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tv   U.S. Senate Senators Blackburn Marshall Murray on Aid to Israel  CSPAN  April 15, 2024 11:19pm-11:42pm EDT

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bully, so it's time the commander in chief to standby our allies and stand up to our adversaries and they're the urgent investments, the senate passedse urgent national securiy supplement, supplemental two months ago, two months ago it would help -- and expand our own capacity and deploy the arsenal of democracy.
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taking challenges seriously absolutely urgent. so i urge colleagues to take up this legislation without they. >> we have all watched iran strike this weekend and our colleagues across the i'll like to say that they support israel but in this moment of peril for the world's only jewish state i fear that what they're doing is play politics. in the october 7th attack they insisted on tieing aid for israel for supplemental packages that do not have the votes to pass through those chambers. now, republicans have been very clear.
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any supplemental bill that seems to address the security crisis at our southern border is a nonstarter. we already have president biden's border crisis. it is hr2. the secure the border act. but for almost a year in their mind that border security made last year. it's been almost a year. and our colleagues, the democrats who are in charge have refused to bring that up for a vote. now, democrats voted to table different measures. my colleague from kansas will have one in a few minutes and they are going to vote to table that also and they are going to object and they are doing this at a time when legislation we bring forward will provide
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billions in aid to israel and destroy hamas and innocent hostages including americans at home. this is their reason. they say the bill would pay for itself. my colleague's bill that he will bring forward because it would use the army, that it would use the funding for and they say they don't like that, democrats would rather hand small businesses on main street which we know most of those would be targeted and delivered aid that is necessary for our closest ally in the middle east. keep those irs agents than to
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give this aid, they would rather tie aid to ukraine, they would rather tie it to taiwan. they don't want it to stand alone and so for months they have delayed and now after the months of delay iran for the first time ever directly attacked israel from iran territory. largest aerial attack ever carried out in the middle east. so if democrats are objecting to everything that would in any way tie up aid to israel, then let's look at it another way because
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this issue is too important for any more delays. that's why i'm calling for unanimous consent for s3168, the israel supplemental appropriation's act. this bill is nearly identical to legislation that passed the house and would provide 17.6 billion in aid to our cherished ally including 4 billion to replenish the drone and 1.3 billion to counter attacks, 3.3 billion to support u.s. military operations in the region but mind you those do not make those -- to joe biden's
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budget. my legislation simply says they need this aid. let's send this aid. let's make sure is real has what they need to protect themselves. the world's only jewish state is in a fight for its survival. time and time again one in proxies have vowed they would anilalate israel. death to israel, death to the u.s. iran funds proxies, so let's give israel what they need to defend themselves. let's all stand together and i would ask my democratic
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colleagues how much longer do you think israel can wait. let's push this forward and israel to have the funding they need to protect themselves withoutne ties to anything else. >> senator from kansas, i want to thank my senior center from the state of tennessee for leading the charge on this important issue. imwe've heard them claim that it would allow millionaires to get away with tax evasion. senator blackburn and i rise again to make things easy to our colleagues. but i want to tell you not once
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in my lifetime have i heard any kansan come to me and express interest. putting forth the exact same bill, for several months i've said if you don't like, show me another but at the end of the day what matters is getting the aid to israel immediately and since on tax days no less to pay for the aid unfortunately it just won't be paid for. people of israel need us to make the deal. once again we will see the democrats block this bill. that's because it's not about the cuts to the irs. it's time to stop politicking. senate opposition here against live unanimous consent proves american people in israel that
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it's not about the irs cuts being used as paid for. it was never about tax cheats for millionaires, it's about using ally israel to pond underlying mission to send another blank check to ukraine and it's about a handful of proiranian and pro-palestinian votes in swing states. it's that simple. again, i call my democratic colleagues to do the right thing and let's secure a gigantic bipartisan bill. >> i ask for the immediate consideration, 3168 the israel supplemental appropriating's heact. >> is there objection mrs. murray: madam president. the presiding officer: the senator from washington.
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mrs. murray: is it my understanding that the senator is asking unanimous consent to proceed to consideration of the bill. the presiding officer: that's the chair's understanding. mrs. murray: well, madam president, let me say reserving the right to object. iran's attacks over the weekend underscore the precarious moments that we find ourselves in and the urgent need for congress to act decisively to confront the many challenges we and our allies face. of course the surest and fastest way to do that is to pass the carefully negotiated comprehensive national security supplemental that the senate actually cleared in an overwhelming bipartisan vote two months ago. there's emergency for all of our allies facing grave threats, we cannot afford half measures like this one. for months now ukraine has been desperately waiting for more aid and counting how many bullets
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they have left, how many missiles and how many iranian-made drones they can still intercept and how much longer they can hold out if we longer they can hold out if we >> we simply cannot set ourselves that have one ally and mirrors all the rest. ukraine hasn't just been calling for aid for months, many house republicans including speaker haves, been saying how much we will not abandon them. this bill will leave ukraine in the dust. and take action to address the dire humanitarian crisis we are seeing around the world which will lead to more instability. not onil my watch. let me make this simple. if you want a safer world with strong american leadership then we cannot send the message that america only keeps some of its o
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promises to some of its allies, some of the sometime. otherwise how are all partners supposed to trust us. how would our adversaries take us seriously. how does my colleagues offering this bill plan toll answer all f the allies that come knocking after something like this asking are we a priority like israel or bargaining chip like ukraine. that's not a rhetorical question. how doqu you plan to answer the. we cannot tell the world that we forget some of the allies in their time of need that partnering with us might mean less behind and that means we cannot ignore the reality that israel is not the only ally in the middle of a brutal conflict facing grave threat. the people of ukraine are fighting and dying in their homeland as we speak. they are literally running out of bullets fighting out putin's
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bloody invasion. are we going to pretend with the world whole watching that we do not hear their cries for help? that is not an acceptable outcome especially when right now we already expensive bipartisan bill to support all of our allies and address many threats we face across the globe. the speaker has said many times he wants us to get aid to ukraine. all he has to do is prove he's serious, going back to the drawing board and sending back to the senate.
