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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  August 23, 2024 4:00am-5:01am PDT

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helmet on this guy. get a free unlimited line for a year when you add one unlimited line. plus, get a new google pixel 9 on us. bring on the good stuff. watching at fubo closed cacaptioning b brought to o you meso book k if y you or a lovede have mesothelial, will send you a free book to answer questions you may have called now and will come to you 800 a31, 3,700
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i'm sara sidner with john berman, kate bolduan is in new york. >> we're here, we're awake, you're welcome. the party just ended here in chicago and we're the one historic for speech at 100,000 balloons later america is now back on the brink of possibly electing its first female president. >> the entire career i've only had one client the people on behalf of everyone whose story could only be written in the greatest nation on earth i accept your nomination there
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were cheers. you see her husband there, there were also a lot of tears as we watched, people listened to her and think that she may be the one that breaks the ultimate glass ceiling and she talked to lot about herself. >> she taught us a lot about where she came from. and she talks a lot about unifying are trying to the country, listen our nation with this election has a precious fleeting opportunity to move past the bitterness cynicism, and divisive battles of the past a chance to chart a new way forward i promise to be a president for all americans can trust me to put party this
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morning. this is a photo, not this one, obviously no one cares that captures the magnitude of this moment. four millions of little girls. this is harris's group ate nice amora alongside her dad watching her great aunt give a speech, know woman of color has ever given before. she is the same great niece who earlier in the night with her sister, lila taught the crowd how to correctly pronounce kamala harris's first name a direct dig, of course at donald trump who often purposely mispronounces it who upstages
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kerry washington. they did, hey, it's your did. so as we said, harris spoke a lot about herself where she came from, who she is. but she also spoke about donald trump. here's more of that in many ways donald trump is an unserious man what the consequences but the consequences of putting donald trump back in the white house are extremely serious imagine don donald trump would know guard rails alright, let's get right to cnn's eva mckend, who has been covering the harris campaign for its entirety five weeks. >> this sunday alright, eva, how does the campaign feel this morning? where do they go next? >> well, john and sara, we survived the week we survived the dnc, but listen, what i can
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tell you what stuck out to me is the way that she uplifted her core values. she said that all americans deserve to live with safety, dignity, and justice. she talked about her personal story. she leaned into her immigrants and story hurt families. immigrant story, and then she also gave us a sense of what a harris presidency would look like. she said that a defining goal of a harris presidency would be to uplift the middle class. she spoke about immigration, saying that she would both lean into enforcement and then pursue a pathway to citizenship for undone hakeem entity immigrants, and then also notably, she took on the war in gaza. take a listen israel has the ability to defend itself because people israel must never again face the horror that a terrorist organization called hamas caused on so bruce seven at the same time what has
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happened in gaza over the past ten months is devastating. >> so many innocent lives lost president biden and i are working to end this war such that israel is secure. the hostages those are released, the suffering in gaza ends and the palestinian people can realize there, right to date security and sara and john a recognition now from the campaign that the real work lies ahead, the vice president in the second gentleman in addressing supporters acknowledging that last night they do have a robust volunteer operations. >> so many people, especially in the state of wisconsin, for instance, have signed up to volunteer over the last couple of weeks. we don't know where
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they are headed next up, but they do plan to hit those battleground states hard. i think it's it's instructive that they didn't even really take this week off holding that rally in milwaukee simultaneously as the convention was happening john sara, eva eva mckend. >> thank you so much. you look gorgeous this morning. i know you've had no sleep like iso, you know, congrats to you and your dna i can i just quickly say that last night being on the floor and watching that particular moment, it was the most cheering from the crowd and anything she said that was the moment where she threaded the needle with what happened in israel and what's happening in gaza and for the first time, i heard a crowd that was together on all of it because that has been a point of contention, especially for democrats. it was remarkable to see that happen on the floor last night. >> yeah, it was definitely a moment and then she covered a lot of ground in that speech between her own history, donald
