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tv   Historic Campaign Speeches Donald Trump 2016 South Carolina Rally  CSPAN  February 24, 2024 11:35am-12:10pm EST

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best of america, i am the one chosen. if i am the one that you dominate tomorrow, start on the nomination process tomorrow and eventually become your president. when i put my hand on the bible that january day of 2001, i will swear to only uphold the laws of the land. i will swear to uphold the honor and the integrity of the office to which i have been elected. so help me god. thank you all for coming. god bless all. oh, wow.
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oh, wow. unbelievable. thank you. thank you. unbelievable. so it's crunch time, folks. it's crunch time. you know what that means, right? we got to get out tomorrow. we have to vote. all these thousands and thousands of people. you have to get out and vote because we have a movement going. we have something very special. no matter where you look, no matter these people behind you, you see them, the press. look. look at all of them. it's like the academy awards. like the academy awards. hello, press. hello, press. we love the press. we're hard in the press. i've called them so many different names. tonight i'm going to say we love you. okay, so this is my last speech. i've made four of them today. we had thousands. we had, i guess, 8000 at the
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first one. we have been packed. every single one. and we have a movement going on that is so special. they're talking about it all over the world. cover of time magazine. you have to get it last week. cover of time magazine. the greatest story. you've ever seen. just it's been incredible. 35,000 people in alabama, 20,000 people twice in oklahoma. we just left new hampshire. we were packed. every single venue. we had numbers that nobody else has ever had ever had ever had. and we're going to keep it going. but very important is tomorrow. you know, it all doesn't mean anything. if we say, oh, let's stay home, who knows what the numbers are? the polls are very nice, but who knows? we can't take a chance right, because we're going to make america great again. but we can't do that. we can't do that.
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if you don't get out there tomorrow. all right. and the more we can do it and the more we can win by the bigger the mandate, the better it is and the easier job we're going to have. all right. so i want to thank you. i want to thank you. so. this all began on june 16th. and who knew this was going to happen? i figured maybe i'd be in the pack. and, you know, sort of, hey, i've won a lot over my life. i even win a lot of club championships. that's good, right? but i'm not going to be playing much golf. believe me, if i win this, i'm not going to be playing much golf. i'm not going to be playing. believe me, you know, winning club championships is hard. it takes something a little special. he understands that. take something a little, like a little bit different. a little bit special. by the way, a lot of people are pouring in. and, you know, i'm going to start in a half an hour from now or an hour from now. so we're going to start, folks here. just come on back here. that's good.
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this is a nice room. see this room? you know what that ceiling reminds me of? the wall we're going to build the wall. that's what it reminds me. so we started a june 16, and i came down the escalator. i said to my wife, melania, come on, let's go. let's do it. and it takes guts running for president. i never did this stuff before. it takes guts. i didn't know this was going to happen. i thought we were going to do well. i thought it was going to be like a horse race. i'd be in the middle of the pack and maybe by the very end that -- out. i didn't know we're going to be in this position. i didn't know we're going to be in this position. and the people of new hampshire were unbelievable. i have to tell you, last week we won every single category. we won. rich, poor, fat, thin, tall, short. we won women.
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we won men. we won highly educated. we want smart, smart, smart people that don't have the big education because that's what it is. we won every single category and it was such an honor. they were incredible people and you know what the biggest problem was? every time i went around to new hampshire, i talked to people. what's your biggest problem now? the vets, we're going to take care of our vets. we know that. we're going to take over. common core. we're going to end common core 100%, going to end. and we're bringing our education locally. you're going to educate your children like it's supposed to be the old fashioned way. no bureaucracy. you're going to educate them with love. the love of the parents. you're going to educate them locally. right. second amendment, they talk
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about the second amendment. we are going to protect our second amendment. believe me, we are going to protect the. if we had guns in los angeles or frankly, where they have the toughest gun laws in the world in paris, if they had guns on the other side with bullets going in the opposite direction, you wouldn't have had 130 people killed and many people right now destroyed. their lives are destroyed. their lying in the hospital. some will die. if we had that. i'll tell you what, when you look at the 14 people killed, the 14 people killed in california, is that right? if guns were pointed in the opposite direction, you wouldn't at 14. these are two people. they were radicalized. she probably radicalized him. nobody knows. who cares? they were radical lies. radical islamic terrorism.
