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tv   Campaign 2024 Nikki Haley Delivers Remarks on South Carolina Primary Night  CSPAN  February 26, 2024 10:29am-11:14am EST

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rose friedman and a first aired on public television and making 80. they also wrote a best-selling companion book with the same day. programs industries take us to locations important to u.s. and world economies. the friedman's advocate free-market principles and limited government intervention in a con and that social policy. other topics include welfare, education, equality, consumer cd worker protection, and inflation. watch free to choose saturdays at 7 p.m. eastern on american history tv on c-span2. >> a healthy democracy doesn't just look like this. it looks like this where americans can see democracy at work, where citizens are truly informed, the republic strives. get informed straight from the source on c-span. unfiltered, unbiased, word for word. from the nation's capital to wherever you are. because the opinion that matters
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the most is your own. this is what democracy looks like. c-span, powered by cable. >> 2024 republican predential candidate nikkialey spoke on imary election night in charleston, south carolina, after finishing second to former president trump pitch he told voters she would continue to run for president regardless o what happens in south carolina as the primary race leads up to super tuesday on tuesday, march 5. this is half an hour. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ i saw him dance and thereby the record machine ♪ ♪ i knew he must've been about 17 ♪ >> thank you.
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[applause] [chanting] thank you. thank you. >> thank you, thank you, thank you. [applause] >> thank you. y'all are a rowdy bunch. [cheers and applause] but i love that about you. thank you. you know, want to start up obvious he thank you my family. am so incredibly blast. [applause] i was able to speak with michael thisab morning. i just come his support has been amazing. the kids have really stepped up, sometimes too much, but they have stepped up in a way that has made me so, so proud. i am blessed because i had the ability i to actually go vote
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today with my mom. [cheers and applause] you know, and do something very special with thel fact that she was a lawyer in india and she was named one of the first female judges. and because of the times she was never able to sit on the bench. but the fact that she'd go with me and cast her ballot for her daughter as president of the united states was an amazing -- [cheers and applause] i want to thank my parents who taught me strength and grace. i want to thank michael's parents who been unbelievably supportive. [cheers and applause] i do want to thank my brothers and my sisters and their families for always supporting us every step of the way. thank you. [cheers and applause] i feel blessed tonight.
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i felt last through this entire journey. even when it's been tough. i haven't lost sight of that. i have felt gods strength and grace every step of the way. [applause] i'm blessed to serve the state that raised me. and i look forward to continuing to be blessed to serve the state that raised me, whether it's going and voting with my mom whether it is being with our family. we are very grateful for the good people of south carolina. thank you. [cheers and applause] and it's aan blessing to know tt across our sweet state everyone wants to bring back the america we know and love. that's the underlying message of what happened today.
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i want to congratulate donald trump on his victory. [booing] i do want to thank the people of south carolina for using the power of your voice. [cheers and applause] no matter the results, i love the people of our state. [shouting] i love fully accomplished together, and i love how we have united during our worst challenges and tragedies. i've always seen our state as a family. families are honest with each other. they say the hard truth. that's what i've done this entire campaign, and that's what i'll do now. what i saw today was south carolina's frustration with our country's s direction. i have seen that same
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frustration nationwide. i share it. i feel it to my core. i couldn't be more worried about america. it seems like ourur country is falling apart. but here's the thing. america will come apart if we make the wrong choices. this has never been about me or my politicalev future. we need tod be joe biden in november. [cheers and applause] i don't believe donald trump can be joe biden. [cheers and applause] nearly every day trump drives people away, including with his comments just yesterday.
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todayou in south carolina and we're getting around 40% of the vote. [cheers and applause] that's about, that's about what we got in new hampshire, too. i'm an account. i know 40% is not 50%, but i also know 40% is not some tiny group. [cheers and applause] nikki! ni! mrs. haley: there are huge numbers of voters in our republican primaries who are saying they want an alternative. [cheers]
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i said earlier this week that no matter what happens in south carolina, i will continue to run for president. [cheers] i am a woman of my word. [cheers] >> nikki! nikki! nikki! [chanting] nikki. nikki. nikki. >> i'm not getting up this fight when a majority of americans disapprove of both donald trump and joe biden. south carolina has spoken. we are the fourth state to do
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so. in the next ten ten days an1 states and territories will speak. they have the right to a real choice. not the sole of your stop only one candidate. -- soviet style -- and i'm a duty to give them that choice. [cheers and applause] we can't afford four more years of biden's failures or trump's lack of focus. [cheers and applause] we are at 34 trillion in debt and counting. notco even a third of peace thee graders are proficient in reading. families can't't afford groceri. 9 million illegals that come to our border with enough fentanyl to kill every single american.
