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tv   The Daily Show  Comedy Central  June 7, 2024 1:25am-2:01am PDT

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- for the first time in almost a year, the economy in south park has taken a small but noticeable upturn. stores and shopping malls are open again as newly debt-free people feel safe to make purchases. - wow, the new margaritaville! with salsa dispenser! just pour your favorite salsa in the top, and it comes out the dispenser at the bottom! oh, we need this! - are we out of the woods yet? only time will tell. but we must not forget the sacrifice one person made to restore our faith and make us believe in the economy once again. the person we must thank every day for his amazing sacrifice: barack obama. [crowd cheering] - aw, come on! captioning by captionmax
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♪ ♪ >> announcer: from the most trusted journalists at comedy central... it's america's only source for news. this is "the daily show" with your host, ronny chieng! [cheers and applause] ♪ ♪ [cheers and applause] ♪ ♪ >> ronny: hey, welcome to "the daily show!" i'm ronny chieng. here is what we have for you tonight. pride month is getting some backlash, joe biden is remembering the good old days, and donald trump is looking for a new vp to hang with, and then maybe hang. so let's get into the headlines! [cheers and applause] ♪ ♪ let's kick things off with president joe biden, who was in france today to commemorate the 80th anniversary of d-day with veterans of the battle. and spending time with these veterans is incredibly important to joe biden, because being next to them is the only time he looks young.
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don't forget -- and this is true -- joe biden was actually alive back when d-day happened. and i'm pretty sure when a-day, b-day, and c-day happened too. now, if you don't know your history, d-day was the day allied soldiers stormed the beaches of normandy in world war ii. and i can appreciate the difficulty and danger they faced, because the beach at normandy is by far the hardest [bleep] mission in "call of duty." so we honor all the brave soldiers who fought the nazis in france so that we today could have the freedom to fight them on twitter. [cheers and applause] actually, you know, now that i think about it, i guess you guys didn't finish the job. so thanks for nothing. but enough about nazis. let's move on to a completely unrelated topic: donald trump. the nypd is officially revoking donald trump's gun permit in
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new york, because, as a convicted felon, he's not allowed to own a firearm anymore. of course, there's a bit of a loophole, because if he becomes president, he gets all the nukes. how does that make sense? he can't have a hunting rifle, but he can drop the a-bomb on bambi? but trump has bigger things on his mind, like who to pick as his running mate/human shield. and here are finalists. >> sources tell cnn tonight that former president donald trump's campaign has now given vetting materials to several people who are on the vice presidential shortlist. that includes north dakota governor doug burgum, senators marco rubio, j.d. vance, and tim scott. also representatives byron donalds and elise stefanik. and also trump's former cabinet secretary ben carson. all at least seven are undergoing really what is the political version of a background check. >> ronny: wait, trump is doing background checks? why?
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what's he going to find out about someone else that's worse than what he's done? yo, this dude's got fraud, sexual assault, infidelity, tax evasion, bankruptcies, impeachments, he hung out with epstein. i mean, is he really going to be like, "hold on, hold on, j.d. vance got a parking ticket in 1994? i can't be associated with a man like that." i will say, i am impressed with the diversity in this list. i mean, three black guys! although, it's less impressive when you consider trump thinks all of them are herman cain. although, you may have noticed one name who isn't on the list, is kristi noem, which has to be pretty upsetting for her. although, i'm sure she'll be fine, once she lets off some steam at the firing range. [audience reacts] meanwhile, big news today about a top figure from trump's previous campaign: steve bannon is officially going to prison next month for refusing to testify before the january 6 committee. [cheers and applause] luckily, prison won't be a big
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change for him, because he already smells like a pack of cigarettes that was smuggled in someone's ass. i mean, this dude doesn't look like he's going into prison, he looks like he just escaped. tell me this guy didn't just crawl through a 500 yard pipe of shit. i do feel bad for all the other prisoners, having to listen to this dude talk about maga all the time. his cellmate is going to be the first inmate in history to volunteer for the electric chair. even the prison skinheads are going to be like, "damn, this new guy has some rough opinions about immigrants!" but let's move on. because it's june, which means it's time to celebrate the holiday jojo siwa invented: pride month! pride month started as an anti-establishment protest, but over the last few decades, it's gone mainstream. there are parades in every city, pizza hut puts out gay boxes, and even exxon changes all its oil spills to a rainbow color. #ally. but recently, the conservative backlash has been growing, and this year, some pride traditions are coming under fire.
