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tv   Washington Journal Open Phones  CSPAN  November 27, 2023 2:05pm-3:00pm EST

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additional $50,000. fray, january 19, 2024.e is for information visit our website at >> a healthy democracy doesn't just look like this. it looks like this. where americans can see democracy at work. were citizens are truly informed. a republic strives. get informed straight from the source on c-span. unfiltered, unbiased, word for word. from the nation's capital to wherever you are. because the opinion that matters the most is your own. this is what democracy looks like. c-span, powered by cable. >> the senate returns later today at 3 p.m. eastern. debate continues on the nomination minnesota court of appeals judge to be a u.s. district court judge for
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minnesota with a 5:30 p.m. vote scheduled to advance his nomination. it confirmed he will become the states first latino federal judge. later senators will consider the nomination of former florida democrat state senator to be assistant labor secretary for employment and training. watch live coverage of the senate on c-span2, and reminder you can watch all of our congressional comes with our free video app c-span now or online at >> i very good monday morning to you. go ahead and start calling in now. this is a headline from today's "washington times." polls show a record high gun ownership among u.s. voters. more than half of american voters 52% say they or someone in your household owns a gun if that's a high specific in history of theol nbc news poll that dates back to 1999. it is a 6% spike from 2019 when americans answered the same
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question and a 10% rise from 2013. the poll also divides among political party lines the story notes in the survey 66% of gop voters say that they own a firearm while 45% of independence and 41% of democrats gave that same response. that's this morning's "washington times." in terms of why people own a firearm, a a pew research sury from over the summer took up that question in that survey. q pew report found your three-quarters of u.s. gun owners say, site protection is a major reason, 72% according to the survey. 32% of gun owners say a major reason is for hunting. 30% said it's for sports shooting. 50 say is part of a gun collection and 7% say they own a firearm for their job. we're asking you why you own a
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firearm. if you're one of those more than half of america to live in a household where somebody does own a firearm, 202-748-8000 if you're in eastern/central time zone it's 202-748-8001. 202-748-8001. for those in the mental pacific region, and if you bought a gun recently in the past year if you've been through this process would we want to hear from you about that. 202-748-8002 is that number. already comments from folks on facebook when we posted this question just before the proam today. on why they own a firearm. is jessica righty then she owns a farmecause the work i chaotic and i am proud exercise my constitutional right to defend myself and my family and my home and anyone that may need help. mcgill saying he owns a firearm for protection, hunting and shooting. is saying she owns a farm because it's her patriotic duty. this fromtr shelley say i don't
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need a reason to exercise my d-given constitutional right. and i live it takes 911 an hour to get help your and i'm playing victim to some of the answers from facebook this morning. were asking for your posts on social media, on facebook and twitter and also view to call in. phone line split regionally and especially for those who bought a gun in the past year. in terms of the process of obtaining a a compass also frm that same pew research center report. a majority of americans 61% say it's too easily, too easy to illegally obtain a again in te tourney. e 30% say the ease of illegally obtain again is just about right. right. 9% say it's too hard. the pew research center poll found 50% say gun laws should be stricter than they are today. 26% think they're about there about right while 50% favor less strict gun laws. -- 15% favor less. that abc news poll about the
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number of american households where there is a gun, that in just the past week. we are asking you to call this morning. a regional phone lines and phone line for those who obtained a firearm the past year. jerry is up first out of kansas. jerry good morning to you. >> caller: good morning. how are you? >> and what do you own a firearm and if so why? >> caller: i do own? a firearm and this is simplistic and to come because i'm an american. >> host: how long have you had your gun? how many firearms do you have in your household? >> caller: i onlyha have one and is owned a gun since i was about 15 and 6010 but is at same firearm? >> caller: no, no. depends on what i'm doing with the gun but i only own one at a time period sometimes i use it
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for going on dear honey. sometimes that for target practice source which on what my flavor and my usage is for that [inaudible conversations] think the process of obtaining a firearm in this country is about right, is it too hard to buy a gun? is it too easy to purchase a firearm? >> caller: well, depends on i think on where you live. where i live it's about right. some areas it's a lot easier depending on who you are buying the gun from and things like that. where i live it's just about right, in my opinion. >> host: where do you live in kansas and what makes it about right for your part of kansas, jerry? >> caller: yeah, i live in, how do i h describe the? somewhat in the north eastern side. and what i feel makes it right
