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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  August 24, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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on hgtv you are in the cnn newsroom. i'm paula reid in washington in for jessica dean. we're about ten weeks away from the election, and there's a new shakeup in the race for the white house third party candidate, robert f. kennedy, jr. is suspending his campaign and endorsing former president donald trump. >> the campaign hopes rfk's supporters will help put trump over the top in what will likely be a very close race against vice president harris i think he's going to have a huge influence were leading now, but i think he's going to have a huge influence on this campaign and to all who supported bobby's campaign, i very simply asked you join us in building this whole issue that's a beautiful coalition both campaigns are not wasting any time. >> next week, harris will meet with voters during a bus tour through the battleground state
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of georgia, while trump will speak at campaign events in pennsylvania and wisconsin. the trump campaign's posters though, say they expect harris will get a two to three point bump in the polls following the democratic convention this past week for more on this, i want to bring in cnn senior political analyst and senior editor for the atlantic. ron brownstein. ron, thank you for being here as i just as i just said, the trump campaign believes that bump in the polls will quote, be an extended honeymoon phase how do you think this will translate when it comes to the long game here yeah, look, i think there are aspects of the momentum for harris that are real and irreversible. >> i mean, the fundraising has been incredible and i think we're going to just see eye-popping numbers of how many raised during convention week, maybe as soon as tomorrow on interior engagement is enormous. much, much stronger than under biden. the crowds 15 to 18,000 in august, you're probably looking at 50 to
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75,000 person rallies and october, which we haven't seen since obama in 08. and all of that is valuable to her, but the task in the swing states, as you say, i mean, you know there are a closely divided country. there are only six or seven states that are truly at play and they are at play because they are basically divided 50, 50. so her challenge in those states is much more blocking and tackling maximizing turnout literally one or two votes per precinct. could decide this election in states like michigan, pennsylvania, and wisconsin. so all of those inputs that i just mentioned will help her in that. but ultimately, the job is going to be the blocking and tackling address ec section before o on the ground in these closely divided swing-states and my next question has yielded answers across the spectrum of possibilities. >> well, this rfk junior endorsement, how do you think it could impact the election well, first thing you think is going to have a minimal impact,
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but to the extent it does have an impact, i would not be surprised if it ends up being a net negative slightly for trump. >> and here's why i say that rfk junior's support has contracted to where indeed it is likely that most of the remaining people who said they were for him will vote for trump. if in fact they vote at all. and i believe many of them will not vote at all, but that isn't really the only thing that's going on here by, by aligning with trump rfk trump is doubling down on some extreme arguments about vaccines, in particular, known as paid a lot of attention. certainly we have not in the media that democrats have not. but trump has been saying repeatedly, i'm going to look to say i get it exactly right. i will not give one penny to any school that has a vaccine mandate today from kindergarten, to college and obviously, the idea that rfk would have some role in public health in a trump administration will underline that pledge or threat depending on how you look at it. and i
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think that could cost him more in white-collar suburbs than anything he gains at the margin from f-k voters, 70% of all americans say they believe vaccine mandates in schools should remain in place. i am sure that number is higher among college educated white women. i think wrapping himself together with rfk razors, the threat level for those voters, there was a reason the wall street journal editorial page it wants trump to win wrote after the endorsement, pocket the endorsement, mr. trump. but then really don't be seen with this guy again you are at a piece for the atlantic this week talking about the focus on democrats, so-called blue wall. >> you coin that term in 2009 and now say it symbolizes pennsylvania, wisconsin. wisconsin michigan. now, what's the best strategy for harris with trump's campaign also pouring a lot of money into these states. how should harris be attacking the states yeah, first of all, the blue wall when i coined get to know nine referred to the 18 states
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that ultimately voted democratic in all six consecutive elections. from 1992 to 2012, which is the most states the party had won. that often since the formation of the modern party system in 18, 28, in 2016, trump famously knocked michigan, pennsylvania, and wisconsin out of the wall. and really when people talk about the blue wall, now, they usually are referring to those three states. it's kind of the bricks that were dislodged from the wall have kind of become the wall in the popular agitation. what these are states that have remained so important in american politics because they are so competitive, they are all closely divided and they tend to move in tandem. i was struck in doing the research for this story. i really wasn't aware of this all the way back to 1980. they have diverged once just once in the presidential elections ineteen 88 was the only time they split. and who they voted for and similarly, over the last 30 years, they have voted the same way for governor, even except for one election so, you know, for harris, the challenge there is
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to claw back some of the ground that biden had long among younger voters and non-white voters, black voters, particularly in detroit and milwaukee. and philadelphia. and also to max out among the voters i was just talking about, these are states where the democratic games among college educated white voters have really been important to their overall reassertion of control of them since 2016. but she also has to do one last thing in these states, which is hold on to the relative improvement that biden made in 2020 relative to clinton in 2016, among non-college and older wipes, those are bigger share of the electorate in these states and they are almost anywhere else and it is going to be critical for her. she doesn't exactly have to to match biden because i think she can add some votes on the college side that he didn't have, but she can't fall all the way back to clinton's levels in 2016. and honestly, paula, i think that is the critical battleground between now and november. how many non-college and older whites can trump peel away from harris
