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tv   South Carolina Governor Delivers State of the State Address  CSPAN  February 26, 2024 10:13pm-11:14pm EST

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c-span's "washington journal" life form involving you to discuss the latest issues in government, politics and public policy. from washington d.c. discusses the latest on negotiations miles due on the hudson institute and increase in china's nationals entering msnbc host political analyst joe and read talks about her new book i was a detroit free press correspondent previous michigan republican democratic presidential primary. c-span's "washington journal" of joint in the conversation live at seven eastern tuesday morning on c-span, suspend our free mobile app or online at
10:14 pm next, unto the palmetto state name for the palmetto trees found throughout south carolina were proper governor henry at mcmaster is serving his second term stated state address governor mcmaster discussed the state surplus as well as education investments and teacher pay raises. prior to becoming governor he served as lieutenant governor under nikki haley also served as a state attorney general. this runs an hour. [applause] >> thank you. thank you, thank you. please be seated. i appreciate everyone being here. this figure, mr. president, ladies and gentle of the general
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assembly and south carolinians we are here tonight to address success, challenges and opportunities too. but first, as in prior years i d like to recognize those in uniform whom we lost in the line of duty in 2023. sgt ricky lado green junior of the south carolina department of public detections. deputy of the sheriff's office. officer matthew of the easily easleypolice department. lieutenant michael charleswood of the police department. specialist adjacent read haven south carolina national guard. firefighter james michael of the fire department. k-9 agent rico the state law enforcement division. i attended the funeral and as many as i can.
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when rico had his funeral i have never seen so many people at the police academy. there is not a dry eye in the place. we have got a great state. soso to the families and loved ones of these brave south carolinians we offer our condolences. we are eternally grateful for their service. [applause] [applause] [applause] i am delighted to have with us once again tonight our first lady, my bride peggy our son henry junior you all stand want
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to call it my wife and peggy will start with you. [laughter] she is up there. i appreciate that. i will call them all them a clap again. [laughter] our son henry junior and his wife j virginia. [applause] there 16 -month-old daughter, our granddaughter margo is at home and our daughter mary rogers and her husband sam is here. [applause] sam is from san francisco but fortunately to the columbia near charleston so it is okay.
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[laughter] their 19 month old son james is at home. we are glad you are here made by the way i'm told those children their mama and i know are those babies come from and we are made and waiting on some more right. [laughter] [laughter] no pressure. [laughter] lieutenant governor pamela and her husband david are here tonight with her state constitutional officers. please stand and be recognized. [applause] thank you. finally for the members of the best cabinet in the nation south carolina please stand and be recognized. cabinet members. [applause]
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if you're looking for the a-team, there is right there. also like to acknowledge members of our supreme court in attendance tonight including chief justice beatty who will retired this summer after more than seven years of chief justice of our supreme court more than 30 years of service to our state. we look forward to working with our next chief justice. ladies and gentlemen we thanknk you. we thank you. [applause] thank you. ladies and gentlemen i believe there is no higher honor than earth and being t selected by te people who know you best to serve in positions like this. i think you and i will not let you down.
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we will continue to act boldly, think big and continue building on our successes. my question, what are our priorities now and what will our magnificent state look like in 100 years from now? the world knows south carolina has great people. our quality of life and cultural heritage, abundant natural resources and prosperous economy make us unique and offer enormous opportunities. our booming economy in 2023 once again created a record budget surplus over $1.64 billion with over nine-point to 1 billion in capitol investment and 14120 jobs. 2022 was equally grand with over 10 billion in capitol investment just since 2017 we have announced over 36.4 billion in new investments and 86000 new jobs.
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according to the u.s. census bureau south carolina led the nation in population growth last year. also according to the u.s. bureau of economic analysts are personal income growth rates ranked second in the country 4.9% of the third quarter of 2023 we are firing on all cylinders. [applause] south carolina tourism industry continues to thrive in 2023 meeting or exceeding the record-breaking tourism growth. south carolina was named as one of the top five golf destinations in the world and best in thee country for 2023 according to the international l association off golf, travel operators. ours is the only state in the unitedon states to make this lit sharing recognition with cyprus, dubai, capos and thailand.
