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tv   The Daily Show  Comedy Central  July 15, 2024 11:00pm-11:35pm PDT

11:00 pm
hey, man. what happened on your sales call? um, am i happy about the way things turned out? well, happy's such an ugly word. but i saw what needed to be done, and i did it. and now i'm thrilled. [chuckling] so it's pretty-- hello? pretty good. [door opens] hey, sport. i heard someone got engaged, you dog, huh? ow! god! oh, nothing can hurt you now. you're a man in love! [door shuts]
11:01 pm
i was there. that dude is not engaged. i'm not a big believer in therapy, but i'll go into my own pockets to cover his co-pay. big idea: double wedding. me, angela. you, holly. no, we would never do that. and if we did, it would be with jim and pam. yeah, we'd never do that. yeah, so there you go. michael, i got my bridesmaid dress. oh, wow. so quickly. yeah. yeah, and you said i could get it in any color i wanted, so i picked white. michael, did you tell your mom yet? nope. nope. not yet. you wouldn't tell your mom? you love your mom. call your mom, michael. i'll call her later. let's call her right now. (all) call her. call her. i don't want to do that. call her. call her. call her. call her. all right, i will call her. she's going to freak out. speakerphone! that's-- [other line ringing] thanks. (woman) hello? mom, i'm gettin' married. no, you're not. why do you always do tha-- whenever i'm getting married, you...don't believe me. well, are you getting married? no.
11:02 pm
[laughter] i'm not. i'm not getting married. so... [chuckles] psych. [cheerful music] ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ so i returned my bridesmaid dress, and it was on sale, so i'm out $100. and i'm out a fiancee. those are customer surveys?yeah. um, this is all of them. jim, dwight, phyllis, stanley, andy... and, oh... oh, it's the receipt to my bridesmaid dress. what's that doing there? i'll take care of that for you. thanks. (michael) kelly kapoor
11:03 pm
is our dusky, exotic customer service rep. and once a year she will contact our clients and find out how happy they are with our salespeople. sort of a kapoor's list. schindler's list parody. that's not appropriate. no. those reports affect our bonuses. which is kind of great for me because, you wouldn't know from looking at her, but pam's a gold digger. (pam on speaker) hey, new york ain't free. now get back to work. ah. it's the world's tiniest bluetooth. i found it in a japanese gadget store in the village. i got one for jim too. jim, say something. (jim on speaker) testing, testing. hello, everybody. we wanted to stay on the phone all day, but the company has a policy against eight-hour personal calls. so we're not telling anyone. uh, pam, what do you want in your coffee? [pam and jim together] sprinkle of cinnamon. i should go. all righty, dwighty, let's see how you did. nooo... bring it on. sorry.
11:04 pm
wwhat does it say? dwight, your feedback is horrible. that's impossible. a number of your clients found your personal style abrasive and distasteful? no, no, no, no, no.ll more paper than anyone. wait, is this a joke? i'm getting that queasy feeling that sometimes accompanies jokes. do i look like i am joking? no, but that's sometimes part of it. if i were joking, you'd be laughing. do you look like you are laughing? impossible to say. i can't see myself. you're not. yo, tommy tuna, you get your scores yet? i got mine. they were really good. i miss him. you must be really proud. yeah, pretty psyched. whoa! that's my mug. oh...sorry. it was just-- it was right here. right, well, it's mine, so, if you could pour it out and get another one. okay. or maybe i could finish the coffee in here, mm-mm. and you can use... oh, snoopy. he's funny. don't give up snoopy. that's mine. that is a great mug.
11:05 pm
but it's not my mug. that is my mug. so...give it back. how can you even be sure? it has my face on it. make the face. no, i don't see it. dude, that is my face. [slams book] (pam, whispering) what was that? wow. that was dwight. he seems upset about something. describe him exactly. what color mustard is his shirt? yellow or dijon? it is more of a spicy brown, actually. what are you mumbling about? how was your meeting with michael? none of your business. was it your scores? those can't be my scores, jim. for your information... mm-hmm. i'm being sabotaged. of course. and i'm gonna find that person and punish them. or you could just be nice to your customers. you're an idiot. there's the charm. jimbo, let's do this thang. that is me. wish me luck. no way. (pam) good luck. thanks. i didn't say anything. (pam) i love you. i love you too. what do you think i am saying to you?! not talking to you.
