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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  August 20, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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coventry cnn, news central, weekdays that seven eastern closed captioning brought to you by meso if you or, a loved one have mesothelial, will send you a free book to answer questions you may have called now and we'll come to you 800 a31, 3,700 welcome back. i'm brianna keilar at the
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democratic national convention in chicago, where a sound check underway. my good friend and colleague boris sanchez, is in washington and it's homecoming day as the dnc is jewish, chicago's hometown heroes headline night number two, here at the united center, former president barack obama, former first lady michelle obama. this star speakers set to take the stage live later this evening, obama made his national debut at the dnc 20 years ago, he delivered a speech that laid the groundwork for his successful white house run in 2008. and tonight, he will make the case to the american people for why kamala harris should be the nation's 47th president unlike last night, harris will not be inside the convention hall. she is heading to milwaukee for a ride rally and a dnc watch party in the critical battleground state of wisconsin. but her husband, second gentleman, doug emhoff, will be among tonight's keynote speakers here in chicago. i'm
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joined now by cnn's mj lee, mj, what can we expect to hear from the obamas when they addressed? the delegates? >> yes. brianna, that was actually patty labelle behind us. so you come here early enough and you get to hear some of the snippets of those performances in rehearsals. but i think you're totally right, brianna, that the obamas are two of the biggest speakers we're going to see this week. they are big figures in politics, but they also just bring a level of celebrity. i think that goes beyond the politics the overarching message we are told that we will hear from the couple is that kamala harris is made for this moment and that she is qualified to do the job. of course, the couple will be speaking as having spent eight years at the white house and for barack obama and kamala harris, you know, they came up in democratic politics together and their careers have certainly intersected at various moments. the former president endorsed kamala harris when she was running for ag in 20102 years later, she would speak at the convention
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for him in charlotte when he was running for reelection against mitt romney. she that he then would go into endorse her senate race as well. and one could even argue that this moment for kamala harris this week may not have happened, were it not for barak obama, you go back to the fact that barak obama obviously chose joe biden as his vice president. biden then chose harris as his running mate as well. and all of this culminating in this moment with the vice president formally accepting her party's nomination for the presidency with her big speech on thursday. and i do think the two can certainly connect as barrier breaking figures of their own. brock obama would certainly understand better than most people in politics what she is trying to do. you hear, trying to become the first woman elected to the presidency, not to mention the first woman of asian and black descent. so i think there are a lot of sort of personal connections there for those two. and i think just separately for michelle obama,
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the fact that we are going to be seeing her at this convention speaking on behalf of the vice president it's going to be in interesting moment because she really did not play an active role in president biden's former reelection campaign until it ended about a month ago. so i think just even the visual of her playing such a big political role this week. and campaigning essentially for the vice president that is going to be a notable moment in politics. as well. >> and mj, what are we going to hear from doug emhoff, the second gentleman tonight yeah. >> you know, for weeks ago, the second gentleman. i'm obviously was going to be speaking at this convention, but would have been a very different speech. and i think there just added gravity here, given that his wife, the vice president, is now at the very top of the ticket. you know, you talk about some of the biggest names in politics speaking at this convention in chicago this week but the campaign really does see the
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vice president spouses being one of the most important. simply just because of the obvious reason of he is the person that knows the vice president bests and we are told by sources that he will talk about the story of how they met, the fact that she became a step mom to his children, ella and coal and will describe her as being the anchor to their blended family. so those personal touches are going to be there. we should note the vice president will be at a political rally elie in milwaukee. but given that convention planners are really eager to have moments of surprises, i do wonder if it's possible that they'll try to find a way to beman the vice president somehow so that she is a part of that event tonight as well. >> all right mj. thank you so much. i want to bring in someone who knows tonight's headliner very well. david litt is a former speech writer for president obama. and i wonder what we're going to expect because familiarity is quite important, right and obama and harris have known each other and supported each other now for two decades. so how are you? to expecting that to