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is that there's certain laws to owning a gun and most people around wherend i live are not major criminals or anything like that. a lot of people who don't have felt needs and things like that. so it makes them about the average person makes people go out and buy again if the jews and not by a gun if they choose to. >> host: thanks for the call. allen is in brooklyn, alvin a gun owner in brooklyn. how easy or hard was it to obtain a gun where you are in new york city traffic first to clarify i am out and from brooklyn i'm visiting my mother in florida right now and apply to reach your program. i'm glad to discussing this question terms of guns and firearms. because firearms include other kinds of explosives, things that consume oxygen and in it carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.e. and virtually everyone in the country is a user of firearms in
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that sense that everything that we use that burns carbon is emitted into the atmosphere and is killing species and people and climate. and i think we ought to consider the fact that -- hello? [inaudible conversations] alvin, we are drilling down on guns i guess were specifically. try to begin to some kind of conversation that includes in this discussion about the harm we do to include not only guns that arere historically intended to do harm to others, but the harm from combustion devices such as cars or anything else we use because we don't yet have the options to put in place to stop it. my reason for using all kinds of carbon emitting devices that d o harm to the mr. and others right now is that we haven't gotten far enough in terms of financing
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and transition to get off of those things. but it do consider myself as guilty of doing harm to the climate as long as i can't get off of carbon emitting devices. >> host: got your point on that. do you own a gun specifically, alan? just to bring back to guns. >> caller: i own firearms and terms of air hybrid car that haa cycle that burnstr electric filt right out of the electric charge and how set of blue that emits a lot of carbon and -- >> host: got your point. shortly topic for another day but we will drill down on gun ownership in this country. edward is waiting in ohio. good morning. are you with us? >> caller: yes. >> host: you are a gun owner. how many guns do you own? >> caller: several. >> host: why do you own your guns? >> caller: i use it mainly forer target practice. i've had a weapon when i was in the marine corps, and i choose
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to have a weapon for home defense. >> host: why do you feel like you need several, edward, for people who are not gun owners? >> caller: well, i like guns. i've owned several rifles and pistols and i shoot with my son. i i taught him how to shoot safy when he was five. >> host: do you think it's too easy or too hard to purchase a a gun in this country? >> caller: i think it's toohi easy. there's not enough background checks. >> host: said you would like to see see a universal backd check system in l place, edward? >> caller: and more thorough background check. >> host: what should we be looking for? >> caller: any kind of abnormality, either mentally or physically, any kind of stress that somebody might be under at the time they purchase. there should be some kind of questionnaire besides just a couple of yes and no answers.
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>> host: whatha do you think of those red flag laws, the ability to take a firearm away from somebody if a court deems that they could be a danger to themselves or others? >> caller: if you've ever been convicted of domestic violence and you show anger or animosity to a greater extent than what's normal, i think you should be looked ate very closely. >> host: and have your guns taken away? >> caller: yes, definitely. >> host: that's edward in ohio this morning onin gun laws in ts country changes. this from the "new york times" from just the past week. courts strike gun control measures in two states. the story noted in the wake of the landmark u.s. supreme court decision last year that significantly limits with the government can do to restrict guns. states led by democrats have scrambled to circumvent or test the limits of that building. if you have approved new gun
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restrictions, oregon even passed a ballot initiative to the high-capacity ammunition magazines but this past week supporters of the new gun measures suffered apparent setbacks, i describe the rippling effect of the supreme court's decision. on tuesday a three-judge panel in u.s. court of appeals for the fourth circuitou in richmond, virginia, ruled that a tinge of maryland law relating to licensing requirements for handguns was unconstitutional. on the same day last week a state judge in southeastern oregon concluded that a ballot initiative approved by voters in 2022 that would prohibit high-capacity magazines and require background checks and training to obtain can permit, that that violated the state constitution. that story in your time schedule and and treat or you might thehe het heard about last week. asking you about gun ownership. we are talking to get owners about why you own a gun, how many guns you have come out easy or hard was it to obtain a firearm. if you're in eastern and central time zone, 202-748-8000.
