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tv   Prime Ministers Questions Prime Ministers Question Time  CSPAN  February 2, 2024 6:51pm-7:26pm EST

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♪ c-span is your unfiltered view of government paired we are funded by these television companies and more including wow. ♪ the world has changed today the vast rival internet connection is something no one can live without. while it's there for our customers to speed, reliability, value, and choice. now more than ever a source of great internet. while suppo c-span at the public service. all of these of the television providers. giving a front row seat to direct democracy. british prime minister rishi sunak highlight a parliamentary situation in northern ireland. during his weekly question session in the house of commons? this is about 30 minutes. >> we now come to the prime minister's questions. >> number one mr. speaker.
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on monday i met the families and who were killed and nottingham. i assured that we would doo whatever it takes to get the answers they want. following constructive dialogue i welcome the significant steps they have taken to make restoration as executive possible. i also think the other political parties and northern island for the patients they have shown. after two years without executives the prospect back up and running. commit people at the local accountable government they need and offering a brighter future in northern ireland. making a statement shortly mr. speaker had meetings with colleagues and others my duties in the house much less further wleadings today. >> think it mr. speaker britt last week i met with constituents who employed not by the postco office but by a supermarket to offer a
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franchise. he's accused of dishonesty after results and was disciplinary process by your employer. this had a very, very profound impact on her life. there are others in her possession for competency in people who were enfranchised by kerr. would the prime minister give me a commitment to include these victims and the horizon conversation? >> i'm very sorry to hear about the constituent case but as i said this is an awful this character of justice deserve not just of justice but conversation and answers. i will make sure we look into the precise details of her constituent case i'm sure there'll be others like that and make sure back to her with all due haste. >> thank you, mr. speaker. sustainable aviation fuel plays
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a significant part and the sectors approved will be prime minister commit to further policies for a fast mandate to generate greater demand or a support mechanism such as other sectors solar wind power generation as well. work starts by the end of next here on the live from a sustainable aviation here in the uk. >> i can give my audible from friendthe assurance we are commd to ensuring the mandate will be in place on the single aviation fuel. most create a brand-new uk market. in introducing the revenue servicing mechanism he p talks about by 2026.
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will be consulting in the spring this year on options on how it should work and practice. >> correct thank you, mr. speaker can i join the speaker and a welcoming statement of return of the northern ireland executive. this is an important moment we now need all sides to get it back up and running for the people of northern ireland. mr. speakerrt i to met the families of grace and ian on it is impossible to express in words the horror that they have been through and continue to go through and we double our efforts to do everything we can to help them with that campaign. and of course mr. speaker a 15-year-old mason were taken in bristol i have the whole house will join me in sending condolences to their families and friends.
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mr. speaker o where the most difficult experiences of this house is speaking to those at the sharp end of this government cost-of-living crisis. so nobody could be moved by the plight of the member. x got up under 2 pounds a month he's been forced to quit his dream job to pay for it. counting the cost of chaos. after 14 years we finally discovered what they meant when they said we are all in this together. [laughter] >> mr. speaker, thanks to the mortgage that was introduced last year millions of mortgage holders across the country are benefiting from support with their mortgages than the approach the audible gentleman just did was focus on the practical support.
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come on a typical mortgage is saving hundreds of thousands thanks to those reforms. what we have recently seen as mortgage application on multi- month a high but if he really cared about helping build the cost of living mr. speaker he would do more to celebrate and acknowledge the fact that millions of workingre people wil now start to pay hundreds of pounds less in tax but we all know that is not a priority for him. f he said he wanted to back up with the cost of living. now he has described tax cuts assaulting the earth. he's equally confused that he backed tax cuts but in here she called that a scorched earth policy. she obviously could not decide which wikipedia page to copy this week.
