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tv   U.S. Senate U.S. Senate  CSPAN  April 9, 2024 9:59am-1:22pm EDT

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>> this week is the opening of the impeachment trial of homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas only the second cabinet member in u.s. history to be impeached by the house. wednesday, house impeachment managers led by homeland security chair green delivers two articles of impeachment to the senate refusing to comply with the immigration laws and trust. and patty murray presides over the trial. senator majority leader mitch mcconnell is expected to vote. go to our video online or at c-span is your unfiltered view of government by these
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companies, including cox. >> koolen-de vries syndrome is extremely rare. >> hi. >> friend don't have to be. >> this is joe. >> when you're connected you're not alone. >> cox supports c-span as a public service hey long with these other television providers, giving you a front row seat to democracy. >> we take you live to capitol hill where the senate is about to gavel in. today lawmakers will consider several judicial nominees, including had a district court judge for nebraska. live coverage here on c-span2. ...
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eclipse. the presiding officer: the senate will come to order. the chaplain, dr. barry black, will lead the senate in prayer. the chaplain: let us pray. eternal god, on yesterday millions witnessed a full solar eclipse. many resonated with the
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sentiments of the spsalmist tha the heavens declare your glory and the skies show forth your handy work. your work shows through the guides -- let that same hand take us away from the self-sufficiency that ignores our need for you. lord, make our hearts receptive to your plans. today bestow upon our lawmakers special gifts of wisdom and understanding that they may uphold what is right and follow what is true.
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increase their faith, strengthen their judgment, and quicken their zeal for integrity and honor. we pray in your powerful name. amen. join me in reciting the pledge of allegiance to our flag. i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. the presiding officer: the clerk will read a communication to the senate. the clerk: washington, d.c., april 9, 2024. to the senate: under the provisions of rule 1, paragraph 3, of the standing rules of the senate, i hereby appoint the honorable raphael warnock, a senator from the state of georgia,
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to perform the duties of the chair. signed: patty murray, president pro tempore. the presiding officer: under the previous order, the leadership time is reserved. morning business is closed. under the previous order, the senate will proceed to executive session to consider the following nomination, which the clerk will report. the clerk: nomination, the judiciary, susan m. bazis, of nebraska, to be united states district judge for the district of nebraska.
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>> men president, on tuesday morning, march 26, i received a phone call early in the morning me of a major tragedy in our community.
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francis scott key bridge is a vital link on the i-95 corridor or. it is a bridge that is about a mile and a half long. it goes across the channel that is for the port of baltimore. and it is an incredibly important to our local economy and to our image iconic baltimore. i was shocked to see the image. there was admitted that showed that this bridge mile have long came down in the matter of seconds. it was hit by a vessel that is a container vessel. it's about the size of the eiffel tower, less than a thousand feet long, fully contained with containers over several thousand were on the dolly at the time. it lost power.
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and when you lose power on this type of vessel you cannot steer. and it hit the main support beam. suspension bridge and a collapsed almost immediately, within the minute it was down. it was just a tragic sight to see. we saw this site, we recognize there was loss of life. that was our first concern as to how many people were trapped on that bridge and how many people were at risk of losing their lives. i want to tell you there was an immediate federal response. what should a picture of what we saw in the morning when we woke up. you saw the bridge before. this is the bridge they can dent in a of a minute, less than a minute. this is the dolly fully loaded with containers. you can see that the bridge is actually line apart on top of the dolly ship. actually entrapping some of the containers. and this is the main channel, the 50-foot main channel to the
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port of baltimore. completely blocking the port of baltimore. there was an immediate federal response and want to thank president biden. he initially said the government would be there to do whatever was needed, whatever we called upon. he called each member of our stakeholders, the governor, our mayor, senator van hollen, mr. mfume msf and pledge the full support of the federal government. in the matter of literally hours the personal resources of the federal government were deployed to baltimore. site just would want to take the president first with this immediate response. let me bring you up-to-date on some of the facts concerning this tragedy. we now know that six immigrant workers lost their life. they were trapped in the water and could not escape. they were on the bridge at the time that it collapsed.
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they were doing dangerous work, keeping our roads safer, building america. they went to work early that morning to work on the bridge late at night, he did not return home. i need to point out that the first responders saved lives. we have looked at the recordings. in a matter of just a couple minutes, the broadcast an ans basically saying the loss control of the vessel and it was aimed towards the bridge. the first responders went into action. miraculously, they closed the bridge within those couple of minutes so that there were no passenger cars on the bridge when it collapsed. they were able to rescue two of the workers, one was able to escape the bridge by being called off the bridge, the other went into the water and was rescued and had basically minor injuries.
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but we lost souls that, this tragedy. and our prayers, our thoughts are with those families. we have not yet brought closure to those families. use, madam president, we are still in a recovery to locate the remains so that families can bring full closure. the port of baltimore is so critical to our economy. the 50-foot channel that is 700 feet long, which is totally blocked by the bridge collapse basically shut down the port of baltimore. now, the port of baltimore has been a port of commerce since the 1700s. it's the third largest port in the united states. it's the largest port for role on roll off of automobiles, farm equipment and equipment, construction equipment. it moves about $80 billion, $80
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$80 billion of import/export products a year. it's estimated that is between 100-$200 million of cargo moving every day through the port of baltimore. it moves 1.1 million containers a year through the port of baltimore. so as you can see, this catastrophic event, yes, at a fact of of baltimore and our workers, but also affected the entire nation. 20,000 workers are directly depend upon the port of baltimore. and their jobs have been put at risk. the supply chains of autos affect our dealers throughout our nation. the farm equipment that comes to the port of baltimore affects
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farmers throughout the nation. the raw material, bill cole, the still, the aluminum, the iron, the list goes on and on and on affect our entire country. fact 20% of exported coal from the no states is exported through the port of baltimore. so yes, we have workers who are out of work. and one of our top priorities is to help them during this period of time. i i met, for example, with a trk driver. this is typical. remember, moving 1.1 million containers, many of those go by trucks. most of those trucking copies of small businesses. as the officer knows small businessman who are very concerned about the strength of small businesses during these types of events. i'm very pleased that we were able to get the small business administrator to baltimore. an emergency declaration was made.