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and beyond our borders the world is on fire. war is spreading further every day. if we are not strong, those wars will drop america further in. and it's not just about policies. we won't get out of our downward spiral if we keep obsessing over the past. does anyone seriously think joe biden or donald trump would unite our country to solve -- [shouting] one of them called his fellow americans fascists. the other calls his fellow americans vermin. they are not fighting for our country's future. they are demanding we fight each other. the younger generation, my
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children's generation, knows that better than anyone. they deserve better. they deserve leadership. and so i will keep fighting for them and for you, and for all of america. [cheers and applause] from the start of this campaign i have made clear that i am running for president to save america. i i'm running to remind us whatt means to be an american. in the america i know i love we believe in each other, and we believe in america's inherent goodness. that was a time to renew that
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belief. now is the time to remember who we are. we are citizens ofry the greatet country in human history. [cheers and applause] [chanting] usa. usa. usa. >> and we must lead now more than ever before. i'm grateful to south carolina. i always have been and always will be. and i'm grateful that today is not the end of our story. [cheers and applause] we are headed in michigan tomorrow. [cheers and applause] and we're headed to the super tuesday states throughout all of next week.
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[cheers and applause] we will keep fighting for america, and we will not rest until america wins. [cheers and applause] i want tont give a few thank yos because we've had some people really, they're been too many to thank, but it really to single out congressman ralph norman. [applause] rolf has had pressure on him from every side that he needed to not support me and that he needed to step away from me. and he always said there's no way in hell. [applause] i want to thank senators, senator tom davis. [applause] representative nathan ballantyne. [applause] and representative mike nice who were there --
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[applause] we had other supporters, but they were constantly there. tom, you've been there from the very beginning. nathan, you'll forever be my mdesk mate. mike, i won't know what to do if i don't see at an event, but i'm truly, truly grateful come solicitor start of wilson and duffie stone, amazing rock stars for ourr state that we should l be proud of. mayor brenda bassoon really stepped up, the mayor of myrtle beach, she was absolutely fantastic. former congressman barrett. you know, the story behind me and aggression is we had, we duked it out in a first primary when i ran for governor. and to have them call me and say, that we don't want to help you, i will do whatever you need me to do. [applause]
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gresham, thank you for the prayers. thank you for the tax. thank you for the encouragement. i am grateful for that. and everybody needs a friend like bubba cromer. [applause] [chanting] bubba. bubba. bubba. >> when you have a friend who was one of the first ones to greet me when i joined the house of representatives, and when everybody wasn't nice and they gave me a hard time, bubba would always complement my outfit. [laughing] and to have you show up and go
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to every event and print thousands of letters, and stuffed mailboxes and do the things you didn't have to do, we all love you. and to my women for nikki -- [cheers and applause] we have our women for nikki chapters in every state t in ths country. [applause] and if you want to talk about a force, don't mess with the women in america. [cheers and applause] thank you for the support, encouragement, the love, everything you've given.
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thank you, south carolina. thanks for everybody who's been here today. on board. thank you. god bless you. [applause] ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ well, , she was an american gl raised on promises. she couldn't help thinking that there was a little more to life, somewhere else.
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♪ after all it was a great big world, with lots of places to run to. yeah, and if she had to die trying in, she had one little promise she was going to keep. ♪ oh, yeah, all right. take it easy baby. make it last all night. she was an american girl. ♪ well, it was kind of cold that night. she stood alone on her balcony. yeah, sher could hear the cars roll byy out on 441 like waves crashing on the beach. ♪ and for one desperate moment there he prepped back in her memory.
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god it's so painful. something that so close, and still so far out of reach. ♪ oh, yeah, all right. take it easy, baby. make it last all night. she was an american girl. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ well, , we like to spend money not money we got. and we can balance the checkbook and girls, let me tell you what. it's time to clean up capitol hill with a shovel and a pair of high heels. we've seen what the good old boys can do. now it's our turn to take a shot. ♪ don't you think it's time we put a woman in the white house. ♪yo with a whole new attitude? we could use a little female common sense down on
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pennsylvania avenue. after 230 something years of waiting, it's way past overdue. yeah, i think, it's time we pua woman in the white house. girls, how about you? ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ there will be a lot less fussing and fighting caring on. they wouldtt be a lot more lovig and listening and getting along. just look at the mess we're in. heck, i'd vote for loretto lynn. i guarantee that we'd all be singing a different song. ♪ don't you think it's time to put obama in the white house.
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with a whole new attitude. we could use a little female common sense down on pennsylvania avenue. after two what it 30 something years of waiting, it's way past overdue. yeah, i think it's time we put a woman in the white house. girls, how about you? ♪ well, , after 230 something years of waiting it's way past overdue. yeah, i think it's time we put a woman in the white house. the girls, how about you? ♪ yeah, i think it's time we put a woman in the white house. girls, how aboutut you? ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ i was a cheap too lost in the twilight zone. i hijacked a rainbow and crashed into a pot of gold. ♪ i've been there, done that but i looking back on the seeds sown. saving times, spending too much time on the telephone. who says you can't go home? ♪ who says you can't go home? there's only one place they call me one of their own. just a a hometown boy born a
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rolling stone. who says you can't go home? who says you can't go back? ' been all around the world, and as a matter of fact there's only one place left i want to go. who says you can't go home? it's all right, it's all right, it's all right all right, it's all right, it's all right. ♪ iwe went as far as i could. i tried to find a new face. there isn't one of these lines that i would erase. i lived in million miles of memories on that road. with every step i take, i know that i'm not alone.ay ♪ you take the home from the boy but not the boy from his home. these are my streets, the only life i've ever known. who says you can't go home? ♪ who says you can't go home?