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thiss reputation was enhanced in 2023 by the announcement of a new pga tour and little beach classic which will debut in may joint the procedures heritage tournament held a month before on hilton head island. since 1950 darlington raceway to tough to tame has provided generations of nascar fans with spectacular members, and a lifetime of stories to be told and retold. mother's day and labor day nascar cup races of south carolina largest professional sporting events generating over one third 18 million in economic impact to the state. you have to see it to believe it. [applause]. once again charlton was named cd the number one city in the south
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by readers of southern living in 2023 number one city in the united states by travel and leisure readers for the 11th i will say 11th year in a row. [applause] hilton head island was again named the number one island and this year's travel readers choice rankings of the best islands inea america. and green unity park was recognized by reader's digest magazine as one of the quote nicest places in america. no surprise to us. i would like to recognize several of the businesses which announce their confidence in our people by their substantial capitol investment in 2023. if the leaders will please stand as i name your company we will
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respond when you are all standing. the scout motives were revitalized and iconic american brand is an all electric next-generation truck and rugged suv with a 2 billion-dollar investment and 4000 jobs president and ceo mr. scott will please stand. [applause] hold it, hold it. they love you scott they can help it. charleston county corporation will invest 1.3 billion with more than 300 jobs for a hydroxide processing facilities ceo mr. kent masters will you please stand? stay standing please thank you. and sumner county, sumter county
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effect medics investment of more than half a billion dollars in creation of 300 jobs will produce rare earth permanent magnets will help secure the united states domestic pipeline these rare earth magnets the only such facility in the western hemisphere. ceo mr. eric mission will you please stand? in lawrence county zf transmission is expanding its operations for the growing and evolving mobility industry $500 million investment in 400 jobs vice president plant manager mr. tobias would you please state the answer? in your account is relocating its corporate headquarters in semiconductor manufacturing operations to south carolina it was afforded 43 million-dollar
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investment 405 new jobs. vice president global facilities mr. jared knowles will eat you please stand? thank you in richland county service solutions will build a e state of the art flagship operation to produce lithium ion battery materials with more than 300 new jobs and more than three and a million dollars in investments. ceo mr. david would dupe please stand? spartanburg county milos tea company family-owned beverage company will establish operations withh the one third o 30 million-dollar investment on 103 new jobs. ceo ms. tricia would you please stand? and also our secretary of commerce harry in his remarkable team which worked around the clock to produce these successes
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please stand. thank you. we thank you all. [applause] [applause] we thank you all. you have all made the right decisions but we boomed in 2023 we are going to boom again in 2024. how about power? we p need power. south carolina is a national leader in the advanced manufacturing as we know. we are now leading the way in the new and innovative electric vehicle battery manufacturing industry. we are at home to fort major electric vehicle manufacturers. major international ev battery manufacturers nation's largest ev battery recycling facility
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and many other industries in the electric vehicle manufacturing supply chain. our leadership is displayed in sc nexus for advanced resilient energygy consortium xc nexus developed by the department of commerce this consortium was developed in collaboration with the research universities technical colleges, state agencies the savanna national laboratory economic development nonprofits and private businesses. it is the culmination of groundwork through collaborative, private, public initiatives. its cooperative spirit produced are ev working group one-stop shop to recruit and assist with electric vehicle investment and manufacturing in the state. it also produced the power sc energy resources and economic development in her agency
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working group. this group leads the effort to coordinate the states energy stakeholders to ensure they have the energy necessary to meet the needs of our future. we know that we'll need more the question is how much power will south carolina need? and another is how will they be produced and transmitted? recently set sc nexus when the u.s. department of commerce economic development administration's designation is one of the regional technology and innovation hubs which allows scal nexus to apply for federal funding. out of over 400 applications, south carolina and it was one of the 31 finalists selected. as a federal tech hub sc nexus will compete for federal grant funding via between 40 and $70 million annually.