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factor in tonight? >> well, i mean, i'm a professional words guy and this my formal title. >> but i actually want to start with some numbers. >> if you look, obama's approval rating has been about 60% since he left office and kamala harris has polling about 48%. and so you have this group of obama approvers who are not get harris voters and i think what you're going to see tonight is the president tried to persuade you, don't have to get all of them. if you can just get some of those obama approvers to become harris voters, she's going to win this election and i think he can lean on both his personal connection and his experience are very few other people in the world can say, trust me, i've done this job. she's ready how does he approach the objective of a speech like this? and the execution of it when the stakes are so high. >> one of the things that's really interesting about president obama, i don't think since lincoln we've had a president who started as a writer. and so president obama is a lawyer. he likes to make the case in a very sort of a to b to c way. buddy also likes to tell the story and i think you'll probably see both of those things in the speech
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tonight. it's a story that has an argument couched within it. and if you can do all of that and make it look like you didn't have to do any work on it. that that's really when it gets knocked out of the park. >> i wonder david, as a professional words guy as you've been watching some of the speeches not just the ones in the prime spots but some of the ones throughout earlier in the day as well. are there any folks whose whose appearances have really stood out to you as being good communicators or even surprising you? of how they carry the message for this ticket? >> well, i think the democratic party has a very deep bench, but at conventions would always really stands out to me are the people who are not politicians. i mean to me, if you look at hadley duvall last night, the woman who spoke about her own experience and what a trump abortion ban has done to her and you can get applause at a convention, but it's very hard to get silence. and when she said in donald trump calls these abortion bans a beautiful
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thing what's beautiful about a child having to carry their parents child. and that was a silent moment and that that is a really strong i'm powerful moment that i think a lot of people are going to take away from this convention. >> yet it took the air out of the room, i think. and as you watched, president biden's speech what stood out to you? >> i think what really stood out i mean, you know, president biden was great but i think the real thing that struck me in that moment was how much love there is in this room. and i think it's reflected across the country for him as not just as a president, but as a lifelong public servant. and i think that question of what service looks like and what service means. it sounds corny to say it, but that is absolutely something that we are that is on the ballot and that we're all talking about right now, who are you serving? serving the country? are you serving yourself and joe biden? i mean, he's now spent half a century serving this country, and that's something that i think as he exits the political stage, more and more people are realizing that's very special thing and he's a very special man. >> president obama's dnc
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speech in 2004 really propelled him into political superstardom and i just wonder how you see that moment with this moment well, i think it's a really interesting thing in the obama white house. >> whenever we were struggling, are trying to figure something out. the advice we always got from the head speech writer from the senior advisers was always go back to that 2004 convention speech because that's his story. it's the direction that he sees the country going. and so i wouldn't be surprised if in an authentic way because this is who he is. there is a sort of bookend quality one just this person who is introducing himself on the national stage and now he is introducing in a lot of ways the vice president to people who know who she's done. >> but they don't know her as presidential candidate yet. >> so last question i want to have a little fun here, because obama was, and i think there are some bipartisan agreement on this pretty good at a joke, in your professional words guy, but you're also a professional funny guy and he would deliver a lot of jokes specifically a
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white house correspondents dinners. and you well, one of the masterminds behind one of his best moments, which was luther, the anger translator. let's stick with me because i'm going to bring this back to the here and now but here is the moment that we may remember i'm a mello sort of guy and that's why i invited luther. my anger translator, to join me here tonight. >> hold on. >> to your lily-white and so it continued. it was a very funny bit and i know this is an event where there's, it's about a lot of but i also think there are people who have some upset
