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tv   CNN This Morning  CNN  August 23, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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now and ask about the phosphate guarantee five good things. >> listen wherever you get your podcasts it's friday, august 23, right now on cnn this morning, the most momentous night of person career, kamala harris accepts the historic nomination to lead the democratic ticket plus a.i. >> will bring back the bipartisan border security bill that he killed, and i will sign it into law harris tackle some key issues in her pitch for her vision of a new way forward and all of these things that she talked about, we're going to do this. >> we're gonna do that. we're
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going to do everything. but you didn't do any of us. you donald trump doesn't hesitate to give his reaction to harris's acceptance speech. >> and then who's going to tell him that the job he's currently seeking might just be one of those black jobs the dnc wrapping up, we take a look back at the week's biggest moments 5:00 a.m. here in chicago, illinois, most of the balloons have been popped. the confetti has fallen. it is 6:00 a.m. on the east coast. you're looking live at the united center here in chicago, where just a handful of hours ago, kamala harris accepted that nomination. good morning, everyone. i'm kasie hunt. it's wonderful to have you with us. the 2024 collection. now entering a new phase. just hours ago, kamala harris making history on the stage behind me
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on behalf of everyone whose story could only be written in the greatest nation on earth i accept you're nomination and the biggest speech of her life on the biggest stage of her life, kamala harris telling the story of her childhood in california wouldn't the lessons that she learned from her father, a professor from jamaica, and her mother, a scientists from india she taught us to never complain about injustice. >> but do something about it something about it. she also taught us and never do anything half-assed and that is a direct quote a direct quote harris attacked her opponent donald
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trump for his actions on january 6, his threats to jail, his perceived opponents. >> and he's bragging about the overturning of roe versus wade in many ways. >> donald trump is an unserious man what the consequences but the consequences of putting donald trump back in the white house are extremely serious harris frames provision is rooted in the middle class and she framed the election, has one of the most important in american history. he was in office but it is now our turn to do what generations before us have done and to uphold the awesome responsibility that comes with the greatest privilege on earth the privilege and pride of being an
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american but next chapter in the most extraordinary story ever all right our panel is here. we're not going to count up the collective hours asleep at this table because it would simply be depressing kate bedingfield is going to political commentator, former biden white house communications director of a car sellers, cnn political commentator, former south carolina democratic state rep, elliot williams, cnn legal analyst, former federal prosecutor and scott jennings, cnn political commentator, former special assistant to president george w bush. welcome to all of you. so grateful to have you here. bakari, you caffeine have been formed around actually added it up as about eight hours and 45 minutes among the four of you and put like three-and-a-half
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and kate got three, so yeah thumbs up or am i did i don't i don't know where i am or what i'm doing, but i'm apparently here just a little concerned but what kate let me start with you. last night we heard from harris, her presentation in particular stood out to me in terms of the decisions they made about how to frame her, how to present her there wasn't as much policy is maybe they could have been. what was your evaluation of what we saw less. well, it was a huge night for vice president harris. i mean, i think she had a high bar to clear and she cleared it. i think one of the things that's so challenging about nomination speech as they can be really sprawling, a fair, there's so much business you want to do. you want to do some of the personal hi. oh, you wanna do some of the forward-looking agenda. you want to frame up your opponent i thought one of the things she did so effectively was just tie all of that into a narrative that just felt like common sense. i mean, she told her own story in a way that i think resonated with people across the country, talked about her family, talked about why she's
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motivated by the things she's motivated goodbye an in public life based on, on her own growing up and then i think pretty effortlessly transitioned into how that will shape her term if she's elected to office. and i think at the end of the day, it felt like a speech that i think to a lot of people was just reasonable and common sense and i think that contrast with trump is powerful. but i also think she just did a terrific job introducing herself, selling herself in a moment. that's newer, it's not always easy to do that. >> bakari, they made some really interesting choices. she didn't wear light. i think ron brownstein was here last hour, said, you know, this her without a law and order right? when the crowd was behind her in suffragette white, that was a decision. it was very clear to me they wanted to send a message of strength in the way they presented her. the themes that they chose to really focus in on and talk about what did you see in that and how did she do? >> what i saw was flawless execution. i mean, i think that