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>> mr. speaker for every 2 pounds he says is given people back should be dancing in the street and thanking him for a 200,000 people prime minister, just like coming off a fixed rate mortgages paying more each and every month because they crash the economy. does the prime minister actualli know how much their monthly repayments are going up for? some odd typical mortgage of about 140,000 pounds and 17 pounds less is currently paying 800 pounds as a result extend theirir mortgage to a wil be able to save hundreds ofl pounds that someone on the average. but again it mr. speaker says he cares about the cost of living for the thing will have the biggest tax on everyone's cost of living is they fact that his
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ideas which we had just confirmed this morning confirmed they remain committed to them but he has no plans to pay for the 28 billion pounds mr. speaker, no plans et al. and that is typical labor economics. going to drop the payment plan i largely -- has a mentor was clear they would make the sums add up with attack rises on people. their homes, their pensions and their businesses. it's the same old labour party mr. speaker. mr. speaker crash the economy. he thanks he can stand there and lecture other people about the responsibility. hundreds of thousands of people are coming off fixed rate
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mortgages the prime minister will not do them the courtesy of answering the question. i will ask again. >> is very clear at the beginning. might constituents if yours don't, please leave. as the prime minister have any idea how much of mortgages going up by this month for those coming off fixed rate mortgages? >> prime minister and pointed back to my previous answer mr. speaker. under one situation will be different. some went on a typical mortgage around 140,000 pounds who's currently paying 800 pounds will be able to keep their mortgage payment essentially the same by using the facilitation the chancellors put in place. but again that is what we have done to help peoplee mr. speake. but again it is incumbent on them to explain to the british
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public policy of de- carbonized in the grid by 2030 is going to be funded. he will not give the answers that the shout of pops up for that weekend and in the sunday times he said they doo not needa plan to pay for mr. speaker. because in his words it will be real savings and makes clear economic sense. the leader does not want to talk about at all. after all of these years later it's the same story quite honorable member has cast in stone since everyone looks away in embarrassment. they crashed , mortgages skyrocketed, doubling the debt and they say they are going to max out the governments credit card in the next budget -- >> >> you get getting very carried i come on. and therefore lecturing others
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about the economy. simply coming off of fixed rate mortgage, or 40 pounds more, each and every month at a constant reminder, that people take the price for the damage done to the economy in this week, about one of the employees from iceland and fill. >> troon 18. [background sounds]. >> and i'm sure will sorry sorry. and it keeps appearing again the vault appearing more so i'm just letting you know. >> laughing, iceland and struggling with the mortgage, that'sst a shame and he told me that is mortgage mortgage swing
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of a thousand thousand month and other averages another stories this was happening to him. on 1,120,000 pounds, the government, how on earth can people like phil. >> here, here. >> mr. speaker, thank you - well thanks to the economy fill will fill in millions of people's like him are now ensuring that the inflation is less than - than the way that it was we are talking a year ago. and thanks to this government, and millions of other workers not just in iceland but of the across the country benefiting this month for tax cut worth hundreds of pounds to somebody on an average salary but i hope that explains to them and to fill, that the cost of his policy, that explained to fill, do you explain to fill community
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swing philadelphia will have tor pay for his 28 million pounds and always going to pay the taxes more coming out of his pay packet and explain felt that hed would be better off seeking with our plan ratherf than going back to square one with him. >> here, here. >> will it wouldn't quite getting in touch with him and explained to him that a thousand pounds of mortgage because not how he feels and is unbelievable. and hundreds of pounds extra month, makes it seems like it up big deal to the prime minister but let me tell them this the most people do not have to hassle for the money, looking around. in thisar week, he told everyboy in the country to put the council packs of by the maximum of 5 percent. that is 26 tax writers now prime minister and he said that everything is fine people were better off but when people see their mortgages going up and
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everything's going up and food prices are still going up and went to expect them to believe, is post with her bank accounts. >> mr. speaker, again i was puzzled because as always, the politics of the year but also recently repeatedly attacking not just me but the government about the scalp i was genuinely surprised to see the counselor just today, has announced that now supports the politics and i don't know if you mentioned that to fill when he was having a chance with him and i'm sure he did not but i can tell him, the distress and economic creditors seeking to a plan but is what you cannot trust a word that he says. >> here, here. >> when again, when they claim that work for him and they we now know that this promises simply again, they just are not
