on thinkorswim, fall is the only front man you need oh, i'm going to take this girl swap have a choice in how you invest with schwab here's to getting better with age here's to be nice to every thursday help fuel today with boost high protein complete nutrition, you need in the flavor you love so
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here's to now. now available boost max. >> she grew up in a middle-class home she was the daughter of a working mom, and she worked at mcdonald's while she got her degree. kamala harris knows what it's like to be middle-class. it's why she's determined to lower health care costs and make housing more affordable donald trump has no plan to help the middle-class. just more tax cuts for billionaires been president is about who you fight for it and she's fighting for people like you and kamala harris. >> and i approve this message if you're shopping for a home only shows you homes for sale source directly from professionals, meaning you can trust every home listing is a realistic don't all have to do that. not really. >> trust the number one app real estate professionals trust so why don't you actually get good sister and gave me some world baby back ribs be directed now china you they'll
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trump and biden-harris campaigns in recent months. but iranian officials are denying that saying those claims are unsubstantiated cnn senior justice correspondent evan perez joins us now with the latest evan what are investigators saying about all of this? >> well, this is now the official confirmation from the u.s us government. you know, there's whole procedure that the fbi and the intelligence community goes through to determine the attribution of these types of attacks. and in this case they've now taken a few weeks to look at the evidence and they have concluded that the iranians were behind both of these targeting of trump campaign and the harris campaign or what at the time was the biden-harris campaign now? >> we've previously reported that one of the ways they got into this was the first they targeted a number of people. they managed to get into roger stone's email. he's a former associate of the former president, is still kind of an adviser, loosely advising the former president and they use
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that to refine their targets that were used essentially his contact list to be able to get to the people that they want to inside the campaign. people associated with the campaign and that's where you see. now, there has been some documents that news organizations have reported receiving, which came from inside the campaign. here's part of what the intelligence community said in this joint statement yesterday. they said the intelligence community is confident but that the iranians have through social engineering and other efforts, sought access to individuals with direct access to the presidential camp, presidential campaigns of both political parties. such activity, including thefts and disclosures, are intended to influence the u.s us election process. now you know the playbook that the iranians are going for is what happened in 2016. the russians successfully breached the dnc. they use some of that information that they got the documents and so on, emails and they used it to disrupt the hillary clinton campaign and to some, to some extent, they, there were success as for right? >> that's the same playbook
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that the iranians are going for a little more complicated with the iranians because they're also looking to assassinate members of the former trump administration to so they're working all of these different angles to try that again, to influence the election and to carry out other intelligence purposes in the united states elections always an important time to be on the lookout for this sort of malfeasance don't click on anything. not click on things that you don't. >> this, why haven't been responding to your emails? >> you gotta be careful was wondering why evan perez. thank you so much. now to some of the other headlines that we're watching at this hour, taylor swift inviting two young fans, both survivors of a knife attack on a taylor swift-themed dance class in england to join her backstage. and a video posted a tiktok for girls can be seen posing with the singer at wembley stadium in london. the girl's mom posted the video online with the caption, quote, the biggest thank you to taylor swift and her mum for making the most magical night possible for a song and quo
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also this just in the body of the shaft of a super yacht has been recovered off the coast of sicily. days after that boat sank in a storm. two americans are still among the missing after that vessel sank. and what's being done? describe as a freak storm. rescuers are still searching today for billionaire british tech entrepreneur mike lynch along with five others, including lynch's 18-year-old daughter, and the top executive at morgan stanley international and listen to this, disney is now backtracking on a wrongful death lawsuit. you might have heard about this. the suit has been brought by the widow over of a woman who died after an allergic reaction when she aid at a disney resort restaurant disney initially tried to get the suit tossed out of court, arguing the dispute had to go to arbitration because of the fine print in the husband's disney plus streaming account agreement now, disney is saying it's waving, it's right to arbitration and wants to handle this situation sensitively. and
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quickly for the family still to come on. cnn news central, he is the youngest member of congress and tonight, he's speaking to his generation gen z, making the case for vice president kamala harris, congressman maxwell frost is joining brianna live in cargo. and just moments the tv moments that took culture over the edge. people are watching and then are world change he had an explosive reverberation tv on the edge from airs sunday, september 22, did nine on cnn. when you buy or sell your car exactly how you want with car gurus, you might begin to wonder what if you could do things your way all the time some dreams do come true get
