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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  August 31, 2024 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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pushed aside by a trump campaign employee and now we've seen statements, from the army and from the cemetery about how this was against the law. this camp pain activity. and yet there is a tiktok still a video that's still up even though this was apparently it gets the law. there's been all this controversy. >> you know, it's interesting. >> this is a very online campaign. they're not afraid to dabble unconscious diversity for the sake of getting the video. and there's something powerful to that. i mean, donald trump has a massive, massive following on x. he has his own social media platform on truth, social, whether or not this goes back to the same question, right? the base loves it. it works for the base that's why they're doing it. whether or not this hurts them when they're trying to expand out to an audience of undecided voters is the question they clearly don't think that's the case. they clearly think that the more attention they get, the better of the attention is we'll see if the polls show that as we get closer to november, we well and bowed to go down and weak in some states vote both are already starting to will soon be wrong >> probably none. thank you so much, sara fischer, we do appreciate it. thanks for
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joining us. the news continues here on cnn state the us and ukrainian defense ministers meet in washington. what kyiv wants out of the biden administration? and a brutal crackdown on women's rights, how the situation is getting worse in afghanistan cnn easily with well, the battle over abortion rights is taking center stage in the u.s. presidential race. donald trump is weighing in on the abortion initiative that
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will be on his home state's ballot in november and kamala harris has issued a strong response to trump's comments. it comes just one day after her sit-down interview with cnn's dana bash. >> while we start with trump saying he'll vote no on a florida constitutional amendment that would allow abortions in that state after the first six weeks of pregnancy florida law currently bans abortions after six weeks. >> the amendments will be on the ballot there in november. it's another reversal for trump, who has previously said he's against a six-week ban. cnn's steve contorno has more former president donald trump on friday saying for the first time that he intends to vote against a referendum that would expand abortion access in his home state of florida, trump's remarks come just 24 hours after he was asked the same question and his answer ignited a firestorm among anti abortion
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activists who are concerned that did he might actually vote for the referendum will trump on friday, sought to clarify those remarks, yes or no on amendment four in florida. so i think six weeks you need more time than six weeks. i've disagreed with that right from the early primaries when i heard about it, i disagreed with it. at the same time the democrats are radical because the nine months is just a ridiculous situation that we're, you can do an abortion in the ninth month and, you know, some of the states like minnesota and other states have it where you can actually execute the baby after birth. and all of that stuff is unacceptable. so i'll be voting no for it. for that reason. >> i should note that there are no states where a child can be aborted after they are born trump on friday also seemed to back away previous assertion that he would veto a federal abortion legislation if it reaches his desk something his running mate, j.d. vance, had said just a few days prior, if such a peace of legend just landed on donald trump's desk,
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would he veto it? >> or he'd be very clear, he would not support it i mean, yeah. i mean, if you're not supporting it as the present united states, you fundamentally have to tell a federal abortion ban. >> i think he would he said that explicitly that he would veto a federal abortion ban i'm not going to have to think about because it's working out so well right now, the states are doing it. >> it's a state's issue. >> can only asked you because j.d. vance said that he would veto an abortion ban if it was sent to your desk. well, what's happening is you're never going to have to do it because it's being done by the states in response to trump's latest remarks, vice president harris put out a statement where she said, you hope probably signing a new law that would expand abortion access in the united states. steve contorno, cnn, washington dc well, in that statements from kamala harris, she wrote, quote donald trump just made his position on abortion very clear. >> he will vote to uphold an abortion ban. so extreme it applies before many women, even know they are pregnant.