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trump, and foreign and domestic policy as well. kate. >> and it seemed to donald trump wanted to react to all of that, all in real time. but congrats to your dna as well that's what we're going to be coming up. >> president trump responding to kamala harris his speech in real time, dozens of posts anti-colin to a late night show. what he said, we'll bring that to you.u. and a man accuse of threatening to kill donald trump in multiple social media posts has been captured. but police are sayinabout him and his plans, potentially this morning and forgotten radios missed warnings. there is also new reporting on the major failures leading up to the assassination attempt on donald trump, will be right back the polllls for haveve i got news f you werere pretty yeah. > what are e the cons w we c rurun on the n news beforere th >> i would never happen if i got news for you. the mere
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child hunger in america at help, no k kid ry anand mikah arare takingng on t hohotels. >> whahat if i tooook on one o e hohotels and youou did the o ot2 teams, we are going to be brian 100 days and the best hotels but when one day hotel challenge, special series continues tuesday night at 8:00 on hgtv i've traveled across our country and women have told me their stories. >> couples just trying to grow their family cut off in the middle of ivf treatments children who have survived sexual assault potentially being forced to carry a pregnancy to term one must ask, what exactly is it that they don't trust women well, we trust women that was vice president harris last night with a cnn senior political analyst, senior editor at the
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atlantic, ron brownstein, a journalist, i have admired for decades, and his gang convention since 1984 and san francisco, everyone since. yep. >> so ron harris delivered that speech last night. we just play part of it there. what did she accomplish in that? >> you know, we all remember from our media studies courses way back when marshall mcluhan said the medium is the message i thought for her, the messenger was the message i think the more important than anything she said was how she said it. she was energetic, she was steely, she was strong, she was confident and she was in a very vivid contrast to the man she replaced and the man she's running against. and about halfway through that speech, i was thinking of what nikki haley said back in february when she said the first candidate that ditches their 80-year-old nominee will have a leg up harris heavy i think she
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could have done more in some areas, particularly talking about inflation and helping people meet cost of living. but she had the great asset of embodying her message. if you're talking about a fresh start and turning the page, you almost didn't have to listen to anything she said. she radiated change in the way she presented herself last night. >> when you sit back and think about lines from the speech, you can't remember a line, but you remember something. what is it people would take away from that because we can remember lines for michelle obama. yeah, we can remember lies from barack obama, but not necessarily this speech. this did something else. what was that? >> this was energy strength and change. >> i think conventions are better at portraying a positive message about the nominee than necessarily a negative message about the opponent. she is the first nominee since hubert humphrey in 1968, who was either not an incumbent president or had spent a year and a half running for president, right? i mean, she
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arrived with less on the canvas i think that anybody since window will keep for the republicans in 1940. so the need, the necessity of filling in her story seemed to me obviously they are imperative. they put much more emphasis on that. than on laying out kind of what you're going to get from a harris administration for the base or for the possibly persuadables. what do you think that speech or who do you think that speech hit? >> i think the speech was about reassuring people that she is ready to be president, that she is tough enough to deal with the world and she is tough enough to keep you safe. why did we talk about double-haters all year the double-haters reflected the reality there was not a majority that wanted to reelect joe biden but there was not a majority in the country that wanted to put donald trump back in the white house. she did not have to dwell the convention as a whole, did not dwell as much on making the case against trump, although she did quite a bit her job i
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think is to reassure to convince that majority that already does not want to put him back in the white house the she is an acceptable alternative and she tried to do that last night, i think more through her personal story and the kind of presence the presidential presence that she projected, lot of peas there. then, then by really detailing the agenda, by the way, i think we know what her agenda would be. the agenda of the damage democratic party is very clear. it's bottom-up, it's a vast amount of it is stuff that the house passed in 21 and 22 that's sinema and manchin blocked. but she did not do that last time. it was more about here i am i am change in energy. i am ready to be president, not trickled down bottom up, but thank you for reminding us of wendell wealthy from 1940 it hasn't gone, hadn't come up exactly right. >> ron brownstein, it's always a pleasure having you. thank you so much. >> all right. rfk junior set to address the nation about his path forward today. will he