11:06 pm
i've caught jim talking to himself several times today. what a loser. get a friend, loser! yeah, i'm looking at it right now. it's really gorgeous. you guys do great work. i found the best "tentist" on the east coast. he personally tented giuliani's first and third weddings. and i got him. i got him! would you be able to do the same design, but with walls of gray? and a top that's gray too? fabulous. oh, come on. (jim) what? you too? did my scores drop a little? jim, they are a poopy. [clears throat] [beep] jim? jim? are we even sure that's my file? no. yes, i am sure, jim. it-- well, there's gotta be an explanation. i agree. yeah. so let's see what we can find out from reading.
11:07 pm
"jim halpert is smudge and arrogant." i think you mean "smug." arrogance. michael, i'm just trying to-- and there's our smudgeness. i need a decent bonus because i'm actually in the process of buying my parents' house... so that they can retire. and if history tells us anything, it's that you can't go wrong buying a house you can't afford. pam doesn't know about the house, so... fun surprise. [beep] pam. sorry about that. i lost you for a second. so as it turns out, i may not have done so hot on my customer reviews this year. maybe it's because you spent the whole year flirting with the receptionist. a little bit. worth it.
11:08 pm
hey, can you guys... make room for one more? of course! sam adams summer ale. light and citrusy. perfect for summer. marco! polo! when the sawdust settles and the engine roars the thing you care about is a job well done. but when you get your tools from harbor freight something about the job feels different - your wallet. whatever you do, do it for less, at harbor freight. ♪♪
11:09 pm
11:10 pm
i am going to have here's whato fix you. manage you two on a more personal scale. a--a more micro form of management. jim, what is that called? microgement. boom. yes! now, jim is going to be the client. dwight, you're going to have to sell to him without being aggressive, hostile, or difficult. let's go. all right, fine. [clears throat] bbbrrrrring. bbrriing. hello. hello, this is dwight schrute from the dunder mifflin paper company. wow, that's great 'cause i need paper. excellent, then you are in luck because we are having a limited-time offer only on everything. wow, this is my lucky day. [whispering] ask him his name.
11:11 pm
what is your name, sir? i am bill buttlicker. really? that's your real name? how dare you? my family built this country, by the way! be respectful, dwight. yes, michael. would you hold on one second? that's my other line. what? no--but i-- hello. [chuckles] yeah. no, i'm just on the phone with this stupid salesman. he's so dumb. i'm probably just gonna keep him on the line forever and not buy anything. yeah, okay. it's up to you to change his mind. sorry. that was a family emergency. oh, no. what's wrong? you know what, that's private. boundaries, dwight. come on! i'm sorry, mr. buttlicker. as i was saying, we're having a limited-- sorry, you're gonna have to speak up a little bit louder. i'm hard of hearing. he's hard of-- he's an old man, let's go. okay, as i was saying, right now we are having-- you're gonna have to talk louder. okay, our prices have never been lower. son, you have to talk louder. [loudly] never been lower. louder, son! [shouting] buttlicker, our prices have never been lower! stop it! stop it! he-- [whispering] that is totally inappropriate. you never yell at the client. you never yell at the client. now, you listen to me, sir.
11:12 pm
here we go. the three words i would describe you as is aggressive, hostile, and definitely difficult. please, mr. buttlicker. i'm irate right now! give me the phone. please give me another chance. mr. buttlicker-- give me the phone. i have to put you on with my boss. well, i should hope so. who is this? hello, this is michael scott, regional manager. well, this is william m. buttlicker. hello, mr. buttlicker. how may we help you? michael, i like the sound of your voice. you know what i'm gonna do? i'm gonna buy $1 million worth of paper products today. [hoarse whisper] yeah! see how it's done? thank you very much, sir. i don't think you'll regret it. see what i did? you are the master. there is one condition, michael. yes? you have to fire the salesman that treated me so terribly. don't do it, michael. [whispering] so it's called the shangri-la tent. it's two stories, heated, and it has a bridal suite for my bridal sweet. it's just really simple. really tasteful. i don't want to be married in a tent like a hobo. hobos live in trains.
11:13 pm
nana mimi can't be in canvas that long. well, nana...mim-- okay, look... this tent is awesome. and it's in high demand, so i really think we should put a deposit down now. okay, fine. you can have your tent, but only if it's in a field. a hand-plowed field. done, and done-er. there has to be a barn that's old enough that you can see the stars through the roof slats when you lay on your back. and antique tools to look at when you roll over. do you have a specific place in mind? no. but anything within a five to eight-mile radius is acceptable. on it! dwight. dwight. [tires screech] get in. are you serious? get in! okay, what are you-- shh!
