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tv   Campaign 2024 Former President Trump Remarks in Atlanta  CSPAN  April 11, 2024 6:51am-7:14am EDT

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>> thank you, mr. president.
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>> mr. president, we love you. douglas county loves you. >> biden got to go. [indiscernible] president trump: biden has abandoned israel. i don't think he even knows it.
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doing a great job. thank you. >> mr. president, did arizona go too far? president trump: yes, they d >> did arizona go too far? >> yes they did. it is all about states rights and i am sure the governor and everybody else will bring it back and taking care of very quickly. >> what do you think about warren? >> maybe change. it is -- and two years people wanted to end roe versus wade to give it back to the states. it was an incredible achievement. we did that. now the state have it in the states are putting out what they want. florida is probably going to change. arizona is going to definitely change and you get into the will of the people. it is amazing when you think about it. >> inflation is going up.
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do you believe there's any chance inflation gets under control between now and november? >> biden has lost inflation, ranging back, numbers were very high, much higher because various categories, actually much higher than that. the numbers are out of control. biden has no idea what he is doing, the worst president in the history of our country and i have some good news. a man i have known for a long time is running in georgia 3, he is going to be a fantastic congressman. brian jackson, very simple name. don't put him, you get to it either way, brian jackson, a great guy, he has been with me for 7 years and he has always wanted to run for congress and this is where he was born, where he grew up, he knows it well, loves the people, he will be fantastic, you know who brian is?
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there's another brian. >> donald trump being elected or still, how do you feel about that, are you confident that it will be? >> the cases were totally discredited. there was on moneymaking scheme on behalf of her and her lover, mister and mrs. wade, the cases been totally discredited. we will see, the one in new york is discredited, every legal scholars says they have no case, it's a harmful thing but it is election interference are run by the white house. every one of the cases is civil, criminal, it is election interference because president biden can't put together, can't say president biden is using this to try to get elected.
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it is backfiring as you know. the best polls i ever had. a disgraceful thing. but that is what it is. it is on coming out of the doj. nothing like this has never happened before, trying to protect a man who was grossly incompetent and the worst president in the history of our country. >> how about campaign money? the rnc and fundraising, are you going to be able to catch up to democrats when it comes to campaign cash? >> i'm not working very hard. the other night an all-time record i do believe, 52, i did it myself. we did it ourselves. the republican party has a lot
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of money coming into it in small donations, $61 average. we had large donors the other night, broke the record of 54 million. we don't need the money. hillary clinton, had one third of the money she had, who won? not exactly sure. who won? we don't need the money they need. they need more money because they take care of more politicians, handed out like it is gravy. when you look at what they did with everything else it is a disgrace. we don't need the money they need. florida is an example. i put up a small amount of money, they put $300 million into florida. i put peanuts into florida and won, we don't need the money they need plus i had a great four years and biden has one of the worst presidencies in history, destroying our
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country, between israel and october 7th it should have never happened, ukraine and russia should have never happened. that was something, russia would have never attacked ukraine if i were president. inflation is out of control and now it is out of control again. they brought down the rates so fast because they want to get elected. >> have you spoken to vladimir putin? the white house is issuing a warning, do you think the us is not doing enough to support israel or are you going to go? >> biden has lost control of the israel situation, he has abandoned israel, and frankly he is a low iq individual, he has no idea where he is or who he is supporting, he doesn't know if he is supporting the palestinians but he knows one thing, he is not supporting israel. he has abandoned israel. any jewish person that votes for democrat or votes for biden should have their head
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examined. [shouting] >> we brought it into what it was. it was always about states rights and we brought it and everybody is very happy. individual people have their own agenda, people are very happy. you will see it. everything about abortion was all about bringing it back to the states. every legal scholar, everybody from the democrats and republicans want to bring it back for 53 years bring it back to the states and. [jet engine] >> ryan jackson who is running for congress district 3 and going to be in georgia and he is going to be a 3-time
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politician and he loves our country and loves georgia. >> how do you feel about -- [inaudible question] >> her lover was thrown off the case and she should be thrown off, claudine willis did this to get vacations. if you look at -- she never paid them back in cash and if she did she has a bigger problem because you can't do that. campaign cash, paid back, not allowed to do that so that's a crime, she's a criminal. so fans are by willis has been totally discredited, that case should end and it is an insult to georgia that the case goes forward. i don't know the cycle, nobody knows that but if it does go forward it is the big insult, she's a corrupt individual, he was corrupt, she was corrupt, nobody has ever seen anything like it and i suspect that case will be terminated. it has no credibility.