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behind former president trump with younger voters. >> and although recent polls show vice president harris reversing that trend, winning over voters under 30 still remains a challenge. joining us now is the youngest member of congress and the first gen z elected officials set to speak we expect at the democratic national convention, we have florida representative maxwell frost. you will neither confirm nor deny that, but i'm going to press you on that hearing first off tonight, big night. former president obama speaking, what do you want to hear? from him? >> i mean, i think the president has an opportunity here to really bring together the different generations, you know, for so many young people, they didn't really grow up under that. obama era. i mean, i remember it and i'm the oldest member of gen z and i was pretty young at that time too. and so i think it's going to be amazing for a lot of young americans across this country. to hear him speak for a lot of them. it's going to be almost for the first time, right and hearing that message from him, i think it's going to be very helpful in bringing
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people together here. i mean, he was really one of the last candidates we had that i would describe as a movement candidate, which not just the campaign. it's a movement that brought people together and that's what we see with vice president well, harris, right now, i needed to mentally prepare more for you to make me feel very old okay. so i wonder you've been watching the convention you have been you've been out on the campaign helping out a lot you have been talking to a lot of people who are here and young people. do you think that gen z is concerns are being adequately addressed so far at the convention? >> i do. >> in fact, i was almost kind of surprised of how many young people i'm seeing here everywhere. i'm walking, i'm seeing lots of young people, of course the creators, but in the delegates are so many young delegates here. and for people don't know, you gotta run for these delegate positions, which means young people are fired up enough to run to represent their party and their locality. here at this convention. and i think that says a lot about our candidate. i think it says a lot about our party platform
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and what we're fighting for it would be strange to me if you did not speak at the convention you will not tell me if you are but i do wonder sort of as you are speaking to people, if you were to speak, what? what message you think it is important to impart to people and who's specifically you would talk to i mean, i think it's important that we focus on the issues and exactly how we, as democrats, but the vice president is the best on these issues from housing affordability to the climate crisis. >> so you know, i'm from the state of florida i'm a florida man. and the climate crisis isn't coming. it's here and we're experiencing extreme heat hurricanes that are lasting longer and doing more than ever before. and the vice president and president biden, made history by passing the inflation reduction act, the most amount of money and resources to combating this and notch just our country's history, but in the world system sorry and so i think really putting that fourth for people, but we can't just talk about the record. i like to say
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that's what people got, what their last vote. now they want to know what are they going to get, what their next vote. so talking about the future is also really important here alex thompson, who's one of our contributors and works at axios, has some reporting about how vice president harris she sort of has this reputation for being someone who's deliberate and careful about how she approaches things and i wonder for you, especially as with gen z, there's such you know the way to reach gen z is to be very authentic. >> and sometimes to kind of be off the cuff and just keep it real. do you think that she needs to do that more? i mean, what is your perception? what do you hear from people? >> i think she's been doing that and i would say her entire career. i mean, we've seen her blowing up on tiktok, right. blowing up online. it's really these authentic moments of her just being herself that have really brought in a lot of gen z-ers and young people saying wow, like she's, she's a normal person, but she's fighting for the things i
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believe in, you know, sometimes you real someone in who doesn't care about politics with that authenticity. and then you the opportunity to talk with them about the issues. we see a lot of these pop culture accounts reporting on what's going on at the dnc to a crowd people who might not care about politics. but this week, they're learning about the issues and how the vice president is going to fight for them. >> do you think that's a generational divide then? and we of course a sound check you getting quite loud but i assure you that our viewers can hear us. do you think that's a generational impression then that you think younger people perceive her as more authentic and that it's the olds, if you will, who think that she's more carefully curated? >> i couldn't comment on how old are folks are seeing. i mean, as i've traveled the country, i've seen a multi-generational well ty racial movement of people coming to these office openings, coming to these events. and when i talk with them and asked him why are you here, why are you doing postcards? why you're making phone calls? why are you not? indoors and 100 degree weather
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in nevada this weekend? and they say it's because she has been fighting for us. she's authentic and i feel inspired to be here make sure we defeat donald trump in electron harris. >> there are uncommitted voters represented among the delegates here and they want kamala harris to outline a proposal, a clear plan. as she sees it, when it comes to israel, when it comes to gaza she does not seem particularly inclined to do that. it sounds like the campaign is saying she's been very clear on where she is. they want more. and i wonder if you think that without what they're calling for, she can win over those voters. and if she needs to walk, the vice president and president biden have been fighting for a ceasefire to make sure that we stay save lives and, you know, i think the thing that the vice president really brings to the table here is empathy and love for all people, no matter who you are. and we know that the that full of palestinians,
