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tv   Campaign 2024 Free Equal Elections Presidential Debate  CSPAN  March 8, 2024 8:04am-10:01am EST

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a best-selling companion book of the same name. programs industries take us to locations important of u.s. and world economies.ate free-market principles and limited government intervention in the economy and in social policy. other topics include welfare education, equality, consumer and worker protection, and inflation. watch free to choose saturdays at 7 p.m. eastern on american history tv >> next, 2024 presidential candidates libertarian, unicorn and socialist parties debating topics such as immigration and criminal justice reform. the debate was hosted by the election foundation in new york city. it runs about two hours. >> get any. i'm christina tobin and i am thrilled to welcome you to the second event of the 2024 free and equal presidential debate series. we are live from new york city. i want to begin by thanking mariee for that, another standing
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rendition of our national anthem and the black national anthem, lift every voice and sing. and thank you to all of our broadcast and coalition partners for this debate. more americans identify as independent thatns as either republican or democrat. and that's why the want to amplify the voices and choices to encourage discourse comes to raise awareness of the multitude. therefore, the nights debate will feature five independent candidates running in this year's presidential election. if candidates were selected by you, the public through our blockchain voting app the represent a variety of party affiliations and bring an array of positions to the table. we will have some hard-hitting questions on the topic of the mainstream avoid. in addition some questions were submitted by the public, ensuring we cover the issues most important to everyday americans. at the conclusion we will host a
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poll on our website free and for you to decide the winner of the debate. the poll will be open for 72 hours so be sure to weigh in with your thoughts. these join the conversation using the hashtag free and equal. before we meet our candidates i would like to introduce you to my co-moderators for the night. correspondent fromm one america news network caitlin sinclair. and a familiar face last months free and equal -- caitlin sinclair excuse me. also have from our last month free and equal democrat debate jason palmer. caitlin, why did you want to be involved in this event? >> thank you increasingly looking for alternatives to classic politicians come to certain policies we've seen for some time now and in my opinion you look at the most apathetic group out there right now the
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millennials. they don't feel necessarily represented. again are looking for different perspectives on was excited to is highlight this platform for a you katelyn for being here and being here for the people for the youth and really appreciate that. thank you. jason, we are glad have you back with us. thank you for your organization together with june cosponsoring the nights events. thanks so much, christina. it's my pleasure to be on the have both my own presidential campaign as well as a newly founded the corporation want to announce t to all of you is to increase youth participation in this year's election as well as future ones. as a presidential candidate i've experienced firsthand the media and electoral challenges for independent and new candidates who haven't bee traditional parties for a long time. citizens deserve open access the messaging from all candidates in order to makeon in the polls and that's
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what i was excited to participate in last months debate and excited to be a tonight so that the additional candidates can be heard by all of you. i may not agree with all of these candidates viewpoints are welcome the opportunity to share the views ands it's crucial for democracy. >> well, great to have jason here tonight ass an example of ns foundation focuses on unity to bring about solutions. and now let's introduce the participants in the nights debate. from the libtarian party we had lars mapstead. from the libertarian party as well, we have chase oliver. an the party for socialism and liberation, claudia de la cruz. from the green party we have dr. jill stein. green party jasmine sherman. i misspoke before but will suffer libertarian party chase oliver. so we look forward to respectful exchange of ideas. this debate utilizes cumulative
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format established by the league of women voters. each candidate will deliver a two-minute opening statement. then we'll ask a series of questions allowing a two-minute response and in one minute rebuttal or expansion with each candidate having four four opportunities for rebuttal. we will also include a cover even more topics. the debate will conclude with a two-minute closing statement from each candidate. the order of the candidates was determined by a random draw and we will begin starting with lars mapstead. us your two-minute introduction. >> thank you very much. america, when i say the system is rigged, you know that that's true. areyo you ready to because i am. i am mad and over it. when you do unrigged assistant the entire system is corrupt and only you have the power to unrig it. our economy is completely rigged. government has told and $34 trillion through the federal reserve and the banking cartel. it's reducing your standard of living in the form of inflation.
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you all feel it everyday when you go to the store. the corrupt i arrest has beend the regime of the corrupt irs here and that people keep 100% of their paycheck. only you have the pow to unrig the system. our healthcare system is a total joke a a total sham. my interest prices go up and up while the quality of care goes down. we all know this is a rigged system and it has to be turned upside down. our criminal justice system also a total joke. we've had a 50 year -- complete we have to stop the war and drugs to stop criminalizing victimless crimes and get the help they what you put in your body is your choice and the government should have no say in that whatsoever. i am trying to unrig the system in america today because everybody is feeling the pressure. t whether it's your e education system whether it'st. these are all things that are suffering americans and i just want to make americans feel better. the government has
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completely sham the system. and if you could go to my website, lars you can learn more about my policies to unrig the system and make it fair and have more integrity for america. thank you. >> thank you. claudia. >> thank you -- [inaudible] [shouting] >> excusecu me. just a moment. [shouting] >> thank you. we don't allow that in the room. claudia, please. >> thank you so much for us free and equal foundation, christina organizing this space broad debate among thefo third-party candi much necessary in the sham that is democracy in the united states. my neighbors claudia de la cruz and i am a w immigrant mother organizer educator and
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member of the party for socialism and liberation which is a party that has existed for the last 20 years that has been frontlines across different fronts of struggles everything from defending our rights to housing, our rights to health care against police brutality against imperialistbr wars. we are actively engage all across the country organizing, educating and mobilizing working-class people to in the dictatorship of the billionaires which is ultimately the root of our not lack resources. it does not lack the ability provide housing create jobs, provide free health care and education for everyone in society. instead we have a societyon that creates whenever 60 may people who are living in or near poverty the producers over 500,000 people who were living in handful of billionaires and profit makers
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that are benefiting from our misery and suffering. billionaires andmi millionaires who profit from the endless war and occupation. we need solutions thatt the scale ofsc the problems. we cannot continue to think that we can reform capitalism. it is urgent to get the billionaire class out ofer. our campaign is here to expose the brutality and organize to mobilize for the transmission of society. vote socialist >> thank you jill. >> it's great to see you christina again. en doing this for 12 12 years now that i've been participating in your process and its attribute tofree and equal. we very much need for debate. i'm really enjoying hearing things that don't usually hear back to back next to each other. i think theanri a desperate for more choices. this is ce wonderful. my background is as a
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doctor where i worked for decades in the clinic, and became very frustrated with how our healthcare cannot be addressed simply after-the-fact in the clinic. tried working upstream unsocial drivers of illness and discovered that reform is essentially stymied by the powers that be. so i moved from clinical medici political medicine to address the mother of all illnesses, are rigged political system that really makes change virtually impossible. so with that i just want to know that we're in this incredible historical moment right now where the usual order of things, that of him by an oligarchy is essentially teetering at the break. and we're all fling crisis in our lives in virtually every dimension of our lives. the need for deep changes have been so urgent but the possibility of the change has never been so and that's very much i think thanks to the actions of people here
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tonight who are really stanley cup to fight for an end to endless war and genocide to fight for justice in the workplace to fight for abolishing studentrk debt, for defending mother earth and to rescue are very embat liberties which are very much under attack. we need solutions but solutions are not permissible in the current political environment. so breaking upp our zombie duopoly, our zombie political system is essential and i look forward to discussing some of the ways to do that tonight. thank you. [applause] >> jasmine. >> good eating. my name is jasmine sherman and want to get the basics out of the i'm fat black and a socialist 20 for president of the united states. i'm not independently wealthy. i am not invested in the stock a trust fund set up by my rich parents. i'm not looking for a handout and a not appear to make my friends wealthy or write a book.
