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tv   CNN This Morning  CNN  August 27, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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august 27, right now on cnn this morning well, i'm certainly want to make a change in the rules because she can't answer questions the debate over the debate, donald trump and kamala harris's team's clashes thing over muted microphones, plus more than 200 republicans reaching across the aisle to support harris for president, will dig into that. and this he couldn't stick with the decision. he didn't stick with the decision the blame game as donald trump uses the anniversary of the withdrawal from afghanistan to pin the blame on the biden-harris administration, his former national security adviser says, trump should take some two and later battleground pennsylvania, a state that both parties think will decide the election we're going to talk to for a pennsylvania congressman, charlie dent and see who he thinks has momentum at their backs and the keystone state
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still getting towards faults, darker in the morning. >> good morning, everyone. i'm kasie hunt. it's wonderful to have you with us on this tuesday morning. >> will they or won't say new questions about the schedule debate between kamala harris and donald trump. >> after the former president said this abc debate when you watch this weekend and it's the worst of all networks. >> but when i looked at the hostility of that, i said, why am i doing it? let's do it with but the network i want to do it. i think abc is really should be shut out. >> i'd much rather do it. >> on nbc scheduled for just two weeks from today. that debate could be voters only chance to see and hear the candidates face off in person. and even if the debate does go ahead, just what the voters can hear is the sticky important right now what would you want
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the microphone muted and the debate whenever you're not speaking, we agreed to the same rules. >> i don't know. doesn't matter to me. i'd rather have it probably on, but the agreement was that it would be the same as it was last time that case. >> it was needed i didn't like it the last time, but it worked out fine ask biden now i'd worked out or was fine. and i think it should be the same that's biden now worked out trump. they're also saying it doesn't matter to me if the microphones are muted when it is not candidates turn to speak, that of course was how it was at the cnn debate in june. what he said there, what trump said there might have been news to his own campaign just one day earlier or trump campaign adviser jason miller told politico, quote, we accepted the abc debate under the the exact same terms as the cnn debate. and we said no changes to the agreed upon rules. the harris campaign seizing on trump's comments to say that now they think the matter has been settled i think what you have is both candidates themselves who agree
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on the debate format, right? we have both candidates who now agree that we should have a full-throated debate with live microphones for the duration that fully allows for both candidates to clearly articulate their visions for where they want to take this country. i think we'll see whether not donald trump allows his handlers to overrule his decision that he made today allow his handlers to overrule his decision. >> the fight over the microphones is on center stage because both campaigns think that the dynamic is really important in terms of creating breakthrough moments. >> personally, males, not thousand. >> well, we turned over 35,000. so what about the other please allow her to respond. >> she didn't talk while he talked yes, that's true. >> i didn't that is absolutely not true. >> that only cutting is he only going to repeal part of the trump tax cuts if you don't mind letting me finish, we can have a conversation. >> okay. please. okay 18, 61
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could answer the question vice presidency making is speaking okay okay. joining us now to discuss mark preston, cnn senior political analyst, brad todd, republican strategist, a partner at the political strategy for him on message. and let me show cross democratic strategist, former communications advisor for barak obama. welcome to all of you. thank you so much for being here. >> mark preston, our friend of the show, stephen collins. >> and then writes this about, and this is why, i mean, look, this is we're down in the weeds on the rules of the debate, right? but there's a reason we are talking about it because the images that could come out of this debate could define the fall at race, this incredibly compressed timeline, collinson writes this way, an open mic would test the republican nominee is self it's a pleasure in a debate with harris at a time when gop strategists are pleading with him to stick to policy quit his smash-mouth politics for the good of his campaign. visuals of trump talking over and openly disrespecting the woman who has a chance to be the first black woman president would speak for themselves. he also says harris would have a
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chance to demonstrate the strength and standing up to trump by reprisal zeng her famous repost, which we just watched in that debate with mike pence, where do you see all this going? >> but seems like steven spoke to brad todd last night when he was writing all of that is absolutely true. i mean, i mean right now, i mean, the debate over the debates was really an internal washington dc debate when it becomes really an issue for them american people is if the harris campaign is able to effectively cast donald trump is somebody who's afraid to take her on. but everything that they just said that stephen wrote in his peace in his analysis is absolutely true. it's about image to have a man, let alone donald trump trying to speak over another candidate we just saw the clips. they weren't a pretty there were funny but they weren't very brad, what do you think about how they should be handling this? >> well, i think first off, kamala harris should be very comfortable with the muted mike ron de 34 with her not doing any interview with major journalist. mike has been muted for a month. so she should be happy to have it muted after the questions in the debate you
