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tv   Georgia Court Hearing on Alleged Misconduct by Fani Willis Part 4  CSPAN  February 16, 2024 1:12am-2:48am EST

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end of fiscal intimacy. women in relationship when that tough conversation takes place. >> where did he come to the condo, i don't know what you call it condo apartment. would he come and stay at the condo and visit you there? >> what condo, what apartment, i want to bee clear. not jury house. i want to clarify the terms. >> see what you don't understand because of the case i have to move and so -- >> if you could ask a more precise question. >> please, give me the time period. >> mr. wade visit you at the place you lay your head. >> when? let's be clear. you lied right here. i think you lied right here. >> your honor. >> no, no, this is the truth. judge, it is a lie. it is a lie. >> ms. willis, we will take five minutes. be back in five.
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>> all right, we are back on the record before we proceed, though, advise everyone here this being a room mostly full of lawyers who have spent their lives in and out of a courtroom, we all know what professional looks like, what the quorum looks like and devoting ourselves to the rule of law and proper advocacy i would urge everyone to keep those principles into mind starting with the fact that we won't talk over each other and from there, we will get through this. ms. merchant. >> thank you, judge. how often did mr. wade visit you at a place where you were living between 2019 and 2021? >> you want to start with the lie that he lived with me in
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south fulton, a home he's never been to. that's one lie you told in your document. no. >> judge, i didn't ask her about that. >> ms. merchant, i want you to ask a precise question. i think she's saying he didn't live with her. >> never. you put in your -- no, while we are talking about professionalism. she pu in 3 different documents. >> you'll have an opportunity to respond. she filed that with the court. >> in 2019 -- >> he's never been to south fulton. i lived in south fulton. he has never been to my residence in 2019. ever, not once. >> in 2019 he's never been to h your residence? >> i lived in myr home in south fulton before i started getting the threats that the we are here, a house i paid for sweat
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and tears. i'm no longer able to live there. in 2019i did and in the two months of 2019, beginning of october, all of new hampshire and all of december, mr. wade never came to my house in south efulton. let me help you out. i lived in 2020. he never came to my house in 2020 let alone live with me as you put awfully in these documents. in the first 3 months of 2021 when i could still enjoy my home, mr. wade never came to south fulton and it is certainly a lie that he lived with me. >> so in 2020 -- so you said 2019. 2020, did mr. wade ever visit you atid a place that -- >> he has never been to my home in south fulton. 2020 was before i knew that a phone call was going to be made and i was going to have to abandon my home as a result thereof he never visited, lived at, came to or has seen south fulton?
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>> you qualified with your home in south fulton? >> that's where i lived in 2020. >> did he ever visit you at a place that you resided? >> okay. >> in 2020i lived in south fulton. that's before i had to abandon my judge. he never came there, okay. if you don't come some place, you can't live there. >> that's going to be my first time out to caution. we have to listen to the questions as asked and if this happens again and again i'm going to have no choice but disrupt your testimony. ms. merchant's question is whether you lived anywhere other than south fulton? >> i did not live anywhere but south fulton, georgia in 2020. that's before i began my prosecution of this case and i -- it was my plan to only live
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there. >> did mr. wade ever visit you at the condo that you leased? >> he visited that condo, yes. >> he did? >> yes. >> did he ever spend the night at that condo? >> no. >> just visited? >> yeah, but heju did visit for sure. >> did you ever go out to eat together other than the lunches you talked about in 2019 or 2020? >> i would think that we probably went to lunch but it wouldn't have been -- let me think. 2019. i'm going to say i don't know, i'm going to say we probably broke bread some place in 2019. i don't remember it but it seemed like we would have broke bread some time in 2019 so i'm going to say yes although i have no recollection but it seems to me i go out to eat and drink with pretty much everyone so i'm going to say yes. >> outside of the vacation that
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we've talked about, did you ever go out to dinner with mr. wade? >> i mentioned to you that -- >> what time period? we are no longer doing that. we are going to go back and forth. >> all right. ms. merchant, not so much, he can elect between opening the questions but i think we are still wondering about and we need to get back on track on focusing on the financial benefit or the relationship. >> and my next question about if you did go out to dinner who paid when you went out to dinner? >> he paid, i paid. >> you both paid? >> so let me be really clear. we didn't say oh, the bill is $102, you get $51, i will get $51. i don't operate like that with anyone. i caughtht the bill or he caught the bill, whomever.
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>> you never paid him through cash app? >> no. >> you onlyy paid him through cash? >> yes. we are talking about i'm very confused. >> you've never given mr. wade money through cash app? >> no. >> the only money you've given him outside of a contract is cash? >> i didn't give him money in a contract. that was cute but i didn't give him money in a contract. no, we are going to answer it since you said it. he worked, he worked more hours than he was paid and the county paid him for the work that he did. so don't be cute with me and then think you're not going to get an answer. and i will ask you about the contract in a minute. i asked you about cash. did you ever pay him anything, i'm trying to qualify my question. i'm not talking about the contract with fulton county that was paid. i'm not talking about that. i'm talking about outside of that, did you ever pay him anything other than cash? >> i've only given him cash a few times in the course of what we are talking about. >> if we would go to dinner i
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wouldn't give him cash because he paid for dinner or i paid for dinner. i've given him cash only a few times in live, probably four, probably the most money i've ever handed $2,500. the least amount of money 2500 or a thousand dollars. >> you never wrote him a check? >> ma'am, i don't have checks. >> okay. >> so you have no proof of any reimbursement for any of these things? >> the testimony of one witness is enough to prove a fact. >> i'm asking if you have any proof thatdo you paid him -- >> the proof is what i just told you? >> there's no written proof, is that correct? >> so i have some probably some transactions like in belize. i probably spent $500 on my card in belize. i spent 8 -- 900 bucks on each of our tickets to go to belize.