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in these three states, because if he can't, it's going to be very hard. for him to win. >> yeah, it's interesting you say that i was speaking with another pollster a few days ago on air and he said that the reason he thought trump might pull this out is because of that exact group of voters. now, i want to talk a little bit about abortion rights. it was a big part of the convention. trump is of course, now trying to distance himself from project 2025, saying that his administration would be great great for women and reproductive rights. is that going to be enough for him to win over enough suburban women voters know, i don't think so. >> i mean, you know, it's easy for us to forget that the dobbs decision only happened after the 2020 election. and however well, biden did among college-educated women in 2020 democrats in these three states. and we're talking about above all, which are probably going to decide this election again, michigan, pennsylvania, wisconsin, the democratic gubernatorial candidates did better in 2022, post-dobbs than biden had done
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in 2020? i don't think biden maxed out the ceiling of where this this can go, especially given the other factors that i mentioned, like trump's opposition to vaccine mandates in public schools that will be accentuated by associating with rfk jr. so i think there's every possibility and even likelihood that in these states biden excuse me, harris will run better than biden did among college white women, shapiro in pennsylvania and 22 whitmer in michigan in 22, they both ran ten points better among those college white women than biden had done just two years earlier. i'm not sure. >> harris can get all the way up to where they got, which is about 70%. but i would not be shocked if she's in the mid 60s among those voters in these, in these states it's, and again, that is going to be critical for her to offset any loss among those working class whites who are going to be the principal focus, i think for trump's advertising, arguing that harris is soft on crime and the border and not going to keep you safe and not going to deal with, deal with inflation
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or the states, there are a lot of moving parts there are crosscurrents. they are usually end up close and they heard very likely to be the tipping point once again, in 2024. >> let's three states and all the others who will be watching for the next ten weeks ron. thank you so much for joining us. >> thanks for having me and still ahead. >> high-level ceasefire talks are happening today in cairo. this as the idf says, it remains prepared for any retaliatory attacks from iran or hezbollah will talk with israeli ambassador to the united nations ahead plus an eight day stay in space turns into an eight month stay to nasa astronauts will remain aboard the space station after issues with their boeing spacecraft will talk about it live with the one and only bill nye, the science guy, you are in the cnn newsroom the polls for have i got news for you were pretty odd yeah. what are the kinds we could run out the
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impacting the ongoing ceasefire and hostage release negotiations. high level talks are happening this weekend in cairo however, major sticking points remain to reaching a deal, joining us now is the israeli ambassador to the united nations danny done own ambassador, thanks so much for taking the time thank you for having me, jim as you know, the idf says it is prepared for any potential iraq attack by iran or hezbollah that they've been prepared for some time can you describe the level of alert tonight jim, we're on alert as you just reported, we are hearing report from lebanon about the intentions of hezbollah it to attack event that attacking every day but their intention is to attack deeper targets, civilian targets. so we are on high alert we told the population
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needs to change the way of life tomorrow. >> the kids will go to school everything will be as usual but our defense system already and i will add to that that also, our offense is very hezbollah will push the line too much. it will be felt also in lebanon, it will not be quiet in lebanon if the kids in israel will not be able to live safely? >> as you know, talks are underway in cairo tomorrow between israel, hamas, as well as mediators, including the u.s. qatar, egypt do you see any potential attack in the coming days as deliberately intended to disrupt those talks you know, many, many time we try to make the linkage between all the players in the region between i1, and hamas. not
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always the case. and i think in the case of hezbollah, we have seen that they actually targeting israelis without any connection to what's happening in the thousand border, thousand front end, i think we have a little bit you know, i said it very clearly in the security council on thursday. >> you know, we have been waiting for a while, but there will come a day that we will say that's it enough. we cannot keep 100,000 israelis as refugees in different places they will have to go back to their home, the northern israel and in order to do that, we're going to have to put his butt off on the fence and make sure that we have secure border as you know the families of hostages still being held in gaza. >> the numbers 109 though many are believed to have died already, there are growing impatient and some of them have accused the israeli prime
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minister of not doing enough to bring their loved ones home. and of course, their fear is understandable because just this past week six more hostages were found dead. their bodies recovered from gaza does the israeli prime minister, in your view, does the israeli government, is it an investing enough to get those hostages home well jim no one can blame the families. >> you know suffering. they know about the ongoing atrocities of the hostages. we heard, we thought about what's happening there. >> and as you mentioned, the time is working against the hostages but at the same time, the prime minister is committed of the negotiations. we accepted few proposals coming from the u.s us and the mediators but hamas rejected all the proposal more than five times. >> they are the same decisions that it was the final the draft that was proposed, we said yes, hamas said no.