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but, try to not only affects small businesses in baltimore does this emergency, but also in pennsylvania. also in virginia, also in delaware, also in west virginia. also in d.c. this is a national issue. our next priority is to reopen the channel. this is a this is a vest 1000 feet long, and is fully loaded. i will show you a photo that shows you the challenges that we have. this is the dolly as you can clearly see. this is the bridge that is lying on top of the dolly. it's actually trapping a lot of the containers. this is part of what came down. this is a 4000-ton piece of the bridge that on the bow of the ship. that's going to have to be removed. we have looked at underground
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photos of what's underneath the channel from the collapsed bridge, and we see a real mess. we see concrete rebar, steel, all mixed together. and here's the challenge, at a want to give a shout out to the army corporal i want to give a shout out to the divers who rann under very dazed condition seven going down and take a look at what's under, what in the channel. once the remove a piece of the bridge they will have to cut it and make it into small pieces to remove it. we don't know whether that will cause a shift in the debris. our first priorities is is te safety of the people performing this work. it's like cutting a spring. you could have a reaction and where to do surveys again after each one of the removals. this is a very, very difficult work. and it is being done by true professionals and again i think the federal government for providing the experts are all now and baltimore figure out how
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to get that channel open. and we're going to need a replacement bridge. madam president, this is a main corridor along the i-95 east coast of the united states, 30,000 vehicles travel through it a day. so we need to replace that bridge. the bridge was built in 1977, 1.6 miles. it is an engineering marvel of its time for a suspension bridge. and it took five years to build. so we have enormous challenge. i had the chance to personally visit the site. actually i think i took this photo from the coast guard vessel. you see it. it's just a horrific site to see the work that is being done. but i want to give a shout out to the unified command headed by
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the coast guard. they started the day of the tragedy and they had been there every day 24/7 leading a unified command that includes the army corps of engineers that will do most of the come most of the salvage work within the channel itself to the coast guard of courses keeping everyone safe. we also have the department of defense because we need some of their equipment in order to be able to move the debris. it includes the department of transportation. secretary buttigieg was there the day of the incident. i talked to an early in the morning. a few hours later i i was witm at the site, and his team has been there every day and he has returned to provide relief. i want to thank you for giving us the emergency relief funds immediately approved so we could start doing the work in regards to the traffic problems that we had, i started to plan for the replacement of the bridge.
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i want to thank him for that. those emergency funds of $60 million were desperately needed. we got it immediately. thanks to the commitment of the biden administration. i want to thank administrator guzman, small business administration. she wasn't there. i talked to were i think that they or two after the episode. she came to baltimore, had a roundtable discussion to talk to the small businesses as to what they need. they are doing idol loans and they a set of business recovery centers. one in baltimore city pics of the business and get the help they need on site. i was there. i met with a lot of small business owners. lots of questions. they pressed upon me the urgency of what come of their needs and when you do chordate our response. i want to give a a shout alsoo the department of labor that event there. they provided us with displaced worker grants in order to help those that cannot get work so that we can deal with those that
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event directly impacted. mayor scott of baltimore has been one of our true great leaders throughout this period mayor john a shaw ascii from baltimore county, from baltimore county and can exhibit all been involved in this along with senator van hollen and congressman mr. mfume. to thank our colleagues, senator schumer was right there at the beginning said he's there to help wherever the senate can about what you think senator mcconnell for his comments come when he said in situations like this whether it's hurricane in florida or an accident like this, the federal government will step up. now, the
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mr. schumer: mr. president. the presiding officer: the majority leader. is mr. schumer: mr. president -- excuse me. mr. schumer: mr. president. the presiding officer: the majority leader. mr. schumer: allergies. yesterday, former president trump remind the the -- remind the entire country that go there is anyone to blame for the annihilation of roe v. wade and the grotesque reversal of women's personal freedoms, it is donald trump and the republican party. on truth social yesterday, the former president said he was, quote, proudly the person responsible for putting radical jurists on the supreme court for the ex blessity explicit purpose
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of overturning roe. let me repeat that, so all of america knows the real truth. former president trump said yesterday he was, quote, proudly the person responsible, unquote, for putting radical jurists on the supreme court for the explicit purpose of overturning roe. does anyone think that should trump become president again he won't try again to add even more extreme jurists to the bench so he can continue his assault on women's reproductive freedoms? to this day, donald trump continues to boast of his extreme views on the right to choose, and we all remember his support for a national abortion ban, no matter how much he might want people to forget, people won't. the president of the susan b. anthony pro-life america, a
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major anti-abortion rights group, reminded everyone yesterday that they will still support donald trump, because when push comes to shove they know, should former president trump return to office, he will continue supporting a federal abortion ban and continue to erode women's rights. after all, this is the president tr trump, this is the donald trump who, when he was president in the past, said women who seek reproductive care deserve to be pun punished. that's what he said, they deserve to be punished. and that's the bottom line. if republicans get into power, they will not hesitate to push for a national abortion ban. many republicans in both chambers have been on record supporting a national abortion ban for years. a national abortion ban, for instance, was included in the republican study committee budget released just two weeks
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ago. an organization that counts the majority of house republicans, including their leadership, as members. so, republicans cannot hide from this. republicans know that their views are dangerously out of step with the public. here in congress, republicans have claimed to support access to ivf and paid lip service to supporting women's access to reproductive service. but americans know actions speak louder than words. not one month ago, senate republicans blocked legislation to preserve ivf and speaker johnson has publicly opposed federal action protecting it. so, republicans and donald trump can try to hide their anti-abortion records all they want, but the american people will see right through it, today, tomorrow, and in november. now, on ukraine, 775 days since
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vladimir putin began his illegal invasions, the war in ukraine now stands at a bitter and decisive stalemate. russian forces today control about 20% of ukrainian territory. as one recent headline from "the washington post" put it, with no way out of a worsening war, zelenskyy's options look bad or worse. now, let's be very clear about one thing -- the tide of war is shifting against ukrainians, not because they're giving up, not because they're not brave enough or because they're somehow inferior to russian soldiers -- they're not, they're superior -- no, ukraine is losing ground in the war because it is running out of the tools it needs to wage war, to begin with. ukrainians are low on ammo, on soldiers, on weapons, on anti-aircraft defenses. let's be blunt -- the biggest reason ukraine is
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losing the war is because here in the united states congress, the hard right has paralyzed the united states house of representatives from taking necessary action. that's it. plain and simple. no ands, ifs, or buts. it has been 56 days since the senate passed a national security supplemental, with robust military aid to help ukraine. it passed with just about every democrat and close to a majority of republicans voting for it. this package could mean the difference between victory and defeat for ukrainian fighters. in fact, president zelenskyy himself said as much when he spoke to the senate in december. but sadly, alarmingly, tragically, speaker johnson has sat on his hands for nearly two months now as the supplemental package collects dust in the house. house republicans have refused