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know, i always he's think that when you're the candidate trying to change the rules of the debate, then perhaps you're worried about how you're going to do in the debate. and that's how this looks to me with kamala harris, me show you wanna push back on that because she's needling him because she can kamala harris has the wind at her back. she has out outsized one racing. she has been able to amass with it they very short amount of time historic levels of on the ground outreach we're talking a campaign like none other. we've seen in american history. it's quite often compared to the 2008 obama campaign, but obama's campaign did not do this in record speed. that's what we're seeing here in addition to that, she is on the ground where it matters. she's still has to introduce herself to millions of people well across this country, she is doing that. we know that many of those people aren't watching traditional news. that just is what it is. the numbers bear that issue should, should walk away from the debate if they won't, maybe it's not walking away from the base that she wants she's already said she's not walking away. she will be at that debate even if trump is not there. and just
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have the conversation with abc news what she is doing is needling someone who has trial i'd since the top of the ticket change for the democrats to get out of this debate, i was at the national association of black journalists conference. he purposely verbally assaulted and abc news reporter there because he did not want to do this debate. he's been setting this up for weeks now. he does not want to debate her in general, we'll wait. hold on. >> i mean, brad do you see the world where not debating is good for donald trump? >> i mean, is that, i mean, if he is a little bit on his backfoot, it seems like a debate is something that might be able to change things for them. >> i think most people in the news media can't get to kamala harris to ask her hard question. so it may take a debate for her to have a hard question, so no, i think he needs to debate. >> yeah. i mean okay. that's fair enough. and we can we can dig into that. i wanted i do want to dig into the interview in questioned a second, but mark preston, do you see a world where this debate does not go forward and do it because it does seem to me that it is probably in both their interest to have it happen regardless of this fight over the rules, you know, i know this sounds crazy, but in a convoluted way before september
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11, you know, i after september 11, i should say. nothing surprises me anymore and i really do mean that look, the odds of this debate not happening are very, very low. the odds of it happening are very, very high. but in this political world, we live in right now. i mean things are not normal necessarily and we can't follow, the same script that we've fallen over the years if you're harris, would you go ahead and do this debate without this rule change of course, because because she can't look like she's she's backing up, but it will be interesting to donald trump doesn't show up at the abc debate, does she still go on abc? does abc still give her that time? and if that's the case, then that becomes another issue and that becomes another big story. >> the campaign has already said that she's going to do it, whether he shows up or not, that's not in contention whether she wants to do it away. >> maybe seas already in whole because the way they the way they glossing over her policy changes or alleged policy changes, i think abc's on the hook here as well interesting. okay. let's talk for a second
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about the interview question, because yesterday we also learned that advisers you're said she's going to kamala harris is going to schedule an interview before the end of the month she has started to get some pressure from fellow democrats including congresswoman debbie dingell and others who say that, hey, she is actually going to have to answer some more questions. let's watch well i think sometimes you all over-exaggerate what the importance of it. she knows what she's going to have to do. she's going to have to spell out her provision and talk about policies more from reproductive rights to lowering costs. she's been very specific and as this campaign goes on, she'll be sitting for more interviews. she'll be engaging in debates. the truth is that she's answered questions along the way. >> you've seen her do that when she's getting on and off of air force two, does she need to sit down for an interview? course and they've said they'll do that musha have they let this go on a little too long because it's now become the
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situation where the stories about whether she's going to do an interview. >> i mean, i realized that there are countervailing strategies often in terms of when you sit a candidate down with the news media, sometimes it can be counterproductive ahead of a convention for example. but on the other hand, if you let it go on too long, it can get out of your control. >> i think you're right. and that's also why her campaign has said that it's going to happen before the end of next but i think that that's very important. be mindful at the dnc just ended last week. she was just became the official nominee on friday on top of that, we also saw that with the roll call, which was just a few days prior, the virtual world call, that vote came through. this is something where we've had kamala harris atop the ticket officially, four just a few days. >> so this is not this is a very historic campaign, a very truncated campaign, but the pressure for her was to actually get out and talk to the voters. >> she's been doing that. she had to build that capacity. she also just chose her vice-presidential her vice president as a running mate she's not heard we're talking about the vice president united states.
