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tv   Prime Ministers Questions Prime Ministers Question Time  CSPAN  March 9, 2024 12:35am-1:09am EST

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and should be implemented after the prime minister because every day that those pass when it is not implemented carries risk for victims in these cases. policing reform on the political justice system. thead reality is that victims of rape he'll have the courage and bravery to come forward. just 2.4% chance of their perpetrators being caught and charged with in the year. how did they expect women to confidence in the criminal justice system. r., as we acknowledged a couple years ago we need to do more to improve
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rape o the review program is showing significant progress. by the way, using a power that the labor market voted against. charging double and last year there was a 50% increase and now every single day of their sentence behind bars he has nodded knowledge that under his 10 year rape convictisnon actually dropped. >> that needs to be fact checkef violence against women and girls
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it needs to be taken seriously.o come forward. unless things change the criminal justice system will continue to fail them. sexual offensive teams that every force to give victims special support and confidence that their experience will be investigated properly. when will they commit to doing the same? >> mr. speaker, we have already implemented this plan. here are the things that we have done, mr. speaker. we have ended what victims have to go through with their mobile phones. pre-recorded cross-examination.l national resources and we have increased significantly the number of independent sexual
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domestic violence and abuse to up to 1000 and there is more specialist training. that is a have already put in place. a plan that is working to make sure that we are keeping women and girls in our country safe. >> mr. speaker, the problem is the rosy picture of the prime minister tries to paint is completely at odds with the confidence many women currently have in it. with the publication, the countryo know that we are doing all we can to make our country safe for women. that starts with what should be the most basic task creating a westminster. everyone in this house knows that we are failing in that endeavor and we all have a duty to change this. when will we make time for the boat on banding from parliament tons of sex
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offenses. >> mr. speaker. it is absolutely right that ensure it is safe for women and girls. that is we set up a new victim support and why we are investing in practical thing communities. of course there is always more that we can deal. this government has a strong track record. women across this country will feel safe. >> mr. speaker, sir. i want the prime minister to know that the people are struggling with ever-increasing energy prices&y huge profits ruo hundreds of millions. so, does the prime minister agree with that reductions
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in wholesale prices should be passed on to the consumers and stand charges down and will the government hold utility companies to account for their actions? >> well, mr. speaker, right to highlight the challenge. not just his constituents in mumford but across the country. that is why we significant package of support. i know we are joined in the energy staff is said to fall by 250 pounds. we must teach companies to account on the profit called by the unexpected increase. we are going further to cut costs by cutting their taxes and putting more from -- money in their family bank account.
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>> much to my surprise this morning, it is been widely reported that the conservative party in scotland, absolutely furious the race minister is about to tap scotland's national resourcesor england. mr. speaker, is a prime minister in danger? >> i would not comment on the bucket. what i would say, when i week, s only ever been one party consistently standing up for the industry. >> it is not to be the case. they want to use scotland's natural resources to pay for tax cuts in england. the labour party wants you scotland's natural resources to
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pay for nuclear power stations in england. the cost of that is 100,000 jobs scotland's wealth, scotland's resources, scotland's jobs all from westminster. what is the point of fixing the present in scotland right now. do us all a favor and call the general election. >> mr. speaker, the honorable gentleman claims to be a supporter. all the measures we have taken. to protect those jobs. he talked about facts in scotland and england. pointing out him everyone in scotland has received a if in contrast to the last budget it puts practice up. scotland is■4 now the capital of
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the uk. this will keep cutting taxes. >> the government is acting to properly to occupy on. coming across the country. not actually prosecuted but financial penalties for bogus shortfalls causing enormous distress. does the prime minister agree with me that we should do everything possible to do everything right by all victims. clear their n at last properly do this. >> absolutely right to highlight the impact this has had on people's mental health. delivering justice and that i
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why we are using legislation to overturn convictions and pay for these payments of compensation.g campaign on this issue of our mental health and i can assure him they are closely examining the issues he raises considering and will keep them. >> thank you, mr. speaker. the governments proposals to be with the legac to be the subject of scrutiny of the high court ruling with our human rights obligations. many families of victims are deeply disappointed with the lack of cooperation by the iriso murders committed in their jurisdiction or from their jurisdiction. in relation are some that
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have declined to conduct on this worse atrocity in our troubled past despite the court's urging it to do so. will the prime minister continue to press the irish government on the need for them to make ■available to enable the familis of innocent victims to pursue justice for their loved ones. ts question. i know that it would be of great interest not just to his island. planning to deal with the legacy and continue to engage with everyone in northern ireland. setting out the best way forward i can confirm to him these specific issues directly with the irish government and will continue to do so and i vote for this very matter outstanding the