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i did the $700. i probably got some minor expenses in aruba that would be on a cardbl but for the most pat for those trips other than, so the two cruises, i gave him money for those before we ever left because -- let me answer. >> the question was if you had any written proof? >> so i've answered you that i've had written proof. >> if you've answered if you have any written proof and that was myrs question. >> i want to make sure that we are clear that for the two cruises -- >> judge, io ask -- >> we will not talk over each other. >> ms. merchant, she answered your question so we can ask the next question. ms. cross will have you opportunities to clarify when it's her turn. >> thank you, judge. knowing your o role as district attorney, public funds are scrutinized and money is scrutinized -- >> go ahead. >> you understand thatha you're under a microscope. you haveve reporting requiremen, all those types of things. you have no record other than
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your testimony of the money that you have given mr. wade. >> you've already asked that. >> did you pay that with cash when you made that -- >> i probably paid through however you pay. >> okay, so you were saying you had mounts of crash. so the cash that you gave him that could have been used to pay? >> you are going to tell me how to pay my bills? >> objection -- [away from microphone] >> ms. merchant, if you're trying to establish that she was insolvent in some way? >> i definitely was trying to establish that she did not have the mass amounts of cash that she's talking about yet. >> all right. re-ask the question. tax --had a
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>> if you say i did. >> you did not use the cash to reimburse mr. wade to pay that off. >> i went shopping too and i didn't pay it all. >> and you gave a lot of interviews to authors of a book called -- >> i would notnd characterize it as a lot. i probably have spoken to them -- >> i'm going to object to the question. >> finances are discussed in the book, i will overrule that. >> they came up with mr. wade and asked about what -- not relevant to the testimony -- [away from microphone] >> i think ms. merchant said that inside the book she also made a statement of her own finances and that's at issue. >> so you gave interviews to the authors of this book? >> once or twice. >> okay. >> to bee comprehensive. two or three times, i think.
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>> you quoted in thehe book andi will give you ace chance to sayf this was a misquote. when they asked you about whether you want today run for office for da you were quoted i really don't want to be financially f-upped again. my question is if you remember first saying that? >> i remember saying something similar to that but i would like to be able to explain what that is in reference to? >> that's fine. >> it was huge sacrifice. you have to show up twice a week. easiest thing i've ever done in life. i also had private clients that were paying me to represent them the so i was able to have a law practice and raising two daughters by myself, there were times in life where things were hard and so i was telling people i don't really run for da, i don't want to run for da.
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i'm in a good position. i have this easy job that i enjoy being the chief judge at the city of south fulton. i'm making money at the law firm and i'm not sure that i want to make the sacrifice and why does it always have to be me eventually i prayed, i think that i was the appropriate person and i think that i did that so when you're referring to that what i'm saying is why should i make a sacrifice again and what i was not talking about is being district attorney. once you get elected as district attorney you're in a fine position, i make over $200,000 a year. what i was talking about i ran for judge. when i ran for judge i took $50,000 of my personal money out of my retirement and that money ended up being-and i know when you bet on yourself, you are going to have to bet money on yourself and so what i was talking about was not wanting to go through the personal financial expense for running for by no means did i think i was going to be financially in a bad
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position. let's talk about what i was up against because it's important to understand that comment. i've had a district attorney who had been here for 24 hours. no, no. it's very relevant as to what my mindsete was about this -- i'm trying to answer your question. so what i was saying -- >> finance. >> it is about my finance. nobody put me in this seat. i had already run for office once. i had spent $50,000 of my own money running and it was nothing. i'm talking about contemplation of the run not the sacrifice of once you become the da. the odds were against me and i was likely going to lose based on who i was running against. that needs to be in the appropriate context. >> isn't it true that the authors wrote and you can dispute this issue if you'd like that you were broker after the race? >> the 2018 race?
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yeah, that was a hard race. i wasn't broke that i didn't very broke is relative depending where you are but that hurt to lose the $50,000 so i'm sure my mental mindset was like i just gave $50,000 away. >> right, characterized it that you were broke, poured your own money into the campaign and you weren't able to pay your own bills because of your -- i'm sorry, your clients couldn't pay their bills to you and you had a array of family and -- you were trying to make it month to month. is that accurate depiction of your financial situation at that point? >> i wouldn't want to read that. don't remember clients not being able to pay their bills. >> can i approach? >> youou may. >> i have notry read this book.