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one of the things that kamala harris to do yesterday in the campaign wanted to do yesterday was show strength that was what yesterday was about. that's what the speech was about usually, when you look poll after poll after poll, donald trump is winning on who is the strongest, who portrays the most strength. and yesterday was her opportunity to take that away so i mean, i think kate was absolutely correct in what what she was trying to do yesterday was we've in these personal narratives about who she is frame her opponent, and also say, look, i am kamala harris and i'm for the people. and yes, she didn't wear white right. and one of the things that i believe everybody recognizes that this table is this campaign has not been a campaign about identity you can see the history in who she is, but not one time did she mentioned that she's going to be the first of anything? not one time. did she talk about i'm going to be the first this or that you can and see that history. what she wanted people to understand though, is that
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while i am a historical figure, i'm also someone who's going to make your life better because just because i am going to be the first african american woman to be president of the united states, where the first woman to be president of the united states does not mean that your life will be better. let me show you how scott jennings, you're i saw what you had to say late late last night. >> i was i was i didn't see that eye to i pac texted it to you. i knew you'd was admittedly, i did watch it at about 3:30 this morning. i did not watch it in real time. so you were up later than i was, but it tell, us. that there were elements of this that seemed to me are likely to be very effective. i'm curious if you agree with that. do you see that in this and what's the next you know, how does this push the ball forward? >> yeah, i think the convention for democrats was effective. i mean, they wanted to come out of here feeling like they had a chance to win they didn't have a chance to win with biden. now they have a chance to win with
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harris. so that was mission accomplished on that front, i think on the speech, look, she's gotten much better behind a podium and it's usually not be all that great at this. she's an improving person on that front she delivered from behind a podium last night. she's been doing that since she got into the race. was also another box check? she seemed plausible. this speech i agree with kate. it did portray her as someone who sounded like a reasonable person now, what she did not do was take any amount of responsibility for her current job, which is vice president of the united states for the last three-and-a-half years under joe biden it was not an ounce of humility about the inflation gripping the country. she talked about immigration without talking about all the things that happened right up until this border bill that they had hung all there hats on over at the biden white house. so to me, where the republicans are going to be headed is all the pablum, all the platitudes, all that aside you cannot leave the same people in charge if
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you believe that country's on the wrong track, if you believe they made all the mistakes on the economy and on immigration, you cannot leave the same people in charge that have run the country off into the dish until she comes up with a good answer for that, which i suspect will have to be litigated at the debate on september 10. donald trump is still in a very good place. >> the problems i would problem that you have, however, is that respectfully to you and my brothers, shermichael, who are oftentimes on that side of the table at this hour. is that you all are more disciplined of a messenger than donald trump is donald trump has an inability at 78-years-old to prosecute any message similar to what you're talking about. and we can debate, we can debate the merits of that. and i would love to debate the merits of immigration with you or inflation with your economic policy with you. but donald trump and one of the things is weak, show. donald trump it's not capable of that. he's a diminished individual and he also doesn't want to do that because he represents the chaos and represents many. i'm sorry, either he represents many of
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the things that i were betting the country wants to move away from. yeah. >> i think your point's well-taken, scott, that by being in power for any number of years oh, you're holding the bag. the problem with that is that you'd be getting the bag back to the person who had the bag before and part of the message was, do you wish to go back to that chaos and disorder? >> it's 27 it's a good question. >> yeah. >> but people have a right now, donald trump's more popular than he's ever been in the view of his presidency, is as good as it's ever been. i mean, in some of the polling, he's over 50% in terms of, do you think he did a good job? the biden-harris results, the job approval of his presidency is still quite low. there is a reason for that to me, there's really only one question left to answer in this campaign. are the american people going to hold her accountable for that? and yes, you're right. it is donald trump going to help them reach that conclusion, but see that's it just quickly. >> that's why i would argue that the way she addressed these things last night was smart. i mean, she didn't you're right. she didn't
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address him in the way that you as a republican strategists would like to see her address them, but she did talk about immigration and she said, hey, donald trump blew up our best option to make progress on this issue. so if you're an independent voter and you're trying to sort out left from right in this race you say, oh, well, that seems like actually she's making a good point here. like there's it's not that she didn't address these issues. it's that she actually took them on in a way that will mark and on the offensive, you're asking the independent voters to all get color like of amnesia and not remember all of the actions that bower or inactions that biden-harris did or didn't do for three-and-a-half years leading up to the political fight over the border bill. the reality is everybody believes this administration made the border weaker this legislative thing is a political argument. and you're asking people to forgive get it has a job, but i think that border encounters have dropped since the iaea and i want to start debating the merits here. on immigration going up.
