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tv   Washington Journal Open Phones  CSPAN  April 29, 2024 1:33pm-2:25pm EDT

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solidly. >> testimony want to give nothing the country so popular what american history tvs margaret vesicles fourth investigations of the ruckus and credit. it varies for this week making 35 senate bakery like next satuay 7:00 p.m. eastern on two. c-span world has changed.
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as reliable internet connection is something no one speed, availability my value and choice. it all starts with great internet fil support c-span is a public service along with these intellint providers promote referencing to democracy. calling and now, on page of today's wednesday today that comes across united states at least 900 protesters directed at pro- palestinian demonstrations on college campuses of the largest police response and activism in years is weakened was asked to protest federal government might have along with
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cap his administrators is how i look at, the president is important but doesn't give you the ability to claim this going on in the. threatens everybody else. what needs to happen at the beginning is that these university presidents need to get control of the situation. allow free speech and pushback against anti-semitism. i thought that was largely gone in this country. we have seen a number of young people who are actually anti-semitic. why don't they sit down and have a civil conversation rather than try to dominate? >> so you would not go to the national guard at this point? >> they ought to be able to do
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that. civil discussion is what college education is supposed to be about. i would be interested in hearing the antisemitic people explaining the justification for that kind of talk. >> president biden says he condemns the antisemitic protests and condemns those who do not understand what is going on in palestine. do you agree with his statement? >> it is not a question of that. i can speak for myself. but i think is what i just said about how college campuses should be controlled by the administrations. >> -- host: mitch mcconnell. that was yesterday. it was wednesday of last week when he and other leaders in the house were asked about those
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protesters peering some of them were yelling at the speaker and his fellow republicans, even as they were talking and had -- as they were talking. [video clip] >> there is executive authority to be appropriate. if these threats of intimidation are not stopped -- we need to bring order to these campuses. we cannot allow this to happen across the country. we are better than this. >> what is the house going to do? >> the house has been investigating a number of these campuses. there is a net this of federal funding. if they cannot get control, they do not deserve taxpayer dollars. you have seen our education and workforce committee. we have brought the presidents
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of these university is to congress to testify under oath. there will be much more of that. we will continue to work on legislation on the federal level. this congress -- i believe there is bipartisan agreement on this. well stand for what is good and right. we are going to do what is right by america. we respect free speech. we respect diversity of ideas, but there is a way to do that in a lawful manner. host: speaker mike johnson of wednesday last week. he spoke about president biden. the readout from the white house coming out last night. president biden spoke with benjamin netanyahu to confirm his ironclad commitment to israel's security following successful defense against the president drone and missile attack earlier this month.
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they have reviewed ongoing talks to secure the release of hostages with an immediate cease-fire in gaza. speaking of the biden administration, secretary of state and neely -- antony blinken is set to travel to the middle east for talks on a possible cease-fire. the world economic forum and then he will head on to israel and jordan. we're are asking you about the federal or state government's response to these protests that have been happening over the past 10 days or so. more from over the weekend. we want to get your thoughts this morning.
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we do have that lying for students. we will go to that lying as often as folks call in on that line. joanne, you are up first. caller: good morning. i do not know why everybody is so surprised that the campuses have been taken over by these activists and protesters. over the years come the past few years on tv, all you hear about our colleges coming to campuses and being shut out and not allowed to speak at these campuses. this is just a continuation of what the college administrators
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have been allowing to happen. unless they take that into consideration and stop not letting people enjoy their free speech and have discussions between the groups, it is going to continue. i hope that the administrators will try to get the students to allow free speech cap -- actually happen on their campus. host: go ahead. they should not have canceled the classes is what you are saying after caller: i --what you are saying? caller: i do not think they should have canceled the classes or the graduations. they should keep the protests out of their. host: he mentioned the free speech issue. how much is free speech versus hate speech issues as far as
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what has been set at the rallies and the reason why administrators have gotten law-enforcement involved. what is your idea on free speech versus hate speech? caller: i think anybody spewing hate speech and death to jewish students and death to the united states should be considered hate speech and should be arrested. they campuses should disqualify those students from being there because i think free speech, when you come out like that, it is like shouting out fire in a theater. host: losing you a little bit, but i think i got your point there. this from usa today, northeastern university over the weekend saying 100 people were detained late saturday night.
