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tv   Campaign 2024 Nikki Haley Campaigns in Charleston SC  CSPAN  February 7, 2024 4:47am-5:56am EST

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♪ ♪ ♪ singing i love rock 'n roll. put another dine in the jukebox, baby ♪ ♪ >> look at this. [cheers and applause] >> what a crowd. so welcome to 1200 people who came out on a sunday night.
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that's amazing. [cheers and applause] we've had a whirlwind of a couple of days. anybody sees that live last night? [cheers and applause] we have some fun as were talked about it but you know what let's first talk about what we did together. how many of you have moved to south carolina since i was governor? raise your hand. ..
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they were referring to us in the southeast. [cheering] 11% down to 4% fully acknowledged some truth. if you have to show picture id to get to the vet, you should have to show picture id to protect the integrity of the election process. we passed voter id in south carolina. [cheering]
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[cheering] [chanting] [chanting] [cheering] [chanting] i'll say this, don't ever get upset about things like that because my husband and his military brothers and sisters sacrifice for us everyday for them to have a right to do that. we are blessed to live in america so that's okay, we can but i'd rather them do not then be in russia. we passed voter id, the toughest illegal immigration in history they tried to send syrian refugees, we said no. they tried to send guantánamo bay is theirs and we said no.
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then they passed pension reform and we cut taxes. we never raised taxes, we cut taxes. by the time we left, who renamed the latest date in the country. most patriotic state in the country. don't hate me because some of your neighbors became the number two state in the country. we were proud and that's what it came down to us now if you look at the situation weeks. we started out with 14 candidates and we took a dozen of those. [cheering] and then became bullet, went to iowa, to present and i look and
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finished with 20%. we went to new hampshire and president trump like is going to lose by 25 or 30-point, we got 43% in new hampshire. [cheering] god bless them, president trump got up there and literally threw a temper tantrum. [laughter] he was so upset and so unhinged the next day he said anybody that supports nikki haley is barred permanently from maga. [cheering] we have some fun with that, we sold t-shirts that said part permanently. we sold over 20000 t-shirts. in the next day tries to touch the are in situ named him presumptive nominee.
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only two states voted, it takes 1215 delegates, he has 32, i have 17 delegates. we want the other the states and territories to show the power of their voice. i'm not going anywhere. [cheering] many had a court case. in the court case he lost in the habit cap with what's going on. the night of new hampshire and after this trial, he never once mentioned the american people. not once, he never once mentioned out of control spending the fact that 31% are
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proficient in reading. she he never once mentioned wars happening around the world. all he did was talk about himself. you look at the past few years, québec 22008. i came in ran for governor because we were kind of government not listening to us. now you look at what's happening. he feels like you're working for government instead of government serving the people.
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i watched president trump surround himself with all the political establishment, the same ones who wasted our money and trying to bankrupt, that's not who you want. then he comes to south carolina. actually, south carolina political elite and surrounded him. all the reporters said what you think about the fact that the governors with president trump? you mean the one i succeeded when iran for governor? [cheering] what about the political
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establishment? has said you mean the ones starting to show votes on the record because they were hiding behind voice votes? the ones that make discloser income so taxpayers had to see who paid them? the ones i banned half a billion dollars worth of private taxpayers. [cheering] and they said what about tim scott, did you appoint him? my appointed tim scott for a reason. i'm just going to let that go. you have to sleep with your decisions. he often say what you want to say about that. the bottom line is the political elite, it's never been who's
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been with me. not now because of the group is not listening because you look where we are, we are $34 trillion in debt. i would love to tell you and i've always open heart truth to the world today, about to tell you biden that we need to stop. they are all republicans. [applause] you go back and look at the $2.2 trillion covid stimulus bill they passed with no accountability, expense will
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with 80 million americans on medicaid, 42 million on food stamps. that's a third of our country and republicans tried to make it right? now, they double down and earmarked for the first time in ten years pushing through 7000 of them. want to know how your money? 30 million. month. seven and a half million in colorado and the list goes on. twenty-four appropriation republican splitting 7.4 billion dollars and earmarked. putting 2.8 million so you tell me who they are. all the while one of six american families can't pay their utility bills, 60% of americans are living paycheck to paycheck, 50% of american
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families can't afford diverse. congress had one job in us to make sure they given the budget on time. four times in 40 years has been given on time. it'll give us a budget on time, he'll get paid. when it comes to our economy, $100 billion of unspent covid dollars. instead of 87000, we let them go after the hundreds of billions, one in every $7 was spent fraudulently. the credit cards, you. it's wise congress the only group that refuses to balance a
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budget? stop the spending, stop the borrowing, eliminate the project in detail any spending bill that is to get the covid level. federal programs as we can and send them to the state level that will reduce the federal government and empower people on the ground. mental health and send them down to the state and they are better used right there. right now you're letting the rich get richer and poor get poorer we need to open up the middle class. taxes on the bracket google make small business tax permanent.
