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tv   Tulsi Gabbard Speaks at CPAC  CSPAN  March 12, 2024 1:27am-1:47am EDT

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a former member of congress and
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2020 presidential candidate she spoke at this year's conservative political action conferen in washington, d.c. and talks about the state of democracy. her support for former president donald trump and the need to ot right to bear arms. this runs about 15 minutes. ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the four term congresswoman and author of her new book her love of country. ♪♪ thank you. thank you much. such asu time. our democracy is under attack.
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the perpetrators ofat this attak are those who in the name of saving our democracy are destroying it. i don't use these words country and cherishes peace and freedom to be very alarmed by thos driny for power are activey undermining all that we stand for and almost every single day if you're paying attention to thnd the headlines, there is some new assault and attack. a democratic elite in wasngton doing all they possibly can havingng the freedom to choose o our next president. [applause] and 's clear through their actions they have no respect for us and no respect for our
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fundamental rights into citizens of the democratic republic. they are so terrified that we the people make what they think is the that n in the name of protecting democracy and saving us from ourselves, they are actually destroying and taking awayocpe r freedom. we look throughout history and can see many examples of evildoers who find some justificationve that they are doing the right thing. so today we see the democratic elite say with great concern inn people elect donald trump again. they say he t will be the dictar in chief but if he's elected itt will be the last election the country seems. it's so crazy it's laughable but they are justifying their action
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by telling themselvesoy the demd they will stopop at nothing untl they are successful. i'm going to go through a f the many examples we've seen on colorado 32 states that have taken some action or anoer in■e an to remove. somehow they alone have the to take away our right as citizensz9 he is so desperate to take trump off the ballot
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he's demanding the chairman of the federalhatt is supposed to e nonpartisan and apolitical take action and intervene to stop the former president from getting reelected. responsible for the return of trump. the democratic elite and cronies are using the criminal justice system to prosecute and distract the candidate in the as we know, donald trump currently faces 91 charges and for criminal cases, 44 on the federal sidend stateside. the most recent ruling the real
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estate case charging him a 355 million-dollar fine plus $100 million in interest for a business transaction but there was no victim complaint and all parties made money so egregious that even people who were notop fans were standing up and saying this is crazy andti this decision that from the very beginning has been a very clearly politicallyiv job. [applause] they are hoping and doing allt n convict him with some crime, any crime to c try to undermine the support and therefore prevent what they fear■ñ most, a second trumpru presidency and there's a reason they are so afraid because he poses a threat to this establishment where they draw their power both parties wo
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believe they are not the, american people that have the right to decide who should be our president. they easily and dangerously dismiss our constitution, the rule of law, the voices of the american anointing themselves as the ones who have the power and the justification to make this most important decision. i've only mentioned a few of the many examples. i could write a whole book in detail all that's been■ done and are doing to try to destroy election.ump and steal our
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as you know he's endured years of attacks but what we areac seeing now is a continuation of something that began ever since he came down the golden escalator. now i've met a lot of people in my life. i can't think of a single one who could not only withstand all thatheut the donald trump without crumbling but someone who would actually choose toighting against the entire washington establishment. [applause]■ i've known joe biden for a long time. i used to consider him a friend. do you think that he can handle this pressure? i don'tt think so. that's caused him to crumble.
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if you listen to what nikki haley has been saying,■, she claims president trump only cares about himself and that he is doing all that he is doing only for himself. if that were the case, wouldn't he just walk away from all this? from the headachesnd the that he is and during the right now? so why doesn't he? i've had the chance to meet with hid at length and i've seen firsthand his heartfelt interactions with friends of mine and i've seen how he's touched their hearts and moved them to tears as he expressed his appreciation for . no cameras, no crowds, just
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about heartfelt conveyance of appreciation. a sense of what motivates him. this is a man who is a fighter, whose strength and■!)e resilienn only come from one place his ability to endure this can only comes from one place ad that is concerned with the future of our country and care for the american now is the time for by our lovef country. we've got to take all the outrage and fear that we may
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feel caused by those in power that have no care or respect for the will of the people, take all those feelings and let us motivate that, defin strength in knowing they are doing what they are doing because they are afraid of santa just like weicte democratic leaders are so afraid of a free people and society and possibility that the american people might make the wrong choice byin choosing someone otr than them they are doing all they can through the power of law enforcement, the criminal they forget that we the people are the ones with the power. but we haveo u allow them to gey with
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we have to hold them accountable and send this strong messageox o leaders in both parties that those that abuse power and undermine thebu democracy and freedom will not be if we do nothing, if we turn a blind eye to those weaponize and the criminal c justice system against the political opponents and telling us who we are and are not allowed to vote for and to say or see or hear itil dange future and its democracy as we know it will be know we face chn our entire political system and the challenges are not limited to one political party. th are politicians from both partiess were interested in serving themselves and their own interest than about serving the needs of the americanple.
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and they are not going to give up without a fight. january 27, 1838, president lincoln delivered a perful sp young men that i see among springfield illinois. and he said at what point is the approach of danger to be expected. i answered if it ever reaches us it must spring up among us. from abroad if destruction is our lot, we must ourselves be the authors andhe finishers. as a nation of freemen, we must live through all time or die by suicide. we can't le sight owhat we can accomplish when we stand together on the foundational principles the country was built
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on with the life, liberty and the pursuit of o happyness. [applause] we must protect free speech of all americans. we must standsn against those tt would rather send their smear rather than engage in hon debate when the free speech of one person is reprehensible to us, the free speech threatened to be the same goes for the freedom of religion. it doesn't mean freomm religion. to any one label. our government must respect our freedom to worship and express ou faith work for those who choose not to, they h intentione
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second amendment right because they knew how fragile this new democracy was and how susceptible it would be for those that abuse their power to try to take away our freedom. as we have to defend the right to bear arms not only for ourselves and our loved ones but to serve as that che■■fck by the increasingly tyrannical government. [applause] [cheering] we must stop the bipartisan warmongers of washington who constantly be there were drum president eisenhower warned us about in washington who bend the knee to their bosses and the military-industrial complex and then shrugs her shoulders and
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look the other way the costly damaging and catastrophic consequences of the decisions, the cost that every one of us takes. we need leaders that are committed toea cannot be truly prosperous as a nation unless we are at to defeat those that written the american people we need leaders committed to upholding the rule of law who are committed keeping safe
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and secureng our borders■. we mustt come together with love for god, love for others and we% live in the greatest country in the world. it's filled with potential from us to stamp together and build a brighter future where every american can live with peace an. about they love the country as we do and who are just as frustrated with of t ar as a wer they are democrat, republican, independent or libertarian, we must stand together as fellow americans who cherish peace and
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freedom, cherishing the commitment to save the country and defend the republic. those in power in america today are leading theea greek nation o be s warren oath. if we do not act now, we will look back at this very moment re able to say that we had no warning. by god's grace, wwe will remain. god bless you all. god bless america.■■ let's go and save our country. thank you everybody.
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