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>> her ex-husband ran into a financial -- i have no information about that. >> i just asked about if you were -- what they represent from their interview that you were broker and had clients that weren't able too pay their bill. >> can you show me where that is. >> i don't know that i had -- i thought i had a law practice. this is not correct. i didn't have any asset forfeiture case. they took one of my clients at the airport. i don't know. poultry array -- i did have family law cases. i guess that's what they're
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talking about. >> this was fair and accurate representation where it says you were trying to make it month to month at that point in time? >> no, i don't think that that's actually fair and accurate representation but i'm certain that after the 2018 election i'm the still not really happy about having giving up the 50,000. >> you know when your paid your tax lien? >> i don't. >> do you know if you paid it? >> i know i made some taxes. i don't know. i don't want to speculate. >> did you dispose your relationship to anybody at fulton county? >> no, i don't think so. >> and as the chief law enforcement officer of fulton county i assume that you're familiar with the county code ordinances. >> i said we are not going to cover that in this hearing,
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ms. merchant. >> i'm sorry, judge. >> we will not cover regulations. >> let me asksk you w then, areu aware that you're required to disclose any relationship with someone that you contract with in fulton county? >> i'm going to object to ruling this morning. >> would this be different because it's potential for impeachment? >> yes. >> what did you ask me? >> ms. merchant, re-ask the question. >> okay. are you aware that fulton county requires you to disclose any relationship with someone that you're doing business with? >> i'm not aware. things are confusing with state constitutional officers and counties but i'm not aware. >> it's your understanding that you don't have a duty to disclose -- >> she's answered that question. let's keep going. >> did you keep track of this cash that you paid him at all? >> what are you -- i don't understand. >> did you keep track, did you
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keep ledger, track of him? >> i've only given him cash three or four times. there's no ledger. >> i think you have asked whether there was any written proof whatsoever and she's answered that. we've covered this. let's move on. >> who are you referring to when you suggest that mr. roman's -- >> we already talked about misconduct being alleged for. >> so the record is clear i don't believe that his motion was racially motivated so i don't want that to stay there. >> i think it would be best if -- we don't need to go down that road. we are going to save that. >> you once said that you would not engage with a personal relationship with anyone that works in fulton county, is that correct?
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>> an employee? >> anyone that works for fulton county? >> i think i said an employee. >> so that's the -- >> i'm sorry. the statement so i make sure accurately quote you. you won't sleep with people that work under you. >> i consider him to be an agent. appointee is what i think of him as. >> your point is on the record. next question. all right. do we need any moments?
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in a minute. >> i'm ready to go, your honor. >> all right. >> i'm going the try to ask you questions that you can actually answer without having to explain, okay. >> yes, sir, my comprehension skills are pretty good so we should do all right. >> we shall soon see. if i heard you correctly, you moved into what r i will refer o as the condo in either march or april of 2021, is that correct? >> some time between late february and april, yes. just so we are clear, yes. in that time period you're in the ballpark, we are in the ballpark. >> is that condo, would you say that it is in hateville? >> it is in hateville, yes, sir. >> you moved in there for safety
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reasons? >> my father -- yes, i moved in there. we were concerned, my father was terribly concerned about me continuing to live at the house and so that we are clear people came to my house at 5:00 o'clock in the morning about the brutality cases saying i was going to have a wake-up call. there was security threats to gang cases and there were concerns due to the -- that was at the very beginning of this looking into that and so for all of those reasons and what was happening my father wanted me out the house and begrudgingly i left. >> the answer to the question was yes for safety reasons? >> those were things that caused safety concerns. >> i'm not questioning whether they are or aren't safety concerns. i just ask that you move into this condo -- >> right. >> for safety reasons, right? >> yes. >> at the time that you movedy into the condo be it from february through april of 2021 was your father still living in your house?
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>> right, because my father -- >> that's all i asked you. >> i get to explain the answers. >> i don't know if there's an explanation. your father was living at your house either he was or wasn't. >> yes, but you are going to argue at the end of this as we both know. because my father isdo an older gentleman he was worried about covid and he stayed. >> i'm going to have to say second time whenever we have to put a pause -- you'll have a chance to explain yourself. the question was whether your father was not staying there at the time you're clarifying that in your answer as well. you can have a brief clarification but it shouldn't be something that reaches well beyond the question. all right. we will see where it takes us. >> thank you. was your father still living in
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your house at the time you moved to what i would refer to as condo? >> yes, sir, due to his concern related to covid. >> the safety concern was that there was potential danger at your house, is that correct? >> yes, my address had been for exposed so, yes, there was concerns about potential danger at myil house. >> okay, so anyone staying at your house in the time period after you went to the condo was still in danger, correct? >> your objection is speculation. >> i can -- >> let her answer the question. >> rephrase. >> i was able to understand it. >> i've got the objection and then i have -- >> i will withdraw the objection.
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>> i don't remember the question so i can answer it. >> you can now, can you try to answer that question. >> yes. yes, i was very concerned about my father still living at the house, however, if you have dealt with an older gentleman he was not leaving the house despite my urging him that i thought he should leave as well. he did not want the leave the house because he was particularly worried at his age about covid but that became -- i don't want to say, i was not happy with that decision of my father's but iue can't ultimatey make him leave and he stay there had too long in my opinion. >> thank you ple staying at the . >> i was very concerned about my father still living at the house people was worried about covid. i was not happy with that decision.
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those that left, did any of your children stay at your house? >> i do not think that they were there at that point. >> i'm talking about this entire period. you will correct me, i am sure. you said you stayed at the energy condo until january of 2022. correct? i am asking you, and that period , february until april of 2021, any of your children, i am able to understand. do not yell at me. i i can tell you since i have left my home there been times my oldest daughter came in. i cannot tell you with certainty
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the time in which you said if they did or not. i don't want to speculate that the there was time when my oldest daughter came back whether it was that. or after i left the residence, i am not sure. okay. >> if i continue to go into more detail on this, you will not be able to give me an answer of whether or not in fact your children were at the house are staying at your house during that time. correct? >> from the time i moved out in february —-dash of 2021, after i left there, there was a time period that my oldest daughter came back. if you are asking me if it was in that window or after, i just don't have a recollection of that. kids come and go. i apologize for that.
