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tv   The Daily Show  Comedy Central  November 7, 2023 11:00pm-11:30pm PST

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y the way. really? the animation was cool. thanks. hey, listen, you ever been on a motorcycle? aw. michael, that was fun. that was fun. next round of drinks is on me, people. [cheering] ♪ claude van damme ♪ ♪ hair for men ♪ ♪ poison gas ♪ ♪ nutrasweet ♪ it's gotta rhyme with "piece." fancy feast! ♪ break me off a piece of that fancy feast ♪ ♪ it's a cat food. nailed it. ♪ ♪ >> announcer: from new york city, the only city in america... it's the show that invented news. this is "the daily show" with your host, sarah silverman! [cheers and applause] ♪ ♪
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>> sarah: welcome to "the daily show!" i am sarah silverman. and it is election day! did you vote? well, too bad, cause it's too late! democracy is ruined because of you! unless you did vote, in which case, "ha, nerd!" anyway, we've got a great show for you tonight. so let's get right into headlines! [cheers and applause] ♪ ♪ let's kick things off with some politics. yesterday, we talked about a new poll that shows joe biden during much worse than you might think. now another poll today shows at someone doing much better than you might think. >> take a look at this, 2024 election. this is if rfk junior is in the mix. 33% biden, 35% trump, 24% kennedy. >> he is the highest polling independent in decades and could potentially take millions of
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votes from either candidate. >> 22% in one poll, 24% in another. that is the kind of numbers we have not seen since ross perot. >> rfk junior is an overwhelming source of misinformation and disinformation, a purveyor of a file conspiracy theories, and fake science. he is links chemicals in our water supply to gender dysphoria, antidepressants to school shootings, and insisted covid vaccines were a tool to control people via microchips. [audience reacts] >> sarah: that's right. robert f. kennedy is in a three-way race with trump and biden which is definitely the worst three way it kennedy has ever been in. [applause] if he gets 24% in the election, it would be the best showing for a third-party candidate since teddy roosevelt. and because rfk is anti-vax, it would be the best showing for polio since franklin roosevelt.
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on one hand, it could be historic. america could set the record for hiring the world's oldest baby. on the other hand, this guy is crazy, and he is not like trump crazy come where it is obvious right away. as soon as you see trump, you are like, oh, yeah, i know this. this is a broken man. rfk is, like, so boring. you've got to be talking for 20 minutes before you realize he just said pesticides make people trans. wow. kill bugs and to be your authentic self. sign me up. and i liked rfk jr. back when he was the clean water guy. why couldn't we get that rfk? getting this rfk is like getting the giuliani post side burn d drip. bottom line, this is not good. you've got one candidate who doesn't believe in vaccines and two others who were alive when they were invented.
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[cheers and applause] let's move on because whoever is president is going to have to handle a lot of problems, beginning with an interest pcs war on the high seas. >> we are back with another killer whale attack in the high seas. orcas sank three boats off spain earlier this year. and guess what? they are at it again. orcas surrounded this polish yacht sailing through the strait of gibraltar, ramming the vessel for 45 minutes until it sank. the crew is okay and experts still aren't sure why the whales are being so aggressive. >> sarah: oh, you aren't sure why the orcas are aggressive? i don't know, maybe because we keep stuffing their blowholes with empty bottles of mountain dew code red? i don't know why we're surprised this is happening. they are literally called "killer whales"! are we also surprised when a blue whale is blue, or a sperm whale guzzles sperm?
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but give credit to the yacht owners, they put up a valiant defense against the orcas, by yelling, "do you know who my father is?" still, it didn't work and nobody knows what to do about this. all i know is, if orcas are going to keep destroying yachts... jeff bezos has a yacht. [cheers and applause] and finally, some big news from the tech world. two years ago, the office-sharing startup wework began selling stock to the public. and if you had the foresight and courage to invest in it at the time, i have some bad news for you. >> now to the stunning downfall of a company that was once the most valuable startup in the u.s. this morning, office space rental company wework is hoping to rework its business, filing for chapter 11 bankruptcy. the company, once privately valued at $47 billion, announcing the move overnight after years of controversies and poor performance. shares plummeting 98% since 2021, trading at just $0.83
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yesterday. >> sarah: holy shit. wework went from a $47 billion company to bankruptcy. somewhere elon musk is going, "ooh, challenge accepted!" you know what, maybe this is an opportunity. america has a homelessness crisis, and wework has all of the empty building space. do you see where i'm going with this, right? we need to give the wework guy another $100 billion to solve homelessness. [applause] for more on wework's collapse, let's go live out to their headquarters with ronny chieng! ronny. [cheers and applause] ronny, what a fall from grace for wework. >> yes, sarah it's so shocking.