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if you're in a mountain or pacific region 202-748-8001. and then if you bought a gun recently in the past year we want to about that process, 202-748-8002 202-748-8002. steve san jose, california, good morning. >> caller: good morning, what kind of firearm theinin own? >> caller: well, i'm probably the only one on your program today that has sold all of their guns. i had about 17, and i sold about half of them, and half of them i gave away, along with about 20,000 rounds of ammunition. i had a lot of fun with them. i did a lot of squirrel hunting, and what caused me to sell the guns was that i'm just getting
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too old to shoot. i was 71 and poor eyesight, and the mayor of san jose is going to require, he's trying to require insurance, and i'm on a limited budget. and let me tell you a real quick story. when i was 11 and in san jose, that's in the bay area here, when i was 11, i took a 22 rifle to school for show and tell. >> host: what did the teacher say at the time? >> caller: there was a different attitude about it. he didn't say anything. the kids found it interesting, and there wasn't the outrage
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that there is now for some things that go on in society. but that's how times have changed. >> host: on the, you made earlier, you feel like you're too old to shoot. do you think that that's something that more americans should recognize, that there is an age limit to owning a firearm? >> caller: in my case, in my case i was having diminished eyesight. and all of myt rifles, had a lot of calibers, a lot of different calibers. i didve not have an automatic. i think they should be outlawed. they are justic strictly designd for military and crowd control. there is no usage for an automatic.
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the 223 caliber is illegal in most states for dear. you would want to shoot a deer anyway. it would destroy it with the two to three. it destroys too much meat. but can answer any more of your questions? trundle the last question on some states trying to better high-capacity magazines. your thoughts on the need for magazines that hold more than ten or 12 rounds. >> caller: they definitely i believe should be you do not want to have a magazine that has more capacity than a cop. you always wantt a cop to have more bullets than the bad guy. and if you can't do anything, if you get hit an animal with ten shots, you need to go back to
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the firing range, thanks for the call from san jose this morning talking to gun owners in america this morning about why you own your weapon and what to do with it. this is a letter in mississippi. good morning. >> caller: hello? >> host: go ahead. >> caller: i have one gun, rifle. i use it for mainly just i bought it for hunting and i don't even hunt. i just bought it years ago. that's all i have. >> host: you don't hunt, , so why keep it, larry? >> caller: it's a collector and i'm going to give it to my grandson one day. >> host: what do you think about gun laws inws this countr, larry? >> caller: i think sometimes they can be improved. i believe the reason i think that young men are destroying people because they're hurtingpl inside because they don't have family life, and to look at people that have nice families and they get good things. i think they are just hurting inside. i think the children are not
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being taken care of and they feel like they've been abuse comes i think they're taking their frustrations out on the public. i think that's what the whole thing is. >> host: and that's what's leading to these mass shootings that keep happening,ha larry? >> caller: yes, sir. i think children hurting inside because they don't have theti he life. they don't have a structure and like i was raised with good parent and went to a catholic school and was taught well by the nuns and the priests. i just think these children hurting because they don't have any structure. i had nice things. my parents did everything for us. i think that's what is wrong with the children is they don't have stability in their life. >> host: when you say gun laws could be improved, do you have a sense of how? >> caller: may be put restrictions on, make sure akron check a real good, if someone has done a felony or anything likee that, i think, i think ty
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need to dig deeper into what they are selling, whom they are selling to, , and to research tt person individually. if someone has some something wrong they shouldn't bewr able o handle a gun. >> host: thanks for the call from mississippi. on the issue of mass shootings in this country, it was president biden the travel to lewiston, maine, early this month to discuss that mass shooting to talk about the mass shooting in america. this is some of what the the president had to say back on november 3. >> i've been at this a long time period i know consensus is possible. it's about common sense, reasonable, responsible measures to protect our children, our communities our because regardless of our politics, this is about protecting our freedom, go to a bowling alley, a restaurant, school,nt the church, without
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being shot and killed. let me close with this. scripture says the lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit. saves the crushed in spirit. our prayer is that the crushed and spirit survive this will rapidly than otherwise. as we gather here today we know your hearts are broken. because, but we also know your spirit are strong. the way this community has come together, the way this state has come together has been in marvel with the rest of the country. >> host: that was president biden back on november 3. and then onees of the clip from the response to the lewiston shooting. this is speaker mike johnson
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shortly after the shooting on fox news talking about this issue in america. >> god be with a law enforcement officers that handling the situation in maine. our prayers have been with the families of the tragic. everyone here in the house was down internet all day and it's really something. just address that at the front. we would be remiss if we didn't mention it. >> already though you are immersed in democrats. this happens with almost every shooting. the media called by the left in this country, we need more gun laws, we need more legislation. what you have to do that? >> the end of the day the problem is the human heart. it's not guns. it's not the weapons. at the end of the day went to protect the right of the citizens to protect themselves and that's at the second amendment and that's why our party stands strongly for that. i agree with the comments of your guests there. this is not the time to be taught about legislation. we were in the middle of that crisis right now but it what you do not looking to get to know that all the memory of the house here to the concerned about the