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>> did they stay with you at the condo? >> may be a knight. limitless, no. did anybody else stay with you. >> never. never lived in the condo. nobody ever lived with me in the condo. mine was stayed, not lived. >> i guess i don't understand the distinction. i think she spent one night with me. maybe my oldest and my youngest. i think the whole time i was in that place, other than that one night, i don't think -- it was a very lonely. in my life. i don't think anyone ever spent the night except for maybe one night. i am thinking she spent that
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night, but just a very lonely time in life. >> we will stay with the lonely theme for just a minute. did nathan visit you at the condo from the time you moved in until he was hired until november 1 of 2021? >> i moved out of the condo but during that time. -- he came to visit. i remember us going. i can remember him picking me up and we ordered some food and set up my table. i remember times that he visit me at that condo, yes. >> how many times mr. wade visit
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you you at the condo from the time you moved in and prior to november 21 of 2020. >> i do not want to speculate. >> can we say more than five, more than 10? >> i will tell you the problems that i am having here. >> let's say more than 10 but i'm not sure that that is even accurate. granting some food to eat. i don't remember him being in that condo a lot. i am sorry. you want a number? >> your best recollection is all i'm asking for. >> that is all i can give to you how many times did anna cross come to that condo between the time you moved in november 1 of 2021. what about any other prosecutor
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that is involved in the prosecution of this chase. it was a lonely time. >> yes. 2021. i have a lot of things about this time period in my life. isolating jobs. 2021 was a lonely time. i turned 50 and 2021. i have a clear recollection of 2021 being lonely. >> did he ever visit you at the condo? the time. i am talking about prior to november of 2021 when miss garrity was at the condo? >> we did not share the condo at the same time. >> the answer was no.
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>> we did not stay there together so it is an impossibility. >> we need to get clarification on this. it may have been a time that we went and saw her. but we never lived there together. just so we are clear. >> maybe that was clear but i will have to try again. was she still living in the condo when you moved in? >> not a day. we never lived together. >> i am trying to understand. after you moved into the condo she had moved out of the condo. >> she got a house. we never stayed, we never stay a day together in the condo. all of her stuff was out of the condo some of my stuff, not all of it, obviously, was moved in. we never stay together. no, sir.
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>> when i asked you about mr. wade visiting the condo and you staying there, she was not staying there, correct? she would not be at the condo, correct? you and mr. wade alone at the condo. correct? >> yeah. >> there were not any other witnesses at the condo. correct? >> yes. >> no security from your security detail. >> her and mr. wade. >> you made your point. let's go on to the next one. >> who in the prosecution team prior to the motion being filed by defendant broman, who in the
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prosecution team knew of your personal relationship, and now i am talking romantic, with mr. wade. >> i am extremely private. >> the answer is, no one knew, that is fine. i asked you to new. >> i am very private. when i supervised they did not know who i was dating but i can assure you i was dating somebody if i cap something private, that is my private life. it is not any mystery to anyone. it is like a woman does not have
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a right to keep her private right -- life private. >> is there anyone else who knew about it. >> i don't know. i don't think so. i certainly did not go out telling my business to the world >> to the best of your recollection, you did not inform anyone on the prosecution team that the individual you had chosen to lead the prosecution team had a personal relationship with you. is that correct? >> that is inaccurate. you stated that the person that i chose, we have a personal relationship. we have a friendship. we have these distinguishing factors. november of 2021. let's get this right. not my first choice.
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that is no insult to him. because of the way you phrase the question, when i chose him, i did not inform people of a personal relationship. we have defined personal and romantic. an inaccurate way to state the question. >> i will restate it so it is very accurate. >> please, do not yell at me. >> you hired mr. wade for the first time on november 1 of 2021 correct? >> yes, sir. your testimony is that at the time, you hired mr. wade, there had never been a romantic relationship with mr. wade before you hired him. correct? >> very good friends. >> i am saying romantic
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relationship was not necessarily having to be just sex. it can be dating, it could be holding hands, any of those things that one may call romantic. i am asking you whether or not prior to november 1 of 2021 if there was a romantic relationship with mr. wade. very simple. it is either yes or no. >> i don't consider the relationship to be romantic. >> now, let's move on past 2021. i understand your testimony, no romantic relationship with mr. wade until early in 2022. whether it be january or february or march, early in 2022 correct? >> between february and april.
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yes, sir. >> i'm talking to you about that time. where became romantic. you did not see the need to tell any of the people on the prosecution team to establish a romantic relationship that the lead prosecutor, the man that was basically giving orders to others was dating or having a romantic relationship with you. correct? >> attempting to show that there is an issue on the credibility about the relationship. informing anyone on the team that she was having a romantic relationship with the lead prosecutor i would suggest his rise to that.
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>> the inference that they were concealing this because it was not, it had been characterized for the court. they had started earlier than what they say. >> i just wanted to make sure. >> at least 2020. >> at least that time period. i want to be clear. my credibility is being evaluated here. we were friends. we hung out. prior to november 2021 i hired him. i did not consider our relationship to have become romantic until early of 2022. i don't know what date and time. sometime between february and april of 2022 in very early april 2022 because i know that trip i discussed was like the first of 2022. i hope that answers your question. i cannot have it where, you know
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, we are saying something differently. >> you establish the timeline. at that time, did you tell any other prosecutors? >> i never tell people at work who i am dating. >> did you take any trips to d.c. with mr. wade? >> never. >> you have no what i would call personal trips to d.c. with mr. wade? >> i never went for the personal business never. never the district of columbia. the dmv. >> as i understand it to be clear, any trips he would have taken to cdc —-dash.
