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tv   The Daily Show  Comedy Central  April 4, 2024 1:25am-2:00am PDT

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one day, when stan got to school, he was approached by his best friend. dude, did you hear what happened to your girlfriend? no, what about her? dude, she got caught cheating on her essay. just then, stan noticed a commotion down the hallway. this student is going to jail for cheating. drugs are bad, m'kay? hold it right there! look, everyone, we can't blame people who are using chatgpt. it's not their fault. well, whose fault is it? i'll tell you who. it's the giant tech companies who took open ai, packaged it, monetized it, and pushed it out to all of us as fast as they could in order to get ahead. open ai is so powerful that it has to be something that everyone can use, control, and contribute to. or else ai will be controlled by corporations who just want an unfair advantage like cartman does. hey! screw you, you dumb jew! we don't want big corporations deciding what's ethical and acceptable for ai. we were all taken advantage of, and that's why my girlfriend would totally understand that i used chatgpt to respond to her texts. that's right! well, i guess we can let you go now, ma'am.
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i will find these tech companies who are trying to use open ai for their own gains, and i will stop them! m'kay, kids, i think we can all go home, m'kay? female ai voice: everyone was happy, and stan's girlfriend completely forgave him. thanks for saving me, stan. you're welcome, sweetheart. class dismissed! all: yay! [ school bell rings ] [ indistinct conversations ] boy, i'm sure glad that's over with. yeah, but... i'm still really not sure what just happened. well, now at least we know that sometimes a good ol' thumbs up from a human is better than a machine-generated lie. yeah. yeah, you're right, stan. i love you. dude, how did you pull all that off? chatgpt, dude. ♪♪ ♪ ♪ >> announcer: from the most trusted journalists at
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comedy central... it's america's only source for news. this is "the daily show" with your host, desi lydic! [cheers and applause] ♪ ♪ >> desi: welcome to "the daily show!" i'm desi lydic. we've got so much to cover tonight. alison brie is joining us. [cheers and applause] charlamagne tha god is going to give us a mandatory -- [cheers and applause] a mandatory dei seminar. plus, and you're never gonna believe this, fox news got very mad for a very stupid reason. so let's get into headlines! ♪ ♪ [cheers and applause] this past sunday was easter at the white house, which is an important holiday for president joe biden, who is also
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counting on a resurrection for his campaign. but unfortunately this year, the timing of easter caused a bit of a headache for joe. >> the biden administration is firing back at conservative criticism over the white house acknowledgment of the transgender day of visibility, which coincidentally, falls on easter sunday. >> this year, the two days only coincided by chance. the day of visibility is held every year on march 31st, while the date for easter changes year to year. >> desi: yes, by total coincidence, trans visibility day happened to fall on easter this year. which seemed like, i don't know, a good fit to me. i mean, jesus did identify as the father, the son, and the holy spirit. live your truth, queen! [cheers and applause] now you wouldn't think easter falling on a holiday that's been on march 31st for 15 years would
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be that big of a deal, but conservatives processed this like a child meeting the easter bunny: by losing their [bleep] minds. >> i think everyone should be insulted by this. the intentional nature of this. >> to me, is -- i mean, i'm just going to say it. i think it's demonic. >> they clearly want us to bow at the altar of the trans community instead of bow to god. >> we can't have one day for easter? >> what the hell was biden thinking when he declared easter sunday to be trans visibility day? [boos] such total disrespect for christians. and november 5th is going to be called something else. you know what it's going to be called? christian visibility day. when christians turn out in numbers that nobody has ever seen before. >> desi: uh, this is america, buddy. every day is christian visibility day. [cheers and applause]
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conservatives threw a hissy fit over this, including donald trump, who, by the way, is not exactly an authority on christianity. >> i'm wondering what one or two of your most favorite bible verses are and why? >> i wouldn't want to get into it because to me that's very personal. you know, when i talk about the bible, it's very personal. so i don't want to get into verses. i don't want to get into -- >> there's no verse that means a lot to you? that you think about or cite? >> the bible means a lot to me but i don't want to get into specifics. >> old testament guy or a new testament guy? >> uh, probably equal. >> desi: trump talks about christianity the way i sound at every book club. "oh, my favorite part of the book? i'd have to say the title. and the symbolism. all the symbols. definitely not here hiding from my husband and children." i also love that he says, "i can't talk about it, it's too personal." like he also has an nda with the bible. "don't believe that horseface
