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tv   Japanese Prime Minister on Emerging Technology Cooperation with the U.S.  CSPAN  April 19, 2024 7:37am-7:51am EDT

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eastern on c-span, sights and sounds from inside the ballroom before the festivities begin. watch the white house correspondents dinner on april 27th on the c-span networks. >> c-span is your unfiltered view of government funded by these television companies and more including cox. >> it is extremely rare. >> high. >> friends don't have to be. when you are connected to, you are not alone. >> cox supports c-span as a public service along with these other television providers giving you a front row seat to democracy. >> as part of his official visit to the us, japanese prime
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minister fumio kishida talked about cooperation between the us and japan on emerging technology. at an event hosted by the us chamber of commerce. he highlights the economic relationship between the two countries and clean energy policy. the japanese primus rapture marks run just under 15 minutes. >> good afternoon, everyone. my name is suzanne clark. i serve as president and ceo of
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the chamber of commerce. on behalf of the american business community it is my honor to welcome prime minister fumio kishida and his esteem delegation to washington. i want to welcome ambassador emmanuel, thank you for being here. let me recognize a few other champions in the room for a vibrant business climate and strong bilateral partnership between our countries. one is doug peterson who serves as chair and president and ceo of s&p global and david gessler, vice chair of the business council and ceo of western digital. i want to recognize tomoko milani who has done so much for today's event. thank you to all of you, i know you are here because each of us
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is committed to forging the most dynamic and resilient economic partnership possible between the united states and japan. we know could gland emerging technology is a key part of that. last follow group of us from the us chamber traveled to tokyo where we were warmly received for the 60th anniversary, the 60th annual us-japan business conference. we had a slate of engagement with government officials, business leaders and dignitaries. and his remarks at the start of the conference, prime minister fumio kishida made clear that maintaining and strengthening the us-japan alliance is a top priority. it is one that the us chamber is proud to share. it is a priority because the ties between the united states and japan are based on shared values. freedom and democracy, free enterprise and open markets and the rule of law. it is a priority because our
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nations have spent decades building an economic relationship that serves as the cornerstone of peace, stability and prosperity in the indo pacific. as everyone in this room knows, bilateral trade totals $281 billion and supports millions of jobs in both countries. is a priority because this is a complex moment. with so much geopolitical uncertainty, us and japan leadership on the world stage is needed more than ever. this room was built 112 years ago for this express purpose, the idea that business leaders and government leaders would connect at scale in order to be a force for good in the world. prime minister, thank you for your leadership. we look forward to continuing to work with you to make sure the ties between our nations grow stronger every year. with that i will turn it over to doug peterson to introduce the prime minister.
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>> thank you for being here today as i want to welcome everyone to the us/japan roundtable on critical emerging technology. as chair of the us/japan business council i am pleased we could bring everyone together on this beautiful spring day. we are at the end of the tourist season starting in new york so thank you for bringing us the beautiful cherry blossoms. i want to thank president clark for your thoughtful opening remarks. the chamber stands out for its ability to convene people to powerful commitments bringing people together and this is proof of that. it is my pleasure today to introduce our guest of honor whose excellence, fumio kishida, served as prime minister since october of 2,020 one but his service to japan extends far beyond that. he started his career as secretary of the house of representatives and rose to
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elected office representing here shema in 1993. he was appointed minister of foreign affairs in 2012 and went off to become the longest-serving foreign minister in japan's postwar history. he firsthand experience of the private sector not just the private sector in the investment firm. i want to thank him, for finding new ways to save that and make japan in tokyo the financial services in asia. i want to thank the primus her first report of the sixtieth anniversary of the us/japan business conference last year in tokyo. as all of you know the council's mission is to strengthen the us/japan economic partnership. it is a partnership that is a cornerstone of stability, security and prosperity, in the
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indo pacific region and globally. our relationship is more important than ever and look forward to working together with the government of japan to advance our shared goals, appreciate that you are making your first meeting on this trip with the private sector, ceos that represent the most important companies in this country and those that have the highest interest in japan. let me hand the floor over to you. mr. prime minister, thank you for joining us. >> >> translator: dear business leaders from around the nation representing the us economy. thank you so much for gathering here to attend this event. chairman peterson and my deep gratitude for this very precious opportunity.
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last september i delivered remarks and described the outcome taken for the revitalization of the japanese economy under the concept of a new form of capitalism i promote under my leadership and future initiatives the government manages to implement. we are hopeful that 2024 will be the year for the japanese economy to break free of inflationary sentiment and cost cutting, scaling down but weighed heavily on the nation. the previous historical record achieved, the bank of japan had negative interest rate and decided for the first time in 17 years on a rate hike
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outperforming inflation. aggressive capital expenditure in green and digital. the ability to transcend organizational orders, labor market reform, reshuffling of corporate portfolio and corporate governance reform. will all be facilitated for goods and money, policy to take the economy to a new stage. >> translator: turning our focus to the economic relationship between our countries, last year, japan, $750 billion making japan the
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largest investor for four consecutive years since 1919. japanese businesses operate in 8,500 locations around the united states creating close to 1 million jobs. the theme for today's roundtable's cooperation in innovative technology. in such areas as innovation clean energy is and supply chains and such technologies as semiconductors, ai, quantum computing and biotech, it's increasingly important for our two countries to do resilience in our economy is and together drive growth for the global economy. in the semiconductor field, partnering with a us company in
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research and development of next-generation chips and there will be more such opportunities for collaboration between japan and the united states. on generative ai we are most appreciative to us companies that generally sleep provided computational resources to ai development initiative supported by the government of japan. further, under the hiroshima aid process, japan and the us are cooperating in international rulemaking and attracting support for more countries and businesses. in energy through the synergy between japan's promotion strategy and the inflation
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reduction act of the united states we see accelerate green transformation, responding to specific situations in each country and to gather contribute, in addition to collaboration between businesses and research institutes that process advanced technology, i am hopeful we can lead the country toward green transformation. at the same time japan welcomes investments from the united states that push forward such cooperation in critical and regime technology. what our country attained through investments as the funding source of further investment into the united
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states by japanese entities so through such mutual expansions, our economies become even more deeply tied and inseparable. i look forward to a frank exchange of opinions today. thank you once again. >> thank you, prime minister. let's give a round of applause. [applause] >> today on c-span the house is back to begin work on a series of bills to provide usa t israel, ukraine and taiwan. the legiatn is similar to what was passed by the senate in february as one package but in the house members are expected to consider each dollarmot individually. on c-span 2 the senate resumes
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debate on giation to extend section 702 of the foreign intelligence surveillance act which lo warrantless surveillance of communication outside e . current thity is set to expire tig at midnight if congress does not take action. reauthorization of section 702 was approved in the house last week. as always you can watch the house live on c-span and the senate live on c-span2. >> c-span is your unfiltered view of government funded by these telogen companies and more including >> we believe whether we live here or here or way out in the middle of anywhere, you should have access to fast, reliable internet. that is why we are upgrading you to 10 g. >> sport c-span is a public service along with these other television providers giving you a front row seat to democracy.


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