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tv   Washington Journal Open Phones  CSPAN  February 7, 2024 10:43am-11:43am EST

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we are funded by this television and more including buckeye broadband. a note ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> buckeye broband supports c-span is a public service along with these other television providers giving you a front row seat to democracy. >> a very good wednesday morning to you. you can start calling in the upper will start with some of the headlines this morning following the drama of that unsuccessful vote last night. first on fox news house feels to impeach dhs secretary mayorkas in the major blow to the gop that democrats have slept impeachment move as a sham. fox, republicans humiliating failed impeachment of alejandro
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mayorkas explained and hill newspaper this morning breaks down what became something of a dramatic moment at the end of the impeachment vote on the floor last night. the right affiliate camee about because a of the president ine chamber by congressman al green of texas a a demagogue showedp unexpectedly having recently had surgery and were in hospital scrubs. republicans in the boat with two expected u.p. no votes from ken buck of colorado and tom mcclintock of california. a third house jupiter lawmaker mike gallagher also voted against impeachment. a fourth republican blakemore of utah the vice chair with the gop conference flipped his vote to know second before the v vote closed. a procedural move that allows the comforts to bring the legislation back to the floor at a later date. that's exactly what marjorie taylor green vowed to do last night in the wake of that failed vote.
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this is the congresswoman. >> we knew was going to be close going and because our majority is so razor thin. of course my colleagues that voted no, i think they will be hearing from their constituents but we have a plan in place. there was a p motion to recommi, and that means that we can bring the articles of impeachment back to the floor maybe as early as next week. so this is not over yet. and we still can bring back steve scalise, and we hope that he is well and he can come back very soon. we look forward to having him come back and look forward to ending a solid yes on impeaching secretary mayorkas. >> host: marjorie taylor green, that was yesterday after that failed vote in the house. by what anotheren high-profile vote expected in the senate today and also an expected failed vote. this is a headline from the "wall street journal" this morning. bipartisan board of health is headed towards a senate defeat. that bipartisan security
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proposal headed to defeat in the senate along with $11 billion in attached for aid for israel, ukraine and taiwan. that bill came about after months of negotiation facing fierce hostility from house and senate republicans built over the packages board provisions as to week. mitch mcconnell confirmed wererday his numbers prepared to take the legislation in in a procedural vote today in the senate. that's what happened last day. that's what's expected to happen today. this morning were talking about on the "washington journal." phone lines begin democrats 202-748-8000. republicans 202-748-8001. independence 202-748-8002 and then holding open the fourth line specifically border states residents, 202-748-8003. we'll get to the phone first. this is stephen in dayton, ohio, independent good morning. >> caller: well, i just want
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to say i think the whole process was a big waste of time. i'm an independent and these kind of things go on and on and are so many problems that are real and need to be addressed. it's just another way of playing politics and not addressing any of the things we need. that's all the stuff the squeal with us impeachment, you think impeachment is waste of time. what about the border bill that was negotiated by republicans and democrats but now expected to fail in the senate republicans will not support it? >> caller: well again, it's the same kind of thing. what's happening is they have these bills to make themselves convoluted that one piece of it fails, the whole legislation. i am a big believer in supporting ukraine at a think they should pull the money out and say we need to put this part of this, put a bill into support
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that kind of foreign aid, and then if they have to worry about the border security what you do believe and what in sync and there is a mess, here's a thought that i've been -- i'm an independent so i always vote in the primary forth the candidatei want to be president. so this t year, i i'm in a fin hoping that nikki haley hangs in there. i want to vote for her for the republican nominee so i can vote for in the general election. just to refresh all the specimen going on. as far as a border, if biden really wants my vote, he should sit down with his vice president harris and say i, we are going to make a change. you can at any cabinet post you want or be an ambassador to paris or whatever, but we're going to get somebody who is from one of those border states, arizona or texas to be the vice president u.s. fresh eyes, firsthand on what's going on down there, they got a way to stop it. >> host: gotshal point in dayton, ohio.