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as well. and so i wonder what luther the anger translator might say if he was giving a speech tonight. >> well, first of all, let me say, i don't think i'm going to let you bait me into impersonating keegan-michael key as luther, that anger translator on nationally but i do think i think luther would have some choice thoughts about the fact that this election is still closed. i mean, look at these two people and look at what please stand for. and according to all the polls, this is still a tossup race. i suspect if you asked luther, he would have some things he would like to say to all of our lily-white but for this moment in history david lays, it is great to have you. thank you so much for being with us. we appreciate it. thanks. brand-new and with me now, is virginia senator 20 2016 democratic vice presidential nominee, tim pain. >> and it is hard senator, i know to compete with patti labelle it is very loud, but to she's hitting notes that are giving us goosebumps. and in
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here we are having to concentrate want to know if you can reflect on what you heard last night? hi from president biden on one hand, there's a feeling from a lot of people that he was kind of shoved out and then on the other hand, you, can't ignore the poignancy of his words. i love the job, but i love my country more. how do you think history is going to dredge this moment? >> i, i think history, this will look bigger as we get farther away from it. it's a big deal now, but a leader at the top of his game, who is serving in the most powerful position on planet earth, who still believes he has a lot to give, saying it's time to put the torch in the hands of the next-generation. it just doesn't happen. it just doesn't happen and it was obvious not an easy discussion. but we just have to give him the thanks to realize it was time to do that. and i think that's going to set an example for others in years to come it was really interesting because after his speech, he told
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reporters that concerns over whether democrats would lose house and senate seats if he stayed in the race was a factor in his decision to step aside. >> you of course, you're one of those senators up for reelection. so you can certainly feel this. are you more comfortable with your chances? behind down-ballot from a harris-walz ticket, all the polling in virginia tells me yes. >> but set aside the polling, what i've been doing this for 30 years for my first city council election. i know how to read energy and for us to win in november, we need energy and we need unity we had unity in the sense that nobody was running against joe biden's. so we had unity, but we didn't really have energy. and in the aftermath of the debate, we sort of were lacking energy and unity joe biden was looking at the poll numbers, including in virginia. and he made a decision that is very hard to make. put the torch in the hands of the next generation. and now i see all over the commonwealth, i told you i was just campaigning in every part reddest appalachia bluest, northern virginia every part of
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the commonwealth surge of volunteerism, crowds at events. the energy even before i was seeing any polling, i was like, i know what this means and i feel very, very good about our chances in virginia and nationally now your campaign to defeat donald trump in 2016 failed in quite surprising fashion. i covered that campaign. i was there at the javits center that night and as the trump team has appearing poised to return to their playbook of eight years ago. i wonder what lessons you think the harris-walz team should take from that win by a lot, not by a little you know, we won the popular vote by millions, but it wasn't enough with the electoral college and the electoral college math may be getting more challenging going forward. so we need to win by a lot, not by little. we also know that trump has come up with some new tricks since 2016, the effort to overturn the peaceful transfer of power in 2020 gives us a little bit
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of a glimpse about what they might try. and so that means as good as we might feel. sitting here now with this burst of enthusiasm, we got one by a lot, not by a little. and that's, that's the message i've given my team every day and i think we feel that very strongly. >> and obviously an important, particular places, right? those wall states, so and i suspect the message and what you heard is you traveled around certain parts of virginia, can carry over to what may target folks in those particular areas in the blue wall. what do you think that this ticket needs to really concentrate on when it comes to their message. >> i really liked what commonly did last friday with her economic speech because something times, i feel like democrats tried to win on every other issue and then see the economy to republicans. but the economy is the issue that matters the most to most people. and camo has such a story to tell manufacturing jobs up infrastructure, we're building again, farm income is the your 401k is up, the
