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tv   Rep. Dan Bishop Stephen Miller and Texas AG Ken Paxton at CPAC  CSPAN  March 5, 2024 8:45am-9:09am EST

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many people illegals in here, and it's getting overwhelming at a lot of time. >> i am from new jersey, and what i would like to see is the present address is anything related to gossip and palestine. that's very important right now and it just looks -- choosing to look it. >> watch the state of the union address live thursday at 8 p.m. eastern on c-span, c-span now a free mobile video app or online at >> represented dan bishop, former trump white house senior advisor stephen miller, and texas attorney general ken apec accountability, immigration and the 2024 election. heart of the annual conservative political action conference known as cpac.
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>> ladies and gentlemen, this is the american first bar association.n. please welcome from america first illegal, stephen miller. from north carolina congressman dan bishop, texas attorney moderator from article iii project, mikeke davis. >> high. so thank you for joining us today. we are going to talk with this■ñ
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distinguished panel about three differentbo topics, the democras unprecedented, i called republic endingng welfare against presidt trump, his top aides, his supporters, pants and creations. we're going to talk about big te, google, amazon, facebook and applefa on why they are a major problem in america and they were going too talk about■g immigration. so we have 26 minutes to get through with three very big topics so we will start the welfare. right now president trump faces 91 charges from four different democrat situations across america, 700 years in prison for non-crimes, the non-crime of objecting to a presidential election, the non-crime of you know paying back, the non-crime
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of paying paying back sophisticated wall street banks on time info with interest. that's the civil lawsuit by tish james. we see alvin bragg soros funded bringing unprecedented indictments against for settline claim, as if some are turned that into the first indictment of or against a former and future president of the united states. and we have an attorney general here from texas. [applause] ken paxton. we have a future attorney general from north carolina, dan bishop, our great congressman. and then we have all-star stephen miller. so that's our panel today. let's start with general paxton. what should we be doing in response to this unprecedented
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welfare against president trump, idhis top supporters, his attorneys, january 6theations. you are the victims, of this in texas where you had house speaker impeaching you for nonsense. what are we going do fight back against this? >> you said 700 and how many years? mine is only 204. i'm on the low end. what i i would say is the democrats that i would support their own whether they're guilty or not guilty. the past ten to distance themselves from any kind of controversial related to legal and we just can't do that anymore. not only to have to embrace our people will we have to support them both financially come support them with the words. we can't run from it because they are destroying us with the legal system. the way the legal system is structured now they send you to court in very liberal counties with a very liberal judges, very liberal juries all the way u the line.
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so instead of applying the law they apply politics and your name is all that matters. if your name is donald trump your guild at the evening was is ken paxton your guilty. i will not need anyone else because i don't want anyone else indicted. that's the way it works. 't stand behind our own people they areth going to take everybody down the stands up for the people. paxton in texas.his abo he is a target because he is bent theau tip of the spear leading effort to hold big tech accountable picky than the tip of the spear on immigration. unit party pays ken paxton that trying to take them out. i would joke i will be trump's the attorney general which is not possible because there's that pesky thing called senate confirmation. ken paxton would be aon fantastc attorney general and nick trump 47 administration. but here's a future attorney general and north carolina, dan bishop. what would you do about this?