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we understand this election is a black swan event like never before. a third-party candidate can win. we do not have to pretend that we are trying to move party to the left or to the write or talk about a rigged system. if you want guaranteed housing universal free education and universal basic income then you vote for jasmine sherman. you can go to jasmine and all my policies will be read to you ifou y we have a chance to reset let's reset. we don't need to keep pretending the things to be research or evaluate. you know what's you don't need your politicians who are wealthy and a critical home to the nice houses in the healthy about the problems that your experience. you know there's no food in your fridge pick another so many your bank account. what you don't know is who is going to do that and resolve politicians are wonderful ideas but what you need is change. you don't need some icon. you need someone that is going to make sure that you can feed your family, educate your
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children spend time with them. right nowry is at the president and wee need to push it forward. if you actually want to do something i would recommend that you listen to the candidates that have a plan to put money in your pocket tomorrow. and if you're notot interested, at least begin mutual aid y live. go to for more details and to donate, because we work to do. [applause] all, i'm done with my time. >> thank you, jasmine.ery much. [inaudible] i think we probably agree on a lot of --th [inaudible] >> wait for a moment. they connect to your, the mic so one moment. >>an you all hear me now? >> please start over. >> somewhat to say thank you very much for giving us an opportunity to debate here today. the folks on
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stage at one of a lot of agreement about the problems that face thisre nation. it is our solution what might have differences. minutest chase oliver, i want to be the libertarian candidate because i know people are getting sick andnd tired of being sick and tired. over 60% of voters have said they willing to vote foras not named donald trump or joe biden at a think third-party independent need to seize this opportunity to bring new voters how can you solutions the table and as a in the idea of freedom. not commi life, your property is your property. not the property or business of an overly intrusive government we have seen frankly my entire adult life. i am 39 years old. i am half of donald trump's age. my generation fought war on terror. the entire real estate market fell out from underneath us as big banks got bailedit is my generation trying to raise families all over the country with record inflation caused by the overly abusive and
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intrusive federal government that continues to stifle growth. i got started in politics being an antiwar i am antiwar to the core. i oppose the warfare state all over the world and we need to bring our troops back home. we need to have our military moved from every continent. the only purpose of the military is to protect us from invasion. i believe in the rights of fmovement immigrants. we have an immigration crisis at the southern border. it is the government who refuses immigrants to work and start i have also been a criminal justice reform advocate. people should be on a level playing field with law enforcement and the government when ty get their day in court and that is not happening. go to to see my full platform. >>i you, chase. [applause] >> question 1. immigration. reflecting the voice of the electorate, we ask questions
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directly from the public for today's debate. the first question chosen for its relevance and widespread concern. given the evolving tactics of drug cartels, including the use of advanced technology, underground tunnels and the smuggling of narcotics and human trafficking, what innovative approaches do you conceive to stay ahead of these criminal organizations and safeguard our americans and the vulnerable populations often exported by drug cartels who are smuggling. one of the things my platform does is recognize there is an immigrant crisis at the border. the u.s. -- what we need to do is decriminalize all substance abuse items. we need to put safe usein every zip code. we need to get people universal health care. it must be in your zip code. you must haved include your
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prescriptions and holistic care. by making sure we go ahead and make the country easy to access, the same way it is easy to access when people were coming to ellis island, we would not have the border crisis. what we need to make sure we provide more medical staff treat drug issues like a chemical dep are instead of pretending these problems are bigger and not solvable. we have the funds to do it. what we do not haveders willing to put doctors in every zip code. we do not have leaders were not trying to play nice with the bad guy. we need younger leadership, more direction, entry americans the way they want to be treated. understand we have allowed our government to make us think people are flooding our borders and to think americainvasion but that is not accurate. we have tons of room in this country for more people. we had tons of room when people
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were taking over siding indigenous people here -- and genociding indigenous people here. hould reform the system and put money back in americans' pockets. there is space for all of us. the differences we need to be working towards making this country better. i am done with my time. [applause] >> chase. >> the point of your question is great. you talk about how we are digging tunnels. is a perfect reason we don't need a giant wall on our southern border full of razor wire, stealing people's property to build that. we need to have an ellis island style immigration system. you should be able to come to report of entry, do a quick check, and come here and get to work. there are jobs that need to be filled. there are people willing to do that and we need to keep the government from gettinif you look at the number of businesses crated by native born
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or first-generation immigrants, immigrants improve our economy and increase the economic pie for everyone. talking about defunding cartels the best way to do that is eliminate the war on drugs and remove the profit motive for cartels. if we allowed people to come through ports of entry easy, be able to put our focus on human trafficking. let peaceful people in and let the small sliver of human traffickersi. do want to say this the time attacking immigrants. those were the same slanders thrown against our forefathers who came here from germany, ireland,ly, and all over europe. now they're coming from south of the border and everywhere else. we should be welcoming them here. they could ottoman oars, business owners -- american entrepreneurs, business owners, people who create jobs
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and prosperity. i don't believe in the scare tactics. i live near immigrants, go to church with them, a would try to stop good, hard-working people from wanting to come to our country and stop there american dream the way 40% of our country did. we need to get government out of the way. >> thank you. the united states has stolen the ability for the socialist
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project of cuba to develop itself. the economy $15 million a day a day so $160 billion for over 60 years. that strangles the ecomy of the country. it forces people to leave following the traces of the things have been stolen from them. so if you want to be able to mitigate the immigration crisis which happens to be a crisis now but it wasn't an immigration crisis when the european settlers the came into this nation and displaced indigenous people that wasn't an immigration crisis but so far it happens to be now because it's racialized. it's also gendered. gender. so when we think about immigration need to think about foreign policy at the ways in which the united states has through its imperialist mechanisms displaced people. 60 million people across the world are moving the cost of wactxi change. we want to change that. we want to protect the borders. the best thing we can do is get out of other peoples nations.