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uninsured rate is down. we're dealing with inflation better than any other nation on the planet. and yet we sometimes don't really sell that. i've been, i've been given the campaign a little bit of advice. i say the republican, that kind of economic message is really simple. well, cut taxes cut regulation. i got a simple one for democrats and it's just three words. make, build, grow. we make it an america we build at an american, we grow it in america and that takes advantage of some of the accomplishments of the biden-harris administration and also looked it's forward. >> i think one of the toughest speeches to give at the convention might be that of the vice presidential candidate because it's kind of a whirlwind from the time that you are announced. and then you have to show up and do this. and so you have tim walz with this big night tomorrow. you know what's what that is like? what was it like for you getting ready to give that? speech under this pressure, under this timeline. and what do you think he's facing? >> yeah, it is a whirlwind, but look, people love what they say about tim walz my wife is an
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educator and that the excitement of teachers just to have a high school teacher in the white house who was, who's got a wife who's a high school teacher the football coach has analogy the other day, politics and football you're working in a team, you're doing something bigger than you can do on your own. >> i think that he doesn't need to stress out about tomorrow night. >> people are very fast david, with this guy to talk about his military service, to talk about what he's learned with five terms in the house and then being a second-term governor, i mean, he's got some great stories tell when he's demonstrated already was big crowds, right before the convention that he can deliver a story in a really powerful way senator kaine, it is great to have you. >> thank you so much for being with that doesn't taking the time. yeah. >> thanks. >> the meantime, former president trump is hitting another battleground state today as his campaign looks to steal some of the momentum from democrats right now, he is in michigan and then later, while the world waits on word of a ceasefire and hostage deal maybe, maybe not between israel
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and hamas. the humanitarian crisis on the ground remains dire. we have those stories and much more coming up on cnn news central right? >> amica, are taking on to hotels. >> what if i took on one of the hotels? and you did the other two teams, we are going to be brian 100 days and the best hotel when 100 days you hotel challenge special series continues tonight at 8:00 on hgtv your best defense against erosion and cavities is strong enamel. >> nothing beats it. i recommend pro enamel active shields because it actively shields the enamel to defend against erosion and cavities. i think that this product is a game changer for my patients, try pronominal mouthwash with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, my skin was no longer mine. >> my active psoriatic arthritis join symptoms held me back. >> don't let symptoms define you emerge as you with trump via most people saw 90% clear skin at four months and the majority stayed clear eyed five
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commentators. we have republican strategist shermichael singleton and senior adviser to hillary free clinton's 2016 presidential campaign. karen finney with us and another lovely sound check which is loud and sounds great we may have to do a little lip reading. so just, you know, here, i wonder hearing what you were looking for tonight from former president obama. >> i think it's critical that former president obama does a couple important it is to be engaged, to stay engaged, and to vote for kamala harris. we need those voters, some of whom, as we know, were people who hadn't voted for democrats before to come back to the democratic party if they didn't vote for joe biden in 2020 and the second thing is really part of this passing of the torch, passing the mantle of the democratic party. because when we leave here on thursday, it will be clear that this is kamala harris is democratic party and he has a
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role to play in doing that in bolstering her and reminding people why she is a dedicated qualified leader who will be our commander in chief, who will be a good steward of our economy and keep our country safe specifically, shermichael, the harris-walz campaign thinks that vomit is a good messenger for black men on the economy. >> black men who joe biden may have lost ground with, and it may not be one over yet by kamala harris, how concerned do you think trump world is? >> but i can certainly understand why democrats would presume that first african-american man and president, right? a lot of black men respect the former president. a lot of them were excited about him when he first ran i remember being in college and that the time, however, black men have seen in many ways erosion of their economic how much power black men are not graduating college at the same rates of black women, men in general are not graduating from college or ascertain in
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the same economic gains and in many regards, as women. and so i do think that is a part of the reason you have seen since the end of former president obama's tenure i've movement of men broadly speaking, to republicans a pew research had some interesting data that came out a year ago that showcase that young college men are starting to move more to the conservative side. and so i think this trend is something that's slowly becoming crystallized cnn is learning and we're just hearing as each day the lineups are coming out and then we see republicans confirming that they're going to be talking here at the convention. >> karen kinzinger, adam kinzinger speaking on thursday. yeah, that's a pretty cushy spot to have. i mean, so they're really viewing him specifically typically in just these republicans, unprecedented number is an asset absolutely. >> i mean, look, it shows that what kamala harris is trying to do is to build a broad coalition and that she's trying to be a president for everybody, right? i mean, you
