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tv   Former British Prime Minister Liz Truss Speaks at CPAC  CSPAN  March 15, 2024 11:10am-11:29am EDT

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mainstream media. [cheering and applauding] i will be with you on the rd everyday following donald trump's great leadership if you want to follow, forgot to go big on trump want to and and trafficking, put soldiers person take care ofete sure schools are free? secure community, you want a constitutional republic to live in fax. [cheering and applauding] the choice is yours, i'm going on gangsters manhattan, who's coming with me? [cheering and applauding] >> british member of parliament and this trust look at the local
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action conference and said we need a republican backed white house adding question civilization but conservatives in power and not compromise their value. this is about 15 minut. ♪♪ >> ladies and gentlemen, cpac revolution taking back our rt kingdom, the honorable liz trust. ♪♪ >>ha much. it is fantastic to be here at sea back with so many true conservatives. what are you needed now because the reality is the left has been run by the left for too long.
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we've seen it is a complete disaster. on the streets of our cities we have people protesting in favor of terrorism. waving): f anti-semitic even after the atrocities of allocatingr5 and israel. we have our borders out of control and able to enter our country really. we have a growing size of government and some of the most powerful bureaucratic stakes was ever seen. the green new deal even though china is building.
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it's incredible. every issue they push it even more. push more extremes and we are seeing the biden asleep at the
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wheel and the white house. left the ballot box. instead, they been organizing our system morning illegal immigrants. i thought companies are free market and making profits, creating wealth for our country but no, it's actually about efg
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what it means less opportunity for people that's what we are facing now because of the those and they are aided and. that includes russia, iran and . they don't want to just compete in the west, they want to undermine our way of life.
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they want our societies to collapse from within because we ourselves happened is they have been enabled by us the past few decades. we've allowed them to undermine the markets with their own alloo develop a nuclear weapon and enabled vladimir putin not taking action. instead of projecting strength
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that's what's being projected from the white house. i'm afraid there too many conservatives that go along with these same. people think, i want to be popular. i don't want to look like a mean person. want my friends to like. i don't want to cause trouble. what they are doing is and triag and losing the argument. got a meshem. if you can't triangulate with
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terrorists. you can't compromise with communist. you have to fight for what you believe in. look at conservative, fight for conservative values and i am prepared to do that. ne i know it's right. individuals 30 about people making decisions, not thent andd most of all the fact that our country mark united kingdom and united states we are great nations. [applause]
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i refuse to down. we need to stand up with them everyday. i'm afraid there and difficult times and i fear unless conservatives become more active speaking out and prepared to fight this battle even if it's , i've written a book coming out very soon called ten cures to save the west. i've written it based on my experiences as a minister in the uk government and ultimatelye ma
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warning to you in the united states and all of us across the free world because i went into government and putel forward on prime minister because i believe our country needed to be turned around. i wanted to deal with those issues and i# policies and they got support from party members from our base their cutting taxes and size of government and raining in makin sure borders are secure, making.
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i wanted us to get fracking in the united kingdom. ]eac lower, it's made america less dependent and that's what i wanted to do in the uk. i also want to get rid of the you laws. you may think brexit in 2016 but i'm sure you will be surprised to hear the vast still in our statute book. it's a bit like getting divorced and still living in the same bee economy so i won't get rid of them. these are the policies putq< forward and i believe if those
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policies have been implemented could be stronger. i'm not saying i did everything right but basing the backlash place, the usual suspects in the media and corporate wealth but also people who are meant to work for the government and these undermine the policies. even ims intervenedent biden intervened but can you imagine these policies of the biden monarchs?
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talk about offensive but the idea wha that level, there simply was not able to implement those policies believe our country and i don't have enough support do that so this is the lesson -- i've not enough to have the right policies not enough to get the position of power you need to pe they are operating in a hostile environment and we need a bigger zucca and with got to challenge the institutions themselves, the
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system and be prepared to take that on as [applause] i think we need to draw inspiration from the founding fathers among those people who wanted to make sure the will of the people work in this country and we have to uer will be produce. how hard they will fight to get their way and that's what i learned in my time. let me tell you about the u.s. situation. of course we need a republican back in the white house.
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we need it desperately. [applause] it's not just america needs it desperately, we need it because you are the leaders of the free world like it or not. of course we need republicans in the senate and the house of representatis need republicans prepared to fight and who won't kyiv into the establishment and republicans prepared to take it on even if unpopular and criticized, even if they don't get invited, that is what we need. [applause] we will ensure republicans are in power as well as being in office. [applause]
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it is ultimately in power and the west. but mark pressure injection of cons■vati e we need it in the kingdom. we have ten years. let's get to it now. ♪♪ [applause]
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thank you. ♪♪ ♪♪ >> see spence forces 2024, we are asking voters, what issue is most important to you in this election and >> immigration. >> economics. >> homelessness is anf■ issue directly invite you to share for going to 2024. select record your voice and record 30 second video to tell us your issue and why. part conversation. ♪♪
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