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our solutionsding foreign policy is built on collaboration built in bringing back the troops, closing t 800 military bases across the globe shutting down nato shutting down africom the seven commit an act of soldiers that are out there doing the bidding of capitalism in this country to do meaningful work. [applause] >> lawrence? >> thank you. i love that you framed it in the form of the cartels because this is the problem that i see in america today. prohibition does not work. we have prohibition in the 1930'did that create? al capone. the government creates monopolies in crime when they prohibit things and they have created if you are in business, what do you do when you are in business? you try to increase sales and production. rtels are in the business of selling drugs and pushing drugs on americans.
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i believe the failed war on drugs has created more drug users than it has stopped. it is time to end this failure. throwing more people in jail and spending more money on the problem will not fix it. we have the federal level and in the cartels altogether. this will solve a big part of the problem at our southern border. we have chaos at our southern border because of the federal government's policies at the border. the cartels are disrupting the people south of the border are fleeing the violence and crime that comes with the cartels, so by eliminating them, we can get rid of the problems, but there is still so we need to streamline the system so people can come here easily, find work easily and be legal in this country like my ancestors ble to come and try to find the american dream. i agree with claudia. we need to stop the imperialism in america. need to stop rejecting ourselves all over the world. we need to close down those 800 bases she was talking about. we could use that mo race that would
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lower the cost of energy across america and lower the cost of energy across the world. that all over the world without america spending any more money. [applause] >> thank you. ? >> many points of agreement here. i completely agree this crisis of immigration created really, by the united states through our foreign policy, through our economic dominatiochange where we have been the major contributor to the destabilization of the climate, and on the issue of economic destabilization consider for example the number of immigrants that have come from guatemala. where did thatthat was about doing a favor for united fruit and overthrowing the democratically elected government ofuatemala in the 1950's to prevent redistribution of land so poor people and peasants would have a means of survival, basically.
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that model has been repeated over and over again. it's been documented that the u.s. has conducted regime change , largely covertly, through the cia. approximately 70 times since the second world war. th conducted, which are of course another source of drastic destabilization and the source of migrants.and it's worth reminding people that this foreign policy based on economic domination has a name. it's called full-spectrum dominance. it says the quiet part out loud, that the united states pentagon, has declared we will dominate all regions of the globe at all times in all spheres of potential conflict. and we assert that power. we are asserting that power now in the middle east, where israel long agored the unthinkable battleship for the united states, essentially safeguarding access to oil
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which, way back when, wethnow we don't but we still want to basically control that oil. so this is about reforming u.s. policy andin the spigot driving this migration crisis. >> thank you. any rebuttals? any rebuttals before we move on to the next question? >> i would just like to say that all of america is tired of watching moms and babies crawl under barb wire at the southern border. we areas a parent that devastates me and we can do better. we need to end the chaos at the border. >> let's move on to question two. in your opening statement, chase, you did mentioncriminal justice reform was an important part of your agenda. there is a growing movement against what some call the prison industrial complex.
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america has more people in prison and jail per capita than any country in the world except china. you think there's a crime wave and how would you rethink our criminal laws and penalties for the 21st century? what steps would you take to ensure prisons are more focused on rehabilitation? take it where you may. >> i don't think we are in the middle of a crime wave. i think we are in the middle we mentioned the war on drugs. i can mention consensual sex work or any behavior where you are not hurting another person. it should be legal. we throw so many people in jail for this and it creates trauma. when you take someone who i put them in jail, you traumatize them throughout that process. then they get back on the street. what's the first thing they do? tothis creates a cycle that's ruining so many communities in this country particularly communities of collagen those -- of color and those that don't have the means to fight back when the government tries to taken down. i reforming criminal
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justice. officers should be required to carry liability so when they do do wrong that comes out of their policy. we need to do things like end the death penalty, mandatory minimums and private prisons. i don't believe the government should do a lot but one of those things should be criminal justice. i want to remove the for having people in prison. and every step of the way through even release and probation and the abuses of -- dollars a month to be monitored by the state, i want to change this. but we are not in a crime wave. we are in a media generated fear wave. they want you to be afraid when you go to the ballot box because when you are scared it's easier to control you. o be afraid of people. i trust that most people are good people and if given the chance they would be able to live their lives in peace without the interference of government remove the over criminalization of our society and qualified
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immunity -- end qualified immunity, and get back to a system where people are equal in a court of law. >> thank you. >> my platform abolishes police and prisons. we switched to a system where you have someone at a home. my platform housing. when it comes to preserving police and prisons, we think it's time to stop dehumanizing americans. anyone who has questions about my policy can read it at however, it's time to switch to a house arrest system with a community task force. defunding and abolishing the police is the first step. there's no reason for aot live in your zip code to be patrolling your neighborhood. it makes sense to start community task forces and pay individuals within the community to watch their othat helps stimulate the economy and create jobs and keeps people at home where they want to be. >> thank you. jill?
