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tv   Campaign 2024 Former President Trump Remarks in Atlanta  CSPAN  April 10, 2024 10:57pm-11:18pm EDT

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seat to how issues are debated and decided with no commentary. no interruptions and completely unfiltered. c-span, your unfiltered view of government. ♪ what is been called a defeat for speaker mike johnson the house blocked a bill reauthorizing foreign intelligence surveillance act c-span reports the bill fell on a procedural vote 193228. the current legislation is set to expire april 19. nineteen republicans join democrats to present the bill for moving forward drawn from punch bowl news followed up with this post rate just to put this in perspective, seven failed house rule votes is the most since 1973 -- 74 the 93rd congress. ♪ spent as your unfiltered view of government. funded by these television
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companies and more including charter communication. the spreadsheet recognize it as one of the internet providers we are just getting started. we'll wondered if thousand miles of new infrastructure to reach those who need it most. >> charter communications support c-span as a public service. along with these other television providers. giving a front row seat to democracy. >> donald trump spoke to reporters in atlanta shortly after arriving in the city for a fundraiser. former president spoke about arizona supreme court ruling on abortion and his ongoing legal battles. [cheering]
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[inaudible] [cheering] [inaudible] [cheering] [inaudible conversations]
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[inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations]
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[inaudible conversations] >> thank you, mr. president.
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>> no, he doesn't. >> biden has abandoned -- [inaudible conversations] >> thank you, sir. >> did arizona go m too far? >> yes, they did. i'm sure that the governor and everybody else is going to bring it back and it'll be taken care of i think very quickly. >> what do you think of -- [inaudible conversations] >> the will of the people.
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for 52 years people have want today end roe v. wade to get it back to the states. we did that. now the states have it and the states are putting up what they want, the will of the people, so florida is probably going to change, arizona is going to definitely change. everybody wants that to happen and you're getting the will of the people. it's been pretty amazing. [inaudible conversations] >> the number is out of control. biden has no idea -- he's the worst president in the history of our country and i have something -- but i have good news. he's the man that i've known for
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a long time. he's running in georgia 3. brian jack. very simple name. jack brian or brian jack. he's been with me for 7 years and he has always want today run for congress. this is where he grew up. you know who brian is? [inaudible conversations] >> well, i think thatp: case as within totally discredited. it was a money-making scheme on behalf of her and her lover.
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it's election interference because joe biden can't put two sentences together. joe biden is using this to try and get elected. that's what it is. that's what we have to do. a thing like this has never happened before. it's going to protect a man grossly incompetent.
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>> how about money? campaign money. you're here in georgia to raise money. are you going to be able to catch up to democrats to campaign -- [inaudible conversations] >> 52 million. we don't need the money. who won? i'm not exactly sure who won. we don't need -- they need more
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money. you know when you look at what they did, it's really a disgrace. in florida is an example, i put out very small amount of money. they put $300 million into florida. we won by 2 million votes. biden has one of the worst presidents in history. he's destroying our country. israel and october 7th, it should have never happened. ukraine and russia should have never happened. that was something russia would have never attacked ukraine if i were president. the inflation is out of control and now it's out of control again. you think that the u.s. is not doing enough to support israel.
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>> biden has totally lost control of the israel situation. he has abandoned israel. frankly, you know, he's allow iq individual. he hasis no idea where he is and who he's supporting. he doesn't know he's supporting palestinians but one thing he's not supporting israel. he has abandoned israel. any jewish person that votes for a democrat or biden should have their head examined. [inaudible conversations] >> it was always about state rights. people are very happy. everything about abortion, it was all about bringing it back
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to the state. everybody from democrats and republicans, they wanted to bring it back for 53 years. i did that. if she did, she has a bigger problem. you're not allowed ton do that.
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by the way, that's a bribe. she's a criminal. totally discredit it. that case should end. i don't know. nobody knows that. if it does go forward, it's a big insult. she's a corrupt individual. she was corrupt. nobody has seen anything like it and i suspect that case is going to be terminated because it has absolutely no credibility. >> i'm crushing biden. that's true. i appreciate that question. thank you, brian, thank you very much. [inaudible conversations] >> we are doing great in the pollss.
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[inaudible conversations] >> there's no way that a man like this should be even allowed in government. as far as i'm. concerned, he's a criminal and what he's doing with the weaponry of the justice department, every single that you read about and record about, everyone of these are run by the doj and the white house, every single one. i don't think it's going the happen. i don't think the people are going to stand for it. these people have weponized engovernment. they've weponized the justice department. they've done something that nobody has ever done before in this country.
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it's done a lot. so far based on the polls that came out today and over the long period of time, if you look at the last four or five months i'm leading every single poll and i'm leading by a lot. we are a nation in decline. biden is the worst president in the history ofth our country. he's corrupt and he's incompetent and he can't put two sentences together. i think we will have a tremendous victory. i predict november 5th will go down as the most important day in the t history of our country, it's election day. the most important day in the history of our country. we are going close up our borders and we are taking all of the criminals out because manyth people that came from jail and insane asylums and mentalst institutions. many terrorists and drug dealers at the highest level. they are all coming into the
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country. i predict that november 5th is all going to turn around and we are going to get our country back. incompetent man as president, he's a terrible person and he's a terrible president. it's six months is a long time because the damage he can to in six months he's done more damage than the ten worst president in the history of our country. there's never been anybody that damaged our country like crooked joe biden. i predict november 5th, the most important day in the history of our country and it's going to be christian visibility day, christian visibility day, christians are going to come out and they are going to vote like never before. thank you. thank you very


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