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so they were radicalized. they walk into people that gave them a wedding reception, people that gave them a baby shower. people that they knew. they killed 14. many in the hospital. if there were guns on the other side pointed in the other direction. so the bullets are flying both ways. you wouldn't have had that kind of carnage. so we're going to protect we're going to protect our second amendment. but we're protecting our second amendment. but i but i will say this and by the way, big story. you know, i said at the last at my last speech, i said apple. i said apple computer. apple, boycott, apple. we want the secrets. they don't want to open up the phones. give me a break. why wouldn't they want to do it? why wouldn't they want to do it? they don't want to. they don't want to open up the phone. it's owned by the government.
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the phone is owned by government. what are they doing? open up the phones. we got to get. we have to be smart. we have to look and see what's going on. let apple open up the phones so that we find out where these threats are coming from. and i said boycott apple until they do it. boycott of who cares? we have to be smart. we have to be vigilant. you know, there's so many enemies out there. we have to be so smart, so vigilant now. i will say this. so the new hampshire experience to me was an amazing experience. but what was that big problem? so i go in there, big problem. heroin and drugs. you look at new hampshire, the most beautiful area, the most beautiful place, the greatest people. these people are great every place. they're great. you're great. they're great. no matter where we go, the people of this country are unbelievable people. the potential of the people, the
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potential of the people in our country. unbelievable. now with new hampshire, remember this? they said to me, mr. trump, it's heroin, the drugs are pouring in. you would never think it. you can't even associate it. we're going to close up that border. we're going to build a wall. we're going to build a wall. and i owe them. i owe them no matter when i went. they talk about common core. they talk about everything. but what they really talk about is the tremendous drug explosion. and it just seems so strange because you look at it, it's so beautiful with the trees and the beautiful roadways and everything. and every meeting i went to, they talked about heroin and heroin and heroin and it's pouring in from the southern border. and i said to them, you know what, i'm going to close up that border. i'm going to close up. i'm going to close up that border.
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and we're going to have a wall. it's going to be a real wall. it's going to be a great wall. it's going to be a beautiful wall because someday they're going to probably name it after trump. i have to make sure it's beautiful right? and i owe it to that. i owe it to them. and then we're going to do so many people addicted there, addicted to heroin. they're addicted to drugs. we're going to work on that so that they can get ideally an addicted we got to get them off it, but we've got to seal it up. we've got to stop it. and i made the promise to them. and that's a promise to the country. that's a promise to the country. some places don't have it as bad as that, but it's a promise to the country. so we're going to close up that wall. we're going to close up that border. we're going to let our border patrol people. there are phenomenal people. i was in laredo, texas. these are phenomenal people. we're going to work with them, let them do their job. who said that? what you we got to let them do their job. they called me. i didn't call them.
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they said, mr. trump, please come, please come. we want to do our job. these are incredible people. they're told to stand back, let people walk right in front of them, stand back. beautiful people. they've got the guns, they've got the weapons, they've got the whole thing. they can do whatever they have to do. they want to do it and they're told to stand back. people walk in, people drive through the border, load it up with drugs. we get the drugs, they get the cash. they drive back. we're going to run our country properly. we're going to run our country properly. obama care is a disaster. obamacare is a disaster. obamacare is going to be repealed and replaced. a big part of the problem we
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have, the people i'm running against and others, politicians. in other words, they get funds so much money. jeb bush gets $150 million gone. it's wasted. you could take it. and there's a window in here someplace. throw it out that window right there. and it's going to do the same amount of good as what that money did other than these guys that worked for him, took commissions and made a fortune. this campaign stuff is unbelievable. they took money and spent it so fast because the guys that are spending that money are getting 10%, 15% and maybe even 20%. so they're spending i'm saying, why are they doing so many commercials on me? you know why? because they get paid commissions to do commercials. they're me, not even jeb bush. jeb does he probably doesn't even know this happens. okay, guy doesn't have a clue. this guy doesn't have a clue. but they spend the money so fast
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because the guys that are in charge, the people that buy the ad, the managers, all these guys are making a fortune. they had one case. it was in the los angeles times where a certain candidate. raised $6 million. very impressive right after the commission and after all of the money went by, out of the $6 million, how much was left? $140,000. $140,000. okay. $6 million. they raised. $140,000 was left this is a crooked business. fox is a crooked business. so here's the story. i'm self-funding my campaign. all right. self-funding. i'm putting my own money in. and i guess by the end of this month, i'm going to have like $25 million in this thing. i'll tell you what, i spent in
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new hampshire, $3 million. jeb bush spent $47 million. i ended up in first place with a landslide. jeb bush was toward the bottom of the pack. is is this the way we're supposed to be running our country right, right, right. you know, you know, in the school stuff. so out of the top 30 in the world, meaning 30 countries, we're number one in cost per pupil by far. right number one. so high that number two doesn't even exist. you have norway. denmark, sweden, china. these are the best countries in terms of education and. right, these are ranked the top four or five great countries, great education. they spend a fraction of what we do. we're number 30 out of 30. so we're number 30, and yet we're number one in money spent by far. i'm telling you, the difference
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between one and two is number two is so far away, you can't even see it. we got to change. all right. we got to change. we got to do we got to do like my campaign, i spent the least and i have the best result we got to do that. no, no, we've got to do we got to do. that. we got to do it. so you look at it and it's so much i mean, it's so much there's so many things we can do. here's another thing. recent li a doctor comes up to me good guy, smart guy. although he's going to leave the profession, he said he has more to under obamacare. he has more nurses. think of it in terms of nurses, more nurses than he ever had because he got bigger. but now he's got more accountants that he has nurses. he said this never happened before. it's so complicated. it's so bad. you know, it's going to die of its own volition. it's going to not in 17 unless the republicans bail them out.