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innocent people, it's tragic some a trough and she understands that we need to stop this killing this war, the president said it last night. she's been saying over and over again. and what the uncommitted delegates look, these are folks who are democrats, who believe in the values we believe and as a party and they're using this system, we've set out to make their point known and advocate for an issue they believe in. and i applaud anyone for taking this system and doing what they want to do. the fight for the issue that they believe in the vice president, i think has been very open and listening and hearing from all different parts of our party to figure out what the path forward congressman maxwell frost. thank you so much for being here. really appreciate it. >> thank you. >> and you may have heard that actress comedian maya rudolph is returning this saturday night live soon to reprise this, or emmy award-winning snl impersonation of vice president kamala harris. >> well, it turns out that's news to rudolph for sushi
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pulled ru paul on the jimmy kimmel live show last night she it was announced that she was running, you know, i think i was home watching the bear and it was announced that i confirm doing this now and i was like i did what i would never have believed you if you had said, hey, one day you're gonna be playing the presidential candidate for me to think that i have anything to do with this by association is mind-blowing. >> yeah. i spent so many years on snl, you know watching other people play presidential candidates and thinking, there's no one that resembles me in the race to think that we're here now and to think that i would ever be close by association is so incredible fall comedy u.s. coming to cnn what could go wrong if i got new? he's for you. >> for me or saturday, september 14th at nine on cnn.
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distributors in america. >> the democratic national convention tonight at six on cnn and streaming none backs today in chicago, crews installed a new row of fencing outside the democratic national convention grounds after probe the palestinian demonstrators breached heart of the area cnn's whitney wild is joining us now from outside of the united center whitney tens of thousands of protesters were set to take part in dnc related protests in chicago this week, what have you been seeing today? what we saw so far is a much different security footprint. so let me just walk you through what we're seeing at the united center. so this is a more fortified view than what we've seen, brianna. so these, these non-scalable
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fences were here. but what we're seeing now is these bolts that are fusing these more closely together. because what we saw demonstrators do yesterday was they were kind of got underneath this and wiggled it out of its spot here. and then hoisted it over. and that's how they were able to breach the perimeter of the dnc these are about eight feet and addition to this size, new panels have gone up. so there are some areas here where the fence is much taller. and then further brianna, there's an entirely new line of fencing before there were there were two layers. now, they've added a third layer, a few yards in. and briana, this is a good example of what law enforcement has said they plan to do for months, which is have many layers of redundancy he's yesterday that redundancy was law enforcement coming upon those protesters quickly as they breached the fence. now, you're seeing this additional physical redundancy this is not the start that chicago police or the secret service was looking for, but it's certainly one that they anticipated. and what the chicago police department had made very clear
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from the outset was that they were not going think it's tolerate any criminal activity. here's superintendent larry snelling earlier today some of them breached into the fence the adjacent fence. >> they attempted to pull that fencing down we got in there as quickly as we could. our officers showed great restraint. the leadership team being out there, making sure that the officers are remembering their training and relying on your training to get this done, we do expect to see more protest or demonstrated tactics. again we're up to the challenge brianna, i want to be sure that we're putting this into context. >> there were around 3,500 protesters and it was a very small group that ended up reaching that fence, i mean, we're talking a couple dozen people at most. and what police have said over and over is that they are doing whatever they can for training they are giving people enough space
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because they are very committed to making sure that the thousands of protesters who did this correctly, who did this peacefully have the chance to exercise their first amendment right? we have heard that over and over from law enforcement at many briefings over the last few months. and that was what superintendents snelling was getting out today that they in these hiring is high stress moments really wanted their officers to be able to balance acting aggressively when necessary, but also making sure to respect the people who were out here peacefully. and so as you heard, superintendent snelling today, he feels that his officers acted appropriately they incorrectly in that very difficult moment in addition, brianna, when you look across the dnc and the first couple of days, the superintendent says 13 people in total have been arrested. it related to these protests throughout not necessarily yesterday, but just total around 13 arrests so far well, brianna a small number at this point whitney wild. thank you so much. we do appreciate it and straight ahead on cnn news central day two of the dnc she will be looking at what to
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