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>> trump proudly brags about the role that he played in overturning roe versus wade and said there should be punishment for women who have an abortion the harris campaign is planning a bus tour through battleground states to support reproductive rights is scheduled to start this it's coming tuesday in palm beach in trump's home state of florida, will campaign officials say the tool will feature elected officials, celebrities, and republicans who support harris it appears the new elections subversion case against donald trump will not go before a judge before november's election. >> special counsel jack smith and trump's lawyers filed a status report with the washington dc court on friday. it shows that trump's legal team is at odds with smith or the how the case should proceed smith is not offering firm dates for the next phase of the case. trump's team is could stretch into early next year and possibly even later. the new superseding indictment
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came this week. smith says it's designed to comply with the supreme court's earlier ruling on presidential immunity. trump's lawyers say it does not do that ukrainian cities taking more fire from russia as kyiv lobbies for more leeway to strike back with us weapons. officials say russia targeted the city of kharkiv on friday, killing at least seven people and leaving 77 others injured. >> the victims reportedly included a 14-year-old girl killed in a playground, and a number of people who died in a high-rise that caught on fire after the attack well meanwhile, ukraine's defense minister met with his u.s. >> counterpart on friday. kyiv is pushing for a green light from washington to conduct strikes deeper inside russia with u.s. long-range weapons the two gun has indicated it's not keen on the idea, but the ukrainian minister says the
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u.s. is still considering the request ukraine also says it has pushed its cross-border incursion up to two more kilometers into russia. kyiv claims it has captured about 100 settlements since launching the operation earlier this month cnn can now show exclusive video of the moment, some ukrainian troops breach the russian border for black i can reports never before seen footage of some of the first ukrainian troops entering russian territory in early august. >> this video given exclusively to cnn by one of the assault units spearheading the charge, you have got a bone. we just crossed the border. one soldier says and then glory to ukraine soldiers from the same unit also provided us this video showing them coming under fire as they advanced deeper into russia the incursion into russia is one of ukraine's main building blocks for what the country's president says is he's plan to force moscow to
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the negotiating table. >> the most part of leeway actually, i will present this plan to the president of the the us. the success of this plan depends on him. will they give what we have in this plan or not? will we be free to use what we have in this plan or not? >> the ukrainians want a lot more us weapons and they want washington to allow them to use those weapons to strike deep into russian territory so far the ukrainians are only allowed to use missiles like the ground launched atacms to strike in ukrainian areas occupied by russia and russian territory close to the border quarter kyiv's air force saying they recently used u.s. provided guided bombs to take out bridges in the kursk area ukraine's defense minister meeting u.s. defense secretary lloyd austin at the pentagon to present a list of targets deeper inside russia, the ukrainians want permission to hit during today's meeting
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will engage in detail discussions about the situation on the frontline, including our vision objectives and plans will also address ukraine's critical needs, including necessary arms, equipment something, trading. while ukraine is advancing in some areas there on the backfoot, on the eastern front with russian troops making slow but steady progress. but key of hopes, a massive arms package from the u.s. could help them turn the tide is senior ukrainian official tells me in kyiv, joe, which are with machado, see russia can be forced through a proper military strategies, through military strikes to increasing the cost of war for the russian federation increasing the cost of war means that the war will be fought on russian territory but as the war grinds on, the toll among ukrainian civilians continues to rise. >> a massive missile strike on the northeastern city of kharkiv on friday, killing several people and wounding dozens still, moscow are lashing out at the u.s. and its allies over even just the talk
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of possibly lifting restrictions on the use of western weapons but this is an attempt to pretend that the west wants to avoid access of escalation. >> but in truth, this is not so the west does not want to avoid escalation. the west, how we say in russia is looking for trouble fred pleitgen, cnn, kyiv israel's military says it has completed ground operations in parts of southern gaza. >> and it's allowing residents to return to their homes however, many palestinians are finding their homes destroyed, their neighborhoods much like the enclave in ruins. for the past month israeli military carried out intense operations khan younis in deir al-balah, israel defense forces said eliminated more than 250 of what it called terrorists and destroyed terrorist
