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tv   Reel America Use of Force Model - 1993  CSPAN  April 28, 2024 5:40am-5:56am EDT

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well, i don't have a job i've been waiting to do do. our job. the great day our job but three day. right. hey. hey. six, ten. i've got four demonstrators here with some very soft bender that i'm going out to see if can describe it for. six, ten. give me a shot. not three. okay. i got.
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three. hey, i've got both great folks. my name is bryce and i all quiet down so we can talk the top guys in baseball. you can gather in the area. there are other areas you to demonstrate. you be out there with that list. great blocking access to the building up. you're creating a safety hazard. say you're breaking the law, leave the area. now they are. stop, stop. that's great. they are are great. fix them and the south entrance, the demonstrators refuse to disperse. i'm going to need some assistance. now. you got an impending potential threat every day all over the country, law enforcement officers are placed into situations such as this one, where must take immediate action to neutralize the danger. it's a way of life. everyone with a bad split second
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decisions they must make regarding the use of force necessary to control a situation that change people's lives forever. the responsibility is monumental because human lives truly do weigh in the balance but the training professionals, the federal law enforcement training center recognize the critical nature of these day to day decisions. as a result, they've designed use of force model which help identify and interpret levels of resistance within given situation and which suggests corresponding standardized to each of these perceptions. the purpose of this program is to provide officers and students alike with a graphic illustration of that model. now the use of force model is a
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graphic illustration which will be referenced by all of the flexi throughout their training here at the center it describes the escalation de-escalation of the required force based upon a demonstrated level of compliance or resistance from a subject. its purpose is to help create responses based on an officer reasonable perception of a threat. now, as you can see, it's a colorized five tiered model illustrating, five levels of threat, and their responses, the bottom level is blue and the lowest level of activity in the model. this activity normal day to day, non-threatening activities such as verbal communication with complaint citizens. the green level describes the perception of passive and nonviolent resistance by a subject which calls for an increased level of verbal communications by the officer in conjunction the physical response of the contact controls, moving up the model to
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the yellow tier signals need for increased officer awareness due to a recognized threat of active resistance. at this point, been no assault on the officer. therefore, the use of control only should be employed to handle the situation. the orange tier defines and officers perception of imminent harm to himself or others based on an posture or hostile resistance by the subject. this level calls for self-defense techniques along with threat elimination, the highest level of threat is depicted here at the tier where imminent, serious bodily injury or death may result. if a threat on this level is perceived, the officer must maintain highest level of risk assessment and be prepared to use survival, including the use of deadly force. as you can see. the model also supports double sided arrows running from the blue tier.
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all the way to the red tier. these arrows represent a logical and, legal cause and effect based a reasonable perception of risk. they illustrate that an officer has the option to escalate, de-escalate, jump between tiers or maintain the of force that he or she deems to gain and maintain of the subject and the situation. it's a dynamic, isn't it, in theory it effectively defines enforcement effective as a function of a reasonable officer perceptions. but what about the real world does the use of force model apply in real life law enforcement operations? let's continue the scenario we saw to see if it does make our job stop the great save our jobs, stop regrade, save our job. stop regrade, save our jobs. all right, listen up.
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listen up. great. save our. i'm special agent dave. heil can you all quiet down? so you talk about this quiet, quiet, man. listen, i don't like the idea of the plant closing any more than you do, you all certainly have a right to voice your opinion this matter. but this is not the place to. do it. you're gonna have to take your side and move along, creating a hazard, not a chance. not going anywhere until we get some answers. yeah, listen, i understand how you feel. i know that times are tough, but are better ways to deal with this right? what you're doing is you're breaking the law, and if you don't now, i'm going to have to arrest you. what do you know about tough time, you sitting upstairs in your cozy little office. repeat after my heart and soul. this plant. for 17 years, i've worked myself to death with their crummy wages. another closing up shop moved out of the country. what about us? yeah. how about our families? what about our retire mine? yeah. what about? i know that you're upset this, but there are better ways to deal with this problem. you can take it to the courts or you can hold legal demonstrations and, authorized areas, but you demonstrate here
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it's illegal and it's creating a hazard to other people for this guy. what the hell you know, anyway, we didn't come down here to block mister. we came down here to talk to somebody else. all our lives, we've been doing things the right way. why get unemployment? well, we're here to do something about it. now, listen, hold on. let's just cool down and let's talk about this. we're through talking about it, mister. we're here to talk for the last time. i'm telling you to move away from this area. now get your heart out of my heart. that's it. you're under arrest. turn around. put your hands and arrest my free time. hey, come on, man. i didn't know how i know what the hell you're doing. can do the right thing. i'm allowed back off now. hands off me. i've got every right to be here. no, sir, you don't. and if you don't leave right now, i'm going to ask you to give me that. i'm a taxpayer. i pay your salary, pal. you're supposed to be protecting me. you don't even notice harassing. i'm not going anywhere. and you go, hell. all right, that's it. you're under arrest for trying. put your hands over your head. i'm not going anywhere. you are free to be all right.