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worth the wikipedia page that they were copied from. and mr. speaker i actually do not expect him to be laughing andd fill and did not expect tht to be laughing and fill. >> here here. >> live made this very clear, the prime minister's very serious that we make sure the people believe the opposition and not just the people who watch the proceedings of the chamber but also the behaviors prime minister. >> well that's how hard it is really as a people across the country like phil, that is the primarybu problem struggling wih their mortgages of it cost-of-living the prime minister responses never to take responsibility, too intrusion or even at a level of basic understanding. that is so detached anything city giving the world in which their problems could be
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nonexistent and the problem is, that the loan anybody else, but the they said that he has exhausted and is looking forward to new opportunities outside of parliament what is the prime minister drink of a favored calling the election so here the whole country can move on. >> here, here. >> well mr. speaker, mr. speaker, while thank you mrr everybody else across the country, the opening places worth thee people that we are making progress in just this way, taking action to sell childrenin of from beijing and just as we the people can visit the pharmacies to get the healthcare the needed. and just this week millions of working people still think that the hundreds of pounds are delivered in their pay packet mr. speaker and that is a plan that is working and always the offering is 20 billion pounds
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attacks rises and that is a choice mr. speaker in the future ever back to square one with him. >> here, here. >> thank you mr. speaker in the prime minister would like to attend like sports whether you join me in welcoming planning inspector for rejection application developers in my constituency to keep theit doors open ports remain sporting venues of the future generations will enjoy this of motorcycle speeds a sock cars heard. >> what i joined fred and rich history and motorsports sectors and it is historic venue and this was shame to see you fall into disrepair and i i hope it s the decision he refers to enable the possibility of pro speedway
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stock-car racing to return and i know that he will rightly continue the support. >> and the leader's. >> here, here. >> mr. speaker, when they get the cap on the banker bonuses and also during our cost-of-living prices on the labor - rightly boosted and yet here we are just three months later labor proxy supports the cap on the bankers honestly shameful. >> prime minister, but the fact that is no longer alone and beingin completely out of touch with public opinion. >> yes. >> will mr. speaker the seventh of time, without the decision at the end of in a regulator because this is the right thing for financial stability andnd fr that is because out of the house, we have a set of convictions and we have a plan ahead we stick to w it but is
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absolutely right to point out no convictions of the party episodes pretty. >> here, here. >> of course just the cap on bankers bonuses was made possible in west minister in the public coming is that is all king hundred down bankers unlimited bonuses but for the public's setting up of the struggling to feed their families, to stock up and deal with additional costs of the brexit. [inaudible]. >> and that is the reality of broken brexit readiness into the case, that the achievement of a historic out of and again the labor proxy in a great future public future. >> mr. speaker actually delivering the people across qualified just in butter opening ofss the market and the borders and attracting jobs in the brexit health guarantee of the
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cost of applying an apartment whenst he talks about the posite cost-of-living mr. speaker, thinking negative moses who help us to make sure the scotland another highest tax part of the united kingdom. is not just for high earners mry 28000 borrowers pay more taxes than they would in england thanks to the fmc. [inaudible]. >> one hundred, life-support and three children left without a father and for your sentence handed down but one grieving mother is to live a life sentence vague in a pretty and sentencing for one - is not working in this country and mr. prime minister agreed to know is t the time to finally introduce a specific offense and proper minimum sentence for it. >> prime minister. >> i contributed to what is done
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in bringingen attention to so-called one punch - and highlighting the anguish this created because of the family of the victims of the ministry of justice at the amendment that the honorable mention in proposing it i know say party shortly, the specific amendments and how we might satisfy the wider issue. [inaudible]. >> i called to order. >> my constituent millie user has actions at the sporting events and millie was left when in the floor in pain for over two hours before the ambulance arrived injuring her mother in hospital stay, she been dropped heavily multiple times. and left stuck in her bed for days at length and even sold
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himself because nobody would take her to the toilet emmy for all of this, she was living independent delete networking of the prospective her returning to work is being destroyed by the crisis the only care system that initially prime minister will agree that no one should ever have to go through millie house so will you look again at our proposals to make sure every patient is a high-quality care they need. >> mr. speaker very sorry to hear about millions case and the specific aspects of the need to be examined i'm sure the health secretary will follow-up with this and more generally going to make sure that everybody gets a care they deserve which will not just vesting record sums and then nhs measuring record number of doctors and treatment surgical and virtual at all of which to say that ambulance times that he mentioned our lowest today than they work this time last year.