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drop out of the race and to endorsed donald trump? that's the rumor. and with georgia back in play, donald trump tries to make up for his attacks on governor brian kemp, how he tried to do that ahead. >> houston check your nothing. >> the space shuttle accident is usually not one thing it's sa series o of events i is that pa of the wing coming apart spatiaially in cololombia the f serieses sununday at ninine on >> why d do 80% of n nfl player choose a asleep membmbers more ? >> bececause the h higher my sl byby q score, , the better i p but thatat's nonot the onlyly rn he licensese a.i. >> firirm. i l like my sidide s sleep numbmber. >> does ththat effortltless comfmfort? whilele night so o sleepingng on a smarart bet is you can plplay like this. . >> y yeah, b because i a also lo sleep cool andnd i like itit wa and cozyzy and i reaeally like when we boboth get whahat we wa >> w week numberer, does thahat during our b biggest salale of year, sasay 50% on the sweep memember limitited edition spar that andnd free delilivery whenu add any babase shot shshutout asleep member r store nearar yo
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just w what relax x you put t t verbal w with moderatete to sev plaqueue psoririasis, my s skin nono longer mimine my acactive psororiatic arththritis joinin sysymptoms held meme back dodo't symptomsms define yoyou emererg yoyou with t trump via most pep signeded 9 90% clear s skin at months. . and d the majoririty d clearer atat f five years.s. fri isis proven toto significacantl rereduce joint p pain stiffnfned swelling i it's justst six dosea year a after two s starter dose cbs allergic r reactions m may ococcur, can f fire, may i incr yoyour risk ofof infectionons a lower yoyour abilityty to fight them. . tell you, , doctor, if have an infection most symptomss for if y you had a v vaccine ar plannining to emerge as you emerged, trim fired, asksk your dodoctor aboutut trump viaia th
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in t the first d deal that subw has nevever been easier r just enter r foot logogin out, geget anotheher fried dodough. > the hard d part is hehead'm travavel. he doeoesn't t get a d foot-l-long wait, , seriouously got to next time, buddy g to
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boosost your confifidence so m you u guys can c check them m o >> the a athletes inin awe or pupushing the e limit of what i capable e all. >> rigight, i'm ready toto show the woworld how gogood i am. >> i trarain a all over ththe g anand that's what you're going o see an awol whole different be. we wednesday night dynamite. it cbs donald trump's spent the week trying to counter program the democratic convention. >> but last night he decided to unleash on social media and elsewhere the biggest reaction is why didn't she do the things that she's complaining about all of these things as you talked about, we're going to do this, we're going to do that. we're going to do everything but you didn't do any of it. she could have done this 3.5 years ago. she's got four-and-a-half, five months left. she can go there right
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now she can do all of the things many of the things that you talked about ten complaining about today, donald trump will be in arizona and coincidentally or not, robert kennedy jr. is to be in arizona today as well, where he is expected to end his campaign cnn's steve contorno is tracking this one for us. >> so steve, what are you hearing about that? >> okay. trump's team went into today believing that if rfk junior did indeed drop out, that it was likely but not guaranteed, he would endorse the former president trump himself said, quote, it's possible that the two will meet today since they are so close to each other. and as you said, they have been teasing a special guest at tonight's rally and the belief within trump's camp is that even though rfk junior support has been dwindling, that it does pull from some of the pool of people that they believe that would be supporters for donald trump. and they have been working aggressively behind the scenes led by donald trump
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junior, trying to court rfk junior to not only drop out of the race, but get behind donald trump's. so that's what we don't know about today. here's what we do know. he does have two events, one in vegas, one in arizona, and we expect him to continue what he's done. all we tried to sort of provide some economic messaging, sticking some of the issues that his campaign would like him to talk about, but also comments and seeing on the dnc, it's been very clear he has been watching it closely just take a look at some of these truth social posts from last night where he was commenting on everything from vice president harris's way. she says, thank you. posting. where's hunter and also quote, is she talking about me? >> okey-dokey what is happening though with georgia's governor brian kemp is trump trying to make nice that's what it seems like because just a few weeks ago he was in atlanta where he called brian kemp, quote disloyal and very average disloyals about the worst thing donald trump could call somebody in his book.