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infrastructure meanwhile, and israeli strike on a humanitarian convoy in gaza killed for transport workers onn thursday. the convoyoy set out from karim shalom crossising th aid group, american near east refugee aid says there was confusion over the travel plans and the four victims decided to ride in the lead vehicle, but had not been cleared by israeli authorities. the idf says it attacked the lead car because the men inside appeared to be armed. a breach each of the agreed plan meanwhile, the u.n. >> and world health officials are gearing up for a polio vaccination campaign in gaza. a major undertaking that hinges on pauses in fighting. the world health organization outline the plans for distributing the vaccine and the logistical challenges of reaching gaza's children cnn's nic robertson has the latest details from jerusalem this is huge as something that you want has never really done before i was speaking to one of the u.n. >> senior officials in gaza sam
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rosen. he told me this is monumental. they're going to do this in three parts, said they'll do the center of gaza first in the south, then the north. and they'll have three days and each place and each of those days we'll have seven to eight pauses. so if you run the math there, 60 66,000, 640,000 children, there need to vaccinate. you roughly have about to do 10,000 children every hour. so that's a massive numerical challenge. and of itself. and he says, look we're going to have clinics at our big health centers that are smaller clinics we're going to have mobile clinics going have teams out in the field, 3,000 people on the ground setting up vaccination spots in the middle of the some of the sort of the tent cities and places like that so they're going to have a lot of people out there to do it, but there are many, many challenges here and one of those is actually needing to get 90% of those 640,000 children vaccinated. and they don't really have a solid number. he says he fears,
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sadly, many of those children may be under the rubble getting the right number of children vaccinated was also a challenge. >> and despite all those difficulties, sam rose was telling us, look, there's one big positive that they can take away from this both sides agreed to this humanitarian pause and that's a real positive. >> he said, nic robertson, cnn, jerusalem the u.s. military says more than a dozen i.s.i.s. >> operatives were killed in an early morning raid in western iraq on thursday 15, operatives were said to be armed with grenades and explosive suicide belts, according to u.s. central command, u.s. forces and iraqi security personnel were involved in the operation, which was effort to disrupt i.s.i.s. his ability to target both iraqi and u.s. citizens there was no indication of any civilian casualties the heavy hand of the taliban repressing women's rights even further, banning the sound of their
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voices in public. i'll talk to an afghan human rights activists first about these latest outrage against the women and girls of her country cnn's special event dc news presididential debebate simulcl septptember 10 a at nine h have everer thought o of getting g a in tubub for you or sosomeone y love now i is a great t time to take a a look at gididdiness, s ststep, walkining tub b was saf steps s stanandard heateted sea new fast p phil faucucet. you c enjoy a a nice, warm bath h up 20% % faster youou're safe step walk-in n tubs a are built t to maxiximize s safety. >> so he c can s stay in youour anand enjoy ththe comfortsts of bathing g again. g go now to receive 1515% plusus a free shs papackage we r really don'n't w peopople to thinink of feeeedind like ours.s. a spoiling g their dogs good lilittle food is simple. . >> it lolooks like f food smsme
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>> our w wield that t power ver aggressisively. >> and h he has a plplan to get detailed plan n for exactltly w our momovement will do is calle project 2025 a 922 page blueueprint to m make donald tr the most p powerful prpresident ever overhauliling the depepartt of j justice giving trtrump the unchecked d power to seek k vevengeance, e eliminatingng th dedepartment o of educatioion a defundnding k througugh 12 scho, reququiring the e governmentnt monitor r women's pregnancncies and sevevere cuts toto mededicad sosocial securitity. donald trt may try y to deny itit, but tho are e donald t trump's plans. >> welell, revenge d does take time. i i will say t that and sometimes revenge can be juststified. >> he'll take control, will pay the e price i'm m kamala harris andnd i approveve this memessage i still loveve to sur snowboboard. >> kinind of coursrse skate. so take kununo magnesium m to supp my musclcle and bobone health he knows hihigh absorption
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backck on every y pupurchase. >> but thehe chase inc. busines unlimited card from chase for business make more of what's yours. >> i'll rafael romo at the georgia state capitol in atlanta. this is cnn i'm going to sound still abound. >> rulers are extending their brutal crackdown on women's rights now out loring even the sound of women's voices in public. women are banned from singing, reciting, or reading aloud in public. part of it, a strict new set of vice and virtue laws under the islamist regime, the laws also make it mandatory for a woman to cover her body in public at all times and women are forbidden from looking at men who are not related by blood or marriage. this is the first formal declaration of vice and virtue laws since the taliban returned to power three years ago but certainly durrani is the founder and executive director of learn afghanistan. she is also a human rights activist and joins us now from wellesley