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john is next in maryland. life for democrats, good morning. >> caller: good morning to you. i am so sickk of this, i don't know what to do. i wish c-span would bring up all of the sanctions of the nation's of these people here that's the problem. these doggone democrats and republicans, american people are so distracted from what truly going on. it's not a problem problem. we got sanctions on nations and nothing, though sanctions still the poor.y but they don't affect the rich. the american people need to wake up and understand, we create this problem, all of these nations. so i really wish c-span would bring up and go and look at all the sanctions on those nations and you will see that 95% of the people who are coming here i come from the nation's for the are.ions we create that problem, then we want to acte like it's such a g you because it's affecting the homelessness. people go to bed hungry every
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night. like a good education, the lack of medicare, medical attention for everyone. so america, please wake up american people and understand that our government is creating this,. >> host: glenn in texas on that line for border state residents. go ahead. >> caller: b hello? >> host: go ahead, glenn, yeah, we'll good morning, c-span. i saw something yesterday in houston i thought would never happen. the democrats bought four votes to keep from getting impeached. it can happen again. democrats -- they can buy votes anytime they want to come anything that the democrats want try and why do you say buy votes? >> caller: well, they bought votes yesterday. they bought four post yesterday to keep mayorkas in office. >> host: you will be hearing from late and show to keep
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watching at adm tom mcclintock of california, one of those republican no votes. he explained his vote saying he doesn't think this rises to the level of impeachment constitutionally. what the founding fathers one. this is not have the constitution was designed. that's why he said he voted no, yeah, but why did the format republicans vote for the democrats? that means they were bought.s th but --, if they vote against their party and their bought you are saying? >> caller: otyeah. democrats can buy votes for wilkins anytime you want something toan be passed for the democrats benefit. republicans are a bunch of chickens. they don't want to d stick together. the democrats are like a bunch of lines over there. when one says something, whole gang says the same thing exactly the same wording. republicans, they don't want to stick together, and that's what's going to be the downfall of this country. we saw what's going to happen in
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new york with the gangs. the gangs are going to get bigger and worse. >> host: that is going in texas. here are the three republicans who bucked their party yesterday. congressman ken buck of colorado, congressman tom mcclintock of california, congressman gallagher of wisconsin. the fourth republican noble yesterday was blakemore, republican conference vice chair. he originally voted yes, m and then theot so begin to tie at 25 right at the end of the lease whicht to know again that beinga procedural motion the republicans could bring this impeachment effort up later. they vowed to do so perhaps as early as next week. we are taught that vote yesterday in the house and also when it comes to border issues, the attention switching to the senate today, a procedural motion set to s take place today on that bipartisan border bill. it's chuck schumer was promised
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to bring up the procedural motion. republicans signaled they will vote no and keep that legislation from advancing. this was chuck schumer yesterday in the senate. >> are you concerned that if you are not able to marshal this prlem, that any sort ofees is bipartisan legislation that we need to work on has any chance of passing? >> look, , we feel this is so important that the security of america the border, security of ukraine and israel, will keep at it. this is not the last republicans will hear from us but we will keep at it. we will have a vote tomorrow. will move further forward dirk stated. >> host: that was yesterday in his weekly press conference with reporters just outside the senate chamber. a couple of headlines this morning about that border bill, that bipartisan deal that republicans now say is not good enough. one of those republicans who has
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been advocating against the bill of course, thehe former presidet trump and this column today from his former manufacturing czar in the trunk light is come peter navarro calling the senate amnesty bill saint it will crush this country. thinkable to virtually nothing to stop illegal immigration, only regulate it flow. that is peterpe navarro, his column in today's "washington times." and then shifting over to thomas friedman in today's "new york times." the bipartisan immigration bill incomes have the potential to redefine the world that we inhabit but the gop bumper sticker he says trump first put in second and america therapy if you want to read his column of the "new york times." back to your phone calls. new hampshire, independent. good morning. >> caller: hi, good morning and thank you for taking my call. i have two comments. first, first of all i want to comment on the decision that the
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appeals court made on donald trump which i think was a very good decision. he is not about the law. nobody is above the law. as far as the insurrection that he caused, number one, i am not excusing the people. they had no reason to be there. there's no excuse for them to be there. but why should they all face prosecution and he gets away with it scot-free? it's not fair. he insurrection that whole thing. thing. he started that whole ride. he ate them all on. and as far as the vote yesterday on my aukus, that was nothing a clown show. they are all so up donald trump's rear and so badly is not even funny. i would like to know who is the force? the republican party or donald trump? it's about time people get away from donald trump and start getting to the business of this
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country. >> host: a lot of news happening in washington and around the country. a federal appeals panel yesterday ruled unanimously donald trump is not immune to charges that he try to overturn the 2020 like in setting the stage for another potential showed up at the supreme court when it comes to the former president is expected to appeal which rejected his arguments from his lawyers last month that any act by a president cannot be prosecuted unless his first impeached by the house and been convicted by the senate. the front page story from "usa today." that is a story on the front page of many newspapers this morning. tomorrow, donald trump and the supreme court will be very much front and center. the colorado supreme court ruled the former president and eligible to appear on the primary ballot, the ballot for president in colorado i should say, under the 14th amendment insurrection act as its call. or arguments to take place in the supreme court.
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you can hear the oral arguments tomorrow at 10 a.m. here on c-span. you can also stream at and listen to it on a free c-span now app. we will talk about the 14th amendment and this quite a bit throughout theur show tomorrow n "washington journal." would like to your thoughtsts on all of it, especially that vote last night the failed impeachment vote in the house. lines for democrats, republicans and independents and in the separate line for border state residents holding that opened this morning on the border issues. peter, trenton, new jersey, good morning your next. >> caller: thanks for having me. i just want to say that republicans are not working for the republican people. they are working for themselves and donald trump. the package for the border, they did not cash offer, we're going to go back again and see what the republican party says.