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>> in florida, ron desantis's administration has forbidden cities across the state from displaying colorful lights on their bridges during pride month, limiting bridge coloration to red, white, and blue. bridges across the state that normally illuminate in colorful arrays of light to mark holidays won't be able to use any other colors. the goal of ron's order is clearly to shut down any celebration of pride month. >> ronny: yo, what is up with ron desantis? i can't believe a guy who rocks three inch heels is such a dick to the gay community. by the way, red, white, and blue lights on crumbling infrastructure? perfect metaphor for america. and it's so sad, because having pride colors on bridges also prevented a lot of straight people from killing themselves. guys would be like, "hey, i can't jump off this bridge, that's gay." but if you think it can't get any pettier than a ban on rainbow bridges, there's a bar in idaho saying, "hold my heterosexual beer." >> an idaho bar is offering a
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break from the pride push that's being forced on americans by declaring june to be heterosexual awesomeness month. the old state saloon offering deals all month long, including hetero male monday, when any heterosexual male -- get this -- who must be dressed like a heterosexual male gets a free pint of beer. >> ronny: he must dressed like a heterosexual male? so this straight bar is going to be critiquing everybody's outfits as soon as they walk in the door? it sounds super straight to me! [cheers and applause] what exactly are they even saying here? like, "our bar is so straight that we're offering special deals to pack it entirely with dudes?" i mean, you're basically one brick away from being stonewall. now i guess someone could argue that none of this stuff is explicitly anti-gay. but just check out how colorado republicans are celebrating pride.
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>> the colorado republican party is calling on people to burn all gay pride flags, proclaiming in a mass email to supporters that "god hates pride." the republican party's message attacks so-called godless groomers and it echoes the anti-gay slur used by the westboro baptist church protestors. >> ronny: okay, awful story. but hang on. did jesus have laser eyes? was that in the bible? i knew he had powers. i didn't know he was in the x-men. i don't get how anyone can be so angry about rainbow flags. it must be exhausting being that homophobic. just eating a bag of skittles like, "no homo, no homo, no homo." so there's backlash to pride month all around the country, and guess what: some of those corporate allies are turning out to be fairweather friends. >> target says it will no longer
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sell its pride month collection in all of its stores. the decision comes after conservative groups became upset over the chain's decision to sell lgbtq-themed merchandise last june. the company said the backlash harmed sales. >> ronny: are you kidding me, target stopped selling gay stuff? but their logo is literally a butthole! well, that's it. from now on, i will be going somewhere else to pretend to shop so i can poop in the bathroom. for more on this story, we go live to target with our senior lesbian correspondent grace kuhlenschmidt. [cheers and applause] grace, what's the feeling at target? >> it's pretty amazing. did you know if you use the self-checkout machine, you don't have to pay? >> ronny: yeah, okay, i don't think that's right, but that's not what i'm talking about. how do people feel about target banning gay merchandise? >> oh, yeah, it's so disappointing. gay people just want equality. if target wants to ban gay
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items, fine, but if they want to be equal, then they also need to ban all the straight items. like golf clubs, or cargo shorts, or 2-in-1 shampoos. >> ronny: that's the shampoo i use! it saves time, and my hair looks great! >> yes. >> ronny: so straight items are items that straight people use? >> no, it's more of a vibe. every product has a clear orientation. >> ronny: every product? okay, what about, like, water bottles? >> gay. >> ronny: cellphone cases. >> straight. >> ronny: okay, i think i get it. so a slotted spoon, that feels gay. >> slotted spoons are so straight. they're serving nothing. [cheers and applause] >> ronny: what about sweaters? >> straight. >> ronny: dog sweaters? >> gay. >> ronny: electrical sockets. >> gay, obviously. they're power bottoms. >> ronny: what about a
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calculator? >> so that one's interesting. standard calculators are straight, but graphing calculators are gay because they're doing way too much. >> ronny: okay, i think i'm getting it. printers are straight, and humidifiers are gay. >> ronny, don't out them. they haven't told their family yet! >> ronny: shit, i'm sorry! i don't know what -- >> look, hey, that's beside the point. pride isn't about rainbow tank tops at target. it's a way for the queer community to remember how far we've come from the violence and discrimination we once faced. and most importantly, it's about me hooking up with my ex-girlfriend's ex-girlfriend in a cabin in vermont. let's just say that i'm the electrical socket. [cheers and applause] >> ronny: grace kuhlenschmidt, everybody. when we come back, i'll tell you how to be patriotic. so don't go away. [cheers and applause]
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i love this place, but i need better credit. bad credit? you could just open a new card. but you kinda need... ugh. sfx: [phone buzz] wow, i could build my credit that fast? nice.
