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tv   Shea Bradley- Farrell Last Warning to the West  CSPAN  March 24, 2024 8:01am-8:56am EDT

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good evening, ladies and gentlemen. guests, my name is istván gróf and i would like to welcome you all to the hungarian. we are honored to host two very special events.
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first, we are going to our good friend, the president counterpoint institute and fellow at the center for center for fundamental rights of hungary the wonderful dr. bradley introduced a new book which is called last warning to the west. hungary's triumphs overcome, cynicism and the woke agenda. this program will be followed. a friends of cpac, hungary reception in honor of the great director of the center for fundamental and his amazing team, who are once again back in washington dc. but first, i would like to give the floor to yourosexcellency á. good evening. good evening, ladies and gentlemen. welcome. the hungarian embassy.
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a couple of years ago. good. 15, 20 years ago, there was a british ambassador in budapest even sometimes even big countries send ambassadors who are respectful to small nations and he was certainly such person. his name is sir brian cartlidge. apart from being ambassador, he was a he had a real job as well. he had a real job. he was a historian. and he came with respect. and he showed respect and it was respect, what he got in return. and one of the very obvious sign of his respect was that he showed us strong and very deep interest in hungary.
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his interest was so strong and so deep that he wrote book about hungary the history of hungary. it's entitled the the will to survive. it's a good book, first of all, because it was written by a hungarian about. so it's probably credible the way how foreigners see and the it's a good book because the is good. i have noticed that even today most englishenglish. not all of them, but sir brian cartlidge was one of them. now the will to survive describes how a as war country for much of its existence squeezed between two large empires, surrounded by
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neighbors, and subjected to invasion and occupation, survived the very frequent tragedies tragedies of its very eventful past to become a sovereign and democratic country. today in the european union. now the mongols, the■n ottoman e hapsburg. the nazi and the soviet empires have all vanished. t hungary, a victim of all five and always on the losing side of divorce that we have fighting hungary still occupies our territory. that the tribes the miners claim for themselves in the ninth century. now this is how you have to approach hungary. we are at the crossroads of two big civilized nations, two huge empires. the east, the west.
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and we always had to be very careful to show enough respect to directions of the globe. when you are too small country and you are surrounded by too big elephants. then sometimes you feel that you are the grass and we have learned that for the grass. what is the most important that the two elephants should not be, but th should not be making love either, because this is bad for the grass. so we to we have to show some distance and this what we are trying to seek all the time and trying to encourage our partners in the west and in the east to be close enough, but not too close. we have a very famous hungarian over a photographer used
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to because. he died, unfortunately, you might know his name. robert capa. robert capa, a very famous war photographer. some of pictures, photos, you can see one of the pores of this embassy here and he was born into a hungarian jewish family with, the name edna friedman and. he came to america and he became very famous he once said that if your picture is not good enough, then you not close enough. unfortunately, one day he was too close. his tunnel and my in the spanish civil war and he died, uh, maybe it was not a spanish civil war, but it was a war. i'm sorry. i might not recall it correctly. now, we survived the mongols. the mongols wanted to us destroy us completely. almost succeeded. the ottomans killed only half of the hungarians. the hapsburg deprived us of our
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identity, which is the hungarian language. because we are hungarian, because speak hungarian a language is very unique. nobody understands, only us. but this is the this is the guarantee for our. the communists. they robbed, our soul. uh, and the nazis, of course, know what the nazis did. they killed 600,000 hungarians, hungarian --, the largest hungarian cemetery is called auschwitz. and this was the end of civilization, a way. and the communists killed many hungarians, including the grandfather of the current hungarian ambassador, and the grandmother of the wife of the current hungarian ambassador. not immediately. my grandtly at the river don and. her grandmother just died couple of years after returning siberia. so we know who the communists
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and we knew when nazis are, what we are fighting. we are fighting for them. against them. they were fighting for our freedom. we were fighting for sovereign and democratic because we had this world to survive. and sort of years ago, we that eventually now something good will come. we were happy to join the european union. we were happy to join natal and going back to the western world that, we ourselves created during 1100 years of history and what we see today is an even bigger threat than all these the empire of wokeism that's really wants to destroy everybody and, killing softly and killing slowly. they want to rob our children of their identity, of their biological sex, of the respect for the family, for the culture,