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>> but go i don't i don't think we want to i don't want to get into weeds for say, and i'm not asking anyone to have amnesia, but what we are asking people to do is make our choice. yes. and i think that people forget that this is a referendum on both candidates and oftentimes we'd like to get up here and prosecute that case and kind of one in a vacuum look it, kamala harris versus donald trump, period. >> what we display this week is that you have a, you have a resounding choice. do you want to go back to what was chaos or january 6 or do you want to go back to the buffoonery? and i think that one of the things that the democratic party did this week, that was act surely so well done. was they took away this kind of nemesis feel that donald trump had, like he had a knife to the throat of democracy. and instead they just castigated him as this buffoon, right? he is bumbling kind of idiot, who he was small obama unserious man, but
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serious consequences is what this if a woman lation of that strategy, i thought that was such a great and by the way, we were talking about our outfit, she looked absolutely flawless. the jv was uniform if any if any beautiful woman looks in the camera and calls bakari sellers unserious. >> i'm going to happen reevaluate mommy life on the image question. this is actually really important she looked young. >> she looked calm. yeah. >> and she looked competent it these are all the things joe biden did not did not. she was like the anti-biden on the image front. she gave democrats an image of something they lacked for the tyre. this campaign that's obviously a win. >> and moreover, she looked young, she looks competent, but was out there talking about police and veterans and foreign policy in a way that democrats frankly have not certainly in any of our political lives were almost felt like i was talking to scott about this and i felt like a mid 2000s republican, moderate republicans it was not your typical cut and run
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democrats that the democrats would have been criticized for, for so many years. >> well, actually scott, can i ask you that to weigh in on what your view of that was? because i thought everything that built up to a speech that did emphasize foreign policy in all the ways that are important. i think image wise and addition and to substance-wise. but everyone was waiting american flags in the crowd. there were veterans on stage ahead of her introduction. she's introduced by roy cooper from north carolina and not exactly an example of one country's most progressive democrats, there was a lot there. >> he's one of the biggest pop stars of our era. roy cooper what do. you want to a couple of thousand independent voters in swing states. >> yeah, look, the power of patriotism, israel when i, when i saw these american flags in here i was thinking what do we identified with the left for the last few months in this country waving around the palestinian flags that hezbollah flags, everything we've seen on campuses it out in the streets. >> they did not permit any of
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that to permeate the hole that wasn't important thing republicans ought to pay attention to this. the democrats robinson, i'm going to cede this ground and the american flag waving still means something to every single one of us. >> i thought it was really smart to hand them out even at the end, they had larger on the big 1's up their was a bitter is the night images look, if we're going to have more patriotism in our politics this fall, i'm forward no matter which party is doing, it's i thought that was a wise choice and i think it's good because we've seen some disturbing stuff on the streets of america for the last several months. and i'd like to do away with that and i thought that was a good thing. they did it had he had a woman standing on stage saying, this is a paraphrase in the battle between u.s. >> and tyranny. i know where i stand and where the usa belongs. that is the rhetor as margaret thatcher dude, i mean, that's powerful rhetoric in an arena where people were chanting usa, usa something you don't hear it. democratic rallies a lot and waving these
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flags. i was someone who was shocking to see an ad a little bit at a moment where there is a question about whether the republican nominee, if he becomes president again, stands on the side of democracy or tyranny it's another mind-blowing backdrop here. i mean, that's what she was able to articulate the stakes in a way that made the democratic platform and her position muscular, but also highlighted that this is not just rhetoric in this moment and that is potentially very frightening it's something that came up and i can't remember who retired who made the point though a few times we all love america right now. >> different people have different ways of expressing their love for america. patriotism means different things to different people, but no one owns the mantle of patriotism in this country. and when you saw a room of people who might have been pilloried for some time for not loving their country are not being true your patriots. it was a powerful reminder of what it means. they also say this, one of the things that kamala harris, his campaign in 20, has
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done. >> and one of the things that's a little different than what happened in 2019 is you you kind of have this collective effort of where's my voice? good what mccarthy was going to say was that all her positions from 2019, they're going to come back to haunt her. >> and it was all. >> all right. go bucha commercial break you covered in glitter going so i was with wes moore last night, governor wes moore, one of the things that governor wes obviously i want to do. >> so. i was with governor wes moore last night after this after the ball is dropped and we were in some clean desk in place enjoying where they're what this week has been. but he actually as the person who just advised kamala harris and advise the campaign to make sure that you invest help yourself in that patriotism you envelop yourself in the american flag. you talk about these issues in a way that