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>> that was a pretty clear answer. she said no you have a variation ? did you take trips to d.c. that were nonbusiness during the time period that this case of the matter was under investigation? >> relevance as it relates to the matter. >> the question already asked. >> that was with mr. wade. i asked her alone whether she took -- >> what would be the relevance of that? >> trying to understand if we have the ability to show a personal trip at the same time. i understand the answer. we have documents. >> i think that there have been
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other things discussed in the case. mr. wade made them in d.c. at the same time. [inaudible] that was not accurate among mr. wade. >> that will limit the merit and credibility. i will just ask the question. i understand your testimony is it is the same time as of mr. wade. however, since mr. wade has been on this case, he's been in d.c. since he has been on this case i've been d.c. we have not been in the district of columbia at the same time. the only thing that i am not sure about is what you asked me. i have a lot of personal friends in that area. i know that i have been to d.c. a big interview at howard university. i went to d.c. for that.
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i went to d.c. for the global summit. those were two separate trips. >> my next question is based on her opening the door. i will just ask for you to decide whether or not it is important. >> i did not go to the white house. >> apparently i am going to get the answer anyhow. >> i am not sure that the tough conversation did not happen until after. he would say june or july. physical contact. being a woman, it is over when you have that hard conversation. men and women think differently. >> the question was she was not
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sure. >> i'm not sure that that was her answer. >> it is what i said. that is what i said. >> next question. >> one more. the romantic relationship ended before the indictment was returned. yes or no? >> to a man, yes. >> to a man, yes, to you, no? did the forthcoming indictment have anything to do with that? >> let's go on and have a conversation. >> whether or not it was a —-dash. >> it had absolutely nothing to
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do with this. it is interesting that we are here about this money. as he told me one time is making him a sandwich. we would have brutal arguments about the fact that i am your equal. i don't need anything from a man a man is a companion. there was tension always in our relationship which is why i would give him his money back. i don't need him to foot my bills. >> is there anything else you would like to add to that? >> i am sure we would talk about it further. >> next question. >> something it would have to do
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with what i characterized as the church speech. >> preserve it for the record. we will move on. >> that is correct. thank you. >> when you gave what i refer to as the martin luther king church speech, you know what i am referring to. >> yes, i do. did you have hand written notes with you that you were reading from during the speech? >> why don't we just bullet point this i had it before. >> did we not get an answer for
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that? >> correct. >> did you read your speech? you just want me to stay out of it now? >> we can do it in a bullet form not in a question or answer format. >> do that at this point or when you are ready? i will ask her about did she prepare the speech, did she have notes on the speech, when did she write the speech? who was she referring to when she was talking about others? who was she referring to when she said they.
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who was she referring to when she spoke in terms -- >> you can certainly do that in some other format. >> who was she talking about that was playing the race card and why she did not tell people at the church that she had had a personal/romantic relationship with, all due respect with the way it was characterized, the black man she was referring to and was that mr. wade? >> next topic. >> okay. >> i remember you testified you have no records with regards to cash payments. correct? >> would your bank records
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reflect -- during the time. of 2020, 2021, 2022 or 2023. i am just asking the fact that you withdrew cash from any of your bank accounts. >> the exact amount? >> of course i withdrew money throughout that time. i withdraw money from the bank, yes, of course. >> you go to a bank or you go to and atm and you take cash out. you go to a store and you overpay. yes. go through that, yes, of course. >> those records, if we have them would show that. correct? >> very specific.
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>> 2020. yes, i would have taken money out. >> you don't want the bank records to be made available for the court and the court alone. >> i argued that address earlier an improper line of questioning. for the purpose of harassment. >> sustain it on relevance. you want to follow-up privately? you can do that. >> very briefly. you had contact with mr. wade in the year 2020, correct? >> i had some contact with mr. wade. >> can you explain when you say some contact. >> i had some contact.
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one of the reasons your allegations are so preposterous. >> ma'am, i did not ask you about the allegations i asked you about your contact. i appreciate that you want to say something, but i am interested in did you have contact with mr. wade in 2020 and your answer so far has been, yes. correct? >> she had a form of cancer it makes your allegations seem somewhat ridiculous. >> i appreciate that characterizations. >> i am not going to emasculate a black man. did you understand that?
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>> next question. >> trying to, your honor. did you tell us on the occasions in 2020 that you had contact with mr. wade? >> i'm sorry. i thought that i had answered that. times in 2020 where i had contact. the year i was running for office. he was going through serious medical issues. i did not have much contact but i had contact with him in 2020. >> did you go out to eat with him? >> maybe. probably. >> did you visit him in any location? his office, or did he visit you
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and your office? in 2020. >> i am sure —-dash i am sure, that's a very good question. i am sure he came to 750 and 2020. that was my office. not often, but maybe once or twice. maybe i went to his office. going to his office that would've been what? for pizza or something. not often. not a lot. >> i understand what you said about the cancer. i am not going into that. when he was come to your office, those were not sterile
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environments. >> very sterile. >> the restaurants were sterile environments? >> a lot of times he would not eat their rear —-dash we would not go in. >> you would pick it up and take it to where? >> may be eat at the office. >> it did not happen much. that is what i am explaining to you. in 2020 in my office not many were coming in. i was stir crazy i would be going in. i am not even sure if we came to each other's offices. i am trying to be overcautious. i think i can recall him at 750 a couple of times. i don't recall him at 750 once,
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let's say twice. i have seen his office, i remember all the awards in the lobby. i am not sure in 2020, i am not even sure i would in 2020 at all i am not sure. i don't have a distinct rez election. maybe i went to his office. maybe. >> ongoing phone conversations during 2020 with mr. wade. >> yes. absolutely. >> no question that i talked to him on the phone in 2020. >> maybe i was confused. the belize trip. >> his 50th birthday.