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>> she'd been preparing to be president for legend good leave a lot of interviews by solar. so how the for she should have been able to do an interview on the first day. why not? >> it's not a question of ability. it is one of campaign measure know it's how much she needs to she doesn't want to answer for the fact that she was against fracking. she's against private insurance in way he was cars and she doesn't want to let's push pause because mark, i will say that she this has been something that people behind the scenes will acknowledge is something that is not her top strength. >> these unscripted moments where she's under pressure from interviewers if it was the her strongest if it was her strongest move, they would have played it already or they would have played it no question. >> look, i hate to play the middle here, but they're both right. i mean, musha and brad, you're both right in the sense that right now they don't have to do the interview. there isn't enough public pressure for them to do it, but we are seeing these interviews start to pop up more and more and
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then the question arises, public pressure harris building for the interview. but i think it is, but remember this the first week back to school for a lot of schools, a certainly in the northeast where, kids are just back in the south right now. >> but people are finishing their vacation. she's she is able to enjoy the cover of summer right now. she is shot off one-third of this campaign and members of the news media have led her she's not, she's not answering questions about we know her position. >> she is against fracking. she's against private health insurance. she's against gasoline cars. that's what she told us when she ran for president last time she doesn't want to talk about those positions. that's why she is stoic as she should do an interview. i'm just politically saying, brad, you have to note that it hasn't been that bad. you so what that's coming up in pr somewhere like that, but she's not going to say on a network and she's going to have a sit down conversation. she has already said her campaign has already said, but that's going to happen if you're waiting for months, just waiting it so much, she's actually on the ground. she's doing bus tours across the state of georgia. she is talking to them last year's
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decision. >> we're going to we're going to have to take a break. i'm sorry to cut you off, but i do i don't think that doing softball interviews is going to put this to rest. i understand the point that you're making, but i think the decision that i'm looking for from the harris team is who are they choosing to sit down with? and is that going to be something where you come away feeling like she took the hard questions or if this snowball continues, alright, coming up here on cnn this morning, another former trump staffer turning against him as more than 200 republicans for their support behind harris plus department of justice is hoping to revive their classified documents case against trump will dig into that. and later on the anniversary of the botched withdrawal from afghanistan, both trump and harris, marking that day and the lives that were lost neither going to arlington nor any individual paper statement is ever going to be enough to reach you pay these families cnn this this morning brought to you by mirror lacks free
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powering possibilities. stackable saving sale in soon cabinets to go. >> wow, for lasts. for var, got news for you, ramirez saturday, september 14 at nine on cnn, ryan and mikah are taking on to hotels. >> what if i took on one of the hotels and you did the other two teams, we have a big riot, 100 days and the best hotel when 100 day hotel challenge special series continues tonight at 8:00 on hgtv would you work for trump white house? >> you know, i think anderson i will work in any miscarriage where i feel like i can make a difference, but i'm kinda used up with donald trump. former trump national security adviser, lieutenant general, hr mcmaster joined the long list of former trump administration. trump administration officials who say that they would not be part of a second trump term mcmaster's comments come as more than 200 former bush, mccain and romney staffers endorse harris in a new letter writing that they quote, came together to warn fellow republicans that reelecting
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president trump would be a disaster for our nation. some prominent republicans making the same case at the democratic national convention last week the republican party is no longer conservative. >> these days, our party acts more like a cold, a cold war shipping, a felony, thug he has no empathy, no morals and no fidelity to the truth you my fellow republicans you aren't voting for a democrat you're voting for democracy all right, or panel's back brad todd kind of like to get your take on this because obviously there's a lot of layers that a lot of different stories in those soundbites, the people that spoke i'm at the democratic national convention, but to people in particular, i want to focus in on which is hr mcmaster, what he told anderson and also a person like geoff duncan, who is it legitimately