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those who produced a student id were released but will face disciplinary hearings. what began as a student demonstration was infiltrated by organizers with no affiliation. last night, the use of an anti-somatic slayer. video appeared to show counter protesters holding israeli flag. that is the wrap up of what happened in just one of those. we are getting your thoughts on this demonstration. a special line for students and administrators. good morning.
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caller: good morning. how are you doing today? host: doing well. caller: i think they ve the right to protest and free speech. there should be nolence or damageto anything. there is a proper place for that. it seems to be all over the world, they are protesting agnst the jews. i have nothing against them myself. but that is what i think. host: this isa in virginia. caller: yes. thank you. omne gets hurt on either side, i bieve that is when the menthould intervene. if they take away the pele, i think they sh
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just gone back to class. what fuels it is when all the news, they know that they are on tv and it just feels more. host: little rock, arkansas. republican. caller: yes. i was wondering why the national guard might possibly be called out across america for this. the national guard is hardly ever used, or if it is used, it is on our southern border. the other thing i thought of was -- antifa is supposedly not involved in any of these protests. i think the protesters are a lot from the left. i thought antifa was a left organization. it is strange that -- the other point i wanted to make is that i think george soros,
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when i read about his organization, they are having a lot to do with putting money behind the protests. i think a lot of this is just all staged and a lot of it is designed to further and in for not very good reasons. i think there are a small group of people who are wanting something to happen on a larger scale for a further agenda. thank you. host: more on the discussion of how to respond to protests on college campuses. chris murphy being asked about it. [video clip] >> we should all speak out when protest crosses a line.
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but 95% of the young people on these campuses are there because they believe there is a fundamental injustice being perpetrated. we have also had a history of multi-day protest in this country. i do not think there is anything wrong with protecting peaceful protest. i am not criminally offended by the fact that some of these protests go on for multiple days. >> but the threat issue is a real issue. >> there have been legitimate threats to students on campus. they can and should handle those threat. host: chris murphy on fox news sunday yesterday. this is martin in holland, michigan. caller: yes.
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all of these protesters should be clearly identified. make sure that the arrests stay on the record. also, keep on referring to this as protests. the way it is going on, it is really an insurrection. maybe congress should reestablish the january 6 committee and have liz cheney head it up. she has knowledge about insurrection, and it would be great for the country if she could get in there and really investigate who is behind the protests. but i doubt whether that will happen. host: in mississippi. good morning. caller: what do i think about the protests on campus. i heard the name.
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kyle rittenhouse. what was he doing on college campuses? this is what they do and this is who they are. we do not have nothing. roe v. wade? i am sad. i am sad. host: kathleen in mississippi in terms of public figures showing up at some of these protests. joe stein was among scores of protesters arrested over the weekend at washington university . st. louis had -- and one other story to point out this morning, this from the new york times.
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talking about the covid class of 2020 denied a normal chance. many had their senior year upended by covid in 2020. four years later, many of those same students have had their traditions foiled once again. the attempt to shut down the widespread protests. they say they are once again juggling a personal milestone with feelings of anxiety. many of them say they are keeping their own inconveniences in perspective. they seem destined to never know a stereotypical senior year. for college students and
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administrators to college, you can call (202) 748-8003, if you want to call in this morning. line for democrats. good morning. caller: good morning. i feel, in general, any type of protest, more specifically, -- i feel like if they are abiding by the law and not causing any sort of disorderly conduct that does not abide by the protest -- that does not abide by the general legal manner to protest, then there should not be involvement from any type of law enforcement. seen by the pro-palestinian protests -- that is what they are. they are in no way antisemitic protests. from the videos i have seen, the way that law enforcement has
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been handling these protests has been extremely inappropriate. i feel like unless there is some sort of evident, ongoing pope -- violence -- there should be none of the aggressiveness that i have seen from law enforcement. host: for free speech, the question of free speech and hate speech -- do some of these protests cross into hate speech? has that been a point at which these protests need to end? caller: obviously saying free palestine is not antisemitic. people have said nasty things during protest.