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bible!" that's my trump impression. thank you. [cheers and applause] i will workshop it. but trump aside, i have a question for the actual religious conservatives: why are you so upset about this? trans visibility day had no effect on your easter! nobody was at church like, "well, we were going to celebrate the resurrection, but instead, everyone, line up for your gender reassignment surgery. [cheers and applause] please leave your penis in the collection basket." the anger just seems so contrived, especially when the people who were the most outraged knew so little about the actual holiday they were protecting. >> and the transgender community purposely chooses the day of jesus's death or his
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resurrection, whatever, easter weekend... >> desi: "yeah, you know, easter. it was jesus's quinceanera or the day he was forced to leave the "big brother" house, whatever. i'll ask them about it the next time i go to the -- you know, the place with all the lower case ts hanging on the walls. the half-naked guy. church! that's it! church." and you know what, the fox audience deserves a higher level of con artistry than this. jesse watters, if you can remember the green m&m's entire sexual history, you can wikipedia what easter is. look, i'm not here to pick a fight with easter. easter's great! probably our best holiday featuring a bunny who crawled out of a nightmare. but the level of outrage over this is totally out of proportion to what, ultimately, was an innocuous scheduling
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conflict. i just wish i knew the real reason they were upset. luckily, they left some easter eggs for us. >> it's absurd. and joe biden should be ashamed of himself. and all these people say, yeah, but this is the day we've always recognized transgender visibility day. well, recognize it another day, not on easter sunday. it's an affront to the bible and, quite frankly, it's an affront to biology. there are two genders. people can't just go in and out of one like a revolving door. it's not normal. >> desi: ah, there it is. thank you, least interesting man in the world, for saying the quiet part out loud. they don't think transgender visibility day should be moved. they think trans people shouldn't be visible at all. trans day of visibility could have been on national pasta day and they'd be like, "this is an affront to fettuccini!" and for what it's worth, there's a false premise at the heart of this entire controversy, which
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is that there's even a conflict between trans people and christianity to begin with. there isn't! in fact, the bible doesn't say anything about trans people. it does, however, say to love thy neighbor, to not judge other people, and perhaps the most famous of bible verses, please do not sell me for $59.99 to pay off your rape fines. [cheers and applause] amen. for more on this controversy, we go live to the white house with michael kosta. [cheers and applause] michael, you were at the white house easter egg hunt on monday. what did you find? >> well, i'll tell you what i found, desi. a ton of easter eggs! okay? turns out, you don't even have to hunt for them, you just wait for the kids to find them, and take it out of their baskets. it's like taking candy from a baby. >> desi: congratulations.
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i mean more about easter being pitted against trans visibility day. it seems like all this controversy ruined the day for the trans community. >> are you kidding? this was the most successful trans visibility day in history. fox news raised trans awareness for 500 straight hours! [cheers and applause] yeah. and the best part is, we'll get another round in a few weeks, when greek orthodox easter goes up against greek orthodox trans visibility day. >> desi: okay, but i don't think the transgender community wanted this kind of attention. >> look, i can't speak on behalf of the trans community. they've specifically asked me to stop doing that. but it seems to me that any way a holiday can break through the noise, the better. there's just too many important days to remember! easter, memorial day, arbor day, my kid's birthday, which is like every year,
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supposedly. it's too much! and there's no way to keep track of them all. you know what, desi, they need to invent, like, a spreadsheet, but for days. >> desi: like a calendar? >> one of those things you drain pasta with? that'll never work. >> desi: okay. but what about conservatives who say this was an attack on easter? >> desi, this was good for both holidays. when was the last time you saw people this fired up about easter, a.k.a. shitty christmas? but now thanks to this controversy, everyone, and i mean everyone, except for jesse watters, knows what easter is really about. >> desi: so you're saying that the clash of the two holidays forced everyone to appreciate the true meaning of each holiday? >> exactly. the lesson we learned this week is that americans appreciate holidays more when they're outraged. which is why i believe we need to pit more holidays against each other. let's put valentine's day on the fourth of july. let's move 9/11 to halloween.
