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tv   Washington Journal Josh Kraushaar  CSPAN  January 9, 2024 1:59pm-2:16pm EST

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>> a political analyst. the start of 2024, how would you assess particular president biden and former president trump. >> it's shaping up to be one of the more climatic processes, a lot of turbulence in the political environment former president trump in this position for republican nomination as a former president whose support has only grown in the last year or so. i started out in 2023 in this position but enter the new year a less than a week away from the iowa caucuses. ...
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on the democratic side president biden running for reelection, the question with the president is about his age, 81, he wills be 86 at the end of a second term. look at the polling, talk to voters there is concern even among democrats that that is one of the big challenges he will have b to overcome both in convincing voters that is able to serve out that fold second term and also that he can really drive home a message that he's energetic and has the charisma to run a full-fledged campaign against donald trump, starting his time on a campaign this week in south carolina where he gave a speech about democracy and january 6th and the stakes of the coming election. >> host: what do you think he told those particular themes that a speech yesterday but a speech last friday as far as how he charts out the rest of the campaign? is is going to be i'm not donald trump about issues he wants to pursue in a second term?
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>> guest: expect a lot of the byte message to be as much about donald trump if he's the republican nominee as it is about biden's own accomplishments. certainly biden wanted to talk about the economy. we heard a lot about bidenomics in 2023. didn't really work. the public still is feeling the pain from the inflation of the last couple of years and aml reinserted that with the future is, the wars going on about ukraine and russia and between ukraine and russia what's going on in middle east now. there's a lot of malaise in the country and thenel biden understands his own job approval is fairly low for an incumbent president. they have a lot of material, a lot of -- against form president trump, january 6th is a major issue for a lot of democratic voters and you look at the issues, there may be a lot of russians about the economy when it comes to biden's record when he comes aboard security, crime. but when it comes to issues of democracy, trump's all abilities
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of what happened on january 6th, 2021 that are still one of the stream fishes the democrats have. >> host: wish on people video from yet another courtroom former president trump is going to be in today. how does that chart out the time of these the legal issues from the time he will spent in court compared what he could be doing campaign wise? >> guest: where do we start? they will be spending, covering this campaign will be spent as much time in the courtroom probably the legal issue so much as they are in new hampshire, iowa, south carolina covering the primaries. look, but the question is going to be there a lot of legal issues trump is facing a lot of vulnerabilities that complained of what happens in 2024. the big question among the political calendar is when does the timing of that d.c. trial over obstruction, the chamber six charges come when does that begin and when does a blend in with the primary? does trump of the nomination? is in trouble by then? and do republican voters who may defend trump may be worried
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about what happens if you have a convicted former president, does him to be in jail or how does he run for president? those of the circumstances, hypotheticals down the road but issues that voters will have to confront coming up soon. >> host: our guest with us and ten 10:00 he joined as questions 2024 on the issues and events involved, 202-748-8000 for democrats. 202-748-8001 republicans, independents 202-748-8002. 202-748-8002. you can text us your thoughts at 202-748-8003. with i am with is approaching. talk about not only what president trump has to achieve through all this but also the others that are running. >> guest: let's start with the challenges because we will know where this domination is headed once we get to the new hampshire primaries and we'll see if there's a real challenge that can emerge. nikki haley seems to be the most formidable challenger even though she is well behind in iowa.
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trump is the clear favorite. ron desantis is a candidate is put the most money in iowa, has put the chips on the table hoping he can win over conservative voters picky as endorsement of governor reynolds in iowa, of bob vander plant one of most important religious leaders, christian conservative leaders but hasn't translated into momentum. he hopes to finish the strong second but the florida governor is. nikki haley has a little more momentum. if she can finish in second place in iowa and then translate that into a near when or even it right when against trump in new hampshire that would set up a very fascinating super tuesday in south carolina to come. >> host: as you talk to enhance your being a corrective to i've had is a place amongst i went? >> guest: having been covering an aider and abettor 81, i was still very sensitive if you lost the first editionon democratic caucuses when you're kind of dissing the state of iowa.
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she certainly is blank for new hampshire. new hampshire is a primary, an open primary which means and ends can participate, even democrats to twitch their affiliation and join in on the republican side. it's an electorate that is more moderate, one more tailor-made towards nikki haley.. it's one trump, if there's one state the truck is weakest in its new hampshire. that's why a lot of money between the camps are being spent right now in the state of hedger. >> host: thank you for the segue. here's an ad from a super pac supporting trump but it is against nikki haley pictures show the folks at home the and and and will talk about it. >> races, nikki haley refused to call illegals criminal. >> we don't need to talk about them as criminals. they're not. >> illegals are criminals. that's what illegal means. she even opposed trump's wall and repeatedly pushed amnesty for illegals. we don't need to talk about them as criminals. they are not. >> nikki haley, too weak come to liberal to fix the border.