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heard actually president biden talked last night about the fact that the chips and science act a lot of places where those micro chips factors are going are red states that when you're a president, you're present for everyone. adam kinzinger specifically is someone who can make one of the most powerful critiques against the former president donald trump than anyone having part of january 6 commission. the way that he was treated by donald trump. and now others in the republican party for milley stepping up to tell the truth. and so absolutely he will be very finely touted here. so welcoming audience for him on thursday night, brian schatz, the senator said that having kinzinger and others here gives a permission structure for maybe some republicans david urban disagreed with him. >> i wonder what you think about who it may give a permission structure to go with harris. yeah that's a good
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question. >> i'm not sure what calculus democrats are looking at there. i mean nothing against a former congressman. i certainly respect him. i think he's a great guy. but i'm not sure what significant or substantial number of even moderate ours are willing to vote for vice president harris. i can certainly understand the argument of a vote for president biden, but i think for a lot of moderate republicans they may look at vice president harris and say this is a vote to far we've actually seen john king talked to some of those quote-unquote, nikki haley voters and some of them have stated it's one thing to vote for joe. i'm not exactly sure i can vote for the vice president. some may stay home some may cross back over and vote for trump this time around. i mean, i'm looking at a place like pennsylvania we're republicans are doing a whole lot of work of registering new voters or voters who are low propensity voters. alizarin county, one county that trump won in 2020. governor shapiro actually won in 2022 when he was running for governor by a slim margin. but republicans
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are now focusing on registering new are zero, bucks county, which had more democrats than republicans now have more republicans now then democrats and republicans are putting in that work to shift the math mathematically speaking, in some concrete states. and so looking at some of those moderate ours who is speaking here, i'm not certain their voices will be enough to move that needle, but that's exactly why we do it. it is about creating a permission structure and it's a pretty tried and true tactic in presidential and other elections where having someone who looks like you, who has a similar background to you say, you know what, i am going to vote for this person. i do support this person. it's actually a pretty effective tactic i am so sorry, you guys were just fresh out of time i'm missing my time. >> it's the music is wonderful, loud. karen shermichael. thank you so much, really appreciate it ahead on the show, we have much more from the democratic convention here in chicago. and another story that we're keeping a close eye on. inching closer to
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a potential ceasefire and hostage deal in gaza. the u.s. saying the decision is now in the hands of hamas but there is much work to be done. we'll have that next in the 1980s, my parents immigrated from nicaragua to america but as hard as we work, nothing changed because the current system, least while you're in the club or you're not in the if they can do it for their people, why can i do as a miami? >> and that's why i started bronx crypto. were crypto. you have access to financial services this technology is about giving people a chance and giving people my community avoid my name is julio and empowering mike community with blockchain. >> he did it start a business just to keep the lights on. >> lucky, you shopify, just in tapping best acting sky high sales stacking champion at checkout is this is that one week when shot the tempur-pedic
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asked for a budget reminder, whole campaign smart. he has a judge of by got it got it, boss. >> honor, you got this. >> our nick paton, walsh and ukrainian-held kursk region, russia. and this is cnn we're following developing news out of the middle east. >> is secretary of state antony blinken is meeting with officials in qatar he. arrived there this afternoon, part of an urgent effort to finalize a ceasefire deal for gaza. blinken also met with egyptian officials today trying to gauge hamas is interest. after israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu agreed to a u.s. back
