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tv   U.S. Senate  CSPAN  March 21, 2024 6:00pm-7:22pm EDT

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senator from oklahoma. mr. lankford: is the senate currently in a quorum call? the presiding officer: we are not. mr. lankford: thank you. mr. presid planning to bring three amendments to the set of appropriation bills that are coming. as we're quickly reading through it and going through the details different section, of our federal funding which is incredibly important that we actually get done there are many amendments that are here and many questions that have been raised. i'm raising a couple of them on two different issues. first is a very specific issue. it's been a challenge for us on entity called
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special interests aliens. it's a term you and i know but many people arou special interest alien is an actual designation that the department of homeland security places on an individual wn they cross the border, based on where they come, from and their travel apparent. the definition from the department of homeland secur a special interest alien is a non-u.s. person who, based on an analysis of travel patterns, potentially posescurity risk to the united states or its interests. so just to be clear, when they're labeled special interest aliens department of homeland security is declaring this person potentially a national security risk to the united states. when that individual is encountered on our southern border we've asked many questions, both of fbi and dhs, what happens next? those individuals on our terror watch list we know whoey
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were detained. we cannot get an exact number of the number of special interest aliens -- these are individuals we know have terror links or come from an area where there's known terrorism or are travelling in a travel pattern that we know other terrorists have traveled on so we no that much about -- so we know that much about them but we don't know much elseut them. we've asked the simple question -- are detained? the answer so far is not all of them e -- tell. when someone at the southern border is declared a national security risk we think it is reasonable detained at our southern border. in the past several days we've had almost 7,000 people a day ille don't know how many of those were labeled a national security risk but we do believe the number in the past few months has been in the thousands.
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but dhs has yet to give us the exact number.otentially in the thousands of people that have been declared by this administration as a potential risk and they cannot tell us if they have been detaineded their wherebies, how they determined that they were a national security risk or what happens next. the amendment i am bringing is very simple. the amendment i'm say, we do not allow funding to be used to release people that have been designated a potential national security risk to have them released into the united states. so we don't have a situation where we have individuals identifie a potential national security risk and then they were just released on their own recognizance for a ture hearing. that kneads to be fixed. i wish it was fixed today, but it's not. this is an issue that i have
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raised for a year now. both with dhs, with the fbi, recently met with ice in a hearing and when i met with some of the leadership from ice, i asked them and this was the response i got from the ice current administration. it is accurate that we're not tracking special interest aliens on as, not the totality of them. some are probably on alternatives to detention where we have more tracking on but we're not tracking all of them. even those that are on alternative detention means they have been released into the country, given a gps device to turn themselves in later. after at the border they were declared a to this body i would challenge us to say, what would it take for us to detain those individuals and to make sure that we're not releasing people
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into the country that we recognize at the border are a national security risk? that's why i'm bringing this amendment to this bill to is commonsense approach to be able to deal with a very pragmatic national security risk. the second set of amendments deals with two earmarks. there's lots of earmarks in this bill a and we can have our own debate on earmarks in this body. actually request earmarks on it. i want competitive grants. i want to make sure we're focused on the highest national security prioritiesr and priorities that we have -- and we have many. my state has several. many of your states do as well. we should compete for those who be reaching the highest priorities. but i do understand there are some in this body who disagree with me on that. i disagree with some of the earmarks that are i and i see differences of opinion on some that are here. some deal though with military bases and certain construction. totally understandable. with schools and certain construction. totally understandable. some deal with a couple of
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issues that i just have a difference of opini that'story strong. two -- that's pretty strong. two of them deal with hospitals. two of these earmarks dealing th hospital, dartmouth-hitchcock hospital in new hampshire, and another is women's and infaints hospital in rhode island. what would be hospitals? well this is about two and a half million -- $2.5 million in earmarks between the two of do late-term abortions. they're different than other hospitals that are on the earmark list. in fact, not only do these two hospitals do late-term abortions, they actually advertise that they do late-term abortions andd out. they make statements about that they are -- let me see if i can pull this out. they make statements that they have not late-term abortions up to 22 weeks, but they are ready to be able to do that. they -- as one says -- routinely provide abortions up to 22
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weeks. 22 weeks, we're pushing five weeks of pregnancy. we h that are alive today that were born premature at 21 weeks. but they're alive get the care when they had a premature delivery at 21 weeks. to make it clear, what we're actually up against and when looks like compared to other countries and locations spain does not allow abortion after 14 weeks. it's not legal because country of spain considers late-term abortion after 14 weeks. germany restricts abortion after 12 italy restricts abortion after 12 weeks. 22 weeks is a late-term abortion. in most locations -- most locations do not do that. we have a the although of differences and opinion on this hirsch of l the value of -- on this issue of life and the value of every single child. i understand that.
