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tv   Washington Journal Christa Case Bryant  CSPAN  March 20, 2024 7:33pm-8:02pm EDT

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month. representative wrote am deeply humbled to my colleagues to serving as assistant democratic i'm confident we will deliver real results for the american people people over politics. first elected in 2018 the front the first black member of congress and colorado's history served as chair of the democratic policy communications committee. earlier todayt committee held a hearing on the republican lead impeachment inquiry into president biden. former associates former associate of rudy giuliani were among the witnesses. watch entire hearing to make sure 8:00 p.m. eastern or online at
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the house will be in order. >> this year at c-span celebrates 45 years of like no othe 1979 we have been your primary source for capitol hill. balance unfiltered coverage of government taking■8 read the policies debated and decided all the support of america's cable company. c-span, 45 years and counting. powered by cable. >> back to "washington journal" we are joined senior orrespondent for the christian science editor. christian, welcome to the program for. >> thank you it's a pleasure to be here pretty quick to think f. tell us what is in it. this the remaining six areas of appropriations that covers major agency like treasury, dhs,
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labor, education. the quartertrs of discretionary spending of a trillion dollars. go about by the end of the day wefriday. particularly since republicans have instituted a new rule everyone should have 72 hours to reviewew legislation. so looking like we missed the deadline or waive the 72 hour provision. >> that's not really working out for the 72 hours. given that the deadline is miig>> do you think there mighta short-term cr to get past midnight or what is going to happen? >> the hope is ty still pass the whole minibus they call it combined into one by the friday midnight deadline. but, as we hav seen with this congress you could neverou realy prcount on anything it's been vy
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unpredictable. to be interesting to say speaker mike johnson will be presenting his plan and probably making a case waive the 72 hour rule will see how that goes down. >> you have been reporting■v for speaker johnson's leadership when ithe comes to funding battles. >> yes, when you learn? night with representative thomas massie former congresses was considered a real rebel in this congress an interesng between some of the more vocal rabble-rousers in the more he was saying is for them i could have a substitute teacher coming to school and the class or surrealistic data with a bunch of things. poor mike johnson was not the one who won the house majority. was not the one that gave seats on committees they really wanted.
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he does not have carrots or s sticks. recognizing his delta difficult hand. and iso pick up where mccarthy left off and the rules mccarthy put in place. critically on the democratic side of the aisle acknowledge she is genteel turn more chaotic under leadership. >> if you like to join our conversation you can do so our minds are by party 202-748-8000. for republicans 202-748-8001. inin 202-748-8002 for inden us via text at two 202-748-8000 three. are watching our feeds on facebook and on >> saturday schumer at the majority leader ever gave a major speech on the senate last
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week calling for new elections in israel. what has been the reaction on capitol hill? >> it made a lot of waves. not only because he called for r new elections and essentially said directly that netanyahu the prime minister of israele isne. along and right wing is. extrem. to replace. the extremely polarized moment particularly ad isra we have ses college campuses. schumerin did an interesting job of acknowledging facts some people might see in conflict. yes, israelht has a right to defend itself.
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but it cannot go too far. it defends how it defends itself. yes there is a human catastrophe in the gaza strip. it's also important to recognize how hamas is pulling into that and embedding themselves and a population and usingli that population as human shields. that is part of thehe there has been so much human suffering. the extent to which she was willing to state thingsay be someone from his political standpoint would not acknowledge. i think there are two ways of looking at his speech. trying israel to do? the other is signaled to his own party in the senate. it's very different particularly in the settlents he was referring to obliquely there is
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just a different perspective that comes from that speaking from washington and i think you have to a lot of americans may not really see comes from a family that came face to face. his brother was killed rescuing passengers that had been hijacked and he himself was involved in operation at the tel aviv to rescue passengers from another plane. a lot has happened since then. has a very different experie it will be interesting to see what he has to say to senate republicans when he addresses them via video conference this s afternoon for. >> wha the that videoconference was sent republicans? >> it really should counter schumer said last he's very comfortable here and
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in u.s. political circles for two state solution is no longer possible here's her n is why yoo continue supporting me in the best person you havee. i imagine will make a case somewhat along t. as we havere is significant risk within the democraticic party. she has been very b vocal on the progressive about the need to have a cease-fire. to get more aid to the palestinians in gaza. she's helped how much ishi how y images people are seeing on the suffering there. we have heard arab americans in michigan be very vocal about
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their disappointment and biden tend to shift his rhetoric considerably since october 7. and schumer coming out the big speech. it seems like this is causing af israel brickwork has floated the idea of an israel standalone aid package. where are democrats on that?ts d get the supplemental aid through one way or another. >> even if it standalone? >> and i'm notlo sure what's happened with the border security at this point. obviously it is tohe democrats o is really standalone package that's the cara may beat the do ukraine they would be more willing to standalone package for israel. >> list talk to callers david is
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up first in lawrence, massachusetts or more per public and good morning. >> good morning. thank you forta taking my calls but it is my first time calling. i want to say i think this speaker congress to passas soon as is possibly done because of the budt tthrough. >> any comment? >> thank you so much for your call from lawrence, massachusetts. a city i knowl. that isn't definitely a prevalent viewpoint. this is really important has bipartisan bxh extraordinary leads a deadline we are almost half of the fiscal year until it's get it passed already. for the tng have supported a 72 hour rule it's a really important rule these can be really big hundreds if not thousands of pages.
