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tv   STUDENTCAM 2024 WINNER UNSEEN HEROES  CSPAN  April 18, 2024 10:06pm-10:16pm EDT

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♪ c-span's a "washington journal" live form involving you to discuss the latest issues and government, politics and public policy from washington d.c. and across the country. coming up friday morning national political reporter discusses house republican efforts to move forward with separate bills to provide assistance to ukraine, israel and u.s. allies in the end of pacific. and then working institution on u.s. trade with china and policy differences between president biden former president trump. harvard university law professor ronald sullivan shocks about the jury selection process over all and specifically the so-called post- money trial a former president trump. see spans "washington journal" joint and the conversation light at 7:00 a.m. eastern on c-span, c spent now are free mobile app or online at
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♪ friday night watch see spent 2024 campaign trail. per weeklyround of c-span campan coverage providing a one-stop shop to discover it with the candidates across the country are saying to voters along with first-hand accounts from political reporter updated poll numbers at fund raising data in campaign ads. watch to see spent 2024 campaign trail friday night at 7:30 p.m. eastern on c-span or download the podcasts he spent now our free mobile app or wherever you get your podcast. c-span, your unfiltered view of politics. more than 3200 students from across the country participate in the 20 year anniversary of c-span student cam documentary competition. this year we asked the students in the next 20 years, what is
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the most important change it you would like to see in america? or over the past 20 years what is been the most important change in america. all this month we are featuring a top 21 winning entries. this year's first prize high school winners are 12 graders from detroit athens high school in troy, michigan or c-span is available through chymeomcast awaiting documentary talks about the challenges caregivers in america face and potential solutions to these issues it's titled unseen heroes: the caregivers of america. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ doctor grace british vendor teresa therapists work with the elderly a role that became vital when her mother was diagnosed with dimension 2018. >> before that had luckily moved her closer so i could help with the medical care. my dad passed away suddenly i
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was thrown into the role of primary caregiver for. >> that change made grace the one out of every five americans to provide regular care to those in need. which may include preparing meals, cleaning, taking to appointments or any other number of tasks in a role that s is difficult to define as it is to perform. >> taking care of someone putting a lot of time and energy into something that's only going to get worse is emotionally draining. you have to be available 24/7 you do not know what's going to come up. especially in later stages. so to commit to a full-time job even with the laws in place to help protect caregivers is just not feasible too. >> there are 53 million americans like grace who provide vital care for their loved ones. often at a very significant financial cost. >> caregivers are more likely to experience a negative financial impact in some cases they are leaving the workforce. over 60% of care providers
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provide care while working. many family caregivers because of the severity of the care need to leave the workforce. >> week took off two years to help care for their spouse the average $24000 in lost wages for. >> $324,000 in lost benefits and wages which per capita income in the united states at $41000. that is a sacrifice of almost eight years of benefits and wages for the average american. a cost they should not have to bear alone. >> we invest in highways. we invest in the internet. those things are essential to making all work possible. care is also essential to make work possible so we should think about what infrastructure needs to be in place to support not just traditional economic opportunities but really more informal economic opportunities like caregiving. that is from a financial standpoint the emotional cost of caregivers is impossible to
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quantify. >> we think it is good people take care of each other. what he thinkest bad there isn't impact to the health and the financial well-being and the emotional wellness of the person doing the caregiving. it is painful to see somebody you love be sick or to lose function or to have a disability that prevents them from being able to fully participate in society. there is not a lot of support for caregivers on the emotional side projects present by and place it caregivers the national discourse but mention them at early stage of the union address let's get more breathing room to millions of family caregivers looking after their loved ones for. >> united states remains at a crossroads for how to compensate caregivers. >> is the government responsible for picking up that lack of money i would have had? we do not know but we have not decided that as a society. >> a time to decide with an aging population and a system already under severe strain is
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now. >> all the caregivers in this country were to mark disappear all this focus needed to move into eight nursing home paid for by medicaid buddha bankrupted not just the medicaid program we would bankrupt. >> caregivers provide an invaluable resource to our society is time for our country to give back. first up is empathize with caregivers and valuing their service. go to her on a phone call with somebody and they say if meet 10 minutes of that to get up and help my mom goes to the bathroom. that type of transparency across generations is really new. i think younger emerging leaders are very comfortable with that. and it way that is healthy and good for the rest of us for. >> empathy is important financial support is vital united states is one of the only countries in the world that does not have paid family medical leave which means american people are often forced to choose between going without pay without providing care for a loved one in need. >> more and more states are passing state based to family
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medical leave policy. what we see in those states is that caregivers particularly women caregivers are better able to provide care. they are staying in the workforce longer but they are staying with their employers longer they are able to address things like lack of secure earnings over time direct exchange of the national level go a long way down to a street and supporting caregivers and those who are supported by them. >> we are a nation of caregivers. even as we speak there are 50 million of us who are either caring as a family caregivers or as professional caregivers for a growing aging population and for people with disabilities. those numbers are going to double by the year 2050. click the aging population grows, so will our need for caregivers the near future we will rely on them more than ever. >> hundreds of years that it has been the assumption is that we would take care of the older
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generation. hopefully my children will watch us take care of our parents that cycle will continue for. >> a cycle will be impossible to maintain and continue without more support from our government. in the next 20 years we hope for nothing more than our central caregivers to get more support and recognition for all the hard work they do. >> to watch at this at all winning entries visit our website at student ♪ >> will you solemnly swear the testimony you are about to give will be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth to help you god? quickset it watch american history tv congress investigates as we expajor investigations in our country's history by the u.s. house and senate. each week authors and historians will tell these stories from
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that. i will examine the impact and legacy of key congressional hearings. this week the 1950 mccarthy era hearing among the first televised hearing the senate committee explored whether communist had infiltrated the state department, the army and other federal agencies. the investigation resulted in the center of wisconsin republican senator joseph mccarthy for his actions. watch congress investigates saturday at 7:00 p.m. eastern on c-span2. ♪ book and tv every sunday on c-span2 features leading authors discuss the latest nonfiction books. at 9:00 p.m. eastern journalist talks about her upbringing why young adults like herself are leaving the evangelical church with her book the x in the evangelical. at 10:00 p.m. eastern on after words princeton university profesr author of we are the leaders we have bn looking for shares his views on black politics of the black community
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it moves forward in america's democracy he has interviewed harvard university history, race public policy professor. watch book tv every sunday on c-span2 find a full schedule on your program guide or watch online anytime at she spent as your unfiltered view of government could be refunded by these television companies and more including comcast. >> are you thinking this is just a community center? it is way more than that. comcast is part of the 1000 committee centers to create wi-fi enabled so the students from low-income families can get the tools they need to be ready for anything. comcast support c-span as a public service along these other television providers. give you a front receipt to democracy. next,


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