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small businesses are the heartbeat, we need to start acting like it. education, is not just 31% in our country you're going to be in a world of hurt ten years for long. four times less likely to graduate so instead of pushing them, he starts pulling them back. he brought an appearance and we set them up we need to do that all over our country and there should be transparency in the classroom and make talk to their
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classroom. we will have curriculum online for every parent and every parent should be able to decide which one they go to. let's start building things in america, vocational classes in our high school. [cheering and applauding] they are invested in our economy even before they meet and now to all you moms other, we have to raise strong girls and strong leaders and none of that happens if you biological boys playing and girls sports.
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then when you look at the board, i can't even believe in the united states of america we would allow the. without enough last year exactly what they are talking about. number one 18 to 45 i've been to the border from a 400 miles down the are not ready for what i saw. we need to do what we did businesses approved the people they hire are in this country
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legally. we need to defund sanctuary city once and for all, no more america. we need to put 25000 ice ages on the ground and left them do their job, we need to go back to remain in mexico so they don't even put on your the only way. the company on the border. i will tell you south carolina always taught me to take care of those who take care of you. i will ask you we are right now in america over 30 ball pausing veterans are homeless. one in three suffers from ptsd or thoughts of suicide. we lose 22 heroes pick to suicide.
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veteran needs a doctor appointment, a take 29 days. why? on the 30th day they can go to the doctor, hospital of their choice so midway 29 days, mechanical to reschedule and the clock start all over again. it's shameful how we treat our veterans. on the product wife of a combat veteran who served in afghanistan. [cheering] the day he came home was a lot of prayers answered the bow is the easy part when we got home, life got hard. couldn't be in crowds, like passerby for the year he was shown and the transition was tough. we can't just love men and women when they are gone, with how to
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love them when they come back home, to. [cheering] that's will do more than a two week transition into and on the way, who will take care of them for the long haul. telehealth and make sure they get them out of care they need when they need it. let them go to the doctor or hospital they choice from a they've earned that right. i think the best way to deal with veterans healthcare, every member of congress should have to get their healthcare from the va and you watch how fast. [cheering] it will be the best healthcare you've ever seen guaranteed. speaking of congress, don't you think it's finally time? do think we need confidence for anyone over the age of 75?