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just, i do not feel like saying free palestine constitutes and stay semitic speech. even if it does, it is really not a cause to shut down protests. host: noting that there is no legal definition of hate speech under u.s. law, just like -- there are such things as hate crimes in this country but for the purpose of the fbi, they find it as a criminal offense in whole or by part based on race, sexual orientation, gender or gender identity. it goes on from there. the difference between hate speech and hate crime. all of these ideas being debated
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on college campuses and being talked about across the country. hearing from you. this is edward, republican. in morning. caller: good morning from the free state of florida. troops should intervene. when i was in the military with the second infantry division and 82nd airborne. to quell that situation down there in 1962. we came down the streets. they were rioters. they broke 22 of our windshields and our jeeps as we entered the campus. the federal troops are trained around the clock to handle these protests and riots.
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that is all i have to say about that. host: you said that was 1963? caller: yes. i was feeling very proud. it was down in fort benning's. we would deal with it in a military manner. that is what is needed now. thank you. host: it seems like such a unique experience. how many of those kinds of protests were you involved in? how long did you do that? did you do it through the 1960's? plenty of protests in the 1960's. caller: we not only went to campuses to quell the riots, but
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we went to cities like birmingham. it was out of control. we were called in with the 82nd airborne and we quelled riots in a military manner. host: you keep using the term right. your -- is there a difference in what you are seeing now? does buying it involve property destruction or something like that? caller: once again, ryan is the destruction of property and harm to the individuals. the situation now is, when you have palestinians, palestinian flags being raised in lieu of american flags, that goes from a protest to a riot. host: what are your feelings --
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you are talking about free speech. free speech is protected by the first amendment. the protesters are practicing their first amendment right, whether it is this protest or what your experience was in the 1960's, how do you feel about how we use fee speech in this country? caller: free speech is being misused. in this situation, there is anti-semitic speech and a call for harm to the jewish students on campus. when the jewish student on campus has to leave campus because they are not protected, they are being threatened, that is the fine line between free speech and complete anarchy. the situation on campus is now
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come up anarchy. host: thank you for calling and sharing your arians. we appreciate it. one of the stories i cannot find just now, but it mentioned that columbia university -- this has been the first time they have been called in to quell a a protest since 1968 and if you go to american history tv c-span2 on saturdays american history tv 24 hours of american history television, we erred saturday documentary from the 1968 columbia university protesting universities connection to the vietnam war the time and build a new facility in one ofil the perks columbia university you can watch but american history about half hour and 40 minutes long about what protester like that will be university.
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this is nick indiana, independent. >> mall for free speech i i deeply believe in the right protest, i don't carry to the extent of burning buildings like that another jesus. i grew up in the 60s and drafted a 66 remember the riots very well. i supported the people called writers because we were trying to stop the war did you find anything so far with the student protests as a right?
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>> i don't even a fictional close is a back-and-forth talking about last chemical for people trying to get the right to vote, it's what they called riots back. it was like people trying to get into white. i'd like to say hypocrisy with speaker johnson saying he would like to see the national guard. ... it is an insurrection.