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how should we respond as a movement? >> we have to fight back. that's what ken paxton example is been in texas. north carolina we've had, was never elected veteran j. an anomaly in north carolina is a two-party system matured there but we can write on the precipice ofic the. serv, and open seat in north carolina and we need more soldiers on the field who can make a difference like ken has been in texas. the state attorney generals tool is one of the most effective in the tool bag fight against what we've got to do is fight back. it's another aspect of what ken just said, among people who tend to be conservative the very fact matter how crazy, though might have invented or novel the application of the particular statute to allege a crime, people can to be repelled or to pull back in sort of a
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respectful, in a fee or disconnection. when you see the corruption we've seen in the system that no longer can be the case. we've got to lean in. we've also got use every tool at our disposal to fight them back that's one going to run for north carolina's attorney general. >> stephen, what's your response to this? >> first of all good morning cpac. it's great to see some a people here at this panel today. this is the most important conversation topic i think you could possibly have in america right now, the fact you're here says you all understand that. i'm honored to be on this panel with so many, three, incredible legal minds illegal wars. i want to say let's give them a round of applause especially of course our current and future attorney general. [applause]
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of this nightmare is going to be filling every legal office in this country with an bishops and ken paxton is it that's the short answer. >> amen. >> so this is exactly who should be here for this conversation for that rso very broken in the conservative brain and has been for a b long time. call it a mental illness, call it a spiritual failing, call it a moral deficiency, call it a weakness, softness, or just think pathetic. there is something really broken in the conservative brain.ey arf conflict, we know that, but there's an even deeper fear which is having power and usi power. conservatives are addicted to the language of libertarianism, which is fine. terrible ideologn
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academic setting, have these debates. in the real world you e da, you elect a judge, a lot of judges are elected all throughout the country and 21 side place that game, the other you elect a state supreme court justice. you elect and attorney general and so on and so forth. to have office with specific powers, dutie and responsibilities with the expectation that would use that authority to defeat evil,he gooo accomplish positive change in society. you have to use that power fearlessly. and you have to measure your success of what is actually happening in the world. this may seem like agential point but it is not. conservatives passed laws all the time tot say do this interview that, do this and don't do that. they don't actually change those laws have been passed. number of states, for example,
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have passed laws saying that you can't have this in the curriculum or you can't of that in the curriculum and you can't teach eei and so on and so forth. without exception i canfo promie you all the comey's in the classroom change the name of theiran lecture, changed one wo, change one little paragraph intt the syllabus and did the exact same damn thing every single day becausehey are communists and that's what to do. when they sued? no. when they arrested if they broke a law? no. did any talk about transition, think of arresting somebody for abusing children with trans ideology? no. we write a blog post about it,
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the office in between including judges, electing people who have power and will useve that power and measure the real world thane aren't going to be able to beat the left and that's just the honest truth. >> a quick follow-up on the welfare pic we have to be smart how we fight back against the left. right now there is a bill working its way through the florida legislature. it's well-intentioned. it allows, it m defamation,ie right? the problem is it sounds great, i'm all about suing cnn and the "washington post" and a the other that attack us on a daily basis. the problem is left has more trial lawyers, more money, better or for that we are right now and do we use this law in florida to go after conservative media,a, christian broadcasters, outlets who are leftist.
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let's start w stephen miller. what's your response to this r florida bill? i can be smart about how we fight back? >> see if i can do this in 30 seconds. we all want to go after the big corporate media. but you have to write laws to actually go after the enemy. they write laws to be used to crushes. it will be used to obliterate us to look at what new york did when he went after donald trump are they didn't change the law which was unconstitutional by the way, they go after one man. they go after one man. if you have a law change of photos that says it's to punish people for defamation, interlochen what the hell do you think is going to happen? every left-wing trial lawyer in the country moved to florida and sue the hell out of every conservative in fallujah, podcast, and doing else. write the law also protects your friends and harms the bad guys. otherwise you're handing him a sword right through you.
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>> congressman, what should we do? >> well said, stephen. of sometg that is carefully targeted. last summer with the united states supreme court said state attorneys general could no longer suit, did not standing to sue told the da, the department of homeland security countable when secretary mayorkas did a bracingly violates immigration law. well, the supreme court in that same opinion invited congress took in first and specific on attorneys general and the wanted to do so. we have just marked up last week in the judiciary committee under jim jordan a bill that will do exactly that, we extend the power to states s attorney general. that will work well without opening up a pandora's box. >> general paxton you have been the tip of the spear on the fight against big tech, google, amazon, facebook and apple. nga's ofon the guy who came up with a legal theory to after google's online advertising
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monopoly. that issi the lifeblood of big tech. the use of money to promote their welcome agenda. they use that money to cancel conservatives. he got made fun of this legal theory many years ago when he came up with it. now the biden justice department and attorneys general across the country are going along with general paxton regal three. so he hasth truly been the warrr on big tech. we have a problem with big tech. google, amazon, facebook and apple have gatekeeping powern cn and commerce, and they use that gatekeeping power to silence conservatives and crush small business. we see this with, with, with people sit if you don't like twitter, build yourp"twn. so parker part of came at happens? youwh had google and apple kick harderst out of the apple store duopoly, and amazon kicked partner of the internet, right?
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if we do not have benevolent billionaire with elon musk by, ending, making this terrible investment and buying twitter would not have free speech online in this country. and we shouldn't haveo rely on benevolent billionaires to the free speech in this country and that's why what ken paxton is doing in texas is so important to a want to talk about that. we also have amazon. amazon is essentially china's m? they do china's bidding. they are crushing smal' businesses in america and are making a lot of money doing that. amazon has this great image in america. we need to change that because again if you think of amazon think of china. i want to turn to you, general paxton, about your fight against big tech and what we need to be doing. .. was our go to on ideas and we
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work with the trump administration. he starts off like this and h's like a professor. and then he can take 30 seconds in five minutes later, he's up here and he's like a preacher. i love it. [a>> he is truly amazing. i wanted to >> i want to say one not just liberal democrats that are doing this. we have republicans. i've had more trouble with republicans doing this to me. and so we need to be aware that i'm dealing with in our texas house who lets the democrats run our texas house, who enjoy the same type of push of the legal system who take out their enemies, the republicans. it's not just the liberal democrats doing this, it's some in our own party and we need to hold them3u accountable. i'm going to say that. >> let me add to that.