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>> mr. speaker the number one reason schultz for treatment, we have no capacity is possible and even with a large - and dental plan back to the treasury forever, might i put ground and respite for my constituents and i. >> here, here. >> prime minister, rightly investigating 3 billion pounds a year, and form contract for the unit is improved access while ensuring the densest and also providing financial support who needed the most around half of the course of treatment last year was delivered to those who were not paying with children but yet morning to be done. we have a recovery plan that will be published shortly. >> thank you mr. speaker more than two decades ago then prime
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minister misled the south by promoting and endorsing the host of the ricin it system is perfect protecting the large corporation the created it then causing untold harm and damage and misery to innocent people become the current prime minister think of anything that he has promoted a partnership with huge businesses a safe and effective. in the british people will use this opportunity to correct it in the statements or will he choose to - light as tony blair sit back and do nothing with the misery continue. >> five minutesil source. >> utica the horizon is a terrible miscarriage of justice and were doing everything we can to make it right and for what he was more broadly insinuating let me be unequivocal that covid-19 vaccines are safe to back here, here. >> thank you mr. speaker is
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talking revelations of ryan scandal and find out incompetent and they know that the public institution is at an all-time low in prime minister would you agree with me that the banks are closing branches across the country we should look to developing new community banking solutions rather than giving the - total responsibility to provide access to cash and other banking services and poorly served neighborhoods. >> prime minister. >> will i think her for her question but i will to say that we should not places get all of the options of any hard working local post offices andal postmasters to what they can't access cash and banking a wide range of channels including a contract with the post office service which does provide a valuable channel and i agree with the importance of access to
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cash which is why the government has legislature to protect them as part of the recent financial services market second assures the vast majority of the people should be no more than 3 miles away from e subject point. >> thankaw you mr. speaker mr. speaker one of the non- principles in this case all of the public should not - but for themselves the familyy and friends and prime minister, on the sixth of january the website bring peopler, in place cookiesn the machine and is now suing. [inaudible]. >> in the prime minister can the prime minister through the house that no laws have been broken by these parties. >> of course are parties - >> years, here. >> thank you mr. speaker efforts responsibility, for the governor missy is to fix the housing crisis the young people did not
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cause three years ago, we drag house building in this country up to the highest level since 1987,s after the last labor government, lifted at his lowest level since the 1920s and elsa building what we needed to do more and more my fellow friends consider using the budget to date woody and did together during the pandemicde it, and gt the duty to as the housing starts to recognize the economy and support thousands of businesses across our country. >> five minutes. >> by honorable fred, we haven't to have million additional homes on track to deliver a million justin is parliament at over 850,000 families and homeownership through game the right to buy and tax provisions ravens of the council but i would point out that our existing really for first-time buyers ensure the vast majority the first-time homebuyers.