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>> we are indeed an over criminalizing society. the vast majority of people who are incarcerated have done no violent crime. the majority is there for nonviolent drug crimes. this creates all sorts of knockoff problems. for the cost of incarcerating someone, we coul pding them with a college education and ensuring that they have a positive role and skill to be ributing members of society. in addition to our extremely oppressive and criminalizing drug we should also be addressing poverty and the causes of impoverishment and the desperation that drives petty crime. but when we are mentioning petty crime, one should be mi are so small compared to corporate crime and
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the routine ripoff of the public inrest by wall street and large billionaires who also public by way of tax breaks,. the corporate contribution to our taxes, in fact, used to be about 6% of gdp after the second world war. it's now 1% of gdp. so intore to the most fortunate those who are essentially rolling in profit we have essentially de-invested in oommunities in our schools, in health care and so on, and created a desperate environment that often leaves people little cice other than a criminal enterprise, particularly drug sales. so by legalizing drugs and providing for strong communities, we can essentially massively reduce the incarceration. and people should also be jail. >> thank you.
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claudia. >> we need to understand the very basis and foundation of the criminal justice system in this country, of the incarceration system, and it's based on private's based precisely on the control and surveillance of people. there was no abolition of slavery in this country. the transference of methodology. people in prison still -- still -- do free labor for this country. we need to abolish the prison-industrial complex that has a profit motive. we need to understand security in our communities as housing, those are things we need. we need to understand that the majority of crimes that jill mentioned are crimes of survival. people trying to make ends meet in this country. and so we need to be clear that when we are talking about mass
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incarceration, does not protect society. we are talking about policing and the increase in budgets that country. it does not provide security. it provides violence and brutality in our communities. 2023 we saw a record highs of police brutality in our communities. and so we need to beble to understand the very roots to deal with the problem and not just the symptoms. if we want to be able to abolish prisons, we need to abolish capitalism. want to abolish policing, we need to abolish capitalism and provide a society, create a society, able to provide us with our basic and human rights so that we have a reduction in crime, because sociologists talked about that. where there's less need for people to cover their needs there is less crime. we want less crime? we went to be able to provide for our people that we want to be able to provide for a people
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-- we want to be able to provide for our people. clearly the criminal justice system is rigged. we see that in the upper ecere congresspeople and the elite are able to get away with things that normal people would never be able to get away with. yet somehow there's tearson who you know and how much money you have. we need to level the playing field. some of the ways we can level the playing field is end qualified immunity so police cannot hide behind a badge and if they do something that is bad they get held accountable. we have to get rid of the profit motive and we can do this by ending civil asset forfeiturethat's how they can fund their own departments and put money in their pockets and it's clearly a . i talked about ending the failed war on drugs. and to claudia's po desperate people do desperate
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things and there are people suffering financially and economically due to the way our economic sysme need to lift those people up and improve the economy for all people. i grew up poor with an outhouse and noable to live the american dream and found a large and successful company. i went all americans to be able to get to that level of success and have a standard of living we can be proud of. we used to have that before and i call for an end to the federal reserve because i believe it's one of the key institutions creating wealth inequality in income inequality in america by stealing money from regular people and handing it to the banking cartel. that goes to the corporations. by the time it trickles down to the rest of on the dollar. wen yu to embrace our economy and get it going. we can get the economy and left -- economy going and lifted up and th >> thank you lars.
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[applause] >> does anybody want to offer ang that was said by another guest? clottey? >> i want to take time to mention political prisoners that a been are been imprisoned byone things for the right of people for black liberation, for indigenous liberation. we have folks that cannot have full lives like edward snowden because the united states of america refuses to understand that not everything that is legal is legitimate. that everything that is legal is right. and with the right to create a level of society that allows us to live in dignity. this is what political pre haveal done. jamal, the black liberation movement freedom fightersafter coming out of being kidnapped by the state have failed health system and died. the united states government, republicans, democrats come the
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ruling class of thisla country are killing our people and we need to stopt. [applause] >> chase. >> i want to speak to couple, spade particularly but corporate control of our law enforcement. i fromanta and they try to slander us byy saying were from out of town but the truth is that people who are out of town for the corporate funders of the atlanta police foundation. it's important for people to unite together across political spectrum across left and right. when we talk about the 13th amendment and the fact we have legalized constitutionalist slavery in this country i read a story but a young man who work for 136 hours and reason money to the people of gaza for relief. how much money? under $18 pse was paid 1.36 cents an hour. if you live in louisiana or codis manchin is being cle to speak up. the government is abusing people and corporations large corporate interests of the people or
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invested in making sure we'reug subjugated by our government and we should oppose it at every level. [applause] >> clottey raced her hand slightly before you did. >> jasmine, sorry. justman. your next. >> i want america to know what platform is the only one that and a dash of its 81 out of jail and keeps it from going to jail. that's it. i'm done. [applause] >> yeah, adages want to add on the subject of top city, what we've seen in w top city is theation of political blue criminalization of community resistance to the distraction of itsare environmental recreation space which is being systematically destroyed in order to furtherer criminalize to further militarize the police department. this is exactly what's wrong and it is essentiallyinalizing people who are now charged with terrorism charges essentially for attempting to
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protect their open space now been subject to rico charges and who are at risk or enormous criminal penalties and long-term jail sentences. unfortunately this is not the only example of it. this is o a growing trend really a political repression of the goes hand in handhammer of censorship, whicher is part of this very oppressive political environment we are now fighting which a resistance and our unified opposition. [applause] >> moving on i want to make a quick note. we will not be able to get to all the t pstions so we're going to encourage our candidates and invite you all to join us on twitter after the debate or ask i should say. at free and equal to maybe after some more questions. moving on here. our question from the public is how would you ensure tribal
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nations are adequately protected beyond recognizing roque and tribal treaties and plant acknowledgments? what to address the severe systemic inequality on antigens reservations across the united states?in what steps wou you take in returning land back to indigenousdi nations? and how would you reinforce indigenous sovereigntyngmi withwe claudia. >> i think that the united states ruling class has a historic debt to the indigenous people of this country. reparations we need to be able to provide reparations that only for the indigenous people but also for the black americans because this country was founded onhi the genocide and displacement of indigenous people but also on the backs ofac insulation africans that were brought here to build this country. so we historic debt with indigenous people and black americans. we believe that it is important
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to restore the have been broken over and over and over again. we have t we need to work to rebuild thoseth communities the level of suicide of substance abuse are in the hands of the many many administrations that have come through again of the extracts and steals the lands from these communities. and so when we're talking about a socialist solution we're talkingbout assuming the historic responsibility we have with those communities. land that belonged to the indigenous communities should be given back. being able to provide the resources necessary for the indigenous community is an immediate call, and being able to again level the and provide for those communities that have been brutally and violently placed in theonditionsty that they are in right now.
