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tv   U.S. Senate Sen. Reed on Israel- Hamas War  CSPAN  March 19, 2024 11:55pm-12:17am EDT

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are truly informed, a republic thrives. get informed straight from the source on c-span, unbiased word from word from the nation's capitol to wherever you are because the opinion that matters the most is■j youremocrs like, c-span, powered by cable. >> the cha o services committee jack reed expressed reservations about how the war between israel and hamma was being handled. the democratic lawmaker agreed that israelis had the right to defend themselves but said he does not see a clear end game of success coming from the israeli government. his comments on the senate floor came less than a week after majority leader shuck schumer called for new elections in israel. this is0 minutes. >> mr. president, i rise to discuss the situation in the middle east and the law between israel and himas. five months ago hamas brutally
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attacked israel killing more than 1,200 people and taking 240 hostages. hamas militants terrorized the israeli people politted unspeakable acts of torture and mutilation against innocent men, women and children. this tragedy was the single deadliest day in israel's 75-year history and the deadliest day for thead jewish people since the holocaust. thec attacks, the united states has stood by its democratic friend and ally israel as it has since the very beginning when harry truman stood up and the first world leader toecognize the state of israel. i personally traveled with the bipartisan group of my colleagues two weeks after the of israel and support the
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defense of israel to ensure that they knew that the united states was with them. in my meetings in israel and with jewish leaders from rhode island it is clear to me that this attack has had a profound impact on israelis and jewish people everywhere. this attack has touched the wounds of the past and left many wondering not how but if jews will ever be sed f persecution because of who they are. as i have continued to make clear israel can andt defend itself against the military hamas. any nation that is attacked in this manner has the inherent right to self-defense. the united states will continue to support israel as it works to de defeat hamas and i
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have deep reservations. i believe good allies and friends stand together and we stand with israel but great allies, great friends are willing to our truths and hold each of the highest standards especially around thehe conductf war and issues of national security. i want to echo the majority leader the senior senator from new york, truly devoted proisrael champion who is spiritually and emotionally connected to israel unlike ifbe any in this chamber. a friend to israeli leaders and who is unafraid to speak truth to power. it's clear to me now five months into this m war that israel's
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stragy while the idf has made important progress while rooting out hamas and gaza i do not see a clear end game or metric for success israeli we know that more than 30,000 gazans are dead. the millions that have survived haeen forced to flee and crossing their with egypt. they have little access to foodh water, shelter or medical care. those remaining are facing diren humanitarian conditions. more than 2 million gazans are at risk of starvation for famine. enormous portions of the gaza strip have been completely destroyed and left
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uninhabitable. and the west bank is teetering on the brinkng of chaos. there are regular changes of prior with the north with hezbollah in lebanon. this has forced nearly 100,000 israelis to move from their homes to escape these attacks from lebanon and lebanese noncombatants are caught in the cross fire between idf forces and hezbollah. the region stands at the praecipes of being engulfed in all-out war. today as chairman of the armed services committee of the united states senate, as a friend and long-time supporter of the israeli people, it is my duty to say clearly that this war has veered off course.
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strategic decisions. in a week, mistakenly invaded another country, iraq which had no role in the attacks on that horrific day of september 11. national grief and political fury can cloud the thinking of the shrewdest military tacticians. i the mistakes of the war in iraq of being made again by israel and gaza. similar the u.s. created when it
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dismantled tucson hussein's government iraq israel's widr gaza in 2005 contributed to the extremist violence we see today. the rise of hamas, a terrorist group whose stated goal is the destruction of israel and the israelipl people assume controlf the gaza but instead of using that opportunity to buildeo lifelines for the people of gaza, hamas built a 500-mile tunnel network to terrorize israel. instead of providing education and healthcare basic services for palestinians, hamas stockpiled and unleashed thousands of rockets against israel for the course of the years. now, in the wake of october 7 israel stated goal is to destroy a terror group capable of guerrilla style warfare in a
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larger urban territory the eighth of a massive underground system. daunting for even the most highly trained and advanced military. as it pursues itsld consider lee united states tactical experience in iraq. in particular the battle of falluja in 2004 provides a painful case study encountering insurgency warfare in an urban divider. after violent grading fight through that city, the u.s. significantly failed to achieve the objective clearing the territory from insurgents for the modern war institute at west point assessed, senior political leer should not react emotionally and work on direct action against the densely populated urban area when conditions for success are not
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prevalent. in contrast operations in gaza may be more sssing the model ofe battle into 2006 seemed in 2017 unites his work with coalition forces in to arrest the third largest city back from isis militants. had the opportut on the ground our forces living in a coalition gives isis for the operation was conducted with patients and precision isis was successfully eliminated in most of them. even then, success was arduous. as a financial times characteristic, the mission to clear the city of joe heidi militants was ultimately successful.he fighting was inte. took three times longer than
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planned, left 10,000 civilians dead and killed more coalition soldiers than expected. with current war■s successful counterterrorism campaigns. at times as early forces have conducted having bombings usingh largeay payloads more targeted operations that yield more succes result. the willingness to borrow heavily vapid populate areas to pursue hamas leader says change the perceptions and the realities of this war. protecting the civilian population is a strategic imperative in counterterrorism operations in the war on war. you want to separate the insurgents from the population. again the crest of the
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population to continue to successfully conduct your operation and sin increasingly isolated terrorist group. simply foot israel's risk creates more terrorists than it isg. illuminating. you think of a 15-year-old who has lost hisoungest sibling, his mother, his father, his grandparents.z9 wearable his rage and fury and profound sadness be directed? it's a question we should all contemplate. the section second issue we have to understand is the broken politicized environment that badly weakens israel national security before prime minister netanyahu return to power in 2022. facing charges of corruption in iminal trialin looming. his narrow political coalition
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is the most far right conservative government history. makes continue to make clear he will never support a two state solution. in a desperate attempt to stay in power netanyahu has both of the most of far right members of his coalition. he's not only allowed extreme positions to be the administrats provided far right members of his coalition with the ministries by which they can enact their agendas. he is the minister of finance, has fought his entire career to west bank now has control over restarting payments to the palestinian authority. his minister of national security has been convicted on at least eight charges including supporting a terroristorganizato racism.