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who could have predicted that wework would have failed such a genius invention: an office building. what a game changer! no one had ever thought of working in a building before. we were all just out in the rain, our laptops getting soaked. >> sarah: what can we learn from a collapse like this? >> well, there's a lot of complicated financial technicalities involved, but i'd say the main lesson here is don't invest in stupid shit. which i know is hard for america since most companies are stupid. i mean, remember that theranos lady with the turtleneck? she got, like, a billion dollars for inventing a box full of broken glass and blood. and at least she had something! the crypto people were like, "hey remember those coins mario would collect? well, for 50 grand, i can get you one without having to punch a turtle." and everyone was like, sign me up! >> sarah: but ronny, to be fair, bad ideas are sometimes how you get the good ideas. >> that's a terrible idea, sarah. the fact is, this has been a
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disgraceful period for america. this is the land of innovation. america had edison, who invented the lightbulb, henry ford, who invented the assembly line, and benjamin franklin, who invented being bald while also having long hair. >> sarah: all right, so what do we deal with all the remaining properties that wework has left behind? >> well, you are in luck, sarah can because i have a business idea of your own. ask yourself, what do people in cities really need? >> sarah: affordable housing? >> okay, relax, msnbc. in practical terms, what people really need above all else is a comfortable place to shit. one where you don't have to pretend you're gonna buy a bear claw when you're done. i'm talking about a place where i can take a dump! where you can take a dump! there's no liberal dumps or conservative dumps. just dumps. of all colors and consistencies.
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where black girls and asian boys can take a dump in peace without someone jiggling the handle every five [bleep] minutes. hey, we are in here. we are all in here. and to make it happen, all i need is $20 billion and a couple of glade plug-ins. because america does not need a place to work. we just need a place to do our business. thank you! thank you! god bless america! [cheers and applause] >> sarah: thank you, ronny! ronny chieng, everybody! i think we are all pretty inspired. when we come back, i hit the streets to find someone to smoke with. so don't go away. [cheers and applause]
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[swords clanging] [yipping] [rumbling] [rumbling] [explosions] [whooshing] [crashing] ♪ “nautilus" by anna meredith ♪ [swords clanging] [yipping] [music builds and fades] [distant crashing nears] [swords clanging] [music resumes] ♪
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welcome to autozone. what are you working on today? my car's starting kinda slow. let's see... ♪ just needs a charge. it's free. are you sure it's free? positive. ♪get in the zone, autozone♪ are you still zillowing for the perfect house? what? no. maybe. yes. well now you can zillow a home loan and an agent, to get you that house you've been dreaming of. oh! i love this for you. for breakfast you want something simple and tasty like, wait, how does taco bell not have a breakfast taco already?
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i mean you're taco bell, it's in the name. you thought to put a burrito inside a quesadilla but you don't have a breakfast taco?! you have all the ingredients. fluffly eggs, melty cheese, savory sausage. i don't normally agree with pete but he's right. that stings rhonda but thank you. the all new toasted breakfast taco, simple and tasty. i did that, i made that happen. (♪♪) [cheers and applause] >> sarah: welcome back to "the daily show." when you think of new york, you think of shopping! and getting stabbed on the subway, but also, shopping! so this week, i checked out the latest product to hit the shelves in this great city. check it out. [applause] hey, yeah, it is your old pal sarah silverman and i am back in new york city. we are now, weed is so legal, they have stores, stores with
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weed. i mean, what is this? 23 other states? great, but could i find someone to smoke this fancy new legal weed with? do you guys smoke pot? >> yeah. >> sarah: do you buy it from the store now or do you still -- are your loyal to your old dealers? >> we still have to go all the way around, got the text to a venue. now you just go down to the corner and there is a story right there. >> sarah: i noticed a couple of you have walkie-talkies. is it for work? >> yeah. >> sarah: this is sarah silverman. just want to let you know that curtis has diarrhea and he might be a little bit late. okay, these guys did not get stoner comedy but maybe i would find some bud buddies that wanted the new license dispensary like the union square travel agency where buying drugs feels like, well, a little bit like making an appointment at the not so genius bar. >> so when it was legalized, the first licenses. >> sarah: i love it.
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when i first moved to new york city, the way i got weed was i called my dealer, got into his toyota, and had to sit in a smelly car while i listened to his band's demo. and here, i mean, are you in a band? >> i'm not in a band. >> sarah: it is refreshing. instead of dealers without professional boundaries, these new dispensaries have weed bri stiers, a.k.a. budtenders. >> i want the giggly and creativity and of a sativa and also being feeling like i'm held by a man. >> we have something like that. what is your preferred method of consumption? >> sarah: do you have anything that i can put up anally? not with weed in it. just with anything. >> not here. >> sarah: i you're hiring now? >> no. >> sarah: i would like to speak to a manager please? nonhigh weed dealers?
