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tv   Rep. Stefanik Speaks at CPAC  CSPAN  March 11, 2024 7:39pm-8:00pm EDT

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♪ ♪ ♪ thank you. ♪ next the house republican conference chair speaking at this year's conservative political action conference. she talks about her exchange with university presidents at a recent hearing on anti-semitism where soon after the presidents ypennsylvania resigned. from national harbor at maryland thismarylandthis is 20 minutes. [applause] >> ladies and gentlemen welcome from new york chair of the house republican conference. [cheering] [applause]
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♪ hello. i have two very important questions for you. are we ready to fire joe biden this november? [cheering] and are we ready to a presidentpresident donald j trump to save america? [cheering] yes we are. it is time to make history. we always say that every election is the most important election in our lifetime. but this election truly is. because in just three short years, joe biden the far left o democrats have laid waste to our great nation. for the first time ever, the majority of americans believe the next generation be worse off than their parents. this is a fundamentally not who we are. the american dream is been
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destroyed by the radical and we are in a country that is in crisis. but joe biden's catastrophic border to flush crushing hard-working families to evil terrorists attacking our most precious allyr israel. tof our constitution and to the unprecedented illegal corrupt weaponization of the federal government. [applause] we, the people must vote to save our haea the oil stenographers of the left of fundamentally underestimate we the people every day. they uerestimate president donald j trump every single day and i am proud to say they have underestimated me at every turn. never underestimate the power of you. the power of we, the people because we know, like president donald j trump knows t work for you not the arrogant
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editorial board. not the cocktail party chatter inchattering class. nothing entitled swamp you thetata people. [applause] [cheering] ten years ago i was proud to make history as the youngest woman ever elected to the knights'o congress. [cheering] [applause] thank you. it is my highest professional aren't to represent new york's 21st congressional district the cradle of the american revolution. i started my campaign at 28 years old. could win a primary, let alone a general election and flip a district from democrat to republican. [cheering] they said she can't to win. familiar? you see i do not come from a political family. i was his family who loves our
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country. i saw the extraordinary work ethic that my parents put into building their small business and providing a better opportunity for their c they had themselves. i was the first member of my immediate family to have the opportunity to graduate from college and i graduated from harvard but that is achievements.t. the achievement is graduating from harvard and staying a conservative. [applause] [cheering] and do not worry i will get back to harvard in a minute. butt in this the first underdog campaign we out hustled outworked and flip the district from democrat to republican. we were underestimated and we won by historic margin saying we the people. this was a district barack obama one twice now it is trump and elise stefanik country. [cheering] after that first 2016 democrats
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came after me with the millionsit of dollars in attack ads because i w elected republican woman in the northeast who stood by president trump. the democrats spent every penny they could muster but i double down fought back and proudly voted for president donald j trump. [applause] and we all know how this ends. trump defied oz, made history and made america great again.pplause] but the vicious left is relentless and i was underestimated yet again when during the first sham impeachment in 2019 infamous russia folks are adam schiff so bothered by my crystal-clear defense of the constitution the rule of lawssional rules to try and shut me down. but he failed. and like all of you on january 6election
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integrity. [applause] amount to defeat pelosi puppet liz cheney. [cheering] proud to serve a top leadership conference chair to endorse president trump forgr reelection. time and time again i've stood in the breach of a president trump, for the constitnd importantly for you we the people. some of the toughest fights of our republic. the american people know that i . just ask the president of harvard and penn.heering] sorry, i should say the former
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presidentspresidents of harvard and penn. the juicy the congressional hearing on anti-semitism? i have been in a lot of high-profile hearings over my years in congress but this was truly the most morally bankrupt testimony that i have ever witnessed. and i asked each of the university presidents a simpleestion and it was not a political question. it was a moral one that question was this, calling for the genocide of jews violate your university's code of conduct on bullying and harassment? shockingly one after another after another shock the world and answered quote it depends on the content. world heard. let me be clear it does not depend on the context.
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[applause] you ask that same question to three hard-workingd constituents for my district a farmer, a manufacturer and a suburban mom and they know how to answer that question. itqu is now the most viewed testimony in the history of the united states congress of billions of views. and let me say it again for all to hear two down, so many to go. th fired. [cheering] [applause] and this hearing showedhe world what we already know that there is a radical leftist in our rocked in our education system that is destroying the minds of our nexteration. these are the same so-called elite schools that ranked last when it comes to defending freedom of speech. they gle conservative simply for being pro-life or standing up for election integrity. and yet they failed to condemn the genocide abusive.we must stop the flow of
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taxpayer dollars to these dens of anti-semitism. [applause] f wheat must account for every dollar of foreign funding flowing into the schools and we will end a tax incentivize this moral rot on campus. [cheering] an we all know it's not just these three schools it sadly schools across the country. that is why subpoenas are already out the door but it'sy lost an investigation we will not rest until we hold them accountable. [cheering] [applause] one voice supported by the off an earthquake and a reckoning and help save ourur country. we cannot give up. the life of our country is at stake. and as we all know the closer to
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victory the dirtier the democrats theref stenograp and the prosecutors will get s they will stop at nothing and i mean nothing in their attempts to steal this next election. we saw democrats impeach president trump twice. they indicted him four times for non- crimes and are trying to bankrupt him and destroying his successful business. in my home state of new york far left a democrat and tissue james who campaigned on going after president trump teamed up with itunethical democrat manhattan judge to unconstitutionally impose nearly half billion dollar penalty on trump for the victimless non- crime of paying aback banks in full on time as a agreed with interest. it is corrupt. the left has gone so far as to desperately try to remove espresident trump ballot.