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frame it, that if you are black guy in milwaukee or white guy and peoria, or you are somebody who's hispanic down at the border. i mean, you still believe in the promise of what this country can be there's no fear of democrats like for a long period of time. things like religion and patriotism, we see that that grounds or the republican party, what happened last night as kamala harris took that back all right. >> coming up next here on cnn this morning, donald trump takes the airwaves to react in real time and list his complaints with kamala harris has accepted since speech plus family members of the vice president took the stage to try to set the record straight on how to correctly pronounce her name and we'll take a look back at some of the most memorable moments from the dnc this weird obsession with crowd sizes it
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last night, the former president was on his truth social platform to react in real time to harris's address, our intrepid producer, abby counted 56 truths, quote, unquote, truths over this period. >> the criticism though did go both ways. harris had these words for trump in her speech, guilty of fraud by a jury, and every donald trump is an unserious man but the consequences but the consequences of putting donald trump back in the white house are extremely serious alright, panel is back scott jennings, i kinda want to give this one to you because trump put these 56 posts that we counted up overnight while this was going on, he called into fox news. >> fox kind of, you know, they they spoke with him the end of the interview, then he called into newsmax, continue the conversation. then he calls back into fox news and has this to say with greg gutfeld, watch
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what differs is a well with leading in the polls all right. mr. president, voice down. >> yeah. >> they said he has to get out of they basically stage a coup. >> yeah let's let's see how it happens. >> but i think we're doing very well. >> all right. all right. mr. p, i got to go sir, it seems like a trunk him the phone but i mean, what do you what did you make of his quote, unquote responses. >> he's doing his own bracketing. yeah, that's that's an old campaign term that kate knows. but when the other side is doing something big, did try to rack at it a little bit and obviously the democrats have had the attention this week. so i think that he is not wrong, that he is still in a strong position in the polls. i think where he's really got to focus on is he's got one real chance to frame up this race on september the tenth he had the race against biden totally frame, totally pegged, and
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everybody's i mean, he was on track to win that race in a landslide and it was drink versus weakness. and now he's got to settle on something here. i was i was thinking about how did he actually win and 16 and it was kinda inside, outside hillary was the insider. i'm coming from the outside i've been thinking about this. maybe it's going to be radical democrat versus common sense conservative, but it may be that he goes back to the old 2016 framing. xi's on the inside literally on the inside of the white house. and we're coming back from the outside and the people on the inside not going to work i think that the most fascinating thing about this i think the fact is she not the vice president, but as she not at the center of american policy making. i hear you, but i okay. i don't think that's a point though. i think the point is a lot like what nikki haley said and i said this yesterday again, it's the first party that's able to actually change the person at the top of their ticket because it's not inside versus outside. because what you saw last night was a changing of the guard. you don't have a clinton you don't have an obama. you don't have a bush, you don't have a trump, you have a
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totally new figure country is not totally she is the presence but she is seizing the mantle. she is seizing the messaging mantle of change. i mean, the way forward now you can look again. you can argue though, that i i don't want to with, this but you got to your microphone. now, i know what i didn't want to cause he used to be president of the united states. the idea that he has some insurgent that coming out of nowhere for him. >> yeah. well, i mean, yes. i mean, kate, i think my question is the thing that trump was saying and has been saying last night is that okay if she wants to do all these things, why didn't you do them over the course of the last three-and-a-half years. i mean, that seems to me to be the thing that okay. like if you're a voter in a swing state like okay. she says the border is a problem like you've have been part of what has been in charge. that seems to me like it could work. >> i think that i think if he were able to stick to that
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message, i think that is probably the their best shot. i think that's probably their best lane. however, you have first of all, i would argue she has actually a very strong record to run on. i think you saw her again, we were talking about this earlier in the show, but you saw her take on the immigration argument last night by flipping it back on trump, that will be the name of the game. and let mean that's the name of the game in campaigns generally, i mean, you are you are trying two move the focus generally to your opponent. you're trying to define your opponent. i mean, i don't see a world where she's going to sit back and sort of let trump define her time in the white house and just kind of say, okay, but here's but there's, there's, we know what you're gonna do. you also had four years in office. we saw all what that looked like. i just don't think there's a clean shot for trump on this for that reason. and i also think you saw her last night really lean into this new way forward. i mean, she clearly wants to make the pivot and i think that the country wants that to mean that's the other thing. the last thing i'll say that that's what the country wants.