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>> but overnight he decided to put out a little bit of an olive branch to the georgia governor saying, thank you to brian kemp for all your support in georgia. and this is key because there are republicans in georgia who are very concerned that donald trump with those remarks a few weeks ago, was making the same mistake that he made in 2020 where his his attacks on georgia and the governor and republicans there after the 2020 election torpedo their chances in those two key senate runoffs that ended up republicans with republicans losing both those racist good, interesting timing. now, trying to make nice with a very popular governor in a very critical state will seek good to see you, steve. thank you so much new details from pennsylvania law enforcement about what went wrong in the leadup to the assassination? >> it's an attempt on donald trump but forgotten radios may have had to do with it. and how the harris campaign is going to try to harness the energy from the democratic convention tension now, to take it to the
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campaign so my means, millions flocked to america's national parks but nature can turn disastrous and tourists has crossed the line. she started by my life leg. my initial thought that was definitely in a dei i the whole e story witht ananderson cooooper sundayay at on cnn, , they say seeeeing is believing,g, but with h stearnsd fostster, that''s onlyly part o the ststory. >> we hahandcraft every y stern and d foster using thehe finest mamaterials lilike indulgegent y foam an n ultra confnforming an telecoil f for a beaututiful mattttress. and d in indescrcri comfort every sisingle nightht duduring our laboror day sale,e bring hohome incredidible comfo savings s up to $900 on seselec adjuststable mattrtress sets, , ststearns and d foster, , what comfort t should be,e, learn mo at stetearns and a
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team. >> checkckout four i fofor certain n we are thehe mo prestigigious black k bag compm anand six ththree generarations black k excellencece. >> n now, it's our turn to o bud families erin, family empire, houston, all new tonight, 8-7 center on all leon of course. >> kamala's getting broad support. they got black men for kamala white men for kamala let's heal and agents become a, they even have republicans
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for kamala republicans become, i guess donald trump will finally know what it's like when you get left for younger woman alrighty then the 2024 democratic national convention is now officially in the history books with a very different ending than the one the party expected. >> just a little over the four weeks ago, kamala harris completing her rise from running mate to the top of the ticket accepting the nomination, harris told her story and laid out some specifics for a potential future administration joining us now cnn political commentators maria cardona and shermichael singleton. i'm starting with you, shermichael because where i left off at you early you heard deal hugely talk about republicans for kamala last night. what does one republican strategists think about how kamala dead in her speech. >> i thought she came across well, and interesting parts
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about that. the matic lie need you to stop rewind you what i thought she came across very well, just wanted to make sure i heard that so that was accurate. >> i mean, i thought the thematic elements of the speech when she talked about bolstering the military, was really good. the way she looked at and i know for the general public, this may not make a lot of sense, but the colors of her tyre she looked presidential, she looked like she meant business. and to me, if you understand that she has some i would say some vulnerabilities. let's see what some men who may say, well, kevin want to do the job. can she be stronger, tougher enough? i think visually she came across, well, that's important because we're visual creatures. and again, her oratory as it pertained to showcase his strength, also came across. well, so i would give her a plus across the board sarah sidner, i have to say that the little sleep sara sinder, as it broadcast, i'm all in we're here for it i'm here for it and i want to know what's going to happen. afraid what he's going to comment out
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of my seat literally for the next time i saw you like, oh, no, where she going with maria cardona? >> jonah. >> i want to know what you think was accomplished last night. >> what, if anything, is left to accomplish for the harris campaign? >> i thought it was an artful speech beautifully delivered pitch perfect. i agree with shermichael. she did what she needed to do and it was very intentional in terms of who she was talking to last night she clearly had already everyone in this arena right on her side and supporting her. she clearly had so many democrats already around the country excited and supporting her. what she needed to do last night with the speech of her political life and with the audience that was just millions of americans that we're tuning in to see who was kamala harris? she accomplished that the way that she did it was because it was an artful architecture of a narrative