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massachusetts plus great to have you with us. thank you for joining us. we didn't think that the situation for women and girls could get any worse. and afghanistan and yet with his latest most oppressive draconian edicts from the taliban. it has explained to us what this means you also have to understand that the palawan expect to almost like, you a terrorize people with these syrup edit it. >> but then at the same time you have but to realize that they are getting out of innovative ways to get attention from the international media and international community. totaling one woman that has been loud enough, one assigned in the past three years or in the past 20 years, even for a first and foremost, i think the one thing we keep on forgetting is the fact that they're using women rights and human rights just to get more attention. and that's where they're going after this is what you think it is. >> this is about the taliban
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trying to get the attention of the international community because we know they desperately want international recognition yes, they do. >> i mean, before this interview, i was getting asked this one question that the taliban nebraska where i see to be considered an ask the world to recognize them because they are important to understand and i'm like, what have they done for upon us and afghan's in the past 24 years? or in the past three years that they have been in power. one has to ask those questions. what have they done? what are their plans in the future? the one thing they desperately seek is more power, more money, more humanitarian assistance without doing anything in return to reciprocate any of those things. >> well, let me quickly ask you, do you think that if the world gave them international recognition, that they would then allow women to live freely or more freely? >> i don't believe men who bombed schools. and through
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efforts on women's faces and a hunt, women will ever do that for a weapon. i don't think they're going to ever let women or do anything you fled the country when the taliban took over the women that you speaking back in afghanistan, tell us what has been their response to this law women are going about their day. i have students, i have 661 students are going on about the day. they're learning, they are preparing, they're hoping that there's going to be one standard is going to greece them and accept them and honor them for being the two daughters well, on her son and they know that this is a dark chapter in our history, but that definitely is not the only identity of one of san and definitely not something that we should be completely accepting these medieval rules mentality doesn't exist for upon women and children the mental health crisis in afghanistan among girls, it is frightening we have extensively
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covered it in our own reporting here at cnn. we know about the surge in attempted suicides, the u.n. says something like two-thirds of girls and women a suffering from a mental health issue. explain to us the societal impact of this law and the permanent damage that it is doing you have to understand. i want to sign it. the camino society and our country, right? i will where? women are big, integral part of that. and imagine if 50% of your countries depressed, suicidal is going through mental health issues, your children, your next-generation, your current communal life is not going to be happy either. i want to size, i think also bank one of the most depressed countries and it's not just affecting the women, but also the young boys, the men and women, want to sign the countries that depressed country. let's not forget that the taliban appears in different to the overwhelming international
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condemnation of its treatment of women. it recently banned the u.n special rapper tall richard bennett, who has been highly critical of the taliban what leverage, if any, does the international community have influencing that? the taliban to change its behavior i mean, for starters, the u.s. >> can use magnitsky act, which is very important and then apart from that instead of sanctioning the whole country, maybe go after the collarbone leaders who are actually pursuing these decrease in loss. and then apart from bhatt, the fact that they have their office opened in qatar there's nobody questioning that and nobody is closing that. why do they still have access to international travel, international funds, and bank accounts, and they get to be accepted as permanent ambassadors in a touchy while i've won women are refugees in countries that they are being abused. it durrani, we're going to have to leave it there, but we thank you for your time and certainly the work that you are doing on behalf of afghan women
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paralympian, from afghanistan has dedicated her middle winning performance to freedom for afghan women and girls and peace in her country. so kia could have daddy made history as the first female athlete from the refugee team to win a medal at the paris paralympics. she clinched a taekwondo bronze it's middle, locking down her place on the podium when her opponent pulled out before they competition i wore the same medal to show it. >> it's a strength for all the girls of women in my country, afghanistan and i hope that with this metal, it brings us together it is one for freedom and for peace in my country gudai-darri, you made her paralympic debut three years ago in tokyo just days after being pulled out of taliban controlled kabul well, deadly flooding is bringing new anguish to the country of yemen, the united nations says at least 97 people have been killed over the past month,
