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tv   Sen. Ben Ray Lujan Discusses Broadband Deployment Access and Funding  CSPAN  March 8, 2024 7:35pm-8:05pm EST

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finally, i ask unanimous consent that when the senate completes its business today, it stand adjourned monday, march 11, following the prayer and pledge, the morning hour be deemed expired, the journal of proceedings be approved to date, the time for the two leaders be reserved for their use later in the day, and morning business be closed. further, that following the conclusion of morning business, the senate proceed t of the yoon nomination. that the cloture motions filed during today's session ripen at 5:30 p.m. the presiding officer: without objection, so ordered. mr. schumer: if there is no further business the senate, i ask that it stand adjourned under the previous order. the presiding officer: the the presiding officer: the the senate gambling out after passing government funding gislation to avert a partial shut down at midnight. the measure is a six and built
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spending package would fund the federal agencies until septembes week. and now heads to present by for his signature. next partial government shutdown deadline is march 22 members of both chambers of congress will be working on the spending bills like in the coming weeks live coach of the senate when members return here on >> to mexico democraticen aboutd deployment its access and funding during the policy summit in washington d.c. [background noises]
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[inaudible conversations] friend, a tremendous policymaker, someone who provides leadership on all of the issues that we care about. we cannot have a better friend. new mexico, beautiful state. a welcome box i appreciate everyone, it is good to see you all. i was complementing chip the incredible lineup tha they had today. not just for everyone gathered here in this room but people who were watching all across thes country that are interested imp. we all around were the days or a
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few of us on looking out on this room i don't know how if you when landline distributor only game in town or you carry the box on your hip ways to use a number of characters to try to send you a message and give them a call whenever you found by the time i was older he was 50 cents not a quarter anymore. i remember when i was a kid there's a few dimes you need it as well it's incredible how quickly everything is changed to where we are today having better uses of spectrum and allocation try to connect every phone i'm sorry every home in every bu america. think smart about how are going to get that done and taking into consideration how to make it affordable for peoe not just inm a hard line to their home is quite incredible.
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it'sit a fine time to be in a perfect time for this conversation. >> we are in the midst of this historic federal funding to connect everymerin you have been a tremendous leader in that effort we got to singlyburn former chairwoman and commissioner of the fcc. she and i've been running the broadband campaign the last three years sue. how do you not o■-nly have but how do you also remove the barriersrs? talk a littl about how using data implementation process. i new mexico is doing any key principles at this stage of the implementation of the act. >> the one thing i appreciate that's happening in concert is having a maps need to put more tension.
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and where you need to have success. the maps congress worked on to make sure the fcc would be updating them they would be the go to source. ey be up in it every six months. that is a smart way to look at connectivity insuring the state offices have to be more in touch with what's happening on the ground, in their communities. also empowering with the fcc created where folks could weigh in and i don't have connectivity here in the updating consumers as well. when i saw at my mothers house and i was there that was not the case and so i jumped on the app any comics as a citizen not as a senator was entered that way. now, new mexico we are one of the fortunate states that have state office as well that is working together submitting everything on time.