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>> why. >> will thank you mr. speaker and on this house today published the mid- nearly half of the employees from their workplaces, her mother they would not be willing to make adjustments, and his employment remains a 7 percent in the pickup the party people effectively were for free, 47 days of the year so with the prime minister be with me, and organizations to discuss how we can create more work forms. >> haircare. >> and i share the honorable ladies ambition happening with this workforce and the record in supporting those with disabilities in the work and several years and isal been incredibly strong and iin know this is something that the work up the makingng sure that there are accessibility plans up-to-date and inclusive knowledge of the she gets to me the relative minute. >> okay mr. speaker having
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received visit to israel remains inin shock over rape murder and butcher hamas all of us want to see the military and military policies a bit of us remains in control in gaza they support the west bank nearly two thirds of the palestinians and poland the rejectct with israel and the palestinian authority has continued to promote hatred off the jews just by honorable friend agree that any requisition of the palestinian say must address issues and can only come about as part of the negotiating settlement between israel and the palestinians. >> here come here. >> mr. speaker, the government's position is clear, that's right that there are sets and conditions that needs to be put in place onn this journey in person foremost the removal that hamas from gaza palestinian the government in gaza was bank has concrete plans to reform and support the palestinians authority reconstruction plan
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gaza in just a solution which we have a long supported to so let me be clear, we stand with israel as terrorist threats that they fax interface must be limited in israel and security must bebe printed. >> mr. speaker, on the 15th of november last year filled to the prime minister to choose de-escalation over violence is an discretion in covina even so over 26000 souls of person gaza and a powerful movie in monday's new york times of the jewish voice - cited deuteronomy, if a before you life and death, blessing and curse, choose life accusing president invited of choosing death in the prime minister grown to listen to be the i dj really doesn't of the - or call them naïve as well. >> here come here. >> prime minister, mr. speaker have been cleared multiple times that we are concerned deeply concerned about the impacts of the fighting thousands civilian
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population too many have lost lives and the amount of supporting gaza at about to go over all of those things about the conditions that are necessary forll an immediate soi can assure the house that will are doing everything we can to get more into the region is quickly as possible for the eight. >> mr. speaker, 800 local jobs which are at risk their continuing to display - such as. [inaudible]. and labor council of failing to honor the commitment they made before the local elections, to protect jobs even their leader the right honorable member said that he was probably backing the campaign will my honorable friend be with mee to see how
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that we can protect those jobs see them from the constituents another example of how labor can change their position depending on which way the wind blows. >> here come here. >> my honorable friends of those been a constant champion geffen them disappointedly, the year that the locally were counsel are filling 200 commitments that they've made a big also points out that i am not a surprise to be leader of the opposition is that is one thing and they constantly have done another and they support hundreds of jobs falling on the council, and using their approach. >> that completes the questions. [background sounds].
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>> use economy had a 353,000 jobs in january and according to bureau of labor statistics data released today in registering stronger-than-expected gains in the employment rate remained at 3.7 percent which is the 24th consecutive of the nation's jobless rate has been under 4 percent wages rose last month. ♪ ♪♪ >> american history tv, saturdays on "c-span2", exploring the people events until the american story and a 7:00 p.m. eastern, we continue with the series, free to choose or produced by nobel prize-winning economist, milton friedman his wife road treatment this episode entitled from cradle-to-grave's government welfare programs and then at 8:00 p.m. eastern on flexors in history, the second part of the lecture university of maryland history professor michael loss on the 25, scope monkey trial about teaching evolution and cultural significance in 1920s
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america had a p.m. eastern on the presidency first lady has said civil rights are look at the public in history of american first ladies and race relations, from slaveowner martha washington come to michelle obama the first african-american to hold the position hosted by the white house historical association day 2:30 p.m. eastern on historic campaign speeches, a look at a 1980 a speech by then vice president george hw bush. and rock hill south carolina followed by 2020 democratic presidential candidate joe biden victory speech of the south carolina primary exploring the american story can watch a mark in history tv, saturdays on "c-span2" and fight a full schedule on your program guide, watch online anytime a >> good morning and welcome back toon washington journal we are joined now by lloyd robberson managing editor


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