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let me say this, i'm not being disrespectful when i say that. we all know 75-year-old around us and then we know joe biden i don't care if you do 50 and up but these are people making decisions on our national security, people making decisions on the future of our economy. we need to know they are at the top there came. nursing home in the country. [laughter] we need to make sure we are getting that right so that's when things will get back on track and there were two things are something that explanations russia, china and iran never wanted us to have, they never wanted us to have a strong military and they never wanted us to be energy independent. we will be energy independent, we will be energy dominant. [applause]
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look at the epa out of the way monthly care more about whether before our utility bill. pipelines going including the keystone pipeline and export liquefied natural gas as we possibly can. with no clear -- all of the above local whole goal is no more going to saudi arabia from a number getting dirty oil from venezuela but let's not just doing enough for america, turn our energy sector into an economic powerhouse that brings down inflation and pay some debt and gets to a stronger situation not to mention stronger national security. speaking of national security ♪ ♪ world is on fire literally. we got the war in europe, a war in the middle east, north korea
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intercontinental missiles capable of hitting the less, china and make no mistake about what had happened had we not had that tobacco in afghanistan. the idea my husband and his military brothers and sisters who served their country leave the air force big in the middle of the night without telling allies who stood shoulder to shoulder with us for decades because we asked them to beta think about what that told our friends. more broadly, think about what it said to our enemies and now you see russia invading ukraine, iran and hamas invade israel. all that is happening in the but you can't do it putting your head in the sand, you have to do it by being smart
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enemies and friends. i'll be the first want to say i don't think will give to any friend or enemy, you can't hold it accountable. what we do need to do is understand when i left the united nations and remove the mdc lululemon and by the entire world is happy to take on that bike that i was bad. i went to my office and said i want you to put this together, all 19300, or the second column to be the percentage the u.s. and against the u.s. and i want the third column to be how much foreign aid we them and i took that they give to president trump he lost. i'm not saying you give it based
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on the percentage but that should be one of the things will look at the quit paying off enemies. last year we gave 80 billing dollars in foreign aid. do you know who we give it to? iraq and tried to cover those who kill our soldiers. symbolic, anti-american african country there is. we gave money to belarus holding hands with russia as they invade ukraine. cuba we need a state sponsor chair and the one that makes me sick to my stomach, we gave money to china, how do we look? when i'm president, who will never country to aid america. [cheering] we know what we need to do from a domestic standpoint and a national security standpoint but we have to acknowledge some
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truths republicans lost the last seven out of eight popular votes for president, nothing to be proud of. a new generational leader going forward. i voted for donald trump place. as produce or his administration. a world on fire and here's of chaos, we won't survive it. there will be a female president
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of the united states. [cheering] the hard truth is it will either be me or kamala harris. because the reality is, you will get every general election pull out there. trump and biden are head-to-head, i saw one yesterday, he was down by nine. another down by seven. it would be a nailbiter of an election and think about it, trump lost in 2020, he lost in 2022. how many times do we have to lose before we realize there's something wrong with that picture? [cheering and applauding] i am in every one of those election polls.
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up to 17 points and that's bigger than the presidency from a governorship democrats getting our country back on track think about it, you win with double digits from odesa mandate into d.c. to stop the wasteful spending and get the economy on track and get our kids reading again and back to the basic education to secure borders with no more excuses child lot in order back in our state and a strong america we can all be proud of, don't you want that? [cheering] we could have a but you've got to acknowledge when the election did the primary so that means.
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will complain vote in the primary. this is more of the same her kids will never forget. yes, what consequences will $8 trillion in debt for using you look at both of them talk about
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it he's. [cheering] [cheering] [cheering] one hundred and all the name.
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they are willing to live in the lead in this amazing experiment that is america a motion for america country and over again you he will remember me with no
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no there's not as much we love our country doing this for my daughter who just got married in his own how hard it was for her and her husband to buy a home the average home buyer in america is 29 years old the american dream is embracing the and i'm doing this for my son a senior in college and i'm tired of watching him write papers with things he doesn't believe in is to get an a. does not america. [cheering and applauding]
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for the first time, 81% of americans don't think as we did. we can't be okay with that, i'm not okay with that i promise you this, if anybody you know they need a quote in the primary, take five people to early boat february 12 make sure you get everybody else go to the polls, don't assume they know how to get there. if you do that, i promise you i will spend every day trying to prove to you you've made a good decision. [cheering and applauding]
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[inaudible conversations] >> this is going to be worth $1 million. nikki, i said you were going to be president. [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] >> thank you so much. >> nikki, will you take a
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selfie? will you do it for me? i'm a democrat who -- [inaudible] >> one, two, three. >> he came from another country like your parents. >> thank you so much. >> thank you. >> one, two, three. >> thank you so much. >> thank you. >> one, two, three. >> thank you.
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[inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] >> all right. all right. love it. love it. >> right in the middle. lineup. >> lineup. lineup. over here. everybody. can everybody see me?
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>> all right. >> group shot. one, two, three. i got it. do you have it? >> one, two, three. >> thank you, guys. stay safe. >> thank you. thank you. appreciate you.
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>> look right here. one, two, three. >> thank you, guys. appreciate it. spread the word. >> i'll get that to you. >> thanks, hannah. thanks for everything. appreciate it.
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