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let's move mother's day up against juneteenth. do you love your mom or do you hate slavery? you gotta choose, desi. [cheers and applause] >> desi: michael -- >> tough choice. >> desi: that is incredibly offensive. >> see? it's already working. >> desi: thank you, michael. michael kosta, everyone! [cheers and applause] when we come back, charlamagne tha god will be joining us! so stick around! [cheers and applause]
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new kinder chocolate. ♪♪ delicious little bars of smooth milk chocolate with a creamy, milky center. ♪♪ made for being a kid. let that kid flag fly.
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a national taste test determined america's favorite boneless wings, applebee's won. how about that? we don't even have wing in our name. get them now for just 50 cents. only at applebee's. [cheers and applause] >> desi: welcome back to "the daily show." you know, all this week, i've been sharing my opinions on the news. but i'm not the only one with opinions around here, so here with another installment of "in my opinion," is our good friend, charlamagne tha god. [cheers and applause] ♪ ♪ >> hey! y'all remember 2020, right? covid. social distancing. murder hornets! yeah, y'all forgot about murder hornets, huh? or maybe you remember our nationwide reckoning with racism. after the murder of
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george floyd, white people across america looked around and said, "wait a second. are we racist?" so america took a good hard look at itself and when big corporations saw themselves in the mirror, they said: "oh shit, we're white as [bleep]!" >> inequality in corporate america. there are only five black ceos running fortune 500 companies. >> you can see 6% of top executives as black. in terms of the population of the united states, that should be 13%. >> in a video, nike said: don't pretend there's not a problem in america. critics point out that all of nike's executives are white. >> that's right. the board of nike was so white, they were all wearing new balance. [laughs] and to address this problem, businesses turned to a solution called diversity, equity, and inclusion, or dei. it means more fair hiring policies, new anti-discrimination rules for the workplace, and sensitivity training seminars. and the first thing it led to was a shit load of ads. >> real progress on diversity and inclusion doesn't happen
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without real work. >> say "celebrate diversity" into your x1 voice remote to discover curated content today. >> every day, general mills serves the world by making food people love, and inclusion is one of our secret ingredients. >> at kraft-heinz, our purpose is to make life delicious, and we believe we can't achieve that without one essential ingredient: diversity. it's diversity that makes life delicious. >> we're on a 400-year-long journey and scars don't fade, but neither does hope. >> "ask your doctor if black people are right for you." that's right. [laughs] nobody's buying vaseline because of diversity. come to think of it, i don't think i've ever actually bought vaseline! it's just there. it comes with the house! so that's how things stood in 2020. but that was, like, 15 years ago. today, when people talk about
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dei, it's more likely to sound like this. >> dei is a rebranded version of hating white people. >> dei, in this case, stands for divisive, erroneous, and insidious. >> dei, which stands for "didn't earn it." >> discrimination, exclusion, and indoctrination. >> [laughs] "dei stands for dr. dre, eazy e, and ice cube! [cheers and applause] y'all cheering out there but do you want [bleep] with attitude coming to your office?" these right-wingers are crazy, right? jesus. but here's the part where you all stop applauding everything i say. the truth about dei is that, although it's well intentioned, it's mostly garbage. okay? it's kind of like the black "little mermaid." just because racists hate it doesn't mean it's good. and you know i'm right, because every one of you has sat through one of those diversity training