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i mean, part of a successful campaign is the message, meeting the moment is meeting where the country wants to be the country wants to see changed. she's embracing that trump doesn't represent chain. >> it does not. >> if you made it a comparative though, would you take this campaign framing if you were trump or if you were harris, who would you rather be if the people walk into the voting booth and say, who gave me et are results trump or biden and harris, would you take that right now? would you take that bigger problem? the problem is that you're framing i think your framing it wrong, and i think that's your framing. >> their to their to encode i don't but that's that is the fundamental problem. he has never been president, he had, but that's, that's, that's also not the point wrong everybody's screwing this up first, making a state that's a lie on. >> hang on. >> a car. >> here we go this, is not,
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about what you get stuff. look at can i make i make an actual point here and none what i elliot, please elie because has the floor my crowds pivoted a little bit away from donald trump is an existential threat to democracy and toward donald trump is not a serious person that was thread running through the mockery of him and mockery of the behavior and the 56 tweets as the vice president was speaking, suggests that this is a contrast between in serious people and sort of an unserious cloud. well, but also under his skin but the election is not about what in this is where, this is where our said scott was wrong and this is where i'm saying that a lot of people frame this wrong. >> the election is not about the four years when donald trump was president. the election is not about the last
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three-and-a-half years it's just not, i mean, the election is about the next four years, and that is what that's what democrats are betting on one of the, one of the problems with donald trump and being a prisoner of being 78-years-old is he has a fundamentally fundamental inability to tell me what the future will look like under him. he has none god articulated a message about four more years for donald trump he is now as it nor his nation lower taxes, secure border, better economy, and a lot of tea and a lot of donald trump yeah how many people who have suffered working class, who have suffered under inflation would say, i'll take all of the other ancillary stuff if you'll just give me back a little bit of peace of mind about my own economic situation. i think a lot of that's kind of the fundamental question, right? the people they got sick of, donald trump in 2020 were like, you know, i liked the policies, but i can't handle the man and they went and they voted for biden or they stayed home well, i mean, isn't that the ball game
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here yet, but but i think people have looked back over the whole thing and said my god, we traded in somebody who gave us a good economy for somebody who claimed to be the adults in the room, and they never acted, let everyone. >> but they were jimmy is moving in the right direction to so that you can't like you can't suggest that people are like walking out inside two stagflation, but ever red line. but country's economy is moving. countries. >> that's going to undermine your country's rejected this in 18, in 2022, like the country has outwardly rejected everything donald trump represents i mean, if it's okay, if you wanted to put it on rinse and repeat, that's what's that's what the republican party is now, it's a rinse and repeat party no body wants to buy the same thing that was cool in 2016. i mean, donald trump is tommy hilfiger. what about the way that new more you yeah. >> wow. >> i hope i hope they're not an advertiser zakaria because he's not here in the next segment is for going on here
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scott, i mean, the reality though, i mean to bakari's point, this does seem to me to be the biggest difference between the convention that we saw this week because harris was at the top of the ticket compared to what we would have seen with joe biden, the flip on who is the oldest most tired, however, you want to put it? the, the, the older version of whatever stick any candidate is bringing to the table right now, it's donald trump and that is a significant change yes, it is a change. >> but the question they're going to be posing as this the last time the biden-harris team showed up and told you the adults are now back in the room everything they did from that point forward prove that they were not whether it was on afghanistan and whether it was on the economy, whether it was on the border, they told you the competent moderate dealmaking adults were back just like she's arguing right now. >> and it was a total lie. >> they could not deliver on it. an yeah. maybe you don't like some of the stuff i say. but you had money in your pocket. the border was secure, america was respected around. that's the frame he can stick to it it's