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>> let's talk about the polling numbers. >> crushing biden in the polls. i appreciate that question. thank you very much. we are doing great in the polls. we have a campaign. they have no policies, they are destroying our country. between afghanistan, inflation, everything they do is bad. they want to quadruple everyone's taxes. there's no way a man like this should be allowed in government. as far as i'm concerned he is a criminal and what he's doing with this weaponry of the justice department, every single problem you read about and you report about, every one of these is run by the doj on the white house, every single
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one including fani because her lover spent 8 hours at least on numerous vacations each day working and coordinating with the white house. how do we hurt trump, so biden can you cut a victory. i don't think it's going to happen. i don't think people are going to stand for it. these people have weapon eyes to government. they've weapon iced the justice department. they've done something nobody has ever done before in this country. it is done in third world countries and banana republics, never this country and so far based on the polls that came out today and over the last long period of time if you look over the last 4 or 5 months i'm leaving every single paul and leading it by a lot. we are a nation in decline. biden is the worst president in the history of our country, he is corrupt and he is incompetent, he can't put two sentences together and i think
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we are going to have a tremendous victory. i predict november 5th will go down as the most important day in the history of our country, that's election day, the most important day and moment in the history of our country. we are going to close the border and take all the criminals out. many of the people who came in came from jails, came from insane asylums and mental institutions. many terrorists, many drug dealers at the highest level coming into our country. i predict november 5th is going to turn around, we will get our country back. this incompetent man who is a terrible person, terrible president, he is a manchurian candidate if you look at him because he gets money from everybody, here's a manchurian candidate. i predict that biden is going to be gone. in 6 months, that's all we have, 6 months is a long time because the damage he can do in
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6 months, he has done more damage than the 10 worst presidents in the history of our country, there has never been anybody that damaged our country like president biden so i predict november 5th the most important day in the history of our country and it is going to be christian visibility day, christian visibility day, christians are going to come out and vote like never before. >> friday nights watch c-span's 2,024 campaign trl. weekly roundup of c-span's campaign coverage providing 1-stop shop to what candidates are saying to voters along with firsthand accounts from political reporters, updated poll numbers, fundraising data
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and campaign ads. watch c-span's 2,024 campaign trail friday night at 730 p.m. eastern on c-span, online,, download as a podcast on c-span now, our free mobile apps or wherever you get your podcasts. c-span, your unfiltered view of politics. >> today on c-span, the house and senate gather for a jointly here from japanese prime minister as part of his official visit to the us. live coverage starts just after 10:thirty eastern. on c-span 2 at 9:30 eastern the house judiciary subcommittee holds a hearing on protecting journalists and their sources from overreach and censorship. on c-span 3, fbi director christopher rare testifies on the president's 2025 budget request for his agency just before house appropriations subcommittee that gets underway at 2:00 p.m. eastern.
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you can watch our live coverage on the c-span now video apps or online, c-spanrg. sunday on and a number stephen con shares his book allies of land which argue the reality of rural america is different from the way it is often portrayed by politicians and the media. >> one of the things i discovered to my own surprise is a great deal of american automobile manufacturing now takes place in rural areas especially the japanese companies toyota and honda who built these plants in the 70s and 80s not insider in areas but of the oilfield so rural people are not farmers, statistically speaking, much at all, they are factory workers, long-haul truck drivers, doing all these things that are connected to our industrial society.
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>> the lives of the land on c-span's q and a. you can listen to all our podcasts on our c-span now apps. c-span has been delivering unfiltered congressional coverage for 45 years, here are highlights of key moments. >> although this city was the nation's capital for only a short time, from those early days, the eyes of the world continue. one year ago, the great center of history, enterprise and creativity suffered the greatest of cruelties and showed itself to be a place of valor and generosity and grace. where so many innocent lives were suddenly taken, the world thought acts of kindness and


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