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sessions and thought: this is some bullshit! and it's not just you. over 900 studies have shown that dei programs don't make the workplace better for minorities. in fact, it can actually make things worse because of the backlash effect. remember d.a.r.e., from school? y'all remember d.a.r.e.? she said woo. [laughs] dei training is like d.a.r.e. for racism, and you all know how effective that was. i was sitting there going, "oh, shit. there's a ton of fun drugs i should try! i didn't even know about molly. thanks, officer john!" but the biggest failure of dei is that the number of black people in power at big companies is basically the same as it was five years ago. in fact, maybe the only thing that dei has accomplished is giving racist white people cover to be openly racist. >> dei breeds complacency, dana, and complacency kills. >> we are going to have doctors who don't know how to perform
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heart surgery and planes that are falling out of the sky. >> boeing recently bragged not about being the best in the business but about surpassing its diversity quotas. oh, goody, but then not so good, a door flying off of one of boeing's 737 super maxes. >> i'm sorry, if i see a black pilot, i'm going to be like, "boy, i hope he's qualified." oh to >> honestly, when i see a black pilot, i'm not worried that we're gonna crash, i'm worried that we're going to get pulled over. [laughs] okay? [cheers and applause] that's right. that's right. "and no, officer, i will not step out of this vehicle!" but yeah, they're blaming dei for everything. even that bridge in baltimore. they called baltimore's mayor "the dei mayor," like he was given the job for being black. then they said the shipping company was too focused on dei instead of safety. but almost the entire leadership
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of the company is white. no black people. if anything, the baltimore mayor should've been the one to make it racist. just come out like, "these crackers knocked down my bridge! okay? and one of y'all crackers better pay for it!" and honestly, i'm not surprised these programs didn't work, and here's why: it's just corporate pr. they want good vibes. and also, they want to cover their ass. okay? did you know that if a company gets sued for civil rights violations, just having a dei program will be counted as evidence in their favor, even if the program doesn't do shit? okay? it's the "i have a black friend" of the legal system. all right? we don't need corporate dei. yes, we want diversity. and equity. and inclusion. but we don't want it from vaseline! although i'm not gonna front, vaseline has been there for the black community. respect. [cheers and applause]
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moisturized. look, man, real dei is only going to come from black leadership. i don't know how to do it, because i'm not a black leader, but i do know how to tell if it's working. just keep an eye on right-wing media. the more they're freaking out, the more progress we're making. [cheers and applause] ♪ ♪ >> desi: thank you, charlamagne. when we come back, alison brie will be joining me on the show, so don't go away. [cheers and applause] ♪ “don't let go” ♪ by terrace martin, mr talkbox, pj morton ♪ don't let me go ♪ ♪ no ♪ ♪ don't let me go ♪ ♪ no ♪
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♪ don't let me go ♪ ♪ no, no, no don't let me go ♪ ♪ don't let me go ♪ ♪ no don't you ever let me go ♪ ♪ don't you ever let me go ♪ ♪ don't you ever let me go ♪ ♪ sometimes your work shirt needs to be for more than just work. like when it needs to be a big, soft shoulder to cry on. which is why downy does more to make clothes softer, fresher, and better. downy. breathe life into your laundry.
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did you know some dish soaps don't remove all the grease, even with scrubbing? whaaat? i just cleaned those! try dawn platinum. it removes 99% of grease and food residue. that's why dawn is trusted to save wildlife affected by oil. dawn platinum cleans to the squeak. ♪ ("holiday road") ♪ ♪ holiday road ♪ wherever your summer takes you, twist the ride... with twizzlers. the twist you can't resist.
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hello, ghostbusters. it's doug. we help people customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual. we got a bit of a situation. [ metal groans] sure, i can hold. ♪ liberty liberty liberty liberty ♪ to test the toughness of the kia sorento x-pro and the kia sorento turbo-hybrid... (♪♪) ...we recreated some of the wettest springs... (♪♪) ...hottest summers... (♪♪) ...windiest falls... (♪♪) ...and coldest winters. (♪♪) all on one track. to prove these three-row suvs were built for the unstoppable. kia. movement that inspires. [cheers and applause] >> desi: welcome back to "the daily show." my guest tonight is an actor who stars in the new peacock series, "apples never fall."