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for their for their religion. and i think we hungarians, we have to again. and i don't want to sound too dramatic, but i want to sound believe the time has come again to stand up for our. it's very difficult because we could identify all these quite easily. it's now wokeism that's that's more difficult because. it's about your children. it's about your loved ones. and i think the only way how we can fight. is that, first of all, we saw to our children and the show respect to the very difficult words they have to live in and trying understand their mindset and, just give them something which we accountable to give them in an opportunity, give them an option, an alternative to respect us. and that's why we need people
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like sir brian cartlidge and the author of the book that you are going to talk about. she bradley fellow, who i'm very happy to welcome. uh, we need people like you who show respect in, in our culture, in our identity and our history, because otherwise we will never understand the hungarians. sometimes we don't understand but this is how we like to live for 1100 years. i am greatly under together with my wife in shed to welcome you all, especially senator kari lake. uh, hats on a general paxton from the great state of texas. she chris and everybody and of course our guest from hungary, ■■e of the, uh, the i will try be so he's a good friend. yeah, he is a good friend. uh, miklos has been doing a a lot really to sell hungary, uh,
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back in my back home and also in the world and. she is the first international senior fellow of the center for fundamental rights. brian. brian, live from miami. another one. so if you want to join the center for fundamental rights, this the right time to hand in your. i am really glad that you came because with your presence today. uh, for me as an ambassador and fomy wife and my colleagues, uh, you show respect to hungary. this is the house of hungary, our in downtown washington dc, uh, the building historic. it used to be the home of vice president of the united states also secretary of state. but it was also embassy of the tourist russia east and west. again and uh, the private home, graham bell, who invented the telephone and we purchase
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property and we try to fill it with some genuine center and hungarian life. i'm very glad that we can host this event. i'm, uh, to say, writing this book and i'm quite that we are looking forward to a exciting discussion about hungary, a in which if you are interested in you can always turn to us because. here we are to tell you our story, our real to survive. thank you very much once again for being here and the evening and rest of the evening. thank you. i, i very rarely invite good friends to the microphone, but not sometime i make exceptions. so, miklos, please. the floor is yours. thank you very much. thank you all.
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future. senator. paxton, members of parliament's and of the european parliament. if it is a parliament, ladies and gentlemen. yes, i still use ladies and. gentlemen, no other gender. welcome, welcome you all to the one and only no vogue zone in washington dc and the hungarian embassy. i'm really grateful to you as well that so many of you joined us tonight it it shows shows sut for hungary and it shows for the for hungarian rights for the and i am for that. but it also shows support and also, uh, shows the need for, uh, for a coalition building. for a coalition building of the
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anti globalist forces globally. i think we all know that the, that the valueth we cherish god, homeland and the family is under a very heavy and brutal attack by the progressive left. and as they are globally in the very professional manner that we should admit we should learn from the professionals. but in order contrary to them in order to reach a good goal, in order to fight for a good cause and that is to our country to defend our family, defend our children, and to defend our faith. that is why we realize the nightmare of the liberals the international cooperation of national conservative forces and
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are also very grateful to our colleague and research fellow, the very first international research father, the center for fundamental rights to dr. shea bradley farrell who who wrote this book about hungary as an american for the audience in to in order to support our cause and then in order to to show the world the what i usually call the the hungarian grand strategy, which is only about somehow to avoid to to be absorbed by different big empires and evil ideologies. and that's ambassador szabo stuck. i mentioned we do know there's evil empires and evil ideologies from the 20th century. we do know both socialist, harmful and brutal empire and the ideology and dr. shea of
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course she roots she writes also about not only about the hungarian and their fight for freedom in the past 1000 year, but she writes also about how they are trying to fight the vote and we are quite successful in that. but i tell you why, because we'y hard to to translate the term or wokeism to hungarian. it's not the it's not well-known expression among hungarians. and there is new hungary. invert for it. we only can describe it, but i tell you what we hungarians, we do know wokeism only under the term communism and socialism, the mechanism. they are trying to use or what
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they are trying to weaponize is the very same that the national and international socialists tried to undermine the importance our jewish christian heritage and, our faith and the churches that what that is what the communists tried do for more than 40 years in hungary. they are trying to undermine national identity and they are trying to seize the serenity of this state and last but not least, the very intention is both the national and international socialists to undermine the family was to target the children with their ideological nonsense and in that way to undermine the importance of the cornerstone the society, the family. so that is why we we know this evil ideology. we know this evil empire and and we can we can fight it.