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everything you need to outsmart the system. intuit credit karma. when that tostitos hint of lime flavor hits, it changes things. it takes your snack game up a notch. with a tangy, zesty crunch that's ready to dip. tostitos. get to the good stuff. [cheers and applause] >> ronny: welcome back to "the daily show." you know, a lot of people complain that there's no good candidates in this presidential election, but it depends on what you're looking for. if you're looking for a president who can handle his lactose, you got joe biden. if you're looking for a
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president who has only one worm in his brain and it's dead, then there's rfk jr. and if you're looking for the most patriotic candidate, then there's no question who your favorite candidate is: donald trump. now some people would argue that trump does not love america, because he doesn't believe in its ideals and maybe once in a while he tries to overthrow its government or whatever. okay, sure, maybe, but on the other hand, we know trump loves america, because this dude loves hugging american flags. all of them. no matter where he goes, if there's a flag next to him, you can be sure he's going to molest the hell out of it. but if you wish you could love something as much as trump loves the flag, don't worry. there's a new product just for you. >> the american flag: a symbol of freedom. justice, hulkamania, and no one
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loves this goddamn gorgeous flag then president donald j. trump. but now you can come pretty close. introducing the trump love flag. with this star-spangled beauty, you can finally show the flag just how much it means to you. in the privacy of your own home. ♪ ♪ the trump love flag is ready for your ultimate salute and don't worry. it can keep a secret. wet or dry, the trump love flag is ready to serve. and while it should never touch the ground, it can touch everywhere else. ♪ ♪ and if you're a star spattered banner gets sticky for any reason, don't worry. it is dishwasher safe. you can love the flag like he does. the trump love flag can be all yours for just one easy payment
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of $169.99. and the stars and stripes come with their own discrete carrying case for the patriot on the go. so spread her red, wide, and blue. mount her against the wall. introduce her to your parents. act now and get a free vibrating flagpole. the trump love flag. for your rocket's red glare. made in china. [cheers and applause] >> ronny: when we come back, george conway will be joining me on the show. so don't go away. [cheers and applause]
1:42 am
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bounce, it's the sheet. [cheers and applause] >> ronny: welcome back to "the daily show." my guest tonight is a conservative attorney who may be donald trump's biggest critic. please welcome mr. george conway! [cheers and applause] ♪ ♪ standing ovation! standing ovation! you are their hero. in many ways, you are there trump. okay -- [laughs] >> many people say that. >> ronny: man, look, your bona fides impeccable. harvard, yale. you argued in the supreme court. >> okay, stop, that's enough. >> ronny: more important, half asian. >> yes. [cheers and applause] >> ronny: there we go! >> boom. >> ronny: so i don't want to waste anyone's time.
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i really want to pick your brains with this. based on your expert legal opinion, this current trump case, with this guilty verdict, what does this mean going forward? is this going to hold up? >> he's a criminal. [cheers and applause] >> ronny: he's a criminal, for sure. >> times 34. >> ronny: but isn't this up for appeal? >> yeah, it's going to be up for appeal. it's not going to be appealed this year. the appeal will start this year. it can't start until after he is sentenced on july 11th. mark your calendars. [cheers and applause] >> ronny: what are the chances of the appeal -- >> i don't think they really have much on appeal. it wasn't really a hard case at the end of the day. >> ronny: you feel it is pretty open and shut. >> i thought it was open and shut before the verdict came in. i thought -- frankly, a lot of the television coverage was misleading. i think there is a tendency to make everything a horse race and make everything exciting but the fact of the matter is, the case was strong from the beginning and the prosecution actually
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executed perfectly and the defense kind of was a little messed up because they have a problem. >> ronny: and pray tell, what might that be? >> the problem is they have some lunatic telling them what to do. [cheers and applause] >> ronny: who are you referring to? >> there is this guy who was sitting there every day, kind of orangey, and every so often, he would wake up and make a suggestion. these were not good suggestions. >> ronny: [laughs] >> he doesn't really know what he's doing. he thinks he does but he doesn't know what he's doing. >> ronny: the reason i like talking to you about the legal cases because you have a conservative background. not just that, but i always see, from what i have heard and read from you, you always seem to have pretty balanced, reasonable view on this. and that is why when you discuss these cases, you always discuss it from a very legal, analytical point of view.