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>> that was march 18. if you look at the dates of the trip, we were there maybe six days. we stayed at two different locations. >> and you paid for it? >> 100%. i paid for the hotel, i paid for the flights, item birthday luncheon for him, i paid for massages, everything. >> would those payments be reflected on your credit card? spec cap -- i'm telling you all of the different things. >> whether they would credit card bills spies reflected on a debit card. for in cash 400 or 4000 i handed him 2500 the rest was money that we spent. i probably gave or $400 for the this guy that was a taxi driver.
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he would drive us every day around the two or three days. took them to each. it was my trip money. >> the 4000 that you just told us. >> i did not give it all to him, remember. >> i did not ask you that. 4000 part of your, my words, cash flow you at collected over time. [inaudible] >> i'm sorry i would not say that in any circumstances. >> i would not classify it in that way. i have money at my house, yes, sir. >> money at your house. i had money wherever i would wherever i was laying my head.
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yes, sir. that was my fault that i was not clear. that is where you would keep your cash. that is all i have. thank you. >> mr. stockton. >> we've had the pleasure of meeting. >> it is meet you, sir. >> madame ta, you have described these various trips and mr. say dell asked you about going to washington. did you and mr. wade go to new york? i have twice since i've been district attorney. two or three times. domestic violence there.
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i was honored and i went to the apollo there. those are the only two trips that come to mind. he was not with me. >> a world traveler and had been on many of the continents. >> been to six. >> had you been on any of those continent besides this one? i am not being funny. , to the bahamas with him, don't embarrass me. i'm not sure what's they are. i'm sure if i gave it some would tell you. those are, gents, sir. >> but not her any of those continent i don't know anything about that trip. >> beginning to work with your office. >> yes. >> two other gentlemen that worked in his firm with him. correct? >> yes.
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terrance bradley and chris campbell, not for him, they worked with each other. >> did you understand what their >> did they ever make you aware of how fees were divided or anything? >> no. they also had contracts with your offices, is that correct? >> i don't know if we have covered this. i don't know what the relevance would be. >> i'm sorry. do you want me to answer? >> i think based on mr. wade's testimony, he has an interest in this contract. >> sure. >> how is this been impeded to this loss. >> i don't know whether or not
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she was giving him that benefit. that is what i was trying to explore. >> we can start with that question. if she does not know about it the ins and outs of the contract is relevant roman and mr. wade's office did they what i think was referred to as a paint contract. >> let me. no. the office was not properly staffed. i did a contract for $60 an hour to help us out with those appearance. that lasted a few months. i cannot remember bradley orcutt that. you which one. bradley had been a probation officer. campbell had been a police officer.
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aggressively hiring hiring hiring the as soon as i got to where i felt like i had enough lawyers for that, i let go. they filter contract. filtered for this particular i do have a lawyer therefore this election interference case. i now have another lawyer that does that for me. the whole unit was anticorruption. it dealt with corruption and police brutality cases. they divided their workup. i made a civil run for it.
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they did what would be prosecuting civil rights cases. when i first took over i was told that paul had not filled five cases. it was a joke and ended up being 101 cases not filtered. which is why i hired two of them eventually we got it down to where there was one of them. now, i still have one that does it, but i've been able to cut those cases down to 30. >> can you help me understand what the purpose of the filter is? >> what a filter is you are not allowed to say what those statements are if they're done in the furtherance of their employment. in fact, you know what those
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statements are. you cannot tell us he is they picked the case up directly from the dvi because that is where those cases go to what they are to do is go through the entire file. the body cam which is important because sometimes they will make a statement in the police reports where they write things. it would be easy if it was just some statement of the police officer. what you find out is these statements are embedded in it. what your lawyer does they and acted out where they cross it out. once it is crossed out they provided he. that is not being done appropriately when i became district attorney. allegedly those cases were properly redacted.
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that ended up being a joke. the five cases, i will not say 101, but a vast majority. that is what they did for me did a those cases were not just on for mr. bradley and mr. campbell done for my office. obviously, life is not stagnant building new cases. i do have a work now. >> i have another lawyer for this case. completely separate. >> in the cited office, their contract and then you have somebody else handling more than any of the special prosecutor. is that correct? >> ultimately, the answer to your question is yes. but i am not sure that they did it at the same time.
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any gifts or favors from an aggregate amount of $100 or more do you see that? >> i don't. but i see you. >> paragraph number three. >> yes. >> what is your understanding of a prohibited source? >> i believe there are some classifications. they give you $100. >> if you look under there, sub paragraph two, it defines it as someone that you know or should
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know seeking to do with the county. >> yes. >> that concludes mr. wade on the date you filled out this form. >> yes. but he never gave me $100 or more. i don't think i've ever eaten $100 worth of food at a restaurant. i would not take him back if we went to dinner.
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>> you can sit down now. >> i wish he would answer the question your honor. she answered into specific individual questions. >> we are done. >> very well. >> okay mr. rice.
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mr. gill and. >> good afternoon. >> good afternoon sir. >> a few questions here. you saw the book here that was shown to you, correct? >> yes sir. >> this is an exhibit number 20. >> is it your copy? >> it is. >> what number is at. >> 22. i'm making a contribution here to this. >> tendering it -- you are tendering it. there is no relevance at this point. >> are you using this for a
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prior statement? >> yester honor concerning her financial situation and laying the foundation for that and then she gave these interviews to the authors and so this would document that and we want to get it in the record and ask your questions about it. >> for future purposes i'm wary of entering an entire standard page book because i'm not aware of every single page whether it's hearsay or relevant. do what you need to do with it. your honor and to stand. >> i'll let you go from there. >> thank you your honor. you asked about this before correct? >> i think ms. merchant asked me some questions. >> and you gave six interviews to the author of this book in a sitdown? >> no sir.