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families involved and 81. we prefer the law enforcement officers that are doing that our job tonight. most people do not have the bravery to do. >> you talk about the human heart, some of once to kill innocent people, there's a lot of ways they can do it now. beyond using a gun. i'm sure this will become a bigger issue throughout the day moving forward. is there any come any specific gun law that you would look at or any new legislation you would look at? >> i've been on the jump 48 hours. we willee see. there would be lots the discussionts as are our absence heartbreaking tragedies but your points well taken. in europe and in other places they used vehicles to motown crowd at parades. they done it in the united states. it's that the weapon, it's the underlying problem. i believe we have to address the root problems of these things and mental health obviously as in this case is a big issue and we've got too seriously address that as the site and as a government and the plots of measures pending on that as well.
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>> host: speaker mike johnson on fox news at the end of last month after thehe lewiston shooting. asking you this morning about gun ownership in this country. that new survey showed more than half of americans live in a household summary of the firearm. talking to gun owners only about why you on your firearm, the process of obtaining a firearm. special linem. for those who purchased a firearm in the past 12 months children is on that line in bakersfield, california. good morning. >> caller: good morning. how are you doing? >> host: doing well. the process of adding a firearm, what did you get and how was that process for you? >> caller: it was pretty easy f for me because i'm retired army that and i've never broken any law. and i own a 12 gauge shotgun and a handgun. strictly for home defense. i'm a pretty much a big believer in the second amendment, but i
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don't like i think aden medic weapons like rifles and weapons of been jews in those of the shooting should be banned. >> host: why is that, shelton? because you don't think they are useful for home protection? >> caller: they are okay, so i went to iraq twice and carried and him for both times. these weapons are designed to kill vast numbers, a a mass nr of people. why would you own an ar-15 come from what? and please right now are outgun in most places. i think that only law enforcement should've . that's what i believe. >> host: so handguns, shotguns. how do you do this with rifles? you are just banning the ar-15 style of rifle or is it also meant automatic rifles? >> caller: i just don't like the ar-15 style of rifle.
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so any ar-15 i have a problem. why do you have an ar-15? for what? someone would you talk to other gun owners, you talk to those of ar-15s, what do they say to you? >> caller: they say it's a direct in which i guess either the in america it is. but i just feel bad for people that have been victims of these shootings, and i feel bad for the families and like nobody wants to do anything about it. so io don't know what else to . but i am going to protect my family. >> host: thanks for the call from akers field. this is randy in louisiana. good morning. you are next. >> caller: yes, i am a gun owner. i own i shotgun where i like to shoot skeet. i do have a pistol, a semiautomatic 40 caliber pistol.
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and well, it's my right to have that. i am a law-abiding citizen, and i don't like being lumped in with all the criminals out there. i don't like that. >> host: how do you feel like you're being lumped in, randy? >> caller: i think randy hung up. this is ted out of hawaii up very early display. ted, go ahead. [inaudible] glad to hear your show. i've been a gun owner for over 60 years, since the '60s when i was a teenager. and i only own like a three shot clip. i'm in the middle of getting a pistol. i just turned 70 and don't feel like -- i live in a very rural area. it takes me six to seven hours to drive into costco to get a prescription so i went out there. there. it would take a cop an hour or two to get, and it's, adhere,
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takes a long time period so that's why a gun is necessary, because it is literally the wild west out in terms of we have no protection. you protect yourself or you arei gone. and there's a lot of meth drug users out there that are somewhat i call insane but again withed guns you don't need high-capacity magazines. if you have taken gun lessons and go out, if you can't hit something with two shots, you shouldn't own a gun. you don't need high-capacity weapons. anybody that has guns are a lot of years knows that you only need one or two shots. and i've shut takes aji. there are thousands of pics in hawaii that are trying to eradicate and i shot pics, but one or two shots does, even from two, three, 400 feet away. in any case, i'm in the middle of -- in a process before it is yet to take a 600 questions. you have to go to the dl and our intake it doesn't get over 80% on the test, which is really
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easy because their real simple questions. and then you got to take that weeks and weeks and weeks for certificate to come from the dl and are in the next take that to the police station and presented to them. they doot know the background check on you and takes weeks and weeks to get that done. then you can get a certificate and you can get your weapon. it's a long process. it's several months. so if that was enacted in other places it would i'm sure help. >> host: say don't think it's too long of a process, you think it is appropriate? >> caller: it is a long process but i'm willing to go through it. i'm not ing the big rush. i think if everybody had a process like that in all states, it would really cut down on all the problems we see in the country. and nobody needs an ar-15. i think a good pistol and a good three shot old-fashioned bold action clip that they had in world war ii is more than adequate, if you know how to shoot.