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my executive budget includes a 15 million to m support sc nexus serves as a state match required for this competition. we are going to win and you will love a this story. we put together a group that went to washington and met with senator graham and the rest of the delegation senator scott wec had the universities they are the technical college midstate usc clemson everybody was there we could hardly fit into the rooms. we explain exactly to everyone exactly what we were doing because we had already started in this area of power as you know from what we discussed a moment ago. we thought we had our act together. we came back a couple weeks later we got a call from secretary armando who is in charge of the department of commerce is the department that
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would make the decision we were ready for the call, we knew it was coming so we had the conference with secretary armando and on our end of the line was senator lindsey graham congressman jim clyburn and yours truly. we recited the facts we explained what we are doing and how we had anticipated this and were way ahead of everybody else but towards the end of the conversation senator graham as usual started cutting up and before long we were laughing and joking and having a delightful time. before he/she hung up he said this is quite unusual i have never had a bipartisan conversation like this in my career. i said that is the south carolina way. [applause] we know the train workforce is
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outpacing the qualified applicants manufacturers like bmw, mercedes benz vans will eat a highly specialized and trained workforce of almost 20000 south carolinians. and they will need them soon to meet this demand my executive budget wrappers recommends $50 million to create specialized e the trainingev institutes at technical college campuses which by the way the best technical college campuses in the united states and everybody knowsd it. let's talk about unions for a moment. one thing we do not need is more labor unions in south carolina. we have gotten where we are without that we do not need them now. we are a right to work states. we had the lowest union membership in the country. we worked hard and carefully through education and business
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recruitments. current record prosperity we will continue to preserve it and enhance it. however, our prosperity and that of generations of south carolinians to come face a clear and present danger from the big labor unions. for the prosperity of industries and cities in other states you are familiar with the breast about it is taken in years but they have managed to do it and now their membership is at an all-time low and failing. so now they are looking at us in the booming southeastern state none of which one or need labor unions. u in 2021 the international longshoremen's association sued maritime shipping carriers for calling on the charleston state-of-the-art. over the past two and a half years what started as a secondary boycott to force the court's authority to seat
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long-held state jobs to unit labor has devolved into a threat to her current and future prosperity the those are run by state employees that cost over $10 million each and it takes years to learn how to run them. that's why we have our people are state employees running those cranes it. secondary boycotts are illegal thett secondary boycott was initially rejected but later resurrectedre on that relations board have taken the fight all the way to the supreme court's. the dire implications of this conduct to uphold the law and rule in our favor. our tire manufacturers are no longer the sole targets for labor organizers.
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our thriving hospitality and tourism industry along our coast now finds itself a target to raid it seems no business or employee in south carolina is safe from a disingenuous campaign and destructive impacts of unit infiltration. no one should bargain their prosperity under the threat of union boycotts are coercive pressure campaigns. we will not let our state's economy suffer or become collateral damage. his labor union seek to consume new jobs and constricted new dues and paying a numbers we will not allow the biden administration's vigorous wheat will fights. ladies and gentlemen we will fight all the way to the gates and we will win this battle. [applause]
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[applause] thank you. we are in good physical shape, sir. we had the largest rated a reserve fund balance the lowest amounts and if debt than any other time in recent memory. once again i recommend the general assembly put additional funds into the states rainy day fund is equal to 10% of this the surgeon general appropriations act. until heists and contacts in the southeast the 12 highest in the nation. no more to it years ago i signed
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into law the largest income tax cut in state history which will cut the rate to 6% in the next few years. 99 million with the income tax rate dropping at 6.4 to 6.3%. the state board of economic advisers will soon issue an updated revenue forecast. if future revenue allow is general assembly to speed up the income tax cut schedule let taxpayers keep even more of their own money. [applause] as we seek prosperity through our expanding economy we must constantly be alert to detect, avoid, remove obstacles to its health and vitality. our laws and regulations provide
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guidelines for that prosperity and our civil justice system provides enforcement of these guidelines and injury yet our rules on joint and civil liability have introduced an element of uncertainty into our business arena at our uncertainty is sound business. we must find a commonsense formula that will provide accountability and just compensation without damaging our economy and i know we can do it. on courts and j judges we must also ensure the public has confidence in all of our states judges. circumstances and events raise questions is past time to provide full transparency to the magisterial the bulk of our judges over 300 and number across the stage. states.our constitution providee governor appoints magistrate
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subject to the senate advice and consent. i have instituted a new procedure with candidates to complete more detailed applications and to waive confidentiality protections authorize the release of records related to any attorney or judicial disciplinary proceedings. this screening process closely aligns with the processes used when scrutinizing statewidede appointments in the judicial merit selection committee when evaluating judicial candidates by the general assembly. circuit and appellate courts wanted to states where they accuses the judges to buy election being unique in itself signifies the good nor the bad.
