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tv   Reel America History of Radio - 1958  CSPAN  April 24, 2024 9:20pm-9:40pm EDT

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the time. is now 8:00. now the weather temperature at 8:00, 68 degrees. humidity 82%. they expected high today, around 80. the forecast showers this morning clearing later in the day. that's radio for you. to every member of the family.
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we awaken to it in the. we set our clocks by. we dress according to the weather reports. we listen. radio four news four entertainment. it keeps us informed. every minute of every day. most of us depend upon radio more than we know. i know. because radio been my life. my name is harold phillips. i am president of the national association of broadcasters. you know, it seems to me. the role of radio is underscored by a recent survey which shows that most people in an emergency would turn first to radio to learn the facts. radio has reached this present place of importance in our lives in a comparatively short span of years it burst upon the national scene in 1920 with an impact that is being felt more year by
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year. radio provided a threat that has drawn the country together. the city dweller and the farmer came know each other better. news and special events broadcasts have given a sense participation in the great events of the time. with the speed of a handful of crystals set on is during the warren g. harding had been elected president over james cox and exciting new era communications began four years later. radio gave american people a glimpse of a present digital convention with a realism may never had before, going prints could never begin to describe a scene like this. now back and winning over the underwood. 1928 smith versus who radio continued to develop a splendid
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tradition of public service, bringing the candidates directly to the voters. people came to recognize the voice of herbert hoover college trained engineer and physical strength strike and the world should know that if we are to have peace and the voice around smith from the sidewalk of new york and i don't manically and i snaked from this platform. now it's 1933 in this time despair. radio transmitted a new encouraging voice. assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself itself. throughout the trying days of the depression, radio brought the heartening voice of the president to the people.
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fear vanishing and confidence is growing on every side. out of radio in the national fireside chat. radio gathered one of the largest audiences in history when edward abdicated. but i can't help. i'm so proud of the women i know. radio brought people of positive to great. and sometimes events. radio reporter herb morrison was describing the graceful arrival of the zeppelin hindenburg at lakehurst new, when suddenly none of the black and white gathered together, not even by that impression. that's right. terrible. all right, get out of the way. made it funny. four years later. radio reporter john daly made this shocking announcement. we interrupt this program to
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bring you a special news bulletin. the japanese have attacked pearl harbor, hawaii, by air. president roosevelt has just announced that. december. seventh, 1941, a date which will live in infamy infamy. during the war. radio rose to new heights, proved it was indispensable with a reports from the battlefronts. it demonstrated it to not only how big its scope, but also how big its heart. these british children were
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sheltered in the united states during the war, a notion away from their families. but radios spanned that ocean and. hello, ma'am. hello, darling. do you think you've got on? and who do i know? did she? yes did you get the cable of the present for your birthday? yeah. after world war two came cold war. the three countries looked to the united for leadership, and it became more vital for the american people to be informed of happenings all over the world. radio responded to the challenge by increasing its news coverage coverage. no matter where it happens. singapore asked. a washington dc radio is first with the news.
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it teams up with the wire service to keep you informed instantly, constantly. and and with the election of dwight eisenhower, a new dimension was added to radio's record of public service. president eisenhower was the first to permit his news conferences to be broadcast. thus radio became vital to america. it is to end of the world and national news. as it grew, it became the very heartbeat of the community. and today four hundreds of communities. the local radio station is only source of immediate news. in recent years, the number of radio stations has more than doubled.
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radio's reaches everywhere throughout the into almost every into almost every room where people live and work work. one of radio's functions is to act as seldom to warn the country in event of air attack. your local station is part the warning system called carnival rat. here's how it works. if there's an your station will remind you during the call that frequencies 640 and 1240 on those frequencies authorities were broadcast instructions as to what to do. call plays a part in weather. it alerts the people when storm is approaching a blizzard, hurricane or tornado warning.
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a tornado is headed this way. the weather bureau has announced a tornado has been sighted 20 miles outside of lakeview. it may strike this city at about 6:30 p.m.. when disaster strikes. local radio station stands to help. recently radio reporters in mobile units their lives in dallas, in kansas, in missouri, going out into the raging storm storm. they reported practically every twist turn of the tornado. they warned people out of its path.
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during the floods of california, oregon and connecticut. radio stations turned over their facilities for search and rescue work. radio helped with cleanup and relief operations. fire down town. radio is on hand with its mobile unit. the studio on wheels, as a neighborhood radio to be present at practice. any news event from a political to a fire like this.
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the radio reporter broadcasts right from the sea, giving his listeners an on the spot account of the fire. the fight to keep it from spreading. the injuries. the damage. when the fire is under control. a firsthand report from the chief. from a fire to a chat with some interesting neighbors. with its speed and flexible, a radio has become an integral of the community, which means being active in it. local radio station, for instance works with the police to help locate missing persons to reunite separated families. but radio is more than just a reporter. it's a participant in community life. it often sparks civic, such as slum clearance projects.
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in. washington, d.c. radio recently led a drive to clean up the potomac. the cleveland, ohio station initiated. the plan to relieve midtown traffic congestion in new haven, connecticut a local station was responsible for getting a ramshackle school rebuilt in many communities. radio points the way. we all know. importance of education. and so even at the expense of a tax increase, we owe it to ourselves and our children to build a new school in the latham's. fight against cancer. red cross drive. somebody dying and a rare blood is needed. radio. the rescue. this is an urgent appeal for type negative blood. we've come to take for granted countless services performed by
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radio like broadcasting, traffic bulletins. but we'd be lost without reporters in helicopters. get a bird's eye view of traffic conditions and relay them to the crawling. traffic is heavy. with up to one hour delays on all major highways leading to the city. but it is moving on secondary roads. three and nine a. out of the tangle into the clear. radio also acts your community bulletin board. this is your and a big community bulletin board. the madison junior high monthly pta meeting is scheduled for 30 tomorrow night on saturday. the lions club holds annual picnic at seven mile run saturday night.
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a social at the first methodist church on elm street. and here is an item worth noting the annual firemen's fair. it begins tonight and runs through sunday. it's being held in the empty lot, just across from the old firehouse. fire. wilkins announces a number of valuable prizes, including a new car to holders of the lucky numbers, a chance for a fun and a chance to help a good cause. radio helps mother by advertising the best buys in town. today's best buy at the garnet food tender chuck roast at $0.33 a pound at shoe emporium, a gigantic sale on children's shoes and. here's one more special for today today. radio hopes shop trip delayed by keeping her informed of sales.
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all through the day. every day. your radio is ready to serve. wherever you travel radio is doing its job. it's everywhere on the farm. in the office. in the barbershop and. indoors and out at work or at play. radio is always with us in the busiest and the loneliest parts of america.
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that's the story of radio service. service to the family, to the community, to the whole country. from its very birth. radio has been a public. it will continue through its dedicated service throughout the years. come. now.
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