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they were waving confederate flags. i'm sorry, but i do not -- i am independent and i the both parties, but i pretty much had it with the republican party. especially in the past several years.s. but that's pretty much all i have to say. >> host: nick in indiana. this is a list out of new york. new york city is: where you are? >> caller: yeah, i'm in brooklyn. >> host: talk about what's going on at columbia. >> caller: what have to say is the first back protects your right to free speech. i mean, nazis are allowed to march like they did in
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charlottesville and saying jews and other places. donald trump is allowed to spew all of his hate from the podium every nike gets up, and tells everybody how illegal aliens are rapists and murderers. the second point i want to make is that the protests are mostly peaceful the police moved in sta arresting people. they d look to clear the area in a peaceful way. th just move in and start picking people off. i gre u in the '60s. this reminds mef the riots in the '60s when black people were looking for the right to vote and win, know, kids were looking to stop vietnam
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war. unelre just that di i don't know how weut of it but i don't think arresting kids for ercising their free speech rights is the right way to go about it. >> host: just to play devil's advocate. should these encampments on university property in the middle of campus be allowed to stay as long as they want? should the students who are there -- be given access to bathroom and facilities in the university buildings as they are camped out? just what is a limit of what university should do for these kids who want to protest? >> caller: okay. these groups are students. they should be able to speak to their the students. they should be able to talk to the students and negotiate with their students. they should not be -- they
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should not just be bringing in the police, i'm sorry. it's a bad look. when you think about it, and cannot can state. think about whatat happened when we brought the national guard in -- can't state. american kids died on that campus and some of them were not even part of the protest. i think you run the risk of making this much worse by bringing in a militarized police or the national guard. >> host: at this from -- go ahead and finish her statement. >> caller: no, i just think that university campuses need to be mindful. they should not be forced into action by a republican congress that speaks out of both sides of its mouth. mike johnson as the prior caller said did not mind when the january 6th rioters,
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insurrectionists brought the confederate flag to the capital. >> host: lives in new york. the "washington times" today noting some of the demands of the students elyse at columbia university, protested part of apartheid the best coalition of 116 student run organizations the city represent thousands of the schools students. its website listed schematically divesting of columbia finances including the endowment from companies and institutions that probably from israel, sever academic ties with israeli universities and all study abroad programs and fellowships and research collaborations with israeli academic institutions, among others. releasing a public statement calling for immediate permanent ceasefire inin gaza. denouncing the ongoing genocidal campaign by israel and other demands listed on thean website.
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we will continue with those conversations about what's happening on college campuses but did want to note one other headlinees this morning. trump tried hit the campaign trail, but he can't escape from new york, the trial that is facing in new york over those hush money payments continuing today.ti on this monday morning want to take some time to focus on the week ahead. we're going to be joined in just a or so by frank runyeon of the legal news site law 360. i believe he's on the phone now. good morning to you. do we have you? you do. >> host: the week ahead. and these weeks trial calendar who will be under witness stand. we watching for this week? >> it's been pretty interesting so far. we are pretreat selection to win her first major witness, david
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pecker who is now official with him as well. he was publisher of "national enquirer" and delved into the specific details of the agreement he said he had with trump and michael and how they're going to run h all these negative stories about his primary opponents and how the odyssey those imported were going to silence any negative stories from women who might've come forward with stories about extramarital affairs. that's where we have been and where we're going is it's not as clear because the prosecution has not wanted to share either an official witness list or a specific diet about who's going to take the stand next. basically keeping it a secret, a surprise to everyone. part of the reason has to do with trump's gag order. and the way that he has been lashing out at some of these
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witnesses before they have taken the stand. we don't know who's going to be taking the stand this week but you can sort of gets by the next couple of minor witnesses that we've had, which would be, there was trump's longtime assistant, 34 years picture took the took the stand basically to introduce documents, records, calendars, appointment, that sort of thing. after we moved on to a beggar that helped set up a bank account for michael cohen to be able to pay this, the alleged hush money, right? what you're seeing is the prosecution putting someone on the stand who can tell the story. david pecker. outlets like they're going to bolster that with as many documents as possible. i believe, because they are trying to push back on the defense side that michael cohen all this wrestling michael
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cohen, a convicted for your. the prosecution has long said we got the documents here. we're going to show this to the jury first. i can't say, can't predict the future but that's a a ribbon a think where we're going. >> host: you mention a gag order last week we saw proceedings outside the trial itself on that gag order. is there more proceedings to come on the gag order this week? >> guest: there are. donald trump is campaigning and he can tune in to post all kinds of messages on social media. it's hard to keep up if you've ever tried. basically the prosecution has introduced four more examples of ways in which they believe he's violated the gag order. we've only had a series of arguments and you pointed out, g about ten then, that we look at something like 14 that are pending before the court. there's an argument on those first ten. there will be argument on
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another four about midweek. but the judge has not been a rush to make a ruling. violations of the gag order what were tight but his criminal content. this sort of a binary choice. it's a fine up to $1000 or jail for up to 30 days. so those are stark choices from the judge put an extremely difficult position about how he wants to proceed or punish trump for the violations. >> host: how often are you personally in the courtroom and provokes a don't know the law 360, how are you and your team the covering this trial inte new york? >> guest: i covered the courts on at: daily basis. in this case for these trials recover it gavel in-gavel out, as a say. we are there for the entire time all the way through jury selection to the bitter end, whenever that might be.