11:14 pm
[radio blares j. geils band's centerfold] [audio through bluetooth] ♪ angel is a centerfold ♪ they might be listening to us. what's that? they might be listening to us! who's "they"? customer service might be monitoring this conversation. in this car? you never know. better safe than sorry. [radio off] what are you thinking of? who stands to benefit from our downfall? the mob? maybe nasa. could be the mob. but then dunder mifflin would need to be a front for money laundering, and there's little evidence of that. is there some evidence? (pam on bluetooth) ooh, cute shoes online. how many shoes do you need? i don't know. two? maybe three, if one wears out. how many shoes do you need? i'm not talking to you. who are you talking to? pam. she's not here, jim! no, she's not. [humming centerfold] ♪ ♪ yes! i found it. i found the perfect place. a local bed and breakfast on a 60-acre beet farm. and even better, i have an in with the owner. oh, yeah, we work together.
11:15 pm
it's dwight schrute. as in schrute farms. (man on phone) so i'd like to re-double my order. if you could put me down for, um-- wait. shut up. i'm sorry? shh! do you hear that? hear what? breathing. is that you? well, i am breathing, yes. well, stop. hold your breath. i still hear it. who's there? kelly, is that you? hold on. (man) i need paper. hyah! aah! oh, my god, you scared me! hear anything interesting? what are you talking about? oh, i think you know. you always say that, and i almost never know. what are you up to, girl? huh? phyllis put you up to this? stanley? are they paying you? are you accusing me of something? of course i am. i know you're the mastermind. but you're too stupid to do it by yourself. okay... oh! easy. okay. let's head back to the desk. you just can't come into my nook and call me stupid. and maybe it you were a little bit more nice and polite, then people wouldn't give you such bad customer reviews.
11:16 pm
okay, the reason that i got bad customer reviews is because i didn't! there is a massive conspiracy going on here, and i know you're involved. dwight, get out of my nook! that's what she said! that's what she said! that's what she said! good one. [ navigation ] stay straight for the next 200 miles. ♪ hey, come on, come on ♪ ♪ do what you want ♪ ♪ what could go wrong? ♪ ♪ come on, come on, come on ♪ ♪ come on ♪ ♪ do what you want ♪ get into an audi and go your own way. ♪ do what you want, yeah ♪ ♪ come on ♪ find your way to exceptional offers during the summer of audi sales event at your local audi dealer.
11:17 pm
finding the right home for us was tough, but our agent joe just got our needs. - hey joe! - hey! he even clued us in on a local secret, a well hidden dog p-a-r-k.
11:18 pm
how'd they get so much flavor in these skittles littles? 'twas i who shrunk the skittles and packed them with a rush of flavor! did you accidentally shrink yourself too? yeah. huh. shrink the rainbow! taste the rainbow! ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ dsg family clothing and gear priced to win. only at dicks
11:19 pm
(vo) hi, we're visible. get set to travel this summer with a wireless plano win. that will keep you connected on the go. all on a one-line plan with unlimited 5g data and hotspot for just twenty-five bucks a month. from vacation to staycation, travel like a champion when you switch at visible dot com.
11:20 pm
that salt could've ended up in a half-empty box in a half-empty pantry. but now, it's lucky enough to find itself circling a crisp, refreshing, dressed dos equis. congratulations, salt. it's ten dollars tuesdays at kfc. every tuesday, grab 8 pieces of hot, juicy kentucky fried chicken for just ten bucks. son of a bucket, that's a good deal. get a taste of ten dollar tuesday. only at kfc. hey. sorry about dwight, by the way. yeah, he's weird. well, we all handle it differently. i personally choose to handle it like a normal person, but... okay. hey, how are you and darryl? um, we're cool. bye. bye. (pam) that was weird. what was? have you ever had a conversation with kelly where she didn't go on for 15 minutes without taking a breath?
11:21 pm
(jim) no, actually. did you do something to her? i don't think so. (pam) well, something's off. hey, how's things? all right. livin' in the moment. yeah? do you have any reason to believe that kelly would be mad at me? oh, i don't play the politics game anymore, jim. can i tell you something? [clears throat] i played it full-on in new york. mm-hmm. i played it high stakes. for keeps. made it to the top. but look what it cost. can i tell you what else i learned? wait, that's pretty weird. what? andy has a mug just like that. oh, yeah, kelly gave them out as party favors. remember? you got one. no. what party? her america's got talent finale party over the summer. that's crazy. it was packed. i thought everyone was there. you were there. i remember you being there. i wasn't, but thank you. hey, do you know anything about this party? yes, i said you definitely should go, but you wanted to visit me instead. i can't be the only one who didn't...