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they are not working for the republican people. thanks for having me. >> host: that is peter in new jersey. republican, debbie, williamsburg are next. >> caller: good morning. i am infuriated at the republicanbl maga section of the political party right now. they represent a portion of the base of the republican people but they don't represent the majority of it. i am aggravated that the politics with trump is keeping the voters from realizing the potential for -- brexit if they can truly represent the republican people. republican congress that we have is not representing the people. they arere representing congres.
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it's not fair to us. i'm on the verge of saying they all broke their oath of office and should be impeached, because they are not representing the people, and it's time that we understand that and look for the truth of what's going on in this, election. >> host: debbie, you ought republican who supports nikki haley. do you think she will make it long enough innk the primary season for you to have a chance to vote on her in ohio? >> caller: why should we have to wait for her to make it to be of representative of us when we can't even push trump to the site enough? he's already claiming himself to be nominee. that's not fair to the people. we have the right to have a race in the republican nominee, and
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we definitely i don't think the majority of us, it's like he's at the barrel, bottom of the barrel and we don't have anybody else to push their way up. .. primaries, and donald trump is not on the ballot. nikki haley was. the former south carolina governor faced embarrassing results of the nevada primary yest >> host: primary if yesterday, voters technically selecting none of the candidates on the ballot to win the republican primary. nevada allowed voters to back a specific candidate or effectively pick none of the white house hopefuls. donald trump, again, not on the ballot. that none of the candidates on the ballot option everied concern received about 63% of the vote yesterday with. nikki haley receive ising about 31 percent% of the vote -- 31%, 86port % if -- 86 reporting e as
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of this point. that was the result. fred isad next, paris, illinois with. independent. good morning. >> caller: yes. i'm a seat name veteran, disabled -- vietnam -- and we've got to get ahold of this problem with the border. we see people coming through with suitcases and everything else from china and everywhere else. we need to get this under control. republicans and democrats need to get together and get a border control that can be controlled. why aren't they plugging that hole in the wall in california? this has got to stop. we've got a lot of people here in illinois that are going hungrye because of all the immigrants coming in, and up in chicago they're freezing on buses. i mean, it's time to get in this thing urn control. -- under control. >> host: the hole in the wall in california, are you: referring the that "60 minutes" report that got a lot of --
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>> caller: yes. yes. >> host: what are your thoughts on this border bill, bipartisan border bill as it's called, though expected to fail, republicans aren't expected to support it in the senate when a procedural motion is set to take place today. >> caller: i don't agree that they should vote for it. it's time to get control. all this bill does is give biden more way to bring people in. it's numbers and numbers and numbers of immigrants coming in, and we can't feed 'em. how aremm we going to take caref them? they're dying because we haven't got enough supplies for our own people. we've got people b in chicago dying on the streets because they took out those people and put in the immigrants. it's time to top supporting them and giving them -- stop supporting them and giving them all these gift cards and yteverything else. i know they've got to be taken care of, but these gift cards and everything just incentivize them to come into the united states. >> host: that's fred in paris, illinois. this was speaker johnson
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yesterday on the senate border package. again, the action is set to take place in the house. speaker mike johnson speaking yesterday -- i'm sorry, the action set to take place in the senate. speaker mike johnson speaking yesterday why house republicans would be rejecting this border bill even if it were to make it through theil senate. this is the speaker yesterday. >> nothing else in america's sovereignty is at a stake. our nation's sovereignty is at tistake. this transcends follow ticks. it transcends -- politics. it transcends your political party everybody should understand this is a fundamental responsibility of the federal government to secureit the bord. if you don't have a secure border, you don't have safety, you don't have security, and you don'tse have sovereignty. and the republicans simply cannot if vote for the bill in good conscience. and that is why i declared it dead on arrival, and it looks like right now it may be on life support in the senate. we welcome that development, because this is a manner that must be if addressed in a manner
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that -- a matter that must be addressed in a mapper that actually solves the problem. we have been urging literally from day one, literal literally the day i took the gavel, urging the white house and the senate to look at the provisions of h.l. 2 because it has the necessary if components to solve the problem. we restore remain in mexico, reform the asylum broken system, the broken parole process and policy this administration has been pursuing, and we build the wall. those things are necessary to solve the problem, and everybody knows it. it's the not republican talking points, it's the objective fact. we took 64 house republicans down to the border in january, january 3rd -- i know i sound like a broken record but, you know, the white house doesn't get it. the people in charge in the senate don't get it. chuck schumer doesn't understand it or care. but what we saw with our own two eyes, i don't know when chuck schumer went to the border last, i'm not sure he's ever been. but i w can tell you what we sa, an absolute humanitarian catastrophe. phbroke our hearts and infuriatd