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to move, because an increasingly vocal pro-russian, pro-putin minority seems to be running the show within their ranks. a contingent that takes its marching orders directly from donald trump. as one former house gop member called them, they're like the putin wing of the republican party. the republican chairman of the house foreign affairs committee recently said in an interview that russian propaganda has, quote, now infected a good chunk of my party's base. that's a republican talking about what's happened to the base, the hard-right base of his party. even the republican chairman of the house intelligence committee admits some within his own party are becoming evangelists of russian propaganda. as he said just a few days ago, we see directly coming from russia attempts to mask xhufkss that are anti- -- communications that are anti-ukraine and
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pro-russian, some of which we hear you the ired on the house floor -- uttered on the house floor. that's what he said, we're hearing pro-russian messages being ushered on the house floor. ronald reagan is rolling in his grave. speaker johnson has to decide for himself whether or not he will do the right thing for ukraine and for america, or if he will allow maga republicans and the putin wing of the republican party to hand vladimir putin the victory he se seeks. history, speernl, is -- speaker johnson, is watching. history is looking right over your shoulder. do the right thing. on senate debt, this week, president biden announced a new executive action to relieve the burden of student debt for another 30 million americans. 30 million americans. a little less than one out of ten of our population. when you count their families and spouses, it's even more. the president's new student debt plan is great news for everyone,
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particularly for borrowers in communities of color who are disproportionately impacted by the student debt crisis. for too long, far too long, the burden of student debt has held borrowers of color back from reaching the middle class and beyond. president biden's plan will deliver much-needed relief for these borrowers and many more, and giver them all the chance of -- give them all the chance of achieving the american dream. democrats will continue to do everything in our power to lower costs and make college more affordable for everybody. now, on chips, the chip program, last week americans learned that the economy added a whopping 300,000 jobs in the months of march, blowing past most expectations, proffering yet again -- proving yet again that under biden and democrats the economy is on the right track. our economy has added a record
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15 million new jobs, 15 million new jobs since president biden took office, the greatest turnaround of any president in all of our history. last year alone, the economy created more jobs than in any year of the trump administration. across the country, manufacturing and job creation is surging. just yesterday, the president and secretary raimondo anoufrnsed a pre -- announced a preliminary deal with the tmnc arizona company to provide billions in chips and science incentives to support over $65 billion in private investment to build three leading chip edge fabs in arizona. let the good news ring from coast to coast. the chips and science act which i worked hard on to pass here in the senate along with senator young, bipartisan, is delivering on its promise to create jobs, increase innovation, bring manufacturing back to america, and revive forgotten corners of the country. and just like the announcements
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of global foundry, intel and others, this week's announcement means new jobs, new economic activity are on their way and there is further to come like micron's proposed $100 billion project in upstate new york. the chips and science act along with the infrastructure law, the inflation reduction act, and the american rescue plan, we democrats made historic investments in american manufacturing and workers and it's now clear, very clear that these investments are paying off even more largely than most people thought. so while house republicans spend a lot of energy attacking women's choice, calling for cuts to social security, and raising the retirement age, democrats are proud of what we've done. we've created jobs. we've lowered costs. and we're bringing manufacturing, good manufacturing, good-paying jobs back to our shores. so thank you to my colleagues
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who worked with me on chips and science, including senators kelly and brown and cantwell and wyden and warner and many more. there's a lot of work to do. the economy still needs help, and we can't let up, but america is certainly headed in the right direction. i yield the floor and note the absence of a quorum. the presiding officer: the clerk will call the roll. quorum call: the clerk: ms. baldwin.
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mr. mcconnell: mr. president. the presiding officer: the republican leader. mr. mcconnell: i ask consent that further proceedings under the quorum call be dispensed
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with. the presiding officer: without objection. mr. mcconnell: while the senate was away from washington, we received some sobering reminders about the challenges facing america and our friends in a dangerous world. and about how to meet them. in gaza innocent people continue to suffer for the cowardice and hateful violence of hamas and palestinian islamic jihad. and just last week, as israel continued the difficult necessary and existential work of eliminating the terrorist threat, the tragic consequences of this war were brought once again into focus. the misidentification that led
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to the deaths of seven aid work e workers in an idf strike was a gut-wrenching reminder that even when a sovereign nation exercises the utmost restraint in the face of enemies who use violence as a first resort. even as our ally israel takes great pains to minimize casualties among the innocent civilians who its enemies exploit at every turn. , war is still hell. and for people in gaza over the past 17 years since hamas seized control, life has been its own sort of hell as well. for years the supposed
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authorities in the enclave have spent their time burrowing under the homes and mosques of innocent families and the schools of innocent children. they've used concrete and building supplies intended for civilians to build military bunkers instead. they brazenly stolen the humanitarian aid their civilian subjects depend on. they've thrown palestinians' loyal to political rivals off of buildings and they continually traded innocent lives for one more day to wage a war on israel. iran's terrorist proxies in gaza are responsible for the horrors of this war.
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their hatred for jews and refusal to acknowledge the existence of the jewish state of israel is the reason for this pain and suffering of the last six months. america cannot afford to lose moral clarity about the conflict, but i'm afraid that too many of our leaders are. president biden expressed outrage at last week's deadly accident an event his own administration acknowledged was a tragic accident which begs the question of whether he's also outraged at the way israel's terrorist aggressors violate international law by turning hos hospitals and schools into fighting positions. instead of welcoming israel's swift investigation an efforts
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to hold personnel accountable for their mistakes, accountability that has been sorely lacking during president biden's own administration, the president caved further to domestic political pressure. he indulged his radical base and called for an immediate cease-fire. he embraced an alternative -- alternate reality in which cease-fire wasn't exactly the state of play that hamas exploited on october 7. the fantasy world in which leaving hamas intact doesn't lead to further terrorism against israelis and palestinians alike. unfortunately, the democratic party has become un-moored from a long tradition of bipartisan support for israel. according to one headline this week, quote, democrats fear
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netanyahu may have undermined biden's image among voters. apparently the left-wing activists who can't seem to discontinue gish against terrorism and self-defense aren't just calling the shots at the white house but also on the president's reelection campaign. they don't seem to care that it isn't just a sovereign ally's leader they disagree with but the overwhelming majority of israeli public who believe hamas must be defeated. meanwhile, president biden is rep reportedly taken a cue from the boycott domestic sanctions movement and considering labelling goods from israel's settlement communities in order to ramp up the pressure on the israeli government. of course this sounds like child's play alongside the claim
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of one of our own senate colleague made just yesterday that illegal grounds israel's campaign against hamas is genocide. what on earth should other friends of america think when they see the way we treat allies under attack. how should they square the biden administration's pledge to support ukraine's defense as long as it takes with support for israel that is apparently as soft as the will of the most radical elements of the democratic party. this cannot be the message america sends to the world. leadership means standing up for america's interests from the indo-pacific to europe to the middle east, even when the most active members of one's
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political base aren't willing to. right now congress has an opportunity to model this obligation for a president who clearly doesn't understand it. the house has an opportunity to pass the urgent national security supplemental, and america has an opportunity to show our allies and partners they can't count on our support and show our adversaries they can count on our relentless attention. on another matter, i've spoken repeatedly about adeel mangi, nomination to third circuit court of appeals, both his shocking ties to antipolice and anti-israel radicals and democrats' increasingly frantic effort to whitewash them.