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like he is conservative he >> sir, what they have to say here as you and i understand you're running republican campaigns across the country. donald trump is at the top of that. they get i mean, what do you say to these folks well, let's break it down a little further, and general mcmaster, who everybody has a great deal of respect for. he's not in not 200 person list that you saw on the letter today? the first name on that letter today was a finance intern. so let's not get carried away with exactly how broad this, this list isn't there more than more other others on the list who are of the same category. so not quite generally, some more senior people who worked for mccain and romney and others well, in washington dc is always going to be fashionable to move from right to left. always it's always good for your career to do that. and so
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some of that's going on as well. are there new input place of employment? this is more suitable to what they're doing. but look, it's a free country. what else happened last week is rfk endorsed donald trump. he tried to run the democratic primaries. they locked them out. so the counter to that is the query counter program. this in campaigns is and you try to find other people who you can share so have swapped sides. and that's really mostly what this let's take a look at brad, at members well, it's this one person whose remember the military others who've worked in the defense establishment and very high level roles at talking about whether or not donald trump is fit from a national security perspective to be president when swatch we don't take an oath to a king or queen. what a tyrant or a dictator. and we don't take an oath to a wannabe dictator. we don't take an oath to an individual we take an oath to the constitution. >> i think he's unfit for office. oh, look, it's, he puts himself before country his actions are all about him and not about not about the country.
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>> i think he's dangerous enough. he shouldn't get a second term i mean what do you say to those folks who worked for i mean, we're serving on our mask here with john bolton on virtually every policy issue you can come up with. >> so they put me in a tough spot on i think i don't general millie and former president trump have a long running personal animus? i don't know if it's appropriate for him to be criticizing any commander in chief, former, or future while he's in uniform, if he wants to do that, he had to step out a uniform, become private citizen again but i think there are differences between donald trump and some of the guys. these are the, these folks have worked before, worked with before, and you go into the administration knowing that difference and there's somewhat of an obligation when you do take the job to defend the boss and then when you can have your differences when you leave, but you keep it, you have to do it while worked for the team, while you're in the team, i think that's an expectation presidents ought to have. it's one that donald trump hasn't always gotten. and you can argue whether he's deserved it or not. get times,
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but i think there is somewhat of an obligation when you take the job ministration, let me ask you. >> you worked on a lot of down-ballot races is trying to get republicans elected. does this kind of criticism? does it resonate as it matter in those types of races no. no, because i think donald trump is very well-defined. voters get what they like about him and what they dislike about him. and the main thing they like about him is that he fights and that he fights against the far left and they see the left and the democratic party day is way too far left. they know is downsides. this is, we've never had an elected official or candidate for office who's been so well-defined for whom americans have conflicted emotions. and yet you know what this is a tie race. it's a tyrus and i think we have to talk about what that says about where the democrats are. >> alright, so to come up after the break here, the election just 70 days away still one state above all others, voice to determine who will take the white house ahead and take a deep dive into the commonwealth of pennsylvania plus how a dog trying to sneak some leftovers ended up starting a kitchen fire know, this is one of likes
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right. >> then there's this good more, board life, dear lord, i would have used swear words more tense what tech outset, they're saying two fishermen capture the moment. >> a great white shark tried to take a bite out of their boat. this was off the coast of australia one called it okay. this australians for you, one called it the best experience he's ever had on the sunshine coast i do not agree. i would not i would note that oh, my god. okay. there was also this okay. >> well, that's awesome met the british world war ii vet my net bailey skydiving on her hundred and second birthday for her hundredth birthday, she raised a ferrari at speeds topping 130 miles an hour her secret to living a long life.