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i still have 20 seconds but okay you can have it. >> do you want to continue? >> okay. job will moveji on to. >> great. absolutely. those broken a treaties need to be restored, land back, particularly large open space areas and forests and and rivers that are traditionally part of indigenous territories which were stolen from them. they should be managed by indigenous people. no one would do it better. case in point indigenous are classic for being subject to extraction and destruction andenormous pollution. in standing rock, for example in north dakota, the pipeline going through standing rock put at risk the entire mississippi river and the drinking water for something like 20 million in the
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same true now with mountain valley pipeline a factor the fact they are all invading indigenous territories and it's the indigenous nations were reallyeading the fight not own to protect their sovereignty not only to protect our land, buty to essentially provide stewardship for us all in fighting to keep the area clean and the water clean. they're basically fighting for us all and they traditional and indigenous wisdom to know the absolute critical nature of these ree of the activists that we have worked with with the green party in south dakota made the comment the other western culture measures wealth in terms of how much you have, but amongindigenous cultures your wealth as measured by how muchd you give away. that's really consistent with their understanding of the invaluable nature of our resources. and i particular their sovereignty must be respected
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before their natural resources are exploited in any wayl thank you. [applause] >> lars, we will move on to you next. >> thank you very much. the government has broken many promises to all kinds of people over the years. i am remule and an acre of land after the civil war was done. i am reminded about how the government faced theans into oklahoma and into various states there and then when they found resources int that was no longer their land, that they would move them off to some of the land. we continue with this practice today with eminent domain laws where governor ceases peoples property for the common good as it were, and what they do is to displace these people that work hard for the that i put sweat and tears into their land, and takend that and give it to the private sector or to the government. and i believe that this policy is a continuation of this. so for
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native americans there's been a grave disservice.for black americans this been a great disservice over and over the government hasn't changed its ways. in order to fix this we have to at least say that it does and stop infringing on peoples rights and stop taking their land. this is something that just goes on over andin over again. we have to respect the treaties we have put in place and where there has been damaged that can be shown, it should be rectified through the court system. and look, the thing is that native americans have been given a bad lot. african-americans have been given a suppressed economically because our government stole their land, stole their ability to have a good, economic we need to lift up all these people by helping our economy grow so that it lists all people. i have a simple plenty to do. you can find it on lars >> thanks, lars. jason, on to you next.
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>> so when we talk about the issue of tribal sovereignty you're right the baseline is is a respecting the been made over ha by the united states government. when a robust injector rectified that there's some sort of recompense. i believe that can come in form of land. we had a lot of federal land use to be tribal sovereignty could be returned for the wrongs we done. there's totally a completely legal way ai framework to get that done. what i want to talk but is a fact that from the smallpox blankets on we in the western world have been treating indigenous people like crap, let's be real. you see this in communities all over the country that have suffered through poverty substance abuse and all kinds of things. this relates back to the original sin of the t indigenous people. i would seek to respect tribal sovereignty 100% as jill mojica i don't want people putting pipeline o that their and their determination over the land. if there are currently selling the land that you be paid to the
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tribe. it shoulot b it starts by respecting the fact tribal sovereign should be absolute. frankly i support the right of tribal people if you want to secede from the government they should have every singlee right to do it and we should not stop them one bit absolutely. >> jasmine go ahead. >> in america please solve less than 4% of crimes. but if they did solve the crime let's say you bought a stolen car, they would make you give the stolen property you purchased back. we need to give land back. my platform provides people with guaranteed housinge because we give the land back. that means no rent, no mortgage. we can't just say we're going to give indigenous people not going to see will give indigenous people that are federal lands. they need more than that. they want all of their stolen property back to that does not mean it be fixed people from their home. what does it that allows you to remain in your home and have stewardship over the plan.
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meat is you would get all the money you spent on purchasing your home back and still be able to remain in your domicile. what this also meets is the end hawaii, guam. we also give puerto rico their land back. we have to act like we reall apologize. we can't dono that by giving somebody o a piece of something. if you came to my house and took anything i would want everything it wouldn't be a polite conversation about what is mine that you took. the same situation that we are seeing in palestine were israel occupied their land is the same thing we did to indigenous people right here. i'm not going to pretend and my vp candidate a enous tribes aroundit the country to write a land back policy with their voice in part. if you t are indigenous and you would like to produ in writing that policy, go to your voice matters. his issuers and we want to give it back. for americans are and are o themselves we are not kicking out pick you will have housing. you will have healthcare and you will have education.