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and we have good friends. when we do fight, we do have that to say. we do have attorney geral and a lot of others who showed up tonight from austria, from italy and from other countries, all the world, of course, from the us as well. but we do have a very special guest tonight and when i was when i was thinking about how to how to show her or introduce her tonight to you, a quotation from nixon popped to my mind, according to the story. he he told. i think he told kissinger for the following the press is the enemy. the press is, the enemy. the press is the enemy write that on the blackboard 4000 times and never forget. and if there is someone who knows the american big media
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that is kari lake. and because kari lake. verdes them worked in that media. but he he learned that that big media is evil and now she fights against that corporate and big media evil. and i'm very thankful to her that. she joined us tonight. the floor is yours, carrie. thank you very much. please. you say hello. whoa, you know how to throw an event? this i thought is going to be a little mixer is so wonderful to be here. ambassador, thank you for this beautiful home of yours and your country to all of us. it's wonderful to be here. she i appreciate you so much for writing this book and everyone s had the opportunity to visit one of the most amazing countries on the planet hungary. the people incredible and what
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they have been through is a story of survival a story of survival and a story coming through that and being stronger than ever. and in for us, it's a cautionary tale because we are in the fight for the survival of our country right now. anwh what, i love about hungary is, you we call it america first policy is here, right? they are showing us what america policies look like, but they're hungarian first policies. and i'm a big believer that we need to have 190 different countries around the world with duly elected politicians and representation unique culture, strong families, strong institutions and. that's what you see in hungary when you visited. i'll never forget we had the opportunity to go there in. august i was invited to cpac by miklos and my daughter arrived with us, but her flight was delayed and she arrived a day later. her luggage was lost. she's arriving. her first trip toa europe with o
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luggage and she's 20 years old. okay. she was not happy. and and while i think of myself as pretty cool mom, she did not want to share■d my she's like, mom, no, i'm not wearing aged lady clothes in hungary. and at that point, we had a full day ahead of us. we were we singing some of the most music, a beautiful in budapest. and so i sent my daughter off on her own exploring this ■ñbeautil city is one of the most beautiful cities in the globe, and i wasn't worried at all. here i have a 20 year old daughter. she doesn't speak hungarian. very few americans do. right. and she's roaming around budapest trying to shop for clothes just to have clothes to wear because she only had know one bag that she traveled with. and i wasn't worried for one minute. this is country that is safe, that is kind, that is caring that values family, that values individuals. and so it it was such a pleasure to be there. and i want so badly for some of the great policies that you have
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over here in america. and we're going to work really hard to have that happen. she thank you for writing this book. it really is a cautionary retail. thank you for allowing me to the foreword. i'm i'm honored be even a part of this book and just a couple of pages but what we have to do to fight back against the media the media is truly the enemy, the people. and every time i oh, i'll give them one chance and maybe, maybe this will be a fair interview. did it this week. i thought maybe this be a fair interview. they take the interview they twist it, they turn it and they write nasty headline we cannot trust the modern day media and. we must write our own history. the frightening part of the media is that they have for so long been the history that gets repeated in history books and now we're learning how fake how dishonest, how intentionally filled with propaganda. the media is and that is what has been writing our history. this is why books that like what?