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you see the same phenomena in the congress. republicans keeping us to see that big tech is reined in. we've got to go to the mat as a party and do it together. fight for somethingment unity alone absent purpose doesn't accomplish a thing. >> so big tech, i agree with that. big tech. my second term, beginning of my second -jterm, i ran a second term and we've been fighting the obama administration, trump had been elected so i thought that war is over, little d i know we would have obama 3.0 with joe biden and even worse. but i knew that we needed to figure out what was goingn comp months going out to palo alto, silicon microsoft people who sued microsoft for anti-trust violations, who is doing what is this out of that came i think four lawsuits google, a facebook lawsuit, a twitter lawsuit, and those have been extremely effective and
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those affected ioneought in thi dominates advertising on the internet, control like 97%. they make over $120 billion a year and they destroy companies, they increase prices on consumers, and there's no competition. we applied that theory, no one thought it was legit. but here we are four years later after they tried to move us out of texas to new york, we found a way back, mike lee helped us get a bill to allow us to control our own destiny and this lawsuit now is scheduled against google. we've already had google, but scheduled against google to not just take back money that they've stolen from us, and that they've illegally obtained by being anti-competitive and using unfair trade practices, but also designed, change theest can't stop us. and can't control free speech.
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if the government can indirectly control our speech through these companies, free speech is gone. that's what we're doing. >> i would say that conservatives, we believe in the free market, but that he roux requires functioning markets, if you have google, facebook, and shutter them and we don't have a function market, it's important that we have people like general paxton. and turning it over, what would you do as the north carolina attorney general? i assume you're going team up with general paxton. >> absolutely. there's got to be an effective working relationship between attorneysen reinforce what others are trying to do. we saw an event the other day
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where first, blackrock and then citigroup bailed out of this organization, this climate 100 organization to try to force their dominance of the market and ag's did the same thing. ag's came out and said this appears to be a violation of americ we're going to pursue you if you don't stop. on the judiciary committee we sent out letters asking for sent out letters asking or they sort of scattered like rats leaving the ship and you have one down. we're going to work closely with republican attorneys general across the nation and something important to say, what we're trying to do and what steven miller has done leg actually pursuing the law, we're trying to enforce the law, not abuse it by circumventing it through the position of authority. whether you see that on homeland security or the experiences ken's talked about,
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that's got to be stopped and that'sltimat we support the rule of law, what we've got to be is more aggressive as steven suggested in getting after it and showing at that weon to use enforcement power to pursue the law. >> it's called the rule of law, not the suggestion of law. [laughter]. >> conservatives talks about the phrase all the time and forget the first word, that is rule. it is supreme. when democrats break the law you bring it smashing down on them. that's the rule of law. [ [applause] >> we're going to end with this noncontroversial topic, immigration. we have president biden people into this country, a lot of these people are unvetted, they don't share our values, they don't want to assimilate, many of them. so i'm going to start with this stephen miller the tip of the spear on immigration.
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what should we be doing in a trump 47 administration to fix this disaster, this invasion of our southern border? >> well, as i say sometimes, the immigration issue is extremely simple. the policies involved in fixing it are very complicated. the simple part is, seal the border, deport all the illegals. >> (applause) >> that's the short answer, right? you get in, you have two policy objectives that you proceed with utter determination on. seal the border. no illeg goes out. straight forward. in terms of the policy set to accomplish this as trump showed in his first term, it's ais7 series of interlocking domestic and foreign policies to accomplish this goal in no pick order to rattle off facts, you veri remain in mexico, finish the wall, you have robust prosecutions of illegal aliens,
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you do interior repatriation the north of mexico, very important. you reimplement title 42, you have several muscular 212, that's the few of those in the trump administration, you would bring those back and add new ones on top of that. a large scale staging ground for removal flights. you grab illegal immigrants and move them to the staging grounds and the planes are waiting for federal law enforcement to move those illegals home, deputize the national guard to carry out immigration enforcement and deploy the military to the southern just with a mission to observe, but with impedence, the constitutional principle you don't have a right to enter into our sovereign territory to request th ay has a right to establish a fortress position on the border and say no one can cross here


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