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that started with her personal bio for those who didn't know who she was her professional bio getting to what you were talking about. shermichael in terms of well, what is she going to do for me? then she followed that up with her own values and then talked about what she wants to do for the american people and ended up with a very sharp contrast with what her opponent is doing in donald trump and the strength of it, both visually as well as verbally, was exactly what she needed to do for those voters, independent voters, men across the board republicans who do not want to see another four years of donald trump, but perhaps aren't sure about a kamala harris she did exactly what she needed to do for those voters as well. but now, let's make no bones about this. >> the hard work starts because this was just the beginning and it was a fabulous beginning for her. >> she now has to continue to write that book for all of those voters who were there
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would be looking to her for that kind of leadership. >> really, the race really begins now that economic issue we've talked a whole lot about it on this network that is still going to be an issue for the vice president she touched on it a little bit, maybe halfway. i want to say if i'm remembering, well, in the speech i thought i was going to get a little bit more. if i were drafting the speech, i probably would have wanted to put in one or two concrete things more substantive things particularly for white working class and men i would have probably wanted to hit a little harder on that from now, i will say democrats have the opportunity on the campaign trail to do that but conversely, on the republican side, i think the former president will look at that and say, well, you know what, she didn't talk about these things way she should have. she's been the vice president for three-and-a-half years. what is she doing now and you're going to see that sort of back-and-forth dance between the two camps. i think on that issue, particularly in the state of pennsylvania, which i think is a must-win for donald trump you has to be said that
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prices are up 20% from when they began, although there was a pandemic, there are lots of reasons, but nobody cares about the reasons that your groceries are more expensive. your groceries are more expensive. i do want to ask you though about your boy donald trump because of what he today just coming after me it's okay john's i'm patty again. i apologize. my mother is gonna be very disappointed with. me. but donald trump is trying to respond to this in real time. and he is having a what used to be called a tweetstorm. he now has truth social, truth, social storm of things to say and none of them. i mean, he's talking about hunter biden. he's talking about where is he i mean, what what did you think about his response to this? >> so i did look at some of the post when he was talking about the economic issues, why she didn't do this. i thought that was good. >> all of the other stuff. >> i don't know having spoken to the former president but my presumption is that he
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recognizes the racist change. even thomas sold that conservative philosopher thought, thinker, wrote a piece, i think in the wall street journal, freedom, i sent republicans need to get this stuff together because the messaging just isn't sticking the momentum is obviously shifting to the vice president, the former president needs to figure out a way to shift things back to himself. >> i think he has an opportunity. >> i think you can make the argument. credit card defaults are at an all time high i think cnbc had an article that came out a couple of days ago talking about the number of americans who can't afford to pay their mortgage on a consistent basis or their rent on a consistent basis. so there are some elements that he should be talking about and if i were advising them, i would say focus and hone in on those points. you're probably not going to defeat the cultural phenomenon that we're seeing. but maybe on the policy front, you can distinguish yourself there. one of the things that harris said in the speech last night was calling donald trump fundamentally unserious which was this theme of this convention sometimes explicitly
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like there, but, but sometimes also just under the surface and then also projecting the idea of order and calm in normalcy. >> there and i wonder, maria, when you, when you look at this speech or speech which was disciplined and focused in compared to what donald trump did. and they had, the republicans had a good convention that shermichael, up until donald trump's halfway through his speech when it lost focus. and i do wonder how much democrats can gain from that unfocused contrast are trying to present with donald trump. >> i think it's something that democrats can both leverage. but at the same time. and i think democrats have been very good at this. we can just get out of the way because he becomes his own worst enemy when he gets into his own head. and he literally has meltdowns, right? he's completely discombobulated with a completely new version of this
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campaign that they were not expecting. and he has absolutely no idea how to run against. and, you know, my dear friend shermichael and scott jennings and david urban and all of them can say until they're blue the face will donald trump should talk about policy. but donald trump cannot just talk about policy. that's not who he is. that's never been who he is, which is why what kamala harris had last night rings. so true to frankly, the vast majority of americans out there who are thinking, yeah, he absolutely he is unserious. let's remember the last four years of donald trump. and that's part of the strategy because there has been a little bit of amnesia. there has been a little bit of fuzzy memory about what happened under donald trump. they keep talking about this glowing economy. let's also remember that under donald trump, millions of jobs were lost hundreds of thousands of americans died because he was unable to deal with a global pandemic and take seriously the