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like the great if i were five-10 also. >> but unfortunately, we have to trust your conversation. >> at least okay. >> it's 635 on the east coast this morning convention hey, it was michael smerconish is here to tell us who won the all-important five battle. now that both conventions are in the books, plus it's been just over a month since trump gave his acceptance speech at the rnc. we're going to take a look back at the difference is about how that played out is his opponents big night the lead with j jake tapper tododay at f on cnn y you'rere gettiting reao diveve into crypto foror the fi titime b but you're a l little worried ababout the fifine prin anand feeling g intimidateted a how to s start we get that
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apart, it seemed the result two starkly different seems to be the word of the election vibes that were perhaps nowhere more evident during the conventions respective roll calls i'd like to welcome you let us come. commence with the roll with a call of the roll of the states iowa's 40 delegates you got to do it 30 new mexico cast. >> all 20 to votes for the next president of the united states
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donald j. trump okay said quite a bit, joining me now cnn political commentator michael smerconish, he's also the host of cnn's smerconish. >> michael, always wonderful to have you. thank you so much for being here. >> i feel like they did a great job showing. >> i mean, that's kind of setting it all. but i know you have some big picture thoughts about the democratic national convention, what you saw, what it's going to mean for the race going forward i've always loved hello, kasie. >> i have always loved the roll call and i'm dating myself. i mean, when it came to kansas and it was kansas carry on wayward son. i'm like wow, this speaks to me. here's my badge. >> i'm back eighth grade memories democrats are no longer ceding the flag. i have often commented that there's never been a response to lead greenwood's god bless the usa.
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and by the way, i love that song and it gives me goosebumps. but arlo guthrie, this land is your land, which has usually been the democratic response, has never worked. and what most stood out to me about the convention big picture, this week, because kasie, i've been a viewer. i've been afar. you're there in the thick of it he's the bid for patriotism from beyonce's freedom to the chants of usa, usa to the internment of love of country. these are the sort of things that normal problem with republican convention. so much so that i have done radio segment where i've asked listeners if you see an american flag outside of a home, do you presuppose, you know, the politics of the people and many have said yes, like i get it, if it's a flag on the back of an f15 and it's alongside some kind of reference to brandon. it's probably a trump supporter, but this convention to me said the democrats are no longer going to see the flag to the
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republicans and they want to wrap themselves, cloak themselves in patriotism. and i loved seeing it because no one side ought to own the flag and patriotism for sure, michael and i mean, look what do you think that means and what do you think it says about how kamala harris wants to present herself to america because this was her night. >> i mean, she was able to choreograph every single moment of what went on here, basically, or at least try and that's what they decided to go with yeah. >> and i thought she i have to give her props. i thought that she spoke last night with poise and with conviction, i took note of the fact that she she had a message she wanted to deliver about the border. she had a message that she wanted to live her about israel and gaza. now, she's got to sustain this moment and when she's question because it's still rankles me the idea that on the 8 august, she was asked when she make herself available
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for an interview and she said, i think i'm going to do that by the end of the month or the end of the month, it was the 8 october of august when she said so that is the next stage and i know it's causing tremendous frustration on the part of former president trump. he is like bursting at the seams, watching her ascendance. at the time that she's not being questioned in detail on these issues if she's not questioned in detail on these issues before the debate, he's going to be ready to pop so that's what i want want to see next yeah, very interesting, michael, we're gonna expand this conversation out to include our panel and one of the things that i think came up, especially right in the immediate aftermath of the harris's speech was the contrast between her and donald trump and their speeches. >> i wanted to start by playing a little bit of what we heard from donald trump when he he accepted his nomination. let's watch is they're emptying out there and saying this alums and terrorists are coming in at numbers that we've never seen