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it's the process that counts. people are watching. general assembly screens and judges but also who elects to these critical positions. on the society or constitutional republic. we need judges who understand the proper role who appreciate our constitutional structure interpret the law as it is written rather than as they wish it were written. as it begins to return issues andtu authority to the states tt were never granted the federal government to begin with, it is essential the general assembly elects qualified intelligent jurors who can carefully analyze import challenging questions it that will be raised with increasing frequency in our state courts. too properly provide for a separate and independent judiciary currently on
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represented executive branch should play a role in selecting judicial candidates before the general assembly exercises its constitutional authority to elect judges. i suggest our founding fathers that is served the nation well and with which our people are quite familiar gubernatorial with advice requires no reinvention of the will inspire the confidence of our people and encourage more excellent attorneys to seek public service. as the infrastructure, our state roads bridges highways are the arteries of our prosperity our rapid growth is outpacing their capacities. continued big bold and transformative investments are imperative. the 2023 accountability report highlights the need to rebuild
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that nearly 9000 bridges on their primary and secondary roads some over 80 years old. some have a state of disrepair require restrictions remain useless for commercial trucking, school, buses or firetrucks. accordingly i recommend a $500 million in surplus funds from the home state exemption fund appropriate to the south carolina department of transportation for emergency build bridge replacements this will keep us moving. on a another note from the state of south carolina that marvelous secretary of the south kind department of transportation has announced her retirement. secretary will be remembered as one of the greatest transportation secretaries and n our state's history.
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her own parallel expertise in her work ethic have led the department to flourish under her leadership. while at weather responding to a natural disaster spearheading infrastructuretr projects she hs delivered for the people of south carolina. she thanks ahead leaves a legacy of excellence. she is place the agency to continue driving our state forward for years to come. highlights of the career include restoring the agency's financing same financial reputation finans and financial reputation developing our strategic plan and accelerating interstate wide projects. secretary has been recognized for her ability to work with industry partners to deliver results on major infrastructure projects. in addition she still played our state their number of disasters and clearing the flute hurricane
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matthew and hurricane florence hurricane florenceunder her lead partnership in law enforcement south carolina executed its first fully successful interstate lane reversal during a coastal evaluation. madam secretary will you please stand and be thanked and recognized? [applause] [applause] >> thank you. the environment, our precious environment i ask again what will south carolina look like and 100 years? we've seen what happens with some other states. they did not plan wisely they do not think ahead.
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those things are gone they are gone. are among the most beautiful in the nation. this land is noted by the datede explorers for kings and queens lush, fertile and brimming with abundance flora andll fauna. incomparable heritage both cultural and environmental and possess a straightening beauty we must never lose. fortunately economic growth in d the preservation of our shared heritage are not opposing objectives which must be balanced as a competition one against the other. instead they are complementary,d intertwined and inseparable. each dependent on the other to strengthen one is to strengthen the other. we cannot allow our states culturally and environmentally significant structures, monuments, lands, islands, waters to be overcome by
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developments, mismanagement flooding, erosion or storm damage. it is our duty to preserve and protect our history, our culture and our environment and the public's access to them before they are lost forever. dedicated to these goals. some of you may remember the cautionary lyrics always seem to go you don't know what you've got until it's gone and they put up a parking lot. some will remember that. recommending $33 million be appropriated to identify and preserve culturally or environmentally significant properties provide disaster recover and flooding mitigation efforts as well as re- nourishment projects along our coast. k-12 education is universal key the universal key to a
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prosperous happy future. working together we must continue to invest in public education. the positive impact of investments is growing. enrollment and our 4-year-old kindergarten, for kate we call program for children in poverty continues to grow with 17004 to 37 children, 9-year-old and the public schoolic private school r childcare center. for the next school year in additional 2500 children are expected to enroll in the program. my executive budget includes 21.1 million to meet this increased enrollment. this program is increasing the number ofam children in kindergarten ready to learn approximately 41% of children who participate in a full day at for-year-old kindergarten are ready for kindergarten as
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compared to 27% of children in poverty who did not participate in the program. we know it works. we know it is a vital we note the going to go to the top they have to start with education right at the bottom of those young years. in september 2023 south carolina released the results of the south carolina college and career ready assessments and reading and mathematics for school your 22 -- 23. for the first time at recent history, at least half of the students in grades three through eight exceeded grade level standards in reading. half. is not nearly enoughot of. davis continued to invest in early literacy and professional vedevelopment in the science of reading. if they cannot read, they cannot
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thrive. this will ensure all children will be reading on grade level by the end of the third grade. we know w that students who cant read proficiently by the third grade are four times more likely to drop out of high school. unfortunately the assessment revealed only 41% of students in grades three through eight in school year 22 -- 23 never exceeded grade level standard in mathematics. therefore the executive budget recommends an additional $10 billion to improve the teaching and learning of mathematics. in addition this executive budget provides $30 million for the education scholarship trust fund. starting this year the trust funds will allow low income parents to choose the type of education environment, instruction that best suits their child's unique needs.