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badly needed humanitarian aid is essential to support our allies in the indo pacific with chinesest government. we have to do better, we just have to. we are going to treat them like a true ally but like an afterthought. madame president, i object. >> objection is raised. madame president, senator from tennessee. >> thank you, madame president. i appreciate that my colleague talked about -- this administration to our allies. our allies don't -- they don't see us as being there for them
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and their enemies do not see us. few minutes ago. 170 drones, 30 cruise missiles, 120 ballistic missles. after hamas attacked israel on october 7, they told us they don't intend -- they don't intend to stop. they are continuing over, israel has been very specific in telling us what they need. $4 billion to premrenish the iron -- replenish the iron dome, $1.2 billion to help israel counter mortar threats, $3.3 billion to support military operations in the region. they're very specific about that. now, when you look at the axis
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of evil, russia, china, iran, north korea, of course the threats are growing every day. why are they growing? because the biden administration is practicing appeasement -- appeasement. there is agreement in supporting israel. i continue to say, it is time for us to support israel, our greatest ally in the region, the only jewish state. let's make certain that they have what they need to defend themselves. thank you, madam president. mr. marshall: madam president. the presiding officer: the senator from kansas. mr. marshall: thank you, madam president. as israel is under attack from iran, we stand with israel and
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its people, and the united states will do everything we can to support israel's defense against iran. now, i've said similar things to that, but that's actually a quote from the democrat senate majority leader chuck schumer. as israel's under attack from iran, we will do everything we can to support israel's defense against iran. the majority leader said basically the same thing several months ago on the nation's mall when he said he wouldn't sleep until we help the people of israel. it's been almost 200 days since iran withian- iranian-backed hamas leaders killed innocent people. i called for aid to our ally israel with no strings apatched four times -- attached four times. sadly democrats blocked our efforts. every time we come to the floor to have this debate, my
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colleagues on the other side of the aisle stood on this floor and lectured us on why the bipartisan house passed that maintenance tans the spendings levels -- spending requested by senator biden as unreasonable. what is unreasonable to me and most americans is this body's reluctance to help our ally israel in their time of need following not just one, but two unprecedented attacks on israel's sovereign soil. unreasonable is the biden administration coming out and admitting they are yet again holding israel funds hostage. why? that is the question i get back. why? i'll tell you why. because they are using this crisis as a lever to secure more money for ukraine. and they object to protect their members who are pro-iran, who are pro-hamas from a tough vote as they call it. now, over the weekend everybody's now seen that israel
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was attacked this time by the head of the snake, iran, not its proxies, but the head of the snake, iran. iran, the nation that harbors terrorists and shouts out death to america. iran, who time and time again has shown they hate americans, they hate israel. iran, a terrorist evil regime that cannot be trusted launched more than 120 ballistic missles, 30 cruise missiles and 170 one-way suicide drones at israel on saturday night. through the strength and resolve of the israeli people and will military help from the united states, british forces, jordan, and many others who successfully neutralized these attacks, israel was hardly scathed let alone defeated. i want to take a moment and pause, though, and also say thanks to all those american
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soldiers who put their lives on the long to protects one of our most valued allies in the middle east, the people of israel and not just our soldiers, but the soldiers of many other allies. these attacks on israel cannots be iing -- cannot be ignored any longer. we must stand with our decades-long friend who we share democratic values, security interests and cultural and religious values. we must help israel in its time of need. a friend in need is a friend indeed. so today we're offering an olive branch to pass the bipartisan house halved israel aid bill that -- house passed aid bill to israel.
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the president can sign it and get the aid to israel. it's time to show where america stands, is it with iran and hamas or israel? it has to be one or the other. it can't be both. as for me and my colleagues, we choose israel. time and again, we see others stand with israel. my message to my colleagues is that actions speak louder than words. we're tired of hearing the pro-israeli lip service while blocking every effort to help israel in its time of need. history will not forget this. let's do the right thing. as if in legislative session and notwithstanding rule 22, i ask unanimous consent that the senate proceed to the immediate consideration of calendar 241, h.r. 6126, i ask that the motion
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to reconsider be considered made and laid upon the table. the presiding officer: is there objection? mrs. murray: i object. the presiding officer: objection the presiding officer: objection >> c-span now is a free mobile app featuring your unfiltered view of what is happening in washington live and on demand. keep up with the day's biggest events with live streams of floor proceedings and hearings from the u.s. congress, white house events, the court, campaigns and more from the world of politics all at your fingertips, you can also stay current with the latest episodes of washington journal and find scheduling information for c-span tv networks and c-span radio plus a variety of compelling podcasts. c-span now is available at the apple store and google play, scan the qr code to download it for free today or visit our website, c-span now, your front row seat to washington, any


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