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shea what what? dr. bradley farrell has written are so important. we must document our own history. we can't leave it in the hands of propaganda in the media that are trying to tear down ouró÷ country's. so i'm honored to be here tonight. honored to be a small part of this book. thank you for writing it. we need to tell the world about ungary and it's a great reminder that once we get the next 910 months and i believe we win this election and, we help save america. that is, we have to roll up our shirtsleeves that is when the real work begins, because it's not just with an election that we win. you ask viktor orban, the prime minister, hungary, that is when the real begins and i'm ready to come to washington dc and do that work. so it's to take the moms and dads of the world and the hard working, patriotic into politics and help save our country. thank you for having me here. i'm honored. be here. i'm honored to be a friend of hungary and i can't wait to get
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back to visit soon. thank you so much. thank you very much for the remarks now, i'd like to ask dr. shea chris farrell from judicial watch to please stick your seats up from after the discussion we have some time for your questions. okay. so. am i on? i am. first of all, thank ambassador
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and you to all of our distinguished friends and guests for having us here to talk about this very important book. this is something that your parents or grandparents or maybe an angry teacher would have said to you, this is your last warning. this is a last to the west. and i can tell you that the next senator from the state of arizona, kari lake forward, you now have in your hands please ds one of the last two warnings we may ever get concerning the slow motion collapse of america's republic. this is written for americans and dr. shea, i think, has done a tremendous job of taking hungary as an example or as a model and laying this success
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story so that we have perspective about what we're wrestling with in the united. so, dr.. he got some tremendous endorsements on book. yes. and i just want to say how honored i am carrying this like that you would come here. you can hear me. mcleish i do hear you, but i in my off. i don't think so. is it on guys the time. okay. i honored that you'd come and that you would write the for this book. i greatly admire you in your work and i don't have a lot of heroes that i admire so thank you. yes i've been very blessed chris. tucker carlson, lou. general michael flynn and representative paul gosar, who is a regular here as well, wrote reviews for the back cover. so i hope you'll take a look at. but that is why i wrote the book. it is a warning to the west. when ient hungary, i went
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there actually figure out why this little country with million people, you knownd interaction with i love hungary but why all of a sudden there are so by the leftists you'll see in the media how they are. but then at the same time, the conservative in america and in europe embrace them. so this little country is all of a sudden on the world stage. we hear about them repeatedly. so i wanted to see what hungary makes them embrace their sovereignty more than other countries even. why do they3survive for thousand years people have come in and out of hungary, occupying and leaving, and hungary has remained hungary. they have kept their language the whole time. so that was saying, you know, no else speaks hungarian and i have
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the privilege of interviewing your foreign minister, peter sato and, an event that i held about a year ago or so, and he said, we speak in code. so you it's great for them because nobody knows what they're saying. but that's one of the interesting things is. as they moved from the euro mountains a long time ago, they came to different communities and they did not absorb the language they wanted, the people where they were inhabiting to take their language. and it just became a very fascinating question to me. and i'll just say this and let you go. but i was looking to find out what makes hungarians on to their identity so hard and i got this startling thing said to me over and over, i went and, i, i did research on historical data. i went to the house of terror of
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and all the many different places. but i also got to interview i did some also went out in the country and talked to regular people and over and over again they said to me, hey, you know, you know that rhetoric coming out of the united states reminds of our soviet era, right and i was like, oh, really? no, i didn't know. and that's very very important. so i'll pause there. you've touched on the woke agenda and. that is some of the language coming out the united states and principally some our political leaders, whether that's in washington, d.c. or in brussels, there's a language or an ideology that is well, it's the woke agenda, right? it's it's cultural marxism, it's critical@0 theory. a lot of different things, a lot different names. but i think, you know, to americans who aren't familiar with hungary or are just reading conventional news stories, two
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things i'd like you to address. number one, they will say that prime minister orban or, the obama administration, is authoritarian in that's one of their first claims that they make that there's democrat backsliding in hungary. i'd like you to address. and then the other thing i'd like you to touch on is some excellent openingr friends and , some of them talked about national identity. yes. and that can be even saying that can be interpreted as very scary language debt. what do you mean by it gets twisted and turned so talk about what truth is about the orban government prime minister about himself and this issue of national identity and how that gets kind of turned around. and chris, can i say this because i think can finish my thought. sure. because you said is yes. this book was written for americans. i went there to discover about
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national identity. and when people started to me, the rhetoric coming out of the us is communist, right? you get that right. i started doing a deep dive into the history and i'm not a historian. so be gentle if you read the book because i do put a lot of history in there, what i discovered is out of the bolshevik revolution in the early hundreds, there were already promoting the things that we embrace now legalized abortion, trumpeted as health care, things like the of parental rights. we were talking about that today. you see that all over the place. the transgender activists and the and parents don't get to decide anymore what their children do how silly this this is marxism. this is out of the playbook of marxism. and what we don't realize is that it has encroached us time and time again. can say one more thing about that. i put in the book 11 points of