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>> host: so semiautomatic rifles is that something we need? >> caller: no, not at all. i have friendsve that have been. they have ar-15s and they say that you really like them. they are just, they are so interesting but i go well, in day and age, even though i'm way out in the middle of nowhere, it takes hours and hours to drive anywhere, , and there's no polie protection out here. so we have to protect ourselves. that's the only reason i really want a gun is to protect myself. i've always felt that way. even though i do hunt and he used to. i don't anymore. i would rather by my meat. >> host: thanks for the call. what time is it in hawaii? >> caller: it is 2:30 a.m. and always wake up. i don't go to sleep until four and wake up at noon. i love watching your show all the time, thanks for being up late with us. this is sean out of maryland. good morning. >> caller: good morning.
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>> host: go ahead. >> caller: good morning. i just want to remind everybody that criminals don't follow laws. they have guns that they gained illegally. so i believe that one has the right to defend their family and protect themselves. i am a law-abiding citizen so i was a marksman in the military. i actually owned an ar-15 and handgun but i sold my ar-15 because i felt that i really didn't need it. and in maryland the gun laws are so absurd, and to do support the red flag laws but most of the mass shootings are happening to people with mental illness. and in maryland you can buy an ar-15 the same day with a clean background check, walk up the store, but yet you have to wait three weeks to buy a handgun. i think in maryland supreme court says, a judge just
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overturned the licensing requirements. so it's really kind of absurd here in maryland. it's kind of strange the gun laws here. >> host: when did you first own a firearm? when did you learn how to handle a firearm? >> caller: back when i was in military when i was in the navy. i qualified as a marksman. i had a pistol marksman ribbon winners in middle to but i didn't own a gun many years until just recently with the uptick in violence. so two years ago i had bought a rifle and handgun but i sold a handgun, so the rifle, the ar-15 because it i really didn't nd that to protect myself or my family. >> host: what do you say to those folks and we read some of their tweets this morning and they called in, who say it's my god-given right to own a firearm, so if i want to own an
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ar-15 i should be able to own that? >> caller: well, my take on that is that why do you need an ar-15? you can't even hunt with an ar-15. why do you need high-capacity magazine? you were not going to lead an army somewhere. i think if it is your right to own a gun, have something adequate to protect yourself. but i do think that the loss, the red flag laws need to be implemented to detect people to take guns away from people of mental illness. that guy in they obviously had problems and nobody paid attention to it, even when the army said he was in a mental hospital because of ptsd. why was he a certified arms instructor? doesn't make any sense. and it really doesn't make any sense that you can walk out and buy an ar-15 the same day but yet you have to wait three weeks to buy handgun. the laws are really absurd, and some people i think they also
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own ak-47s. strange. >> host: thanks for the call from maryland. it's just after 730 timex on the east coast and we're talking with gun owners in this country about why you on a firearm, the process by which you obtained your firearm or firearms it's 202-748-8000 if you're in eastern or central time zones. if you're in the mountain/pacific time zones, 202-748-8001. and then a special linee for those who have bought a firearm in the past 12 months, 202-748-8002. let's take this conversation out to the end of the our canadian history also looking for, on social media as well. this is kate from twitter saying our right t a free press conference speech, assembly and religion are extreme import button and the matter very much if we can't defend our own lives against agession. from babble on twitter, a deer rifle, shotgun and a 22 for vermin is what kamala owned. only the to let you have been
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used in the last 20 years. n longer we don't need for an arsenal. that's unnecessary. this malaria in michigan say i own firearms to facilitat personal protection i would give up my fearms when the secret service, fbi and all protections for the suppose it elites have their firearms takenwa math using many reasons that h owns a firearm tt actually might ask if better traffic and not needed and he needed and not ha it. i've had a gun pulledn me more than once. i've been shot at when it's on mywn. it was different but of people that depend i carry. comments in social media. we will keep looking and, of course, keep taking your calls. this is doris in atlanta, georgia, good morning. you're next. >> caller: good morning. i owned, i still own a gun because of a business owner in missouri, and i still have it locked away. i really needed to lock it away
