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tv   President Biden Japanese Prime Minister Hold News Conference  CSPAN  April 11, 2024 7:28pm-8:02pm EDT

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so rural people are not farmers, i mean, statistically speaking much at all they are factory workers they are -- normal truck drivers. they -- they're doing all of these things that are connected to our structural society. steven khan with a book the lies of the land, sunday night 8 eastern on c-span q and a, you can listen to q and a all of our podcasts on our free c-span app. president biden and japanese prime minister held a joint news conference in the white house rose garden two leaders highlighted nation ties and trade and defense announced a trilateral summit between two nations and philippines. this is about 30 minutes.
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distinguished guests, president of the united states and the prime minister of japan. >> please have a seat. it's an honor to sit with the prime minister of japan and when i said that united states would rebuild muscle of democratic alliances and we stand shoulder
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to shoulder with allies again, because our licenses are america greatest assets relationship with japan is -- powerful proof of that. that investing in alliance and raising our collective ambitions we yield remarkable results, over the last three years, the partnership between japan and united states has been transformed into a truly global partnership. and that's thanks and no small part to the courageous leadership of prime minister and i mean that sincerely we're taking steps to strengthen defense security cooperation modernizing demand and control structures, and doing increasing planning of our militaries so they can work together in a seemless effective way. this is the most significant upgrade in alliance since the end of says it was first established also pleased to announce for the first time japan and the united states and australia will create a network system of air missile and
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defense architecture. we're also looking forward to standing up a trilateral military exercise with japan and the united .... the economic front, our ties have never been more robust. japan is i the top for an invesr in the united states but i will say that again japan is the top 40 investor in the united states but we are the top for an investor in japan. nearly 1 million americans work in japanese companies here in the united states. to name one example a few months ago toyota announced 8 billion-dollar investment in a massive battery production
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facility in north carolina to employ thousands of people. prime ministers going to travel to north carolina tomorrow to visit that project. don't stay, don't state we need you back in japan. they will probably try to keep you. the else to affirm the science and education ties between japan and the united states. both the ties stretch up to the moon. for two japanese astronauts will join future american missions one will become the first non- american to ever land on the moon it. they reached into the high schools and universities as well where ambassadors program existed. name for our dear friend norma. will invest in new student exchanges, help train the next generation of japanese and american leaders. we'll also discuss developments in the middle east. including our shared support for a cease-fire and a hostage deal. urging efforts to deal the
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mentoring crisis it exists in gaza. we also went to address the threat to launch -- they'reon threatening to launch a significant attack it is robert as i told prime minister netanyahu our commitment to israel security against these threats from iran and proxies is ironclad. but let me say thatagain ironcl. we are going to do all we can to protect israel security. finally want to commend the prime ministerer himself. he is a statesman. the fact is you condemn potent invasion of ukraine what happened. you pledge more than $12 billion in aid for the entire nonproliferation at the security standing strong with the united states as we stand up for freedom of navigation, including the south china sea. as we maintain peace and stability across the taiwan straits taking the braves step of mending times with theic
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republic ofre korea. we could all stand shoulder to shoulder together. tomorrow we will also be joined by another good friend president marcos of the philippines for a trilateral summit. a first of its kind. through it all our defensive japan under article five including the islands is unwavering. mr. prime minister, through our partnership will strengthen the alliance. we've expanded our work together. we have raised our shared ambitions and now the u.s./japan alliance is a beacon to the entire world. there is no limit what our countries and our people can do together. thank you for your partnership. your leadership and your friendship. and now over to you mr. prime minister. i appreciate you.
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>> thank you joe. >> president biden and i have met and talked countless times. concerned our shared we are at a crucial crossroads. japan partnership is important the international community stand at a historical turning point. in order for japan, the u.s., the indo pacific and for that matter the whole world to enjoy peace, stability and prosperity lasting into the future we must resolutely defend a free and open international order based on the rule of law. and again today i told the
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president now is the time to demonstrate the true values japan and the united states cap offers global partners. that we must together fulfill our responsibility to create the world or human dignity and japan will always stand firm with the united states. i explained that based on our national security japan is determined to strengthen our defensive force through capabilities and other initiatives. by president biden of his strong support for such effort. in such a context, we confirmed again the urgency after the
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deterrence and capabilities of our alliance and concurred reinforcing our security and defense to increase the u.s. forces and our self-defense including the improvement of art respected command-and-control framework. we will be discussing the specifics as we return for the next two plus two. the president and i went on to discuss various specific challenges faced by the international community. first we confirmed unilateral attempt unacceptable wherever it may be. we will continue to r respond
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against such action through a corporation with allies and like-minded nations. from such perspective we agree our countries will respond to challenges concerning china. at the same time we confirmed the importance of continuing with china and incorporating with china on common challenges. wef underscore the importance f peace and stability in the taiwan straits and opposition to encourage resolution of the cross streett issue. the situation and north korea including nuclear development.
