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tv   Washington Journal Aris Folley  CSPAN  March 5, 2024 1:27am-2:01am EST

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gaza and palestine. >> watch the state of the union address live thursday at 8 p.m. eastern on c-span, the free mo app or online on when congress is in
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session we like to take time to look ahead and washington and at this week helpfuln than normal because there's a whole lot going on in washington. a joining us to take a look at it, the congressional reporter with the hill newspaper. let's talk budget first. congress passed another short-term funding to buy themselves more time. a reminder viewers but the new deadlines are that are hanging rightht now congress is bearing down on the deadline for agriculture, justice, commerce. that's the easier deadlines free package coming due for the marc. march 2222 is people looking ata
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tougher deadlin includes funding for homeland security, pentagon, labor, health and human services, education. with a ann mac to that as part of stopgap plan. >> do members think they have enough time for package, and what is the state of those negotiations rightey now? >> they've been working on crafting these bills for the past few weeks. bit harder to come to agreement on because theyrite department bills seen as more of a policys a lot of different things going on worldwide.
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different types of provisions people are looking for and we the sticking pointsai early on t the financial services government, talking about irs funding and national security, about the specific details but i am expecting a lot more to come out in the weeks ahead. >> there's a potential for a 1% across the government cut if congress can't come to a deal. how would that happen? >> after april if congress fails to pas i bill. they already have technically under the bill that passed last year. there's a lot of confusion that isn't really possie but it will carry out in that regard of it looks different from what is expected to happen after april 30th. but it would take, how it's been explained to me is it would take effect across the board and it would be kind of indiscriminate
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cuts so it'sin not like if you work for the education department i am going■8 to do 1. no from how it's been explained it would be program by program but there's a lot of different interpretations of how it would be implemented if they were to come to that point but i don't think they want that. >> short-term spending bills, more deadlines, that potential for the 1% across the board cut does it all mean politically for speaker johnson righty y now? >> you will talk to conservatives about this. i think feel he is doing the best job he can rightes now. the bills coming out are more in line with the line that's already brokered and the predecessors last year. i think after a certain point, people feel like the writing is
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already on the wall. some conservatives have written these off because they don't like the path line. i think that this is just a time where republicans have at least a shot at being able to shape the government funding in some way andso having an influence on crafting these levels and there's an understanding they are not going to get all these winsns and some we will see what happens in the ahead with homeland security funding and state department funding. it remains to be seen. >> our guest until the bottom of the hour, taking a look at the week 202-748-8001,
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democrats, 202-748-8000, independent, 202-748-8002. has there been any telegraphing? >> definitely reports. there's an expectation that they are hoping the president is focusing on trying to communicate what they feel like are the legislative achievements being more effective atve communicating the bipaanfrastrun reduction act and the increases for the irs how does that help impact service. the president also could be doing a better job when it comes to communication on the economy. a lot would be happy we are not in a recession currently ehere a lot in a pinch right now in this inflation so a how do you
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communicate these at the time gapeople are feeling like their pockets are being squeezed. >> there's also the pageantry stuff that we watched when it comes to members bringing high-profile guests have you heard anything on that front or sitting with a member of the other party or wearing a certain color from a certain because? haveve you heard about any of those efforts? >> not sure but i'm sure it will come out in the next few days. a lot of the focus right now is on government funding because the deadline is on friday and they are trying to line up the package in the house and the mof those details to come out. >> super tuesday is tuesday, the government funding deadlines friday, a lot going on. the hill newspaper, edward out
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of michigan. you are up first. good morning. >> i was wondering a couple of things. is this the longest time i guess in months we've gone without a budget because i guesse budget was supposed to have been passed fall you were supposed to pass an entire budget so is this the longest we've gone without a budget and a second, the budget is supposed to be divided up and passed into 14 different spending bills that come out of■;á committee. that hasn't happened either. there's supposed to be 14 spending8)nly gotten four or five. maybe you can budget process and are we ever going to get a real budget ■&■b past?