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you will not have made we can do things differently if we stop funding israel where we pay rent and health care and [applause] >> before we move on, clottey, i think your hand went up first. >> guantánamo needs to be given back to the cuban people. >> the decolonization of puerto rico hawaii, and the decolonization of every nation that the united states has its hands and grip on, because they are neil colonies you with the we don't talk about those. it's important to make theinction between u.s. imperialist andim capitalist government and socialist government. not all governments are made the same. >> jill,o ahead. >> and i just wanted to extend the connection between the indigenous people of the united states that is, the first nations of the united states,
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and indigenous people of gaza, just noting that there is a very active and horrific genocide that is underway right now. regrettably, you know, there's aide of indigenous people in this country, and that is ongoing though low grade but that continues the oppression and the hardship the sickness, the poverty, the drug addiction and so on. there is active harm to indigenous people in thi t needs to be rectified that there's also a very active, full-blown genocide going on in gaza right now and it's very critical that we call that to any meat halt and cease all funding for the state of israel stop supplying weapons and basically applied a national boycott and sanctions program towards israel. [applause] t went and quickly there is a pure indian affairs in the government. it's high time the united states government gets completely out of the affairs of native people
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ureau of indian affairs completely. >> thank you all. >> jusnt that it's super interesting we have two socials two libertarians and a green party party candidate on stage. >> i'm also a green candidate party sir and a socials that you can do both. >> apologies. but you all agreed quite a bit on those first three on immigration and criminal justice. hoping the nextne question can maybe get up debate between you all. so on environmental picy, you jill. with pfa and other forever chemicals contaminating the king water of 3000 cuties and affecting an estimated 200 million americans what actions which are administration take to hold theountable for this pollution? furthermore, how would you ensure the clear of these toxic substances to prevent for the contamination despite potential
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opposition from those big corporate industries that you all have been talking up? >> yeah, absolutely.ut our administration would put great priority on not only cleaning up those communities those waterer sources these aquifers related especially to military bases which had been the major source ofha contamination and reflect again how dangerous militarization of the country is and in many ways in which it harms us. but it's important peoplehe threat that pfas causes. .. be investigated and people need to be informed about the risks we are incurring, but i think it's important that we not confine our attention simply to one chemical, because pfa's is on polluting substances. the first was lead.
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>> it took a century of lead harm to children in the early 1900's. there was thought to be an epidemic affecting young why they were suddenly having strokes. y were having strokes and lead entered the market and used on the porches of homes and tasted sweet. this is by way of illustrating the system does not protect us. we've had so many incidents one after the other. there again was the love canal and dioxin and toxic waste sites that basically came back to haunt we're finding this over and over again. we're seeing this in east palestine, a spill of extremely toxic chemicals which were ignited when they should not have been and epa is actually colluding with the railroad company and the community has
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undergone harm. e need a regulatory system that's not serving our corporations, but the public. >> next up on this question. >> so there's a vested interest in each person wanting to breathe clean air and drink clean water. we are we have the government giving slaps on the wrist they're not covering the damage they're doing. if you're done wrong you should seek recompense in court we adjudicate. and people sue and when they have cancer or a horrible disease they're given a couple hundred dollars. and i support removing the caps and the slaps on the wrist for clean air and water. and speak to the fact if we
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want to live in a cleaner world, we have to stop government from picking winners and losers which energy is subsidized by the government today. carbon oil. i would deregulate particularly nuclear energy which burns clean and can provide so much power gas and coal and also much safer. people are scared of three mile island or chernobyl. thrare once in a generation. but we see thousands of coal miners died from lung disease and asthma and of effect from carbon-based fuel. i'd like to let polluters pay when they do something >> on to lars. >> i think i have uncovered a new rigged system listening to all of my here. the government is doing a poor job of taking care of people and of protecting people from
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harms that are corporations and why is that? that is because the government the congressti froze out corporations with tax code with the tax code able to give favor to the reach and elite and then torporations are basically in kahoots our away with things, cover up and mask things. if we let the market take care of itself the communities wil rise up and being taken care of. we have to let our government function and part of that. we can't have career politiciansecause career politicians lead to corruption. so i'm in favor of the term limits. i don't think that people should be in office for 40 or 50 y get in bed with corporations much more and lead to bad outcomes. we need to limit our government as the founding fathers wanted us tid of some of these problems.
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look there's always seems to be some new product that's coming out to market that's the new thing, whether it's asbestos lead or whatever it is and we don't always know what's coming cigarettes example. it was people thought cigarettes were healthy for a long time, right? and then it became clear it was not. we need a mechanism for us to go corporations when they harm us so they're more careful when they're making their products right? now we have a bureaucracy that that shields them from being held accountable and we need to end that bureaucracy by reducing the government and getting term limits thank you. >> thanks larry. >> jasmine. >> all right, you guys. i am so excited. you need to know about my triple bottom le policy. i'm not just pitching big ideas. everything you're going to hear me say tonight has a action. americans cannot wait for someone to 0 get into office and come up with an idea and
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have the congress and senate ignore us. americans need to know what we're getting into right now. we have politician that is make false promises. when it comes to the congress the triple bottom policy tackles the human damage that corpor want my money from gm from ge and amazon. if you go to you'll see the list of them. we need to keep our fossil fuels in the ground. my platform environmental and infrastructure plan does that. we switch to renewable energies. we go ahead and make every single state, every single city every single client and louse us to put renewable kin net particular pads on the sidewalks. everybody forgets about disables and covid is a thing. an christine said keep my mask
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off, everybody wants to see you face. nd go look at my policy and review how we give you clean water without costing you more money. everybody my tax policy is posted as well. oh and we need a high speed rail and that puts americans back to work and stimulates the economy. i'm done. >> thank you, jasmine. [applause] >> on to claudia. >> i think it' understand that when we're talking about the climate crisis that's connected to many of the human crisis social and economic crises that we experience. we cannot attempt to regulate corporatio country. we can't. we need to seize those corporations and make them public utilities. we have to give these to the workers to decide how the wealth that is being created is going to be utilized and one of
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the ways which that could be done is precisely-- or one of the ways that the climate crisis could be ted in doing that is precisely having having for example, the decommunication of energy resources, being able to renewable, shift from the carbon and the oil to renewable, but we also need to be able to understand and jill mentioned this the pentagon is one of the biggest polluters in the world. and i believe that cutting 90% of the military expense could do a huge service, a huge service to the environment. it is important-- also to take out the motives of many of these so-called corporations that are going green now because that's also a trend. they go green, but in reality, what they're trying to do is
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accumulate wealth. energy for example, these cars that run on energy are becoming a source of profit and like-- sorry, cumulative profit for these companies and we need to be able to again, extract the wealth from the billionaires and corporations extracting from the land and crisis we're currently experiencing. >> thank you, claudia. >> does anybody want to rebut anybody else in what they i haven't spoken yet. >> oh my apologies. i think you started us with the pf pfa's or pfas. and then we shifted to energy so let me speak on energy. >> sure you can have a rebuttal. >> in fact i'd like to address some of the issues that were raised here. for example, on nuclear, it's really important to understand that without enormous public
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subsidies, nuclear would not exist. nuclear is dangerous, dirty, extremely expensive, and cannot subsidies and it's also uninsuranceable and the reason that nuclear plants are not being built is because they wip huge holes in the ground which cost billions of dollars. so nuclear is really not an option. and in terms of whether there is some government program that directs us towards green energy i think that it's really understand that we have a crisis here of monumental proportion and just for one example, understand th the colorado river is about to run dry. and when it does the california agriculture system goes down with it and that'sruits and vegetables for this country. so this is not something that can just be left to the market. it cannot be left to independent corporations there planning and ownership of the major infrastructure to ensure our
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survival. >> (applause) >> allow me to extend nuclear energy. >> the reason why nuclear energy is so expensive and start-up cost is sogreat. because of the marketplace. nuclear energy is not dangerous, it's better than based that gets trillions. if we want to solve our crisis and get off carbon-based fuel there's no way to do that without nuclear power. right now there's no way to replace the entire power, but we have the put in nuclear power, and today's nuclear power is less than three mile our. today's modern nuclear energy has a smaller footprint to produce power. >> i don't know if there's a rule on this. >> jill one more rebuttal.