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us at the same time. and the people on the border who are in charge with enforforce -- enforcing it are the ones thatmp told us those are the come 30e7b89s necessary to fix it. >> host: h.r.2, as it's known, the senate bipartisan bill that's going to get a procedural bill today in the senate. this is what's in that border deal. some $20 billion in border invest. ments including for hiring -- investments including for hiring new border patrol and asylum ofcial, expanding the capacity of defence facilities. it would force the department of homeland secity to shut the border if daily illegal crossings topped 5,000 migrants or an arage of 8,5 i a single day. it would increase the threshold quirements for those migrants claiming asylum and require them all to be detained the or tracked. it would add a combined 50,000 work and family visas a year over the next five years, protects legal foreign workers' children from aging out of legal
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status, would provide a pathway to permanent residency for afghan evacuees who fled their country after the u.s. withdrawal there. that's some of what's in, what's being called the bipartisan border deal, the one that's expected to fail on a procedural vote today. you can watch the action on the floor of the senate on c-span2 today. back to your phone calls. this is kathy, pomp know beach, florida, democrat. good with morning. >> caller: hi, this is kathy from the stupid state. oh, brother. i'm telling you -- [laughter] i'm glad you played back johnson's tape. he's for it, then he's against it, then it's dead on arrival in the house, and now it's dead in the house and the senate it might be dead on arrival, which i thought he had to send them something before they could make it dead on arrival. i think we're being pungd by the republicans. i really do -- punked by the republicans. i reallyun do. i don't understand what they're doing.ic [laughter] and marjorie taylor greene, she
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was on i guess last night saying something about how because representative green came out of the hospital in scrubs to do his vote because he'd been in the hospital, was in the hospital, and how, you know, that was sneaky. that was -- democrat, we're being sneaky. and -- [laughter] for some reason she thinks that she's supposed to get democrats to throw her party many in or out or whatever. i don't know. talk to nancy pelosi and find out how to count votes. >> host: on that border e deal, wanted your thoughts on the headline from the story in today's washington post, her column on the opinion pages, the gop dog caught the car again after months or decades of running on tightening the border, house republicans are suddenly paralyzed when democrats offer them the chance to do exactly that. >> caller: this isn't the first
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time they've done this. i mean, they're a disaster. i mean, the whole mess is a disaster. and i didn't see that article, but i do know that the "wall street journal" came out i think it was yesterday and -- [laughter] they're bailing out of this whole j mess if. i mean, they're the most conservative paper i can think of and, you know, they're not in on what's going down right now. everywhere you look, they're a mess. what can i say? >> host: kathy in florida. this is doug in garden state, republican. good morning. >> caller: yeah. i think people have forgotten this whole border mess that we currently have is all a on joe bidener and the democrat administration. one of the first things he did as president was reverse title 42 and the remain in mexico policy that trump signed which was effective. so now we have 11.5-2 -- 1.5-32 million, 3ll million if illegal immigrants coming in every year, and now they're claiming we have a problem like they have no part
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in it. this is all on them. and now they just turn around and say maga republicans are doingg it because we won't -- in to r letting 5,000 illegal citizens come here? this is absurd. >> host: that's doug in new jersey this morning. phone lines again, democrats, republicans, 202-748-8001. independents, 202-748-8002, and that if special line for border state residents, 20 202-748-8003. show you some of the floor debate yesterday surrounding the impeachment of homeland security secretaryy alejandro mayorkas. this is texas republican mikeifing mccaul during that impeachment debate. >> secretary mayorkas took an oath to protect our nation from all enemies, foreign and domestic. he hasor violated that oath and the public trust. today i intend to personally uphold the oath of office that i swore toy, my country. in my 25 years of dealing with
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the border as a principal if prosecutor -- federal prosecutor and the former chairman of this committee, i've never seen it this broken. that's because of one man's actions. his refusal to enforce the law, his rescission of successful policies like remain in mexico, his breach with of public trust, his dereliction of duty has led to 8 million encounters, 300 on the terror watch list, 2.3 million aliens released into the interior, enough to fill 13 states, 200,000 young americans have died due to fentanyl poisoning. these numbers are clear, secretary mayorkas is the architect of destruction. and the legal justification for his impeachment is strong. and the supreme court decision, the united states v. the state of texas, the court examined a statute that mandated, quote, that government shall take into
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custody any alien that has committed ann aggravated felon. not discretionary, it's mandatory. by failing to uphold this haw, he has released dangerous and violent criminals into our communities and has put every american life at risk. utsupreme court justice story in 1833 said, quote, where a lord admiral has neglected to safeguard the seas, that shall be deemed an impeachable offense. that's exactly the case we have here. secretary mayorkas, charged with defense of air, land and sea, has failed to defend our borders. the found's cheerily believe -- found's clear wily believed impeachable offenses included neglect of duty, violation of public trust, injury to society. when asked before the supreme court if impeachment is a proper remedy, president biden's own solicitor generaler said, quote, in the face of a dramatic abdication of statutory responsibility by the executive