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it's hard to know what you are okay and what is in there. they feel it is their duty to their constituents and the amerayers who providing this money to makeon sure the monies being responsible cents for this is what they're trying to avoid a last-minute gigantic bill t they don't have time to review. it's just going to add more t to the debt. that will be the other ■nng
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back on that. >> there is ann article here in politico with the headline ukraine loan gained traction int palatable enough for house republicans. what are you hearing about that? this idea of making all loans i'm sorry all aid be alone a low interest or no interest loan? >> it is essentially changing the packaging is not changing a
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lot about the reality. i think■den asked for would essentially go back into the american economy it would be is to make weapons and other supplies to be sent to ukraine. we are talk but a small portion of that i believe 12 billion that would be a direct grant or loan toe■= ukraine. the idea is to make that amount forgiven and i think chris was talking about how the president can forget things for national security reasons. i think even on the republican side there is awareness they've been fighting this for two years it is unlikely the be able to spay this back anytime soon anyway. it's essentially leaving it in a way that is more palatable to the republican base which is focusedc issues, pocketbook issues and things like that for. >> you know a timeline for how
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fast ukraine could get aid if it were to >> it looks like it's going toer take everything speaker johnson has by getting this t and many f us across a line by friday at midnight. then congress is going■% on a two-week recess and nothing's going to happen during those two weeks. so we are looking at into a brought this point. ukraine has been waiting for this for six months. it's highly unlik t that on topf the funding. >> list talk to ronnie next in covington, virginia good morning. >> good morning. >> go right ahead. >> i think on that aid ukrne it. i think israel needs it. i think the united states people need it. i think if they take care of the around.
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shut the border down in the united states and find israel they are our ally part ukraine is not. not that i don't to support ukraine. ust seems like -- i don't know why they want to keep our border open. and then the republicans and democrats could come together on this t■thing. but they all know why they are not coming together it's because of the democrat border of the united states all the way aroun, thanky, you. >> what you think? >> thank you for your call. the bigger picture here is there is a real debate what's america's role in this world at this time. this is long been the world. now we are at a point we cannot decide how to fund our own government we are adding to thee border that is compromising the
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ability to be of help with those in the border and beyond the borders. there is also a debate to what extent and the most interest to support alls fighting u.s. adversaries. back in the hamas group in gaza. th is part of the debate people say every penny we spend defending israel againstag iran, tons of money in the future by avdiith those aggressive adversaries. be leery we need to take care of ourselves at home partly to strengthen our own not be going off in these far-flung adventures that may not pay off at all. may not be what were saying behind the scenes fairplex you have details for us what's in
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the dhs bill for the border specifically? >> they were actually able to add several billions of a dollas for more border enforcement. soe republican saw as a win. we will just have to see where this comes out to rid really fast for. >> what is the hold it by the way why hasn't come out yet? i thought everything was agreed to. >> most of it was agreed too the last minute with dhs the bite administration had some last-minuteme concerns i think t took a little time to work through. the borders number one election issue going into the fall. i was very strong feelings on both sides. it takes them to hash these things out but once you agree in a meeting you have to work out the exactan journalists we can e every word it matters. hopefully it will be seeing that
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later today. >> i want to ask you about an article you wrote for the christian science monitor congress takes a hard swing at tiktok. words that stand to pass theà house in a bipartisan fashion? or does it stand in the senate now? occidental gave a cooler recen. the commerce committee headed by senator cantwell. she definitely signaled she has some conrn it. again this effigy from the federal government is going to take all of the attenti week. over time that goes by the more temperate lobbyists in tiktok■bz allies to weigh in to get these year of senators. it setting a bad precedence we should not be naming one of their different ways of doing alot to see when we get back.