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jill your last rebuttal if you rebut that. >> yeah i think this deserves to be rebutted because it's important to know that the costs of nuclearo down just because you have a small plant. the risks do not go down the dangers are still ever present and are extremely ex nuclear plants have become so large because they are not cost effective unless they have scale of magnitude and by making them small you actually ensure that the cost is going to be even greater. so small is a-- it i relations campaign which is basically being recycled by the nuclear industry. and it's a false choice to think that we have to choose fuels. we actually have renewables which far undershoot the costs now of both fossil f nuclear and this is the technology of the future that is safe and sustainable and [applause] >> i think that claudia and
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jasmine you did raise your hands. >> in the maritime shipping area and maritime shipping we create lots of pollution in the world. we cannot put a winl on a container ship, but we can put nuclear on a container ship moving products to one area of ther without carbon into the atmosphere and there's nuclear energy even if to nuclearize you can have the fleet without spewing into the air and products get to the doors a lot cheaper if we utilized a nuclear fleet. >> lars you want to bring in. >>!n for an energy rate and apolishing nuclear regulatory commission they're stifling innovation we tooko build a nuclear power plant in america, france takes six to eight years. france is the leading country in reduction of carbon
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emissions and they're building nuclear power plants at a frenzy and china has a plan to put 200 nucle underfoot in the comes years and america is going to get left behind. if we do not start reducing energy costs and embracing new technologies and not just nuclear, all kinds of technology we should be allowing innovation in america, this will drive jobs to america and drive down the cost inflation. there's all kinds of technologies that are coming out, the salt reactors basically eat thend use up 98% of the waste. people are thinking of nuclear energy from 50 years ago. technology advance the. we're not sti computer plants that we have to feed with cards, we have computers in our pockets today. we can do this. america has the ingenuity to do it and i think thatit thank you. >> (applause) >> there is the debate you're looking [laughter] >> from pfas to nuclear. >> moving on. question on economic policy now.
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four nations have together for alternative financial systems. brics. how do you mitigate the currency. what specific strategies will you employ to maintain the dominance of u.s. dollar in no trade amidst shifting geopolitical dynamics and how do you counterbrics by engaging foreign leaders. >> this has to do with tariffs on people and engage in trade around the other countries to band together to try to create alternative currencies. because america has a dominance on the currency because we're the world reserve currency and we stifle other countries and keep countries out based on our political beliefs. so no wonderre trying to make new currency to get around our hegemony. and what we need to do is to stop the fde got going on. because foreign trade wars lead to real wars.
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we need to be embracing trade with other countries so they don't have to turn to other financial instruments and look we are destroying our own dollar because we have printed s worth of debt. okay? and that reduces the standard of living for all americans, and it means that the dollar isn't as worth as much around you're a person that owes $10 million and only making $100,000 a year you're not a good investment and that's what's going on with america right now. other countries see this and they're slowly divesting themselves of the dollar because they see we're not a good investment becaue're not handling our finances. we do not spend our money wisely or efficiently here in america and i bet everybody on hat we should spend the money that america takes from its citizens more wisely and more efficiently and we can do that by canceling the bank'so rein in the fed and stop the endless printing of money devaluing the does in reducing your
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standard of living. thank you. [applause] >> thank you, lars. >> claudia, you're up next. >> end ends us. it's the basis and the foundation of this country to dominate to have control, to hegemony over the rest the world. u.s. imperialism-- bric is not the problem, imperialism is. the capitalistic system that wecrisis depression inflation, every four to seven years, every four to seven years is a bubble that bursts and we will that under capitalism. when we're talking about an economic policy that works for the majority of people in this tr it's not acouny, capitalist economy, that's the policy. we need to abolish capitalism as it is and exists. despite what biden says about the economy and how people feel about the economy, the majority of people in this country
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suffering. we have again over 160 million people who live in or near poverty. 800 people who die every day in the wealthiest country in the world because of poverty related issues. and as a socialist solution is to take back the wealth produced by wies like amazon exxon-mobile walmart, nationalize and socialize that wealth. we want to be able to have value in the dollars in it doesn't need to dominate the rest of the world. [applause] >> thank you, claudia. moving on to you. >> people i want you to know economists work for rich people and people s wants them to say. i rarely find an individual who says my paycheck or my values some of them right here. one of the things whee need to do is end our relationship with the fed. that's not a government agency you've been duped into believing it is. it's a private company that's messing with our lives.