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bridging proposal on monday blinken says this could be the last chance to strike a deal and all hamas has to do is say yes, go stations could resume sometime this week. let's go live to tel aviv with cnn's jeremy diamond in germany, secretary blinken is in doha right now. what's the latest you're hearing on negotiations well, the secretary of state is in doha and one of the key things that he's going to be looking to gauge is where hamas currently stand. >> that's because the qatari's are the key interlocutors with hamas. and so for the united states is suggesting that the ball is now in hamas's court yesterday, we heard the secretary of state say after meeting with the israeli prime minister that netanyahu had indeed accepted the u.s.'s bridging proposal aimed at trying to narrow the gaps between the israeli and the hamas position. but hamas for its part, has not accepted that bridging proposal and they are accusing the united states of caving to several key
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israeli demands as part of that proposal including one of the key demands which is maintaining israeli troops along that philadelphi corridor between the egypt to gaza border. now, we don't know exactly how likely a deal is. i mean, you talk to different parties and they're going to give you varying levels of optimism, but it does feel like the united states is perhaps more optimistic than anyone else. and in some sense it seems like they're almost trying to will this ceasefire deal into existence? but what is clear right now is that there are still major, major gaps and it's it's not exactly clear how the united states will get hamas to get on board with this. and frankly, whether the israelis are entirely on board with this proposal. despite the public rhetoric that we have heard from the united states and israel. but today we saw that the israeli military in an overnight operation recovered the bodies of six hostages. and the families of those hostages are talking about how much that
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shows the urgency for a ceasefire agreement urging the israeli government to reach a deal. and some of them expressing anger as well, saying and that they believed that their loved ones could have been rescued from gaza alive rather than coming back dead in body bags. how those hostages died is also a major question right now, the israeli military says that it is investigating whether or not it's forces may have been responsible for their deaths. morris, jeremy diamond live for us from tel aviv. >> thank you so much for the update. all eyes will be on what comes of these negotiations especially in gaza, where reports indicate more than 40,000 people have been killed president of the. international network for aid, relief and assistance. former cnn senior international correspondent, arwa damon is live. there. >> are what are you seeing on the ground where you are? it's a complete disaster. i mean, how do you describe scenes that look like something from an
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apocalyptic hollywood zombie movie only? the scenery is not desolate. it is jam packed with people trying to live on the rubble on top of the rubble there's no sanitation, there's no hygiene, there's no nothing. and you really get a sense of just how bad it is when you go and visit some of these hospitals because things that are very basic like bandages are not available. and what this means is for example, when i went to the al aqsa hospital icu, a 13-year-old boy with 50 to 60% burns on his body ended up having a blood infection. and early signs of sepsis because they're warrant not enough bandages to give him the frequent cleaning and bandage changes that he needs. what this means is a little girl also in the al aqsa icu hospital. she's a year-and-a-half she is not
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stable enough to be moved to another location for surgery that she desperately needs. the reason why she's not stable is this tracheotomy tube for pediatrics so in her size is not available. this tube is like a tiny piece of plastic. they don't have it and this little girl, when she wakes up, is going to find out that she's been orphaned. her siblings and her parents are dead. earlier today, i went down to nasr hospital. they are also in desperate need of basic things, but also stuff that you don't even think about because they don't have paper paper to write notes on to fill out the patient charts, to write prescriptions on. i mean, when you talk about nothing being available, it's really nothing being available and people trying to come up with all of these innovative ways to utilize what little it is that they do have. but i mean, it's if it's absurd, it the situation feels absurd. and if
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it weren't so dire and dark and deadly, i mean, it's almost comedic our way with the conversations that you've had with folks in gaza. i'm wondering if anyone is shared with you, how they view these potential ceasefire negotiations and whether they would want hamas to accept the deal. now they 100% want hamas to accept the deal. they want israel to accept a deal. they just want a deal. they just want this to end. it's just about the first question that anyone asked somebody who has come in from the outside, when do you think this is going to end what do you think about these talks? how much longer are we going to have to live like this? people here have reached, i mean, they've reached a breaking point and there's a lot of talk about the resilience of gazans and how it is that they've been able to survive for this long. and while that is something that is yet to be admired when he talked to gazans themselves they don't want to be referred to as resilient, at least the vast majority don't, because