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branch, suchon steps would be warranted, end of quote. secretary mayorkas is guilty of those impeachable offenses. he is destroying t the fabric of this nation, and americans agree. >> host: foreign affairs committee chairman michael mccaul yesterday on the house floor. democrats also making their argument against impeachment yesterday. this was maryland democrat jamie raskin. >> we're here because the mad cap, wild goose chase to impeach joe biden has produced no wild geese. even fox news is lampooning the fact that their own expert ifha witnesses repeatedly say president biden did nothing wrong and there are no grounds for impeachment. if more than a dozen gop members in biden-majority districts don't want to go anywhere near that fantasy production, so the trump-putin-maga faction ifti headed up by the distinguished gentlelady from georgia has been given this worthless trinket of a consolation prize, the
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opportunity to bring slapstick impeachment drive against a cabinet member of unimpeachable integrity who has obviously claim committed to treason -- no treason, no high crime, no misdemeanor, nothing indictable or even indistrict bl, if you prefer. what makes this farce if a tragedy is that secretary mayorkas and the if u.s. senate have been working for months to achieve precisely the border compromisede the gop has been a demanding. and miraculously, today got to a bipartisan immigration agreement for billions of dollars more in border patrol officers, immigration judges, fentanyl detection machines, a far tougher border. it was good enough for senator mitch if mcconnell and dozens of gop senators, and it was good enough for "the wall street journal," but the house magas would not take yes for an answer. why? because donald trump doesn't want a border solution. he wants a border problem, nothing else to run on. and vladimir putin certainly doesn't want $60 billion going
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to the heroic people of ukraine, defying his filthy imperialist invasion. all over the world democracy and freedom are under siege today, and all our colleagues can think to do isie to sell out our democratic allies andsell out the cause of -- sell out the cause of human rights and impeach a cabinet secretary working diligently to solve the immigration problem that they claim to care are aren't -- care about. >> host: jamie raskin on the floor of the house yesterday before if the eventual vote that failed to impeach if dhs secretary alejandro mayorkas. this is the headline from the left-leaning "daily beast "this morning, the gop wants to impeach biden, it can't even get mayorkas. swing and a miss, is what they right. getting your responses, your thoughts. s this is mary, a republican in the hoosier state. goodth morning. >> caller: good morning. thank you for taking my call. >> host: go ahead. >> caller: yes. i believe to solve this problem, just make theel executive ordero
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e main in mexico. remain in mexico. put the policies back that were thet established, and this shoud solve half the problem until we get to a better solution, because that's coming between the republicans and democrats. this is just a political play on both sides. and just remain in mexico. and invest in them while they're in mexico. all these people who have come across, 2 million, they're not all fleeing asylum, they're fleeing poverty. you'll have so many people in this country that we don't know where they're from, what their background is and what they're going to do to this country. let's just use some sense here. >> host: that was mary in indiana. this is david in michigan. democrat. good morning. >> caller: hi. thank you very much for taking my call, john. i'll tell you, it's very simple. it's total republican failure. they, the house is run by
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traitor trump. that's who makes the decisions. and the republican house bow to him, kiss his ring and do whatever he says. under trump there was 6500 immigrants 6 trying to cross the border every day. under biden only 3,000 every day. so that that's the first stat that nobody knows. the second fact is trump is a total failure, and he is running the house. that is a's -- that's the second fact. for over a year, republicans have had control of the house, andd they have done nothing, zero. they have accomplished nothing. that's the third fact. >> host: all right. that's david.
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this is june in wisconsin. independent. good morning. >> caller: good morning. >> host: go ahead with your comment. >> caller: i'm so disappointed many all a -- in all the high-paid so-called representatives in washington. just turn them back at the border. tell them to go back home. and all the -- [inaudible] we said to mexico, why they coming here? i'm so confused. and d.c., they need to get paid for doing nothing. they should be ashamed. all of them. and trump is not president, but yet they listen to him. what's going on? what's happened to america? we are being so let down by our so-called leaders. shame on them. and god help america. we need help.
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>> host: june in wisconsin. this is paul in san antonio, a border state. good morning, go ahead. >> caller: thank you for taking my call. the republicans don't want to fix the border, they want to campaign on the border. they want to make trump look better on the border. while he's in court on the way to penitentiary, they want to save him from the penitentiary. he's running to stay out of the penitentiary, and the republicans are -- [inaudible] they don't want to fix the border. they a want to campaign on the border. show boat and grandstand. that's all there is to it. thanks you. >> host: that's paw. this is j.r., dry fork, virginia. republican. good morning. >> caller: good morning, john. thanks for taking my call. i've listened to all these people that talk, and and it all a comes down to this right here, what was the first thing biden done when he came into office? he tore up everything trump did on the border.