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regarding teachers, regarding teachers, we must continue our remarkable progress to raise teacher pay. in a school year 2017 through 18 the minimum starting salary for a teacher in south carolina it was 30,000 $113. that is not enough. today it's $42500. that is not enough. my executive budget increase ass the starting pay for b teacherso 45000 for the next school year. my goal is that by 2026 the minimum starting salary of a teacher will be at least, at least $50000. [applause] in school year 2017 the average teacher salary was 50182 well below southeastern average and
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average teacher salary was 57000 7:30 seven. exceeding southeastern average which is a 15% increase over five years. that is good news but again we need more. south carolina is making significant progress in providing school-based mental health services to school age children. in january of 2022 i directed the department of health and human services to perform a comprehensive review and analysis of the school mental health services program at the department of mental health. within four months hhs had a review of the program and seven recommendationsom for removing barriers to getting quality mental health services in our schools. these recommendations were enacted july 1, 2020 to produce a public/private partnership that offers more choice on
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school-based mental health services for their students. health and human services also conducted a survey starting the current school year to determine the s availability of school-bad services in south carolina. the number of school-based mental health counselors hasn't doubled from 600 and january of 2022 to 1209 and september 23. the ratio wasn't one counselor for 300 students then. it is now a 14653 students. the survey also showed his students at more than 200 additional schools now have access to mental health counseling. all 73 of our traditional school districts now have access to mental health counseling. let's speak about higher education. the affordability to higher
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education for every south carolinian is essential to a hearingur we trained and skilled workforce to successfully compete for jobs and investment in the future. inmate economic challenges this marks 50 in a a row i've asked o do an assembly to freeze college tuition for in-state students with an appropriation or appropr institutions of higher education orgy $9.8 million. this represents 4.5 increase as defined by the higher education price index. $95 million in lottery funds to south carolina workforce industry scholarships. through the south carolina technical college assistance. despite the high demand for skills, training, knowledge, many institutions across the nation are seeing declining enrollments to address these challenges i proposed the propog for the education oversight
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committee which is a nonpartisan composed of legislators, educators and business representatives toed oversee a systemic review of our states 33 public institutions of higher education. the systemic review including an assessment of any advantages from consolidating schools or programs or reevaluate courses, degrees and certificates. the goal is to make sure we are beating our states future workforce leaders. also proposed providing $80 million to every south carolinian qualifies for federal need based financial aid as measured by the federal pell grants. this efficient state financial assistance any in-state public colleges and universities are technical colleges. students at private independent historical black colleges and universities will receive an
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additional $20 billion for tuition grants and assistance. recently we learned that commission on higher education approximate one or $51.7 million and a surplus lottery funds that had not been used for college scholarships. my executive budget recommends allocating an additional funds for green space grants are to payl for extra semester up scholarships. these one-time funds should be used to incentivizeze students o complete their undergraduate degree and enter a workforce as soon as possible. my executive budget also provides $44 million in help and safety upgrades that are for your comprehensiveur institution two-year branch campuses of university of south carolina and technical colleges. in addition i am proposing 34 million-dollar appropriations
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of campus infrastructure resiliency is the medical university of south carolina. 878 million installed with the college of veterinary $ medicine at clemson, university at $35 million investment my executive year proposes $1 million for operations and security for the anne frank center both at usc. center on college street university of south carolina the anne frank center is oneve of fr there's only one in north america. and finally for education i propose continued funding of $20 million for the alliance a collaborative nuclear sciences research partnership between university of south carolina, clemson state university, all as full partners with the city at
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national laboratory also. truly we must have the strongest commitment that we can muster if we are going to succeed. turning to mental health. our covid-19 experience revealed mental health crisis existed in south carolina. we have problems they wasn't clear how bad it was. that is why two years ago i directed health and human services director to initiate an immediate review of our states behavioral health funding system. it's clear from the efforts the time hadff come to modernize and restructure south carolina's healthcare delivery agencies. the department of mental health and human services theea department of environmental control and others. restructuring of these agencies is and will continue to be a complicated legal and financial endeavor involving billions of