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with more than 56,000 homes affected by flooding. >> that devastation is making things even more difficult for the roughly 4.5 million people in yemen who have already been done displaced from their homes. >> the u.n. estimates 85% of families that have experienced displacement are unable to meet their daily food requirements and are in urgent need of humanitarian aid well, mexico's largest stage you'll wanna is suffering through a months long drought. it has dried up lakes and dams killed fish. even devastated be colonies. cnn's derek van dam has this report after facing unusually low levels of rain, people in the northern mexican state of chihuahua are waiting for storm clouds. the much needed rain could refill dried out dams, water wells and lagoons. but so far they've had no luck known for its dry or semi dry climate. mexico's largest state has seen minimal
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rainfall in recent years and has been suffering from drought since february. this has led to dams drying up and becoming infested with dead fish and so alito it is unusual. i have never seen this down like this without water. we see total devastation that nature is punishing less well some parts of mexico came out of drought in july. >> the national water commission reports that 100% of chihuahua remains in drought 54% of the state i in extreme e drought and 11% in exceptional drought. the highest level with a little amount of wet mud that remains cattle from nearby farms come to cool off. but the scarce water available has left farmers suffering are enabled to irrigate their crops the levels of the agricultural wells are dropping. this year. we have not been able to plant because of the low water levels
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in the wells. my house is not reined for two years. we have stopped planting because of the lack of rain bs have also been affected. >> many are dying because the lack of rain has reduced wildflower lillis with fewer flowers available, bees are turning to crop fields for pollen but pesticides in these fields are killing them and with water levels falling, local tourist visits have dried up that day when i don't get thrown i have been working at the dam for a year now and i have seen how the number of people who come to visit the day of has decreased this year. the dam is very dry. it's water level is 20% and the water level continues to drop. >> derek van dam cnn for international viewers, african voices, changemakers is next in north america, more cnn newsroroom, stay w with us peop are wawatching and thehen are wd changed tv on the edge from yearars sunday t timber 22nd di
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doctors before a products in stores near you welcome back to cnn newsroom. >> i'm anna coren in hong kong in the u.s. presidential race, kamala harris is blasting her rivals latest stance on abortion as she prepared because for a battleground bus tour that will focus on reproductive rights. donald trump now says he will vote against a florida constitutional amendment that would allow abortions after the first six weeks of pregnancy trump has previously said he is against a six-week ban but by opposing the amendment, he's effectively supporting florida's existing ban in pennsylvania friday, he promised that his administration would help americans grow their families ram elected this november for the first time ever your government will pay for or require insurance companies to pay for all costs associated with ivf fertility treatment we
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want more babies to be born in america. >> we want more babies. we need them were joining us now from oxford england is richard johnson. >> he is a lecturer in u.s. politics at queen mary university of london. we are going to get to what donald trump's said about ivf. but let's first start with he's a struggle. i guessed to stick to a position on reproductive rights. why is he straying from the republican message about abortion because he appears to have upset many conservatives well, if you go back early in trump's public life, trump was someone who was pretty relaxed about abortion rights but described himself as a pro choice individual when he ran for the presidency, he realized that within the republican party overturning roe v. >> wade was a major motivating force, particularly for evangelical christian voters. and trump committed to
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appointing judges to overturn roe. and he was successful in doing that. over two returning roe was a very unifying message to the republican party. but once you overturn roe, then you have to decide what replaces row. and that is decided at the state level, okay, that's been trump's lying. but trump lives in a state. you happen to live in a state that now has an amendment about changing the abortion laws of that state. >> and trump has a vote on that referendum. >> and that is trump's problem now is that he has being pinned down by having to make a state-level decision about abortion rights. >> now amendment four, i think is particularly tricky for trump because florida has this ban after six weeks, which trump has said he's on the record. >> he thinks that's too short. >> this amendment would push abortion rights up to the point of viability or possibly later based on consultation with a doctor about women's health now from a republican standpoint, that is that's too far. >> but also trump doesn't like the six-week ban. so he's kind
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of caught in-between. i think trump might be comfortable with where say, john roberts had landed in the dobbs decision which was accept the 15 week limit, but that's not on the ballot. and this is the this is the problem that trump has created for millions of americans, is that they have to make these decisions state-by-state and the instruments for making those decisions can be pretty blunt. >> and, we should as we just heard from donald trump, he is now proposing that all women have access to ivf through either the government or author insurers. i mean, he is he trying to appease women voters? perhaps put off by his abortion stance? >> yeah, i think the ivf issue has become a bit of a liability for republicans the harris campaign, particularly with the introduction of tim waltz on the ticket, has made alternative reproduction options for parents set of
