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tv   Nigel Farage Speaks at CPAC  CSPAN  March 4, 2024 7:01pm-7:19pm EST

7:01 pm
♪ a healthy democracy doesn't just look like this. it looks like this. americans can see democracy at work citizens are truly informative. a republic thrives. get informed straight from the source onw c-span, unfiltered, unbiased, word for word. from the nation's capitol to wherever you are because the opinion that matters the most is your own. this is what democracy looks li■ke. c-span powered by cable.
7:02 pm
♪♪ ♪♪ [cheering] >> what a here. the boys then one. a new bottle is one that we need to be alive the corporate counselor. it is a banking system. in june of last year and for 43
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years are posing. ■y
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th publi they will be to embarrassed to do so. [cheering and applauding] should so fight back hard. thanks study the bank by 35% of. >> where promises that legislation will change. i was fortunate in the sense that got a voice was able to
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defend myself or some other don't have a voice. they find themselves discriminated against by a system not in bed with globalist left-wing politics. i was fighting with, hundreds that are close down. that's relevant here, too. speaking about the the banking. saturday night live which i'm sure is a favorite poem see back attendees. saturday night live says what is banking? does it really exist? finally we have aside denial at
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everything we tried to expose but i'm hopeful and optimistic we can get the pendulum to swing back. you might not see common sense or listen to capitol country outside the capital cities employed a clear solid majority common sense. we in the list movement make it happen by getting people to vote in numbers we've never seen before more forget.■■
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in the end it always trumps over will. see back is new has cpac changed. they get to go the speaker on the platform. ■u will and summit that represented over 20 countries.
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the president of argentina■". [applause] four need to be here suddenly, i was alone. see back is an international movement.
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globalists will try to take away national sovereignty, take away national democracy and try to take individual freedoms and fon this new movement in the most remarkable way. the most amazing customer with this enthusiasm for this new movement. we want international cooperation. we want peace and common sense inhe union and appalling european organization.
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■wweremarkable way. it's already heartening. i was the best populace. thirty years ago to the day i was on the streets campaigning in my first ever election campaign the capng. people talked to me about tea party. i've been doing this forever and ever the loan politics completely and utterly alone inside the element and i enjoy
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very much more than they did. own in 2016. a supporter of his ever since that way but i might have had a few problems but look what tbhey are doing.■d last week a private act which is a commercial
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company in the banks, some of ie lost yet somehow the corrupted little sized judicial system with this country brings obscene court judgment in myd life. over the course of the next few months. corrupt regimes and prison in the case of the biden regime
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unwavering support. [applause] i noticed like through a lot more and simply i believe donald trump is the bravest man in my life. so it's not just me and wely elections happening on the ninth people coming in the and the
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winners election world and we hold dear for what they want for the election. there is a weird outsider and mainstream and it is good. i look and there's some
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reservations about the way in which the system has been cleaned up state-by-state and there are concerns about the november with will get him elected in the white house. it's going to happen, isn't it?, isn't it? confidence, courage. it can happen soon enough. what's been based upon in the country giving one in t cond
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we have to understand is the underpinning, was from civilization isur culture. as who we are, what we are in this week the consequences are they are forgetting that. the moral up and defend them discussing and london.
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call for the destruction of israel and the people within it. and it deceive palestine shall be free we haven't seen a single arrest british politicians scared, even scared to leave the building. we forgotten who we are and what we are.
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we need strong leaders of conviction and we need to depe. [applause] for see back listening. it will be terrific and will enjoy in. the parties and agreeing isn't
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enough.■ underivilization. the sneakers. [applause] the same thing we want and it here in america it affects first time since 1945 the possibility of world war iii it only comes through strength. please do your all to get


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