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19 different law enforcement groups have written in opposition to this nominee. as the senior senator from nevada noted, mr. mangi's affiliation with the alliance of families for justice is deeply concerning. this organization has advocated for the release of individuals convicted of killing police officers. no wonder law enforcement is aggravated. but rather than confronting this blue wall of opposition, honestly some of our democratic colleagues have taken to weaving conspiracy theories. the junior senator from rhode island came to the floor recently to explain this is all part of a vast scheme orchestrated by a lawyer named leonard leo. apparently mr. leo not only controls police unions from hawaii to new york but his reach is so insidious that the organization of america is
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apparently taking orders from a roman catholic. with shadowy influence like that, it's no wonder my friend from rhode island is terrified of mr. leo. perhaps we should cut to the chase and ask mr. leo who killed jfk or where he's been hiding elvis all these years. well, there's one thing even my friend from rhode island would have to admit, that mr. leo does not control and that is the adeel mangi senate judiciary questionnaire. to see mr. man ji's radical -- mangi's radical associations must one look no further than the document. they're right there on the page. jfk. of course both in his kwar air in and -- questionnaire and his hearing, mr. mangi hit the full extent of his relationship with
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the anti-semitic director of the terrorist endorsing rutgers center. he also hit the full extent of his paid work for causes democrats find truly odious. like pharmaceutical innovation and fossil fuel consumption. if there's any covert operation at work here, it's mr. mangi's and our democratic colleagues would be wise to figure out what else he's hiding. instead the situation for this nomination has become so dire that mr. mangi took the almost unprecedented step of writing to the junior senator from new jersey to disclaim any real knowledge of an organization on whose advisory board he sits. mr. mangi tried to justify his association with cop-killing
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domestic terrorists by claiming ignorance of the full extent of afj's radicalism. it is the same see no evil excuse he attempted for his moral and financial support for the anti-semitic center at rutgers. is this a defense of an aspiring appellate judge, that he was ignorant and careless? my colleague from rhode island says mr. mangi is as well trained and intelligent as any candidate who's ever come before the judiciary committee. my legal training is well behind me, but i'm quite sure that it included basic due diligence. he may have the dignity and decorum of an oxford don, but he
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would know the check is course. there are only two explanations, either mr. mangi is so careless that he repeatedly neglected to conduct the due diligence before joining adversary words before radical groups or he joined these groups intentionally. either one mexico him un -- either one makes him unfit for the lifetime appointment. mr. mcconnell: i suggest the absence of a quorum. the presiding officer: the clerk will call the roll. quorum call: the clerk: ms. baldwin.
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>> yesterday, former president trump reminded the entire country that if there's anyone to blame for the annihilation of
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roe v. wade and the grotesque reversal of women's personal freedoms, it is donald trump and the republican party. on true soldier yesterday the former president said he was, quote, probably the person responsible for putting radical jurist on the supreme court for the explicit purpose of overturning roe v. wade. let me return repeat that. so all america knows the real truth. former president trump said yesterday he was, quote, probably the person responsible, unquote, for putting radical jurist on the supreme court for the explicit purpose of overturning roe. does anyone think that should trump become president again he won't try again to add even more extreme jurist to the bench so he can continue his assault on women's reproductive freedoms? to this day, donald trump
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continues to boast of his extreme views on the right to choose. and we all remember his support for national abortion ban no matter how much he might want people to forget. people won't. the president of the susan b. anthony pro-life america, major antiabortion rights group, reminded everyone yesterday that they will still support donald trump because when push comes to shove, they know should former president trump returned to office, he will continue supporting a federal abortion ban and continue to erode women's rights. after all, this is the president trump, this is the donald trump who when he was president in the past said women who seek reproductive care deserve to be punished here that's what he said. they deserve to be punished.
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and that's the bottom line. if republicans get into power they will not hesitate to push for a national abortion ban. many republicans in both chambers have been on record supporting a national abortion ban for years. and national abortion ban, for instance, was included in republican study committee budget released just two weeks ago. an organization that counts the majority of house republicans including their leadership as members. so republicans cannot hide from this. republicans know that their views are dangerously out of step with the public. here in congress republicans a claim to support access to idf and pay lip service to supporting women's access to reproductive services. but americans know, actions speak louder than words. not one month ago so republicans blocked legislation to preserve ivf and speaker johnson has publicly opposed federal action protecting it.
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so republicans and donald trump can try to hide their antiabortion records all they want, but the rick people will see right through it. today, tomorrow, and in november. now on ukraine. 775 days since vladimir putin begin his illegal invasions, the war in ukraine now stands at a bitter and decisive stalemate. russian forces today control about 20% of ukrainian territory. as one reason headline from the "washington post" put it, with no way out of a worsening war, zelensky's options look bad or worse. now let's be very clear about one thing. the tide of war is shifting against ukraine does not because they're giving up. not because you are not brave enough or because they're somehow inferior to russian soldiers. they are not. their superior.
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no. ukraine is losing ground in the war because it is running out of the tools it needs to wage war to begin with. ukrainians are low on ammo, on soldiers, on weapons, on at the aircraft defenses. and let's be blunt. the biggest reason ukraine is losing the war is because here in the united states congress, the hard right has paralyzed the united states house of representatives from taking necessary action. that's it. plain and simple. a quorum call? the presiding officer: we are. mr. thune: i ask unanimous consent that the quorum call be lifted. the presiding officer: without objection. mr. thune: mr. president, tomorrow afternoon the house of representatives will transfer articles of impeachment of secretary mayorkas to the united states senate and the democrat leader, well, by all accounts the democrat leader will move to sweep the articles and the border security crisis that they
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represent under the rugby immediately dismissing the charges. it's not particularly surprising given democrats' history of minimizing the crisis at the southern border, but it is it disappointing nonetheless. the house of representatives has put forward serious charges, along with evidence to support those charges, and it's not too much to ask that the senate take this matter seriously and explore these changes before dismiss -- these charges before dismissing them. in a courtroom a case is not dismissed without the court taking the time to look at the facts. the senate sitting as a court of people should be no different. the senate should have a full trial and take the time to see whether his actions warrant conviction, and then the senate should be able it to vote guilty or not guilty. one thing is clear, and ha is secretary mayorkas and president
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biden have presided over the worst border crisis on record. we've had three successive years of record-breaking legal immigration under president biden. let that sink in for a minute. we have had three successive years of record-breaking illegal embracing under president biden. fiscal year 12021 saw over 1 million encounters, fiscal 2022 broke that record and fiscal year 2023 broke that record. if the current trajectory continues, it is likely that fiscal year 2024 will break the record yet again. while there are always various factors that affect the flow of migration, there is a reason that president biden and secretary mayorkas have presided over three success ifr years of
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record -- successive years of record-breaking immigration. from the day president biden took office when he rescinded the declaration of a national security at our southern border, president biden made it clear that border security was at the bottom of his preert list. -- priority list. he and secretary mayorkas have turned our border into a nmagne by abusing our parole systems which are providing temporary amnesty to hundreds of thousands of individuals here illegally. under u.s. immigration law, parole, which is the temporary release into the country of an individual for an extenuating reason is meant to be used on a case by case bases only for significant public benefit.