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the other thing is americans need an index living w going to simplify that for people because our education people have failed a lot of us. if walmart raises their prices they must raise their wages, they cannot keep making things go higher and higher it'sns universal basic income. if you go to jasmine and see how much you get untaxed per month per year and to everyone over the age of 16. other thing to create jobs in community where people live. that starts with mixed neighborhoods. that starts with renewable energy. that starts with us stopping our pursuit of imperialism. we don't dominator. your money should be able to work right here where you live. i understand that the question was about how ihings nicy nicy with other countries, the way to do that is to take our boot off their neck and renegotiate trade
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deals. if you go to jasmine, my policy is posted and audio if you don't have timhave to start taking back the right way to live. i know what we've done in the past, but i don't follow suit with people who don't look like me. now what trump and biden look like it's time for young people marginalized people to lead. put money back in pockets and we can't afford for us to wait and make a commission. [applause] [applause]. >> thank you, jasmine. jill. >> so the shift in economic productivity and resources and wealth has moved from the u.s. and n.a.t.o. to the brics. and it's enlarging longer four or five issues it's now also saudi arabia and a number of other countries, so this is part of the. empire that's ended its last days and in part
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that's that all empires kind of come to an end of their term. our empire is over extended. our empire is very busy expending half of budget. our congressional budget on destroying other nations. we lose wars enormous we have invested some $21 trillion since 9/11 in several wars in libya and syria and afghanistan and iraq and they're not over yet. in fact, joe biden now is bombing three additional countries in order to maintain israel's right to conduct genocide. we're expanding war and bombing syria, iraq and yemen. and i think it's-- israel is bombing yemen, are we bombing yemen as well. there you go four countries as well as iranian targets outside of iran and iran now has a tual defense
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treaty with russia so we're absolutely playing with fire and risking a nuclear conflagration here ity of this aging, obsolete and dangerous empire which is in its last days. and it's very important that we shift from being a war economy to-- and a financialized economy on behalf of wall street that's reaping the majority of the profit benefits to being an economy for working people. >> thank you, jill.. >> chase, we'll finish with you. >> brics and we insist that our government quick printing dollars out of thin air to pay for debt and deficit. wh of the federal reserve. and let's tie our money back to something that's sound, gold silver saffron, whatever it
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is something that intrinsic value rather than the fiat system we're inhe dollar. remove trade wars end the traifrs tariffs, they're not paid by china, but each and over country. i was a democrat 16 years ago and supported a guy and voted for him because he said we are wars close guantanamo w excited. he got elected and walked back on every promise he made. if we're ever blessed with the opport diplomacy, taking the boots off the next of so many people in the world with the war machine. we don't talk the talk we'll walk the walk if elected and treating people with common respect. common grace and starts with true freeway trade and tear down all trade barriers and which can be in a freeith strengthen
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our dollar stopping printing trillions of dollars. end the war machine that's killing so many people women and children with our bombs with little american flags on them as they drop and real diplomacy and not being an afraid to be in a room with somebody that doesn't agree withyou, and since the democrats have occupied the white house. >> thank you, chase. >> rebuttals for those that are permitted. >> yes, jasmine. >> you need money in your pocket book today. universal basic incomes puts money back in you you need tax changes. we take too much money from paycheck. my policy all of them that you can read or i've read to you and even schedule a meeting-- you can even schedule a meeting with me. we need to back to your wallet
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now. you do not need us money or-- a vote for me in y i'm going to stop talking because you can't hear me anyway. >> i believe claudia's hand went up. >> (inaudible) we're just going to-- we're going to second. [applause] [applause] say that again? >> jasmine, we're going to let you finish if you have add. >> i mean--
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>> thank you. >> i know you guys couldn't hear me before, but at the end of the day you need universal pay $95 billion anytime other countries need it. we have the funds to treat americans right. our elected officials currently make the choice not to treat you well. we have to end our abusive relationship with the government. any politician that can't tell you what they'll do for you tomorrow is a politician wasting your time. that's it. [applause] >> this you for that. we're going to go to claudia and then >> we have to go to the root of the problem which is capitalism. we need to an abolish the federal reserve, no one, no one votes for them and they will control our ability to live or die in this country. so it needs to be an abolished institution. we need to be able to seize the money to be able to provide the university income to people to have a where people could actually decide how they will utilize their profit and how
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they will actually engage in being, in contributing the wealth that they produce. >> and so we have to go to the root of the pd to end capitalism and vote an alternative solution. time is running out. people are fed up and it's time. time. [applause] >> lars. >> talked a little about cryptocurrency and the opportunity to take on a different type of currency. we need to allow american citizens if the government is going to continue to steal our money through printing of d to allow for alternative currencies to be developed. one might be bit additionally voice concern about central bank digital currency on the that makes the fed look like a little child when it comes to the authortative currency allowing the government to surveil each and every transaction that they do and know what you're doing in
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real-time. we cannot allow central bank finally, abolish the irs altogether. this is the way that the government is stealing your money. we need to allow citizens to keep 100% of the their paycheck so they have the money to pay for the expensive things that the government created, thank you. >> (applause) >> all right. moving on to our next question. national unity, this is very fitting to have such a diverse group of individuals in 15 years hosting presidential debates. it's a dream come true to see this group tonight. national unity, with growing public distrust and the two-people party more americans are registered as independents than as democrats or republicans. the free and equal stageht leaders that are-- that americans are turning to in hopes of uniting our country. given that many of your
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poli>]cidivergence from politics as issue usual in the united states. can you provide a contemporary example how policies are successfully implemented overseas? why should the u.s. consider adopting them and how would you adapt these policies to unite country of 300 million people jasmine? >> an example of how my radical policies would work is the same on your dime. you could do it for yourself here. americans shell out enough in taxes to provide you with housing, quality health care quality education. it is time that we actually utilize that for americans. i isn't a race to emulate other countries. i think the whole point of being someone who is a third party candidate istus quo. i do not see the purpose in preserving houselessness, hunger starvation those are things happening not just in gaza, but right here. we have people who are malnutritioned right here in the united states. i understand that the focus is
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people are worried about much socialism, what are you going to lose what are you going to lose, but you don't have to lose anything for someone to get a bigger piece of the pie if weur money overseas to bad guys and to corporations that don't pay taxes. some of you right now are filing your taxes and amazon
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