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>> you didn't? how many in your opinion do you believe you gave and how long do they last? >> two to three, maybe 20 to 30 minutes. >> you thank you gave maybe an hour to an hour and a half interview to the authors of this book? >> you mean in total? >> in total, yeah. >> maybe, definitely not more than to wish ours. >> also the title of the book is a hardcharging georgia prosecutor and a plot to steal an american election. >> why is the title of the book relevant sir? >> i'm asking whether not that was the theme they gave her when they talk with her. >> what do you mean by that? >> they sat down and told her why they were there to interview her. >> why does that matter? >> i think it matters because it
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shows they want her to give her version of what her life story is and it's the life story of her so that's why it's relevant. if the court thinks it's not. >> it could be relevant to your issue of misconduct that has been alleged and maybe some of the motives at play when it comes to misconduct but i'm not seeing again i'm not seeing any relationship or financial element about it, right? >> its misconduct and in terms of finances. >> i didn't make 10 cents off of that book. >> i didn't ask if you made any money. >> any other statements that she hasn't been confronted with by ms. merchant? >> other than i wanted to focus on when you were telling them about your financial straits and you were living month-to-month that is what your financial status was back in 2018.
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>> we covered that at length. i'm sorry but we have defined new ground. >> if you will let me move on to my point. i point is what you are telling us is that you were in financial straits. really your testimony today is you had a cash hoard of up to $10,000 in cash and where you laid your head at night. there would be no record of it, correct? >> that is not what i'm telling you sir. that's not at all what i'm telling you. what i'm telling you is throughout the course of my life i have always kept cash in my house. that cash has ranged, my father would be ashamed of this because he would say should be more but that cash at times went from $500 to maybe $9000. that is not what i'd -- he would
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be like that's not what i told you to do. i've always had that amount of money and what i told you is when i travel you are at better at negotiating when you travel when you have cash. you get a cab and they said i'm going to charge you for $300 i have american cash so i can give you 150. we are talking about lot of money, 1500 cash in my pocket or at the most 2500. i believe he was the most money i have ever taken and it was taken because it was a big deal. my 15th birthday. >> your honor and like to get back to the questions. >> i'm trying to answer them. >> specific yes or no's. you told us he would keep a cash in your residence up to $9000, yes or no. >> throughout the course of my
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adults life. let's even be more specific than that. probably from the time. >> your honor and only asking for yes or no. >> we have already covered this. i know you are laying the foundation but it's already been laid. >> we are talking about a lot, so it could be 2000, could be 1500 art could be 7500. it depends on what you are doing at that time. what i'm telling you is i travel i take cash. i find when you travel especially to foreign countries the american dollar does well and good to have cash. you can negotiate with the taxi driver, with the jet skis and it's not a money -- a lot of money we are talking about. >> so you have cash in your house you have a lien, castlin on your property is that right? >> i don't believe i had a tax lien on my property. they make you need to talk
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louder. i need new ground here. >> i'm trying to figure out how someone can have a tax lien. >> you asked that question. did but did not use the money that they are to have. >> she said she didn't use her money to pay for taxes. what is your question? >> i was going to build on that. >> it's already been done. >> the same way you owe bill if you're traveling. >> have you for, you said earlier used cash. >> i used cash at. >> what is cash app? >> for the record let's keep going. >> if you're paying robin with cash app why are you paying, allegedly paying. >> there is no alleged here. >> where he paying allegedly mr. wade with cash app?
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>> he doesn't get cash app. >> did you ask them? >> he has told me he doesn't use cash out. >> there would be a record in cash app of you making payments, right? >> yes. i didn't think i was making a record in a relationship. >> i know i'll move into this financial extent that you were asked a second ago about your non-disclosure form on your disclosure form of an exhibit 21. we agree that mr. wade is a prohibited source right? >> what i agreed to -- d like to classify these trips as gifts. i've paid my fair share on the strip so that i did not look at them as gifts. i don't think what this is disclosing and they can tell me if they mean something different i don't think it would mean if
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you went to dinner with someone over the course of the year they get to -- if my understanding of that is wrong waiting for a couple of people over the course of the year i paid. >> you are a win over this mr. gillen. >> i had to lay the foundation here. >> your 2022 disclosure form did not list any of the thousands and thousands of dollars that mr. wade paid for on trips that you are on. >> that's because mr. wade was paid the money back or he was paid due to the fact i bought the plane ticket or i paid for the hotel. there was never money he gave
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me. that's not the nature of our relationship. the sometimes the nature of the relationship as they are just paying the woman. the nature of our relationship is companionship and friendship despite the way they like to paint certain women is just not true. >> final question. >> not a single solitary document showing that you had withdrawn cash to pay them back wax. >> that is not accurate. >> mr. cromwell. >> i have one question. can you hear me? >> yes sir. in january of 2022 danger father ever come and visit you? >> you did not.
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>> i would imagine you have a number of topics to cover with ms. willis so we'll take with more than 10 to 15 minutes? >> i do. >> i think we have reached a stopping point for the day and so ms. willis you can step down now and i remind you that you're not it is i. we will begin again at 9:00 a.m.. we will do 9:00 a.m. this time tomorrow. the four-week recess for today i want to check in on logistics and i'll ask ms. merchant wants the testimony of ms. willis is completed how many other witnesses do you have?