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like appearing as a witness in a trial or urgent humanitarian reasons like a medical emergency. but under secretary mayorkas there is a system of mass parole with groups being approved en masse for release into the country. in fiscal year 2023, is the biden administration patrolled 22 times, 22 times as many individuals per month from southwest border ports of entry as did the trump administration. meanwhile, on the asylum front, president biden's decision to implement a mobile app, cbp-1, for filing asylum claims, has helped result in hundreds of thousands of individuals taking up residence in our country, often for years, many of whom are unlikely ever to be approved for asylum. mr. president, needless to say, the number of individuals
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flooding across our southern border under president biden and secretary mayorkas is a logistical nightmare. the border patrol is stretched thin, and u.s. cities at the border and across the country are overwhelmed by the number of migrants. even more than that, even more than that, mr. president, this a national security crisis. our country cannot be secured while we have 2.5 million individuals a year pouring across our southern border. and that's not even counting the hundreds of thousands of known got-aways, individuals that the border patrol saw but was unable to apprehend. the number of which the chief of the border patrol recently noted is keeping him up at night. mr. president, even some democrat senators here in the senate acknowledge that the crisis at our southern border has to be addressed.
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i don't think it's too much to ask that we look seriously at the charges the house has brought against one of the chief architects of the biden administration's lax border security regime, an individual so disconnected from the reality of the situation we face that he has repeatedly, publicly asserted that the border is secure, in the face of ove overwhelming evidence to the contrary. unfortunately, i suspect the democrat leader will continue his plan to sweep these charges under the rug. while the president and secretary mayorkas demonstrate unwillingness to use the power of their offices to stem the flow of illegal migration, year four of the biden-mayorkas border crisis will continue. mr. president, i yield the floor. the presiding officer: the
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senator from mississippi. mr. w mr. wicker: thank you, mr. president. time is running out. time is running out for vladimir kara-murza. i was just at an event across the street with vladimir kara-murza's wife, evgenia, and their children. it was a bipartisan meeting of house and senate members and interested citizens. we all agree, secretary of state blinken must secure the release of this u.s. permanent resident and russian political prisoner, vladimir kara-murza, before it's too late, because as i said, time is running out. in the spring of 2022,
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mr. kara-murza spoke the truth about russia's evil invasion of ukraine. the putin regime responded by arresting mr. kara-murza and sentencing him to 25 years in jail for speaking the truth. only a corrupt regime would make it a crime to express an opinion, to speak the truth, but that is what vladimir putin has done, he has arrested an innocent person and put him in jail for speaking the truth. it's been a year since i led a bipartisan group of 81 lawmakers in an appeal to the secretary of state, this same secretary of state blinken. it was the first anniversary of mr. kara-murza's imprisonment. we urged the administration, on a bipartisan, bicameral basis, to label vladimir, quote,
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unlawfully and wrongfully detained, unquote. we asked for that designation because that title is more than just words under the statute. it would prioritize m mr. kara-murza's case at the state department, and it would unlock new tools for our negotiators to act with speed and success to get him released, around he needs that speed. since we last wrote the secretary about mr. kara-murza, nothing has changed. nothing has changed, that is, except his decreasing health and increasing danger. mr. kara-murza's family has grave concerns that he may not survive much longer. so we're talking about the life of this permanent u.s. resident. before this prison term, the russian dictator, putin, had tried twice to assassinate
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mr. kara-murza by poisoning him. he was indeed poisopoisoned, an although vladimir survived each attempt, the efforts succeeded at weakening his body. and then when alexi nafshalney recent -- alexey navalny died mysteriously in a russian prison, mr. kara-murza became the most prominent imprisoned democracy advocate still in russia. the target on his back has grown bigger. so it's all the more important that vladimir be freed. this week, we reached the second anniversary of mr. kara-murza's incarceration. this week, i'm leading dozens and dozens of my congressional colleagues in another bipartisan, bicameral request to secretary of state antony
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blinken. i encourage even more members, mr. president, to sign on to this letter before we send it to the secretary later this week. for two years, despite the danger, despite the imprisonment, mr. kara-murza has not been silenced. he refuses to be silenced. every so often, from behind prison bars, he's able to tell the world his thoughts, through newspaper columns, for example. the world has benefitted from his words. no jail cell or word limit has been able to stifle vladimir kara-murza's advocacy. he put it well recently, last month, from prison colony number seven in siberia, he wrote, sometimes the most powerful tool of all is simply telling the truth. telling the truth, in russia,
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apparently gets you a 25-year sentence. it takes courage to tell the truth in russia. let's stand with mr. kara-murza as he tells the truth. many of us have worked with him. i consider him a friend. i admire him can he is certainly -- i admire him. he is certainly a friend of this body and this free republic. let's stand with kara-murza now. we've come to know his wife and children, who are u.s. citizens. let's stand with them now as they work for his freedom. for the second year in a row, we call on secretary of state antony blinken to designate mr. vladimir kara-murza as wrongfully detaped. we call on -- detained. we call on the secretary to reunite him with his family. keep his freedom-loving voice from being extinguished. save his voice.
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while we still can. i yield the floor. i suggest the absence of a quorum. the presiding officer: the clerk will call the roll. quorum call: the clerk: ms. baldwin.
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eliminating the terrorist threat to consequences of war once again and focus. identification to the deaths of seven on a sovereign nation sizes the utmost strength in the face of enemies violence as a first resort. israel takes pains to minimize casualties and harming civilians that enemies exploit at return. war is still out and for people
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in gaza the past 17 years since hamas seized control life is been its own sort of how well. the years authority in the on-site and spent their time borrowing hundreds of homes the loss of the families and schools of innocent children. concrete and building supplies and build military bunkers instead. they brazenly humanitarian aid in the subjects depend on loyal to political rivals often
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buildings are responsible for the horrors of this war, hatred for juice i'm afraid to our leaders from a president biden expressed outrage of last week's that the accident.