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because my mom who had slight dimension was a feisty southern woman who grew up on a farm and she wanted to know where the gun was, and i was surprised that perhaps if she founded perhaps i wouldn't be be talking to you today. so i still have given. she's in a facility now. i just don't know what to do with it. i don't know, i forgot how to use it cut even though i've had to go to a class have to get training, had to put a picture on my license because i owned a firearm, and had to go through fingerprinting. and now i understand in st. louis because i'm in atlanta now, i understand that an 18-year-old just about anybody can get a gun now in st. louis. and i don't have a problem with gun ownership. i even joined a gun club even
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though i'm not ready to buy a gun or go through the effort of doing the practice and everything. i don't think anyone needs an ar-15 though. and i believe that those people who do tend to want these ar-15s, and it's my own prejudice, i think a number of themco are sort of conspiracy nuts. they think the government is after them and is coming to take them away. one thing is if these people insist on having the ar-15s, i would like to see that the purchase insurance and declare that they have the ar-15 so we know who is in ownership of these dangerous guns that can kill more than one person. those guns are not for protection. they are to kill a number of
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people like some people feel they are to protect them from the vermin in the country. that's my feeling about gun ownership. >> host: one day i i n began but i believe you have to be trained, but as you stated, the last man who killed a number of people have excellent training and excellentng background. so i don't knowgr i if trainingd classes will keep a crazy person from killing other human beings. >> host: doris, for you go,ay you say you don't use weapon but joined a gun club. why? >> caller: you know what, i joined the j gun club and i gue,
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i joined it because some of the crazy people during the trump administration were talking about, i live in georgia, and they killed that young boy, you know? and it scared me and i said, some of thesee people here in georgia, they are crazy. they are out to kill people. maybe i need to be around a groupof of people who understand guns and understand what you need to do to protect yourself from these crazy militia people. >> host: what did you get out of the gun club? are you still a part of it? >> caller: you knowe what, i'm just a member on paper only. i didn't evendi buy a gun. again i have is in missouri and my home in missouri. the membership was just to see,
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you know, to be around other people who felt that, or feel that it's necessary to protect yourself. i'm a black woman, from some of these races whoar are around he. >> host: doris, thanks for the call, from atlanta this morning. this isth jack and butler pennsylvania on the line for those who purchased a gun and the past year or so. jack, what was that process like? >> caller: it all depends on how you look at it. i got it from a flea market and there was no process whatsoever. i just had to have the amount of money. now, i wish you would ask me some of the questions that you've beens asking, like why o i need my ar-15? because i'm getting prepared for the next election and what could possibly happen. i'm not going out to hurt anyone but am going to protect my home. and that's why i think that we need an ar-15, because if 35 35
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people decide to come to my house because they don't like who got elected, i'm not getting drunk out in the street. and as far as --, do you think that is going to happen, jack? >> caller: i think they're calling for all over the internet. i think trump has been inciting all kinds of things, and what if he incites the civil war? i do want to join the civil war. i don't want to kill anyone, but i don't want to be bothered, you know? lets say not bothered but i don't want drug out of my house and killed because i don't agree with donald trump. and i think that is highly possible. as far as the guns go, i own very many. i went out to own the ones that are needed to hunt whatever i wanted to hunt for my retirement. and i own handguns, none of them that i got at the flea market. my handguns for all registered,
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and i do belong to a gun club because i live in the city and it's illegal to shoot in the city. so a gun club gives me an opportunity to go somewhere that i can legally shoot drama jack, on the flea market, should people be ableke to go to a flea market and fork over cash and be able to have a firearm? >> caller: well, it's not illegal, if that's what you're asking me. do i think -- and what do you think it is right? >> caller: no. no. it's all right for me because i don't have no intentions to hurt anyone. you know? i bought a double-barreled shotgun, and i'm trying to think. i'm really into pellet guns a great deal. i like the idea if you should then they lose energy real quick. and i may varmint hunter and i can't crows and groundhogs and things like that.