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they're constantly bailing obama out. all right. it's going to die. but this guy comes up. good guy. good doctor, highly respected. he said, you know, donald, the drug industry, pharmaceutical, we're the largest purchaser of drugs in the world. the united states by far. we don't bid. i said, what are you talking about? we don't bet. we don't bid. the cost of drugs. we don't bid it out. if we bid it out, we would save approximately $300 billion. okay, ¥300 billion. so my friend said, why is that? at first it took me about 20 seconds to say, really, we don't. but then as soon as i did it, i realized why. because the politician that i'm running against and others are getting tremendous campaign contributions from the pharmacy cuticle industry, the drug industry. and they don't want to have bidding. if we did a favorite nations
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clause, just forget about bidding. whatever that company pays for certain medicine. the united states pays the lowest price of any company buying during that year period or two year period. you pay the lowest price. remember, favorite nations and i'd say lowest price less. 10%, right. we're huge buyer. okay, i'm being nice when i say 10%. we would save $300 billion. we don't do it because these guys are all getting money. woody johnson is the head of johnson and johnson is the head of bush's fund raisers. he's the campaign chairman. no, no. think of it, ted cruz, who lies more than any human being i have ever seen. i think any i have never seen i have never seen any human being like, look what he did to ben carson. look what he did with this crazy voter violation for ted cruz. he lies more than any human being. now, ted cruz should take a look at who's giving him the money.
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the oil industry, wall street. he puts down on his form. no loans. he doesn't put down the loans. he doesn't put down the banks because he's telling all the people that he's robinhood. he's going to protect them from wall street, big bad wall street. he's going to protect them. he doesn't say that he is the million dollar loan with goldman sachs. he doesn't talk about it. he doesn't say that the interest rate on that loan is practically nothing. you would like to have it believe me. you would like to have these people. i mean, it's all of them. it's not just ted cruz, it's all of them. and the reason our country is messed up, one of the big reasons is the fact that they're all taken care of by every industry, whether it's the automobile industry. you want to bring ford back from mexico. they'll tell you why you can't bring ford back because they get campaigned, got your beauticians. they can't bring ford back. you're right. he's right.
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okay, now, look. so i'm self-funding when i want to bring somebody back, i bring them back. nobody's going to call me and say, you can't do it. let let me give you an example. so the other day, i'm watching television and i see somebody with the cell phone, the crazy cell phones where you watch. i'm watching television and i see carrier. i buy air conditioners from carrier and many others i won't buy anymore from carrier, by the way. and they're firing everybody from carrier, 1400 people, great jobs. they've been there for many years. they they're firing these people. why? because they're moving to mexico. oh, great, great. how does that help us? how does it help us? they're moving to mexico. they're going to make air conditioners in mexico. they're going to sell them on the border. they're going to sell them boom. they're going to sell them to the united states. we get nothing. we lose our jobs. we close our factories. mexico gets all of the work. we get nothing. now, you probably heard some of
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these really not smart people say donald trump is not a true conservative if he is not a conservative. i'm very good, sir. i'm the most conservative person in the world on the border. i'm the most conservative person of the world with respect to getting rid of common core. i'm the most conservative person in the world with getting rid of obamacare. i'm the most control, inventive person in the world having to do with our military and rebuilding our military and taking care of our vets. but they say, but they say if they take commercials, donald trump, i get a kick. i watch these guys watch, watch stiffs. many of these guys are in private industry. they wouldn't be able to get a job and they're running the country. but he says they're ready.
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but but think of it. so they're saying he's not a conservative person. let me just tell you. so i believe in free trade, but it's got to be smart trade. it's got to be trade with china. with china this year, we're going to lose trade deficit,. $500 billion with japan. we're going to lose a tremendous amount of money that they send. they send their cars here like it's candy. okay. millions of cars we get we send them. we we send them nothing. we send them sometimes cattle. and they don't accept it because their farmers don't want they don't want anything from us. so they send it back. i think that's that's right.