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state page because although tim walz didn't have ivf unit, his wife had alternative reproduction treatments that brought about their daughter home and there's a story that i think many american couples and families can recognize that something that would be desirable or they sympathize with people who are struggling to have family want to have a family and the republican party is meant to be the party of families. certainly that was his message once upon a time was it was the party of family values and to be seen as a party that would restrict those reproduction options. it has been an uncomfortable place for the public and that's why i think trump has now come out and basically made this really bold gesture of an unfunded, as it seems to be at the moment commitment that the federal government would either pay for all require insurance companies to provide ivf you have to anyone who wanted it which is a very expensive procedure. we're
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talking tens of thousands of dollars absolutely. >> it we now turn to kamala harris, his first interview with tim walz. i'm sorry, lot lot to squeeze into this conversation how did you rape her performance? and did she achieve what she needed to i think she did achieve what she needed to do. >> she needed to avoid making any gaffes. so anything that could be clickable by the republicans as a baseline, she far exceeded that. she came across, i think is very poised, very measured, very confident i actually? thought waltz wasn't wasn't really necessary. and in that interview, i know it's traditional after the convention that you had the nominee for president and vice president on being together, i can stand why they did that, but actually think for her first interview, she would have been perfectly fine during a solo first interview. actually thought waltz came across as a little bit more nervous than
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harris. maybe he's a bit newer to the national stage, but i thought she, she, she had a very competent performance. he's going to need to do more interviews. this can't be a one-off and she's going to have to compete, particularly, i think develop her policy message. i think that's the area now where people are expecting to see a little bit more from her i mean the critics would say it was vague, it was vacuous. she had to refer to notes. there was no deep dive into her policy positions, but i guess at the end of the day, this is about swing states, undecided voters that she needs to win over. do you think this interview helped in that regard or will the presidential debate? the be the true test i think what she did in this debate had she had to answer some seserious questions about t changeges in her pololi positionon from when s she ran ththe democratatic primary w wak inin 2019 i thinink that was th was her first made major hurdle she had tataken various cocommitments whwhich for quite progressive e quitite liberaral
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duriring the primary that's not unusual l for a candididate to that in n a primary cocontest io is to hug toto the base e withi tack to the center in the general election and an effect i think she did a reasonable job at explaining why she was no longer for example in fan a fan of a ban on fracking, for example and i think that's a that's a difficult thing for any politician to say. i want said something, but now i'm saying something else by thought. she made that transition quite well. but yes, i would agree that what it comes to the policy detail she was light on detail and interview and she's going to need to she's going to need to work on that and do again, more interviews to flesh that out. in the weeks to come they should johnson great to get your analysis. >> thanks so much for joining us. >> thank you well, if you're hitting the road this labor day weekend, expect to see lower prices at the pump. >> gas buddy is projecting the
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national average will be $3 and $3.27 a gallon. that's lowest labor day prize since 2021 and $0.50 cheaper than that last year. but some states like oregon, washington, and arizona, seeing even bigger drops over the holiday weekend, gasbuddy says, americans are expected to spend about $750 million less on gas than they did in 2023. >> it's also expected to be a busy weekend at airports across the country, but many are hoping that new technology will help speed things up. >> cnn's pete muntean, is at reagan national airport in washington friday will be a huge day for the labor day weekend rush when it is all said and done, the tsa was anticipating screening two 2.8 million million people at airports nationwide on friday. >> they say that number will probably be closer to 2.9 million people just shy of the all-time air travel record set back back on july 7 of about 3
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million people. in fact, here at reagan national airport alone there anticipating screening about 40,000 people that number bigger than we have seen even considering the numbers before the pandemic, one thing that you will see that is different at airports nationwide is more facial recognition technology, the tsa has rolled that out at about at airports nationwide, you bring your i.d. you scan it and a computer screen with a camera on it matches or photo live to the photo on your i.d the tsa says folks should be aware of that and you can opt out if you want to. the other big story line here is as the weather and that could really throw a wrench in the people's plans. it did on thursday about a third of all flights out of reagan national airport here delayed along along with philadelphia international airport about the same numbers there, one in five flights canceled just down the road at washington dulles international airport. so we are we're not out of the woods yet and the tsa is anticipating monday will