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that is helping us with d watch closely. we should ensure were going to connect every home. we are looking at folks that are not connected or have the slow speed that we prioritize i'm ongetting this done and maximize the funding. all eyes are honest. you and i've had a lot of conversations about this as well. but also congress. congress is very interested within the energy and commerce committee and the senate as well. >> as we think through, alan david said was here earlier. good, relevant, timely. he has been a leade o program ae veryproud of the achievement. talk a little bit about why this mexico at my home
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state why the traveconnectivity? truly traveling identify needs and gaps that exist. rather than going for connectivity it'owering the tribes to make decisions on owning their own >> but how they're going to late networks mexico.t's happened in new■q who is an extraordinary leader working along i 25. if youxzvg ln albuquerque and driving up you have g driven by several reservations that are part of the specific program i've been talking aut. said and better understand the needs that exist in the pueblos was identifying the best conductivity they have. how did that happen? there is very little
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conductivityvi elsewhere■$ i'm o rather than trying to bring in to go to the permitting processnect right to the hopper. they were able to create their own network where they were able to match my0l and it is their program now. they arero working with others o provide the service. two enhanced services and things of that nature. sovereign nations are willing to take ownership of particular p programs. this is empowering sovereign nations across the united states to be those leaders right now. and it is a program i support. and we close the gap. 18% of people living within the sovereign nation worked
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predominately without any connections you compare that to those of us not living within reservations, the number is still high. how can you create that kind of injustice the program there before his well-meaning as it was much progress it made. i'm really optimistic about what this meansng the lack of conductivity and other nations with all the tribes.coms and conversation right before you came on talks about acute infusion of public funding combined with investments. the funding combined of private and public. if we can alsoic bring in as a
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spectrum to most efficiently, quickly deploy networks is the recipe fore how we can close te digital divide. when o it's on 12 gigahertz. you have been a champion on that issue. making the decision high powered protecting against any interference. what does that mean? is it time for the fcc to act? . i believe everyone will be hearing from senator blackburn, the senator from tennessee momentarily asát well. marsha joined the letter to the fcc was showing our support on
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the move. i believe action in a 12 gigahertz space is going to be one of the important componentst to be able to out connect all of america. especially in thoseer areas whee you have a lot of rock, mountain, target from here to there for their concerns with approvals and easements and all the rest. the alphabet soup that goes along with that this is going to be an important component to be able to get done. other known as super tuesday. [laughter] cracksut march 9. >> i am not trying to lose a week or gain a week. and by the way that is one of the only revenue creating billse senate has before it's to be able to get things done. we have got to do both.
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the fcc will active. we should all encourage them to move in that particular space. but we shoulls focus on encouraging the senate and the house to send to the present reauthorization policy right it seems to me the policies not getting in a way of this of got a get i it done. i'm going to back to 12■ gigahertz, myself and senator blackburn sure the sec in that letter was all in the science. technology is getti■çóng■u smar. there are better ways to understand what is going to work, what's not going to work, where there is interference where there is together. stro in this area that will open the door to more spectrum use, will first,
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thank you for your leadership. it is important. we have a great coalition. they've also been trying to work with tribal leaders country for a set aside that would fall the president. and the sovereign rights of the travel nations as it applies to spectrum policy. think if you can work on 12. the spectrum on authority is a segue into a very important discussion we have had here today about the of getting acp extended and funded. would you like to other past foe is going to happen. we are going to get a solution acp to be funded? >> i am optimistic there will be a fix for short-term funding.
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i■kelieve sen senator vance their package and appropriations is getting more supports. more members are talking about it. they are looking at, funded. colleagues in different corners look to pay for it as spectrum needs to get done soon it would also help answer that question immediately. unless the congressne wants to e millions of people across america lose internet all of the providers that are in this room are represented in this room have had to send notices to their customers to say this is all going away. if congress does not. there is a solution in hand i believe that is the and in addition to that the
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effort takes it to the next year we need to be thinking about after that. i've been proud to be working with colleagues on a bipartisan bicameral working group around acp andca usf. to bring those programs together to modernize those program to modernize the weather going to be funded who they're going to help, how are they going to help reforms and arest stop 1996ny . modernization help secure more votes for immediate funding. itag shows our colleagues that y have some reluctance for the immediate support we are changing the program but we are modernizing it.'r we are updating and looking for there's a policy component and a the funding as well. i b■]elnieve it's a great partnership if both of those two can move together the secret is
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always what is thetic with the conversation to buy that with the conversation other members have engage with me■w about. including leadership in this particular area. it seems to be in the right place. though.need to help close this >> one thing i appreciate your leadership position on the committee on the subcommittee it is a so many of your members you mention sarah will be following you in just an little bit. we are working with her how to cross the railroad tracks how do we cross the digital divide? how do we make i megc timely and be more reasonable with costs? we'll be talking with her about the brand eort and willingness to listen with us on that revenue. earlier today we announced
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starting a center for ai public policy. you have been a leader on ai i know we did not prepare questions. but what you see is the tremendous in states like new mexico, mexico, the heartland of the country in and education work development to make a difference. >> the one thing that i always have to remind myself is ai who's going to do some great s stuff. i can do some bad things if it focuses i have on thef subcommittee is looking, what can wels learn about what others particular space and what can we be doing better in the united states to ensure ingenuity, b
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innovation and prosper. there are some guardrails here in one example i will give you is in the medical ai. >> in the united states we don't have a great track record of diversity in clinical trials. when we are developing drugs in america can depend on who was in the room and what audience they're going to target and what population they may be near and testing that particular drug coy skin, who my parents are, where they came from and all the rest. there is all of this about who gets the truemp benefit and who doesn't. i had a stroke about two years ago. so this ring is one ofhose to sg it says i doesn't i don't.