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so we taken from japan. that was very good. i like that. that's very okay. it's enough, but it's enough. okay. never overstate. you understand? he was getting ready to do it again. i don't want to look. so we send them wheat, we send them cattle. they don't want our cattle. so they send it back goes back and forth, back and forth. finally, they accept it. they call it kobe beef because it's age. i mean, the stuff is rotted. no, no, it's like rotted. so because this age is decaying, it's disgusting. they call it kobe beef and they charge you ten times more for it. you tell me they're not smart. that's japan. japan is killing us. come out to look at what they're doing to caterpillar. a friend of mine is an excavator. he buys excavating equipment
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right. he goes out and he buys excavator equipment. they say, what are you doing? you're not buying caterpillar. i can't. they have cut the yen. they have devalued their currency to such an extent. first time in his life he's buying excavation equipment from komatsu. i said, what's the difference? he said, they're both good. caterpillar's better, but this is good enough. i owe it to my family. i owe to my wife, i owe to my employees, my company. i understand what he's saying. they've devalued their currency. take a look at caterpillar stock. take a look at what's happening to caterpillar. it's happening to all of us right here you have boeing. boeing is being forced to build a massive plant in china, a number of massive plants. fox, fox. let me just tell you something. unless i'm president, you watch what happens won't happen with me because i know the game better than any human being that several of nobody knows a thing. nobody, unless i'm president
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within a few years, they're going to make all their planes in china. they're going to devalue their currency, even more. they're the kings of devaluation. nobody knows currency manipulate nation better than china. nobody. okay. and all of a sudden you're going to say, you know, our nice new plant, we're not doing any planes that they're going to start doing the layoffs. and here we go again. we've got to get smart on trade. now, when i came down the escalator at trump tower and i became i went all in front of these people. i came down that escalator. let me just tell you something. it started with trade and it started with the border. and then they had that horrible incident in france in paris, and all of a sudden the border became more important and cnn did. polls and it said they love us. trump. they love trump for the military because he's the toughest on the border. sheriff joe, you know, joe arpaio. sheriff joe endorsed me when sheriff joe endorsed you.
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you're the toughest on the border, too weak. so sheriff sheriff joe arpaio, adore endorsed. and it was sort of an amazing event. you want to know the truth by the way? great endorsement, jerry falwell jr. unbelievable. liberty university. jerry sees every single candidate come through liberty univer, every candidate goes to liberty university. he endorsed donald trump. i want to tell you, that was a great honor. sarah palin, she everybody wants sarah's endorsement. a great woman and a great i'll tell you what, that is a great person endorsed donald trump. so we're going to have the borders and we're going to have our trade. when we started, i talked about borders. i talked about trade. i'm really good at the trade. i'm really good at the borders. when paris happened, everybody started saying, we want trump. the polls came in 60%, 70%, 72%. this is 72% with 17 people running. now we're down to six.
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we got rid of all these people. it's so great. it's so great. but but we had 60%. 70%. so in terms of the military, in terms of the border, in terms of all of these things, the economy, i expect, but everything was trump. trump, trump, except for personality. i didn't do as well on pressure. it's true. it's true. and you know what, trump. personality was a little lower than the economy. but if you had your choice of having somebody with a wonderful personality but was bad on jobs, bad on the economy, better security, bad on the border, bad on the wall. i'll take the guy with the wall. i'll take the guy with the economy. okay. believe me. and i'm also a nicer guy than many of these people running that i can tell you that.
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i can say i i've gotten to know him. they actually came up, you know, because, you know, we're going to build the wall. who's going to pay for the wall quickly? who's going to pay. so what are these guys running against me, donald? first of all, you can't build a wall. i said, really? why can't we? he said, well, i don't know. can you do that? you know, 15 years ago they wanted to build a wall and they couldn't do it because the environmental impact statement for the wall, they couldn't get it approved because there were rodents, snakes, rats, all sorts of stuff in the way they couldn't get it. they had frogs. they had snails, stroke. oh, look, they couldn't get an environmental impact statement approved. oh, i'm so good at environmental impact statements. so now you have south china sea. you have china building a massive fortress with massive, massive runways for the biggest military planes in the world. and they've got those excavators. they're not caterpillars. by the way, i have to tell you.