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science behind it. that is something that democrats are going to continue to remind americans about. and then she's going to go to solutions. she's going to talk about the economic accomplishments which was by the way, a lot of the economic policies under biden-harris are incredibly popular she needs to go beyond that to where people are feeling what you were talking about sara in their pocketbooks, the costs at grocery stores, the cost of housing and rent. she is dealing with that head on. and that's why i think she is really looking at this and actually offering solutions where it most matters and see everything maria talked about. not being disciplined and how it gives democrats a strategic advantage is absolutely why every single republican continues to say to the former president you have to be different this time. you cannot do 2016, you cannot do 2020. if you want to win this and an implications are not just on the executive, you're also looking at the senate to down,
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they're also looking at the house. there's a lot at stake here for the party writ large. and so to say, become disciplined is not a knock against the former president. it is you are going to impact everyone else if you're performance is not as strong as it can be if you showcase a different version of yourself that the american people don't often get to see. >> i remember a time when we were saying the same thing democrats were saying the same thing, not about message, but about joe biden and the down mallatt democrats. >> like i'm old enough to remember it michael. >> thank you guys. >> thank you. >> here, kate, we have long long memories. >> please take it away i'm going to sit on it, but we'll be back. there. wasn't following this right now. there are new details coming out this morning about the assassination attempt on donald trump and a series of failures that may have led up to that terrifying close call. cnn's zach cohen
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has more on this for us. he's joining us now. zach from gotten radios. what are you learning? >> yes. kate, we're learning that local officers did set aside radios explicitly for the purpose of communicating directly with us secret service before trump's july 13 rally, but secret service never picked those radios up. and if they had butler county district attorney, richard goldinger tells us they would have likely heard that warning about a man on the roof before thomas crooks open fire at donald trump, killing a rallygoer and hitting the former president. i want to read what the district attorney in butler county told us when we asked him about these radios and why they pick w says, quote, i can confirm that the butler county esu team made radios available to the secret service and that they were not utilized by the secret service is safe who assume that if a holder of a you esu radio was paying attention, they would have received the call. he's referring to that warning minutes before thomas crooks opened fire. and that's really been the prevailing question over the last month as we've looked into how tom scripts was
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able to get off eight shots before he was ultimately neutralized by a secret service sniper acting director of the secret service, ronald rowe is even acknowledged that they just needed seconds of a heads-up or warning before the shooting occurred and they could have prevented it from happening. so this is going to raise a lot of questions. this is something that was initially pointed out by congressman clay higgins, who served them that congressional task force is investigating the attempted assassination of donald trump that task force is scheduled to make a visit to butler county and the rally site next week where they're going to meet with local officials and really their first investigative step. so this is going to raise even more questions about the communication breakdowns that occurred and that led up to the shooting. and it allowed thomas crooks to open fire at the former president and i know you said it, but just to reinforce it's not just security failures leading up that led to a close call on the president, which is bad enough. but a man was killed by those shots that he was able to get off. i mean, this was a deadly incident that obviously should have been avoided. but what is the secret
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service saying about what you've now learned absolutely. >> the services they are going to look into this and try to identify why these radios were never picked up. but as you mentioned, this is a serious lapse. it appears in the pre-planning process that did result in someone getting killed and a former president being shot. the secret service has made it's some changes following the trump's assassination attempt on donald trump. they've added its own mobile communications apparatus to try to create this private cell networks that can facilitate communication between secret service officials on the ground and local officers that are there to help provide security at events, big events like the trump rally on july 13, they've also added bullets the glass around trump when he gives speeches, you saw just yesterday when he was giving a speech he's now encased in that glass casing of ballistic bulletproof glass, and they've also increased the number of agents on trump's security detail, trying to provide more of a security presence around the former president. but the end of the day, it is, it does go back to maybe just simply both things like picking up radios to where you can speak to your local law enforcement