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>> i hope it will change. >> we want to have some kind of ceasefire that will allow us to bring back some of the hostages i'm not sure hamas thinking the same way for them at this final is the destruction of it loud. so you know, we tried to negotiate with them the mediators, but unfortunately, ten months and we have babies, children, innocent families still kept in captivity they're suffering there. the accounts of their suffering there is just is just enormous you have just returned to the u.n. you will in your new duties as the as the ambassador, there can you describe the climate in the u.n. now, for israel as, as ambassador, what are you hearing what did he tell different u.n the u.n. was obsessed with this vow from the beginning. but now it's a different atmosphere, very hostile environment.
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>> and i was shocked. i was shocked that the u.n. was not able to condemn that 12th of october 7, even once now, another security council, the general assembly, i approached the palestinian representative the other day and i demand that he condemn what hamas did to us. and he was not willing to do it. and i told him if if you don't condemn them, you belong to them. that's diplomatic terrorism i hope it will change. >> i'm not sure it will. >> i intend to fight for my country and to make sure that they will remember the hostages. >> we are in gaza. >> but because we want to be there, you have no desire to be in gaza or to be in a world. >> we are there because we were attacked and we have 109 hostages in the hands of hamas. once we will bring them back there will be with some books for the future of gaza before we go. >> finally on the talks still underway secretary blinken, when he was in israel just a few days ago, said that this is the last best chance to reach
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such an agreement. i wonder if you agree that if no agreement is reached in the coming days, that perhaps the time has gone for for any deal for a ceasefire or return to the hostages but we appreciate the efforts of the us to try to bring a deal to the table? i don't think it will be the last because we will continue to do everything we can to bring back the hostages. maybe it will involve another cycle but at the end of the day, we are committed to do everything in our power you bring the hostages back. but many times the americans tried. they were very optimistic. but i think, you know, the players in the middle east are different. >> no one can understand exactly the waste in wow terrorist actually thinks it doesn't think about the people of gaza. >> you haven't seen about the hostages yes he has different morning. it's very hard to calculate what will happen in the near future with hamas
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ambassador danny danon. >> we appreciate you joining us this evening. >> thank, you jim thank you very much well, still ahead. >> nasa astronauts stranded in space now for another six months after issues with their boeing spacecraft, we're gonna be joined by bill nye to talk about all of this. that's coming up laura coates live week nights at 11 eastern on cnn life is better with the credit god's on your side. >> rewards. once available to the view, are now accessible to the many credit one bank, get cashback were once it leaves large absolutely go tank wants to know because your printer run out of vague at the worst time. >> cartwright tiny dinky, expensive cartridge switch to
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launched back in june on what was meant to be an eight day stay in space. but it's now turning into eight months. the spacecraft that took the astronauts to the space station will return, but without its crew. after five of the starliner's 28 reaction control thrusters quit working during the first stretch of the mission. joining me now is a ceo of the planetary society, bill nye. i'll send known as bill nye, the science guy. bill, you used to work at nasa. what do you make of today's announcement? >> i used to work at boeing. yeah, i did a little bit of work on the 747 sophia telescope. this mounted on a special 747 airplanes as long time ago. and i, the culture at boeing must have been different this sort of thing did not go on when i was there, not really the sort of thing didn't happen. these problems with the 730 where they've moved headquarters from seattle to
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chicago, then to the washington, dc area. and then contracting other companies. i mean, with a very close relationship to make the fuselages and so on. it's just that was a different era. and its, but this spacecraft is built by different organizations within boeing and everybody had high hopes for the first contract was in 2014 and it's just now getting took people, gay people arrived as they say, to the space station as these very subtle but important problems with the thrusters in a helium leak. i'll just say helium leaks through everything. it's the smallest the smallest molecule you're going to run. smallest atom you're going to run across and so this is just a really serious problem and i'll tell you there'll be other missions that could go to the space station. there'll be other spaceflight. the space flights