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>> we have a question on ex from bobby what is the paltinian version of the idea? iogreat question. there's not really an equivalent after the palestinian authority does have security forces traditionally they have work in concert with two basically in the west bank. split between the palestinian actions. th is no■7alnian security force. mouse basically is the military force in gaza and has bn years. palestinians have a right to defend themselves is a lot of resentment toward the united
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states is october 7 for supporting israel. but a really interesting piece■& should be a a palestinian resistance. they knew they would respond with the proportionate force. and living in their mansions they're willing to speak outut some with their full names. thomas gambled with our lives. wewe are the ones paying for. ouriggest the lady is very nice she comes onn here smiling they have been in there
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trying to do a budget they have left the whole should get out and let someone in there who's going to do a refund the money to thehe publi. because they are not doing it. we are■÷mk■í& stuck with these e who are just bickering over nothing. you can election. >> some of them are not in my states i will v i can. there are a lot of people share youre frustrations.u# the budget process has been broken for years.
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speaker johnson to try get a head start on the fy5. on the house side what extent is it responsible to be deficit spending year after year. we cannot continue the deficit spending little debt clock on his lapel is $97000 a second period it's a blurry at the end of the numbers is going up soe fast. list one part of congress it e have to stop all of this we cannot continue adding to this debt our children and grandchildren will be payingdr
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for. and on the democratic side and r government services we cannot do without. we need a strong army at this point in world history. i know it can be really discouraging. and believe me it can be discouraging when you are in washington as well. rying to workortant issues through. the extent you and other voters can send people to washington and send a message to washington they need to work througin novee all around the country who are counting on them to do this. the more we can hopefully see tom is next in spokane, washington good morning tom. i am not jewish. i am protestant born and raised. for a philosophical spiritualfol reasons i would give up my life
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for israel. just not actually represent the palestinians. they are mostly thugs. and somehow turn the tide in people's minds against hamas. too not support them. get rid of thugs over there. ask your staff only people who share that view points. as i mentioned myan science monr have recently written about and
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wipe out hamas.■■7 and then so much resentment. men need resentment that's what senator schumer's trying to address there is a solutionnd you are a man of faith. of that void cat light of this great darkness can also comeea great light.
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that is there hopere he took such a strong stand for the sake of both people. >> comment on x she says israel's committing genocide it's obvious now the israeli settlers are blocking food to buy trucks the shot at people going to food supply trucks. with food drops onto the beach.. >> the israeli military operation inly is out 5 long or there literally l donkeys pulling around rods of steel that'll slow the rebuilding waswa going.
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good to take a marshall plan to gaza and you are absolutely right. there's a tremendous turnaround on.estruction going like hamas but i do embed themselves in the civilian population and literally■j underground international lawyers and others wil brs to come. i think the important thing at this point is to figure out how to move forrd. how to stop the f violence and destruction. >> all right senior congressional correspondent thank you so much for joining us us. >> thank you for having me. c-s" a leiva form involving you to discuss the latest issues and
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governments, and public policy. from washington d.c. and across the country. coming up thursday morning we will look at friday's governmens democratic congressman al green. christopher with the associated press talkskh about the federal reserve inflation projections inthe state of the u.s. economy. republican south carolina discusses government israel and ukraine later the washington examiner's c-span's "washington journal" join in the conversation alivey 7:00 a.m. eastern on c-span, c-span now >> and treasury secretary janet
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yellen testify on president biden's 2025 budget request the economic outlook. watch the house appropriations subcommittee hearing live at 2:30 p.m. on c-span three. c-span and now are freed mobile video app or online at unfiltered view of government that we are funded by these television companies and more including comcast.■ comcast is partnering with 1000 committee centers to create wi-fi enabled so students from low income families can get the tools they need to be ready for anything. comcast support c-span as a service. giving a pharisee to democracy. >> house oversight committee continued its impeachment inquiry into president biden by hearing testimony from two of hunter biden's formerthey spoker
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interaction with the family alleged


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