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tv   Reel America The Autobiography of a Jeep - 1943  CSPAN  April 13, 2024 3:00pm-3:11pm EDT

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i come a country of role plays called the united states of america, where the roads tie together thousand miles of desert and mountain and valley. because of the automobile. americans who live 100 miles from each other are as close neighbors as the man next door.
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long before my time, the look of the landscape has already changing. men were dreaming about new cities of long and wide spaces to live. these cities were planned. they were even built. but in miniature, only. because this dream like other dream of a free people, was threatened. the men of my country to war. the automobiles, the times of peace were stopped. there, stored away for the duration. and no of army mule on wheels was needed to keep up with the motor divisions that took to the highway. and that's what i was going to
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be. the job of figuring me out was given to the automobile industry every. men like these are designed a new and more beautiful collection of cars. these new models were presented like debutantes and auto shows that were the social event of. the season. in the hands of these expert herds, there was no telling just what i might turn out to be. a beautiful sedan with all the gadgets and devices. a handsome maybe a peacock. they worked on me and worked and finally here's what came out. and with the automobile men wondered. looks more like a four wheel beetle. one of them said.
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no. i wasn't too proud of myself back there at the start when the army first looked me over. then they sent me out on the road. they to drown my motor. but my ignition was set too high for. them. they tried to break my back on roller coaster roads when i held together. it looked as if the army and i might somehow get along because they gave me a nickname from the words general purpose. they took the g and the. they called me g. it sounded more like a noise than a name. then really began. i was sent out on maneuvers. this army was getting tough and i keep up with them. i good enough. and i know all i could do was hate my friends straight.
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my gears grinding and hope for the best. and the things they asked me to do like river, for instance. i had to be enough to cross water in my own canvas tarpaulin and i didn't weigh more than 20 £200 for couple. and it was lucky that i wasn't any bigger than 11 feet long and five feet wide and three feet high. because when the outfit took to air, they expected me to go along with them. one day it would be airplanes, the next it would be a transport. and if i wasn't riding them, i was pulling them up into the sky. lucky i was 60 horsepower, strong strong.
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one. the army was getting tougher, preparing itself for the big offensives were coming and i had to get tougher to keep up. i'll say one thing no matter what they me to do. oh, cannon break my own road the underbrush and keep moving better than 70 miles an hour. it was no worse than what my driver was ready to do himself. the american and i got along fine. i got good rider and a horse. we got to be pals. and even so, i had my. most of the machines, me have proved themselves in battle. i was still on probation.
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i did about everything. a machine could do to stick with that army stood up to gunfire and mounted a gun of my own. i laid down smoke to hide the tanks, but me. i helped out wherever. i could. and i even learned how to splash rivers or. with a boat arrangement built around my middle. but i know yet whether i was accepted, until all of a sudden i found myself in mass
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production. it meant only one thing. i was a success. i was getting turned out one every 2 minutes. 30 jeeps an hour. what do you think of that? all of sudden, i found that i was popular kind of character. i was marching right up there in front of the band. i was meeting movie stars, and we went out driving. we sold war bonds right down the streets of washington, d.c. itself. i was a success. i got all set to go traveling. they created me up for shipment overseas to do the job i was built for for. i was sent over by the thousands and i travel with a guy i liked best. my pal, the soldier. wherever he goes, i go.
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let me tell you, we learn together on a lot of different shores. i went to work in the south sea island. i thought man in north africa. i went in egypt and china. i teamed up with general. with general chennault and his flying tigers. i kept from freezing in alaska and from boiling down into more. i traveled with general macarthur and new guinea. i was a success. i hobnobbed famous people like wendell. king, george and queen. i went out presidents.
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i was with mr. roosevelt in casablanca. and i was part of the victory in north africa. i was a success. but thing that makes me a success most of all is this. i've made a friend. i the soldier. wherever you see one, i guess the other won't be behind. and that goes for now. and then fighting together. and for after the war, when we'll be building together. because the rumor is going around right, that, gee is here to stay.


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