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communist psychological warfare. these points were written by the us department. department, defense, or published by them as a strategy lesson written by an international security expert there in the book. every point applies. the united states today, ambassador, today, and i can't remember what it was but for example, using a crisis gain control that's what the government does that's one of those points we we saw that during covid i, i mean i don't need to tell you guys that you know about it vaccine mandates all the world lockdowns of covid. we're still under under the ramifications of that and actually i believe it carrying is it's like that brought up and close about the media. well that's one of the points as
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well to form a body an organization that promotes your truth, your one truth. that's what the biden administration has done. and administras beforethey hav'y the media, the mainstream is they have no are are saying and spreading. but it is you look social media also we've seen the biden administration tampering in social media and we don't have to get into all that. but to turn to a prime minister, viktor orban. yes, he's maligned in the media. he's maligned by the biden administration. he's maligned by our own diplomatic and gracious in his host country and its three main reasons. it's becae hungary not embrace the radical gender theory it is.
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second, because will not mass illegal immigration. do both of these sound familiar to you here in our country. and thirdly because hungary not continue to enable this ukraine war which i happen to agree with they have tried negotiate peace up front that's a whole topic we can talk about. point being the european union hungary because of these things and they've done that done under something called conditionality mechanism of the rule of law. but if you do the research on it, as i have done, you will find that they think the rule of law means that hungary must allow transgender curriculum in the schools. the children must be allowed to, see transgender and etc. on the television. this is why they call hungary
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anti lgbt and viktor orban and the is maligned as well as on the immigration issue and. last thing i'll say on that is but my conservative friends come to me say, oh no, i've read it in the media and i say, well, what did joe biden say about you? i forget where that was where we we were called threats to democracy and what was it that the doj called parents trying to be involved in their children's. oh they were domestic terrorists and my friends will say oh so ah oh i see are you are you these things. of course not. well in the same vein, this is what's going on. hungary, your book goes into ec, goes into social public policy issues. it covers a wide range of topics. you point out all these kind of points to us. you discuss the the
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psychological warfare issues that our department of defense talked about back in 1959. but before we go to some questions from the audience, you're not just scaring people, you're not just pointing out prob. you're not just saying woe is me or we're is the end. you solutions you have a way forward. so i'll have you talk about the way forward and then maybe we'll take some questions and keep going. so please. yes, there's a lot of history in there kind of tracing what we've talked about and what hungary experienced under both fascism and communism. both of those as the nazis and communists were socialists. they they were based socialism. and a lot of our young don't understand that in order make socialism work, you must control
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the people. so, yes, there are solutions. the last chapter is about recommendations. you know what i did i? took a page out of viktor orban's book because at hungary he had at cpac hungary one year. chris, i have both spoken there. that's where we to meet misses like the first time he had put out 12 points of how to build a conservative strong society based on god homeland and country. and i looked at them and i thought i, don't have to recreate the will. these are absolute lines. so they're in the book. and i give you an example they're common sense things that frankly conservatives and republican fans are not not eno. one is build own organizations and we're not talking about the government doing this. we're talking private citizens this like i started counterpoint insta ted because i saw a need
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for conservative foreign policy. let me switch microphone■1 okay. is it going in and out? okay. can you hear me? yeah. so that's very simple. bill. organizations have, again, private citizen start, conservative media. so we're actually that more and more in the united states i've been surprised at the amount of conservative media that's growing but they're very simple stay+ united. i have to be honest with you i've been in dc for seven years. i didn't come here to work in the conservative movement, but i always tell chris if they made me mad, i wouldn't be working where i am now because i got mad and also because they were taking freedom away from me. but what i, i like to criticize the republicans in dc and in the us, w're very divided. if you look at the left's playbook and i have experience
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in my earlier career in internat;rional working in leftt organizations since, you know, i still have my conservative beliefs. but we were working on economic development, we agreed on that. if you look at them, they're highly strategized, they're united. they have a plan and a goal. we rarely do that. we have a little bit here and a little bit there. and i can tell you from running a nonprofit that i see it up close. you look the figures of money that they spend on strategy and nonprofit that push conservative values, they're like 75%. we're like 15%. so it's very there's there's like, you know, maybe nine other points i haven't covered. but they're sensible points. if we would just do. all right. you've had your last. that's it. you better you better read the book and and follow instructions in serious trouble.