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dollars in federal funding that flows through these agencies for a myriad of services and programs such ass medicaid. last year my executive budget to procure the professional expertise necessary to analyze and provide the general assembly with a comprehensive plan to restructure these agencies. consolidating and privatizing wherever possible. the prestigious boston the bostn consulting group was hired and has provided the initial report. unfortunately the analysis confirmed what many of us feared and much worse. according to their report, south carolina is the most fragmented help health and human services to him in the nation. as a result for example 77% of
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her states young people with major depressive episodes do not receive mental healthe treatments. according to the organization mental health america. this ranks lowest in the country. our citizens and families are suffering as a result of this dysfunction. with little or no coordination between theev agencies forced to navigate through confusing landscape and officials as they seeky help for a loved one or fr a dependent for two opted for the crooks of the system that a does not coordinate, communicate or collaborate. that is not acceptable. the time has come for the consolidation and streamlining of these agencies in one single cabinet agency one that will develop a strategic plan and operational approach to improve
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the quality, accountability, delivery of health and human services to the citizens of our states. as the boston consulting group asis recommended. this will require us to reimagine to crisis mental health care, physical healthcare, substance abuse services, disability and special needs services and assistance to the elderly and at risk. i implore you ladies and gentlemen, let's have this legislatives session they remembered for the creation of a most effective, efficient and professional health and human service delivery system in our state's history. turning to law enforcement, our state law enforcement and criminal justice agencies to extend thehe tide of personnel loss i propose we build on this
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success by providing additional $17.8 million for recruitment it raises in fiscal year 2024 and 25. invaluable experience should not be allowed to walk out the door. i am also again proposing a $2000 state income tax credits for every active law enforcement officer, firefighter, first responders and emergency medical technician employed by public entity. it is truly this budget maintains a proviso suspending the 10,000 dollar retirement cap for anyone enrolled in the police officer retirement system. this will allow retired officers to return to r work and fill existing vacancies. ladies and gentlemen, placing a noncertified school resource everyr in every school in county all day every day has been one of my top priorities.
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some of yours as well. my request the general assembly has been providing funds to hire more resource p officers for our states 1284 public schools. gramy successful and has more than double the number of officers assigned to a school going from 416-2018, 1109 in 2023 year i recommending an additional 13.4 million to add officers in each of the remaining 175 schools which currently do not have an assigned state resources that is an armed, trained officer. another subject, animal fights especially dog fighting especially dog fighting, you've seen some, you've heard about it. it's one of the cruelest criminal activities in our society. law officers estimate that most people participating in this
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barbaricic activity have long criminal records, some sheriffs have told me if they could locate a fight and throw a net everybody there they would catch criminals in the county. in september 2022 a agent was dedicated to combating animal fighting working in collaboration with other law enforcement officers. an agency shortly thereafter, this agency help execute and i quote, the biggest takedowns of dog fighting in history. this executive budget expands on thisup success by recommending 6 -- $566,000 to hire 3 additional sled agents dedicated, dedicated to animal fighting. in july 2022 the south arrepublican of corrections begn utilizing a process which allows mobile phone providers to
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permanently disabled con other contraband phone and devices and detected by interdiction system approved by the federal communications commission. my executive budget recommends 23 million more dollars to expand this valuable program to each prison in our state. let's talk about our resolving door. our law enforcement officers know who the repeat criminals are and know they commit over 80% of the crimes. unfortunately this is happening every day. people ask and i ask how long are we going to allow this to happen. law enforcement needs our help, they need stronger laws to keep illegal guns out of the hands of criminals and juveniles and they need new laws to close the resolving door and keep career
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criminals behind bars and not out on bond. currently there are no graduated criminal penalties for illegal gun possession in state law. that means the penalty is the same, small, no matter how many times the criminal gets caught, this provides no deterrent. graduated felony penalties with no bond help keep repeat offenders behind bars and not on bail where they can and will commit more crimes. during the last year i continually called on this general assembly to act, take a vote, pass penalties for illegal gun possession so i can sign it into law and during this last year it is become an t almost daily occurrence from innocent carolinan to be shot by criminal that should be behind bars.