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before. >> bad things are going to happen, but we become a dumping ground for the rest of the world, which is laughing at us. they think we're stupid. our opponents inherited today world at peace and turned it into a planet of war i mean the darkness on display there. >> scott jennings, a very stark contrast to what we saw from harris last night. >> well, i mean, trump's going to continue to make an argument that he did have everything under control and that he turned it over to people who've led everything spiral out of control. she's obviously going to counter message that that's part of the but it's not just going to be about foreign policy or immigration. it's going to be right on the economy and with michael on here, i would just say for pennsylvania, which is the pivotal state and the campaign, which of those issues is going to be the most important i would argue it will be the economic chaos that, that he says they've created the most don't you think michael that's to you? >> so the question is one of the race gonna be about personality. if it is he loses or is it going to be about policy? and if it is, i think he probably wins because when you look at the data and you asked people whether they
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appreciate more of the aisle, say the biden-harris record or the trump record. they look back favorably on the trump years, but he's got to rein in his worst instincts. he deviates too much from that script when he looks at the audience and think they're getting bored. let's not forget the republicans had a great convention. i thought they were note, perfect and so to the democrats, so it's still up in the air. it's still margin of error. who the heck knows the next twist? it's didn't this road. >> i've never seen an election one on yesterday, ever every election and i'm only 39, i'll be 40 in a couple of weeks. that kasie made me, but my shirt up here here been seconds here. it looks like i don't know if it's a little high. this wasn't anywhere. >> anyway i will say is. that i just think people are framing it wrong if they want to look back at the four years of donald trump or look back at the last three-and-a-half years donald trump is a prisoner of being 78-years-old, and he's unable to articulate a vision
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for the future. >> all right. we got to leave it there. unfortunately, michael smerconish, always grateful to have you. thank you so much for being here, coming up next here. on cnn this morning, four days full of big names, standout moments at the democratic national convention i don't know about you all, but, but, but after a week of live shows watching all this energy and joy and purpose tonight, i feel like i just fell out of a coconut tree we're going to hit rewind and take you back through some of the moments that stood out the most from the dnc hen to trade
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hard worork it tooook to get t . >> we arare in for a all of it it's tough for r sure, bubut le tough whenen you have e the rig peoplele by your s side i kayla from k kansas city, , and thouss of o other bankekers around d t coununtry becaususe togethther'e provoving there'e's noththing i powerfrful as ththe power of us with the democratic national convention now concluded and the race for the white house beginning in earnest, we wanted to take a look back at a week that was filled with big names and some significant moments let me know in my heart what my days or through america. america. >> i gave my best to you the only personal vanity i want to assert is i'm still younger sure. >> than donald trump the first person to run for president with 34 felony convictions
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who's. going to tell him that the job he's currently seeking might just be one of those black jobs this. >> weird obsession with crowd sizes together. >> let's all choose kamala as. >> soon as our kids started calling her mama law i knew we'd be okay and gwen, you are my entire world. and i love yo u
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i. >> accept your nomination let us right but next chapter in the most extraordinary story ever so that is what democrats wanted to tell america this week, we have been just over 70 days left in this campaign very quickly. >> we're running out of time here. >> who has the football, who has the edge heading into this? right? kate, are harris hard to argue if democrats don't have the momentum coming out of this last month, frankly, and this week now then the question becomes, how do you translate that momentum momentum has to actually get you to getting votes in the swing states on election day. so it's going to be an intense couple of months. paris or trump were still under
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docks. but while we're in here, i'm still waiting on i mean, i think beyonce and taylor swift should be happening. it's coming there joining us at any moment. we're going to keep that sit here and father were waiting. we still hadn't could be on all of them. >> i have it on good. we've already have it on good authority. minute there was an energy in that room that joe biden could not have produced right now, democrats have momentum, but the cari's point, it's just hard to see their under dotson. >> i'm just i'm still thinking about pennsylvania. i think obviously democrats are in a better spot, but i still think trump is in a slightly better position in pennsylvania and the candidate that wins it is most likely going to be he the president. >> i don't disagree with what you have to say about pennsylvania. that is for sure, i guess. thank you so much for the early early morning after a long, long week. really appreciate it. thanks to all of you for joining us as well. i'm kasie hunt. don't go anywhere. cnn news central, it's going to be next right here from chicago that's how
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