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that will happen. but it's reasonable that they don't want to do anything with nasa doesn't want to do anything. i'm not kidding between now and the election let's don't shoot the messenger is very reasonable hypothesis i know that seems that seems reasonable. you certainly don't want to have anything going wrong are so close to an election with are already under such scrutiny. >> but when the starliner does come back without its crew, i mean, is there any value in that the things that can still be learned oh, yeah. oh, there'll be there'll be honest. there's all sorts of sensors and still in guidance that has to be done from earth we had an old joke about the new bomber that has a pilot and a pit bull and the pilot was there to watch the instruments and the dog was there to make sure he didn't touch anything. >> just so they can they can bring this spacecraft back remotely autonomously in many
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ways. >> but it's not the same as having people on board and as the saying goes, a test flight is not ruling team so things went wrong on this test flight, but it is another dimeric, another dark spot for boeing right now now we heard a lot today about the inherent risk of a spaceflight from nasa administrators. let's take a listen space flight is risky even at its safety, safest and even at its most routine and a test flight by nature is neither safe nor routine. it was just too much risk, but the crew and so we decided to pursue the uncrewed well what i hear you saying is this is beyond just the normal risk and
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that this could damage the credibility of future boeing missions well, anything going wrong could damaged credibility of whatever manufacturers involved in spacex's this remarkable record, they close to 100 spaceflight, 100 launches she's last year, and they've taken people day. the company's taking people up and down with great success, remarkable success. but boeing's and old aerospace corps, aerospace organization that's had great success for almost a century. and so you would expect bowing to be able to pull this off it's much worse to have something go wrong then bring that thing down without people on board and then figure out how to get people back after the election. but you know, there's going to be at least one more test flight of this of this cst, the starliner there's, there's gotta be before they flight. >> people again and so the cost is going to go up boeing signed a contract, but they're going to have to eat this cost. it's
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it's a big deal. but people talking about risk in spaceflight even when you're on orbit, as these, even when you're in orbit, and everything's going smoothly, there where's the risk of a fire on board or these micro meteorites causing great damage has been a subject and movies and so on. and so these men and women train and train for this, for these eventualities but still the longer you are up there without the lifeboat, without the spacecraft waiting to bring you back to earth. there. it's a risk and as the saying goes, they packed for two weeks and now they're going to be there for eight months they're going to have to i'm not joking. >> and after find something to do and they will but it's not the most efficient scheme that's certainly not in earlier, guests said that nasa will be actually sending them more assignments. they will be doing more science experiments, something i'm sure you
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appreciate bill nye, the science guy. thank you so much for being with us. >> thank you and still ahead, a cnn investigation into how donald trump's businesses are raking in millions of dollars from republican political campaigns, including don't you're in the cnn newsroom summer means millions flock to america's national parks but nature can turn disaster tourists with tourists has crossed the line. >> she started by my left leg. my initial thought was near definitely gonna die. >> the whole story with anderson cooper tomorrow at 8:00 on cnn dark. >> i'm not feeling well. these prescription costs killing me. >> i've been seeing a lot of this lately. let's take a look oh, it's worse than i thought. pbm leeches are sucking you dry. pharmacy benefit managers or pbms act as parasitic middlemen in pleading the prices you pay for a medicine don't let drug middlemen drain both you and our health care system tell congress to act.