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i have a pasture filled, some friends that have horses and i very pasture felt s that i try o keep the groundhogs cleaned out. they are useful. i haven't ar-15 ar-15, like i said, and then getting prepared to protect my home and my family, you know? i also have a bulletproof shield that i can put out in front of me, and i practice shooting from around it. you know? i am a 30 peace and a very nice man. all my neighbors i'm fine with, and i buy all the children a christmas present, you know, in thet neighborhood. and i'm not a a wacko crazy pn because i own guns, but i just enjoy them. >> host: that is jack in butler, pennsylvania. about 50 minutes left in the
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segment. steven charleston, south carolina, good morning, good morning. it's been a long time period good to talk to you. i hope you had a nice thick-skinned and bodily kudos to the german from hawaii who was a devoted viewer, so to vote he gets upp at 2:00 anyway. i thought i was dedicated viewer but i'm not quite like that. from what i hope you had a nice thanksgiving as well. what are your thoughts on this gun question? >> caller: r john, i don't know if i've shared with you in the past, i've talked to so many. i am a gun owner. i have concealed carry permit. i don't, i rarely terrific i did kerry a while back to that when his people called for jihad i did start caring. south carolina is an open carry stiff i don't open to and have never -- when that while when it affects people were up in arms that's an unattended fun, but nobody, i haven't seen one person with a a gun hanging on their side. that's just silly. nobody would really want to do that. what i i do, i am a little
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concerned about protecting my family and the direction the nation is going in. i do think it's a little too easy for some people to get firearms that i'm a law-abiding citizen. i have hunting guns at a gathering dust in been gathering dust for 40 years. but i do have handguns. i think that, by the way with regard to the ar-15, a majority of those gun owners go out and shoot it. i have been to the gun range and they sound like a small war. the problem with that, the ar-15 is a high-capacity magazine. if you take all the military looking paraffin out off of the ar-15 and put it when you start on them by the way people used to do that faithfully, the '60s with foreign-made military weapons to turn it into hunting weapons. they look at that as a but that witness talk and say that's fine. no, it's not fine. it's the high-capacity magazine
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come to know? people think it looks like a rather mundane hunting by the way to start but particularly fashion it's no more lethal than several hunting rounds from 243, 270, blackout, just hundreds of hunting rounds just as legal. >> host: what do you think which do you think we should not have mankins that hold over ten rounds? does o you think the ar-15 is a style of weapon that should not be sold? so what are you advocating for? >> caller: i'm advocating may be just like i do rather, a five round magazine, five round magazine. getting rid of the high-capacity. there's a problem. i can buy ar-15 south carolina and a lot of other states.te walk at the door the door in a couple leaders something what i want. i think this law, and i did this with the gun i sold. i think if you're a private gun owner and you so they can come let's go back to the flea market to the gemma talked about. you should have to fill out a
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complete copy , a bill of st that person id and send the bill of sale a copy of it to the atf aland the fbi and they should click those things so that serial number will follow that person, again around. also, personal health information i knew this was going to be tricky because when you start talking peoples medical records, you are protected. i take training and beyond that. if there's somebody that's mentally unstable i think theree should be a database and as you go to the atf and you get also the windows people, if that person tries to purchase a handgun, there's a red flag. i know doctors will disagree with that. and again like the sandy hook thing a mother can buy a gun and give it to her child. it's just, sometimes it's a no-win situation of the people can sell the gun on the street. just like i said, i can do in south canada. they will not use with my rights if i sell again. i wouldn't do it at a flea
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market but we've got to find a way to keep the mentally unstable people are doctors will say well asrs long as he's taken his venison he will be fine. what if he's not or she starts monkeying around with their dosage or something and goes crazy? the last thing i will say, before give another dime to any country around the world, the safest school in the world is in indiana. you can look it up. i think i sent a link before. cost a lot of money. people just look at the safest school in america and the needs to be funding to make every school like that school as a policy limits give some more money to countries around the world. >> host: , thanks for cm charleston. we will talk next month. this is done in henderson nevada. recently purchased a firearm. what did you get and what was that process like? >> caller: yes. i have a complete background check. i bought a 22 semiautomatic
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rifle, ten ten shot, and i n a pellet gun for the rats in the backyard. but i would like to preface this to let you know that i've been calling in for between 33-35 years now. and i i watch her program regularly. and the reason i bought my 22 semiautomatic is because we have daylight robbery across the street. we had a nighttime holdup that people were surprised three doors to theof left of us. and about 12 years ago we had a crazy guy down the street with a shotgun that i understand we were sleeping.