11:22 pm
dwight... let me see your coffee cup. no! is that it? no. why? no. okay, i'm gonna assume that was it. here's the thing. i think you're right. i think it was kelly. i think she's mad at us for not coming to her party. oh, man, i knew it. who are her co-conspirators? probably just kelly. obviously. i knew it. that's what i'm saying. yeah. what? you were right. i was-- i was right. you were right. i was right. you knew it. i knew it. you knew it the whole time, buddy. i knew it the whole time, buddy! wow! (dwight) yeah! whoo-hoo! right, dwight is loud. (dwight) yeah! i knew it! yeah! ha ha! whoo! boom! kelly the whole time! let's get her. no, no, no, no. dwight, dwight, dwight, let's talk about this. what's going on? why don't you tell us. nothing's going on. let me paint you a picture.
11:23 pm
a little girl from southern india, who, despite being welcomed into this country, will now spend the rest of her life in prison for a crime she did commit. dwight, i was informed by these gentlemen that the reports that you filed may not entirely be accurate. what? i-- i don't know what you're talking about. this is the first that i'm hearing about this. oh, come on! you juked the stats, cupcake. we called about a dozen customers, and they all said that they gave us great marks. (michael) what's going on? i love your tie, michael. oh... kelly. i was raped. you cannot say "i was raped" and expect all your problems to go away, kelly. not again. don't keep doing that. i'll give you one last chance to come clean. just tell me what happened. okay, all right. okay, i did it, all right? i lied, whatever. just fire me. but you know what? i did it because you guys didn't come to my party, and you said you would try to, and then you didn't even show up, and so you're bad friends. we have our confession.
11:24 pm
i'm calling security... don't, don't! get away from that, dwight, please. you know what, she's got a point about you too. you do have a problem dealing with people. see? i wasn't lying. you were lying. i was lying. yes. jim, dwight, please excuse us. but i want to be here when you fire her ass. i will call you when it is time. [door shuts] i have an enormous amount of trouble trying to get people to come to my place. and i hate it. i can't tell you how much leftover guacamole i have ended up eating over the years. i don't even know why i make it in such great quantities. here's what we're gonna do. we are going to sit here for a while, make it look good. and maybe you should cry. can you make yourself cry? no problem. i think you should do that. [crying loudly]
11:25 pm
[laughing] [both laughing] pam beesly? hey. what are you doing here? who's that? it's alex. it's pam. i came to kidnap you. there's free wine and cheese at the chuck close retrospective--let's go. oh, that's gonna be great. who's chuck close? oh, i love chuck close and his photo-realist paintings. (pam) but i have to work. uh, well, actually there's something else i'd love to talk to you about. um, can we go somewhere else to talk about it? okay. that's it, i want to talk to this guy. put me in his ear. um... what's up? i'm gonna take a big leap. and i want to tell you that i think that you should not move back to scranton. wow. i'm gonna make a bigger leap here. he is into you.
11:26 pm
why did you come to new york in the first place? because they have a great design program, and i wanted to see if i was any good at it. and i wanted to work on my art too. right. and that's why i think you should stay here. 'cause, i mean, you--really, you just got here, you know? and you can't do new york in three months. you know, it has everything. all the opportunity is here. all the--the whole art scene is in new york. you know, it would be nuts to go back to scranton without getting to fully experience it. jim's in scranton. i know, but all i'm saying is, if there's even a teeny tiny part of you that really wants to be an artist, then i think you should stay here. and look back and wonder what could have been.s and that is the end of my speech. i planned it all. anyway... [pam laughs] i will see you tomorrow. i'll see you tomorrow. okay.