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she says, always look for something new to do and don't forget to party. i love this woman. how can you not love this woman i would i'm way more down for the ferrari by the way, than the skydiving. i don't i don't know that it takes guts that's amazing all right. and it might be a middle of august, but it looked like the middle of winter on the sierra nevada mountains, a rare summer snowfall hitting the area to local sheriff who posted the video says this is just a reminder of how unpredictable the weather in the mountains to me and speaking of weather or more than 90 severe storms reported across the u.s. yesterday, the majority hit minnesota combination of the thunderstorm at sunset producing this stunning visual over target field in minneapolis. that's of course the home of the minnesota twins but this morning, more than 50 million people from the midwest and mid-atlantic are waking up under heat alerts. let's get to our meteorologist, the weatherman, derek van dam. derek, good morning. what are you seeing out there? >> kasie, that was a really nice rainbow. you saw and,
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that's all because of the storms that move through minneapolis yesterday? yeah, there it is. what a stunning sight. and we like to see that because, you know, that just means that the weather is only going to get better from here, right? it's this line of storms that moved through minneapolis late last evening. and there was seven roll reports of wind and hail and fact over 120 reports with a swath of under storms that moved across the upper midwest, there were a few hail reports along the east coast as well. so today's severe weather threat extends across wisconsin and michigan and then moves to the mid-atlantic for the day tomorrow. a slight risk of large hail damaging winds can't rule out a tornado as well. this is what happens with the atmosphere gets too hot, right? we have heat warnings and heat advisories in effect for over 75 million americans stretching from the east coast through parts of the midwest, including chicago. it'll feel like 109 today if you step outside factor in the humidity grand rapids, my hometown also feeling the heat today, but this is dangerous heat. you
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need to do the precautions that we talk about this time of year, because this is just downright dangerous kasie. >> all right. good to now. derek van dam for us this morning. derek, always grateful for you. thank you. >> alright. still ahead on cnn this morning, three years after the chaotic evacuation from africa i understand donald trump blames it on the biden administration the milesian in afghanistan set off the collapse of american credibility and respect all around the world but one former trump officials says his old boss should share some of the responsibility for what happened. >> at the end of america's longest war et me introduce
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subway. do what? 699 foot long says, right? here, 699 for any foot-long, get this deal in the subway up now, before it's too late bounce back from kherson was comes dummy bytes and loved back practical jokers all new thursday's of ten on tbs, set your dvr now tv on the edge for nearly sunday, september 22, did nine on cnn cnn donald trump is once again going after the biden administration over the chaotic withdrawal from afghanistan on monday, trump attended a wreath-laying at arlington national cemetery marking the anniversary of the bombing of abbey gate at kabul
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airport it was there three years ago when an i.s.i.s. >> suicide bomber attacked killing 13 american service members, and more than 100 afghan civilians while the evacuation of u.s forces was coming to an end trump pledges to fire top military officials over the incident if he's reelected we'll get the resignations of every single senior official who touched the afghanistan calamity to be on my desk at noon on inauguration day, you know, you have to fire people on the app to fire people when they do a bad job. >> we never fire anybody he had a fire them like on the apprentice, you have fired yet did a lousy job the white house released a statement from the president honoring the service members who lost their lives that read in part quote, they embodied the very best of who we are as a nation, brave, committed, selfless, and we owe them and their families a sacred debt. >> we will never be able to repay, but will never cease working on to fulfill. in the
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past, the biden ministration has partially blamed the trump administration for the botched evacuation, something that trump's own national security adviser, hr mcmaster, spoke with anderson cooper about last night does trump bear part of the responsibility for what happened? >> oh, yes. i mean, so the whole premise of talking to the taliban before you leave afghanistan, why the heck we're even doing that? what happened in these series of negotiations and concessions to the taliban is we got through the afghans under the bus on the way out. >> alright. panel is back. mark preston. this chaotic afghanistan withdrawal. >> it felt like a political turning point for the biden administration when they had come in of course, we were dealing with covid, we were starting to emerge from covid that felt positive. >> obviously we were coming off january 6. that was at something that left a lot of people with bad taste in their mouth around donald trump. but then this moment happens in late august of that first biden