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we have had respectful dialogue in this chamber issue as i brought this up. there is no question that a child feels pain in the womb. there is no question that at 22 weeks, a baby in the womb can recognize its own mom's voice and will jump in the womb there is a loud sound. sat 22 weeks, a -- at 22 weeks, a electricity has developed taste buds p22 weeks is and two of these hospitals that have designated earmarks perform this and i have an objection to that. and i think we as a body should talk about not just ourtandar nor this; what does that mean? can i just say it as simple as this -- even under the standard of roe v. wade that the supreme n the states and this body after the dobbs decision even after the standard of roe v. wade 22 weeks is past the time that
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would be recognized as a child as viable based on previou experience with other children that have been born even before that and have survived and lived. -- and thrived. a body should recognize that. and i do object to those earmarks and think that's the wrong direction for federal dollars to be able to supply a hospital with dollars that are performing this type of late-term abortions. soñ i object to those two and will continue to be able to speak out on behalf of every child and the value of every child and their life in the days ahead. so we have aization to make as a -- so we have a decision to make as a body. are we going of special interest aliens who have been designated by this administration to be a potential national security risk and are dollars to actually provide for late-term abortions through this bill? we will decide that tomorrow.
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with that, i yield the floor. i call forpresiding officer: the clerk will call the roll. quorum call:
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national agriculture week. it's a time to celebrate america'ser ranchers the herald working men and -- the hardworking men and women who fill supermarkets and dinner place the united states depends on the food fuel and fiber that america's farms and ranches produce. this week in particular we thank those who do the hard work of feeding america and the world. mr. president, there are a lot of factors that go farm or ranch's success.
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i want to talk about just one of those factors that affects a lot of farms and trade. trade is critical to the continued success of american agriculture. one in four acres on u.s. farms is planted to be expor
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>> now the biden administratio part of initiative trade on hold declining to move forward with the trade portion of the indo pacific agreement. ago i came to the floor to discuss my bipartisan bill to kick start negotiations on a comprehensive free trade agreement with the united kingdom. now, you would think mr. president, that a free trade agreement with one of our oldest allies and largest trading partners would be a no-brainer. but the administration is punted on that one too.
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on digital trade an area where the united states has historically been a leader in which we should continueon is pulling back. last fall, the u.s. trade representative abandoned long standing u.s. policy on digital trade at the trade organization. a move that risks what in china -- take our place in writing rules the global economy. mr. president the united states is currently negotiating zero, zero -- free trade agreements. but while the biden a administration keeps on the sidelines others areuilding up their port portfolio new trade agreements so is the united kingdom and china is expand its trading network. the biden administration failure on trade is putting our country at a competitive disadvantage. thnly forfeiting opportunities for american leadership.
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it's harming american businesses farms and ranches that look to trade as a way to grow. earlier this week i join senator blackburn and other senators in a letter to the president urging the to uphold america long standing leadership on digital trade. and last week, i let a group of republican senators work on expanding export opportunities for american agriculture. mr. president if we want?w. american farmers ranchers and business owners to succeed in the global economy trade has to be a priority. and i will continue to do everything i can to urge the biden administration to get off the sidelines on trade and new opportunities for american producers. mr. president i yield the floor. >> earlier this morning legislative text for the final six appropriation bills was released i'm happy to say clearing another hurdle towards our ultimate goal of funding federal government.
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i thank the appropriate tores staff and everyone involved for working themselves to the bone to release these bil imagine some folks in the capitol are past point of exhaustion. this funding agreement between the white house and congressional leaders is good news that comes in the nick of time. when passed it will extinguish any more shutdown threats for the rest of the fiscal year and avoid the sitets sequestration and it will keep the government open without cuts or poison pill riders. it is now the job of the house move this package asap it avoids dray coin i can cuts on democratic wins that help american families workers america's national defense and increased and disease and prevention we funded school mental health programs and suicide prevention so neededn world in which we live. we are strengthening the border with new resources for front
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line personnel we're investins and we democrats are very proud of both. the hard right pushed for cuts, that would have k-12 education services for low income families, democrats stopped it. the hard right wanted to add terrible poison pill to attack freedom of choice. democrats stopped that too. now congress must now race to pass this package before government funding once the house acts senate will need bipartisan cooperation to pass it before friday's deadline and avoid a shutdown. i want to thank president biden speaker johnson leader jeffrey leader mcconnell for their leadership i also murray kol pings and staffs as well as my for their tireless appropriations tireless leadmmittee through the entire process. i don't think they got any sleep from about saturday to today. and i really thank the particularly -- megyn tyra and ray for my staff who did such a strong job on
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this. now on judge shopping. wed that the judicial conference announce common sense policy reforms, limiting the practice of judge shopping by having civil cases with statewide or nationwide complications assigned to judges at random. unfortunately not everyone was pleased. namely those on the right who have made judge shopping their specialty. so today i'm sending follow-up letter to the judicial conference encouraging them as it is implemented across the country. i'm also writing that chief judge of the northern district of texas where judge been rampant urging to apply reforming of the judicial conference as quickly as possible. when i wrote the chief judge roughly a year ago about judge shopping he said fixing the problem through ran don assignments presented logistical challenges my letter today i will ask the judge to explain how many civil cases with statewide or national injunctions does this ti does the district create