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[inaudible] you may step down. >> do you want me to leave the courtroom? >> you can speak with council. all right so and querying other defense council mr. gillen there was a potential witness by the state and there's another one there and we can talk about that. were there any other witnesses anticipated from a defense council? the no show of hands miss cross any wit misses on your behalf? howany witnesses? >> without committing myself to a number i would say three or four. >> okay. all right,
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[inaudible] [inaudible] >> i understand ms. merchant however i don't think at this point there's any statutory requirement. the standing order for expert witnesses and the state doesn't want to extend that courtesy than i think you are stuck with it. >> i'm happy to represent the witness and the other witnesses [inaudible] >> all right. take up these last couple of issues before you break and the issue of the delta airlines records. the motion to quash is followed on the state state on behalf of willis i believe? >> my representation was yesterday so i object to the
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general fishing expedition. i've introduced a new record today that there's going to be no further review in the delta record. if the court wants to take a look at it and see if there's anything different than that i don't have an objection. i don't like the idea that we are just looking for anything. i don't want to put the application on the court but i'm happy to. >> ms. merchant to take it. >> ms. merchant i take the purpose -- i need you to sit down. >> stepped out, maam. >> the purposes for travel. >> is it because you suspect there are other travel records or do you think there might be something else on there?
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>> some of the travel records, we have no problems like i told the state. >> what i'm saying is we have heard about the trips a day in detail. is there anything else that's in these records that you will say proves an additional trip towards a just corroborating with the testimony from this morning? you don't know specifically? [inaudible] >> okay all right then let's would continue with that and if you want to send them, instruct delta to send it to the chambers we will take a look and essentially you can tell us ms. merchant what you think we should be looking for and what you think is relevant and we will do that. okay, all right and then when it comes to mr. schaefer's witness there's an issue raised about this being a summary versus an
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expert witness. i reviewed the motions and i think there was a summary document that mr. gillen's witness the sole purpose of this witness. was there something, i don't know whether it was to cross something about this attachment substandard glee that you think is inaccurate or is it a summary document? >> the documents that were supported, there are thousands of those documents. i don't know whether that is accurate or not. i would look what i would quibble with. i think the result is wrong but i just can't agree to the documents that were testified in a the documents that i can't verify. i can't represent that. the document itself has been
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offered or identified as being offered. >> give me a second. what i was provided by mr. gillen is a three-page document that start with the timeline and it ends with an xl sheet with more figures. mr. gillen what do you have to say on this? >> it's a summary witness and what we have done is the beau that we got last week. what we have here, if we look at that and rauner all of this information essentially his
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material of mr. wade's. it's a different company or bank account and largely what it is a situation where it now stands documents are are ready in evidence so whether it's. >> why can't this use -- be used as a concert if and if mr. gillen says in closing hey i put all these together and here's my demonstrative. >> the characterization is the language that called that summary and if it's an accurate reflection of the record. there are so many records. >> we are describing things we have today.
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the documents really came from mr. wade so it's not like there's a -- that we would ask if the witness would be allowed to testify put it in the record and pithy summary charts in the record and have them admitted and that way it's a situation where we have a jury and they are for wound with a national misunderstanding here. they could look through this and determine whether the source is accurate or not. the second sheet of payments, this came from them so to say that they can't determine or decipher whether the documents they gave to us are accurate doesn't seem to carry water practices in the situation where we have tens of thousands of new and different documents and
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different corporations, different banks and suddenly we have put it on. we have done our best and we got these things last week. i've gone through them all and what we think is a very concise summary chart for your consideration. >> all right so miss cross what i would ask is it sounds like most of the morning is likely to be taken up with the remainder of ms. wilson's testimony as well as additional witnesses from ms. merchant so perhaps we can use that time between then and the lunch break to take a look and see if these sources are accurately cited in the characterization is something that needs to be determined that it'll be bound by whatever you describe is the event. i don't see the distinction between hits. if you want to put it up for the witness and it's not for me to rebut expert testimony of some kind i say this about being much ado about nothing.
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that's something we need to bar out right into the get a chance to look at it and if you see credible and accuracy. anything else from the state? no, your honor. >> anything else from defense council? [inaudible] can we put into the record. >> i think it's extensively quoted in all the pleadings. if you think that you think that's something we need to have efficiently in a recognized certainly we can do that. i don't know if the state has a particular version or pleading that they want to doublecheck for accuracy accuracy or if they can just accuracy or picking just the something is assumed as a matter of law as pleaded by defense council and we can make a rule on from there.
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>> certainly this certified transcript that i'm aware of and if they want to give me the version they deemed to be accurate. >> that's something we need to have done by tomorrow but i'm not going to be ruling on -- i'm not ruling on any of this tomorrow. this is something we will take under advisement on all aspects so there's an issue we can bring up and we may bring everyone back. everyone is supposed to be heard and argued with in some way we probably won't have time for that tomorrow either so my goal is to look at this tomorrow we will take it from there. the answer is they are all busy and we don't have enough of them. [inaudible]
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>> again that's something i will wait for the direction from the parties. we have enough to deal with tomorrow and i think we can handle that as it comes once we have had a chance to take a look. okay? >> no arguments on the motion? >> the state has four or five hours of witnesses. i don't think that's going to be in. mr. mcdougall. >> you ruled on the evidence without the county ordinance. the statute requires they put into evidence -- so before the defense evidence closes i'd like to give copies of those to the witness. >> sure. >> that would be a mechanical thing. >> understood.
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>> i would consider it -- [inaudible] >> mr. mcdougall my expectation for tomorrow will be that when i talk i get to take prominence, right? >> yes. >> thank you sir. anything else? we will be in recess until 9:00 tomorrow. thank you.
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