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six to eight weeks they predict. in the courtroom every single day with donald trump walking by. not sure i seeing a smile yet on that man's face. so obviously not happy to be there, but we're trying to chronicle what's happening in the courtroom on a daily basis can work with my colleague stuart a bishop, and we have a live blog going that is free in front of our pay wall, and weie are writing stories as they come, i like the gavel to gavel on. we'll i try to use it on c-span. last question. the latest on thoughts on trump's himself taking the stand? >> guest: yeah. i mean, it's sort off possibly. we saw it in the civil fraud case. it is extremely, it's a dangerous for a criminal defendant to take the stand in their own defense. they can be cross examined by
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the whole manner of issues, and it would not be surprising to me if donald trump made the unconventional choice. he certainly is weighing that possibility. far be it for me to predict what donald trump will do next, but let's just say i wouldn't be surprised if he does take the stand. >> host: frank runyeon is in your courts reporter with law 360, is net to find online, law and for the update onr this monday morning. >> guest: thanks so much for having me. >> host: back to your phone calls and back to this question about federal and state governments, what role they should have it any in campus protests requesting you to call in on phone lines, republicans 202-748-8001. democrats 202-748-8000. independents 202-748-8002 . and then a special line we are holding open for college students and administrators,
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faculty, 202-748-8003. david has been waiting in massachusetts independents. thanks for waiting for that interview. what are your thoughts on the protest? >> caller: ? >> caller: . i'm a veteran oft. u.s. marine corps. enlisted out of high school. i fought in the second battle of fallujah in fall 2004 and i spoke at the 2008 winter soldier conference and protested the war. i fully support the students. it's really absurd to me, icing images of college students, many of them jewish themselves, many of them teenagers being arrested, expelled, if they could. none of these people are pro-hamas. they are pro-cease-fire. they want the killing to stop. they want the hostages on both sides of the conflict to release, which has only happened so far under a ceasefire.
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there is -- i mean, really, like where was this kind of police response for things like charlottesville? where was the police response like this for january 6th? instead, it just doesn't work. like, i don't like to see a lot of images. specifically use pro-zionist and pro-israeli provocateurs and think anti-semitic things outside of the protest area to get these light into the news. this isn't really any of the actual protesters, any of them. like, there's a horrible misinformation campaign going on. very much -- against ivory coast to in america right now is is simply what were doing, is that we doing again? i mean, we have some in the national guard who are out of shooting protesters in the 60
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come like saying do it again. is this what we are? >> host: we have talked before about your experience in fallujah have shaped your opinion, correct? >> caller: yes, we have. >> host: want to get your thoughts on this idea of hate speech, what hate speech is,, what a blanket cross in hate speech. that's one of the debates play at now over the protests. comic and again outside québec, like a truly a nonissue. anytime you hear anything like that, like when you hear specific, explicit anti-semitism, it is always coming from pro-israeli, pro-zionist provocateurs tryingp to get those messages, those in the news so the media people can say look, the whole of the college student body across the country is now just like nazis. and again, i mean really, just for this and the tuition,
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anti-semitism and racism against people from the middle east in general. arabs and muslims populations from that area are semitic people. why, it's really -- >> host: stick on the line. john fetterman spoke on the hill sunday over the weekend. he was talking about these protest. this is less than a minute long but what you listen to it and get your reaction on the other side. >> it's very clear that there is a very germ of anti-semitism in all of i these protests. and sometimes afflict the period ended including one of the leaders in colombia said just some awful things and then talking about well, they are lucky that i'm not killing zionists and things likee that. and then he defended himself by saying well, those were taken out of contextco and i'm like, that's very similar to the way
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the college presidents, the same kind of language and this kind of monocultures that create situations and that replicates. now it's not a surprise that when you kind see this manifest itself in a campus like this. now, of course integrate american value to protest but i don't believe living in a pup tent for hamas is really helpful. >> host: pennsylvania democrat john fetterman on the hill sunday news i nation. david, your thoughts on that. >> caller: yeah, that is really disingenuous. so big problem that i'm hearing srs in the conversation is that zionists are trying to conflict judaism and jewish culture with themselves, with their own movement. zionism is not the same thing as judaism. zionism is a ultranationalist