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>> host: there are probably seeing some of those and sports a messaging of these from the super pacs aligned with the form president? >> guest: and is a hard-hitting negative against nikki haley. border security immigration that is emerging as perhaps the top issue for republican voters. even independent and some democratics, democratic mayors concerned about undocumented immigrants coming into the cities string social services. the big issue in new hampshire. that is an issue where trump and the super pac cl heye enfold a cheap and funny back on the airwaves as with herer response. it is assigned trumpist that most of this campaign focusing his fire on ron desantis burkini ron desantis asos the biggest threat to his nomination. now they're spending money on nikki haley, the attack ads against nikki haley that shows she is emerging as a final and most formidable challenger trundle trauma we were showing that ad
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from the supporting nikki haley our guest is with us and will take calls. this is karen in virginia, independent line starting it off. you were on with our guest. good morning. >> caller: thanks for taking my call. my concern is with how divided america is right now. whomever is chosen to be our next president i'm concerned with our position globally with all that's going on around the world and our position in the global market. so i'm just wondering where the candidates how are they going to bring america back to its position how we were so strong and dominant prior to write after world war ii and where we are now as far as our global position. >> guest: that's a great question. you are seeing in the american electorate writ large amylase, since the what remove themselves from the world. he saw this, trump moved us and wanted to get out of nato and still feels that and to this day despite the war going on in
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ukraine, on the campaign trip. the democratic party as i said a pretty hefty strain of isolationism in the very least i wariness of wars sort of the hawkish tendencies in american politics. when you talk about nikki haley and the mainstream metal in american politics, she's trying to bring that backic and tryingo talk about republican and nationalismna and have a strong america as as a caller was suggesting, the need, to when these words, has israel when the war against hamas, , have ukraie with its war against russia. that's sorted in middle position moderate position even though in recent months you're seeing a lot more isolationism on the right and a lot more questions aboutt the future for funding fr ukraine amid ara lot of instability in the larger world. >> host: this is charlie, california republican line. >> caller: this is charlie.
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>> host: you were on. go ahead. >> caller: a comment add a question. the question is are the democrats are putting together the first plans impeachment of trumping casey wins? in my comment is, i wish desantis would get his wife more involved in his campaign because she is a charmer. >> guest: yeah, well, let's take the desantis question. onell of the big frustrations among people in the desantis circle, if you will, is the guy started out as a really formidable challenger at the beginning of last year to donald trump. some polls showed a neck and neck with the former president as a conservative governing record in one of the nation's most important states. artifice challenge is he just, trump was attacking and he didn't respond in kind but he didn't project the most come he wasn't the most warmest figure on the campaign trail. he didn't do the sort of
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blocking and tackling of talking to voters, of having the term a lot of presidential candidates are expected to do in states like iowa and new hampshire. his wife has been -- i heard her speak. she is a real ally in many ways, but the challenge with desantis is when he's been so made public appearances, he comes across as knowledgeable, he's a fighter, taken on the left-wing in both the campaign trail and in florida but he doesn't have, he hasn't had to showcase a sense of empathy, connecting one-on-one in a way that politics necessitates. >> host: is there -- if he doesn't perform well there's a plan to offer a pimp the campaign? >> guest: his campaign we'll see what happens after i will come with the results are. his campaign has put all eggs in a basket and i would. if he finishes in third place say behind trump and nikki haley, if that happens it's hard to see how he would have the
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money or resources and, frankly, new hampshire is a state where he is and fourth-place in some polls right now. doesn't seem like you have a path. >> host: speaking of new hampshire as promises an ad that is airing supporting nikki haley and here's the ad. >> of all the republicans running for president, why is donald trump only attacking nikki haley? trump knows she is the only one who can beat him. as governor nikki haley taxes for small businesses by 40%, and now she's pledging to eliminate the federal gas tax year want an 80-year-old name for the past for a new generation of concern leadership? >> host: go ahead. >> guest: that is a clear part of her message. new generation of leadership contrasting not that subtly the fact that trump and biden
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combined 160 years old, a little over that. that is the generational contrast y she's trying to draw. she also response she's been taking hits as he saw earlier on the show about the immigration issue, border security. from trump on a record on taxes. in south carolina she tries to offer her side of the story in that ad. she's responded, playing a little defense for the first time but also trying to play a little offense on the age issue. >> host: from georgia, kevin democrat's line. >> caller: hey, how you doing? i'm a lifelong democrat and i think your polars and your people got thingsan a little of. a lot of us, thousands of us by the way, because we got brian kemp, governor reelected. we voted fors, him instead of stacey abrams. we are going to the same thing this year with joe biden. we will not vote for joe biden
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your we won't vote for anybody. there's thousands of us. i think you all better wake up, take israel out of palestine and free palestine. thank you. >> guest: so one of the worst divide campaign is even within 2024 is whether some of their supporters, some of the base voters elect progressive voters will stay home, whether some of them vote for a third-party candidate. you almost need a scorecard to keep track of some of third-party candidates that are talking about running for president, whether it's robert f. kennedy, jr., cornel west,t, bill stein. the biden's you like they can make this race a pioneer between themselves. the challenge to get faces whether it's voters on the left especially stay home or whether some of them look at the third-party candidates most of them on the left and in the leading some support on those
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candidates. >> host: biden campaign and reference on polls, the biden campaign says if the economy does improve they see a reflection of that come polls as we reflect on the year. what's the possibility but the expectation of that happening? >> guest: there's a big disconnect between macroeconomic outlook, recession, it doesn't look like, the good news is the economy if anything is going against a lot of only expectation. unemployment is low. inflation is contained. the stock market if you look at the 401(k) for those of 401(k)s are doing quite well. but the challenges n still higher or the still the price you pay -- >> the senate has been in recess but is now gaveling back into session. we take you there live here on c-span2. goffman, cruz and mehalchick ripen at


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