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administration year, and it was a devastating event. what impact do you think it had then on biden and what impact do you think it has now? >> well well, if you remember, even the weeks leading up to that day were chaotic, but they came upon us really quick. and at the time, it certainly damaged the biden administration is something that he wasn't able to shake now, was it the reason why he got pushed out of the democratic but race know he got pushed out because of his age and you know, his slow response to answering questions and some would say his in his meandering. but this afghan afghanistan situation really is a political football. i'll tell you it's a football though that i don't like to touch because when you start bringing in the deaths of service members and who's responsible, who's not responsible it's an ugly land that i choose not to walk on brad todd, how do you look at this here? >> because this of course comes
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you know, mr. trump in as well. >> harris has to show that she's ready to be commander-in-chief. >> that's kind of the key test for any leader. and she obviously was not in charge on this day, but she was part of the administration. >> she told dana bash on this network she was the last one in the room when joe biden made that decision, that tragic decision to get out of kabul. that's think she needs to answer for. she also is the darkest day of this administration. and it's one that the administration itself has yet to the administration ozone 13 families and apology for the disastrous decision. they are really the whole country. apology for not figuring out how to continue to project strength abroad so even if that's the case, how do you explain donald trump doing things like saying the presidential medal of freedom is better than the medal of honor are the suckers and losers comments. >> i mean, the things that he has said about members of his he said there's plenty of things that are indefensible along that line, and he shouldn't have to negotiate
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with the taliban. however, he had made his to figure out a way to keep a modest force in kabul, keep afghanistan stable joe biden and did that because joe biden is a weak president and kamala harris was the last one the room to help joe biden. >> he few choices because of the cap, the calendar that donald trump put in place before he left office, he met with the taliban without meeting with the afghan government in terms of consulting with them, he did not talk to our allies about this before moving forward. and that that calendar that he put in place force joe biden's hand. there was only so much he had to work with. i think the trooper getting the strength of the taliban and the fact that they were going to continue to pursue very, very dangerous and very violent war efforts against many of the troops who were there, had they not been removed by the calendar date that was set by the previous administration. so you did have joe biden having to move quickly. he has admitted to there being some faulty intelligence in terms of needing to get more troops out quickly, ensuring that a lot of those were working on our behalf are also brought home safely that has been said, but
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let's not forget that donald trump's at this whole thing in motion and now wants to hide his hand on top of that, it is hard for me to accept someone criticizing any military any military move who also makes been a p.o.w.s. who also talks about those who've been daybell, who have bought for our country, who is also someone who does not and had himself avoided military service by being wealthy and privileged. this is someone who does not have a leg to stand on when it comes to our military right? >> we'll leave that there for right now straight ahead here on cnn this morning, mark zuckerberg laying out some big regrets. this is really interesting new details this morning about how he said the biden administration pressure him around content plus a closer look at the state of play in one commonwealth could decide the november election. >> pennsylvania to the white house comes right through pennsylvania selina picks the president the pros for have i
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spacewalk by private astronauts and fly at the highest altitude of any crewed space mission. >> since apollo wow all right. >> let's turn now to this it's that. >> great. state well, common wealth the broad joe biden over the 270 electoral vote threshold handed him the 2020 election. and is my home state of pennsylvania, where early voting begins in just 21 days. the most populous battleground state that has been a frequent campaign stop for both candidates. it's viewed as an absolute must win. while trump believes he can sway disaffected the democrats across pennsylvania. the governor there, josh shapiro says, voters are curious about the new democratic ticket when i'm out in rural communities in those areas around pennsylvania where maybe a
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voter voted for obama, then trump and moved to biden. >> voters have shifted they're really curious about kamala harris they'll say to me, hey, what do you think of her? what do you think she's going to do on this that or the other thing? in fact curiosity is important means they're open to casting a vote for kamala harris are joining me now to discuss someone who knows this state very well, former republican congressman charlie dent of pennsylvania, congressman. >> it's always wonderful to see you. we were going to start doing this on tuesdays because there's actually only nine of them left until we get to election day, which is kind of mind boggling but it is what it is. >> oh look, you you know, the state so well, you also see all kinds of internal data you are talking to a lot of people, all of the time. i'd really like to know this race has moved a lot since biden got out of the race. but who do you see as winning pennsylvania, right now? who has the upper hand?