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ladies and gentlemen, this new law, this new law will require no appropriation, no money all we have to do is vote yes. the only money would be whatever it cost to feed these kill erstwhile they rest peacefully behind bars and i believe we can afford that. law enforcement. very important in south carolina. i believe we have the best law enforcement establishment in thw whole country. joining us today is south carolina patrol lance corporal frazier. where is lance corporal frazier. [applause]
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>> corporal, stay standing and your wife too. i want you to look at this man, around 3:30 a.m. 2023 trooper frazier was on duty and initiated traffic stop after witnessing vehicle travel to go highway speed on highway 83. these officers get up in the morning and put on a tie or something, they get on in the morning and put on bullet proof vest and doesn't cover anything. as sheriff's deputy arrived to assist, trooper frazier was shot by the suspect. what happened he stopped the car, got the licensele, went back to check it out, saw that there was a warrant out for the man so he was returning to the car and as they returned and the deputy was joining him, just arriving, the man in the car
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pulled up his pistol and shot him in the face. both officers returned fire as the suspect sped away. you've seen the video, corporal frazier was lying on the ground calling in the information about the vehicle while he was bleeding on the ground and firing to try to stop the vehicle all at one time. le following along chase the suspect crashed into a home, video from the body and dash cameras are hard to watch as i mentioned. trooper frazier professionalism and composure while under fire and getting shotsm in the face s remarkable. he embodies the best of the highwayy patrol and south carolina law enforcement and ladies and gentlemen, the gun, the gun that was used to shoot this man according to the state
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law enforcement division is a stolen gun, the assailant was a repeat offender for 22 years he was repeatedly breaking the criminal law and getting arrested. he was out on bond on charges in the state of georgia we are thankful that trooper frazier is here with us. but, ladies and gentlemen, we cannot ask the best law enforcement officers in the country who risk their lives every year to two out and protect us while they are vulnerable to assaults by career criminal who is we know by name,
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rank, serial number and crime. trooper frazier please stand up high and let us thank them again. [applause] >> thank you. ladies and gentlemen, i ask you again send me a bill with graduated penalties for illegal gun possession. i will immediately sign it into law. we will get these people off the streets behind bars where they
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ought to be so people and our children can be safe. let us continue our successful partnership. one that's been based on communication, collaboration and cooperation.seca let us continue to embrace civility and commonty through our thoughts, deeds and words and urge our people especially young people to be proud of their state. this is the best place in the world to live, work and raise a family and let us set our state on a course that would provide the opportunity for prosperity, success and happiness for generations of south carolinans. ladies and gentlemen, the best is yet to come. mayem god continue to bless
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america and the great state of south carolina, thank you. [applause] >> each night this week we are showing state of the state addresses from across the country. up next wisconsin governor tony evers followed by mark gordon. >> tuesday on c-span a senate homeland security subcommittee hold hearing on russia-ukraine
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war and concern of american-made semiconductors found in used by russia's military. at 2:15 state department and pentagon officials testify about security challenges in the red sea after yemen's iran houthi rebel attacks on ships in the region and on c-span2 the senate is back at 10:00 a.m. eastern to consider u.s. district court nominations for southern florida. in the afternoon senators will also vote on whether to advance a nomination of hampton to be u.s. special counsel for a term of five years. you can also watch live coverage on free c-span app or online at
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>> msnbc host political analyst talks about her new book. also detroit free press correspondent issues presidential primary. c-span's washington journal, join in the conversation live at 7:00 eastern tuesday morning on c-span, c-span now or free mobile app or online at >> healthy democracy doesn't just look like, this it looks like this where americans can see democracy at work where citizens


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