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we welcomed the progress seen in the areas of corporation based on the outcome of the summit last august. and concurred to coordinate even more t closely with serious concerns under the current state of affairs. president biden was again demonstrated strong support for the immediate resolution of the abduction issue. we reaffirmed the importance of realizing a free and open indo pacific based on a rule of law. and conclude to making close collaboration through various opportunities including the philippine summit which is planned for tomorrow. based on the recognition ukraine
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today in east asia tomorrow. face the issue of our own problem for japan. with factions against russia in strong support for r ukraine. with like-minded countries. on that situation in the middle east, might respect improvement of the humanitarian situation how japan is continuing diplomatic efforts to improve the situation and to realize a sustainable and agree to
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continue in the stabilization. regarding the economy we concurred in the economic growth together and both directions is important. i explained how that japanese businesses are making a significant contribution to the u.s. economy by their investment and creation of jobs to which president biden agreed. in order to maintain and strengthen the competitive edge in the area with the technologies and access capacities and to overcome vulnerability of the supply
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chain and inclusive economic groups we affirmed the operation of japan and the united states is indispensable. in addition we concurred to advance our corporation in the area such as decarbonization, ai and startups. it's a huge achievement also in the area of space. the first half of the 1960s when i was in the united states was the dawn of space development in the unitedd stats i am a one of all of those who were so excited by the spectacular challenge in space implementing arrangement has been signed on this occasion and the provision of by japan and the allocation of two astronaut
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flight opportunities to the service to japan were confirmed. under the artemis program i welcome the lunar landing by a japanese astronaut as the first we discussed the efforts towards a world without nuclear weapons. we affirmed realistic in practical government including the g-7 with hiroshima vision last year. and i welcome the participation of the united states which was launched by my initiative. mostly in order to service of
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our unwavering japan relationship. we affirmed to promote people to people exchanges. the outcome of our meeting today the global partners for the future. the united states to maintain and strengthen a free and open international order based on the rule of law. on the prosperity of the entire community and deciding principle. with our partnership in the united states. newton mall the more prosperous. >> thank you. now we will take a few questions. jordan of bloomberg.
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>> think you mr. president. last month he predicted the federal reserve would cut interest rates thanks to falling inflation. t but today, dated showed inflation rose more than expected for the third straight month. how concerned are you about the fight against inflation stalling? and do you stand by your prediction for a rate cut? >> before the year is at a rate cut. we don't with the fed is going to do for certain. too close to 3%. we are in a situation or better situated than we were only took office. where inflation was skyrocketing. we have a plan to deal with that where the my opposition talks about two things. went to cut taxes for the wealthy. and raise taxes on other people. they have no plan.
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while when that so sustainable. >> mr. prime minister said in the acquisition is of matt private matter. to discuss the matter today with president biden? do you believe politics or influence president biden's decision to oppose the deal? i would not mind mr. president if you would answer that one too. >> on the issue you have raised its underway between the parties. we hope these discussions will unfold for both sides the belief appropriate decision based on law but the u.s. government. japan is the largest investor united states. japanese businesses employ
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workers in the united states. and investments from japan can only increase upwards in the months and years to come. wheeze to submit this when/when a relationship. thank you. quick to say about my commitment to workers. i'm a man of my word. i'm going to keep it. with regard to that i stand by the commitment to theo alliance for this is exactly what we are doing the strong alliance as well. >> my question is to both prime minister kishida and president biden. at the summit strong objection of bite force or coercion by
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china agree in reinforcing capabilities. current circumstances should japan and united states bolster china may be more preoccupied. avoid a defied, how should japan and u.s. respond? let me then take that question first. this summit the united states and japan were regularly defend and bolster international order based on the rule of law. in japan and the united states is global partners shall work together. for that purpose. on challenges concerning china, including the point you raise on
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objecting to unilateral to change status quo we japan and the united states is global partners shout work in close coordination. and also as i said previously, we will continue our dialogue with china. and the president i confirmed such dialogue as well. based on the solid trust with the ally the united states we will continue to call on china to fulfill its responsibility as a major power.