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the terrorist aggressors violating international law turning schools into fighting positions. the efforts that hold personal accountable for their mistakes and backing during biden's own administration and cape further to political pressure. hamas exploited on october 7. the fantasy world in which hamas
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doesn't lead to further terrorism against israelis and palestinians alike. unfortunately, the democratic party has become a long tradition of bipartisan support for israel. english between terrorism and self-defense is calling the shots of the white house on the reelection campaign. the overwhelming majority who believed hamas must be depleted. president biden reportedly
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taking a cue from the investment movement considering labeling from israel's settlement in order to ramp up the pressure. of course this sounds like child play alongside the claim of one of our own senate colleagues make yesterday on legal grounds israel's campaign against hamas is genocide. what owners should america think when they see the way we treat allies under attack? 's ukraine's defense in support for israel, the most radical elements of the democrat party.
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leadership means standing up for america's interest on the indo pacific to europe the middle east even the most active members on once political page ms. klobuchar: mr. president, i ask that the quorum call be vitiated. the presiding officer: without objection. ms. klobuchar: mr. president, i ask unanimous consent that following my remarks, senator stabenow be permitted to speak for tifsh minutes -- five minutes prior to the scheduled vote. the presiding officer: also without objection. ms. klobuchar: thank you very much, mr. president. i rise today to address the urgent need to support the people of baltimore in the wake of the tragic francis scott key bridge collapse. this is near and dear to my heart because of the 35w bridge collapse and i'm well aware of the response of congress at that
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moment many years ago. i think it's relevant to some of the discussions that have come out of the baltimore bridge collapse. i thought i would share them with my colleagues today. first my heart is with the entire city of baltimore, especially the families and loved ones of the six workers who died and the workers still trapped on the boat that struck the bridge. i know our colleague senator cardin and senator van hollen are working around the clock to support the victims' families. president biden was just at the bridge and has pledged his support to get this rebuilt and to open the port and to do everything necessary. and we must stand with them. i thank the heroic first responders, the coast guard, the national transportation safety board, and the maryland officials, including of course governor moore who acted swiftly and made sure that lives were saved, yes.
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you think about the story of the immediate response to the may day and the first responders in the middle of the night who made sure other cars didn't get on that bridge. and you also think of the governor there the next day making sure people knew what had happened and what their plans were. i'm thankful for the efforts of brave workers leading the cleanup process which we know poses serious risk to their safety. the key bridge wasn't just a way to get from hawkins point to sparrows point. it was a unifying force for the people of baltimore from all walks of life. as one long-time resident, a doctor and son of immigrants put it, every single baltimorean felt that bridge fall down. that's our london bridge. that's our golden gate -- golden gate bridge. the bridge was a lifeline to schools and work, a bridge to the american dream. in addition to the devastating human tragedy of the collapse,
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the lack of a bridge that carried over 31,000 vehicles across the river every day will have economic repercussions and we know it now. major artery for the city, critical point of access for the port of baltimore which handles more cars and trucks than any other port in our country supporting more than 15,000 jobs and indirectly supporting 140,000 more. every day that port is closed could cost our economy up to $15 million. that's why we have no time to waste. baltimore's recovery and our entire economy depend on congress stepping up and working together. so here's our story in minnesota. and why it's relevant. on august 1, 2007 in the middle of the most beautiful day, boast here in washington and in minnesota, the eight-lane i-35w bridge collapsed into the mississippi river. it took the lives of 13 people and injured many more. and just like in baltimore, it
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would have been so much worse between those first responders hadn't fled away from danger but fled to it. they literally didn't know in ming minute what had -- in minnesota what had happened. in baltimore you would see a ship had hit it but in minnesota, we didn't know what had happened. but they ran into those waters of the mississippi river and got survivors out and helped people. our bridge actually carried more traffic than baltimore. over 140,000 vehicles a day. eight blocks from my house. a bridge that i would take all the time to bring our daughter to visit her friends. as i said that day when it happened, a bridge just shouldn't fall down in the middle of america. but when it does, we rebuild it. here the heroes, very similar to what you've seen in baltimore, shannon hanson, the off-duty minneapolis firefighter diving in and out of the water searching for survivors up and
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down the river. paul ikstead, the tasty truck driver who veered off the bridge to save a school bus full of kids and then burned to death in his truck which caught fire because of how he avoided that school bus. jeremy hernandez, the worker on that school bus. it was a bus of kids that were at a summer program. that bus which they called the miracle bus, was just hanging on the edge of the bridge. and instead of running off that bridge, he got every single kid off that bridge to safety by kicking open the emergency door and one by one getting those 52 kids off the bus. our job in washington was, yes, to go there and stand with our first responders, and the minute we got there, the next morning republican senator and i saw the
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emergency work. we had big billboards up everywhere within 12 hours telling people where to drive and how the traffic was diverted, but our job was to rebuild the bridge, to get the funding immediately to get it done. we worked together and within two days after that bridge collapsed, i came here and got a waiver of the cap of how much money that could be spent on a bridge like that. it was a record. we got the waiver done. everyone joined with us in the senate. as i look at what was my chair over there as a freshman senator, i remember the procedural hiccups involved in all of this, and i remember deciding my best bet was to sit in my chair and say i wouldn't leave until it got done. and when the senate started one morning, senator durbin came over to me and said, as they're saying the prayer, somehow i think you're here to do more than pray. and i said yes. i'm not going to get up from
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this chair until we get this done. and he helped me to get that bridge done and included in a major bill that we had pending at the time which was fortunate. so we got that -- the funding immed immediately. president bush went back to the bridge several times and we were able to get it done. not one senator in this chamber or one house member in this congress played a blame game. everyone saw it as the tragedy it was. they knew there would be investigations. they didn't mess around just because it was in a purple state, our state, or a blue state or a red state. we all came together too get it -- to get it done. and that bridge got built in record time. 339 days from start to finish. 13 months later an eight-lane highway, a humongous bridge, the most traveled on bridge in the state of minnesota, got done.