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they say this situation has been forced on them and they have no choice but to somehow keep moving forward, but they are completely and totally crushed. they are psychologically crushed and they are physically crushed. i would venture to say, based on people i've been talking to the right now, they don't really care all that much. what about the details? they really just want this over. they wanted to end. they want to stop dying. they want to be able to breathe. they want to be able to live that they want to be able to wash arwa damon, thanks so much for the view from inside gaza. appreciate it stay with cnn. we're back in just moments. >> can sugar, ray leonard you everyday tasks wearing boxing gloves and now putting on his new arch bit sketchy slip-ups. you just said up in and go with covered that will not view out to try new arch fit hands, freeze, get your slip-ups and luma its kind of amazing. >> wow, my go-to is lima fbi, eyedrops, luma by dramatically regions redness in one minute
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the convention floor in chicago today, marking two weeks since kamala harris pick tim walz to be her running mate, the minnesota governor, going from being a relative unknown to a major party vice it's presidential nominee in record time and tomorrow he will be taking center stage here at the dnc and joining me now here on the floor is democratic colorado governor, and also friend of tim walz. we should mention jared polis. thank you so much for being with us. >> great to be with you. >> and so first i want to ask you about the big headliner tonight, which of course is former president barak obama. what do you want to hear and what do you think is important for maybe some voters who are on the fence to hear, well, first of all, i haven't seen this level of enthusiasm since the first time brock obama ran, and that happened to be the, the denver convention. i help from colorado 2008. so much enthusiasm. i think that barack obama is, you know, whether you agree with him or disagree with them particular issues respected he's it's clear. he's an incredible messenger and he super enthusiastic about kamala harris and what a great opportunity for him to be able
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to impart his wisdom not only on the crowds here, but really speaking to america from his heart. >> so you are friends, as i mentioned, with tim walz, you actually served together for how many years? >> ten years in congress. and we played on the congressional baseball team together. and i wanted to make sure you know that of the ten years that we were on it together, democrats, we democrats play republicans had nationals field. we democrats won nine out of ten games because i was giving you a hard time in the break. i said don't you guys normally lose to the republicans? and you said not while we were there. >> i'm not saying there's a connection, but ever since tim and i left, congress has been pretty dismal for the democrats over there okay, so what you know, you've been talking to him recently. >> i know this is quite a whirlwind as he has been announced and then has to prepare for his speech in so little time. how's he doing that? >> well, you know, he has not only experiencing figures, but he and i came in as governors at the same time human minnesota, me in colorado, who really draws from that experience delivering on making housing more affordable, delivering on meals for kids in schools. and look, this is
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somebody who had his heart is a coach, is a teacher. this is really in his element, really been able to excite and motivate people. >> and that's what his candidacy is all about. >> he's gonna be a great partner not only to elect kamala harris, but as a governing partner for her really reaching out and new and different ways that are exciting to people. >> you've watched the trump ticket try to define him including trying to malign his military service. what do you want people to know about tim walz? >> well, look, i mean, the failure of those efforts shows how ridiculous it is. somebody who served 24 years in the national guard, the only proper response is thank you. thank you for your service, tim. thank you to every member of the national guard, the u.s. armed forces for grateful for protecting our freedom every day, look tim, as somebody who's worked in the classroom and he's worked protecting american interests overseas, served in congress and delivered as governor, and he's really going to excite people here. should it is going to be great partner for kamala harris and a great way to complement what she brings in terms of a new approach, new way of looking at things and the leadership but america needs for our future polls show
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that a lot of americans, they don't really know much about vice president harris. >> they don't know where she stands on the issues. what do you think that she needs to do to change that? >> well, we're all excited about her remarks tomorrow. i mean, this is you look, first of all, she draws real-life experience. she's put criminals behind bars. she's protected consumers as attorney general of counsel california. she served in the united states senate and alongside joe biden as vice president, united states, nobody is more ready for the presidency. day one. then kamala harris, and i'm excited it by her agenda to support economic growth and make sure that we build stronger middle-class and spread opportunity to more people helped make education more affordable. child tax credit reduced child poverty. i mean, these are really important measures that will make life demonstrably better and put more money in people's pockets. >> it's pretty interesting as we're watching the lineups been rolled out we're seeing there a lot of republicans who are going to be speaking actually throughout the course of this convention. geoff duncan, adam kinzinger, that's