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movement fascist movement the places jewish supremacy at the center of their agenda. it's not the same. like i will say this, like, mike fetterman is trying to make it seem like this is aa new bike again like a nazi movement in the u.s., but really zionists and the party is a fascist movement who areen basically who are colonizing places that are not even really their homes. like their moving beyond the areas that it took illegally in the early 20th century in the 20s, \30{l1}s{l0}\'30{l1}s{l0}, force and '50s and i just undertake all of jordan and all of lebanon. lebanon. n. geterything that they can because it's again, they are not jewish. they are zionists. they are jewish fascists who want to take a big chunk of whatever they can get. they would do that as long as a have our direct support. >> host: that is david in
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massachusetts. bravely as a student in minnesota. college student, icing? >> caller: yes. good morning. i jus thinkt's wrong to stop them from letting too the first amendment rights. we have the right to free speech. and also that israel is occupying palestine and they need to,he keep onaking more land as, as the gon. and so they need to give back some land something. so, yeah. that's what i have to say. >> host: you find saying -- >> caller: john fetterman -- >> host: you mind saying what
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school you go to and what is happening on your campus? >> caller: i couldus to st. paul and right now nothing is really happening. we haven't really done much but i'm hoping that we will start to do something. >> host: has the administration addressed this issue, acknowledge was happening on other campuses if it's a happy in your campus? is there some sort of give occasion between the and students about this issue in general just because it's popped up on so many campuses? >> caller: yeah, , they have sent out a letter, an e-mail saying that about peoples defenses but that's about it. i think they are just trying to keep it on on the low down, i don't know. but like is that i do hope that we can get together and do something. >> host: is that something you are, in you
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are in actively involved in? >> caller: yes. >> in what way are you involved if you don't mind saying? >> caller: i attend protests. and i get educated on the palestine israel conflict, and have learned some stuff about how israel is occupying palestine. and i just can educate myself on the history of palestine and israel. >> host: where you go for the facts on this is when you say i were stuff, where do you get your news on this or your information on this? >> caller: al-jazeera, the french podcast, and i do my own like little research and look up stuff. and then kind of base my
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information off of what websites have the same information. >> host: a student out of minnesota, appreciate the call. 202-748-8003 is a line hold open for student but also a student and administers on college campuses as well. want to what's happening on your campus and how that interaction has gone. about ten minutes left in the segment to have this conversation. we also have an open forum segment later in our program today so if you don't get in we will return to this topic then as well. right is in elizabeth city, north carolina, republican. good morning. >> caller: good morning. yes, and thank you for takingngy call. first of all i strongly disagree with those who are saying that these protests, that this isn't hamas what they're doing is actually helping hamas greatly.
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i strongly agree, strongly agree with fetterman with what he has to say. people need to see what come really read what these protesters are saying and doing. yes, we agree with peaceful protest, no question. no question of peaceful protest on both sides. anybody can protest freely, but peacefully. f peacefully. pilot and destruction of property is not acceptable. speag about killing people, i personally med many of these protesters have said and that is not acceptable at all. and they need to focus on that. israel was attacked. they were visually -- viciously and brutally attacked by people
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who wanted to kill. there is your genocide. it is in hamas' writing. if they just do their research. host: right. are you in the city, elizabeth? caller: good morning. i have just been listening. there should be no national guard. these students have paid tuition at columbia university. and other places. they are petitioning their administrators to listen to them. and doing their best. any investment in the people in israel who are dropping 2000
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pound bombs that our taxpayer dollars have supplied them with, 34,000 people have been killed. in gaza. and children are dying. there are many with little children running around, orphan children running around. it is very disconcerting because we are in the 21st century and there should be an opportunity for people to have discussions rather than to drop bombs on people. that, i believe is what is motivating these students around the country to demonstrate that there should be no killing. there should


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