11:27 pm
is that the matsuhashi b400? the world's tiniest bluetooth. may i? don't. do you guys think we come here too much? ♪ your cousin from boston ♪ summer ale! octoberfest! winter lager! cold snap! nah! it's sam season
11:28 pm
11:29 pm
welcome to the credit karmaverse. here we monitor your finances and alert you to changes big and small, so you can enjoy less stress and more piece of mind. simply scan your screen to experience intuit credit karma for yourself. with boneless wings this good, it makes no sense to still be a boneless denier. popeyes new boneless wings are tender, juicy, and made with all white meat. oh, you'll believe. we don't make sense. we make chicken. ♪ love that chicken from popeyes. ♪ to test the toughness of the three-row kia sorento x-pro and the kia sorento turbo-hybrid... we recreated some of the wettest springs, hottest summers... ♪♪ windiest falls... ♪♪ and coldest winters. ♪♪ all on one track. to prove these three-row suvs were built for the unstoppable. kia. movement that inspires.
11:30 pm
kia. congrno, we haven't decided on anything yet. we're still reviewing some options, and it's gonna come down to the numbers. well, then, why don't you look over some of our materials? (andy) oh...hmm... (dwight) while i describe to you the excalibur package. in addition to the breathtaking natural beauty and smell of schrute farms, i can promise you that our grounds can be catered to fit your exact specifications. i will work tirelessly for you over the coming months, and be at your constant disposal. please feel free to call or stop by any time of the day or night. that's very generous. well, you, my good friend. have nothing more to worry about. this wedding is officially out of your hands. oh, thank the good lord. deal! okay. um, what are we talking, price wise? you already said deal. pay him whatever he wants. can't argue with that. dwight...
11:31 pm
you are gonna make us so happy. captioning by dave l. at captionmax - ♪ mtv ♪ [rock music] ♪ ♪ - welcome, fellow human beings, to my meditation class, mm-kay, whether you're a meditation expert or just here as a school-mandated alternative to detention. - this sucks. - yeah, really. can we just go to detention? - now, everyone, concentrate on your mantra, mm-kay? om. students: om. - uh. - um. - very good, beavis and butt-head, very good.
11:32 pm
now, try to empty your minds of all thought. - uh. - uh, what? - it sounds easy, but some say only the buddha himself was able to completely empty his mind and achieve enlightenment. now, let's begin while i set the mood with these tibetan singing bowls i bought at cost plus world market. [bowl ringing] - okay, clear your mind. clear your mind. - don't think. wait, where did i park? - uh. - huh. hmm. - adam just doesn't get me. - no thoughts. wait, that is a thought. [ringing continues]
11:33 pm
[ethereal music] - huh? - uh, whoa. i think we, like, left our bodies or something. - oh. cool. my body sucked. - yeah, mine too. it never scored. [chuckles] - um, where are we going? [chuckles] - uh, i don't care. - lil nas x, i sentence you to five years in montero state prison. [gavel bangs] [dramatic music] - daytrip took it to ten. ♪ baby back, ay ♪ ♪ couple racks, ay ♪ [beavis] whoa. you think he smuggled those grammys in inside his butt? [snickers] - uh, yeah. that's why he's cleaning 'em off. everything in prison comes in through your butt.
11:34 pm
see that guy right there? he's about to pull a little league trophy out of his butt. [chuckles] - oh, yeah, yeah. yeah, nowadays everyone gets a trophy, you know? [snickers] - yeah. good for your self-esteem. bad for your butt. [chuckles] [both laugh] - ♪ i told you long ago ♪ [beavis] whoa, do those guys have schlongs? - uh, i think so. they're just using, like, special effects to "pixtelate" them out. [chuckles] - oh, that was nice of them, yeah. [chuckles] whoa. boy, i wouldn't want to be, like, grinding around on the floor like that, you know, 'cause... you know how people always pee and poop in the shower, you know? - i mean, like, i pee in the shower, but i don't poop. - what, you don't? yeah, you know what i'm talking about, butt-head. everyone does it, you know?
11:35 pm
just like, you poop in the shower, and then you mash it down with your foot into that drain thing, and then you go wash your foot off in the toilet, you know. - uh, no, i don't know, beavis. - boy, you're weird, butt-head. i think everybody does that. i don't know. i mean, that's what i do. [chuckles] - uh, beavis, i'm gonna pretend i didn't hear any of this. now, let's go back to watching these naked dudes dance. [laughs] - is he, like, working at t-mobile now? - uh, i think you have to work at t-mobile when you're in prison. - oh. oh, that sucks. i thought you just get to, like, sit around and watch tv all the time. you have to work at t-mobile? that's, like, inhumane or something. [chuckles] ♪ ♪ - this video is, like, really groundbreaking 'cause, like, jack harlow's not in it. [laughs] uh.


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