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there's a lot in this book. i know because i read every word of it. it's usually done a tremendous job. it's for an american audience. this is taking hungarian model and making very accessible to ans so they can understand we are and where we're going. if we don't act, we're on this path to this sort of cultural marxism that is, you will not recognize that states as a thought experiment. any of you can go back and think about what was the united states back in the of bill clinton and look at now bill clinton looks like some right wing lunatic. at's that's we're faced with so we'll just take some questions from the floor. that. please do us something or suggest and even comment anything. i have a had an enjoyable,
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crazy the policies of the policies are w people. yes, what a novel idea is that the vision we have a lot of division we have some division of the republican party. is there a lot of division with the the everyday people in hungary like we see here? are they coming around realizing these policies work period. these policies? well, i will let the ambassador correct me if i'm wrong, but what i see is great consensus on three of those issues and mrs. asked about the unity of the people in hungary on the policy. what i have seen as referee condoms were taken for of the citizens on all three issues is the illegal immigration. and do we want this radical theory being shown to our children and also the war issue and 80, 90% on on all three of the issues, the people in the
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referendum said no. so that's my i wrote an article about that and said the will of the people have spoken. so i know prime minister orban, he will he will say that when he's at eu meetings. so what do you want me to do? my people have asked me to do this. that's a nation and. you can correct me, ambassador. i'm incorrect, but like chris had asked about national identity and nationalism, so you can pervert nationalism the nazis. did that. they perverted the idea of national ism. ironically, they were also nationalism and the communal east suppress nationalism because didn't meet their goals and their ideals. but nationalism really is just a collection of people that agree on economics system, a legal system, maybe a religion.
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and we're going to do this th'. identity really is nationalism, sort of. roger scruton, who is highly in hungary, he he was a great conservative. if you don't know who he is, he died. think in 2019, british brilliant man. but he also worked in the underground networks in czechoslovakia, poland, hungary, bringing information during the soviet period when, information was not allowed to come. but he said, you know, we need nationalism, democracy, because if we get together and agree on these ideas, then that means the people hold these systems and ideas. and one person doesn't get to embrace that anybody else. so the question or comment. yes, sir. thank you very much.
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i certainly do want to correct. but you know know, you give me a lot lines. okay. i got to look at immigration. i would certainly agree with you that the majority of the hungarians would agree with strange habit of talking to the people and the you after a very strange know sequence. i mean, that that gives a very strong legitimacy. as a matter of fact, it's very difficult to fight against this fight. and before i came here, the pci was in charge of brexit issues in the uk and five years in brussels. a prime minister under the european union. we are we certainly felt that just because we had a different opinion and immediately projected as if it was a democracy debate. so the liberal party cannot k7 agree. them to go to the bbc right. and that's why you need the sort of legitimacy.