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there's only one place they call me one of their own. just a hometown boy born a rolling stone. who says you can't go home? ♪ who says you can't go home? i've been all around the world, and as a matter of fact there's only one place left i want to go. who says you can't go home? ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ it doesn't matter where you are, it doesn't matter where you go. if it's in million miles away or just ten miles up the road. take it in, take it with you when you go. who says you can't go home?
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♪ who says a you can't go back? there's only one place left i want to go. who says you can't go home? it's all right, it's all right, it's all right, it's all right, it's all right. ♪ who says you can't go home? it's all right, it's all right, it's all right, it's all right, it's all right. who says you can't go home? it's all right, it's all right, it's alll right, it's all right. who says you can't go home? ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ got a a baby girl sleeping y
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bedroom.ed ♪ i really don't know what i got here but i'm so glad i stayed. that one little thing could change all this. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ like the girl that a bluffton
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high school who said she could do better, or that college i wanted to go to hell i got that letter. ♪ all the fights and the cures and the heartache i thought i'd never get through. and the moment i almost gave up all led me here to you. ♪ i didn't understand it way back when, but sitting here right now it all makes perfect sense. ♪ for every stoplight i didn't make, every chance i did or didn't take, all the nights i went too far, all the girls that broke my heart, all the doors that had to close, all the things i knew what i didn't know. thank god for all i missed because it led me here to this. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ how i cried when my mom passed away, but now i i've got an al looking out for me today. so nothings a mistake. ♪ for every stoplight i didn't make, every chance i did or i didn't take, all the nights i went too far, all the girls that broke my heart, all the doors that i had to close, all the things i knew but i didn't know. thank god for all i missed because it led me here to this. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ it led me here to this.
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> remarks now from u.s. commerce secretary gina raimondo on investment in technology. this is social by the center for strategic and international studies. live coverage on c-span2. [inaudible conversations] ..
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[inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] in our conversations. [inaudible conversations]
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[inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations]
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[inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations]
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[inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] a professor at university joining us this morning looking at black history month. what do white americans owe black people? racial justice and oppression, how did you answer that question? >> i entered by making the claim
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reparations about the restitution making amends for a wrong has been done. those making financial recitations or those payment and my argument is the jury been made to black americans to the 64 civil rights act and affirmative action through cultural reparation made to these programs. basically a free society can ago no further they might have been suffering through slavery.
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>> there is no one today who is a slave. an apology for the japanese-americans and made a payment of $20000 each. the civil liberties act can 1998 with direct compensation.
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i said in my book the act was a former reparations into his making amends for those suffering. >> earlier this week university of texas was on our program and the argument for financial operations, take a look at what he had to say. >> until 2020, many people didn't understand about slavery and the way in which black labor build wealth in the united states also buildup cameras. extraordinary books about this including harvard slavery
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including empire cotton and ebony and ivy, so many interesting important books. the price. pound of flesh on racial slavery and so many others we think about slavery, centrist labor of black people who produces the wealth, who were used as mortgage securities, provide global investment where everything from harvard university to banks and businesses, black people, we created the first financial instruments that hedge funds and venture capital not just united states but across and around the world. this is proved with dreams of
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evidence. the fact that we don't want to talk about that and want to talk about that, he opened up a pandora's box but it shouldn't be a box of negative, there are reparations for groups in the past including preparations for the holocaust and those things for correct, morally good from a correct choice. >> is talking about his ancestors when he says we but the time has passed. talk about the holocaust, japanese, you're talking about people in the have been families
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in this they were confiscated from them. it shows true the laws that were part of the jim crow system. they were confiscated. that is a form of reparations and respect and and advocate for. this notion that our ancestors were individuals who built america and therefore view payments, on think there's this status in a free society and the time for reparations. >> when you delved into this and looked at the civil rights act, would you say in preparation, what evidence do you show in your book? >> they claim in the book in the
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civil rights act was the greatest form of moral in the sense that it didn't violate these rights enters a proper violation because it's said you cannot use an extension of your home or your room and you can't say going to discriminate against black given the collision between the states and they have said a significant creative way in the civil rights, i thought that you cannot use it against black, who are to be socialized and make you into proper individuals to make good moral citizens, but
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was a pivotal moment except those a moment when they took it upon themselves given the grotesque history that existed between black and white and figures a heavy-handed approach for proper because civil rights is not a gift, it was something done to box, a moral form of justice but a moment in history to be socialized different kinds of people and telling them what they could or could not do that if there any forms of racism, those claims can be brought and
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financial recompense asian. >> is a philosopher, what is your thought on the effort in 1964 to change people's sensibility? >> was heavy-handed but proper because belonging to no particular platitude claiming america was never a white supremacist country in america was never racist, i don't understand the insult to black people who were white supremacist so i do think it was heavy-handed but the construct


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