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be another huge day for travel with so many people just trying to fit in one final trip. of the summer pete muntean, cnn, reagan national airport police investigating the disappearance of acabo from a california nudist resort, demolished part of a suspect's house. >> the startling discovery offices made beneath the rubble ahead on cnn and tragedy as a professional hockey player and his brother were killed by an alleged drunk driver on the eve of their sister's wedding that story, when we come back her vod got news for youou, ramir saturdayay, septembeber 14th at nine o on cnn. i''ve spepent my cacareer workingng in tech a an todaday i run mymy own sofoftwa cocompany. i'm exciteted about e fufuture of amamerican innnnova esespecially w with artillllery offificial intelliligence, wheh the u.s.s. currentlyly leads th woworld americanan researcheher making excxciting nenew discoves
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from a b backed-up g god mere l works nanaturally with thehe wa in youour body to o help you g r your g gut and your r mood will followow for eightht grams of fr and tryingng mirror fifiber gums frfrom startining strong t to ' been a a week so many waways to been a a week so many waways to save life, ready at the barnes firm, we handle been a a week so many waways to save life, ready construction accident cases. have you fallen from a height,
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favorite nudist resort for families and couples redlands police demolish part of the suspect's house to get to him during a standoff. they say that's when they discovered the remains under his mobile home an alleged drunk driver has been arrested and charged in the death of national hockey league player johnny gaudreau. good drew and his brother. >> the two were out cycling when they were hit by an suv. cnn's polo sandoval has more hockey star, johnny gaudreau and his younger brother matthew, killed by an alleged drunk driver thursday night on the eve of their sister's wedding, where they were set to be groomsmen. state police confirmed the siblings were bike riding in southern new jersey when they were hit by an suv sean higgins is believed to have been the driver. the 43-year-old, now charged with two counts of second-degree vehicular homicide. police records say he admitted to drinking five to six years before the accident and that he failed a field sobriety test. higgins made an initial court
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appearance friday, where a judge ordered to be held until his next hearing will see you back court on thursday. >> so i'm i'm here until thursday yes, sir goodrow, who earned the nickname johnny hockey, was drafted by the calgary flames in 2011 signed with the columbus blue jackets in 2022 retaliated, doesn't goals and nearly 50 assists the last season alone, johnny played the game with great joy, reads a statement from his team. the impact he had on our organization and our sport was profound, but pales in comparison to the indelible impression he made on everyone who knew him. but despite the success in the rank, the true passion appeared to be off the a.i. as a loving husband, and proud father of two babies, the youngest born this year and carie's dad's name? matthew, followed in his brother's footsteps, playing side-by-side with johnny and boston college coaches. they're described the brothers is full of joy for the sport have you ask us the name,
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our favorite players they've got to be both boys are going to be among them an uncle of the control brothers releasing the statement saying, last night we lost two husbands, two fathers, two sons but truly two amazing humans polo sandoval, cnn, new york absolutely tragic. >> one of two doctors charged with conspiring to distribute ketamine to actor matthew perry, pleaded guilty in federal court friday. >> very died because of the acute effects of ketamine and subsequent drowning last year at his home after taking the drug cnn's nick watt reports from los angeles well, dr. mark chavez is according to his lawyer, full of remorse and really eager to do whatever he can to make the best of a terrible situation which ended, of course, with matthew perry. >> the much beloved friends actor dead do ketamine died in his hohot tub at h his home hern los angeles. now, chavez certainly appears to be doing
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all that he can to cooperate. he was asked to submit passport to surrender his passport today. he had it in his back pocket. now i asked java as his lawyer, is he willing is he going to testify in court against the other people who've been in charged in perry's death, he would not answer that question, but java's is planning to put a guilty plea in. he waived his right to a grand jury indictment it certainly appears he is cooperating what he is alleged to have done. this other dr. salvador plasencia allegedly called chavez. they were friends and said, listen, let's get some ketamine. we've got matthew perry. he wants the drug and plasencia said, i wonder how mucuch this moron wil pay whatat allegedly happened i chavez dr. chavez bought the drug from a wholesaler by falsifying documents paid 12 bucks a vial well, for it, and the pair of them charged matthew perry $2,000 a vial for the drug. now, that other doctors, salvador plasencia and a woman called the ketamine queen, who was street-level dealers allegedly who was also