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rules for case assignment? how will they implement the judicial conferences rules to ensure public trust? the answer to these questions would greatly inform us in the senate as we think about ways to strengthen our judiciary i musy mr. president over the past week really been troubled to hear some of my colleagues on other side to attack jic doing its job which congress authorize it to do over a century ago. my republican colleagues forget or ignore acknowledged in the past that not only is judge shopping a problem. but that judicial c a role to play to address it. but now some republicans are howling at the moon over this announcement. my leader, for one let colleagues in writing a number of chief judges urging them to ignore the this judge shopping -- as it is practiced here in texas distorts the entire judicial system. one judge sitting
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in one district. hard right plaintiffs from across the country know they can bring their cet before a judge who has views that are way over. if it is system when you know there's one judge sitting and he or she as a particular philosophy and you have to get that judge when you file a case, again it attracts hard right plaintiffs who are unpresentive of america and like bees to hon nying and flock to threeq districts where there's one judge or minimal number of judge sitting. now republican colleagues actually refuse to explain why judge shopping is remotely defensible. because it's so distorts the system. and cast a crowd of unfairness le judicial system like the system sort of rigged because you know you can get this judge and you know what the
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outcome will be the case ishe immediate example. let's take the -- of course my republican colleagues don't explain why by the way. because, of course, they can't say the quiet part outloud. judge shopping is a key part of the hard rightool kit something they built up over the years. just take the example of the amarillo division of the northern district of district judge has become the dolling extremist litigants for fringe opinions on everything from birth control to affordable health care to lbgtq discrimination. republicans might not want to say it those who are posed here but nobody is being fooled conservatives go to one judge because then he's on their ideologically what an abuse of the functions of our federal courts so yes the judicial conference was right to issue reforms to limit judge
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shopping. neither party no philosophy -- should be able to cherry pick judges. of their choice -- random assignment is the way it works for nearly every court in the country. i'm always ready to work senators from either party to consider common sense and wholeheartedly agree congress should take oversight seriously particularly at a time when activist judges committed to special interests are eroding the law. congress must provide a check on the judiciary and that's what the founding fathers intended and our legislation for decades even out. in this instance, it is troubling republicans can't seem to admit the obvious abuses like the one we see coming out of the northern district of texas should come to an end. now, on the rsc budget. mr. pre president biden announced tens of thousands of new jobs to take our country forward house
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republicans released a budgets plan that would us backward republican fiscal year 25 budget plan reads like a wish list for donald trump and the maga hard right. loser for the american people. remember the rsc is hardly a small group it is made up 000 republicans 80% of them 8 % of the house republicans -- including speak or johnson and his entire leadership team. the budget pla republican agenda plain and simple. by releasing this budget, the vast majority of house republicans are calling for cuts to social security and medicare you hear that? folks in america -- the vast majority of house republicans want medicare. beware of what they want. they want to threatening access, they want to deny health care to people with preexisting conditions. they want national abortion bans and they sabotage any hope of lowering
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prescription drug cost the list can go on and on -- >> adjourned until 11 a.m. tomorrow. idhteate celebrating 20th anniversary of our student cam documentary year c-span asks middle and high school students across the country to look forward while considering the past. highlighting the milestone of each participate given option to look 20 years into the future or 20 years into the past. in response, we received inspiring and thought provoking documentaries from more than 3,200 students across 42 states. through conducting in-depthnd with experts students tackled critical topics such --
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>> replacing eliminating entire fields of work. >> challenges in climate. >> our tapestry with diversity that once held. discussions about criminal justice. race -- bias. and the american criminal justice system. >> we' share the top winners of the student cam 2024 in the middle school division of first prize goes to newton middle school in mountain view, california, the documentary beyond just syfy a.i. reshaping america's tomorrow delves into evolving world of artificial intelligence the high school eastern division first prize is awarded to dermot spring, maryland for film the promise of langley park purple lies, climate change and reimagining the future of breanna johnson from high school in troy michigan, claim the first prize in their high school central division with their production unseen here
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heros and brandon emily tai and from palo alto senior high school in california earned first prize for threads of change which takes critical look at the fastndustry and top award of $5,000 for grand prize goes to nate coleman and john that tenth grader at weston hi school in connecticut compelling documentary innocence held hostage navigating past and future conflicts with iran deals with a timely and sensitive subject and features interviews with a former iranian hostage. >> instead of saying -- so if you're free tos blind folded handcuffed thrown from the back of the car taken straight to prison. >> brings me students competed the grand prize winners of student cam 2024. >> thank you so much. wow. this is a huge honor. we -- [laughter] we are so grateful for this opportunity we really thank you a lot. gratitude to the
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educators, parents and participates who have supported each of these young filmmakers on their creative journey. winners, don't miss out the top winning documentaries will be broadcast on c-span starting april 1st plus you each of the 150 award-winning student cam films online. nice time, at student join us in ccivically engaged inspiring young minds as they share their opinions on the issues that are important to them. and affect our world -- c-span is your unfiltered view of government fundingy and more including comcast. >> you think this is just a community center no it is way more t partners with a thousand community centers to create wi-fi enabled listing so students from low income families get tools they need to be ready for anything. comcast supports c-span as ant ♪
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