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this jurisdiction. i want to give as much information as possible. >> thank you, mr. speaker.ilita8 % to seven and a half gdp. 20,000 new jobs created in their arms industry which now employs an estimated three and a half million russians. my recent visit to ukraine i me. both expressed concerns. building a defense manufacturing jointly with uk defense companies in ukraine. meeting with me to discuss how we can unblock the democracy and my ukrainian friends they killed the arsenal of the free world together. i can ensure that we remain
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steadfast in our support to ukraine. eradicating ukrainian freedom and democracy. diligently to sut the armed forces of ukraine and the defense industrial we conducted our first successful trade mission to ukraine alongside the uk. but i cannot tell for government in the uk industry continuing to work with our ukrainian allies using the opportunity of collaboration and our joint defense industry. >> mr. speaker. well sandy qualities ready between the north and south increasing to nearly quarter a million pounds per head by the end of this phase. >> the prime:b minister accepts that they have failed or that he
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never wanted to succeed >> they have actually declined under the conservative government. it is actually the north that receives some of the highest per capita funding of any region in the country■mr/. asking me a question about our investment in the north. what exactly the labour party's position is what we are doing is taking that money and reinvesting every penny a bit across the delivering benefits quickly to communities not just in his constituency but across the entire north. it is been welcome everywhere i have been. >> thank you, mr. speaker. voting down our lender bill in
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the house of lords. >> only the conservative government and theon have a plan for dealing with illegal immigration. illegal immigration. it is a top priority in my constituency. an excellent point. if you want to fully stop you need to have a working parent. you must be able to remove them to a third country. see if real. it was just in the last week published talking about the labour party policies in this area. they don't have a plan to stop the votes. seeing the uk accepting hundreds of thousands more migrants.
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>> thank you very much, mr. speaker. which part of these economic legacies is the prime minister so proud of? is it presiding over the highest tax burden or i delivering the slowest real wage growth since the napoleonic war? >> mr. speaker saving 10 million jobs in the pandemic. >> the prime minister will know the need to build. wherever it breaks down is where those houses should be built. does the prime that wherever poe it should be built on these sites. not all green spaces. not on green fields and certainly■@ not o farmland.
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>> my honorable friend is actually right. the heart ofg systems. that is why we are committed to meeting the needs of all communities. land. we have put extra funding aside to unlock those sites. our recent changes provide clear protection for the greenbelt making it clear how future housing supply should be assessed. that is a clear difference between our two parties. we will protect the greenbelt and the labour party all over it >> mr. speaker, in some jurisdictions the prime minister voluntarily published his uk tax returns last year. does the prime minister agreed that investors should publish their tax returns as a matter of
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course and have we ever filed any returns in the usa that have not been published >> mr. speaker, i do not think that that would be appropriate. i don't. i don't think that it would be appropriate for all ministers to publish that. a long-standing position. as did the chancellor. i think that that is the right balance and i've been completely transparent about that as i have done it. >> thank you, mr. speaker. the first transatlantic -- transatlantic flight. the first major purchase of that fuel. that fuel is coming from the united is really impoe have a fast industry in this country. will the prime minister tell the treasury to accelerate the work they are doing? the right work in the right
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support mechanism. honorable friend. absolutely right. we will show him that we are committed to ensuring that the mandate is in place in 2025. that will require about 10% of jet fuel to be made by 2013. we have provided 135 million pounds to 13 different aviation fuel projects and committed to introducing a revenue's urgency mechanism that supports this in the uk. >> thank you. 2000 year old and important monument. will they join me and explore how the government can support the upkeep of these and or
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instructors. .... .... ■u of chester is benefiting from so much investment so that it maintain local infrastructure. >> thank you, mr. speaker, five weeks ago southeast london -- the mayor of london calling on them to do the right thing fo hour speed
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limit. does the prime minister agree with me that must come clean about number of fines. >> i want to thank my honorable friend for the question and i want to thank for lg everythinge can. it is disappointing that the labour labour in whales are hammering every opportunity but i will make sure that my honorable friend has awith the o discuss his concern. >> mr. speaker, to strengthen current spike in legislation forensic evidence is essential. nhs does not have uniform policy for■ning of -- we can pass all the laws we want but to
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achieve just this, the forensic evidence, will the prime minister commit to ensure that emergency departments have statutory obligation to take th? >> i agree with you, it's appalling violating crime which safety particularly the safety of women and girls and we want to make sure that the existing laws recognize and end of last year new measures to confront and support victims including changing the laws to it clear without any doubt that spiking is illegal as well as other measures like online tools and training but ensure we look into the issue that she raises >> this winter flood and storm
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caused damages, drains, infrastructure and highest concern and i'm grateful for next year in particular there's significant infrastructure funding■k coming our way. what can my honorable friend do to help our constituents now? >> mr. speaker, i'm pleased in 2020 we announce that we would double flood investment to record 5.2 billion and 50 million to protect properties and currently there's a program in mansfield look at surface water and drainage improvement but i will make sure that we have a strong economy to keep investing in local infrastructure in his area and that's exactly what we are about to hear from our honorable friend. >> prime minister's questions.
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