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rebuilding and recovering from the key bridge collapse demands that same bipartisan collaboration. the day of the collapse, president biden said he would move heaven and earth to reopen the port and rebuild the bridge as soon as humanly possible. and it's on congress to help. i look forward to working with my colleagues on the commerce committee to get to the bottom of what caused the collapse, but i also stand ready to support senators cardin and van hollen as they work to secure the funding to rebuild the bridge. and i call on all of our colleagues to join us and not mess around. in minnesota we stand with the people in maryland. with the lights on our own i-35w bridge were lit in maryland state colors of red, white, yellow and black immediately after the collapse. there's plenty of time for investigations and what went wrong with that large, large
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ship. that's happening right now. but the immediate focus of our country because the economic repercussions not only on baltimore but on the entire country is to get this rebuilt and to call people out when they're just trying to play politics with it and say things that are completely inappropriate when six people died on the bridge. it wasn't that long ago that the i-35w bridge and our colleagues joined with us. many of the people in this chamber are still there. we need to do the same now. thank you, mr. president. i yield the floor. ms. stabenow: mr. president. the presiding officer: the senator from michigan. ms. stabenow: before my friend from minnesota leaves the floor, i just want to thank her for her comments and say that all of us stand with baltimore. i can't imagine people playing politics with something like this that's such a tragedy that could happen and has happened to all of us in our states. this is what we're here to do is
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to work together to try to address and solve problems and help rebuild when that's necessary. mr. president, i rise today to strongly support the nomination of robert white who president biden nominated to serve as the u.s. district judge for the eastern district of michigan. senator peters and i were very honored to recommend him. we will be voting on him today. mr. white has spent his career upholding the rule of law and keeping our communities safe. since 2018 he has served as an assistant u.s. attorney in the u.s. attorney's office for the eastern district of michigan handling civil and criminal cases involving violent crime and health care fraud. and that has been very bad news for criminals. mr. white helped lock up six members of one of detroit's most violent gangs who were terrorizing a neighborhood and committing crimes, including a
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murder, shootings, robberies, and drug dealing. in 2022 mr. white successfully prosecuted a canadian truck driver who tried to drive across the u.s. border with 313 pounds of cocaine hidden in his semitrailer. mr. white began his career as a prosecutor in the western district of texas where he focused on fighting transnational organized crime including mexican cartels, and he did a very good job. he was named the outstanding federal attorney of the year in 2017 by the el paso bar association. in 2018 he was recognized by the fbi for his outstanding skills as a prosecutor. in 2020 he received an award for excellence from the council of the inspectors general. and last year the homeland security investigations office in detroit named him prosecutor
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of the year. it's no surprise that the american bar association standing committee on the federal judiciary unanimously rated mr. white as well qualified. in february the senate judiciary committee passed mr. white's nomination through the senate, through the senate committee on a bipartisan basis by a vote of 14-7. democrats and republicans agree he is the right person for the job. he's an outstanding nominee and his experience will serve the people of the eastern district well. so i urge my colleagues today to support his confirmation. thank you, mr. president. i yield the floor.
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hmmm... the presiding officer: question occurs on the nomination. is there a sufficient second? is there appears to be. the clerk will call the roll. vote:
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the clerk: ms. baldwin. mr. barrasso. mr. bennet. mrs. blackburn. mr. blumenthal. mr. booker. mr. boozman. mr. braun. mrs. britt. mr. brown. mr. budd. ms. butler. ms. cantwell. mrs. capito. mr. cardin. mr. carper. mr. casey. mr. cassidy. ms. collins. mr. coons. mr. cornyn. ms. cortez masto. mr. cotton. mr. cramer. mr. crapo. mr. cruz. mr. daines. ms. duckworth. mr. durbin. ms. ernst. mr. fetterman. mrs. fischer. mrs. gillibrand. mr. graham. mr. grassley. mr. hagerty. ms. hassan. mr. hawley. mr. heinrich.
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mr. hickenlooper. ms. hirono. mr. hoeven. mrs. hyde-smith. mr. johnson. mr. kaine. mr. kelly. mr. kennedy. mr. king. ms. klobuchar. mr. lankford. mr. lee. mr. lujan. ms. lummis. mr. manchin. mr. markey. mr. marshall. mr. mcconnell. mr. menendez. mr. merkley. mr. moran. mr. mullin. ms. murkowski. mr. murphy. mrs. murray. mr. ossoff. mr. padilla.
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the clerk: mr. paul. mr. peters. mr. reed.
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mr. ricketts. mr. risch. mr. romney. ms. rosen. the clerk: mr. rounds.
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mr. rubio. the clerk: mr. sanders. mr. schatz. mr. schmitt. mr. schumer.
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mr. scott of florida. mr. scott of south carolina. mrs. shaheen. ms. sinema.
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the clerk: ms. smith. ms. stabenow. mr. sullivan. the clerk: mr. tester.
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mr. thune. mr. tillis. mr. tuberville.
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the clerk: mr. van hollen. mr. vance. the clerk: mr. warner. mr. warnock.
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cleric cl-- the clerk: ms. warren. mr. welch. mr. whitehouse. mr. wicker. mr. wyden. mr. young.
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test. test. vote:
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the clerk: senators voting in the affirmative -- baldwin, booker, brown, capito, fischer, graham, heinrich,
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kelly, klobuchar, lee, padilla, peters, risch, rounds, schumer, stabenow, tester, warnock, welch. ms. butler aye. senators voting in the negative -- britt, cassidy, cotton, hagerty, scott of south carolina. the clerk: mr. thune, aye.
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mr. bennet aye. mr. lujan, aye. the clerk: mr. cornyn, aye.
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the clerk: mr. cruz, no.
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the clerk: mr. kennedy, aye. the clerk: mr. young, aye.
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mr. crapo, aye. ms. smith, aye. mr. kaine, aye.
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the clerk: mr. cardin, aye. mr. van hollen, aye. mr. casey, aye. mr. romney, aye.
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the clerk: mr. king, aye.
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the clerk: mrs. blackburn, aye.
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the clerk: ms. collins, aye. mr. warner, aye.
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the clerk: mr. mullin, no.
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mr. whitehouse, aye. the clerk: mr. tuberville, no.
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the clerk: mr. wyden, aye. cbp one. mr. wicker, aye. the clerk: ms. ernst, aye. the clerk: ms. sinema, aye.
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the clerk: mr. hoeven, no. mrs. hyde-smith, aye.
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the clerk: mr. moran, aye.
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the clerk: ms. lummis, aye. the clerk: mr. carper, aye.
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the clerk: mr. budd, no. ms. cantwell, aye. mr. cramer, no. mr. coons, aye. mr. manchin, aye. ms. hirono, aye. mr. markey, aye.
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the clerk: mrs. murray, aye.
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the clerk: mr. murphy, aye. mr. vance, no.
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the clerk: mr. durbin, aye. mr. tillis, aye. mr. hickenlooper, aye.
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the clerk: mr. merkley, aye.
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mr. sullivan, no. ms. warren, aye. the clerk: mr. scott of florida, no. mr. sanders, aye.
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the clerk: mr. rubio, aye.
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the clerk: mr. grassley, aye. mr. paul, aye. ms. hassan, aye. mrs. gillibrand, aye.
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the clerk: mr. ricketts, aye.
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the clerk: ms. murkowski, aye.
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the clerk: mrs. shaheen, aye.
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the clerk: ms. rosen, aye.
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the clerk: mr. schmitt, no.