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why? joe biden's improvement is in freefall and they want to take away devote for butte.anwhile the corrupt joe biden family lining their pockets from illegal influence peddling schemes. the bidenri democrats in the media like to pretend they are saving democracy but it is the radical left and the democrats that democracy. [applause] but we cannot let them. and we won't let them. [cheering] [applause] ladies and gentlemen as we enter this election season we cannot lose sight of what is at stake. america itself is on the line. we have the most secure borders and our nation's history when president trump joe biden took executive action leading to the most wide open border our nation's history with over 8 million illegals invading . an amount greater than the population of 36 states.
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biden halted border wall construction he endedmained in mexico policy and implement a catch and release. joe biden's america every e district is not astrict every state is a border state. the southern border is being invaded and even on the northern border in my district illegal crossings are up over 14 100% including individuals on the terrorist watch list. crime is spreading from cities to small cartels across the southern part of the zero consequences illegal immigrants come to our city assaults our enforcement officers romp our neighbors and if they are in new york city democrats give them taxpayer debit pouring into every crevice of the country poisoning a generation of americans. this is joe biden's border crisis. that media it will not hold him accountable for the left will not hold him accountable so you and i must and we wol h accountable at the ballot box.
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[applause] is not the only crisis but we are an economic crisis for hard-working americans. millions of different jobs historical wage growth for blue-collar workers the lowest unemployment and 50 years. booming manufacturing 50 million americans lifted out of poverty. quickly destroyed booming economy by passing trillions bypassing trillions of dollars of reckless spending leading to painful but the worst inflation in my lifetime. hard-working families cannot afford homes middle-class workers cannot afford groceries the cost for nearly everything has skyrocketed car insurance to family pizza night. president biden has the audacity
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to point to wall street and claimed the economy is boomingi[ and bidenomics is working. it is offensive to the american people. and there is one more biden crisis that i want to point out that it is the most insidious of them all. it is one eyewitness every single day when i defended president state. that is the way democrats attack our democracy. we fought with the russia collusion obama spied and lied we saw how the unconstitutionally rigged the 2020 election. we sought when the state colluded with big tech and use taxpayerit dollars to censor the accurate hunter bided laptop story. we see it today as unelected liberals try to unconstitutionally remove trump from the ballot. and let's remember democrats objected to every republican president in 21st century.
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same justice system shrugs off the worst corruption in the white house from the biden crime family. here is a rule of thumb that i know you will with. what the democrats accuse us of, they are guilty of 10 times over. here's why this really matters. weaponize than government against president trump vacant weapon weaponize it against you. and they have joe biden has weaponize d.o.j. has targeted catholics, gun owners conservatives and even parents and school board meetings. is up to you my fellow american patriots to save our public president trump truly has the most powerful f behind him, you we theu people. ladies and gentlemen here is what i want you to know whoever
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you are wherever you are from, whatever your age if ever there was a time for patriots to step up and fight this is it and it will not be easy. when the media and the elites attack us for supporting presidents because they are scared. they are scared of what he will accomplish when he drains the swamp. they are scared of what you will accomplish. so remember what president trump taught us when they attack you we double down and fight b we ares counting on the people to save this great country to save america and will. ii want to end at this as we embark on a difficult path ahead we turn to galatians six: nine and let us not grow weary of doing good we will reap if we do not give up.
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we will america part i will never give up on you. president trump will never give up on you. thank you, god bless you god esresident trump and god bless the united states of america. thank you very much cpac. [cheering] [applause] bu 202de supes h credits ng for the social security administration and other federal agencies. house speaker mike johnson released a statement about the potential impact the president's proposed about that the statement reads in part the price tag of president biden's proposed budget is yet another glaring reminder of this administration's insatiable appetite for reckless spending and the democrats disregard for fiscal responsibility. see spent is your unfiltered view of government funded by these television companies and more. including media come. >> @media, we believe that
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whether you live here or right here or way out in the middle of t reliable internet. that's what we are leading the se appeared giving you a front row seat to democracy. they deliver the annual state of the state addresses. mocha c-span's at washington july form involving a view to discuss latest issues in government politics and public policy from washington d.c. and across the country. tuesday morning matt bennett cofounded senior vice president for the center left group third way discusses its role in campaign 2020 for the future of the democratic party and note labels efforts just deal the third party unity ticket this public policy foundation talks about efforts to secure the southern border with mexico amid legal battles with the biden administration.
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c-span's "washington journal" join the conversation alive at 7:00 a.m. eastern tuesday morning on c-span, c-span no free mobile app or online at
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