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what a strange new world. at least the customers were in the old days. >> sarah: body that's going to do when you are high? >> be giggle. >> we laugh. do we get intimate? >> we get into meant and we get brownies. >> sarah: is that kind of euphemism? jujust a nice little bounty. >> we are old-fashioned, just brownies. >> sarah: can i get high with you? >> sure. >> sarah: when it's time to get intimate, one of you guys will have to leave. [laughter] >> that works for us. >> sarah: people aren't just using weed to enhance their eating and lovemaking. >> it helps with a lot of anxiety or just that nerve pushing a button where you are just like, i don't want to talk to you anymore. >> sarah: i feel, you smoke pot and you realize that nothing you are worried about matters. >> yeah. >> sarah: i mean, basically, we are already dead. these users were so stoked on their legal weed, it seems like anyone could sell it to them.
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notes of hickory. like, anyone at all. what are you trying to solve with drugs? >> i'm just looking to get higher than i have ever been. >> sarah: just ultimate high. that is going to be $738. >> for this? >> sarah: it is expensive but it is cheaper than therapy. all in all, it is crazy to think that something you can buy now for a lot of money in a fancy store used to get people sent to prison, and many are still there. there are people here that were put in prison for weed crimes. >> yeah. it would be great if there was a radical exchange of wealth with people who have served time for something that politicians are making millions from now. >> absolutely. >> sarah: i don't know what i'm saying. i am stone. we still hadn't found anyone to spoke with besides the horny brownie lovers but as usual, new york city did not let me down. >> this is crazy.
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we are actually doing a story about people smoking weed in new york. >> i'm smoking weed in new york right now, that is crazy. >> sarah: and you are doing it. what kind of weed is this? >> this is a sativa. a cookie's blend. i get it from a smoke shop. >> sarah: do you get it illegally from a deli? >> a smoke shop. got to be careful what you get. my guy showed me photos of what he grows so i trust him. >> sarah: yeah, he has a picture of it, it is definitely true. which led me to address the most serious question that this issue had raised. >> sarah: i've got a dog at home. do you think she loves me or do you think it is just, like, i'm the person that feeds her so she just plays ball? >> your dog is love and that might be what you need. even if it is not directed to you, you got your dog. so it doesn't matter. >> sarah: i guess it doesn't really matter whether you get your weed from a fancy dispensary or as part of some tragically misguided drug war.
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as long as you smoke it with a friend. my dog is love. i could cry. that is so beautiful. love. my dog is love. love made a mess on the carpet. >> and love cleaned that mess up. ♪ ♪ >> sarah: it is all love. [cheers and applause] >> sarah: when we come back, cat bohannon will tell me how human evolution was driven by women. so don't go away. [cheers and applause]
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[tv playing] let's unretire. [tv playing] why not? (♪♪) pepsi! hey, hey, hey... i need that senior discount. (♪♪) i'm good right here, bro. [laughing]
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♪ limu emu & doug ♪ [bell ringing] and doug says, “you can customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual.” he hits his mark —center stage— and is crushed by a baby grand piano. are you replacing me? with this guy? customize and save with liberty bibberty. he doesn't even have a mustache! oh, look! a bibu. [limu emu squawks.] only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ [cheers and applause]
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>> sarah: welcome back to "the daily show." my guest tonight is a researcher and author of the "new york times" bestseller, "eve: how the female body drove 200 million years of human evolution." please welcome cat bohannon! [cheers and applause] ♪ ♪ a little dominatrix barbie over here. >> i know, i know. is it kink or is it business casual? you don't know. you don't got to know. hi, everybody! [cheers and applause] hanging a little to the left. >> sarah: so okay, you set out to prove that the human body drove human evolution. what did you discover? >> one of the central things i discovered was that we are garbage at making babies. just the entire species.
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we do, in fact, suck at this. that changes how you understand the story of the female body. that changes how you understand what all of this is for. it's not that it is our destiny to make babies, to be fulfilled or something. >> sarah: wasn't mine. >> no, no. i mean, i love my kids but i'm good to be done with that. no, it is more like, it is how we do it particularly as a species is so bad that there are many fail-safes. there are many things built into kind of brace for impact, yeah? there are ways in which our immune system has adapted because the placenta down regulates the immune system. so since you don't want to die of infection when you are pregnant, maybe your immune system runs a little hot to the rest of the time, right? it may be the case that we breastfeed the way that we do. it may be the case that we have menstruation the way that we do. in each case, because we are actually just trying not to die. >> sarah: i see. and from what i read, you
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found -- what you found was that all of this medical research and science has been based on, what do we say, the cis male at birth? [cheers and applause] >> that's it. >> sarah: i am progressive. >> yeah, it's just dicks all the way down. >> sarah: instead of turtles. >> exactly. exactly. this is true in biological research, this is true in biomedical research. we are only studying males! it is basically because this thing we call a menstrual cycle, which a biologist would call an estrous cycle, is just so messy and complicated. you have this slow performance -- slope of hormones that is doing all kinds of things in the female body if you are studying mammals, so maybe just don't then. >> sarah: don't what? >> study them. that seemed to be the solution. >> sarah: i see. let's not deal with it. >> it's not like there was any sexist -- i'm not saying there is not sexism.