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and they're digging and they're taking and they're ripping the hell out of that ocean. they're ripping it and ripping and rip. and they're building an island in the south china sea, and that's going to be a military fortress. and they're not supposed to be doing that, but they have absolutely no respect for a president. they have no respect for our country. so they're doing it. and i say i said to a friend of mine from china, because actually i do a lot of business with china, they're fine to do business with. i make a lot of money with china. it's very good if you know what you're doing, you can make a fortune with china. they buy my apartment. i have the biggest bank in the world and one of my buildings in manhattan in china, biggest bank in the world, 400 million customers, they get it. that's more than the people we have in this country. 400 million customers, biggest bank of the world. but i do business with china. so i said to my friend jokingly, jokingly. i said, when you started excavation in your building, that tremendous island in the middle of the south china sea, did you get an environment impact statement? he said, actually, donald, no, they came up with the idea on
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friday at 4:00 and they started excavation on saturday morning. okay. to he said that he said they came up with it. they started excavation about three. i mean, we're dealing in a different world, folks. you know, during the debate, the second debate, i love the last debate it i trump people said he was too rough b i mean that's better than some of the others that are too weak, but they said donald was and others. but i have to say drudge, who's an amazing guy, drudge does a poll, time magazine. i won every single poll for the debate right. but but some people said it wasn't my best too, but i got like seven people coming at me from every side of my supposed to be nice. that's the problem with our country. we're too nice. they say tone hillary clinton said, i don't like donald trump's tone. i don't like his tone. they're chopping off heads in the middle east of our people. they're chopping off heads of
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christian. they're chopping off heads of everybody. they're drowning people throw at a time in cages. and she goes, i don't like his tone. so they asked ted cruz, who standing right here, i was always in the center, by the way, he's here. the other ones here. i've been in the center every single day, bed nights. right. let's go. no, it's not easy. somebody said, that's amazing. every single debate. you know, i heard ted's a good debater. i said he is a good debater, but he can't talk a bad talker. he's a good debater. bad talker. so he's over here. they asked him about waterboarding. they said, senator cruz, what do you think of waterboard? oh, i don't want to talk about it. you know, he did he didn't want to talk about waterboarding because too controversial. and i'm saying to myself that chopping off heads, he doesn't want to talk about water. but then they look at me and they say, what do you think about waterboarding now? i didn't poll it. you know, i have more money than all of them put together. 25 times. but i don't need a pollster. you know what?
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these guys do my polling for me, the networks every every day they come out with a new poll. what do you think of donald trump's hair? what do you think of his this? what do you think of his that? i mean, i learned more about myself. what do i have to spend money? they spend millions of dollars. the networks on polling 2 minutes after it comes out, i get things just stick things i never even know about myself. then they say, how much do you pay your pollster? you get them for free. they do it for free. they say, how much do you pay your pollster, mr. trump? i say, nothing. i don't have a pollster. the network. so my pollsters, every day i get a new poll. i have so much i'm so busy, i can't read them anyway. but i've learned a lot. these guys pay, they spend hundreds of thousands of dollars a month. so ted cruz couldn't poll it, so they didn't know how to answer the question. he was mumbling and bumbling and you guys. well, i support waterboarding a well, you know, he's thinking it's going to be terrible to say i'm in favor of waterboarding, meaning he's in favor or whatever. so he goes, well, i'd like to
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you got to say it. you got to say it. then they say, mr. trump, now i'm thinking to myself, they chop off heads. not since medieval time. james foley not since many evil times do they chop off heads, chop off heads. who the hell ever heard of this? we're in now the worst period of baby ever. medieval times. boom. i read. i loved history when i was in high school and i'd read about medieval times. boom, boom, chop off heads. yeah. when was the last time you heard about chopping off his? now they chop off. it's okay. so now they look at me. mr. trump, how do you feel about waterboarding? they think i'm going to say, oh, it's a terrible thing. it's so horrible. it's so mean. it's so terrible. in fact, it's supposed to be you know, the big question is, is it torture or not? in other words, it's so borderline. it's like your minimal, minimal, minimal torture. so they said, mr. trump, i'd like you to answer the question. how do you feel about
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waterboarding? i said, i feel great about it. i really i feel well. i said, i feel bad. and then i said something that got me in a minor bit of trouble because it wasn't politically correct, i said. but i think we should go much, much, much further than waterboarding. i said, we have an enemy in the middle east. isis's and others that are chopping off people's head and drowning people in steel cages. they leave them under there for 40 minutes and they pull it up right. can you imagine these people when they sit around at night eating whatever they're eating and talking and they're talking about the united states, that they're actually worried about waterboarding as being a little bit cruel. and these people chop off heads. they must think we are the dumbest and the weakest and the
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stupidest people earth. all right. on
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girls and women. images and


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