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>> well, today, case and by the way, i'm so motivated after hearing the rocky theme song i'm ready to run up the dark museum steps in philadelphia. so that said, i think that right now this is still too close to call and pennsylvania, there's still a lot of questions about harris, both trump and biden are well-known figures in pennsylvania harris is not i frankly, i thought that shapiro could have really helped her as her running mate had she selected him because pennsylvania to harris is do or die, she must win pennsylvania to win the election and trump needs to win it too, but not as much as harris so bottom line is, i see pennsylvania right now as a total toss up a lot of questions about harris bill by a lot of voters. she's probably gonna have to explain herself a bit on why she changed her position on fracking, which is going to harm her. probably in western pennsylvania pretty significantly. when you have a lot of white working class voters who work in that industry that's an issue. but in the philadelphia suburbs, i think she will be strong and i
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suspect that the issue of women's health and reproductive rights will resonate well there. but bottom line, she's going to have to really perform overperform. and that philadelphia media market up through the lehigh valley and also in the capital region and suburban pittsburgh, if she hopes to prevail. but right now, i don't think she has yet closed the deal, not saying she won't, but she hasn't gotten there yet. >> yeah, it's really interesting congressman, are you seeing any if you're the harris campaign, how are you looking at especially male voters who had actually stuck with joe biden, regardless of his challenges you know i'm not so sure like look, democrats have a gender problem with white men, republicans have a gender problem with women there's no question about that. >> each party does stuff or a gender gap. so she is going to need to make inroads, particularly with college educated men. college educated white treatment. why think we'll might be more receptive to some of her issues and prek
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particular that crowd is also i'd say more college-educated men probably are more disillusioned or dispirited by trump. maybe then say white men without a college degree. so i think she can make inroads with them on maybe some of these social issues and she's going to have to come up with some better responses on inflation. i think she did herself and her campaign some damage with that price gouging and price control proposal that republicans are having dc time. now swatting yeah congressman, what do you think is going on on the undercard in the senate race? >> in particular, this kind of a marquee senate race, there and how do you look at coattails, reverse coattails, those kinds of phenomenon going on in pennsylvania right now what would typically happen not just in pennsylvania, but in many other battleground states is that the senate race often follows the presidential race. >> we saw that in 2016 with pat
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toomey. we know what he when he won over over over kt mckend, we saw that any other states but the senate right now, it's a total, it's up, it's up for grabs. i mean, republican candidates, frankly, in ohio and and and out montana or not the strongest candidates they've ever had running against strong incumbents. and so they've republicans need to take one of those seats in order to prevail but right now, use watched the senate if as goes the presidential race, i suspect that's how the senate race will go. mccormick in pennsylvania is very well capitalized so it was casey and that's going to be a real tough race. but right now it's probably a slight lean democrat situation. because case you will have to run ahead of harris in order to hold his seat. >> yeah. alright. former congressman charlie dent. very grateful to have you. thank you very much for being here. >> thanks. >> we're gonna talk with an extra in second with brad todd.