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then he campaigned on everybody come then. well, guess what happened? highway -- you had one person talking about only 3,000 the comes in a day. the monthng of december you had 302,000 people, so you figure that average a day. and then this bill right here, they talk about taking the rights of texas away, that they can't go to their courts. they have to go to d.c. courts. well, if you do that, what do you think's going to happen? that's a democratic court system. two, the 5,000 a day, well, you know, the cartels are listening to this. they could end up sending 4,500 people in ad day, and that'll e a steady float if because it never hits over 5,000 people. and i am sick of everybody blaming trump. trump's not president.
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joe biden is. this is his mess that he started, that he needs to clean up with a stroke of a pen. >> host: j.r. in virginia is. speaking of joe biden, he spoke yesterday about that proposed border deal, the one that's going to get a procedural vote today in the senate. this was the president yesterday. >> for much too long, as you all know, the immigration system has been broken. it's long past time to fix it. that's why a month ago i instructed my team to begin negotiations with a bipartisan group with of senators to seriously andns finally fix our immigration system. for months now, that's that they've done. working around the clock, through the holidays, over the weekends, it's been an extraordinary effort by senators lankford, murphy and sinema. the result of all this hard wok is a bipartisan -- work is a bipartisan agreement that are represents the most fair, humane reforms in our immigration system inan a long time. and the toughest set of reforms to secure the border ever.
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now all indications are this bill won't even move forward to the senate floor. why? a simple t reason. donald trump. because donald trump thinks it's bad for him politically, therefore, he doesn't -- even though it helps the country, lee not for it. he'd rather weaponize this issue than actually solve it. so for the laston 24 hours, he's done nothing, i'm told, but reach out to republicans in the house and the senate and threaten them and try to intimidate them to vote existence this proposal. it looks like they're caving. frankly, they owe it to the american people to show some spine and do what they know to be right. >> host: president joe biden yesterday from the white house. back to your phone call, about 2020 minutes left in this segmet of "the washington journal." this is james out of durham, north carolina. democrat. good morning. >> caller: how you doing, man? >> host: doing well. >> caller: i just want to say
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that it appears that everyone wants to be, like -- [inaudible] everyone has a solution, you know? i'm on the side to do this and the side to do that. but they don't realize they need to talk to each other. that's what i don't understand, you know? is it right or wrong, black or white. but you've got to talk to each a other in order to try to make a solution. finish and youou don't have to take sides. it's like when you take sides, you're dividing the country. i don't care if if you're republican, democrat, independent, whatever. you need people to talk to each other because we do not know the perfect solution. >> host: so, james, this border deal that came together was the result of months of at least a few senators from each side talking to each other. what are your thoughts on that deal? >> caller: i think thatur they tried their best.
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god knows i think they tried their best to try to come to a resolution to try to help things go forward. but i don't understand so, you know, i'm not in that money-minded thing of power and stuff. but you had people talking together the try to resolve a issue that's been going on for years. and tan i'm not, you know, joe n jocan make all this happen. yeah, we're talking about 30, 40, 50 years. i don't know how many years, but when you've got to get people talking together to resolve instead of people just taking sides saying we ain't gonna do this, we ain't gonna do that. and the only thing that's going to happen is that the it's going to implode all over us. it's going to destroy all of us. >> host: that's james in north
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carolina. staying in the tarheel state, this is charlie, elizabeth city. republican. good morning. >> caller: yeah, thank you, john, for taking my call. as far as the border deal goes, i think that biden, president biden could do just like president trump did, which he did, hee put out an executive te order, and he shut the border down. president biden could do the same thing. but they don't want to do it because remember when president obama and his wife michelle got on tv and said they wanted to fundamentally change t america? what did they mean by that? they meant by bringing in people from all over the world into our country so they can have some type of one world order if the democrats ever get full control. the people don't realize, i live in a subdivision where there's over 300 some homes. 95% of the people have a 6-foot
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privacy privacy fence around their yard. do you know why they have that around their yard? so people can't get into their yard unless they want them to get into their yard. end of my story on that keel. deal. >> host: that's charlie in north carolina. iceman, also in north carolina, estonia. independent. good morning. >> caller: hawaii -- hey, how you doing, john? outside of the home, crazy conspiracy theories, i kind of agree with the last caller. i'm an independent that normally votes democratic-leaning, but this whole inflation and border situation -- immigration and border situation is making me change the way i think. i think the biggest problem is -- [inaudible] as a woke agenda, basically. but i think that they should put executive order to tamp down the board, because democrats are doing a poor job on the border right now, john. that's just my opinion. >> host: this is john in boxton, massachusetts. independent. good morning. >> caller: good morning, thank