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>> to pass 12 annual funding bills the house passed more the floor and i think there was a lot of difficulty gin in nature and there was a narrow margin with getting the senate side some appropriators truck them up to not having bills if you are republican due to humor in whatever suspicion you have if democrats -- what the time is precious. this is in the longest congresss funding. i'm pretty sure we have had
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stopgap's before and at the previous fiscal level they couldn't work out an agreement on the new funding levels. >> thiss from the pew research service. this is a chart ofe congress passing the spending bills with 12 appropriation bills by october 1. the longer the line the more spending bills that pass getting up to 100% meaning they passed all 12 of the spending bills by october 1 in that year. the last time that happened was 1996 and you could see a number of spending bills pass inec£ent years. usually it becomes an omnibus package were full-year
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continuing resolutions but 1996 with the last time they passed the spending bills by october 1 with the deadline they are given each year. we will refer to this again in the future. >> the main■ concern with the vote on extending the budget it's a major thing you have to balance the budget. the partyas about it, biden and trump and they raise theefu problem is this ise future of the country and what you can't do is bankrupted because that would cause major economic problems
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34 trillion, 482 billion and counting. members talking about getting the debt under control right now. >> that's been a maj focus debate in the last year they focused a lot on bringing down overall funding with a focused while democrats focus more on the tax society they feel like it's been widening and more funding should go to areas likes the irs, focus on getting after
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a corporation that has found loopholes that are not always■j accessible for the average american. some experts feel combination of some changes on the tax side in conjunction with spending cuts is probably the more effective approach but this bi is expected tode be passed are coming due fr friday is more in line with a bill that wasck brokered again y biden and
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estimated would help reduce the deficits by about 1.5 trillion but it remains to beith the return is on that. >> $460 billion package this week that we are focused on with six agencies. the department of transportation, veterans affairs, energy, agriculture, housing and urban development and food and drug administration going on this week.t in this in georgia, democrat. good morning. >> i've been speaking about the border. random thoughts go through your mind and after the republicans i
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guess killed the border bill i was thinking isn't much like the a and democrat ane as many as we can and they don't have enough to plug all ten and within the republicaning to leto sink. isn't that what happened with the border bill that republicans just said we aren't getting everything we want to so we are going to let it totally die, and that's all i have to say. thank you. >> thoughts on that nlg? >> i think a lot of democrats would agree with that and there are of course the collapse of
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the border billion there was a lot of politics at this comes at a time that we are in election season and one of the negotiators is i guess what you would consider a moderate republican so there was some surprise that he was able to negotiate with senator murphy and actuallyroduce something but it fell apart in thata way. if trump does win a second term, but feel is a more robust
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package in their opinion but■ it's a very different school of thought account of the debate. >> back to the state of the union, the republican from alabama is set trco an responset biden's state of the union. have you had a chance to talk about what she will talk about and members of congress giving the state of the unionem respon? >> i haven't had a chance to ask about it, but i was interested to see. again i assume it might be a bigger issue later this week. also the top republican on the appropriationsfor homeland security, and i've had the chance to talk to both?
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host: well. caller: say there hasn'tat beena balanced budget since president clinton was in office. this figure of the house was a republican called newt gingrich. that was the last time a budget was passed. today, politics is purely politics. they don't care about us, the american people. they are worried about their next election. when is the last time you saw a democrat crossover and vote for a republican bill? to oust kevin mccarthy and to get rid of josh santos. that was it. time they crossed over. they do not crossover, there are very stern, they will not budge. tohem a bipartisan bill is
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everything they want and nothing a republican wants. and that is about that with that. the democrats will never ever crossover. same with the supreme court. it is always 5-3,■but democrats. host: e foley on bipartisan votes, crossing of the aisle. guest: i think it depends on who you talk to. im by no means an expert but i definitely know there were a lot of democrats who were very upset an■d advocates with the border deal and democrats still voted for it. at the same time, there are
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republicans who say that maybe democrats are a bit more effective at being unified and voting behind certain measures and some conservatives more to get behind a more conservative agenda. but at the same■2e, it at the same time i think there are compromised measures where democrats are not happy about everything in the bill and the same would be said it's an example where you can see both sides with losses against the other side they are able to make it across the finish line. >> i think the caller was talking about two different things and the it, the 12 appropriation bills on time. a 2001 is the last time that there was a balanced budget and