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so when you say this is open and shut, i trust your opinion more than most people because i feel like you not only understand the law -- >> also the jury agreed. [laughs] so there is that. >> ronny: so that is one of the cases. then there's a few other cases. those other cases, i know most of them probably not -- we are not going to hear about them before the election. >> probably not, although there is an outside shot that the january 6th case that has been brought by the u.s. department of justice and the district, there is an outside chance that trial could start in september or october. i wouldn't necessarily put a lot of money on it but it's possible. it really depends on what the supreme court doesn't next couple weeks. i mean, look, the bottom line is, this is always going to be true in a way that donald trump is going to get beaten at the ballot box and i'm pretty confident he will. [cheers and applause]
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>> ronny: you are confident he will be? >> yeah. >> ronny: well, i mean -- thank you for your optimism. but speaking of breaking at the ballot box, the other thing that is fascinating that i think about your political journey is that you come from that world. your bona fides are -- sorry, you don't come from that world -- [laughter] the world got a little messy. but you are a bona fide conservative republican. i think you worked on the case against bill clinton and you have been a republican most of your adult life, that is fair to say. >> from the time i first voted it in college, until -- >> ronny: in fact, you celebrated when he won the first election. there is documentation of you celebrating. >> and that is being held against me by donald trump himself. for some reason, he knows how to hurt a guy. i don't know. >> ronny: to me, that gives even more credibility to what you are saying in a way. >> thank you. >> ronny: you're from there, you have seen it. i guess the question is, when we
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go back to the ballot box, what would you say to other conservative people, to convince them, hey, maybe there is conservatives that are like, i don't care what he says, he is good for my tax reasons, good for my business, he's tough, what is your argument against that? >> i think there is a large swath of republican trump supporters who are beyond persuasion and i think we kind of have to accept that. i do think there are a number of -- there is a large percentage of people who are uncomfortable with trump and especially uncomfortable his attempt to overthrow the government of the united states and the constitution of the united states. >> ronny: why? [laughter] >> minor stuff like that. i mean, we once believed in law and order and now we have this party that is devoted to lying for a criminal. you know, i think there are a lot of republicans who have deep
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concerns about that, as they should, and i think those concerns are going to come to the fore more as we focus on donald trump more, as people are reminded of the things that he has done, the fact that he has now a convicted felon, that he is an adjudicated rapist, that he attempted to overthrow the constitution of the united states, and he is just downright nuts. he is a narcissistic sociopath. he has narcissistic personality disorder and he is a sociopath. [applause] and what needs to be done is that needs to be talked about openly. it needs to be pointed out, when he is doing things that meet those criteria, and it's got to be pointed out, and it drives him nuts when people do that. and that is the other thing. what you can do is you can have this cycle where you drive him nuts by saying, he is crazy. he acts nuts. then you have more video and say, look at how nuts he is. and that is what has to be done. the other thing that i would recommend to liberals is, don't get mad.
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the people who support trump like when liberals get mad. that is why they like trump. they say, oh, he makes all these people, these snotty liberals mad. it's like, make fun of him. you can make fun of him and mock him the way -- this is what these shows are. >> ronny: you are kind of addressing the whole premise of the show right here. >> i'm in the right place. exactly. >> ronny: that is what we are trying to do. >> you all play an important role. kimmel at the oscars plays an important role. laugh at him. now that doesn't mean you don't appreciate the seriousness of what would happen to this country, which is the other message to the rich people who want their taxes cut. if this guy is elected president, we are going to have civil disorder like you have never seen because he will try to violate every law and people will start objecting, you will see people on the streets, and what that is going to do to the economy is not great. we are going to see capital flow, both human and financial,
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like we have never seen from the united states before. so all of these reasons, i think, i think we are going to be able to explore this between now and november. i think that is the reason why ultimately i think common sense will prevail and this guy will win. but the problem will be, there will be 60, 70, 80 million people who will vote for the guy and we still have to live with those people and we are going to have to deprogram them at some point. >> ronny: well, as always, thank you for your analysis. [applause] thank you for being a reasonable person. i appreciate it. be sure to check out his podcast, "george conway explains it all (to sarah longwell.)" george conway, everybody. we're going to take a quick break, but we'll be right back after this. [cheers and applause] ♪ ♪
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1:56 am
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1:57 am
hey, can you guys... make room for one more? of course! sam adams summer ale. light and citrusy. perfect for summer. marco! polo! i'm adding downy unstopables to my wash. now i'll be smelling fresh all day long. [sniff] still fresh. ♪♪ get 6x longer-lasting freshness, plus odor protection. try for under $5! [cheers and applause] >> ronny: that's our show for tonight. now here it is, your "moment of zen." >> pardon the interruption. emmanuel macron has shifted into english. >> shifted to english. let's hear it. >> the great generation. [speaking in french] >> it is the same word in
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english as it is in french. he's going back and forth. he's going back and forth. i think he is using some - ♪ i'm going down to south park ♪ ♪ gonna have myself a time ♪ both: ♪ friendly faces everywhere ♪ ♪ humble folks without temptation ♪ - ♪ i'm going down to south park ♪ ♪ gonna leave my woes behind ♪ - ♪ ample parking day or night ♪ ♪ people spouting "howdy neighbor" ♪ - ♪ headin' on up to south park ♪ ♪ gonna see if i can't unwind ♪ - ♪ [muffled] ♪ - ♪ come on down to south park ♪ ♪ and meet some friends of mine ♪
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[school bell ringing]
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- oh, boy, it's over! it's over!


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