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the clerk: mr. daines, no. the clerk: mr. lankford, no.
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the clerk: mr. braun, no. the clerk: mr. schatz, aye. mr. boozman, no. mr. reed, aye.
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the clerk: mr. ossoff, aye. mr. hawley, no. the clerk: mr. johnson, aye.
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the clerk: mr. marshall, no. mr. blumenthal, aye. the clerk: ms. duckworth, aye. .
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the clerk: mr. barasso, aye. mr. cortez masto, aye. mr. menendez, aye.
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the clerk: mr. mcconnell, aye. the presiding officer: the yeas are 78, the nays are 21. the nomination is confirmed.
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the presiding officer: under the previous order, the motion to reconsider is considered made and laid upon the table and the president will immediately be notified of the senate's action. the clerk will report the motion to invoke cloture. the clerk: cloture motion, the undersigned senators, in accordance with the provisions of rule 22 of the standing rules of the senate, do hereby bring to a close debate on the nomination of executive calendar number 542, robert j. white, of michigan, to be united states district judge for the eastern district of michigan, signed by 17 senators. the presiding officer: by unanimous consent, the mandatory quorum call has been waived. the question is, is it the sense of the senate that debate on the nomination of robert j. white, of michigan, to be united states district judge for michigan, shall be brought to a close? the yeas and nays are mandatory under the rules. the clerk will call the roll. vote:
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the clerk: ms. baldwin. mr. barrasso. mr. bennet. mrs. blackburn. mr. blumenthal. mr. booker. mr. boozman. mr. braun. mrs. britt. mr. brown. mr. budd. ms. butler. ms. cantwell. mrs. capito. mr. cardin. mr. carper. mr. casey. mr. cassidy.
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ms. collins. mr. coons. mr. cornyn. ms. cortez masto. mr. cotton. mr. cramer. mr. crapo. mr. cruz. mr. daines. ms. duckworth. mr. durbin. ms. ernst. mr. fetterman. mrs. fischer.
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mrs. gillibrand. mr. graham. mr. grassley. mr. hagerty. ms. hassan. mr. hawley. mr. heinrich. mr. hickenlooper. ms. hirono. mr. hoeven. mrs. hyde-smith. mr. johnson. mr. kaine. mr. kelly. mr. kennedy. mr. king.
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ms. klobuchar. mr. lankford. mr. lee. mr. lujan. ms. lummis. mr. manchin. mr. markey. mr. marshall. mr. mcconnell. mr. menendez. mr. merkley. mr. moran. mr. mullin. ms. murkowski. mr. murphy. mrs. murray. mr. ossoff. mr. padilla. mr. paul. mr. peters. mr. reed. mr. ricketts.
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mr. risch. mr. romney. ms. rosen. mr. rounds. mr. rubio. mr. sanders. mr. schatz. mr. schmitt. mr. schumer. mr. scott of florida. mr. scott of south carolina. mrs. shaheen. ms. sinema. ms. smith. ms. stabenow. mr. sullivan. mr. tester. mr. thune. mr. tillis. mr. tuberville.
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mr. van hollen. mr. vance. mr. warner. mr. warnock. ms. warren. mr. welch. mr. whitehouse. mr. wicker. mr. wyden. mr. young. fir senators voting in the affirmative -- blumenthal, brown, collins, coons, cortez masto, durbin, fetterman, hassan, heinrich, hickenlooper, menendez, murphy, ossoff, sanders, schatz, sinema, stabenow, tillis, and van hollen.
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senators voting in the negative -- barasso, budd, capito, cornyn, crapo, daines, grassley, hawley; lummis, rubio. ms. murkowski, aye. mr. schumer, aye. mr. scott of florida, no. mr. padilla, aye.
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mr. braun, no. mr. johnson, no.
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the clerk: mr. wicker, no. mr. tuberville, no. mr. lankford, no.
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the clerk: ms. ernst, no. vote: the clerk: mr. cardin, aye.
12:46 pm
the clerk: ms. hirono, aye. mr. manchin, aye.
12:47 pm
the clerk: mr. ricketts, no.
12:48 pm
ms. smith, aye.
12:49 pm
the clerk: ms. butler, aye. the clerk: mr. whitehouse, aye.
12:50 pm
the clerk: mr. kennedy, aye.
12:51 pm
mrs. blackburn, no. the clerk: mr. king, aye. mr. lee, no.
12:52 pm
mr. thune, no. the clerk: mr. marshall, no. mr. carper, aye. mr. cotton, no.
12:53 pm
mr. cassidy, no. mr. kaine, aye.
12:54 pm
the clerk: mrs. fischer, no. mr. young, no. mr. paul, no. mr. hagerty, no.
12:55 pm
the clerk: mr. moran, no.
12:56 pm
the clerk: ms. cantwell, aye. ms. klobuchar, aye.
12:57 pm
the clerk: mr. tester, aye.
12:58 pm
the clerk: ms. warren, aye. the clerk: mr. scott of south carolina, no.
12:59 pm
the clerk: mr. sullivan, no. the clerk: mr. romney, aye. mr. lujan, aye.
1:00 pm
the clerk: mrs. britt, no. mr. peters, aye. mr. cruz, no. mr. rounds, aye. the clerk: mrs. murray, aye.
1:01 pm
the clerk: mr. cramer, no. mrs. shaheen, aye. mr. markey, aye. ms. baldwin, aye.
1:02 pm
the clerk: mrs. hyde-smith, no.
1:03 pm
1:04 pm
1:05 pm
the clerk: mr. schmitt, no. the clerk: mr. risch, no. mr. vance, no.
1:06 pm
the clerk: ms. duckworth, aye.
1:07 pm
1:08 pm
the clerk: mr. casey, aye. the clerk: mr. boozman, no. mr. hoeven, no. mr. wyden, aye.
1:09 pm
ms. rosen, aye. mr. reed, aye. mr. bennet, aye. the clerk: mr. warner, aye.
1:10 pm
1:11 pm
the clerk: mr. welch, aye.
1:12 pm
the clerk: mr. graham, aye.
1:13 pm
the clerk: mr. mullin, no. the clerk: mr. kelly, aye.
1:14 pm
1:15 pm
1:16 pm
1:17 pm
the clerk: mr. warnock, aye. mr. merkley, aye.
1:18 pm
1:19 pm
the clerk: mrs. gillibrand, aye.
1:20 pm
the clerk: mr. booker, aye. the presiding officer: the ayes are 589, the nays are 42. the motion is agreed to. the clerk will report the nomination o. the clerk: the judiciary. robert j. white of michigan to be united states district judge for the eastern district of michigan. the presiding officer: under the previous order, the senate stands in recess until 2:15 p.m.
1:21 pm
1:22 pm
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