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japan's policy which i have embraced is comprehensive strategic relationships we have with china. and establish a constructive and stable japan/china relationship through efforts by both sides. that has been my consistent position that i have upheld. we will continue to seek communication with china at all levels. >> first of all we open lines of communication with one another. that's with the united states and china. i spoke at length with president xi we would agree we would number one, personal contact with one another whenever we want to discuss anything. there is nothing left to be
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saved between the cup and the lip so we know exactly what the other team is thinking. number one. so we had a long discussion i guess it was almost two weeks ago now. the best way to reduce the chances of miscalculation is number one. number two, and our alliance is eight defensive in nature. it's a defensive alliance. the thingsng we discussed today improve our cooperation. and purely about defense and readiness. it's not aimed att any "one nation" or threat of the region. it does not have anything to do with conflict. this is about restoring stability in the region. i think we have a chance of doing that. okay. third, next question, could i call it next? will don a second and got my list here. hang on, i apologize.
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afp. >> thank you. my first question will go to both of you mr. president and mr. prime minister. is there a path for japan to become a full member and i have a second question for you mr. president. you are saying benjamin netanyahu is making a mistake in gaza. what are you willing to do to make him change his strategy it would you consider conditioning military aid to israel? thank you. thank you. your question about orca's. we want to t contribute to the stability of the region and we have consistently supported
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orca's. having said that the participants in uk, australia, with such countries that relationship or occasions we have established the various relationships. but for japan to have direct cooperation nothing has been decided at this moment. going forward with the u.s., uk, australia, with such countries with the framework we will continue our cooperation. so that will continue to beer considered. about a relationship that is it. >> with regard to my discussions with prime minister netanyahu as well as our relationship with
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israel. i've been very blunt and straightforward with the prime minister as well as his war cabinet as well as the cabinet. the fact of the matter is we had a long discussion he agrees to do several things. related to number one in getting more aid in reducing significantly the attempts of the civilian casualties in any action taken in the region. thus far it's tied to the hostages. there are a number of hostages being held by hamas. just yesterday we remain with the vice president of the national security advisor before that. they are american hostages as well but they know how committed we are in the whole team to getting their loved ones home. we are not going to stop until weth do. the new proposal on the table bill burns led the effort for us
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and we are grateful for his work. they need to move on a proposal made. and as i said we get these hostages home where they belong. bring back a six week cease-fire we need now. we get in the last three days over 100 trucks. it is not enough. as one moreo opening that has to take place in the north. we will see what he does in terms of meeting the commitments he made. >> this will be the last reporter. thank you. i asked her the question to both of you as prime minister kishida the abduction issue of north korea was discussed.
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prime minister, you have expressed your wish to have an engagement with kim jong un. that is already result which means they are refusing. during the meeting what did you tell president biden about. [inaudible] what engagement did you ask president b biden? present biden, my question what did you hear from prime minister kishida what is your observation with a nuclear missile issue. what is your position? do you support the summit north korea? thank you. first of all if i may start regarding my summit meeting with president biden. north korea including the nuclear issues we have discussed. regarding further increase in the institutionsnwe we have agrd to continue a close
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coordination. beat concurred offer a discussion of north korea is open we discussed japan, u.s., japan, u.s. and others continue to work closely together. for the continued understanding and the biden gave myself a very strong assurance regarding the recent announcement by north koreart. i will refrain from commenting to make the announcement by ncnorth korea. based on perspectives established meaningful relationship between japan and north korea. and it could be beneficial to
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the piece and stability. my policy is to aim for a summit meeting with north korea. to result their issues and high-level consultation d directly. and guide the instruction. that remains unchanged. that is my response. >> we did discuss this issue but we did both agree they must also address the serious human rights and humanitarian concerns of the international community including immediate resolutionud of the abduction issue. the prime minister has spoken of what his mate mean i welcome the opportunity. we welcome the opportunity of our allies to initiate dialogue with the democratic republic of korea. i have said many exam are open to dialogue ourselves at any time. but without preconditions. i have faith in japan.
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i have faith in the prime minister. he seeking a dialogue with them isog a good thing, a positive thing. thank you. [inaudible] >> why doesn't everyone holler at once? >> of the issue of abortion when you say to people of arizona right now who are witnessing a lot go in place that dates back? >> elected me i am in the 20th century, 21st century. not back then. they were not even estate. [inaudible] thank you all very much. thank you. >> this concludes the press conference. >> the war in ukraine comes by the house allowing a vote for this overwhelming support for ukraine among the majority of democrats and republicans for this should be a vote now.
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anything. comct support c-span as a public serce along these other television providers for giving a front row seat to democracy. >> earlier today japanese prime minister fumio kishida was on capitol hill to address a joint meeting of congress part of his official visit to the u.s. in a speech he condemned russia for its invasion of ukraine and spoke about the alliance between the united states and japan and the strategic challenges posed by china. >> mr. speaker the prime minister of japan. [applause] [background noises]


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