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partners. >> zach. thank you so much for getting this update much more to come very clearly on this also in just a few hours, the federal reserve chairman jerome powell will deliver a keynote speech at a summit in jackson hole, wyoming that is grabbing and going to be grabbing a lot of attention as this week, the labor department issued revise figures for the 12 months through march. that points to a still fragile economy. u.s. growth was nearly 30% less than initially reported, nearly 818,000 fewer jobs than initially reported the biggest downturn on in this aspect of the economy. since down, downward revision since 2009, cnn's julia chatterley is here with much more on this. add this all up and that could mean what then for euro, what we could hear from jerome powell officiate. >> he's going to talk about the u.s economic outlook on officially were hoping that he ultimately he signals that interest rates are going to start to come down in september. and actually that's the easiest part of this so two questions follow. how much do they cut rates in september? it's been an ongoing
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conversation and then how quickly can they bring rates down from there on? because that's it's what matters ultimately to borrowers out there, i think the first one is pretty easy again, he'll signal that a quarter of a percentage point rate cut is what's expected in september. it fits with the d data. he'll talk abot the fact that the rise in prices is painful as it's been, is slowing. what will then focus on is the jobs market. i'm glad you mentioned those revisions because that is really important. eye-opening to see the economy adding a third less jobs than we thought it's crazy. quite frankly, they need to sort the system out, but the key with this is that the federal reserve knew about it and they still chose to hold rates steady last month however, we've now had the minutes of that meeting and there were a number of policymakers were saying, look we could cut rates and they could have done then it's seen as a positive signal on the pace afterwards. that's where it gets more complicated. we need the august jobs number kind of also need to see who wins the presidential election. both policy platforms are vague. both high spending, both
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likely to be inflationary, but trump's tariffs for the wildcard by some estimates, it could add a percentage point to inflation in 2025 let's be clear. he's not going to touch that with a ten-foot pole today, but it has to be in the thinking. >> he's going to be speaking broadly and economic outlook, right? how are investors likely to react to it? >> a great question. this is a pivotal speech. and if i just take you back over the last two years a year ago, he talked about the end of rate hikes. we saw the s&p 500 up 1%, two years ago, he said, look, we're gonna have to curb inflation. it's going to be painful for people out there. the s&p 500, i'm showing you that interesting, dropped 3.4%. so these swings, he doesn't like you'd rather not have them today, i think he'll be quite cautious about it and leave the outlook open as best he can politically and economically. it's the right thing. still there. >> everyone is it's great to see you. thank you so much much more to come on this. of course so it was a historic moment.
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>> kamala harris officially accepting the democratic nomination for president, but can the honeymoon well, one democrat is saying has to happen next and erased from public life. the taliban has just unveiled sweeping new laws further for forbidding women's rights. >> and for now forbidding women from singing or even reading aloud. in public cnn business update is brought to you by b trade from morgan stanley, trade cocommission f free today wiwith n no account t minimums e trtrades easy y to use t tool complex trtrading lastst cocomplicated,d, custom scscans you fifind new trarading opportrtunities. >> w while an eaearnings tooools you plplan your trtrades and st onon top of ththe market. e-e-t from mororgan stananley harleme evererything. >> b but i couldldn't fifind a isis anywhere e we were e i sts my own stutudio and wiwith the right helplp, i can mamake this
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our brave troops overseas as commander in chief, i will ensure america always has the strongest, most lethal fighting force in the world and i will fulfill our sacred obligation to care for our troops and their families. and i will always honor and never disparage their service and their sacrifice kamala harris last night, trying to make are making clear distinction with donald trump there and also making that vowed to always support america's veterans as she accepted the democratic presidential nomination. >> now what the convention wrapped, another key moment for harris come september 10, when she takes to a different stage, the debate stage to face off with donald trump joining us right now is democratic congressman from massachusetts, seth moulton, who sits on house, the house armed services
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committee. he's also a marine corps veteran. it's good to see you, congressman. thanks so much. what we saw throughout the week, definitely on full display in a real way last night was democrats reclaiming patriotism as their own and you heard it very directly from the stage last night from congresswoman elissa slotkin of michigan. let me play this i want you to proudly claim your patriotism. >> you are here because you love your country do not give an inch to pretenders wrap themselves in the flag, but spit in the face of freedoms, america doesn't follow we do not retreat. we are the dam united states of america. we lead republicans have long kind of, won the, battle, but it seemed to win the battle claiming patriotism as their, as their own in terms of definitely, when you're talking about campaigning, what are democratic, what do you think democrats are doing here? >> it seemed different this time at this convention what