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it last time congress completed all 12 of the appropriation bills on time. does that jive with your memory it? >> it isn't going to be one bemonth after the initial deadle probably.z this is the 2025 deae coming■ up. have they started that process yet while they are trying to finish the current year's budget? >> guest: there are republicans that are excited and feel like it's going to be a fresh new of some are already kind of writing off the process because they know they areec not happy with the top lie and it's like house is losing a lot more leverage to democrats and have sympathy so they are in the a senate and to
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have the majority and still have to bend in this way it's been a difficulty for the leadership. >> fairmont west virginia, republican, next. >> i think the main reason they are having trouble passingvi the bills is because but biden did to invitee border anybody to come to the border. this is all on the democrats. tt laid there and they never even passed it. if they needed money all they have to do is -- did you seeernd
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state employees get paid holidays, just give them tir the day off but don't pay them. use the money for something. >> host: i think he's referring to hr two, t■q secure the border act. can you update us on where that is? >> guest: i don't think there was any expectation at all that that was going to be something that of her past of the senate. it wasn't a bill that was designed to pass the senate. it was designed to show the republicans kind of agenda the border and asylum that wasn't a bill that was meant to pass the senate and one that comes upn conversation i think if you were to ask a democrat you want ukrainfunding if you want
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funding why not pass hr two, i don't think you would get an answer because it's not something that -- i can't see by the democratic leadership would bring something that's not. i don't know i can't say. that's just not something they've seen as a starter. >> may of last year the partyline vote to 19 to 213 was the total on that passage. next out of virginia, democrat. good morning. >> good morning. w are you. i think they very good. trump controls the republican
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party. you mightht as well forget about them and go to trump. the best thing to happen [inaudible] >> host: i forget what state he was in. david, republican. good morning. >> caller: good mor about spende then the creation of jobs and programs and the bureaucracies that come into existence. they all come from the same place. it comes from the private sector and this contrast between the spendi end of the government's interest, people with their jobs and benefits, there's fewer and
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fewer and now we've borrowed money. either you tax it and take it directly or put it in a 34 trillion-dollar demand that when that emerges -- it's the idea of the government's job iso be paid for and the more government you created, the more tax liabilities you create. time. do you have a question? >> guest: it was more of a commentom today on anything els. the length of the bills, am i still want? >> host: yeah. >> caller: isea a 1400 page bill and you have to read through it and nobody reads through it. there should be a rule somewhere on the appropriations that can't be more than ten pages long and you have to break it off and vote on that
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got more to do than keep breaking it down but don't put it in a 1600 nobody knows what's in there except the special interests that right to the bills. >> on extremely long bills. >> guest: the color shirt of the criticism that many members on both sides of the aisle■x probably have as we are prepared to see congress vote in the coming days on a bill that is more than a thousand pages, but this is a ■ñpackage six funding bills. there's a lot of different programs hashing out thelevels m by program, it's the idea that congress moves through or is taking the process through regular order, bringing of each bill one by onend not doing it against the shutdown
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deadline, you would be doing this kind of throughout theear
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but it's the getting ready approach booking for fiscal year 2025 and they are already acknowledging they are quite a bit behind when the process starts so they begin next weekend they are still going to be working onppropriation bills for the current fiscal year. >> host: mary out of the buey are on.
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>> caller: i just want to say trump plus 8.3 trillion in trump. and he doesn't care about the american people. heuns t■epublin and whatever he wants, johnson does it do so biden can't get anything done that he wants to get done because johnson is too far to want to work with the american people so he wants us to go into a recession which he said for america to lose everything, pensions, social security and everything because he wants to come in and act like he's going to save us, but he's not. he is going to try to take down america and i wish the american that your reporter would report things about that. it has nothing to do with of the democrats noto work. >> host: got your point.
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but the caller is saying that is something that at least on the budget side is something that democrats have definitely pointed out. there was spending and speaking it's quite different from things like the dynamic between mcconnell trump. republicans would like a second trump term. i'm not sure what else to divulge. >> a lot going on in washington. a good place to go to track it all from super tuesday to the state ofy the union budget negotiation and the hill newspaper.
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congressional reporter there. appreciate the time on a busyor.
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