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it is more like, not necessarily sexism that was driving it, more that there was a kind of unspoken agreement in biology, oh, we will solve this problem. this messy, messy chick problem in rats mostly by not studying the female, which means that by the time you get to doing biological research that might lead to pharmaceuticals, well, then, it may not have been studied on females at all. and then, in fact, many of the medications that are on the market today have never been studied on females at all, from rat to dog to often human. >> sarah: she's really cool, right? [cheers and applause] like, you talk about science, but it sounds like beat poetry. >> [laughs] >> sarah: for a book that is all about the female form and the female body and all that stuff, why should men read your book? should men read your book? >> i think so, for their own good. so the thing is, they can read
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my book and care about it -- >> sarah: to learn about the human body like all the books we read. >> or we can cut off their balls. [cheers and applause] >> sarah: this is a great ending point. and yet i feel as though you would like to expound. >> i will. see, the thing is -- let's talk about sex and longevity. the thing is, there are many ways to extend a male mammal's life span, to make him live longer. we know that females general live longer, but the one thing that you can do that is more reliable than just about anything else is castrate him. cut off his balls. and this is -- and we know this because we have cut out thousands of balls, okay? for science. so we have done rat balls, we have done rodents of all types, we have done dogs -- you probably done that, you paid a guy -- but that adds a year and a half to a domestic dog's life. pigs and monkeys and humans. we have the data in humans.
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all of these castrated males lived longer, healthier lives than their regularly-balled peers. and i'm not talking about a small gain. it is an average of 14 years. [audience reacts] so why is that? you know -- >> sarah: your space work is phenomenal. >> why are so many men smuggling two little death nuggets? why are these the ping-pongs of destiny? why are these the actual grapes of wrath? and the answer is, we are not entirely sure. we have some models, some scientists are doing the work, but this is the actual future of gerontology. figuring out why there are sex differences in aging and why cutting off balls will make men live longer is how we are going to provide better medicine for cis men. i think we can all get on board here. american men deserve better from
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medicare than a mass castration plan. >> sarah: yes. that is a very good point. i mean, mic drop, right? cat bohannon's book "eve" is available now. we are going to take a quick rate but we will be right back. ♪ ♪ [cheers and applause] bring the drink aisle to your countertop with the ninja thirsty drink system. pick your drink still or sparkling. choose your size and the ninja thirsty will dispense the perfect drink every time with four drink lines and endless combinations. there's a drink for everyone. make crisp, sparkling water with a hint of fruit flavor.
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thirst quenching drinks with electrolytes. drinks with b vitamins or invigorating energy drinks. make thousands of drinks with the ninja thirsty drink system. ♪ “it's love” by chris knox ♪ ♪ ♪ i need you ♪ ♪ i need you every single day ♪ ♪ and i want you ♪ ♪ the middle child never knows the beauty of elbow room. until now. the three-row lexus tx. (♪♪) this is cassie. she never really paid attention to her credit scores until she got credit karma.
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and used her scores to score more. like a great rate on an auto loan for some more reliable wheels. intuit credit karma. download the money app where your hard work pays off. so how would you describe the chicken to someone who had never tasted it? literally melt in your mouth tender. we don't have a freezer, you know, it's almost like a farmer's market. when you walk into the restaurant, you should hear the sizzle that you're hearing right now. just sends all those waves up to your mouth. you're making me hungry! choose duracell to make the most of holiday magic. because before you know it, they're... moody teenagers! ugh! (sfx: toy hits floor) holiday magic is fleeting. don't risk it to save a few cents. trust duracell. (duracell mnemonic) [cheers and applause]
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>> sarah: that's our show for tonight but before we go: please consider donating to the world central kitchen. they are first to the front lines serving chef prepared meals to communities impacted by natural disasters and during humanitarian crises. if you can, please support this amazing organization in their work at the link below. and now, here it is. your "moment of zen." >> that is why my government's priority is make the difficult but necessary long-term decisions to change this country for the better. my government will continue to take action to bring down inflation, to ease the cost of living for families and help businesses fund new jobs. - ♪ i'm going down to south park ♪ ♪ gonna have myself a time ♪ both: ♪ friendly faces everywhere ♪


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