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does, in a way, because i think there was a dirge a previous generation of americans that attash patriotism to the republican party in part just coming out of the vietnam war, where so, republicans were the, party that supported the troops that were in the fight and democrats were the party of protesters. >> and it's been a huge mistake for democrats not to correct that record sooner because this generation is very different we are the party of believers in the constitution of people who fight to protect the flag while donald trump tramples the flag, donald trump tried to take down the flag from the united states capitol and put a trump flag up. instead, we've never had an insurrection in american history, american history, we've never had a commander in chief before donald trump, who absolutely attacked the troops who denigrated those of us who but served who called world war ii veteran, who tucker, who attacked his own fellow
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republican john mccain for getting captured in the vietnam war who questioned the service of people by saying, i don't understand what was in it for them. he said that to his own chief of staff marine general john kelly when they were walking through arlington cemetery where john kelly, son is buried because he was killed in afghanistan. j.d vance has taken up that mantle and is attacking tim walz for his 24 years of service to the country. so the republican party, all of a sudden under donald trump, has become the party that is anti-patriot. is that attacks those who serve and they frankly is dangerous for our national security. so we're reclaiming that title, but we're also just on the right side of history here. >> one thing in terms of making a distinction, another distinction in terms of form. in terms of foreign policy, without kamala harris spoke very directly about the about donald trump's tendency to cozy up. as she says, to tyrants and dictators, let me play this one for you i will
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not cozy up to tyrants and dictators like kim jong on they know he is easy to manipulate with flattery and favors they know trump won't hold autocrats accountable because he wants to be an autocrat himself. donald trump is in what went on and said a lot on social media. but specifically, it seemed on this one he wrote that the tyrants are laughing at her and three-and-a-half years, she's done she's done nothing except ebled them to get strong, rich, and powerful you say what? this is so absurd. i think kate, my first reaction is listening to kamala
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harris's speech she sounds like a commander in chief. she sounds like someone who can step into the role, knows what to do and those who our allies and our adversaries are around the globe. we've got to be clear. hi, about the night national security threats that the united states of america faces today. vladimir putin does not like us. vladimir putin wants to see the united states go away, sieging ping wants to take over our ally, taiwan and risk starting world war iii in the pacific kamala harris gets that. she's willing to stand up to these dictators. she has a track record of doing so. donald trump is doing the exact opposite. we all know that trump has said he trust putin more than our own cia. we all know that he has said he will not defend taiwan, which is a single worst thing you could do for deterrence to preventing war in the pacific. so donald trump is weak on national security. he's weak on patriotism. he's leading
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the republican party down a path of denigrating our troops. there's a huge contrast here for veterans and people who care about national security in the election this november real quick. >> i still told politico kind of about the race post-conviction cope post-convention, hear the two things are going to go into happen. one, the honeymoon is inevitably going to end and to the republicans are going to figure out how to attack so what's your prescription of what to do about it well, on the first point, yes. >> i mean, every honeymoon comes to an end at some point. but that's okay because we have a very strong path platform and we have a strong voice to lead us. we just need to hear more specific policy proposals from vice president harris. now in terms of republicans, maybe hi credit here because they haven't figured out how to attack us. >> was that a missed last night? you don't you don't think she gave enough policy prescriptions last night oh, no, no. >> i think she's been very clear about what she wants to accomplish and her vision for america, what her values are
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but yes, people are going to want specific things and foreign policy is one of those areas. i think we're going to hear a lot more about that in the next few weeks. >> all right. congressman. good to see you. thank you so much for coming in. new hour, of cnn new central starts now good morning, everyone. >> i'm john berman with sara sidner. look at that floor, the parties are hey, if you walk on the floor right now, it has that sticky john berman with sara side. you're hearing but you gotta go kate bolduan is in new york, the final chapter of this unprecedented political summer has now been written and it is now time to figure out what it all means what has changed besides everything literally. so this was vice president kamala


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