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you. i'd like to say that in the beginning biden pretty much just let the border run wild. they had all this, they had $32 million worth of supplies left to finish the border. they scrapped it and threw it away. from the get go, biden a's plan was to just flood the country with millions and million of people to try and convert the vote to democrat. people aren't stupid. look at the -- [inaudible] they ceased the energy. we've got the barrel of oil nice and high so russia has money to fund the war. there's so many things going on, and another thing, biden's calling republicans maga, he's criminating and being racist -- discriminate nateing and being racist towards donald trump votes. they've turned this whole thing upside down. they've brain washingtoned all of society -- brain warrenned
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all of society -- brainwashed all of society and the country. they've given away our manufacturing, they've turned it into a race war. they've given away -- they're funding banks so houses will never be affordable. they keep these, they give 'em a banke. loan up to $1.6 million o no houses are coming down, people. we have to change that policy. we have to change the energy policies. this is an assault on the working class. >> host: you talk about the cost of a barrel of oil. today it's below $80. well below that $100 mark that usually gets a lot of attention. there's the chart from the business insider chart, that's just over the past year. you can see how it's come down since the fall and late summertime. but today about $78 a barrel. >> caller: yeah, well, the thing is that's very fragile. and by cutting american competition, you leave yourself wide open. we should be producing our own
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oil anyway. we could fund the green deal, we could pay for college loans. there's so much money in our energy, it would bring the cost of electricity down, bring the cost of everything down. that's why we've got hyperinflation, because we're giving all our money away to foreigno countries. why are we doing that? tell me. >> host: that's john in massachusetts. bill is in michigan. line for democrats. bill, tell me the name of the town in michigan where you are? [inaudible] >> host: winedot. i'll remember that. go ahead. >> caller: the border. widehe open, and we know why. joe biden and the democrats must replace if the black voters. they're v counted on them like they used to be. in detroit they are definitely looking to flood the empty city with all these illegals so that the they can get their vote. as for the court of appeals talking about we don't allow presidents to kill people, when are we going to -- obama for
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killing an american citizen and his son? they targeted that man -- >> host: who are you talking about,am bill? >> caller: during obama's term. there was an arab-american who was overseas, wasn't talking nice if about obama, and they had him bombed. and they bombed his 16-year-old son too. two different, separate occasions we get these two. nothing ever comes up about that, but he killed an american citizen. >> host: bill, you're calling in on the line for democrats. seems like you're fairly critical of democrats. what makes you a democrat? >> caller: uaw, third generation. i liked bill clinton, and newt gingrich gave all our jobs away. if we had all them jobs and with we had all these illegals, i wouldn't be so worried. but we got no jobs. >> host: bill in michigan. this is the sarah rah out of georgia, independent. good morning. >> caller: thanks for w taking y call. i just want to make the comment,
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the democrats had the house, senate and presidency for the first two years, and the only thing i can see that they accomplished was opening the border, reversing every policy trump had, and now they want to blame republicans for everything. they're not looking at what these immigrants are doing to our country. we're seeing policemen beat up, and these immigrants are let go with no punishment. what do you think they're going to start doing to the citizens of the unitedth states? they're shooting birds at american people. i just don't understand how pthey're getting away with this with no pulse. noo punishment. and biden is a total reason for every bit of this. he is the total reason for it. they want to blame trump for everything that's gone wrong in
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this country, and biden is the president. >> host: james is next, talladega, alabama. democrat. good. morning. >> caller: yes. they're just wanting to set us up for another civil war with the way they act up there on capitol hill. they don't care nothing about this country. i'm a democrat, but they don't -- [inaudible] about this country. all they want is another civil war. thank you. >> host: why would they want a civil war, james? >> caller: 'cuz they didca it -- look how they're acting. they want another civil war in this country, and it's close to happening. people are going to start shooting all them mexicans coming across that border and all them other countries coming across. they're just trying to set us up for another civil war. thank you. >> host: glenn,water loo, iowa -- waterloo, iowa. republican. good morning. >> caller: the only question i have is i keep hearing about all these, about this bill. you know, if they would bass a bill that only -- pass a bill
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that only covers the border and didn't have to add all these billions of dollars to go other places, i think there'd be no problems with passing that bill. >> host: and so is, glenn, you do support the compromise as long as it was decoupled from funding for overseas? >> caller: exactly. quit -- every time they make a bill, okay, we'll give you this, but you've got to give us all this to go other places. make a bill that just coffers the border crisis -- covers the border crisis, period, with nothing added to it. >> host: so, or glenn, republicans in the house tried to pass a stand-alone measure yesterday. this was also a high profile bill. i believe it was $17 billion to aid israel. what were your thoughts on that? that ended up going down in failure yesterday as a well, i should note. >> caller: well, thengo again yu added something to the bill about just protecting the borde- >> host: is so this was a separate bill.