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>> and now following his presidency, he has created a system where politics and business have a very close relationship. a cnn investigation shows trump attorney a personal profit from his supporters. some republican campaigns, including his own, as well as other political allies have spent millions at trump's businesses. here's cnn's kyung lah my new book, save america published by winning team published a is now available for order in the ways you already know former president trump publicly makes money selling books and bibles. god bless the usa bible, gold sneakers, surreal and trading cards it's called the america first collection. it's at trump properties like mar-a-lago, trump's opulent florida home, where republican campaign dollars are pouring into trump's own pocket more than 150 congressional
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candidates and political groups have spent millions at trump properties and associate he did businesses according to a cnn analysis of federal campaign finance data with 2024 on track to be the biggest year of spending since 2016. the vast majority of the candidates are republican and most endorsed by trump. >> a vote for trump and merino is a vote to put america first. >> a clear example is ohio businessman bernie moreno, a political novice who made his fortune selling luxury cars the same month, marino announced his run for the u.s. senate last year he spent $13,000 on event catering at trump's mar-a-lago the same day, one of the payments was made, trump posted on truth social. marino is a highly respected businessman, was thinking of running for the senate trump endorsed moreno months later, calling him a maga fighter, two days after the endorsement marino spent $17,000 at mar-a-lago and a month later,
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80,000 more on a fundraiser at the private club attended by some in trump's inner circle. >> we asked him here to florida's that we get from here to the president so we can share him with you. >> marino is now locked in a competitive battle for ohio's senate seat with trump by his side. >> he is a hero. he's a winner that coincidence of this significant spending nearly coinciding with a trump endorsement doesn't prove beyond a reasonable doubt that there has been a bribe. >> that pattern does ensured. raise questions in the minds of voters about what's really going on here. >> be incredible carolina will do everything in my power to make so this man gets back to the white house. >> we need him now more than ever, another republican endorsed by trump is also one of mar-a-lago's top political spenders. this year alone, arizona senate candidate kari lake's campaign spent more
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than $100,000 on lodging catering, and facility rentals other top spenders at trump properties include retired football star and former georgia republican senate candidate herschel walker, his campaign spent the most of any congressional candidate in the last decade, nearly 200 $215,000 at mar-a-lago, trump's golf club in west palm beach and his las vegas hotel so her shows not only a georgia hero, he is an american legend. >> trump endorsed walker, who would go on to lose his race. political groups also dropped big money at trump's businesses. the rnc spending more than 2 million since 2016. but at the top spot by far our is donald trump himself, whose campaigns and associated political committees have funneled more than 28 million and political contributions to his businesses from renting his
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ballroom to his campaign to using election donations to papers, private jet, trump force one, trump the candidate has been paying the businessman, it's not illegal. >> the law is that candidates can spend money at their own businesses provided that the businesses provide real goods or services at a fair market rate. but it's certainly raises at least an appearance of self-dealing that is very concerning. from a corruption standpoint in a statement, the trump campaign told cnn these allegations are false, adding committees are paying the fair market rate for all venues and services spokespeople for bernie moreno and herschel walker did reply to our request for comment and they say that the mar-a-lago fundraisers were wildly successful. walker adding that he and trump have known each other for 40 years and his events had nothing to do with trump's endorsement. we did reach out to the kari lake campaign, but but not hear back. and it is important to note that despite the criticism
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you heard in our story, none of this is illegal kyung lah, cnn, los angeles and still ahead, faith leaders in georgia, uniting in climate action, that story next in the cnn newsroom space shuttle columbia, the full series tomorrow at nine on cnn mixed house is all about finding creative ways to share your family's story up off the backs, stick these up, and make small adjustments. it's like a living photo album. they see themselves and they feel loved. that's what i want nice for over 25 years, love sac has been rewriting the rules of comfort it's okay to change your style it's okay to change your mind and to change things up yet, massey yet immersed
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max saga now streaming exclusively on max close captioning brought to you by meso book if you or a loved one, have neizha helium up, will send you a free book to answer questions you may have call now and we'll come to you 800 a31, 3,700 the biden white house allocated $370 billion to clean energy and climate two
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years ago, will the inflation reduction act. since then, more than 750,000 families have used the new tax benefits to put up solar panels. but one of the groups might surprise you cnn's elisa rafah spoke with faith leaders, uniting in climate action after noticing more of her patients dealing with the impacts of longer allergy seasons, more extreme heat and increasing air pollution. dr. nuha pot talks, search for prescriptions to cardoni, seemingly unconventional path. >> it can have a big impact on your own personal resilience so i really looked to my faith tradition to help bolster that resilience for me through that search, this physician and practicing hindu, found herself serving as a board member for georgia interfaith power and light. her work towards climate and spiritual solutions is more connected than you might think. >> the first thing we do when we wake up but in one of our prayers is to thank mother