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the strongest legitimacy is that you talk to the people and the people tell you what you represent and then you it's given right this our room for er and we have noticed, uh, uh, for there was these things people first of and the right about us they talk about us without ever visiting the country and that's why look theh when i have questions one because i need to ask a question what was the most awkward thing that you found about unions or awkward? yeah, well, i would guess probably one of the chapters in here where i talk about east versus west, because you brought up it's very interesting the history of hungary, you know, hungarians coming, we think right from own mountains which divide east from west coming there. now, the location is still
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between chinanss the west. hungary became a christian west nation a thousand years ago. but there's always a balance because of survival, as i understand it, as well as, you know, just pregnant a right balancing between the two cultures. so i wrote this chapter about that and about because there's a lot of questions there's there was talk today about a security agreement that hungary has made with china. and, of course, you know, the united states considers china our greatest. so read the chapter. i actually have had the privilege to talk to many, you senior officials about understat in the you'll find that i also relations with china but i caution the united states because we continue to invest with and invite chinese here and
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you know we,g■3 have i just dide research we have actually 113,000 chinese who have come here illegally in the past three years, some of whom are tied to the people's liberation army. so it's a chapter about caution for both of us in this relationship with china. and i think that if we, hungarians and americans get together and continue to talk about this that maybe light will be shed on both sides. and i say it is most awkward because, you know, when i lea w people something hungarian, i think that i offended them in that. but my point was if you read like americans will be offended the things i said so i'm sure i was trying to find the truth i'm not saying that i'm the i'm the the definite embrace of truth, but i do my best. so i think that was it. it's an interest thing topic and
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interesting chapter i believe. dr. chau, you've a tremendous job. i know i'm very partial and very prejudice. i'm very proud of the work that done. i think this is a great benefit to american reading public. anybody is really interested and in what it takes to defeat communism and then let me give you one last point before we close there. it is sad. satan's greatest achievement is to convince people that he doesn't exist. and there's a parallel that we're now supposed to believe that communism doesn't exist, right? we're being progressive and we're being socially whatever. and i think that's what your bo fact that no satan does exist. very real and. all the threats of communism, no
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matter how it's branded or labeled or advanced. you point out what it is. ca name and you offer a solution. and that's my to you for having done this. but just touch on briefly and then we'll we'll close out touch on briefly this idea everybody thinks know the cold war ended and blah, blah, blah, blah. it's move and that is that. so yeah, it's not so and that's what i was trying to get across in my book. prime minister viktor orban. i heard him speak one time in his like progressivism, we've already done that. we did that under. the communists, he said when he was in college, even things that they were learning like were very similar to critical race theory. so, you know, i can't tell you everything, but if you read the book, you will see so many parallels with marxism, communism, with what
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progressivism i always do because it's not progressive. it's retrogressive, it's destructive to a society by cutting children's body parts off. who would have thought we were allowing, you know, millions and, millions and millions of people into our country. and we don't know who they are. i mean, this this stuff is nonsense. the way that our doj been set against people who agree with the biden administration this is communism. i was really struck by the show trial that happened in hungary and in other soviet. i go to the house of terror in hungary. if you haven't been there because that was the headquarters of, both the nazis and the soviet union and. down in the bottom is a dungeon where both of them tortured their opponents and other people that they they didn't want
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anything to do with. and soviet show trials. i just remember that hitting me very hard. i asked the historian why, do they neeto make up a trial and do a mock trial? i see the dungeon i see the stains of blood on, the concrete that kind of just killed them. why do they have to do a pretend trial? and the historian said to me because then the public believes what they believe the public thinks this person guilty. i see that happening is my personal opinion. no attacks please. that that's what's happening to. i see that happening to conservative. so this this is craziness and i pray that we can move beyond this and it's also going to take more than prayer. it's going to take all of us uniting together, hungarians and americans, it's going to take americans calling their congress members and telling them what to do. it's going to take us for office
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in our communities. doing things like writing a book and friends together and. before we end, i just would like to because thank you so much for the opportunity to write this hosting me in hungary is so many times and all the people introduced me to for publishing the book and ambassador amash, thank you so much for allowing me to talk to everyone tonight and get the word out about this. i appreciate dr. shay thanks for letting. well, according to the we're ree
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jacob heilbrunn who's here to talk about. his new book, america the rights century the century long romance with foreign dictators. jacob edits, the foreign policy magazine, the national interest and has been a close observer for a number of years of the right. his previous book, a decade a


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