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>> you hear about that missing cheerleader? >> yeah, she's everywhere. >> exactly. yes. i need to do something, to keep mom's story out there so she wouldn't be forgotten? right? >> what are you saying? >> i made a video. posted it on my socials. >> she is too important to me. so here is what i am offering. $50,000 to anyone who gives us information that helps us find my mom. >> wait, okay, but you don't have $50,000. so when you say, you are offering $50,000 -- >> remember when you let me borrow your credit card for emergencies? >> desi: [laughs] please welcome alison brie! [cheers and applause] ♪ ♪ yes! [cheers and applause]
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>> hello! >> desi: oh, man. thanks for being on! >> thanks for having me! >> desi: i am such a big fan of yours. >> thank you. >> desi: true story. you have been -- >> go on. >> desi: i will tell you more. i will elaborate. you have been on two of maybe the biggest television shows ever known to man. "community." [cheers and applause] >> i mean, two of the biggest known to a small group of very avid fans. >> desi: oh, man. >> we appreciate it. >> desi: it's a fierce fan base. also "mad men." [cheers and applause] going to have to be honest, my personal favorite is "glow." i was such a "glow" super fan. >> the love of my life. >> desi: i love that show. >> i love working on "glow" so much. i've never felt like more of a
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badass. >> desi: hell yeah. >> we are doing our own strengths and training and i'm flipping women, let's be honest, i am getting flipped by women more often. and that still felt cool. >> desi: yeah! now you are a part of this incredible ensemble, "apples never fall." i'm impressed with the show. i binged in about three days. >> yes! >> desi: which tells you how good that mystery is. >> it's a bingable show. the episodes want you wanting more. it's based on a book by liane moriarty. she wrote "big little lies," "nine perfect strangers." also been made into buzzy shows. >> desi: great shows. >> and yeah, i think the reason people really connected to it too is that it's about a family, and a family that is not perfect and every family has those idiosyncrasies that you kind of watch this family fall apart and come back together and sort of everybody has to come to their own truth throughout the course of the show and they get stronger. the show will definitely make you want to call your mom, i think. i can confirm that. >> desi: that is 1000% true. that's exactly how i felt. your character, amy, is
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described by her sister as -- i want to get this right -- "an emotional chaos sinkhole." >> yeah. [laughter] so lovingly. >> desi: those are the words of a sibling, right? >> definitely. >> desi: but you play her so beautifully and she is kind of this hot mess on the surface but you play her, like, she is truly like one of the most emotionally evolved characters in the show. >> she's definitely the best communicator in this family. she's the only person who knows the word "feeling," i think, and she uses it often. but yeah, i love that she wears her emotions on her sleeve. it was a fun part of the character to play. and i also think because she is a bit of a catastrophist, she sort of, like, gets all of her mess out early on, other characters continue to be surprised and she's like, i've been there. i am evolving now. you know?
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>> desi: i also want to talk about you have an upcoming project coming up, it's a horror film with your husband dave franco. >> yes. >> desi: when i think about the purpose of going to work, it is to get away for my husband. you feel differently about this? >> it is very much the opposite, yes. especially this one. it is a horror film, i don't want to say too much about it. the film is called "together." and it is about the horrors of codependency. we play a couple that has been together over ten years and is a bit codependent and you know, we spent two months on this shoot together, 24 hours a day, every day, producing this movie, acting in it all day every day. and i loved it. [laughter] >> desi: can we push in on the close up? >> a single tear. and i loved it. >> desi: pain on the inside. blink twice. [cheers and applause] >> i did love it! i did love it! i love my husband! i want him to be able to watch this later. it was really fun. it was really fun. >> desi: i am very excited to see it. congratulations on everything. i love the show so much. i cannot wait to see the movie. the entire season of "apples never fall" is now
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available on peacock. alison brie! [cheers and applause] >> thank you! >> desi: we're gonna take a quick break, but we'll be right back after this. [cheers and applause] ♪ ♪
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simply scan your screen to experience intuit credit karma for yourself. i'll be honest. by the end of the day, my floors...yeesh. but who has the time to clean? that's why i love my swiffer wetjet. it's a quick and easy way to get my floors clean. wetjet absorbs and locks grime deep inside. look at that! swiffer wetjet. name an ingredient you can see in... ...this kind bar to win. almonds.. i see almonds right there! yep, almonds! it's almost like the universe was talking to you. ohh! [man laughing] here's your prize. nice! ingredients you can see and pronounce. ♪♪ ugh! nope! try my old spice you can use it on your pits, chest, and even, your... toes? [both] oh that's fresh! ♪♪ ♪ old spice whistle ♪
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>> desi: that's our show for tonight. now here it is. your "moment of zen." >> i will make a comment, back in 2009, putting the date on march 31st, whoever created the trans day on that date knew eventually it would fall on easter. i guarantee! i guarantee they knew that and now it happened. - (singing) mtv. [theme music] - i'm goin' down to south park, gonna have myself a time. - friendly faces everywhere, humble folks without temptation. - goin' down to south park, gonna leave my woes behind. - ample parking day or night, people spouting, "howdy neighbor." - goin' on down to south park, gonna see if i can't unwind. - [muffled singing]
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- come on down to south park and meet some friends of mine.


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