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earth for allowing us to step on her all day long when we take our first bite of food for the day, we thank mother earth for providing us this food as the board chair, rabbi lawrence rosenthal points out the bible has been talking about extreme weather for thousands of years with examples like no, it's arc plagues and famine. >> when you read the book of psalms, it does talk about the thunder and the lightning and the wind and the storms and the sea and all that. it's contained. and it really focuses on experiencing god through the environment. >> while solar panels on the roof of this church may seem like an unlikely intersection between climate, religion, him politics. it's actually shining. what are the benefits to our congregation getting solar panel well, you take yourself off the grid, so we're not continuing to burn coal. >> the other piece of it is to in the long term to lower some of the electrical costs that we have. >> the inflation reduction act is the most significant climate legislation congress has ever passed, making religious
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institutions eligible for direct pay rebates for the first time, 117 panels generate 440 watts of energy offsetting 26% of the electricity this churches campus, that's something that's becoming more common thanks to recent funding from the inflation reduction act. solar is the fastest growing renewable energy source up nearly eightfold in the last decade, one forecast shows the inflation reduction act will lead to a 48% boost in solar deployment in the next ten years. in the two years since the new rebates, georgia interfaith power and light says it has seen a 50% increase in faith, communities and rolling in their solar wise program when it comes to the climate crisis, these faith leaders agree the calling is clear. >> we have the science we understand why this is happening. and now this faith pace is the reverence france for the world around us, the moral call to do the work that aligns with the science. >> why are you as a rabbi so passionate about these
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environmental issues? >> if i ignore the environmental crisis that we're, that we are continuing to wade through. then i'm not taking that chart seriously. i'm not caring for other human beings the crossroads here between climate, religion, and politics just working so well. and historically, we don't really find that that's the case for topics like evolution and abortion, where that gets a little bit more complicated. and the white house has noticed that these religious organizations are really taking on the charge of climate action. john podesta the senior advisor to biden on this topic, telling cnn last week that these groups have been active voices in the climate debate. they're on the front frontlines of dealing with the effects of extreme weather because they are the ones that are in the disadvantaged communities. and again, it's not just one religion. we're seeing multiple religions come together and show us that we are much more similar than we might think. paula elisa rafah. >> thank you and today, a
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statue honoring the late civil rights icon and u.s. congressman john lewis was unveiled in a town square in his former georgia congressional district the new statue replaces a contentious confederate monument that stood in the very same spot for more than a century in 2020, it was taken down in the early morning before cheering crowds cnn's ivan rodriguez is indicator georgia with more for many people, this marks a new beginning and a signal of change behind me, you can see the bronze statue of late congressman john lewis with his hands over his heart a gesture he frequently used to express his love for others standing in front of the historic that cater courthouse in this district. >> who are lewis serve for 17 consecutive terms, nearly two years ago, sculptor basel watson was chosen to design and create this statue. and the significance can't be understated early on in the process, this memorial was billed as providing a symbol of
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inclusivity, equality, and justice to replace a confederate monument, which was erected in the early 1900s to glorify this so-called lost cause lewis, who was the son of sharecroppers, survived the brutal beating by police during the landmark 1965 march in selma, alabama and went on to become a leader of the civil rights movement. georgia senator raphael warnock spoke about that march in selma and the impact it had on the country somehow, when he crossed that bridge by some stroke of grace, mangled with human resilience. >> he crossed the bridge and built the bridge at the same time. and today all of us are standing on the other side of that bridge this statute today as reminder of the courage and the love that it takes to, face arrest dozens of times in the pursuit of dignity for human rights, for all the monument i used to stand here was removed by order of a county judge after the city called it a threat to public safety, crowds
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cheered with construction crews took it down and it was among those around the country that sparked protests over racial injustice after the death of george floyd at the hands of police. now, this statue of the late congressman stands here as a reminder to all who come about his legacy that he left behind for the country. but also here in the community, he's served for so many years. ivan rodriguez, cnn and atlanta thank you for joining me this evening. >> i'm paula reid in for jessica dean. i'll see you again tomorrow night starting at 5:00 p.m. eastern. hbo's real time with bill maher bar is next sanity needs a safe space you have a show. we're right and left. talk to him cnn presents an encore presentation of hbo's real time with bill maher next on cnn one to trade bitcoin plus oil plus gold plus so much more. >> let me introduce you to clos 500 lead to and easy to use 3d
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