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this one was not coupled with the border. this was a separate, stand-alone bill to fund, to help fund israel. >> caller: well, i understand that. but we first have to take care of our own country. so let's pass a bill that just covers and only talks about our border, nobody else's. >> host: that's glenn in iowa. of this is punch bowl news, that washington newsletter that comes out daily. you've seen itme a couple timesn this program. this is how they describe what happened yesterday in the house between that impeachment vote and then that failed vote on israel funding, saying tuesday's debacle, the failed alejandro mayorkas impeachment and then choosing to losele a $17 billion aid vote to israel is truly one of the most embarrassing days in recent house gop history. regardless of what one thinks of the merits of either bill, losing back to back votes showed
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the house republican legislative process that isn't optimized for winning. gop leaders can reverse both defeats down the road, but the damage to their reputation here is immense. and they go inside if speaker enjohnson's leadership circle theying there's -- saying there's plenty that a doubt the speaker's decision making capability while being forced to execute his questionable strategies, and there are a lot of people scratching their heads about where he's leading them. and they break down, again, that mayorkas impeachment vote and then that $17 billion aid to israel b vote yesterday. this is jerry, fort river, new jersey. republican. good morning. >> caller: good morning. many of your callers did respond the way i was thinking too. but if there's 8,500 a day, that's over 3 million in a year. so it's the really not doing anything.
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they're trying to give us that. i know cruz did a secure the border act 260 days ago that they ignored, and now it's going to wipe out 17 states like they just said. but biden could do it. i know -- didn't trump, correct me if i'm wrong, but didn't trump just say, all right, we're going to remain in mexico, and the democratic party went insane, but that was a presidential order, and couldn't biden do same thing? couldn't he, john? just say is remain in mexico? >> host: presidents are allowed to have executive actions. on your border numbers, this is from the customs and and border their numbers on land border encounters on the southwest border going back to 2021, this
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year, in 2024, and they go october through october, so the fiscal year as it's known. 785,000 the encounters since october, and their numbers are just up-to-date through december. in 2023 it was some 2.5 million encounters. in 2022, 2.4 million. in 2021 it was 1.7 million encounters. all this information available at where they post these numbers. jerry, did you want to finish your comment? >> caller: yes. well, we already have over 8 illegals just since biden took office. so i was just, i think about the 100,000 children that nobody knows where they are. i think about the 200,000 fentanyl overdoses. i personally know four people that have died if fentanyl the critical care nurse -- as a
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critical care nurse, it's scary the amount of overdoses that come into our emergency room. this has got to stop. thank you. finish. >> host: about five minutes left in this first segment of "the washington journal," just taking your calls here. this is julie in fairview, texas. democrat. good morning. >> caller: good morning. i want to say that, first, yesterday after the immunity rulingft came out i thought some -- i felt some sense of relief, relief. after the impeachment vote lost, i -- my shoulders relaxed. and then when the israel bill lost, i felt good. and then all i can say is imaginee all of the millions of dollars we spent on the congressmen, their secretaries and staff, the senators, their secretaries and staff, how many millions of dollars we spent for
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nothing to get done. and it was the new speaker, johnson, who told everybody last year that we must if secure our border before money could go to ukraine or israel. and all of our senators, you know, four of them are bipartisan group, they did that bill, and now that's dead on arrival. and it's obvious they are only doing what is for donald trump, and theyy care nothing about te people. i say that every fentanyl death from this day forward is on the republicans. >> host: pamela, west palm beach, florida. independent. good morning, you're next. >> caller: good morning. the bipartisan bill, let's take a look at it. please. i'm just asking that our especiallitives -- representatives govern in a
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bipartisan manner. i just -- the house dual speaker fiasco is -- they can't get anything done. i know this is, this is a, an issue that trump wants to run on, but it is an issue that needs our attention. the border security as an election issue is, makes me lose confidence in our, in our government. and we need to bunch the ukraine and israel and border bill together into one bill, one bipartisan bill. look at the bipartisan bill. of i'm asking the senate. i'm asking our house of representatives to do their job.
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finish. >> host: that's pamela in florida. one more call. ken's been waiting, allstead, pennsylvania. republican. good morning. >> caller: good morning, a-- i -- i apologize, i called the republican line, and i'm an independent. i apologize. i'd like to make two points. the word being ironic. i find it completely ironic that simultaneously they're trying to impeach mayorkas while also killing a border bill. that's a real head-scratcher. the other thing that's ironic is during obama's term, trump's hair a was always on fire about how obama wrote executive order, executive order, executive order, executive order. probably wrote more executive orders than donald trump. biden, in his inaugural speech, talked about bringing the country together. trying to do things in a bipartisan way. this bill, the border bill, was to be done in a bipartisan way.
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i was surprised how many republicans came out in support of it. and yet let's kill the bill, let's kill the guy that's in charge of the border. irony, isn't it in thank you very much. >> host: we'll see what happens with that procedural vote today when the senate comes in. that's going to do itor this first segment of "the washington journal." >> thursday, treasury secretary janet yellen testifies on financial stability in the u.s. economy before the senate banking committee. live coverage starts at 9 a.m. a eastern on c span 3, c-span now, our free mobile video app, or on line at ♪ ♪ >> in the weeks that lie ahead as friedman's first major television series unfolds, the famous and influential men and women who occupy those seats are going to have a lot to say about freedman s' -- friedman's views of our society today. >> american history tv the will
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