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supplying perry. they are due in court next week. nick watt, cnn los angeles so cnn, we'll be right back a cnn special event, thehe a abc news presidentitial debateses. >> i''m okayay. september r 10, nine 94040, 8% of amamericans don't t get enoughgh m magnesiu which is vitalal for bone,e, ne, and muscscle health.h. >> i rececommend cute alalso, magnesium m glycine eieight, i' formulatated for higigh absorpt and his gentle on his stomach. cute all the brand i trust our wish. >> my y tv provideder, let me e choooose what a a pay for. >> s sling lets s you do thahat wish m my tv provideder let me choosese what i pay for r can'tt me pauause lot sububscription n i i was flyingng, what do o you that wished d on tv provovider,t me chohoose what i i'll p pay f and lelet me pull l a muscle frfriction whehen i want a afra channelsls saying ththey have to thatat choosing, customize your
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dehydrdration, w which may c ca kidney problems.s. >> when n we go i'i'm losising weight. . >> i'm keepining it off a and 'm loweringng my cv risk check k y cocost and covoverage befofore tatalking to y your healththcar professisional about wegovy i'm jujust making g saying thihis t thanks ovever and overer again'm tryiying price. . > but when n did you kikick e will neeeed ten gunneded. who w thisis fellow cocolon the shsho i'i'm it's all mighght it i''m rereally hopining this is alway just some mixed because if this bill does look, it''s captptiong brought t to you by y rula law, iciconic brandnds up to 7070% o retatail at roululette rubella you u never faitithful s
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the deals on top before their car today we'll come back, lots and days of delay. spacex's falcon nine rocket has been cleared to fly again. that puts the spacecraft back on track for two high-profile missions. the company is set to launch a mission called polaris dawn which will carry a crew of civilian space travelers to attempt the first ever commercial spacewalk belarus has been delayed twice already because of technical issues. and by bad weather. and as soon as late september, spacex is expected to take two nasa astronauts to the international space station. on crew-9. >> that mission is then expected to bring home boeing's starliner test crew in early 2025 they are planned return delayed for months because of technical issues well meanwhile. x owner elon musk is slamming a brazilian supreme court justices decision to suspend the social media
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giant in the country musk says the judge is destroying free speech, ruling comes after the company failed to name a legal representative there, despite giving being given a 24 hour deadline, details because now from cnn's julia vargas joins a field between a billionaire in a supreme court justice, what could go wrong? well now 200 million people in brazil are no longer able to access x. not only that, but those who tried to. the court say will be hit with a fine of almost $10,000 a day if they tried to access the site via a vpn, all providers in the country are now blocking the website from mobiles and other devices. now, elon musk took that to x and said that the oppressive regime in brazil is so afraid of the people learning the truth that they will bankrupt anyone who tries the oppressive regime. he's talking about is the
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supreme court specifically, supreme court justice alice jimmer is he has been the lead in an investigation that's been sweeping brazil over misinformation and hate speech online that the court says might have the intent to undermine democracy. this includes the big lie of brazil that the election was stolen, that there were fraud, fraudulent voting happening along, along those lines in the elections all the way back to 2019, this rhetoric has been escalating and this is the government's attempt to tame it. now, musk has basically refused to comply with some of the orders of the court to terminate some accounts on x. he said that he will not give into this kind of censorship. he called the supreme court dictators and said that he will stand by allowing people to say what they want on his platform. now, he's also been hit at
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this point with this closure after we moving all of the representation of x in the country. now, no company can actually operate, operate in brazil without representation this is why we got to the place that we did. now, another company he led by musk might also be affected in this that starlink, that provides internet service for many remote regions in brazil, up to 250,000 users. and they could also be affected as the assets of that company become frozen. and musk says, he will continue to operate in the country and will now give this services for free julia vargas jones, cnn, new york wnba fans, witnessed a battle of the top two rookie stars. friday night as caitlin clark and the indiana fever to an angel reese and the chicago sky. clark scored a career-high 31 points, became the first rookie in league history to
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score at least 30 points ten assists in a single game. she days just six points to break the franchise record for most points scored by a rookie will meanwhile, race finished with ten points and 11 rebounds for her 23rd double-double of the season. and you've rookie record for the wnba, indiana defeated chicago 100 to 81 poll. i'm anna coren live in hong kong. i'll be back with more cnn newsroom right after this short break peoeople are wawatching andnd then worlrld c tvtv on the ededge from amir's susunday, septptember 22, , did on c cnn here's a few ththings
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