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i want to get you to weigh in in pennsylvania is briefly because i know you're working on that senate race. what do you see who was a head right now? harris? mr. trump? >> well, this is the perhaps one battleground state where kamala harris as a weaker candidate than joe biden. joe always talked about being the third senator from pennsylvania and there was this group of older voters who lean right and a lot of issues who were very familiar with joe biden. so i think that's a problem for her. she also is going to have to defend the fact she wanted to ban fracking fracking is 300,000 jobs in pennsylvania that's a problem for bob casey. two is one of the big issues looming over the election there. it's the game, it's the whole ballgame. it's pennsylvania for harris absolutely is. >> all right. >> let's turn now to this mark zuckerberg, the ceo of facebook's parent company, now says he regrets agreeing to requests from the biden administration to censor content related to covid-19 in a letter to the house judiciary committee chairman jim jordan zuckerberg wrote this quote in 2021 senior officials from the biden administration, including the white house, repeatedly pressured our team for months to censor certain covid-19 content, including humor and satire. and expressed a lot of
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frustration with our teams when we didn't agree i believe the government pressure was wrong, and i regret that we were not more outspoken about it. it's like a bomb went on to say, facebook should not have temporarily demoted an article from the new york post reporting on allegations of corruption in the biden family in the leadup to the 2020 election, the panel is back also joined by cnn media analyst sara fischer. sara, good morning. wonderful. we'll have you. thanks for jumping in on this story. i think what dr. berg has done here is fascinating. it's not something we've heard from him in this kind of direct way before. what is going on here and what does it, what does it mean for a future elections are issues like this is a huge deal. >> you'll recall republicans from two states sued, they went all through huge court battle. basically alleging that the government overreach. they lost that court case, but we never heard from facebook. we never heard from meta, so we didn't know how they felt about the issue. this is the first time now and then coming out and saying, look, this was a big deal, we don't agree with those policies it sets a precedent
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moving forward that if any government official, if the white house were to pressure them again, we now know where they stand and hopefully they now feel empowered to push back what do you, what are the politics behind this? >> i mean, clearly zuckerberg has being influenced by a wide variety of factors sending this letter to jim jordan, did he feel like he had to do it? why now? >> because how did the election they're going to face a lot of content moderation issues, even though they don't want to be involved in politics and news anymore, inevitably, they are. so if there is going to be an 11th hour issue, like the new york post story and facebook were to make the wrong call. they want everyone in congress, particularly republicans, to know that their intent here is not to be picking one side that they're doing what they think is best for the health of the plant form. but if he didn't speak up about the white house pressure, now, no one would have believed them. then more person would do you see here do if you have a question for sarah to i'd be interested in kind of like how you you spend a lot of your time thinking about how we as a news organization here at cnn are going to cover these elections, cover politics. it can be really, really tricky and facebook now, meta was at the
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center of this, but i hate walking the center line again, but i've been all agree with mark zuckerberg but no, i agree. i mean, the idea that we have to protect free speech is critical to our democracy. no question about that. >> we still haven't been able to handle. how do we how do we slow the disinformation? so as people don't get wrong information the government clearly didn't do it the right way. in, but there needs to be a way. we haven't figured it out yet. >> the way, by the way, is transparency. and that's what i think a lot of government officials are starting to lean into. facebook can make all the content moderation decisions in the world. we want to know how their algorithms work and why they're making them. and then we can hold them accountable to the decision whether it's right or wrong. we didn't have a lot of those transparency measures in place. it was the 2020 election, and quite frankly, the new york post story that has now forced a lot of tech companies to be more forthcoming around how they make these decisions are they telling us more about their algorithm? they are. i mean now this algorithm is much more like tiktok. it elevates what is going viral as opposed to what your close friends and family think that matters, kasie, because a lot of the political context have been
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shared on facebook. it came from your close friends and family. so we know that there's a reduction political content. we know that there's a reduction to news content and we know that it's easier for a random person to go viral very quickly. now that's a disinformation problem within itself, but allow that to some information right now. it actually isn't mostly politics it's a lot of this information around consumer harms, things like, you know, someone hawking a bad drug product that's not good for weight loss, but they claim that it is theirs we just uncorked a whole lot of other issues. >> again, to but anyway, very, very remarkable moment from mark zuckerberg care. all right. i want to leave you with this all right the band behind that epic millennial karaoke classic is getting back together. >> british rock band oasis, they just announced a reunion tour happening in the uk next year, did you ever think this
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was going to happen? fans never did. i never did. you may remember the nasty break-up. they went through in 2009. noel gallagher said this about his brother. remember they are brothers, liam at the time, quote, it is with some sadness and great relief that i quit oasis tonight. people were right and say what they like, but i simply could not go on working with liam a day longer. >> and they may have had a song called let there be loved, but there's clearly been no love lost between these two brothers over the years. >> they have squabbled on and off the internet and in interviews, this headline from the l.a. weekly possibly explaining all of it, quote liam gallagher on his brother-in-law, i would rather eat my own blank, then be in a band with him again and quote, yeah okay. and in 2021 all said he would only get the band back together for 100 million pounds. so, you know, maybe somebody out of a money lying around or maybe there are other song titled don't book, don't look back in anger says the best tickets for the sale go on sale. tickets for the show go on sale. >> saturday morning. i mean, i never


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