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but itel pressure, my rate if i'm sleeping or not i can report all of this to my physician as well. originally a lot of these devices will not get it right. if the input to the ai are lacking the what are we going to get? ai is only as good as it's reviewing to help make those decisions are present these ideas to us as well.■ that's what i am suggested one of the guardrails? how can we make the changes we note need addressing as well? i'm proud to labs. within thein department of enery and ai the national labs have been doing this for a long time. turns out they had to i would argue they still do. we need to look to the labs as well. when we are looking in the confines of government to help us understand where that world should be as well.
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i applaud you and encompass for leading into the space. lena schumer is committed. todd young, mike the leaders that are in the senate that are helping to put this together in addition to every committee because every itny areas of ai there is a lot of interest in the space. it's what's happening across america and around the am very t can come but i'm also mindful for this are proprietary means, through government means to ensure we are able to help getge unnecessary loopholes. >> i'm going to her two hats real quickly.■ work with the university of mississippi to establish the narrative intelligence centers.
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we work with all four of her oresearch institutions to work with our federal research centers important to your lab. i applications in healthcare in agriculture and advanced manufacturin whether it's dod partners we have broadbent networks and electricity. team i we bring that research hubs we bring out our partners into the process and have it regional ways we can make sure the concerns can be addressed.
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our researchh can be done to hep lead internationally and that we have the guardrails we need, but also the security and the privacy and the competition. i'd like to bring into your thoughts. >> think the world of senator wicker roger is a wonderful person and a great leader. his leadership capacity and armed services rogers open and e of which of the ideas: the working group as well. i think i should say senator roger wicker. he's a great leader look for to rk him. >> is there anything you want to communicate to our members organization coalition that are
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working to collect every american. to maintain and bring travel cou have a great portfolio. your leadership is respected across both aisles. public service commissioners you know how states work and operate. any last words of guidance or wisdom our member companies and what we are trying to achieve in the best way to support policy? >> i cannot say enough great things. i think the world ofon the commissioner. it's called public utility
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commissioners. what am i missing? public utilities so anyway she was the chair ose and the ecstasy and others. should be get onto that little group of that group introduced me first to a fellow named jim clyburn.éj it's one of the first to support remind deborah to to become the house. she is brilliant. she whater■■ she advocates for another's good in it. and there is a way to get things done. when we are working on things example i will us right now things are volatile in congress. there is debate over funding the federal government.
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barriers that got put in place with good work. were hurting pensions and all the rest with market volatility. if members of congress are willing too than on funding the government what you think they will do on affordability programs and though there probably there may be some areas where there's some disagreements with modernizing i get it. you know your business better than anyone. if we don't work together to get this done acp could go away. ♪'s easement as your unfiltered view of government we are fund companies and more including comcast. >> just a community center?■+■o
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