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oh, you want to come on dobbs tonight? what are you to. do? shoot me? yes, i will if i have to. that's up to you. drop the knife now to my job. drop the lie hard all my life this isn't fair drop the knife now toss a knife over there now i put your hands over your head turn around don't move well were you able to distinguish the tears at the model? remember them compliant, passive resistance active resistance assaultive with a threat of bodily harm and assault with a threat of serious bodily harm or death. let's look back and, see if we can locate them, save our job right at the beginning, our demonstrators have just arrived at steps. we were at the first tier of the model officer bryson utilizes. her communication skills and the hope they will be compliant and leave the area without she not successful in an attempt when
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special agent hail arrives on the scene, he again starts on the first level trying to resolve the problem by gaining their compliance we know that didn't work either the demonstrators continue in their posture of passive. however, one of the demonstrators crosses the line becoming actively resistant, but by escalating his level of enforcement tactics in response to this active resistance agent was successful in taking control of one of the demonstrators. a second subject also becomes resistant and charges heil after pushed away the subject becomes extremely belligerent agent continues in his effort to gain compliance, but to no avail. the subject escalates situation to the fourth level of the model by pulling knife, recognizing risk of bodily harm and that intermediate such as batons or chemical sprays are inappropriate due to the level
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of threat our officers draw weapons in response to the assault toss, the knife, the threat de-escalate quickly from our demonstrator becomes compliant and our officers control of the situation or do they remember there are five tiers to the model. so far we've witnessed only in addition orderly escalation or de-escalation and down the tiers is not always the way enforcement electives out. we all know situations can begin at any one of the levels of the model or move from one level to the other in an instant. an officer must be prepared, both mentally and physically, to administer the proper response based the level of resistance he perceives. with that in mind, let's officers heil and bryson and see if the situation is really under control.
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what would get them inside? get inside now. my brother lonnie and joe. anything got. it's not often that an officer is forced into a response from the fifth tier of the model, but nonetheless be ready to take that action. if an assault by a subject places officer or anyone else in danger of serious bodily harm or death, he has the right and commission to protect himself and the others around him. the use of deadly force is a matter, but it's an option which sometimes becomes necessary so. in the final analysis is the goal of the use of force model to help officers maintain a high degree of enforcement.
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that readiness manifest itself in two ways. first, in a willingness to keep enforcement responses on the lowest tier possible through skillful use of physical and communicative and second in the resolve escalate to the appropriate level response whenever necessary to protect human life and maintain control of the situation. it is absolutely essential that all law enforcement officers understand the precepts of the use of force model and are fully confident in their ability to navigate up and down and in between its five tiers. so let's briefly what the tiers represent. the blue level is the lowest, representing day to day non-threatening activities. the green level represents, passive or nonviolent resistance, and calls for an increased level of verbal communications and, contact controls, if necessary the
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yellow tier signals active resistance and calls increased awareness and compliance. orange warns of hostile resistance and, imminent bodily harm to the officer or to others, and calls for self-defense techniques and the red tier represents the threat of serious bodily injury or death and calls for the use of deadly force if necessary. these standards defined by the tiers of the model go to the very heart of the law enforcement philosophy taught here at the center. and so you will see this illustration often during training here, learn it well. the decisions you make regarding proper use of force will play a part in your career. a law enforcement officer.
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well across the country. this is the time of year when high school students are prepping for advanced placement tests here on american history. tv. we're going to take a close look at the u.s. history advanced placement tests.


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