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facing his own criminal charges netanyahu work to significantly weaken the israeli judicial system for his own benefit. he did this despite hundreds of. and we were there when the protests were going on last february. i did over the objection of a reservist to at that point said they would refuse to report duty to protest. he did this despite warnings from defense minister gallant the would be weakened as a result. they added to the toxic and establish destabilizing mix was neta for doing with hamas. for years he propped up hamas as a means to ensure a two state solution would never come to fruition. as far back as 2012 netanyahu
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told israeli press that i quote strong as a counterweight to the palestinian authority in the west bank. he knew having hamas in power and gaza meant a two state solution would never be possible. this strategy also included allowing hamas to receive suitcases full of cash coming from qatar and other places. the four former defense minister is the one directly pave the way for the october 7 attack. netanyahu's long relentless pursuit of political survival andic power are now fueling history for war and gaza. strikes me it is his future not israel'sut future that is the
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foremost factor at play. these factors add up to several hard truths that must be spoken from one ally to the other. just as schumer did last week with courage and principle. most importantly, israel cannot use military force alone to reclaim peace and security for its people. military a forces as a means toa political end.■b military force will never provide a final answer but a political solution will take hard bargaining in diplomatic negotiations. working with the united states, qatar and egypt and other partners the israelis must reach a temporary cease-firehat allows the safe return of hostages. expansion of humanitarian assistance and capacity to safely deliver assistance for the people of gaza. the odds and going seaport
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efforts are a step in the right direction. but israel must do more to ensure the increased supply of food and other desperately needed supplies can reach the people of gaza. there must be a realistic plan for day after operations in gaza. there needs to be a framework for two state solutions. with the s state and a deep militarized palestinian state e exists side-by-side in peace and security. this plan will require buy-in from all.israel, the palestinia, the world community, arab neighbors, israel should not and will night fund long- once by and definitely reoccupy the gaza strip. finally, while it is aision that will ultimately be made by the israeli and palestinian people like leader schumer i
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believe it's time leadership for both. palestinians is almost 20 years into what was supposed to be a four-year presidentia term. finding a successor for the palestinian authority is long overdue. a new palestinian leader must recognize the only his piece security prosperity is to renounce terror. to work with israel. to work with regional partners forta a path to statehood whichs stable and peaceful.■ó■m new leadership as i indicated also includes prime minister netanyahu. indicates more than 75% of israelis believe he should step down. i agree with leader schumer that netanyahu represents an obstacle israel. i've long been a friend and
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supporter of israel. i traveled there in the early periodically sense. more importantly the united states this is was closest allied for 75 years. in 1948 when the israelis declared their independence of theworld was not particularly accepting except here in the unitedit states were to his immense credit harry truman stood up and said we will recognize and support the state of israel. that profound bond exist today and in my hope it will always exist. we cannot have anyone break that bond. great allies must hold each other to high standards per share hard truths when in the u.s./israeli alliance is no
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different. so i urge you to change course and gaza immediately. to work with all of us. to establish ultimately and enduringly we hope a secure and peaceful israel. the protection of its people as we■: dress, secure, and safe place where all people of that region can live safely. with that mr. president i yield the floor. ♪ since 1979, in partnership with the cable industry c-span has provided complete coverage with the halls of congress from the house and senate floors to congressional hearings, party briefings and committee meetings. c-span issue a front row seat to how issues are debated and decided with no commentary, no interruptions and completely unfiltered.
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