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i understand he was arrested in the front of my garage. so mostly for the protection, and i had quite a few background checks with the fbi and also as an airport employee, and also as liquor control board in the state of nevada. so mostly i buy the 22 rifle semiautomatic for protection, and the pellet gun for the poison rats that were roaming around in the backyard tram thanks for the call from henderson, nevada. about ten minutes left. plenty of calls to get to and we appreciate youou waiting. this is jody in tennessee.
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what kind of firearms do you own? >> caller: i have shotgun, and it's only for sick animals that wander onto the farm fidonet to bash them in the brains with a rock because the truly traumatic, and it was easier to get that done than it is to t vote. it's easier to get guns that it is to find a a doctor when yoe sick. >> host: do you think that's right? is that how it should be? >> caller: no, no. these people are mentally ill or physically ill, and the capitalists make money every time there's a a shooting, ane problem is the guns. we got three college kids got shot because of the races calling people vermin on this tv show a minute ago. >> host: that's jody in tennessee. this is a leo in in north carolina. good morning, your next. >> caller: yeah, talking about guns and all, yes, i am close to 50. i got my first one when i was 21, and on 68 now and i've had a
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concealed carry permit since 95 and renewed it about five times already. but i get too many for teens, s chaos, two ar-15s, springfield three oh wait, so no, i've never been in trouble so i can have them and afford them so you know, i feel like i should have them. >> host: leo, why do you need that many transit i don't need them. i just like having them. >> host: and you're going to keep collecting guns? >> caller: oh, yes. yeah, i bought one back in 78. this iss a centennial mall and t never shot it. i've got bunch of guns i just ain't never i just like collecting. i got a gun safe i keep them in. >> host: for folks who don't own weapons, so what do you do, do you open it up and just look at them? >> caller: ouyeah, it's about ms
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with them come clean them. i just enjoy having them. >> host: that's leo in north carolina. this isli edward in arizona. good morning. you are next. public yes, hello. i have been a concealed carry holder for 20 years, and also its a very that it process that you go through. i own a gun for self protection, and it's a concealed carry permit so you c carry concealed. you don't carrype open. i don't know why people are so against self protection, you know, with the crime, with criminals that we have running loose, youse know. all you have is yourself to rely on for, you know, to protect, to
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protect yourself. you know, it's -- we have god-given right, you know, you know, to that, you know? and i don't know why people are so against that, you know, the police can't be everywhere to do that for you, so you have to take responsibility to do that for yourselves and for your family and for your, you know, whoever you have aroundd you. the process is, is very thorough process. you have to go through a background check, which is, you know, you have to submit fingerprints. takes a pretty good while to go through it.
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as i said i have been carrying concealed for 20 years and i go everywhere. e and the places that it don't go are the places where they have signed on the outside the say no weapons. and i am noticing that there is a powder i don't know if anybody else notices, butce it seems tht everys place that these mass shootings happen, it's always been places wheren it says no weapons. you know? and the people who are mentally deranged or criminals are going to, they are going, that's where they're going to gravitate to, you know? so people need to think about that when they are out and about in the world, that they are actually setting themselves and their loved ones that may be with them in danger when they go to these places because all they have is a site out there saying
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that, and there's no one on the outside checking everybody who's going on inside of these buildings that's making sure their following that, what that sign says colonel edward in arizona. a few more of your comments from social media in the five minutes we have speeded we believe this to take you live to the floor of the u.s. senate this afternoon. today lawmakers are expected to vote to advance the nomination of a u.s. district court judge for minnesota. live coverage of the senate here on c-span2. the presiding officer: the senate will come to order. the chaplain will lead the senate in prayer. the chaplain: let us pray. o god of time and eternity, who laid the cornerstone of the


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