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just to name a few kinzinger has it's a pretty plumbed spot on thursday that's some prime real estate. who do you think this is going to draw? >> well, this is really important because what i think it showed because as you don't have to agree with kamala harris on every issue, in fact, you're never going to a candidate find a candidate you agree with every issue, but you know what this is about the integrity of our republic. it's about the exit central threat that donald trump represents. these are principled conservative republicans who are really saying, look, i may not agree with kamala harris on every issue, but i put a premium on making sure we can maintain our republican or democratic institutions kamala harris will do that. she's smart, she's an attorney. donald trump tried to bring it down last time. and what's to say he won't tried to bring it down again. >> some of them will also say that democrats need to do a lot to address the issues of the economy, inflation, immigration, some of the issues that trump holds it's better on abortion obviously an issue that democrats do better on. how do you see those how do you see those kind of interacting
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with each other in terms of how they draw voters and what more do you think the harris-walz ticket needs to do on that will look people will look at a couple of harris and tim walz for leadership and all the issues that we care about in the truth is we had a bipartisan border security package would have shut down the border, stop the flow of illegal immigrants. guest who shouted down donald trump, congressional republicans were working with democrats to do it. donald trump didn't want to solve the problem. kamala harris does. i think xi views the border is something to be solved. u.s. immigration is something to be solved, not something that should be kept alive for political purposes like donalds trump governor polis. >> thank you so much for your time. we really appreciate it. >> thank you, briana, good to see you. good to see you. and we have much more ahead from day to going into evening to at the democratic national convention, stay with us where card carbonic, the company who invented car vending machines and buying a car 100% online. >> now, we've created a brand and new way for you to sell your car whether it's a year-old or a few years old, we want to buy your car. so go to
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consultation. again, that's 1871 to 38 800. >> i'm stephanie elam in los angeles and this is cnn night
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two of the democratic national convention features some big names, but does that star power ultimately drive voters to the polls? >> cnn's harry enten joins us now, harry obviously the numbers i feel like i could be a singer with this mic about one out for you, boris, look, here's the situation. >> you can have two bigger stars then we'll start off with barak obama is the number one big start talking tonight. you know, you asked folks who was the best president over the last 40 years number one, according to all americans, you look at democrats, look at that clip here. majority rank him at number one at 58% on the overall, reagan comes in second, but 11 points behind barack obama. but of course, he's not the only one in the obama family talking. night. how about michelle obama also talking and it turns out that michelle obama might actually outrank barack a little bit if we look at the favorable ratings for both these folks, what we see is that they both come in with a 55% overall rating. but of course they're going to be talking to democrats in the hall the night and among democrats, michelle obama is actually more popular
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than barack with a 94% favorable rating. brock ain't too bad at 90%. but last i checked with the math boris 94 is a little bit greater than 90% and harry, 12 years ago, bill clinton is thought to have given the speech that helped catapult barack obama's reelection odds against mitt romney. could he have the same impact tonight? he's also set to speak i don't think so. if there's one figure who has seen his popularity truly decrease over the last decade or so, it's bill clinton, right? you know, back when he gave that speech in 2012, look at that overall, a 66% favorable rating. you look just last year, it was 41%, even among democrats, it's dropped from 87% to 63%. there are multiple we'll reasons for that. not the least of which was his popularity really decline when hillary clinton ran for president back in 2016. so bill clinton, not so popular, barak and michelle obama quite popular harry enten will have to save your crooning for tomorrow. my friend, thanks so much. stay with cnn, our special coverage continues on the lead with jake tapper starts after a short break when
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